Breach in the wall made by Palestinians at Gaza

What Israel does to the Palestinians is thoroughly sickening. Destroying people's houses and physically forcing them from their land with violence and death....the very definition of terrorism itself.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
Some one jump in and prove me wrong,
but i'm gonna go out on a limb and take a wild guess this wasn't reported on the american nightly news?
Got sad and wanted to turn this off by the time the guys were haulin' the cement.
The hypocratic righteousness of the Western moral authority is nauseating.
:( :( :(
- Gaza City was plunged into darkness Sunday after Israel blocked the shipment of fuel that powers its only electrical plant in retaliation for persistent rocket attacks by Gaza militants.
The power cut forced already beleaguered Gazans to stock up on food and batteries in anticipation of dark, cold days ahead. Gaza officials warned the move would cause a health catastrophe while a U.N. agency and human rights groups condemned Israel.
"We have the choice to either cut electricity on babies in the maternity ward or heart surgery patients or stop operating rooms," Gaza Health Ministry official Dr. Moaiya Hassanain said.
Real civilized response Israel.
:( :(
If I opened it now would you not understand?
all of which could be avoided if hamas stopped firing missiles into Israel
Of course...make everyone suffer.
Nice deduction.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Israel certainly overacts, theres no question. but my statement holds true. stop firing rockets, these problems go away.
That's a very naive viewpoint. It's much bigger than that. The words" god's chosen people" and "apartheid" come to mind.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
What a hypocritical thing to say when the stated goal of Hamas is the destruction of the Israeli nation. It's not the jews who can't live next to arabs, it's the fundamentalist Arabs, such as Hamas that cannot live with jews.
The phrase that comes to mind for me is "know when to hold'em and know when to fold'em." There is 0 probability that Hamas will be able to acheive their stated position, save the use of nucelar weapons.
The position of Hamas keeps them from the negotiating table. So they wage a futile gureila war, picking off Israeli's here and there, with no real chance of acheiving anything. All the while, screaming injustice as Israel acts to mitigate this threat.
It's also ironic that you talk about Israel attacking Hamas and hurting the citizens of Gaza in the process. Can't the same be said of Hamas? If they would forfiet their pipe dream of destroying Israel, maybe they could stop the suffering of their own people.
well, there was that little war a few years back.
basically the problem here is fundamentalists on both sides of the issue. Both are hell bent on destruction or starvation. It's a long war of attrition.
The regular folks see it differently depending on which side they might be on, but in general this has been over the same issues since the beginning of civilization. They are fighting over semantics. Most people are just tired of the whole thing. Live and let live geez. Stop building walls and bulldozing houses, stop firing freaking rockets and blowing shit up. Allah dosen't care anymore. Let it freaking go. Call it Isralistine and get over the religion and the group is in the right.
Basically they need Martin Luther King....squared.
So you blame the Palestinians?
Bulldozing houses and stealing land is nice...
Cutting off electricity to hospitals is also nice.
Nice colored lens.
You must also be one of Gods chosen people.
What parts of apartheid did you miss?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
he's blaming Hamas.
sad you dont see them as part of the problem. a closed mind is never sees the big picture.
Oh you're going to talk again now?
haha ok
speaking of big picture and hypocrisy..
how ironic indeed...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I blame Israel and Hamas for the problems there. you only blame one side. you are becoming more irrelevant by the day, must be the meds.
Tell me jlew how did it all start?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
No, I don't blame the Palestinians - I blame fundamentalist Arabs who refuse to allow the existence of Israel, and fight and plot everyday to that end. Unfortunatly, the leadership in Gaza right now are exactly those Arabs.
Let's have an honest discussion here. Israel holds blame too, no doubt. Many of there policies have only enflamed the problem.
But my point is that no viable solution can be acheived as long as the Palestinian leadership (Gaza's Hamas for now) is hell bent on destroying Israel. So we can bicker all day long about suicde bombs and rocket attacks, or shutting down borers and cutting off electricity, but that is pointless. These things are only symptoms of a larger problem.
Israel has made many concesions recently, and their leadership and citizens are primed to hammer out peace in the not too distant future. But that will never be acheived until radical Arabs reconcile that they must coexist with a Jewish nation.
So I don't condone what Israel does in the short term, but I do place the blame on Palestinian leadership. The onus is on them to determine the future of the region. If they want to keep fighting, then the war will last indefinetly. Only when they want to find peace with Israel will the door open for that to become reality.
sometime between 2000-1800 BC
To you maybe, but this is not an equal fight by any means. And if you care to look at the situation with some clarity in other words read up on the conflict from sources other than the biased rubbish media, you would understand why people are not that much impressed with Israel.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Think about this....
Had the Arabs won any of the 5 wars with Israel in the last 60 years, and therefore the positions where switched - do you think they would concede anything to the Jews? Would they be acting any differently than Israel? Any worst?
Wars may be unjust, but it is a reality that strength and fighting determine the order of the world. Should native americans rise up and fight the US government becuase their land was stolen hundreds of years ago? They could, and they would have a point. They realize the past is the past, time has moved on, and that by doing that they stand 0 chance of acheiving anything other than their own demise. We learn from our mistakes and forge on for the sake of a better future. Too bad radical Arabs cannot do that. Too bad they teach this to their children, so the next generation cannot progress beyond the former.
These two factions have been fighting for thousands of years, but I can tell you that the war has been decided. One side just hasn't figured out they should give up yet.
