Eddie Vedder is an Atheist...and I'm proud of him.



  • Surf LifeSurf Life Posts: 50
    umlawgrad wrote:
    My point was merely that he talks about God far more than someone who I would think is a true atheist. Usually if one doesn't believe in something, the topic is not usually something they bring up often. He often metions matters of faith and God.

    I'm curious for you to point out where he talks about god so much?

    Are we talking about his lyrics? Because perhaps you should reread many of his lyrics, they tend to be less than favorable.

    I talk about religion, I talk about god and how it effects my life. Because even though I don't believe, most of the world does and it effects my life even if I don't want it too.
    umlawgrad wrote:
    I was stating my experience with friends and others who have said they are atheists. When push comes to shove, they aren't.

    The term push comes to shove actually kinda pisses me off, who was doing the pushing and shoving? IF someone tells you they are atheist, it's usually not something someone comes too overnight. Usually they take a great deal of time to think over what it means.

    Maybe in the end they just wanted to tell you what you wanted to hear, because they were tired of being pushed about it. Just a thought.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    There's a difference between killing for competition and killing just cos it's "not wrong", though. If you're a lion, you kill enough to eat, nothing more. As long as every other lion does the same, everything's good.

    Also, I'm pretty much stealing this right out of Ishmael, so if you've read that, just ignore me. :D

    I'm no animal expert, but they may kill for territory.
  • I'm no animal expert, but they may kill for territory.

    Oh, by all means, I was just responding to SoJ's particular point. But killing for territory still falls under the same evolutionary umbrella - it keeps the lion population at a size the land can handle. It's not the same as killing just because... y'know... it was a little bit boring for a while. :p
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • In My DreamsIn My Dreams Posts: 299
    whgarrett wrote:
    There are no true atheists.
    oooohhh. We all look for a higher power. That is the simularity of all religions.

    I was raised christian but as I grew I realized that I believed in it because I was told to believe in it. I also realized I didn't appreciate the oppression, and fear that was always present.
    A real possibility I may meet you in my dreams ~ I go to sleep
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    It's not the same as killing just because... y'know... it was a little bit boring for a while. :p

    We've all been there before buddy. :p
  • We've all been there before buddy. :p

    And we'll all be there again. It's evolution, baby! :D
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Waterlily wrote:
    To respond to this quote:

    "...since somebody could say this is a meaningless debate. My point is that under atheism, somebody (say Hitler) can just justify doing horrible things because human life has no inherent value morally. Yeah, what he did was illegal, but in his mind it was not morally wrong, and if it is not morally wrong, is it wrong? This could lead to a very slippery slope in a world with no morality. I was going to bring up the A word (Rhymes with Contortion), but that is a whole other debate."

    Wouldn't you agree that people also do horrible things in the name of religion? ..and justify killing, persecution, prejudice, etc. in the name of their god/religion?

    Happens every day...

    I'm not going to argue against your analysis that horrible things are done in the name of religion. Religion is generally a distortion of the Truth anyway, and any use of Religion to do immoral things usually means that religion is distorted or the person has a distorted view of religion.

    My point is that under atheism, if there is no morality, that it would be easier to justify horrible wrongs (rape and murder) since not justification is needed.
  • Surf LifeSurf Life Posts: 50
    I'm not going to argue against your analysis that horrible things are done in the name of religion. Religion is generally a distortion of the Truth anyway, and any use of Religion to do immoral things usually means that religion is distorted or the person has a distorted view of religion.

    My point is that under atheism, if there is no morality, that it would be easier to justify horrible wrongs (rape and murder) since not justification is needed.

    Just because we don't fear a gods wrath doesn't mean it's easy to jump on board with killing people. It seems like people associate atheism with a lack of empathy or feelings. More killers are religious, and sometimes over zealous in their beliefs, than are atheist.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Surf Life wrote:
    Just because we don't fear a gods wrath doesn't mean it's easy to jump on board with killing people. It seems like people associate atheism with a lack of empathy or feelings. More killers are religious, and sometimes over zealous in their beliefs, than are atheist.

    You have a good point. But I would not necessary say that it is the fault of religion versus just crazy people. For example, I would think these people would be killers regardless of whether they were religous or not. They just don't put a value on human life, except for their own.
  • Surf LifeSurf Life Posts: 50
    You have a good point. But I would not necessary say that it is the fault of religion versus just crazy people. For example, I would think these people would be killers regardless of whether they were religous or not. They just don't put a value on human life, except for their own.

    I agree with that statement. And that, actually supports my point. Religion and the moral values that are being attributed to it did not stop them from killing, just as it didn't necessarily increase there likelihood of killing.
  • bicyclejoebicyclejoe USA Posts: 1,203
    If Eddie is an atheist, why does he acknowledge God so often on the last album? Marker in the Sand resembles one of David's Psalms of lamentation.

