again, as i said, what the fuck has that got to do with us?
"if we started using some common sense and left them the fuck alone, they'd focus on killing each other instead of us. as evidenced by the article in question. they're pissed at the world. they're pissed that they live in a fucking desert. they're pissed that their chicks can't show any skin. they're just pissed. let them take it out on each other instead of americans."
if that's the way they wanna live, who cares? there are better, worse, and equal societies in the world. let them have theirs. it's none of our goddamn business.
if we took away all military support from Israel, they would be invaded and destroyed.
we should just throw our hands in the air and say sorry, thats your problem. and turn our backs to all the jews living in this country?
I'm getting really sick and tired or your condescending personal attacks on me all fucking day. give it a rest.
You're doing exactly the same thing..... jeez...stop going on about it already.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
there are about 10 million muslims in the US. not sure how many of those are "palestinian" or not.
but doesnt matter. look at the influence american jews have in america compared to muslims. jews are HUGE venture capitalists and some of the most successful people ever to live in this country. steven speilburg comes to mind but you know what I'm getting at.
what muslims have done the same? Louis Farrakhan ?
conservative Islam does hate freedom. thats not neo con rethoric. its fact.
conservative islam has a different definition of freedom. as does a welfare liberal vs. a libertarian.
my point remains. yes there are many rich and influential jews in america. why should a few privileged elites dictate policies for us? esp policy that leads to such nightmarish entanglements as the ones we have in the middle east?
what does the US gain from involvement there? what does the US lose by staying out?
and above all, which you still cannot answer, what the fuck do we care what people in the middle east do to themselves and each other? i don't give a fuck. it's THEIR problem. this original article shows that conservative islamists are as eager to kill each other as us. so why make ourselves a target? let them sort their own shit out.
if we took away all military support from Israel, they would be invaded and destroyed.
we should just throw our hands in the air and say sorry, thats your problem. and turn our backs to all the jews living in this country?
israel has a stronger military than anyone else in that region. they can handle themselves. yes, it is their problem and we should worry about our own problems, not theirs. if they are invaded and on the verge of genocide, we can let the UN come beg us for intervention. as it is, it is unclear if we are backing a persecuted state or propping up a brutal oppressive regime. let them figure it out themselves. we established our independence. they can establish theirs.
you make my point on a bunch of different things...
they hate from the womb, nothing we do can change that
Actually there is a lot we can do to change that.
First we can stop supporting the corrupt oppressive regimes that span across the muslim world.
Second we can stop meddling in their affairs. This only helps to create the image that we want to over take the middle east and are on some sort of crusade against the muslim world. Their corrupt government and religious leaders feed off this shit and just spew it into the minds of the uneducated masses.
Just these two things would help change the image of the US on the muslim street and ehlp bring abaout a change in the middle east.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
there are about 10 million muslims in the US. not sure how many of those are "palestinian" or not.
but doesnt matter. look at the influence american jews have in america compared to muslims. jews are HUGE venture capitalists and some of the most successful people ever to live in this country. steven speilburg comes to mind but you know what I'm getting at.
what muslims have done the same? Louis Farrakhan ?
conservative Islam does hate freedom. thats not neo con rethoric. its fact.
I uaually agree with you on a lot of things and even when I don't you always make a good intelligent point but this is horse shit man. Just because there are richer Jews in this country than Muslims doesn't make their contribution to American society any greater. Also if you truely believe that the only thing that Muslims in this country have to offer is fucking Louis Farrakan then you are truely blinded. If you need a list of influential Muslim Americans to prove my point I would be more that happy to prove one.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I uaually agree with you on a lot of things and even when I don't you always make a good intelligent point but this is horse shit man. Just because there are richer Jews in this country than Muslims doesn't make their contribution to American society any greater. Also if you truely believe that the only thing that Muslims in this country have to offer is fucking Louis Farrakan then you are truely blinded. If you need a list of influential Muslim Americans to prove my point I would be more that happy to prove one.
im basing my argument purely on the influence jews have in america vs muslims. most of it is only my opinion. a side by side list of successful influence jews and muslims would be great to see.
my point of this argument is that we cant simply turn our back on Israel and pull out all financial support to them simply because "its not our problem"
First we can stop supporting the corrupt oppressive regimes that span across the muslim world.
