Depiction of partial birth abortion process, which many of you would like to keep legal.
here we go again with the images. thanks for sharing.
i think i will go plan a march to stop it now.....
seriously barroom you aren't going to change anyone's mind on this forum, so stop it. abortion is legal and an annual march will do nothing to change it. but go ahead, knock yourself out.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
here we go again with the images. thanks for sharing.
i think i will go plan a march to stop it now.....
seriously barroom you aren't going to change anyone's mind on this forum, so stop it. abortion is legal and an annual march will do nothing to change it. but go ahead, knock yourself out.
Is that kind of like how you marched to stop the iraq war?
here we go again with the images. thanks for sharing.
i think i will go plan a march to stop it now.....
seriously barroom you aren't going to change anyone's mind on this forum, so stop it. abortion is legal and an annual march will do nothing to change it. but go ahead, knock yourself out.
Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the next 20 years.
Those pictures are pretty grotesque. I can't imagine supporting that "choice." Why do you support that?
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Is that kind of like how you marched to stop the iraq war?
i didn't march to stop the war. our leaders don't listen to the protestors, or the public at large for that matter so i don't waste my time. from what i hear most of the time they are put in nice little "free speech zones" blocks away from where the politicians can see them, so that its pointless to protest.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the next 20 years.
Those pictures are pretty grotesque. I can't imagine supporting that "choice." Why do you support that?
ok. here goes.
i am pro choice. i am for a woman's Right to CHOOSE what happens to her body. end of story. that is it. that is not the same as PROABORTION!!!! if that woman's body is impregnated, then she has the right to have the child and keep it, give it up for adoption, or end the pregnancy early. in my opinion, no man, whether its a priest, boyfriend, doctor, president, father, one night stand, Jesus, or whomever should have any say or influence over that woman or her body. she should not be forced to have an unwanted baby. in the end all we really have in this world are our bodies. and if i were a woman and someone tried to tell me what i could and could not do with my only real posession i would fight them til the death to defend my rights as a human.
i will say that i am no fan of the procedure and if i ever knocked up my g/f i would hope that she would not have an abortion. but i am a bigger believer in our constitutional guarantees. i am glad l live in a country where a woman has the right to choose and that it is constitutionally protected.
there are things in this world that we are never going to agree upon. i am not forcing my faith or ideaology on anyone, but you are. i think the constitution exists to give people freedom and should not be ammended to take it away. that is why i am against a constitutional ban on gay marriage. the constitutions does not exist to deny rights, but to guarantee them.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
At least in the former the life-forms do not have the ability to experience.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i will say that i am no fan of the procedure and if i ever knocked up my g/f i would hope that she would not have an abortion. but i am a bigger believer in our constitutional guarantees. i am glad l live in a country where a woman has the right to choose and that it is constitutionally protected.
Constitutionally, Roe v. Wade is based on foolishness. Here is a liberal individual who believes that Roe was decided wrongly:
"The prospect of some women traveling long distances to secure an abortion does not cheer me -- I'm pro-choice, I repeat -- but it would relieve us all from having to defend a Supreme Court decision whose reasoning has not held up. It seems more fiat than argument."
-Richard Cohen
Roe is not sensible law. It should be overturned. Cohen agrees because he cannot deny the idiocy of it.
If you support the constitution, you cannot support the way that abortion was legalized in America. It was unconstitutionally legalized. The states should have been left to legalize it.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
A fruit fly feels pain when you squash it. Dude that's the fact of all living organisms.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It's like this, I personally would never have an abortion, unless my life was at risk. I personally do not think actual "fetuses" should be aborted, I think there is a line between what is and isn't an acceptable stage of development. But I also think the legal age of consent should be around 16 without restriction as it is in many countries. Everyone has different opinions on it and that's why some things should be left up to individual choice.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It disgusts me when i hear of women( if thats what you want to call them) having 2-3 abortions. I can see someone making a mistake in life and having 1 abortion but i really wish in general it would be illegal.
It's like this, I personally would never have an abortion, unless my life was at risk. I personally do not think actual "fetuses" should be aborted, I think there is a line between what is and isn't an acceptable stage of development. But I also think the legal age of consent should be around 16 without restriction as it is in many countries. Everyone has different opinions on it and that's why some things should be left up to individual choice.
