To the people who believe 911 was an inside job...

...and this is not a trick question!!!
Who do you believe flew those planes crashing into the WTC?
...the actual pilots? (what was their reward?)
...CIA agents? (reward?)
...Auto-Pilot? (where did the pilots go?)
...empty plaines? (dead passengers?)
...steered by radiowave-transmission (from the ground on? pilots again?)
...Al-Quaida supporters who were tricked into believing it was A-Q behind it? ->most popular
...A-Q supporters with A-Q instructing them, but A-Q working with the admin? ->most popular
please enlighten me on the current/most popular conspiracy oppinion on that?
cause even if I'm told a hundred times that the buildings were blown up after the attack, there were still those planes, no?
have linked it before, but check out this website as well:
to everyone who answers the first question: please try and give me the motivation, not behind the attacks, but behind the attackers killing themselves:
...religion (they go to heaven because they do something good)?
...ideology (keep in mind that usually suicide attacks are carried out against a hated enemy, not as part of a hoax that involves killing your own people)
...coercion (like group behind it threatens to kill their family...but be careful: who guarantees for the safety of the family after the attack when the guy is dead, in the end the family has to know something weird is going on...and be careful: this is not done to only one person)
...solidarity (they want their boss to gain power, influence, or money and gladly kill themselves for him)
***Answers so far:
1) CIA "terrorists" who took over and flew into the towers (Motivation unknown)
2) Actual terrorists who thought they were doing it for A-Q, while A-Q was working with the US
3) 101...whatever that means...explanation please? -> CHANGED TO 'WHO CARES??'
4) it was the CIA agents...and they were brain-washed...
5) everything has been answered, just not the way the OP (nobody) wants it...
6) it was "agents" hired over an intermediate group of people, so they don't know they work for the us....motivation unknown...
my take on it so far: why is 911 not an inside job?
because first: Bush(be he as he may) is not "any other extremist leader"
second: it makes absolutely no sense at all to harm your country in such an extraordinairy fashion to achieve your goals (whatever they may be)
third: pretty much all the "evidence" that is brought up by conspiracy theorists is a)unsourced b) taken from other conspiracy theories (some of them hundreds of years old, like Antisemitism) c) disproven or d) all the other three together...
I have yet to see a conspiracy theory that claims only the main (and true) facts of its thesis without throwing at least twice as much totally outragous claims in as well. Who has to use such an amount of deception to get its point across is absolutely worthless for anything, except entertainment(like the da vince code). If they are true and honest, there would be no need for's not that they are in a position of power where they have to hide things (not necessarily sinister things) (like governments).
It diverts people from real problems. Sure BUsh has done it...we just have to start a revolution and put the good guys in. and forget that it is clearly possible to eliminate terrorism, not by bombs...but by solving actual regional crisis with actual real people involved that have interests, motives, in situations with an individual historical and social background. By enganging problems in this manner individual solutions for the world's problems can be found (and I don't mean only terrorism), not by claiming the dark forces are behind it. The world is too complex to be controlled by a hundred, or even a million people...this is FACT...not opinion
Who do you believe flew those planes crashing into the WTC?
...the actual pilots? (what was their reward?)
...CIA agents? (reward?)
...Auto-Pilot? (where did the pilots go?)
...empty plaines? (dead passengers?)
...steered by radiowave-transmission (from the ground on? pilots again?)
...Al-Quaida supporters who were tricked into believing it was A-Q behind it? ->most popular
...A-Q supporters with A-Q instructing them, but A-Q working with the admin? ->most popular
please enlighten me on the current/most popular conspiracy oppinion on that?
cause even if I'm told a hundred times that the buildings were blown up after the attack, there were still those planes, no?
have linked it before, but check out this website as well:
to everyone who answers the first question: please try and give me the motivation, not behind the attacks, but behind the attackers killing themselves:
...religion (they go to heaven because they do something good)?
...ideology (keep in mind that usually suicide attacks are carried out against a hated enemy, not as part of a hoax that involves killing your own people)
...coercion (like group behind it threatens to kill their family...but be careful: who guarantees for the safety of the family after the attack when the guy is dead, in the end the family has to know something weird is going on...and be careful: this is not done to only one person)
...solidarity (they want their boss to gain power, influence, or money and gladly kill themselves for him)
***Answers so far:
1) CIA "terrorists" who took over and flew into the towers (Motivation unknown)
2) Actual terrorists who thought they were doing it for A-Q, while A-Q was working with the US
3) 101...whatever that means...explanation please? -> CHANGED TO 'WHO CARES??'
4) it was the CIA agents...and they were brain-washed...
5) everything has been answered, just not the way the OP (nobody) wants it...
6) it was "agents" hired over an intermediate group of people, so they don't know they work for the us....motivation unknown...
my take on it so far: why is 911 not an inside job?
because first: Bush(be he as he may) is not "any other extremist leader"
second: it makes absolutely no sense at all to harm your country in such an extraordinairy fashion to achieve your goals (whatever they may be)
third: pretty much all the "evidence" that is brought up by conspiracy theorists is a)unsourced b) taken from other conspiracy theories (some of them hundreds of years old, like Antisemitism) c) disproven or d) all the other three together...
