You also said you have the responsibility to speak the truth as you believe. Well so do I, and what I wrote I believe to be true... whether you like it or not.
Please don't be insulted and I apologize if it was harsh, but why is it that musical tastes, affections for sports teams etc. can be criticized but someone's religion cannot? Why is that? If I think you're religion is silly, in the context of a discussion on religion, why can't I point that out? Atheists get enough crap and they're just like you, only without the superstition.
Its not that I like it or dont like it, its just that once you have been enlightened with a truth, it is so obviously...well..true.
I use to believe that there had to be something bigger than myself and I am 39 years old and I had lived in the dark about Christianity all my life. I use to believe it was all mythical and superstitious until I started actually studying The Bible and it has soooo many truths. I wanted to believe it couldnt be all true but when you compare scripture to scripture and the prophesies it foretells and all that history it has along with praying and accepting Jesus as my savior it all proved to be the truth. But thats for me. Thank you for the apology. The reason its hard for religious people to take criticism is because its more personal than sports or entertainment, itd be like if I insulted your mother or father because its a personal relationship with God. Its a relationship, a deep meaningful one and thats why. I hope that helps. For the record, I am a loving person who cares for anyone..even someone that doesnt believe because I believe that God made you too and you are somone special. A lot of people have religion wrong I must say and its saddens my heart deeply. Have a wonderful Thursday )
"Gods word" = a book written by primitive mortal minds with little grasp of the natural world around them.
Maybe it's true, but consider the fact that the New Testament is a book which was copied from manuscripts dating back to year 250 - that is only 200 years after it was supposedly written. It is considered the most "accurate" ancient book in these terms.
Please don't be insulted and I apologize if it was harsh, but why is it that musical tastes, affections for sports teams etc. can be criticized but someone's religion cannot? Why is that? If I think you're religion is silly, in the context of a discussion on religion, why can't I point that out?
If I think someone's sexuality is silly, in the context of a discussion on sexuality, is it OK to point that out? No, because probably I am being silly because of my fanaticism. It's so simple.
I'm probably really late to this dicusion, but the quote in the initial post does not necessarily mean he's atheist. It just means he doesn't believe in the Christian God.
being atheist means that you don't believe in any god or higher power or whatever.
And I know that Eddie is smart enough to know that for the millions of years of un-recorded human history, the humans of that time did believe in various forms of higher powers, and worshipped them, and made sacrifices to them, etc.
Heck, they may have even started wars because of them.
I at least hope he's smart enough to know that. Because it would be pretty naive to say that the Christian God (or for that matter, the God of the abrahamic faiths, christianity, judeaism and islam) is the only God that wars were ever started over).
Minneapolis : 06/30/1998 - Chicago : 10/09/2000 - Vancouver : 05/30/2003 - Fargo : 06/15/2003 - Winnipeg : 09/08/2005 - Thunder Bay : 09/09/2005 - St. Paul : 06/26/2006 - Chicago : 08/23/2009 - Chicago : 08/24/2009
I'm probably really late to this dicusion, but the quote in the initial post does not necessarily mean he's atheist. It just means he doesn't believe in the Christian God.
being atheist means that you don't believe in any god or higher power or whatever.
And I know that Eddie is smart enough to know that for the millions of years of un-recorded human history, the humans of that time did believe in various forms of higher powers, and worshipped them, and made sacrifices to them, etc.
Heck, they may have even started wars because of them.
I at least hope he's smart enough to know that. Because it would be pretty naive to say that the Christian God (or for that matter, the God of the abrahamic faiths, christianity, judeaism and islam) is the only God that wars were ever started over).
Very true. I'd start a war over Transformers vs GoBots.
Ed also says every night , they are going to break the curfew and play all night,..( not the song )
Maybe he made a remark once, ( about no god )
but exactly who is Ed referring to in Marker In The Sand, when he says
God, what do you say? What do you say?
Calling out,......... Calling out.
Calling out,......... I'm calling you out.
check my sig - he's no where to be found.
Those undecided,........ Needn't have faith to be free
And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently
I'm probably really late to this dicusion, but the quote in the initial post does not necessarily mean he's atheist. It just means he doesn't believe in the Christian God.
being atheist means that you don't believe in any god or higher power or whatever.
And I know that Eddie is smart enough to know that for the millions of years of un-recorded human history, the humans of that time did believe in various forms of higher powers, and worshipped them, and made sacrifices to them, etc.
Heck, they may have even started wars because of them.