    "God, what do you say?"

    That's not something an atheist would ask.
    My Pearl Jam Road: 10/22/90 Seattle | 12/22/90 Seattle, Moore Theater | 9/29/92 Seattle, Magnusson Park, Drop in the Park | 9/5/93 The Gorge, with Neil Young and Blind Melon | 7/20/06 Portland, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall with Sleater-Kinney | 7/22/06 The Gorge, 10/21/06 Mountain View, Shoreline Ampitheatre, Bridge School Benefit | 9/21/09 Seattle | 9/22/09 Seattle | 9/26/09 Portland, OR | 7/14/2011 Eddie Vedder, Portland, OR | 11/29/13 Portland, OR
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    EvilRabbit wrote:
    I'm an atheist too and I'm right there with you.

    But some of the less evolved on here are literally going to go ape-shit.
    I'm agnostic.. what you just said makes you as guilty as religious people looking down on others for not believing.
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    I would like to say that i am very proud of him as well. Easy, is the man who find the true meaning of it all in one spot. Real heroes are the people who are questioning and confused....
    believe in what you want
    as long as you dont effect those around you you can believ anything,
    its when these tools, like OSAMA or BUSH who ues religon as a tool to make others do their bidding that I get pissed off.
    when others tell me I can or cannot do somthing because THEIR religon tells them so thats when I BELIEVE RELIGON SHOULD BE BANNED
    Ed i reckon has been on a journey with his lyrics about God. some are positive and some negative. some of it has reflected my own journey and some not.
    Me I believe in all of us. That as a humanity we can learn to improve everyones lives. We just need to get over this greed thing
  • mohomoho Posts: 541
    bicyclejoe wrote:
    If Eddie is an atheist, why does he acknowledge God so often on the last album? Marker in the Sand resembles one of David's Psalms of lamentation.

    "God, what do you say?"

    That's not something an atheist would ask.

    Thats what makes Eddie one of the great lyrisicts, his lyrics can be interpeted in many different ways, however I do believe this song is critical of 'God'

    "In, a faith but not a love" --- Critical of people Using faith as an excuse for violence

    "walking tightrope high, over moral ground" ---- again faith in religion as an excuse for claiming to be moral, whereas moral just means doing good, and being a good person faith is not necessarily needed to be moral

    "God, what do you say?" --- Eddie keeps asking this and gets no answers, he is being sarcastic i.e. god has no answers because hedoesn't exist in order to regulate/stop what is hapening supposedly in his name

    "those mundecided, needn't have faith to be free" --- you dont need faith to be a good person

    "Now you got both sides claiming killing in gods name
    But god is nowhere to be found, convieniently." --- this is pretty condemning, basically if there is a god, where is he?

    "God, what do you say?" --- again ed questions god at the end of the second chorus, but again no answers

    "And the delusion, is felling dangerous to me" ---- the delusion of religion is a dangerous thing

    at the end of the song ed questions god continuously in a sarcastic manner, sort of like a contemptuous sarcasm

    and the final lyric written but not sung:

    "I'm calling you out" --- in other words, I'm calling your bluff, I don't believe in you.

    Now thats my take on the song, I don't wish to offend but I just read the song like that, and from things ed has said at concerts and in interviews I believe he is sceptical of religion and God as such. But I think he probably has a spiritual believe in nature and the beauty of nature and a natural curiosity in how it all works, but that does not equate to a believe in god, especially not in any organised religion.
  • ClimberInOzClimberInOz Posts: 216
    Not to speak for him, but I think what he meant was this:

    How does man instinctively know what is right and what is wrong? People in Sri Lanka, Alaska and Paris all have a similar sense of morality, no matter what their cultural or religious backgrounds. There seems to be a common consciousness that binds us, that tells us "It's wrong to kill" or "it feels good to give a dollar to a homeless man."

    Why? Who decided what's right and what's wrong in the first place? Can there be standards of morality without a God to set that standard?

    It's a philosophical question worth pondering, I think.

    I agree that it is an interesting question, and my answer is not directed specifically at you, as I know you are just 'translating'.

    A common 'morality' amongst humans could be derived from a nuber of different origins, including social factors, which would include the influence of the church. However, that is neither proof for or against the existence of god. Merely evidence of the influence of organised religion, which nobody would deny.

    There is also a biological influence. The traits we see today as evidence of morality have a cear selective advantage in a social animal such as ourselves. There is plenty of observations of primates behaving in ways to benefit the group, rather than themselves. (However, it is important to recognise that from an evolutionary perspective, this behavior is associated with a selective advantage for the individual, which is why they do it. In other words, primates that don't show care for the group have been found to reproduce less frequently).