Second we can stop meddling in their affairs. This only helps to create the image that we want to over take the middle east and are on some sort of crusade against the muslim world. Their corrupt government and religious leaders feed off this shit and just spew it into the minds of the uneducated masses.
Just these two things would help change the image of the US on the muslim street and ehlp bring abaout a change in the middle east.
we'll be great satan until all of us are dead...accept the fact.
im basing my argument purely on the influence jews have in america vs muslims. most of it is only my opinion. a side by side list of successful influence jews and muslims would be great to see.
my point of this argument is that we cant simply turn our back on Israel and pull out all financial support to them simply because "its not our problem"
and im asking why not? im asking why a bunch of rich and biased elites should dictate disastrous foreign policy to us. what are they gonna do? move to israel? like they'd have it better there?
im basing my argument purely on the influence jews have in america vs muslims. most of it is only my opinion. a side by side list of successful influence jews and muslims would be great to see.
my point of this argument is that we cant simply turn our back on Israel and pull out all financial support to them simply because "its not our problem"
Yes you could pull the finacial support. But it won't happen.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Just because there are richer Jews in this country than Muslims doesn't make their contribution to American society any greater. Also if you truely believe that the only thing that Muslims in this country have to offer is fucking Louis Farrakan then you are truely blinded. If you need a list of influential Muslim Americans to prove my point I would be more that happy to prove one.
i'll help.
muslims came to america many years before columbus, plus something like half the slaves were muslims, the ones who helped build america.
But beside all this jlew24asu. can you not see they israel creates it's own problems. then get's it's fat stupid bigger brother (america) to go help it out.
But beside all this jlew24asu. can you not see they israel creates it's own problems. then get's it's fat stupid bigger brother (america) to go help it out.
isn't that the kind of bailout enabling that folks like jlew use as a reason to end walfare? those poor folks in the ghetto keep popping out babies, so we shouldn't give them money cos they brought it on themselves? those israelis keep killing palestinian kids, so we shouldn't give them money cos they brought it on themselves. of course, lew would say the israelis do it becos they are forced to by the threat of invasion. how liberal! becos i would say the poor folks are forced to rely on welfare due to racism, poverty, and corporate greed.
who knew the right could be so liberal in terms of not holding someone accountable for their actions and decisions!
my point remains. yes there are many rich and influential jews in america. why should a few privileged elites dictate policies for us? esp policy that leads to such nightmarish entanglements as the ones we have in the middle east?
and my point is, we cant turn our back on those "privileged elite". although I would like refer to them as hard working capitalists.
and above all, which you still cannot answer, what the fuck do we care what people in the middle east do to themselves and each other? i don't give a fuck. it's THEIR problem.
this original article shows that conservative islamists are as eager to kill each other as us. so why make ourselves a target? let them sort their own shit out.
I agree. I have no interest in getting involved with them, let hamas and the PLO kill each other all day.
come on dude. a different definition of freedom? I would love to know what "free" about conservative Islam.
freedom is subjective in many senses. you cannot talk about freedom without the rest of the equation... from what to do what? we say freedom from taxes to spend as we see fit. they say freedom from spiritual corruption to be close to god (not far off from hardline american christians that you would not hesitate to say support freedom, they just have harsher penalties cos they're pissed that they live in a fucking desert).
this does not answer my question at all either. what does the former gain us? what benefit do we derive from that? how does it in any way effect the daily lives of american citizens? the same goes for the second question. what does the existence or non-existence of israel have to do with the daily lives of americans?
