When's the baby born?

So, the kid was born at the abortion clinic. It started gasping for air and moving around, but they still killed it. Tell me: how is this different than what abortion clinics do everyday? Am I to suppose the child was less deserving of life before its head protruded from the uterus and it started breathing?
My favorite part is how they toss the umbilical cord in the bag then toss the kid in too, seal it, then throw it on the roof! Nice!
Charges expected in baby's death at abortion business
Deputy police chief confirms decision should be announced in weeks
Posted: October 29, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A lead investigator into reports that a baby was born alive at a Hialeah, Fla., abortion business, then killed, has told WND he believes charges will be filed in the case, and that announcement could come as early as a mid-November.
"My goal is to see that charges are filed," said Hialeah Deputy Chief Mark Overton yesterday. "The evidence reflects that this was a homicide. We're moving forward with that mindset. I believe our evidence has indicated (and) I think we have probable cause to bring charges."
The investigation was launched in July after investigators, on a tip, went to the "A Gynecologists Diagnostic Center" abortion business and discovered the remains of a baby in a red biohazard bag.
(Story continues below)
A search warrant issued in support of that case noted that the tipster provided the name of the little girl's mother, who had intended to have an abortion, and police officers met with her.
"The complainant advised on Thursday, 20 July 2006, at approximately 9:30 a.m. she arrived at the clinic for a pre-scheduled abortion. At approximately 2:30 p.m. the Complainant gave birth in the recovery room of the clinic. The complainant observed the baby moving and gasping for air for approximately five (5) minutes.
"The staff began screaming that the baby was alive; at which time. Ms. Belkis Gonzales cut the umbilical cord, threw it into a red bag with black printing. Ms. Gonzales then swept the baby, with her hands, into the same red bag along with the gauze used during the procedure," the search warrant said.
Overton told WND that the police department is awaiting confirmation of its plans from the local state's attorney's office.
"They're waiting for all the medical examiner's reports officially to be typed, and also an opinion from a neonatal specialist," he said. "We'll be getting together and meeting. I hope that we'll be filing some type of charges, unlawful killing charges."
He said the state of Florida has a law defining a live birth, and he's already contacted the local federal prosecutor about potential federal charges under the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000 should the state not follow through.
"We've already put things in motion," he told WND. He said he expects the next step to be taken by authorities by mid-November.
Authorities earlier had confirmed to WND that the baby was born alive, but part of the investigation focused on whether the infant was at 22, 23 or 24 weeks, which involves the girl's viability, or ability to live outside the womb.
At the time the body was found, a lawyer for the owner of the abortion business partly owned by Gonzalez issued a statement that no crime was committed, and an 18-year-old had had an abortion without complications.
"My clients run an abortion clinic. It's a legal business," Regina DeMoraes-Millan told television station WFOR-TV in Miami-Fort Lauderdale at the time. "Right now police are just investigating a 9-1-1 call."
A spokeswoman for Operation Rescue, a pro-life activist organization, said the charges apparently could be second-degree murder. Abortion business co-owners Gonzalez and Siomara Senises both were working in the clinic when the 18-year-old arrived for the abortion, according to spokeswoman Cheryl Sullenger.
Affidavits used to obtain the search warrant reported that an anonymous caller on July 22 reported the baby's live birth, and death. However, a search of the clinic that day revealed nothing.
The documents indicate another witness told police that a "doctor" had drowned the baby before disposing of the body.
Then on July 28, another anonymous call came in, with the informant telling police the baby's body had been in the red plastic biohazard bag – along with the caustic chemical chloride – on the roof of the clinic "for the expressed purpose of causing the accelerated decomposition of the body in an apparent attempt to destroy evidence."
That anonymous call also told police the body had been retrieved and was then inside the clinic. Officers who arrived with a search warrant found the remains.
Sullenger said the medical reports in the case will be key, since in Florida it is illegal to do abortions in clinics after 24 weeks.
Assistant State Attorney Kathleen Hoague has told reporters that she also is focusing on medical reports, because at 22 weeks, "you're talking about a fetus that could be aborted legally."
But Operation Rescue chief Troy Newman noted that in the end, the baby's age doesn't matter.
"If she was born alive, as the mother and the police informant say she was, then that baby deserved every protection under the law that any other person has, regardless of her age," he said.
Newman was getting impatient. "I don't understand why there would be any equivocation in this case. If a litter of puppies had been tossed in a bag and thrown up on a roof to die, no one would rest until the perpetrators were brought to justice," he said.
The clinic is question remains closed, however many of the same principals are operating another abortion business several miles away, officials said.
At the time the body was found, a spokeswoman for Florida Right to Life told WND that babies' bodies in an abortion clinic are just "business as usual" for the industry.
