Exactly....the Arabs always wield the sword and continue to "die" by it. You reap what you sew. Had the arabs not invaded Israel time and time again, there'd have been no reason for the Palestinians to flee. Yet somehow the Arab governments are never held accountable for their failures.
Exactly....the Arabs always wield the sword and continue to "die" by it. You reap what you sew. Had the arabs not invaded Israel time and time again, there'd have been no reason for the Palestinians to flee. Yet somehow the Arab governments are never held accountable for their failures.
Yet somehow the Arab governments are never held accountable for their failures.
The reason for that is that many of these Arab governments have the Western world by the balls. You will hear our government criticize the way the Iranian government treats it's citizens and how the country need to embrace democracy. Yet Saudi Arabia, a country whose list human rights violations stretches miles long and is in no way shape or form embracing democracy is never the target of such criticism because we can ill afford to offend the Al Sa'uds and there petroluem reserves.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
so why should canada exist or mexico or france or china? it just does. Unlike most countries in the Middle East, Israel is a liberal democracy and a developed country.In the region, Israel is the least corrupt, and the most progressive in terms of freedom of the press,economic competition, and human development.
i still don't see how that affects american interests. i don't live there and benefit from the freedoms, so how would i be hurt if they lost them? again, this is pure ideology and my thinking is left them over there sort out their own ideologies without us meddling and dying in the process.
we do support palestine's right to exist. bush in particular has been pushing for a 2 state solution. sure they lean towards Israel, but hopefully something will be worked out in terms of actual borders in the near future.
that is fair. i think the problem as identified by various people here is that it is difficult to appear fair and reasonable in negotiating such a settlement when you back israel unquestionably no matter what they do and criticize palestine unquestionably no matter what they do. when you approach with the view that palestine can and should be punished for their terrorism but israel should never be held accountable for their own misdeeds, it undermines your credibility.
Well if you don't see the humanity part of what I'm saying guess what?
You harbor a hatred you might not be aware of, but it's obvious to others.
I reserve the right to question governents who promote war and choose occupation and murder as foreign policy.
You on the other hand seem to be ok with it, and like it. So what does that make you?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i still don't see how that affects american interests. i don't live there and benefit from the freedoms, so how would i be hurt if they lost them? again, this is pure ideology and my thinking is left them over there sort out their own ideologies without us meddling and dying in the process.
because we have common goals of having countries in the middle east be free and promote liberal democracy and developing countries, and having less corruption, and the encourage being progressive in terms of freedom of the press, economic competition, and human development. we have interests in the region as we do in most of the world. but we choose to support those countries who support the above mentioned. and like I said before, jews contribute much to american society and almost have more jews here then all of Israel. im not supporting it, simply stating it. we arent going to turn a blind eye to the country just because you dont give a shit about them.
that is fair. i think the problem as identified by various people here is that it is difficult to appear fair and reasonable in negotiating such a settlement when you back israel unquestionably no matter what they do and criticize palestine unquestionably no matter what they do. when you approach with the view that palestine can and should be punished for their terrorism but israel should never be held accountable for their own misdeeds, it undermines your credibility.
I'll assume you keep using the word "you" as if you are talking about me directly. I often critize Israel so dont go there. and Israel does get criticized by many world leaders and organizations. even the US and UN.
but organizations like hamas only use violence as a means of resolve and refuse (much like you) to allow Israel to exist. peace wont happen when one said thinks the other should be completely gone.
you should be banned from this board. you have insulted several people on this board today alone and its becoming your trademark. grow up.
I think you complain regularly to the admins. I've never complained to the admins once about anything.. Don't be so hyper-sensitive. You dish it out just as as well my friend. You provoked me today so don't be upset that you found it when you went looking for it. It all seems highly personal for you. It's just a message board. Block me if you can't stand it. After reading so much silly nonsense and personal attacks directed towards me in this thread it's par for the course.
It wasn't directed at anyone why do you take offense at it?
Do you feel it was directed towards you?
And it's not becoming my trademark. You provoke it. Talk sensibly and I'll do the same. It's 50/50.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
because we have common goals of having countries in the middle east be free and promote liberal democracy and developing countries, and having less corruption, and the encourage being progressive in terms of freedom of the press, economic competition, and human development. we have interests in the region as we do in most of the world. but we choose to support those countries who support the above mentioned. and like I said before, jews contribute much to american society and almost have more jews here then all of Israel. im not supporting it, simply stating it. we arent going to turn a blind eye to the country just because you dont give a shit about them.
I'll assume you keep using the word "you" as if you are talking about me directly. I often critize Israel so dont go there. and Israel does get criticized by many world leaders and organizations. even the US and UN.
but organizations like hamas only use violence as a means of resolve and refuse (much like you) to allow Israel to exist. peace wont happen when one said thinks the other should be completely gone.
i meant the word "you" in the context of the negotiating parties... ie. dubya and his admin who talk about peace but unquestionably support israel's every act.
the reasons you offer make sense from an emotional perspective, but i doubt their practical rational merit. would that this mattered more in american politics
i by no means think hamas is a good organization. but i also think israel can hold its own just fine and that we should leave it up to the people who live there there to murder each other until they've had enough and are ready for peace.
