I'm pretty sure Ed made a comment at MSG a couple weeks back about thanking god but he didn't believe in him. Something along those lines. Need to wait for the bootleg...
So I don't think he's changed his mind. I'm atheist and say things like "god only knows" just from habit. But I guess that expression still makes sense as in no one knows.
And I always thought of Marker in the Sand kind of "If you are there is a god, where the hell are you?" kind of take? Cynically calling out god.
This is from wikipedia in regards to eddie's religious beliefs. And I agree with this statement 100%. How many people have died and will die in this world in the name of Religion? My two friends would still be alive and working in the World Trade Center right now, if it weren't for religion playing such a major part in the destruction caused on 9/11. There is nothing wrong with being an atheist. Some people believe in God....and some don't.
Stalin and Hitler were Atheists...that doesn't mean all Atheists are bad so I don't think you should use just cases were religion was harmful to describe it as a menace.I could just as easily ask how many people will fix their lives and want to become better people because of religion.
People are good and bad,if there was no religion I'm sure they'd find something else to fight about.Personally I couldn't care what you believe in as long as you're a good person and despite what numerous religions say I don't think God cares that much either.
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Stalin and Hitler were Atheists...that doesn't mean all Atheists are bad so I don't think you should use just cases were religion was harmful to describe it as a menace.I could just as easily ask how many people will fix their lives and want to become better people because of religion.
Stalin and Hitler didn't do what they did BECAUSE they were atheists. They were inherently evil and just happened to be atheists. It's a fallacy to say they did what they did because of their lack of belief in a God.
In contrast, the evil perpetuated by religious fundamentalists (be they Muslim or Christian) can be directly linked to their beliefs.
Are you a screenwriter?
This is from wikipedia in regards to eddie's religious beliefs. And I agree with this statement 100%. How many people have died and will die in this world in the name of Religion? My two friends would still be alive and working in the World Trade Center right now, if it weren't for religion playing such a major part in the destruction caused on 9/11. There is nothing wrong with being an atheist. Some people believe in God....and some don't.
[edit] Religion
Eddie Vedder is an atheist. There have been several instances in which Vedder has made athiest statements. At a concert in July 1998, he stated, "I would thank God, but I don't believe in it."[45] When asked in a 1998 interview about his feelings on God, Vedder responded:
"I think it's like a movie that was way too popular. It's a story that's been told too many times and just doesn't mean anything. Man lived on the planet -- [placing his fingers an inch apart], this is 5000 years of semi-recorded history. And God and the Bible, that came in somewhere around the middle, maybe 2000. This is the last 2000, this is what we're about to celebrate [indicating about an 1/8th of an inch with his fingers]. Now, humans, in some shape or form, have been on the Earth for three million years [pointing across the room to indicate the distance]. So, all this time, from there [gesturing toward the other side of the room], to here [indicating the 1/8th of an inch], there was no God, there was no story, there was no myth and people lived on this planet and they wandered and they gathered and they did all these things. The planet was never threatened. How did they survive for all this time without this belief in God? I'd like to ask this to someone who knows about Christianity and maybe you do. That just seems funny to me."[46]
You're proud of him? I can see you saying "I respect him for it" or "I share the same views as him." but "proud of him?" that's something you say to your son or daughter when they do good on their spelling test.
You're proud of him? I can see you saying "I respect him for it" or "I share the same views as him." but "proud of him?" that's something you say to your son or daughter when they do good on their spelling test.
Maybe he's proud that Ed has the balls to admit he doesn't believe in a God. Atheists are so hated in this country (America) that it takes courage to publicly express such doubt.
Are you a screenwriter?
And I always thought of Marker in the Sand kind of "If you are there is a god, where the hell are you?" kind of take? Cynically calling out god.
thats a good theory, but he doesnt say " God , if youre out there, what do you say, its very direct he says God, what do you say? What do you say?
Calling out,......... Calling out.
Calling out,......... I'm calling you out.
I guess its true that one can interpret the different meanings of the same songs, in many different ways.
Like maybe he's calling out to somneone ( in jest ) that he knows isnt going to answer,.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Stalin and Hitler didn't do what they did BECAUSE they were atheists. They were inherently evil and just happened to be atheists. It's a fallacy to say they did what they did because of their lack of belief in a God.
In contrast, the evil perpetuated by religious fundamentalists (be they Muslim or Christian) can be directly linked to their beliefs.