Spokeswoman Linda Bell said there are very few protections for the mother, and essentially none for the unborn children, as a "result of legalized abortion in our nation."
Hialeah investigator Det. Tony Rodriquez expressed immediate concern about the situation, too.
"In 24 years in law enforcement, I have never seen a case like this," he had told reporters.
My favorite part is how they toss the umbilical cord in the bag then toss the kid in too, seal it, then throw it on the roof! Nice!
Charges expected in baby's death at abortion business
Deputy police chief confirms decision should be announced in weeks
Posted: October 29, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A lead investigator into reports that a baby was born alive at a Hialeah, Fla., abortion business, then killed, has told WND he believes charges will be filed in the case, and that announcement could come as early as a mid-November.
"My goal is to see that charges are filed," said Hialeah Deputy Chief Mark Overton yesterday. "The evidence reflects that this was a homicide. We're moving forward with that mindset. I believe our evidence has indicated (and) I think we have probable cause to bring charges."
The investigation was launched in July after investigators, on a tip, went to the "A Gynecologists Diagnostic Center" abortion business and discovered the remains of a baby in a red biohazard bag.
(Story continues below)
A search warrant issued in support of that case noted that the tipster provided the name of the little girl's mother, who had intended to have an abortion, and police officers met with her.
"The complainant advised on Thursday, 20 July 2006, at approximately 9:30 a.m. she arrived at the clinic for a pre-scheduled abortion. At approximately 2:30 p.m. the Complainant gave birth in the recovery room of the clinic. The complainant observed the baby moving and gasping for air for approximately five (5) minutes.
"The staff began screaming that the baby was alive; at which time. Ms. Belkis Gonzales cut the umbilical cord, threw it into a red bag with black printing. Ms. Gonzales then swept the baby, with her hands, into the same red bag along with the gauze used during the procedure," the search warrant said.
Overton told WND that the police department is awaiting confirmation of its plans from the local state's attorney's office.
"They're waiting for all the medical examiner's reports officially to be typed, and also an opinion from a neonatal specialist," he said. "We'll be getting together and meeting. I hope that we'll be filing some type of charges, unlawful killing charges."
He said the state of Florida has a law defining a live birth, and he's already contacted the local federal prosecutor about potential federal charges under the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000 should the state not follow through.
"We've already put things in motion," he told WND. He said he expects the next step to be taken by authorities by mid-November.
Authorities earlier had confirmed to WND that the baby was born alive, but part of the investigation focused on whether the infant was at 22, 23 or 24 weeks, which involves the girl's viability, or ability to live outside the womb.
At the time the body was found, a lawyer for the owner of the abortion business partly owned by Gonzalez issued a statement that no crime was committed, and an 18-year-old had had an abortion without complications.
"My clients run an abortion clinic. It's a legal business," Regina DeMoraes-Millan told television station WFOR-TV in Miami-Fort Lauderdale at the time. "Right now police are just investigating a 9-1-1 call."
A spokeswoman for Operation Rescue, a pro-life activist organization, said the charges apparently could be second-degree murder. Abortion business co-owners Gonzalez and Siomara Senises both were working in the clinic when the 18-year-old arrived for the abortion, according to spokeswoman Cheryl Sullenger.
Affidavits used to obtain the search warrant reported that an anonymous caller on July 22 reported the baby's live birth, and death. However, a search of the clinic that day revealed nothing.
The documents indicate another witness told police that a "doctor" had drowned the baby before disposing of the body.
Then on July 28, another anonymous call came in, with the informant telling police the baby's body had been in the red plastic biohazard bag – along with the caustic chemical chloride – on the roof of the clinic "for the expressed purpose of causing the accelerated decomposition of the body in an apparent attempt to destroy evidence."
That anonymous call also told police the body had been retrieved and was then inside the clinic. Officers who arrived with a search warrant found the remains.
Sullenger said the medical reports in the case will be key, since in Florida it is illegal to do abortions in clinics after 24 weeks.
Assistant State Attorney Kathleen Hoague has told reporters that she also is focusing on medical reports, because at 22 weeks, "you're talking about a fetus that could be aborted legally."
But Operation Rescue chief Troy Newman noted that in the end, the baby's age doesn't matter.
"If she was born alive, as the mother and the police informant say she was, then that baby deserved every protection under the law that any other person has, regardless of her age," he said.
Newman was getting impatient. "I don't understand why there would be any equivocation in this case. If a litter of puppies had been tossed in a bag and thrown up on a roof to die, no one would rest until the perpetrators were brought to justice," he said.
The clinic is question remains closed, however many of the same principals are operating another abortion business several miles away, officials said.