I agree. I have no interest in getting involved with them, let hamas and the PLO kill each other all day.
ah, but you have spent this whole thread telling me the exact opposite: that you have a vested interest in getting involved with them and that we should absolutely be involved with them.
im basing my argument purely on the influence jews have in america vs muslims. most of it is only my opinion. a side by side list of successful influence jews and muslims would be great to see.
my point of this argument is that we cant simply turn our back on Israel and pull out all financial support to them simply because "its not our problem"
Here is a list of some influencial Muslims in the US
Moutapha Akkad
Louay M. Safi
Wafa Sultan
Fawwaz Ulaby
Ghulab Khan
Saleem Ali
Rob Asghar
Bapsi Sidhwa
Mansoor Ijaz
Fareed Zakaria
David Chappelle
John Coltrane
Ahmad Adaya
Ahmed Fahour
Nemir Kirdar
Kareen Abdul Jabbar
Muhammed Ali
Zalmay Khalilzad
Malcolm X
Kenan Shair
Haitham Alfuqahaa
Safi Qureshey
Farooq Kathwari
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Fazlur Khan - you can thank him for the beautiful Sears Tower that adorns your skyline.
Ahmed H. Zewail
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
i think they're hot too, just can't see enough of 'em....unless you have an eye fetish...which i could develop easy!
eh, im not worried. i'm more worried about the christians. the muslims round here seem to mind their own business and not really give a flying fuck what i do. it's the christians who keep trying to push me around and mess with me.
but yeah, i think that is the source of all problems in the middle east. it's hot as hell, the women are pissed they have to wear that shit in the heat, and the men are sexually frustrated cos they get no eye candy and the women hold out due to their pissed offness.
we'll be great satan until all of us are dead...accept the fact.
Well having met many Muslims and studied the Qu'ran I would disagree with you. Once our policy toward the region changes you will see a great shift in opinion towrads the west.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
freedom is subjective in many senses. you cannot talk about freedom without the rest of the equation... from what to do what? we say freedom from taxes to spend as we see fit. they say freedom from spiritual corruption to be close to god (not far off from hardline american christians that you would not hesitate to say support freedom, they just have harsher penalties cos they're pissed that they live in a fucking desert).
they are not free to think as they want. thats what I'm talking about.
you keep saying we can't turn our backs on them and i keep asking why not. you have not answered. can you?
I've answered this 3 times now. we can not turn our backs on them becuase they would get invaded and destroyed if you pulled out financial and military support.
this does not answer my question at all either. what does the former gain us? what benefit do we derive from that? how does it in any way effect the daily lives of american citizens? the same goes for the second question. what does the existence or non-existence of israel have to do with the daily lives of americans?
so we should just let Israel be destroyed? since your answer seems to be yes, lets just agree to disagree.
ah, but you have spent this whole thread telling me the exact opposite: that you have a vested interest in getting involved with them and that we should absolutely be involved with them.
Well having met many Muslims and studied the Qu'ran I would disagree with you. Once our policy toward the region changes you will see a great shift in opinion towrads the west.
and that can be based off the fact that before the creation of israel muslims,jews and christians lived in relative peace in Palestine.
I've answered this 3 times now. we can not turn our backs on them becuase they would get invaded and destroyed if you pulled out financial and military support.
Lol, who is going to destroy isreal? people who blow themselves up, come on read the media out side of america it reports things that are not allowed to be reported where you live.
Oh and as your press isn't free your not that free are you?
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
they are not free to think as they want. thats what I'm talking about.
exactly. and my point is you think that freedom of worship is more important than freedom to live in harmony. it's a judgment call. if everyone over there was muslim, everyone would know their role and place and society could exist peacefully for the most part. that doesn't appeal to me, but i don't have to live there so i say let them sort it out among themselves.
I've answered this 3 times now. we can not turn our backs on them becuase they would get invaded and destroyed if you pulled out financial and military support.
and again, you've not told me why that matter to americans.
so we should just let Israel be destroyed? since your answer seems to be yes, lets just agree to disagree.
again, way to dodge the question like a typical neo-con. what does that matter to the average american? sure we can agree to disagree. i don't much care what goes on in israel. i'm curious what crucial role the existence of israel plays in the daily lives of americans. becos i suspect even you know the answer is none and this is ultimately about you thinking islam is barbaric and the jews are civilized from a western perspective and thus we should protect them becos they are more like us than muslims.
you can't pick and choose. there is no way to be involved with israel without involving ourselves with hamas and other muslim terrorist groups. us propping up israel makes us a target for islamic extremist violence. why is backing israel worth the cost in american lives? i keep asking, and you keep dodging. what good do we get from israel that makes it worth the price we've paid.