Hmmn...so Stalin and Hitler were just evil even though their atheist views led them to believe that there is no moral code and that it is okay to kill innocent human beings because their is no ethical reason not to. You would probably consider them misguided and power hungry.
But when Christians and Muslims kill each other you chalk it up to religion and not misinterpretation, power hunger, or evil.
Maybe he's proud that Ed has the balls to admit he doesn't believe in a God. Atheists are so hated in this country (America) that it takes courage to publicly express such doubt.
That's not even true for the places Ed plays and for what his fanbase is. Saying I don't believe in God to liberals in New York City is pretty much just joining the crowd. Yea, I'm over-generalizing but listen to the applause that Ed gets when he says his "I'd like to thank God, who I don't believe in..." comment. It's right in the first minute of my Watchtower video.
I certainly can't speak for Eddie, but I think the lyrics to John Lennon's God sums up a good perspective of not believing in God. It makes sense to me, however I question a lot of what to believe in.
God is a concept,
By which we can measure,
Our pain,
I'll say it again,
God is a concept,
By which we can measure,
Our pain,
I don't believe in magic,
I don't believe in I-ching,
I don't believe in bible,
I don't believe in tarot,
I don't believe in Hitler,
I don't believe in Jesus,
I don't believe in Kennedy,
I don't believe in Buddha,
I don't believe in mantra,
I don't believe in Gita,
I don't believe in yoga,
I don't believe in kings,
I don't believe in Elvis,
I don't believe in Zimmerman,
I don't believe in Beatles,
I just believe in me,
Yoko and me,
And that's reality.
The dream is over,
What can I say?
The dream is over,
I was dreamweaver,
But now I'm reborn,
I was the walrus,
But now I'm John,
And so dear friends,
You just have to carry on,
The dream is over.
He certainly mentions God in his lyrics pretty often for someone who doesn't believe in one.
"Stunned by my own reflection, It's looking back, sees me too clearly and I swore I'd never go there again, Not unlike a friend that politely drags you down,down,down"
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
Stalin and Hitler didn't do what they did BECAUSE they were atheists. They were inherently evil and just happened to be atheists. It's a fallacy to say they did what they did because of their lack of belief in a God.
In contrast, the evil perpetuated by religious fundamentalists (be they Muslim or Christian) can be directly linked to their beliefs.
I understand your point, but you can't honestly know whether or not Stalin and Hitler's 'dis-belief' in something contributed to their actions. I feel that atheism fit perfectly into their "me, me, me" attitude toward the world and toward humanity, and that may be why they embraced it. Religion and spirituality and the belief in a higher power can and are HUGE motivational 'tools'. Believing that there is NO God, NO higher power, NO one to answer to, NO one to follow, NO one to believe in can be just as motivational. These two believed that they only had themselves to answer to. They only had themselves to please. That HAD to play a part in their ego-maniacal ways. Everything they did screamed "look at me"..."look at what I can do", & "there's no one that can stop us". They were wrong.
Atheism isn't fundamentally evil. No religions are. Fanatics are evil. Anyone that 'pushes' their beliefs on you. I don't care what you believe in. But the fact of the matter is believing in nothing, and standing behind that statement means in actuality you DO believe.
Stalin and Hitler didn't do what they did BECAUSE they were atheists. They were inherently evil and just happened to be atheists. It's a fallacy to say they did what they did because of their lack of belief in a God.
In contrast, the evil perpetuated by religious fundamentalists (be they Muslim or Christian) can be directly linked to their beliefs..
Evil? What is evil to an atheist? Evil doesn't exist to an atheist. We are just another set of animals if there is no creator. If a lion kills another lion, that is nature. Along the same lines, if a human kills another human then that is nature too.
If as an atheist (I don't know if you are) you define what Hitler did as evil, upon what code do you base that on? Hitler did not think it was wrong. As an atheist he viewed this world as all there is, as survival of the fittest. That's how he lived his life. What moral code does an atheist use to judge Hitler's actions? And with that moral code, how do you defend it versus another human's moral code, if we are all just animals on the planet evolving with no purpose?
Atheists say "you should just be a good person." Who came up with the definition of "good"? Whose is correct? Is there even good and evil?
Under religion, there is a basis for moral law. You can't have a moral law under atheism.
Evil? What is evil to an atheist? Evil doesn't exist to an atheist. We are just another set of animals if there is no creator. If a lion kills another lion, that is nature. Along the same lines, if a human kills another human then that is nature too.