Yea but in liberal america we give women a free dont have to tell your parents or tell the father ( thats if she knows who it is). Like everything their should be a process to it.
Yea but in liberal america we give women a free dont have to tell your parents or tell the father ( thats if she knows who it is). Like everything their should be a process to it.
I still think this is the wrong way to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancies.
Every time a girl's father or mother objectifies the opposite sex it sets the model for sexual behavior. Sex is so embedded into our societies. It is the PRIME motivator for just about everyone. How can we expect a teenage girl to turn on showcase or whitness the top shelf of a magazine rack and not have sex irresponsibly? Irresponsible sex is the very substrate of western culture. Glamour, vanity and social status are all built on casual sex. Sex is the western way of life. Sex sells, etc.. etc.. It's irresponsible for anyone to place the sole responsibility on the teenage girl that has an unwanted pregnancy. Our culture and society is the basic factor in the development of our youth. Is it so difficult to see that? Is it so difficult to see that across cultures people are completely different, but within each culture very similar? Isn't that sufficient evidence to prove my point?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the next 20 years.
Those pictures are pretty grotesque. I can't imagine supporting that "choice." Why do you support that?
I totally agree. The tide is definitely turning. With the technology we have now to see all the stages of human development it's getting harder and harder for abortion advocates to convince people it's not a human life. 35 years ago who knew exactly what was growing in there? Not so now.
It's not even a religious cause anymore. I have agnostic friends who think abortion is evil based on scientific fact more than anything.
The baby-boom generation that pushed the lies of "choice" soon won't be in control anymore and that will be a great day.
So this life is sacrifice...
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Not silenced, just refraining from indulging some of our more obnoxious board members in their quest for attention
Yes, hippiemom! As I suspected, smarter than the average bear!
It has become apparent that this is not going to be a reasoned, rational debate. Just the same old boring diatribe. As if there isn't more than enough opportunity in the world for women to have to listen to the rabid pontificating of the righteous and indignant. No chance of learning anything new here. It's got witch hunt written all over it! Shame really. Be good to hear what real people with real opinions thought.
It disgusts me when i hear of women( if thats what you want to call them) having 2-3 abortions. I can see someone making a mistake in life and having 1 abortion but i really wish in general it would be illegal.
I'm pro-choice but when women start having abortions as birth control that's just sick (unless we're talking about special circumstances).
Are there any women here on this thread? Or have they all been silenced yet again by some boys and their moralizing?
no not silenced. there is no point in posting. they don't want an opinion. they just want to argue n call names.
but my opinion? tho i'm pro-choice, i agree roe vs wade will eventually be overturned. not because some think it's morally wrong or evil...but because it's badly written. that doesn't mean a new one won't be written to take it's place tho.
( ok...flame away n tell me how ignorant i am now. thanks. enjoyed it. )
no not silenced. there is no point in posting. they don't want an opinion. they just want to argue n call names.
but my opinion? tho i'm pro-choice, i agree roe vs wade will eventually be overturned. not because some think it's morally wrong or evil...but because it's badly written. that doesn't mean a new one won't be written to take it's place tho.
( ok...flame away n tell me how ignorant i am now. thanks. enjoyed it. )
Do you think that if it is overturned there will be a ground swell of support for new legislation there? I just wonder. I mean I've been very heartened by the unity shown by many of our politicians here when it comes to women's fertility control but I wonder if push comes to shove if they will prevail. I guess the brow beating that's been going on here by Tony Abbott, Little Johnny and brethren has really made me nervous. And the current generation seems to take much of this stuff for granted. Not having a go at them, just they've always had the options available to them. I think back to the bad old days. I would hate to see a return to that. I mean in a perfect world no child would be born unwanted and no pregnancy would be unwanted. But we don't live in a perfect world. And I'm really sick and tired of everybody having an opinion about women's bodies. From abortion, to sex, to weight, to hair color, breast size, what to eat, how to bring up children, what to think, blah, blah blah! Far too much time is still spent telling women how to live in their skins. I don't think you'll be too vilified by your post now anyway. At least for a couple of days. Me thinks it's marching time!