Hasn't Bush veto'd a whack of stuff regarding the peace process?
I think Byrnzie has posted a bunch of links on this.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i meant the word "you" in the context of the negotiating parties... ie. dubya and his admin who talk about peace but unquestionably support israel's every act.
but the US does criticize Israel. heres one example
the reasons you offer make sense from an emotional perspective, but i doubt their practical rational merit. would that this mattered more in american politics
well I dont know what to tell you. if they make sense to you in some sort of perspective then I guess we can move on.
i by no means think hamas is a good organization. but i also think israel can hold its own just fine and that we should leave it up to the people who live there there to murder each other until they've had enough and are ready for peace.
Israel would not be fine without the support of the US. the only deterant they have is nukes. but if the US cut off all support and didnt back them if they were invaded, Israel would be defeated. but so what right?
well I dont know what to tell you. if they make sense to you in some sort of perspective then I guess we can move on.
Israel would not be fine without the support of the US. the only deterant they have is nukes. but if the US cut off all support and didnt back them if they were invaded, Israel would be defeated. but so what right?
the US, who proposed building a fence along the mexico border, criticized israel for building a fence? come on. that establishes credibility? there is no denying that the US's conduct towards this has been pretty one-sided by and large. the fact that that is changing is thanks to people doing what has been done here and raising awareness of israel's shortcomings.
yes, we can move on.
israel is pretty well armed. i think they'd be alright. and they do have those nukes and the power to use them. i don't think islam could unify enough to move on israel. they're too busy fighting each other. and if anyone outright invaded israel, i see no problem with the us helping repel the invasion with actual US troops. but short of that, we should give them no help in keeping the palestinians in line. it's not our place to broker that deal and it's bad policy to just give weapons to one side that uses them questionably. let israel fund and arm their own internal defense. if they need help from external threats, that is a different story.
the US, who proposed building a fence along the mexico border, criticized israel for building a fence? come on. that establishes credibility? there is no denying that the US's conduct towards this has been pretty one-sided by and large. the fact that that is changing is thanks to people doing what has been done here and raising awareness of israel's shortcomings.
ok here is another one....it happens.
The U.S. State Department on Monday released its annual human rights report, criticizing Israel for its treatment of Palestinians during the last several months of violence in the Middle East.
israel is pretty well armed. i think they'd be alright. and they do have those nukes and the power to use them. i don't think islam could unify enough to move on israel. they're too busy fighting each other. and if anyone outright invaded israel, i see no problem with the us helping repel the invasion with actual US troops. but short of that, we should give them no help in keeping the palestinians in line. it's not our place to broker that deal and it's bad policy to just give weapons to one side that uses them questionably. let israel fund and arm their own internal defense. if they need help from external threats, that is a different story.
Israel is only well armed because we arm them. but I do not disagree with you. I am all for pulling back some military support and only defend them if they are invaded. so I guess this was all a waste of time huh
The U.S. State Department on Monday released its annual human rights report, criticizing Israel for its treatment of Palestinians during the last several months of violence in the Middle East.
Israel is only well armed because we arm them. but I do not disagree with you. I am all for pulling back some military support and only defend them if they are invaded. so I guess this was all a waste of time huh
at least it made my boring day pass more quickly. now im off to make opening arguments. im glad we solved the problems of the middle east today
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I unlike yourself (it seems), at least say something, and provide opinion along the lines of discussion instead of inciting a situation with inflammatory 1 - 2 word answers in order to provoke a reaction.
perhaps it is miller time...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I unlike yourself (it seems), at least say something, and provide opinion along the lines of discussion instead of inciting a situation with inflammatory 1 - 2 word answers in order to provoke a reaction.
perhaps it is miller time...
butt - holio
some post just deserve a one word reply...i guess i could become a self inflated blow hard like you to make you happy
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
let it drop..i mean, i could go all day, yr just not that important to me.
you've made yr point. i don't care what you think of me...i disagree with almost everything you stand for...soooo, let it go
ping pong... fart fart. Anyhow have a good one. Nice almost talking to you.
Shame it never really has managed to happen yet (intelligible conversation about anything).
Perhaps another time, when you're up to feeling more sociable.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Exactly....the Arabs always wield the sword and continue to "die" by it. You reap what you sew. Had the arabs not invaded Israel time and time again, there'd have been no reason for the Palestinians to flee. Yet somehow the Arab governments are never held accountable for their failures.
Was Bill O' Reilly your history teacher?
The reason for that is that many of these Arab governments have the Western world by the balls. You will hear our government criticize the way the Iranian government treats it's citizens and how the country need to embrace democracy. Yet Saudi Arabia, a country whose list human rights violations stretches miles long and is in no way shape or form embracing democracy is never the target of such criticism because we can ill afford to offend the Al Sa'uds and there petroluem reserves.
the fox news insults are getting really old around here. when in doubt use fox news or hitler reference.
it was a less an insult about fox news and it was more about intothewild's incorrect references to history oh so many times.
palestine doesn't?
i still don't see how that affects american interests. i don't live there and benefit from the freedoms, so how would i be hurt if they lost them? again, this is pure ideology and my thinking is left them over there sort out their own ideologies without us meddling and dying in the process.
that is fair. i think the problem as identified by various people here is that it is difficult to appear fair and reasonable in negotiating such a settlement when you back israel unquestionably no matter what they do and criticize palestine unquestionably no matter what they do. when you approach with the view that palestine can and should be punished for their terrorism but israel should never be held accountable for their own misdeeds, it undermines your credibility.