At the time the body was found, a spokeswoman for Florida Right to Life told WND that babies' bodies in an abortion clinic are just "business as usual" for the industry.
Spokeswoman Linda Bell said there are very few protections for the mother, and essentially none for the unborn children, as a "result of legalized abortion in our nation."
Hialeah investigator Det. Tony Rodriquez expressed immediate concern about the situation, too.
"In 24 years in law enforcement, I have never seen a case like this," he had told reporters.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
So many potential lifes destroyed.
I dont supprot people who blow up abortion clinics..but honestly i can see where they are coming from.
I hear ya miller. how does the doctor sleep at night?
Actually, killer, didn't bush sign a bill that outlawed abortion after five months? And in all reality, that's still too late in my eyes. If you haven't decided within a few weeks, then you shouldnt have it.
Don't bitch when someone burns down your church. I don't condone it, but I see where they're coming from.
Wouldn't this mean that you could also see where the abortion clinics are coming from?
are you for or against this? I dont understand the argument you are trying to make
As I stated before, an abortion that late should not take take, and I'm actually glad they were outlawed. Five months? Thats just fucking ridiculous. And as I stated before also, if you haven't decided within a few weeks (Three, I'd say) then you shouldn't have one at all.
EDIT: But I've posted the link to show that this illegal and was banned. And if this has happened before at that abortion clinic, then that clinic needs to be shut down.
cool. I agree on all points
huh? the so-called 'partial-birth abortion ban act of 2003' was declared unconstitutional by the courts. it was too vague and would have outlawed procedures down to 12 weeks and there was no health exception for the woman. not to mention that there is no medical procedure called a 'partial-birth abortion'.
furthermore, women who get abortions after 12 weeks, which are the minority by the way, usually don't do so because they couldn't decide. although, that is a big decision that some accuse women of taking too lightly even (we can never win). there are so many restrictions put in place in different states that make it very hard for some women to get a procedure before 12 weeks--waiting periods, cost, parental restrictions, it takes a bit to know you're pregnant, it takes even longer to get into one of the very few clinics left, etc. some women must travel out of state, which they need to save even more money for. there are so many reasons why one gets a procedure after 12 weeks, and i don't think it's your place to decide for them.
cross the river to the eastside
Win at what?
It's a figure of speech.
People criticize women for being too flippant in regards to abortion and yet criticize them for not doing it fast enough.
cross the river to the eastside
so many more idiots destroyed. we've got enough stupid humans out there. i see no need for more.
also, this baby was killed after birth. i support restricting abortion to the first trimester, the 2nd in rare cases. at that point, the fetus is not even capable of "gasping" for breath. it has no lungs.
Well what constitutes an idiot?
what about the future baby's health? is it going to be born to an unwed young mother who cannot emotionally nor financially care for it? or be born with crack/alcohol/heroin in its system? or be abused n beaten by mom's boyfriend? or microwaved by it's mother? until this country decides to take care of the children already born, they should stay the hell out of a woman's uterus.
They don't really care as long as it's given that wonderful 'chance' to suffer through all this shit. They could give a shit less about the child's quality of 'life' once it's born. These same people usually don't care about sending 'living' young people to war to be blown to bits and have no probems blasting the shit out of other countries where babies and children live. Oh so caring....
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
No we should stay in the womans uterus if she is committing murder. better to have a slim chance than to have no chance at all.
95% of humanity. so abortion is keeping a few of them out. sure, we might lose an einstein or two, but we've got enough of them anyhow. besides, one of them might be able to find definitive proof that evolution is right and creationism wrong, so you should be with me on this in either case. besides, liberals have more abortions, wouldn't you be happy there aren't as many coming into the world? you'll have have your theocricy in no time, with pope bush ruling the world and telling you what movies are too pornographic, what foods are too decadent, what skirts are too short for women, and so on. you'll never have to worry about the sins of the secular flesh again! we'll be just like iran!
so, it's contradictory. what do these people wnt from women? besides wanting them to stay in the kitchen and stop acting like he's being unreasonable when he beats her for letting his food get cold...
I understand that it's contradictory. Again, so what? In other words, what does it matter what "these people" want from women?
our school system isn't set up for einsteins, it's set up to train us to accept the social and economic order...to accept w/o questioning...it's never been about knowledge or education
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
sometimes there is a fate worse than death. its called living.
the fact that they're trying to impose it on women without any input from them? surely as the staunch defender of freedom and choice, you can understand that?
Wow. This is the end game of the murderer's logic, BTW.
i dont think our school system is set up for anything. it's a train wreck. that's what it is. a hodgpodge of nonsense that does nothing but give kids something to do during the day until they're old enough to work.