I totally agree. The tide is definitely turning. With the technology we have now to see all the stages of human development it's getting harder and harder for abortion advocates to convince people it's not a human life. 35 years ago who knew exactly what was growing in there? Not so now.
It's not even a religious cause anymore. I have agnostic friends who think abortion is evil based on scientific fact more than anything.
The baby-boom generation that pushed the lies of "choice" soon won't be in control anymore and that will be a great day.
Anyone who's ever seen an abortion performed would agree. Every officer in my campus's Students for Life club is a woman. They invite homosexual groups, minority groups, and others to discuss the evils of abortion. Abortion is simply not a religious issue at all. Anyone who respects life can be pro-life.
no not silenced. there is no point in posting. they don't want an opinion. they just want to argue n call names.
but my opinion? tho i'm pro-choice, i agree roe vs wade will eventually be overturned. not because some think it's morally wrong or evil...but because it's badly written. that doesn't mean a new one won't be written to take it's place tho.
( ok...flame away n tell me how ignorant i am now. thanks. enjoyed it. )
Roe v. Wade's terms are based on antiquated notions of the birth process. I too look forward to the day it is overturned and when the people will be able to decide whether abortion is right or wrong.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Roe v. Wade's terms are based on antiquated notions of the birth process. I too look forward to the day it is overturned and when the people will be able to decide whether abortion is right or wrong.
People will never be able to decide whether abortion is right or wrong, there are shades of grey.
I believe in some cases it's the most selfish, disgusting thing and in other cases it is, in my opinion, the only option.
Depiction of partial birth abortion process, which many of you would like to keep legal.
-Enoch Powell
here we go again with the images. thanks for sharing.
i think i will go plan a march to stop it now.....
seriously barroom you aren't going to change anyone's mind on this forum, so stop it. abortion is legal and an annual march will do nothing to change it. but go ahead, knock yourself out.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Is that kind of like how you marched to stop the iraq war?
Roe v. Wade will be overturned in the next 20 years.
Those pictures are pretty grotesque. I can't imagine supporting that "choice." Why do you support that?
-Enoch Powell
i didn't march to stop the war. our leaders don't listen to the protestors, or the public at large for that matter so i don't waste my time. from what i hear most of the time they are put in nice little "free speech zones" blocks away from where the politicians can see them, so that its pointless to protest.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
ok. here goes.
i am pro choice. i am for a woman's Right to CHOOSE what happens to her body. end of story. that is it. that is not the same as PROABORTION!!!! if that woman's body is impregnated, then she has the right to have the child and keep it, give it up for adoption, or end the pregnancy early. in my opinion, no man, whether its a priest, boyfriend, doctor, president, father, one night stand, Jesus, or whomever should have any say or influence over that woman or her body. she should not be forced to have an unwanted baby. in the end all we really have in this world are our bodies. and if i were a woman and someone tried to tell me what i could and could not do with my only real posession i would fight them til the death to defend my rights as a human.
i will say that i am no fan of the procedure and if i ever knocked up my g/f i would hope that she would not have an abortion. but i am a bigger believer in our constitutional guarantees. i am glad l live in a country where a woman has the right to choose and that it is constitutionally protected.
there are things in this world that we are never going to agree upon. i am not forcing my faith or ideaology on anyone, but you are. i think the constitution exists to give people freedom and should not be ammended to take it away. that is why i am against a constitutional ban on gay marriage. the constitutions does not exist to deny rights, but to guarantee them.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That's not nearly as bad as these
Looks very similar to the pictures you get from wars
At least in the former the life-forms do not have the ability to experience.
Constitutionally, Roe v. Wade is based on foolishness. Here is a liberal individual who believes that Roe was decided wrongly:
"The prospect of some women traveling long distances to secure an abortion does not cheer me -- I'm pro-choice, I repeat -- but it would relieve us all from having to defend a Supreme Court decision whose reasoning has not held up. It seems more fiat than argument."
-Richard Cohen
Roe is not sensible law. It should be overturned. Cohen agrees because he cannot deny the idiocy of it.
If you support the constitution, you cannot support the way that abortion was legalized in America. It was unconstitutionally legalized. The states should have been left to legalize it.
-Enoch Powell!
Fetuses feel pain when you pull their brains out.