Lol, who is going to destroy isreal? people who blow themselves up, come on read the media out side of america it reports things that are not allowed to be reported where you live.
if Israel has no military backing from the US guess what will happen to their military capabilities??? and dont tell me Hezbolla (by way of Iran and syria backing) isnt fully capable to out arming a defenseless Israel.
Iran has no interest in becoming the #1 enemy of the world by attacking Israel.
It's far to critical a move, and any act of aggression by them would be scrutinized to the N'th degree.
Ironically, the Jews have the holocaust as life insurance. No one will be allowed to make acts of aggression towards them unfairly.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
again, way to dodge the question like a typical neo-con. what does that matter to the average american? sure we can agree to disagree. i don't much care what goes on in israel. i'm curious what crucial role the existence of israel plays in the daily lives of americans. becos i suspect even you know the answer is none and this is ultimately about you thinking islam is barbaric and the jews are civilized from a western perspective and thus we should protect them becos they are more like us than muslims.
shit like this really pisses me off. how is this like a typical neo con? I do not care to see Israel be destroyed. if the muslim countries in the region had the means and didnt have a threat of US retaliation, Israel would be gone. that may not mean much to you personally. but it does to America and many people living here.
you can't pick and choose. there is no way to be involved with israel without involving ourselves with hamas and other muslim terrorist groups. us propping up israel makes us a target for islamic extremist violence. why is backing israel worth the cost in american lives? i keep asking, and you keep dodging. what good do we get from israel that makes it worth the price we've paid.
I absoultely can pick and choose. I would nothing to do with a hateful organization like Hamas. I do not want to support them in anyway.
enough with saying I keep dodging your questions. you usually arent an asshole but this is getting tiresome. just because you dont like my answers doesnt mean I'm dodging anything.
the price is worth it because we are getting a free democratic Israeli country in the middle east. you dont want that, I get it.
if Israel has no military backing from the US guess what will happen to their military capabilities??? and dont tell me Hezbolla (by way of Iran and syria backing) isnt fully capable to out arming a defenseless Israel.
this is twice now spiral. what the hell does this mean? my press isnt free? since when
I don't know about other here but I'm not suggesting that we cut ties with Irsael. We can support Israel militarily but then we also have to face the consequences of their actions. As I have stated before Israel is often barbaric in the way it retaliates to terrorist attacks. If we feel that we must provide Israel with military aid in order to defend itself it should also come with the responsibility of chastising them when they go too far, which the US government does not do. It is not the selling of arms and weaponary that I find irresponsible but the fact that when the international community want to send a message to Israel about it's tactics we are quick to block that attempt and defend Israel's actions tooth and nail knowing that their actions where wrong.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I do not care to see Israel be destroyed. if the muslim countries in the region had the means and didnt have a threat of US retaliation, Israel would be gone. that may not mean much to you personally. but it does to America and many people living here.
if we took away all military support from Israel, they would be invaded and destroyed.
we should just throw our hands in the air and say sorry, thats your problem. and turn our backs to all the jews living in this country?
I'm getting really sick and tired or your condescending personal attacks on me all fucking day. give it a rest.