    I think that human morality is a combination of our biological predisposition to behaving in such ways, (due to our evolutionary history), and the influence of social factors, which includes religion.

    Does this make an atheist less likely to behave in accordance with what is accepted as the moral norm? Of course not. An atheist may well believe that our origins are purely physical, (as opposed to metaphysical), but most of us also recognise that human consciousness and life in general are both wonderous and precious, and to be protected at all costs. We recognise this because atheists have also spent time in this remarkable world, and atheists have also formed friendships and had families, and atheists have done exactly the same things that make us all love life. You do not need god to appreciate these things.
  • I never met a true Christian. They all died 2000 years ago...

    Their original message has been corrupted by man. Funny how older religions have virginal births. Funny how there is no mention of angels or the devil in the old Jewish testament. Funny how all the magic happened 2000 years ago. Maybe Jesus was a Jedi.
    Funny how the crucifixion was spun into somehow being a good thing. If you look at it logically, it makes no sense how Jesus suffering a horrible death somehow magically allowed forgiveness of our sins. Jesus only appeared to one person after the resurrection. Highly suspect. It seemed he was just getting started with his message.

    I'm not an atheist, and I don't look to Ed to validate my ideas either way, but organized religion is not reliable.
  • grazmangrazman Posts: 198
    To me, atheism is complete ignorance! To say that this planet came into existence by accident is ignorance. Take into consideration so many things that have to be perfect in order for this planet to exist and maintain life. Then look at the human body and see how complicated it is and also how perfect it is. I just will never understand how people can look at this world and think this was an accident. Someone clearly designed it.
    I don't know what religion is the right one, in fact maybe all of them are wrong, but there is no doubt in my mind that there is some kind of a god out there and he/she/it designed it and created it!!!

    Well, there are many explanations as to how planets form, how life on earth began and to dismiss those because your brain cant handle it is ignorance in my opinion. Also the human body is complicated and 'perfect' (o really!) because it has been evolving for around 5 billion years through natural selection and evolution.
    It's Evolution, Baby!
  • MakeMeCry43MakeMeCry43 Posts: 355
    I've just read that a few weeks ago and I wasn't it even bothered by it at all, I just said, "So what? Why should I care?" I mean it's non of my business and he is an individual and is free to choose what to believe in or not believe in, he has free will like all of us, but surely maybe some people care that he's atheist or whatever because they look up to him as a hero and not having the same beliefs might sting a little, but it doesn't matter what Eddie believes in, in the end we are all here for the music and this great band....He can believe what he wants to as long as he doesn't force it upon people or try to convince people that he's right or try to be condesending and insulting, then I don't care at all, he's free to do what he wants.....Just don't hurt anyone.
    We are all free to believe in whatever we want......
    You fail to understand that even these fuckers aren't doing things in the name of religion. the islam faith doesn't condone what they did -- they did it for their own personal ideals, twisting around the religion at its very core, thinking they were doing it for 'Allah.' You won't find many religions that preach violence.......people that do practice it are extremists.

    I totally agree with that, I'm a strong muslim, well not to the point where I'm extreme, but just moderate enough, and even us muslims are disgusted by what these dumb-ass terrorists do! Because our religion NEVER ever said that we had to kill in the name of God! It's just down right wrong to hurt others just because you don't share same faith as them or believe in same thing as them....And you're right 1STmammal2wearPants! These guys just twist religion with their own advantage and concepts and they abuse it and these people are indeed extremist, when they go bomb or kill a 100 innocent people then that clearly shows that they don't understand their own religion, which is horrible because after that they call themselves "true muslims", They are just abusing the religion and it's terrible, it causes people to believe that religion is doing this and not the people, the people are the ones to blame like someone said on here before.....And you're totally right too, I don't
    think there are religions out there that preach about killing and violence, what kind of religion would that be then?

    And we'll never know really in what Eddie believes in...But IMO I think he somehow believes that there's a higher power or being out there....Somehow like Jeff in an interview he said something like he was amazed that "something" out there has given him all this and has been backing him up and giving him fortune and such and then I remember him saying that he doesn't want this "thing" to stop backing him up, so I'd imagine that he somehow believes in some "higher power", so maybe Ed has that view too, I'm not sure....But like I said before, in the end it doesn't matter what you believe in, we are all free to roam.....As long as you're happy with what you believe in then that's all that matters.....
    "Does anyone remember laughter?"

    "Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"

    "If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."