I have yet to see a conspiracy theory that claims only the main (and true) facts of its thesis without throwing at least twice as much totally outragous claims in as well. Who has to use such an amount of deception to get its point across is absolutely worthless for anything, except entertainment(like the da vince code). If they are true and honest, there would be no need for's not that they are in a position of power where they have to hide things (not necessarily sinister things) (like governments).
It diverts people from real problems. Sure BUsh has done it...we just have to start a revolution and put the good guys in. and forget that it is clearly possible to eliminate terrorism, not by bombs...but by solving actual regional crisis with actual real people involved that have interests, motives, in situations with an individual historical and social background. By enganging problems in this manner individual solutions for the world's problems can be found (and I don't mean only terrorism), not by claiming the dark forces are behind it. The world is too complex to be controlled by a hundred, or even a million people...this is FACT...not opinion
Godwin's Law:
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
Post edited by Unknown User on
I actually visited the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, PA, last Friday and it was really a moving, emotional experience for me. For those who haven't yet visited the site, you need to.
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
Yeah, good luck with that one. As long as the thorazine crowd is allowed to run unmolested through the streets of the pit, you're not going to get coherent answers on this.
Conspiracy theorists are their own special breed of mental illness. They need to feel they have some secret knowledge, because otherwise, they'd have to accept the stark knowledge that nobody is out to get them, nobody cares about them and that their lives are just as pathetic as everyone elses.
—Dorothy Parker
I, for one, care about everyone:)
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
Be nice. We're very big on RESPECT here. Respect for each other, the band and the bbs environment. Please remember you are as a guest in someone else's home. Please do not put your posting privileges at risk.
Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive.
a. We operate on the "I'm rubber, you're glue" philosophy so if you make a wonderful,
thoughtful post with good points and call the other guy a moron while you're at it, it'll be
removed. See #3.
Do you actually read the threads in here?? Political internet forums are big on lots of things, but respect is def NOT 1 of em.
you don't mean me, do you?
it was a serious question...that I also put to you...
I don't need facts. Just an opinion...
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
it's not the right time to be sober
now the idiots have taken over
spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?
Mensa membership conceding
tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary
the industrial revolution
has flipped the bitch on evolution
the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer
the world keeps getting dumber
insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason
darwin's rollin over in his coffin
the fittest are surviving much less often
now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston
stranded on a primate planet
apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground
with generals and the armies that obeyed them
followers following fables
philosophies that enable them to rule without regard
there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred
majority rule, don't work in mental institutions
sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions
what are we left with?
a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
pass on traditions
how to get ahead religions
And prosperity via simpleton culture
the idiots are takin over [x8]
—Dorothy Parker
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
So, whenever you're challenged, you go crying to mama, huh?
—Dorothy Parker
oh come on, all the threads I've seen here got at least one response like that...
does that stop you from commenting??
you even linked a picture that showed Obama as you can't be that sensitive...
I just want your theory, your oppinion on this simple, yet pretty specific question?
You seem to know a lot about intended destructions on buildings.
Do you think those were coordinated with the plane attacks? and if yes, who flew those planes?
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
You have a very dark personality...
it's disturbing....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I have every right to post what I did above. 911 is very personal to me and I'm a patriot who just got back from visiting the Flight 93 Memorial. I'm sick of people trying to blame 911 on this current administration. I didn't vote for George Bush either time, but I certainly don't think that he planted terrorists on those jets back in 2001.
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
101 introductory type stuff...
this has all been said and done....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
thank you!!! I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me
—Dorothy Parker
Really? How far back does your memory go?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
What is that?
like brainwashing people?
or terrorist training by the us?
I really have no idea?
I'm serious, please tell ME now...cause I've never read anything about this...
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
There are many Americans who couldn't care less about what happened on 911. We live in a society of very apathetic individuals who don't care today, didn't care seven years ago, and won't care ten years from now.
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
this is silly, but...who flew the planes?
or is there someone controlling both the us and al quaida, and they both don't know about it?
I really need a serious answer to this?
not some dodgy stuff...
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
Too bad many Americans aren't.
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
really I couldn't wait to get home and get this thread started, that's how curious I was about an answer...
you don't have to pick any of the answers I gave can come up with something else...would be even nicer:)
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
so you believe that the CIA agents commited a suicide attack?
believe me or not, this is not mocking...I just want to get things straight!
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
again: just making believe that the US and Al-Quida could possibly have been on it together?
and the people who flew the planes only knew the A-Q story behind it, and thus were led to believe that they actually attacked the US Admin?
is there anything you would like to add?
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
911 is personal to me too, and I'm not even changed the WORLD, yes? I'm sure it's personal to those in Afghanistan and Iraq who have had their lives changed (read: ended or ruined) by the things the Bush admin has done with the emotional momentum from that day. Being a 'patriot', or the fact that you looked at some plaque in a field gives your opinion no more validity that anyone elses'.
btw - patriots question and criticize their government....sounds like you are ignoring a lot of questions/criticism that remain unanswered/unadressed...
Sometimes, just sometimes, Captain Obvious has to put on his tights and make an appearance. It's just like Fox News. If we allow stupidity to go unchallenged, it will spread, like a cancer, and consume what's left of our society.
—Dorothy Parker