I've laid out many points, and you refuse to address any of them directly. So maybe it's a bit pre-mature to imply I don't have any "clarity" on the situation.
Acutally, most of the world is extrememly impressed with Israel. They have one the most progressive societies and strongest economies in the world. All despite being located in a hostile region of the world with an unforgiving, dessert climate.
Yeah, that pretty much goes both ways.
You can either sit there and fan the fire, or you can stop buying into the bullshit of one side or the other.
There are 65 UN resolutions against Israel.
I don't see why Palestine should walk away. It's there land and it is being stolen by the Israelis. And helped along by America by way of Billions of dollars in aid each year.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
how is it their land? it has changed hands several times over the last 4000 years. you pretend to be a smart person, look at the history of the land before you start proclaiming one group "owns" it.
Hehe...ummm...the UN made Israel.
Places can't walk anywhere.
Why is it "there" land?
Places no, but nations can disappear
it's not theirs, as land belongs to no one. but they have nowhere else to go.
This is a serious question, and I really want to understand your point of view. Please explain to me why you consider Palenstine "Arab" land.
This might sound harsh, but I challenge you to dispute it. And that is land is only somebody's to their extent to protect it. If somebody else comes along and takes it, there is no higher power that will give it back. History has shown us this since the begining of time, and it continues today all around the world.
The land in question has beeen conqurered and re-conqurered countless times througout history. Please don't act as if Jews have claim to this land, as it is the birthplace of their civilization too. There was a Jewish nation there 2,000 years ago with King David and the whole bit. You know, the Eygptains once enslaved the Jews thousands of years ago - maybe Israel should bomb Cairo for payback.
This may be a hard pill to swallow, but the reason Palestinians should walk away from trying to destroy Israel is becuase they have NO chance of succeeding. The war is over. At this point, Israel is so powerful and is supported by the most powerful nations on Earth that it's demise will not come for many generations to come.
So it's pretty safe to say, that they came out on top. It was a long, bloody struggle, but at this point - the Palestinian issue is just a thorn is Israel's side. It doesn't prohibit their society from progressing or their economy from growing. The same cannot be said for the Palestinians.
That is the tell-tale sign that Palestinians need to give up the pipe dream of a world without Israel and come to the negotiated table for the sake of their children, their children's children, and basically their society as a whole.
At this point, they just keep digging themselves further and further into a hole, and their society just keeps moving backwards. Seriously, now they have a bunch of radical nut jobs running their goverment in Gaza, and the only way they survive is on the good will and aid of other nations.
Quit dragging the whole world down. I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but EVOLVE ALREADY!!!!!
What "rules and conditions" are those? It's not as is both sides weren't being actively violent to each other before Resolution 181.
Absolutely! This particular place has had numerous nations within it.
This statement makes no sense. They just blew up a wall and walked through it. They have many places to go.
Maybe, but the people of the palestinian nation were living were the colon town of _______ now rests, and were kicked out to make room for other people. This is how you make a nation disappear. And why should that one in particular go away?
Ok, these people have nowhere else to live legally and peacefully.
So let me ask you a question. If, tomorrow, the UN creates a new rule that totally sanctions any Israeli aggression, will you be ok with that?
Why "should" resolutions represent a way out? A resolution is just a bunch of words on a piece of paper, and they're typically written by people who have nothing to do with the situation as it stands at that given point of time.
If anything, the history of this conflict should tell you that the UN is a complete irrelavancy whose actions have done absolutely nothing to help the situation. Do you think a fucking resolution from 6,000 miles away has any relevancy to the IDF agent gunning down a Palestinian kid in "defense" of his cultural homeland or to the suicide bomber sitting on a bus full of Israeli women and children try to "defend" his? Are you serious?
There are two ways out of this situation. The first is the arming of one side to the point that they could completely annihilate the other. The second is for both sides to realize that their actions have been deplorable and nothing short of pathetic and to reach an agreement regarding their individual territories and to fiercely defend that agreement.
Why should a nation "go away"? I don't know how to answer that question. However, nations do go away. Nations are dynamic collections of people subjected to power struggles from within and without. They grow, they shrink. They change. You can either accept that fact and seek to protect your people and your culture during those changes, or you can cling on to some point in history and foolishly pretend that it is different from every other point in history.
I'm sorry, but the words "legally" and "peacefully" are pretty tough concepts to apply to this population. We're talking about a society that, in and of itself, is very fractured. It is one that has been at war with itself and others for quite some time, and has never been able to construct consistent institutions that could actually form, for them, the concept of "legal". This is not to suggest that Palestinian failures are entirely the fault of Palestinians. They are simply partly at fault, and much blame also lies with the Israelis.
Palestinians who wish for law and order and peace would be wise to go elsewhere. Contrary to popular belief, Palestine has a northern, eastern, and southern border. Many good people are testing those borders now and are seeking good lives elsewhere. Surrounding arab nations and western nations would be wise to put their money where their mouths are and help these people find safe havens.
Israel has every right to protect itself and its borders. However, they have no right to aggressively expand those borders in the name of "peace". Israel needs to stop pushing beyond its territory. The need to wait out as best they can the implosion that is happening within Palestinian society until some kind of unified leadership emerges from this chaos.
Regardless...Israel bulldozes Palestinian homes, then hands out guns to racists nuts that they place in those new homes of which they build on stolen land.
It's a bit of a lopsided equation, on where the anger is coming from imo.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)