You're doing exactly the same thing..... jeez...stop going on about it already.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
conservative islam has a different definition of freedom. as does a welfare liberal vs. a libertarian.
my point remains. yes there are many rich and influential jews in america. why should a few privileged elites dictate policies for us? esp policy that leads to such nightmarish entanglements as the ones we have in the middle east?
what does the US gain from involvement there? what does the US lose by staying out?
and above all, which you still cannot answer, what the fuck do we care what people in the middle east do to themselves and each other? i don't give a fuck. it's THEIR problem. this original article shows that conservative islamists are as eager to kill each other as us. so why make ourselves a target? let them sort their own shit out.
israel has a stronger military than anyone else in that region. they can handle themselves. yes, it is their problem and we should worry about our own problems, not theirs. if they are invaded and on the verge of genocide, we can let the UN come beg us for intervention. as it is, it is unclear if we are backing a persecuted state or propping up a brutal oppressive regime. let them figure it out themselves. we established our independence. they can establish theirs.
Actually there is a lot we can do to change that.
First we can stop supporting the corrupt oppressive regimes that span across the muslim world.
Second we can stop meddling in their affairs. This only helps to create the image that we want to over take the middle east and are on some sort of crusade against the muslim world. Their corrupt government and religious leaders feed off this shit and just spew it into the minds of the uneducated masses.
Just these two things would help change the image of the US on the muslim street and ehlp bring abaout a change in the middle east.
I uaually agree with you on a lot of things and even when I don't you always make a good intelligent point but this is horse shit man. Just because there are richer Jews in this country than Muslims doesn't make their contribution to American society any greater. Also if you truely believe that the only thing that Muslims in this country have to offer is fucking Louis Farrakan then you are truely blinded. If you need a list of influential Muslim Americans to prove my point I would be more that happy to prove one.
im basing my argument purely on the influence jews have in america vs muslims. most of it is only my opinion. a side by side list of successful influence jews and muslims would be great to see.
my point of this argument is that we cant simply turn our back on Israel and pull out all financial support to them simply because "its not our problem"
we'll be great satan until all of us are dead...accept the fact.
and im asking why not? im asking why a bunch of rich and biased elites should dictate disastrous foreign policy to us. what are they gonna do? move to israel? like they'd have it better there?
Yes you could pull the finacial support. But it won't happen.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
i dunno. i go to school with a few muslims. not one of them has ever tried to kill me.
ps. arabic women are so hot.
i'll help.
muslims came to america many years before columbus, plus something like half the slaves were muslims, the ones who helped build america.
But beside all this jlew24asu. can you not see they israel creates it's own problems. then get's it's fat stupid bigger brother (america) to go help it out.
isn't that the kind of bailout enabling that folks like jlew use as a reason to end walfare? those poor folks in the ghetto keep popping out babies, so we shouldn't give them money cos they brought it on themselves? those israelis keep killing palestinian kids, so we shouldn't give them money cos they brought it on themselves. of course, lew would say the israelis do it becos they are forced to by the threat of invasion. how liberal! becos i would say the poor folks are forced to rely on welfare due to racism, poverty, and corporate greed.
who knew the right could be so liberal in terms of not holding someone accountable for their actions and decisions!
and my point is, we cant turn our back on those "privileged elite". although I would like refer to them as hard working capitalists.
a free democracy in the middle east.
Israel being invaded and destroyed.
you have every right not to care. some people do.
I agree. I have no interest in getting involved with them, let hamas and the PLO kill each other all day.
hehehehe, give 'em time...
i think they're hot too, just can't see enough of 'em....unless you have an eye fetish...which i could develop easy!
freedom is subjective in many senses. you cannot talk about freedom without the rest of the equation... from what to do what? we say freedom from taxes to spend as we see fit. they say freedom from spiritual corruption to be close to god (not far off from hardline american christians that you would not hesitate to say support freedom, they just have harsher penalties cos they're pissed that they live in a fucking desert).
you keep saying we can't turn our backs on them and i keep asking why not. you have not answered. can you?
this does not answer my question at all either. what does the former gain us? what benefit do we derive from that? how does it in any way effect the daily lives of american citizens? the same goes for the second question. what does the existence or non-existence of israel have to do with the daily lives of americans?
ah, but you have spent this whole thread telling me the exact opposite: that you have a vested interest in getting involved with them and that we should absolutely be involved with them.