I at least hope he's smart enough to know that. Because it would be pretty naive to say that the Christian God (or for that matter, the God of the abrahamic faiths, christianity, judeaism and islam) is the only God that wars were ever started over).
Very true statement. Eddie may not be a Christian but I would think if you were a fly on the wall and heard some of the stuff he said when no reporters were around you'd find that he believes in SOMETHING. And I'm positive that on one of THE GORGE recordings he says "surrounded by God" in one of the songs... maybe Low Light.
I'm a Christian but I don't take much of the Old Testament literally. It was stories and metaphors to explain how we came about. If the Old Testament contained the theory of evolution and the big bang theory and all that, don't you think that everyone would have been awfully confused all those thousands of years ago?? Every religion in the world has some wacky creation story, but when it comes down to it, we evolved and there is nothing un-Godly about that. Evolution was Gods paintbrush.
Eddie can believe in whatever he wants... he's a great man who's helped a lot of people and fights for what he 'believes' in and I don't think God has any problems with that.
Whether he's atheist or not is his personal decision, not something I try to overanalyze, though I do feel a connection to other atheists just as I feel a connection to people who are open minded and question the world rather than those who just blindly "believe".
I also don't think that just because at one point he said he's atheist, and then at other times he "contradicted" that statement with his lyrics or his speeches, that it means anything more him being human and trying to figure life out like all the rest of us.
Personally, at times I am positive there's no god, especially because of the current state of the world (murder, rape, mindless acts of violence, war). At other times, I'm in awe and feel like maybe there is something out there to believe in. Life's such a mystery.
Its not that I like it or dont like it, its just that once you have been enlightened with a truth, it is so obviously...well..true.
I use to believe that there had to be something bigger than myself and I am 39 years old and I had lived in the dark about Christianity all my life. I use to believe it was all mythical and superstitious until I started actually studying The Bible and it has soooo many truths. I wanted to believe it couldnt be all true but when you compare scripture to scripture and the prophesies it foretells and all that history it has along with praying and accepting Jesus as my savior it all proved to be the truth. But thats for me. Thank you for the apology. The reason its hard for religious people to take criticism is because its more personal than sports or entertainment, itd be like if I insulted your mother or father because its a personal relationship with God. Its a relationship, a deep meaningful one and thats why. I hope that helps. For the record, I am a loving person who cares for anyone..even someone that doesnt believe because I believe that God made you too and you are somone special. A lot of people have religion wrong I must say and its saddens my heart deeply. Have a wonderful Thursday
If I think someone's sexuality is silly, in the context of a discussion on sexuality, is it OK to point that out? No, because probably I am being silly because of my fanaticism. It's so simple.
being atheist means that you don't believe in any god or higher power or whatever.
And I know that Eddie is smart enough to know that for the millions of years of un-recorded human history, the humans of that time did believe in various forms of higher powers, and worshipped them, and made sacrifices to them, etc.
Heck, they may have even started wars because of them.
I at least hope he's smart enough to know that. Because it would be pretty naive to say that the Christian God (or for that matter, the God of the abrahamic faiths, christianity, judeaism and islam) is the only God that wars were ever started over).
Very true. I'd start a war over Transformers vs GoBots.
check my sig - he's no where to be found.
And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently
What goes on?
Very true statement. Eddie may not be a Christian but I would think if you were a fly on the wall and heard some of the stuff he said when no reporters were around you'd find that he believes in SOMETHING. And I'm positive that on one of THE GORGE recordings he says "surrounded by God" in one of the songs... maybe Low Light.
I'm a Christian but I don't take much of the Old Testament literally. It was stories and metaphors to explain how we came about. If the Old Testament contained the theory of evolution and the big bang theory and all that, don't you think that everyone would have been awfully confused all those thousands of years ago?? Every religion in the world has some wacky creation story, but when it comes down to it, we evolved and there is nothing un-Godly about that. Evolution was Gods paintbrush.
Eddie can believe in whatever he wants... he's a great man who's helped a lot of people and fights for what he 'believes' in and I don't think God has any problems with that.
I also don't think that just because at one point he said he's atheist, and then at other times he "contradicted" that statement with his lyrics or his speeches, that it means anything more him being human and trying to figure life out like all the rest of us.
Personally, at times I am positive there's no god, especially because of the current state of the world (murder, rape, mindless acts of violence, war). At other times, I'm in awe and feel like maybe there is something out there to believe in. Life's such a mystery.
Love ya Punkinfur