If as an atheist (I don't know if you are) you define what Hitler did as evil, upon what code do you base that on? Hitler did not think it was wrong. As an atheist he viewed this world as all there is, as survival of the fittest. That's how he lived his life. What moral code does an atheist use to judge Hitler's actions? And with that moral code, how do you defend it versus another human's moral code, if we are all just animals on the planet evolving with no purpose?
Atheists say "you should just be a good person." Who came up with the definition of "good"? Whose is correct? Is there even good and evil?
Good, bad, or indifferent...referring to something time and time again means that part of you believes in that something. You can't call out to God, or a higher power and then say "I don't believe in you". That's like calling someone on the phone just to say that you don't want to talk to that person anymore. Hey, pal...you just DID talk to that person...If you don't actually BELIEVE that God exists, then there really isn't anything there for you to mock is there? All you're doing is mocking the people who actually DO believe in God. That makes you an asshole. Believe what you want, but don't mock me for my beliefs. It doesn't work that way...
I'm pretty sure Ed made a comment at MSG a couple weeks back about thanking god but he didn't believe in him. Something along those lines. Need to wait for the bootleg...
So I don't think he's changed his mind. I'm atheist and say things like "god only knows" just from habit. But I guess that expression still makes sense as in no one knows.
And I always thought of Marker in the Sand kind of "If you are there is a god, where the hell are you?" kind of take? Cynically calling out god.
I really didn't want to get involved in this thread, but I will say at MSG I '08, Ed said he didn't believe in God, and that is an exact quote, but you can hear for yourself when the boot comes out next week. (Actually, I think he said, God, who I don't believe in)
To me, atheism is complete ignorance! To say that this planet came into existence by accident is ignorance. Take into consideration so many things that have to be perfect in order for this planet to exist and maintain life. Then look at the human body and see how complicated it is and also how perfect it is. I just will never understand how people can look at this world and think this was an accident. Someone clearly designed it.
I don't know what religion is the right one, in fact maybe all of them are wrong, but there is no doubt in my mind that there is some kind of a god out there and he/she/it designed it and created it!!!
Summerfest 7/8/95 Missoula 6/20/98 Alpine Valley 6/26/98 & 6/27/98 Alpine Valley 10/8/00
Champaign 4/23/03 Alpine Valley 6/21/03 Missoula 8/29/05
Chicago 5/16 & 17/06 Grand Rapids 5/19/06 Summerfest 6/29/06 & 6/30/06
Tampa 6/12/08
Chicago 8/23/09
Indy 5/7/10 Alpine Valley x2 2011 Wrigley 2013 Milwaukee 14 Telluride 16
Your post #46 is completely correct! Also, a religion is a belief correct??? Well atheism is also a belief. A belief that god doesn't exist. So in fact ATHEISM IS A RELIGION!
Summerfest 7/8/95 Missoula 6/20/98 Alpine Valley 6/26/98 & 6/27/98 Alpine Valley 10/8/00
Champaign 4/23/03 Alpine Valley 6/21/03 Missoula 8/29/05
Chicago 5/16 & 17/06 Grand Rapids 5/19/06 Summerfest 6/29/06 & 6/30/06
Tampa 6/12/08
Chicago 8/23/09
Indy 5/7/10 Alpine Valley x2 2011 Wrigley 2013 Milwaukee 14 Telluride 16
I don't believe in wikipedia.
What does that make me?
A pediest?
I am proud of him for the social change he has tried to make regardless of the grief he may receive from fans of his music, not his religious disbelief.
Ed also says every night , they are going to break the curfew and play all night,..( not the song )
Maybe he made a remark once, ( about no god )
but exactly who is Ed referring to in Marker In The Sand, when he says
God, what do you say? What do you say?
Calling out,......... Calling out.
Calling out,......... I'm calling you out.
Are you kidding me?
He also says in the same song..
"But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently"
He' calling out to god, like saying prove yourself.
He's an athiest.
As is Steven Hawkings, Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson..deists (they were kind of like the agnostics of their time: George Wahington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, John Adams, Voltaire...yadda yadda yaddda.... we are a bunch of ignorants eh?
"But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently"
He' calling out to god, like saying prove yourself.
He's an athiest.
yeah, i love how people call out God and blame him for what is happening. people are to blame, not God. it's too bad people can't admit that THEY are the problem and not God. people need to prove themselves, NOT GOD. God doesn't want to be found because this world is a mess...and i can't say i don't blame Him either.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
LIES!!! Given To Fly is about god!!!! Ed is no atheist!