    "Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
  • QuadrupleDekeQuadrupleDeke Boston Posts: 168
    Believe in nothing, believe me. Those who can be trusted can change their mind.
    7/1/03 ... 9/28/04 ... 5/30/06 ... 6/3/06 ... 6/30/08 ... 8/2/08 (ev solo) ... 10/30/09 ... 10/31/09 ... 5/17/10 ... 5/21/10 ... 3/27/11 (tres mts) ... 6/16/11 (ev solo) ... 10/19/13 ... 8/5/16 ... 8/7/16 ... 9/2/18 ... 9/4/18 ... 9/15/24 ... 9/17/24
  • lennybennylennybenny Posts: 37
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

  • JackieboyJackieboy Posts: 78
    bicyclejoe wrote:
    If Eddie is an atheist, why does he acknowledge God so often on the last album? Marker in the Sand resembles one of David's Psalms of lamentation.

    "God, what do you say?"

    That's not something an atheist would ask.

    Right, I'm an atheist and I could write lyrics containing (the word) or concerning god.
  • pjalive21pjalive21 St. Louis, MO Posts: 2,818
    grazman wrote:
    Well, there are many explanations as to how planets form, how life on earth began and to dismiss those because your brain cant handle it is ignorance in my opinion. Also the human body is complicated and 'perfect' (o really!) because it has been evolving for around 5 billion years through natural selection and evolution.

    the big bang theory..here we go..two rocks collide and all the delicate,specific, and complicated parts the the world just come together in perfect harmony

    now that is more unbelievable than religion
  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    i'm a proud atheist as well.
  • bronzebackbronzeback Posts: 36
    Its my understanding that

    Atheist do not believe in any God, in any shape or form. Basically God is nonexistant.

    Agnostics do not believe in God as well, BUT, they cannot dispove the existance of said God. Meaning they arent quite sure either way, but they choose NOT to believe there is one God. but they cant commit to a total nonexistant God either.

    So IMHO, given EV seems to "call out" God or references God in some manner in his lyrics or day to day life, would lead me to belive he is more agnostic than atheist. Meaning, he isnt quite sure either.
    So shines a good deed in such a weary world
  • pjalive21 wrote:
    the big bang theory..here we go..two rocks collide and all the delicate,specific, and complicated parts the the world just come together in perfect harmony

    now that is more unbelievable than religion

    There are no rocks in the big bang theory guy....

    Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean you should accept sorcery and magic stories as fact.
  • EvilRabbitEvilRabbit Posts: 286
    I'm agnostic.. what you just said makes you as guilty as religious people looking down on others for not believing.

    Sorry if that offends you, but I believe it's true. The more evolved one is, the less they believe in or put weight in religion. Religion and belief in a sky-God should be left behind, along with alchemy, astrology, etc. It's obsolete and counterproductive to the advancement of modern society.

    There are a lot of great and good things about religion and it makes people do good deeds. However, all of those things could be done by secularists and, sadly, the Bible also makes good people do very horrible things.

    In response to the believers who claim 9/11 was more about power/money than religion... If people did not believe in an after-life (and all those virgins), there would be no suicide bombers or suicidal hijackers. They're only willing to die because they value the next life more than this one.

    As for morality, I believe it's innate. I knew at a very young age when I was being naughty or nice. I didn't need a pastor or a book to tell me so. All those people wouldn't have made it through the desert to receive the 10 commandments if they didn't already possess morality. What stopped them from killing and stealing before they were handed the 10 commandments?
    Are you a screenwriter?
  • EvilRabbit wrote:
    Sorry if that offends you, but I believe it's true. The more evolved one is, the less they believe in or put weight in religion. Religion and belief in a sky-God should be left behind, along with alchemy, astrology, etc. It's obsolete and counterproductive to the advancement of modern society.

    There are a lot of great and good things about religion and it makes people do good deeds. However, all of those things could be done by secularists and, sadly, the Bible also makes good people do very horrible things.

    In response to the believers who claim 9/11 was more about power/money than religion... If people did not believe in an after-life (and all those virgins), there would be no suicide bombers or suicidal hijackers. They're only willing to die because they value the next life more than this one.

    As for morality, I believe it's innate. I knew at a very young age when I was being naughty or nice. I didn't need a pastor or a book to tell me so. All those people wouldn't have made it through the desert to receive the 10 commandments if they didn't already possess morality. What stopped them from killing and stealing before they were handed the 10 commandments?

    The more evolved one is, the less they believe their views make them more evolved then someone else.
  • EvilRabbitEvilRabbit Posts: 286
    The more evolved one is, the less they believe their views make them more evolved then someone else.

    That just makes them more polite, not more evolved.

    "It could be said that life is too short to worry about criticizing the religious beliefs of others. However, if we do not, life could turn out to be a whole lot shorter." - Ben Ridge
    Are you a screenwriter?
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    I'm proud that Eddie smokes butts.
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

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