Well if you don't see the humanity part of what I'm saying guess what?
You harbor a hatred you might not be aware of, but it's obvious to others.
I reserve the right to question governents who promote war and choose occupation and murder as foreign policy.
You on the other hand seem to be ok with it, and like it. So what does that make you?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
because we have common goals of having countries in the middle east be free and promote liberal democracy and developing countries, and having less corruption, and the encourage being progressive in terms of freedom of the press, economic competition, and human development. we have interests in the region as we do in most of the world. but we choose to support those countries who support the above mentioned. and like I said before, jews contribute much to american society and almost have more jews here then all of Israel. im not supporting it, simply stating it. we arent going to turn a blind eye to the country just because you dont give a shit about them.
I'll assume you keep using the word "you" as if you are talking about me directly. I often critize Israel so dont go there. and Israel does get criticized by many world leaders and organizations. even the US and UN.
but organizations like hamas only use violence as a means of resolve and refuse (much like you) to allow Israel to exist. peace wont happen when one said thinks the other should be completely gone.
you should be banned from this board. you have insulted several people on this board today alone and its becoming your trademark. grow up.
I think you complain regularly to the admins. I've never complained to the admins once about anything.. Don't be so hyper-sensitive. You dish it out just as as well my friend. You provoked me today so don't be upset that you found it when you went looking for it. It all seems highly personal for you. It's just a message board. Block me if you can't stand it. After reading so much silly nonsense and personal attacks directed towards me in this thread it's par for the course.
It wasn't directed at anyone why do you take offense at it?
Do you feel it was directed towards you?
And it's not becoming my trademark. You provoke it. Talk sensibly and I'll do the same. It's 50/50.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i meant the word "you" in the context of the negotiating parties... ie. dubya and his admin who talk about peace but unquestionably support israel's every act.
the reasons you offer make sense from an emotional perspective, but i doubt their practical rational merit. would that this mattered more in american politics
i by no means think hamas is a good organization. but i also think israel can hold its own just fine and that we should leave it up to the people who live there there to murder each other until they've had enough and are ready for peace.
I think Byrnzie has posted a bunch of links on this.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
well I dont know what to tell you. if they make sense to you in some sort of perspective then I guess we can move on.
Israel would not be fine without the support of the US. the only deterant they have is nukes. but if the US cut off all support and didnt back them if they were invaded, Israel would be defeated. but so what right?
the US, who proposed building a fence along the mexico border, criticized israel for building a fence? come on. that establishes credibility? there is no denying that the US's conduct towards this has been pretty one-sided by and large. the fact that that is changing is thanks to people doing what has been done here and raising awareness of israel's shortcomings.
yes, we can move on.
israel is pretty well armed. i think they'd be alright. and they do have those nukes and the power to use them. i don't think islam could unify enough to move on israel. they're too busy fighting each other. and if anyone outright invaded israel, i see no problem with the us helping repel the invasion with actual US troops. but short of that, we should give them no help in keeping the palestinians in line. it's not our place to broker that deal and it's bad policy to just give weapons to one side that uses them questionably. let israel fund and arm their own internal defense. if they need help from external threats, that is a different story.
ok here is another one....it happens.
The U.S. State Department on Monday released its annual human rights report, criticizing Israel for its treatment of Palestinians during the last several months of violence in the Middle East.
Israel is only well armed because we arm them. but I do not disagree with you. I am all for pulling back some military support and only defend them if they are invaded. so I guess this was all a waste of time huh
at least it made my boring day pass more quickly. now im off to make opening arguments. im glad we solved the problems of the middle east today
crap again
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
you just trot out the same crap too...
i'm a troll because i disagree with you?
dude, i swear you are miller8966
no doubt in my mind :cool:
I unlike yourself (it seems), at least say something, and provide opinion along the lines of discussion instead of inciting a situation with inflammatory 1 - 2 word answers in order to provoke a reaction.
perhaps it is miller time...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
butt - holio
some post just deserve a one word reply...i guess i could become a self inflated blow hard like you to make you happy
You're really uhm..
oh wait...here it is
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
called that by you is an honor
hey...8 words some even with two syllables.
not bad.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
who's trolling now?
let it drop..i mean, i could go all day, yr just not that important to me.
you've made yr point. i don't care what you think of me...i disagree with almost everything you stand for...soooo, let it go
ping pong... fart fart. Anyhow have a good one. Nice almost talking to you.
Shame it never really has managed to happen yet (intelligible conversation about anything).
Perhaps another time, when you're up to feeling more sociable.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
jezzeeeee, i've been hearing that since the day i walked in here
miller8966 if you lurk or even post under a different name, send me a pm, ok?