How do you get god out of Given To Fly?
And in response to someone mentioning faithfull.. Have you actually listened to the lyrics...especially at the end?
"M.Y.T.H. is
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
We never listen
Voice inside so drowned out
Drowned you are, you are, you are a furry thing
And everything is you
Me you, you me, it's all related
What's a boy to do?
Just be darling and I will be too
Faithful to you"
but i thought the only reason we came on this board was to disect the psyches of all the band members? or maybe just Ed?
Some die just to live.
So I don't think he's changed his mind. I'm atheist and say things like "god only knows" just from habit. But I guess that expression still makes sense as in no one knows.
And I always thought of Marker in the Sand kind of "If you are there is a god, where the hell are you?" kind of take? Cynically calling out god.
2000-10-21 Phoenix
2003-04-01 Denver
2006-06-01 E Rutherford
2006-06-03 E Rutherford
2008-06-24 NYC-MSG
2008-06-25 NYC-MSG
2008-07-01 NYC-Beacon
2008-08-05 NYC-United Palace NYC (EV)
2008-08-07 Newark (EV)
Stalin and Hitler were Atheists...that doesn't mean all Atheists are bad so I don't think you should use just cases were religion was harmful to describe it as a menace.I could just as easily ask how many people will fix their lives and want to become better people because of religion.
People are good and bad,if there was no religion I'm sure they'd find something else to fight about.Personally I couldn't care what you believe in as long as you're a good person and despite what numerous religions say I don't think God cares that much either.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
exactly...Ed's always skirted around the God issue..he may be Bono's biggest fan but would you really want him turning into him??
and by the way..faithfull is about the lack of God..or anyone out there...read the lyrics..
Stalin and Hitler didn't do what they did BECAUSE they were atheists. They were inherently evil and just happened to be atheists. It's a fallacy to say they did what they did because of their lack of belief in a God.
In contrast, the evil perpetuated by religious fundamentalists (be they Muslim or Christian) can be directly linked to their beliefs.
You're proud of him? I can see you saying "I respect him for it" or "I share the same views as him." but "proud of him?" that's something you say to your son or daughter when they do good on their spelling test.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Maybe he's proud that Ed has the balls to admit he doesn't believe in a God. Atheists are so hated in this country (America) that it takes courage to publicly express such doubt.
thats a good theory, but he doesnt say " God , if youre out there, what do you say, its very direct he says
God, what do you say? What do you say?
Calling out,......... Calling out.
Calling out,......... I'm calling you out.
I guess its true that one can interpret the different meanings of the same songs, in many different ways.
Like maybe he's calling out to somneone ( in jest ) that he knows isnt going to answer,.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Hmmn...so Stalin and Hitler were just evil even though their atheist views led them to believe that there is no moral code and that it is okay to kill innocent human beings because their is no ethical reason not to. You would probably consider them misguided and power hungry.
But when Christians and Muslims kill each other you chalk it up to religion and not misinterpretation, power hunger, or evil.
That's not even true for the places Ed plays and for what his fanbase is. Saying I don't believe in God to liberals in New York City is pretty much just joining the crowd. Yea, I'm over-generalizing but listen to the applause that Ed gets when he says his "I'd like to thank God, who I don't believe in..." comment. It's right in the first minute of my Watchtower video.
Real ballsy... I doubt he'd make the same comment in the Bible Belt.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
God is a concept,
By which we can measure,
Our pain,
I'll say it again,
God is a concept,
By which we can measure,
Our pain,
I don't believe in magic,
I don't believe in I-ching,
I don't believe in bible,
I don't believe in tarot,
I don't believe in Hitler,
I don't believe in Jesus,
I don't believe in Kennedy,
I don't believe in Buddha,
I don't believe in mantra,
I don't believe in Gita,
I don't believe in yoga,
I don't believe in kings,
I don't believe in Elvis,
I don't believe in Zimmerman,
I don't believe in Beatles,
I just believe in me,
Yoko and me,
And that's reality.
The dream is over,
What can I say?
The dream is over,
I was dreamweaver,
But now I'm reborn,
I was the walrus,
But now I'm John,
And so dear friends,
You just have to carry on,
The dream is over.