Here is a list of some influencial Muslims in the US
Moutapha Akkad
Louay M. Safi
Wafa Sultan
Fawwaz Ulaby
Ghulab Khan
Saleem Ali
Rob Asghar
Bapsi Sidhwa
Mansoor Ijaz
Fareed Zakaria
David Chappelle
John Coltrane
Ahmad Adaya
Ahmed Fahour
Nemir Kirdar
Kareen Abdul Jabbar
Muhammed Ali
Zalmay Khalilzad
Malcolm X
Kenan Shair
Haitham Alfuqahaa
Safi Qureshey
Farooq Kathwari
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Fazlur Khan - you can thank him for the beautiful Sears Tower that adorns your skyline.
Ahmed H. Zewail
eh, im not worried. i'm more worried about the christians. the muslims round here seem to mind their own business and not really give a flying fuck what i do. it's the christians who keep trying to push me around and mess with me.
but yeah, i think that is the source of all problems in the middle east. it's hot as hell, the women are pissed they have to wear that shit in the heat, and the men are sexually frustrated cos they get no eye candy and the women hold out due to their pissed offness.
Well having met many Muslims and studied the Qu'ran I would disagree with you. Once our policy toward the region changes you will see a great shift in opinion towrads the west.
I've answered this 3 times now. we can not turn our backs on them becuase they would get invaded and destroyed if you pulled out financial and military support.
so we should just let Israel be destroyed? since your answer seems to be yes, lets just agree to disagree.
involved with Israel, not hamas.
and that can be based off the fact that before the creation of israel muslims,jews and christians lived in relative peace in Palestine.
Lol, who is going to destroy isreal? people who blow themselves up, come on read the media out side of america it reports things that are not allowed to be reported where you live.
Oh and as your press isn't free your not that free are you?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
exactly. and my point is you think that freedom of worship is more important than freedom to live in harmony. it's a judgment call. if everyone over there was muslim, everyone would know their role and place and society could exist peacefully for the most part. that doesn't appeal to me, but i don't have to live there so i say let them sort it out among themselves.
and again, you've not told me why that matter to americans.
again, way to dodge the question like a typical neo-con. what does that matter to the average american? sure we can agree to disagree. i don't much care what goes on in israel. i'm curious what crucial role the existence of israel plays in the daily lives of americans. becos i suspect even you know the answer is none and this is ultimately about you thinking islam is barbaric and the jews are civilized from a western perspective and thus we should protect them becos they are more like us than muslims.
you can't pick and choose. there is no way to be involved with israel without involving ourselves with hamas and other muslim terrorist groups. us propping up israel makes us a target for islamic extremist violence. why is backing israel worth the cost in american lives? i keep asking, and you keep dodging. what good do we get from israel that makes it worth the price we've paid.
this is twice now spiral. what the hell does this mean? my press isnt free? since when
It's far to critical a move, and any act of aggression by them would be scrutinized to the N'th degree.
Ironically, the Jews have the holocaust as life insurance. No one will be allowed to make acts of aggression towards them unfairly.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I absoultely can pick and choose. I would nothing to do with a hateful organization like Hamas. I do not want to support them in anyway.
enough with saying I keep dodging your questions. you usually arent an asshole but this is getting tiresome. just because you dont like my answers doesnt mean I'm dodging anything.
the price is worth it because we are getting a free democratic Israeli country in the middle east. you dont want that, I get it.
hitler prob didn't either, but if one feels it's his calling, he ain't too fucking worried about the rest of the world.
remember, if they go out in a blaze of glory, the get to nail some virgins
I don't know about other here but I'm not suggesting that we cut ties with Irsael. We can support Israel militarily but then we also have to face the consequences of their actions. As I have stated before Israel is often barbaric in the way it retaliates to terrorist attacks. If we feel that we must provide Israel with military aid in order to defend itself it should also come with the responsibility of chastising them when they go too far, which the US government does not do. It is not the selling of arms and weaponary that I find irresponsible but the fact that when the international community want to send a message to Israel about it's tactics we are quick to block that attempt and defend Israel's actions tooth and nail knowing that their actions where wrong.