-Enoch Powell
A fruit fly feels pain when you squash it. Dude that's the fact of all living organisms.
if that ever happens then you might get your state to over turn it. it will never be overturned on the federal level.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
But fruit flies don't have human DNA.
Essentially you're saying that it's okay to kill human beings because it's okay to kill fruit flies.
-Enoch Powell
Yea but in liberal america we give women a free dont have to tell your parents or tell the father ( thats if she knows who it is). Like everything their should be a process to it.
I still think this is the wrong way to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancies.
Every time a girl's father or mother objectifies the opposite sex it sets the model for sexual behavior. Sex is so embedded into our societies. It is the PRIME motivator for just about everyone. How can we expect a teenage girl to turn on showcase or whitness the top shelf of a magazine rack and not have sex irresponsibly? Irresponsible sex is the very substrate of western culture. Glamour, vanity and social status are all built on casual sex. Sex is the western way of life. Sex sells, etc.. etc.. It's irresponsible for anyone to place the sole responsibility on the teenage girl that has an unwanted pregnancy. Our culture and society is the basic factor in the development of our youth. Is it so difficult to see that? Is it so difficult to see that across cultures people are completely different, but within each culture very similar? Isn't that sufficient evidence to prove my point?
Neither do Republicans.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I totally agree. The tide is definitely turning. With the technology we have now to see all the stages of human development it's getting harder and harder for abortion advocates to convince people it's not a human life. 35 years ago who knew exactly what was growing in there? Not so now.
It's not even a religious cause anymore. I have agnostic friends who think abortion is evil based on scientific fact more than anything.
The baby-boom generation that pushed the lies of "choice" soon won't be in control anymore and that will be a great day.
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Yes, hippiemom! As I suspected, smarter than the average bear!
It has become apparent that this is not going to be a reasoned, rational debate. Just the same old boring diatribe. As if there isn't more than enough opportunity in the world for women to have to listen to the rabid pontificating of the righteous and indignant. No chance of learning anything new here. It's got witch hunt written all over it! Shame really. Be good to hear what real people with real opinions thought.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'm pro-choice but when women start having abortions as birth control that's just sick (unless we're talking about special circumstances).
naděje umírá poslední
but my opinion? tho i'm pro-choice, i agree roe vs wade will eventually be overturned. not because some think it's morally wrong or evil...but because it's badly written. that doesn't mean a new one won't be written to take it's place tho.
( ok...flame away n tell me how ignorant i am now. thanks. enjoyed it.
Do you think that if it is overturned there will be a ground swell of support for new legislation there? I just wonder. I mean I've been very heartened by the unity shown by many of our politicians here when it comes to women's fertility control but I wonder if push comes to shove if they will prevail. I guess the brow beating that's been going on here by Tony Abbott, Little Johnny and brethren has really made me nervous. And the current generation seems to take much of this stuff for granted. Not having a go at them, just they've always had the options available to them. I think back to the bad old days. I would hate to see a return to that. I mean in a perfect world no child would be born unwanted and no pregnancy would be unwanted. But we don't live in a perfect world. And I'm really sick and tired of everybody having an opinion about women's bodies. From abortion, to sex, to weight, to hair color, breast size, what to eat, how to bring up children, what to think, blah, blah blah! Far too much time is still spent telling women how to live in their skins. I don't think you'll be too vilified by your post now anyway. At least for a couple of days. Me thinks it's marching time!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Anyone who's ever seen an abortion performed would agree. Every officer in my campus's Students for Life club is a woman. They invite homosexual groups, minority groups, and others to discuss the evils of abortion. Abortion is simply not a religious issue at all. Anyone who respects life can be pro-life.
Here is a homosexual pro-life organization:
-Enoch Powell
Roe v. Wade's terms are based on antiquated notions of the birth process. I too look forward to the day it is overturned and when the people will be able to decide whether abortion is right or wrong.
-Enoch Powell
People will never be able to decide whether abortion is right or wrong, there are shades of grey.
I believe in some cases it's the most selfish, disgusting thing and in other cases it is, in my opinion, the only option.
naděje umírá poslední
Well I might agree with you in that regard.
In my opinion, the only time it is an option is to save the life of the mother.
-Enoch Powell