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
I understand your point, but you can't honestly know whether or not Stalin and Hitler's 'dis-belief' in something contributed to their actions. I feel that atheism fit perfectly into their "me, me, me" attitude toward the world and toward humanity, and that may be why they embraced it. Religion and spirituality and the belief in a higher power can and are HUGE motivational 'tools'. Believing that there is NO God, NO higher power, NO one to answer to, NO one to follow, NO one to believe in can be just as motivational. These two believed that they only had themselves to answer to. They only had themselves to please. That HAD to play a part in their ego-maniacal ways. Everything they did screamed "look at me"..."look at what I can do", & "there's no one that can stop us". They were wrong.
Atheism isn't fundamentally evil. No religions are. Fanatics are evil. Anyone that 'pushes' their beliefs on you. I don't care what you believe in. But the fact of the matter is believing in nothing, and standing behind that statement means in actuality you DO believe.
That's exactly what i was thinking too.
Evil? What is evil to an atheist? Evil doesn't exist to an atheist. We are just another set of animals if there is no creator. If a lion kills another lion, that is nature. Along the same lines, if a human kills another human then that is nature too.
If as an atheist (I don't know if you are) you define what Hitler did as evil, upon what code do you base that on? Hitler did not think it was wrong. As an atheist he viewed this world as all there is, as survival of the fittest. That's how he lived his life. What moral code does an atheist use to judge Hitler's actions? And with that moral code, how do you defend it versus another human's moral code, if we are all just animals on the planet evolving with no purpose?
Atheists say "you should just be a good person." Who came up with the definition of "good"? Whose is correct? Is there even good and evil?
Under religion, there is a basis for moral law. You can't have a moral law under atheism.
How many references are favorable to God? How many are mocking and taunting of God and his followers?
Athiests reference God a lot, but that doesn't mean they believe in God.
you're arguing with yourself
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Yeah, I'm a dufus
No, you're literally arguing with yourself in post #46
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Yeah, I'm an idiot.
I really didn't want to get involved in this thread, but I will say at MSG I '08, Ed said he didn't believe in God, and that is an exact quote, but you can hear for yourself when the boot comes out next week. (Actually, I think he said, God, who I don't believe in)
I don't know what religion is the right one, in fact maybe all of them are wrong, but there is no doubt in my mind that there is some kind of a god out there and he/she/it designed it and created it!!!
Missoula 6/20/98
Alpine Valley 6/26/98 & 6/27/98
Alpine Valley 10/8/00
Champaign 4/23/03
Alpine Valley 6/21/03
Missoula 8/29/05
Chicago 5/16 & 17/06
Grand Rapids 5/19/06
Summerfest 6/29/06 & 6/30/06
Tampa 6/12/08
Chicago 8/23/09
Indy 5/7/10
Alpine Valley x2 2011
Wrigley 2013
Milwaukee 14
Telluride 16
Missoula 6/20/98
Alpine Valley 6/26/98 & 6/27/98
Alpine Valley 10/8/00
Champaign 4/23/03
Alpine Valley 6/21/03
Missoula 8/29/05
Chicago 5/16 & 17/06
Grand Rapids 5/19/06
Summerfest 6/29/06 & 6/30/06
Tampa 6/12/08
Chicago 8/23/09
Indy 5/7/10
Alpine Valley x2 2011
Wrigley 2013
Milwaukee 14
Telluride 16
i agree with what she said
Are you kidding me?
He also says in the same song..
"But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently"
He' calling out to god, like saying prove yourself.
He's an athiest.
As is Steven Hawkings, Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson..deists (they were kind of like the agnostics of their time: George Wahington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, John Adams, Voltaire...yadda yadda yaddda.... we are a bunch of ignorants eh?
yeah, i love how people call out God and blame him for what is happening. people are to blame, not God. it's too bad people can't admit that THEY are the problem and not God. people need to prove themselves, NOT GOD. God doesn't want to be found because this world is a mess...and i can't say i don't blame Him either.
How do you get god out of Given To Fly?
And in response to someone mentioning faithfull.. Have you actually listened to the lyrics...especially at the end?
"M.Y.T.H. is
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
We never listen
Voice inside so drowned out
Drowned you are, you are, you are a furry thing
And everything is you
Me you, you me, it's all related
What's a boy to do?
Just be darling and I will be too
Faithful to you"
Personally, I believe in God and I don't blame God or religion for what happened September 11th. They were sick extremist fucks.
And of course the classic Carlin
May of both been posted, but it becomes painful to read through religious threads.