1) If you had your shit together # 1 would be pretty obvious: Sadaam shooting scud missles at Israel during the first gulf war.
2) Just b/c you dont think so? i guess i shouldnt think for myself or look at the facts that a post 9/11 Israel can get away with a lot more, without as much justification.
3) Iraq took the attention away from Israel; pretty simple.
If you would take off your blinders you would be able to understand a lot more than you do now.
no need for the personal attacks. i dont have on blinders and probaly have a better understanding of the situation then you. but anyhow...
so you think 9/11 was an inside job to invade iraq and to also justify israeli aggression? right?
Mission accomplished ring any bells. As in the threat is gone?
We have to fight the new WMD now...terrorism...not WMD's and Saddam.
You see when you fix a problem. In the public eye, and by general understanding, it's solved. It's over. As in resolved.
maybe you missed the massive unpopularity of the Iraq war and now the american publics hatred of the president and war hawk cabinet?
all they would have had to do was plant WMD and that would be all she wrote. invasion justified. but you guys think the same masterminds behind 9/11 dropped that ball :rolleyes:
then why not plant WMD to legitimize the war and move onto the next target? that seems so simple to me it is not even funny... they can pull off 9/11 but not plant evidence? i dont buy that for 1 second...
There were UN inspectors prior to the invasion, certainly have a short memory.
So you think a global war on terrorism could have been started how exactly?
you guys act as if we moblized for WW2... we went into Afghanistan and Iraq... thats all (too much, but still) and afghanistan was and is nothing but a dirt farm
this "global war" is WAY over hyped... we lost 50,000 in vietnam, 10 times what we have lost in the "global" war
The parsimonious account of 9-11 is that it was indeed carried out by Bin Laden and cronies. They admitted to doing it, so I think its fair to say that they did play a hand, even if we do not have all the details. 9-11 conspiracy theorists don't spend any time debunking the Al Qaida account. Instead, they point at holes in the official government account as evidence for all kinds of speculations about Israel, about Bush, or what have you. FIND DATA THAT SUPPORT THESE ALTERNATIVES! Truth of the matter is, odd coincidences and gaps in our information ARE your data, and these are not decent evidence of Isreali involvement. Who knows? Maybe Bin Laden DID do it but with US or Isreali support? But find real proof, or at least concede that this view is speculative until you do.
All this blinders talk is irritating ... People calling you on speculation is not evidence that someone is wearing blinders.
There were UN inspectors prior to the invasion, certainly have a short memory.
your point?
why would that stop them from planting WMD? they argued for years ebven after the inspectors left that they were there... dont you think they would have wanted to "prove" the inspectors wrong and justify the invasion to the world?
you gys are too funny sometimes.
short sighted it seems... your mind is made up and you are believing a fairy tale
Tthen why not plant WMD to legitimize the war and move onto the next target? that seems so simple to me it is not even funny... they can pull off 9/11 but not plant evidence? i dont buy that for 1 second...
To start a never ending war on the Arab nations based on a perpetual pre-emptive ideology.
They all fabricated lies of WMD knowingly. They even duped Colin Powell into that ridiculous mobile weapon lab fiasco hit piece, which was the final coup de gras into going to war. That was the most ridiculous bullshit of all. They got carried away because people all swallowed it so willingly. Stiil ripe for revenge and bloodlust, from all the media footage of the towers falling again and again 24/7 for months. The line of intelligence was a joke from the beginning.
So ask yourself...why did they knowingly lie if they were not prepared to plant some?
Not why didn't they just plant some, so they must be telling the truth.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I dont know for certain? Im not going to be dismissive of evidence or motives just b/c it points to the US or Israel.
yuo might want to be more certain when accusing peopel of murdering 3,000 people and commiting the greatest crime in world history... so you are basicly saying you are not even close to certain and have no evidence or real motive, you just know 9/11 was an inside job? :rolleyes:
you better have alot more then the fact that you listen to Alex Jones or have seen "Loose Change"
you guys act as if we moblized for WW2... we went into Afghanistan and Iraq... thats all (too much, but still) and afghanistan was and is nothing but a dirt farm
this "global war" is WAY over hyped... we lost 50,000 in vietnam, 10 times what we have lost in the "global" war
You don't see global laws and restrictions on personal freedoms shaping up due to the media incessant propagation of the war on terrorism?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
On a broader level, 9-11 conspiracy theories have a sociological function. I can only speculate about what that function is ... They are obviously a symptom of just how disillusioned people are with the government of the US, with politics in general. Of course, there's always someone who for their own reasons must see dirty government spooks and coverups in anything, even when someone like Bush is not in office.
maybe you missed the massive unpopularity of the Iraq war and now the american publics hatred of the president and war hawk cabinet?
all they would have had to do was plant WMD and that would be all she wrote. invasion justified. but you guys think the same masterminds behind 9/11 dropped that ball :rolleyes:
uhh ... however unpopular it may appear - this administration is still operating as they please and the US is STILL in iraq with no prospect of leaving ...
having said that - polls are showing mccain and obama running neck and neck - how bad could this war be if half the population is still willing to vote republican?
why would that stop them from planting WMD? they argued for years ebven after the inspectors left that they were there... dont you think they would have wanted to "prove" the inspectors wrong and justify the invasion to the world?
you gys are too funny sometimes.
short sighted it seems... your mind is made up and you are believing a fairy tale
Haaa You talk about people being short sighted? Do you think inspectors just cruised through without documenting?
On a broader level, 9-11 conspiracy theories have a sociological function. I can only speculate about what that function is ... They are obviously a symptom of just how disillusioned people are with the government of the US, with politics in general. Of course, there's always someone who for their own reasons must see dirty government spooks and coverups in anything, even when someone like Bush is not in office.
It's only been 30+ years of this...no biggie..
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
You don't see global laws and restrictions on personal freedoms shaping up due to the media incessant propagation of the war on terrorism?
let me ask you this... i am no fan of the patriot act, but let me ask...
if they knew about the 9/11 plot but didnt have enough to get a warrant... would you support law enforcement spying on the hijackers and interectping communications in an effort to stop them?
On a broader level, 9-11 conspiracy theories have a sociological function. I can only speculate about what that function is ... They are obviously a symptom of just how disillusioned people are with the government of the US, with politics in general. Of course, there's always someone who for their own reasons must see dirty government spooks and coverups in anything, even when someone like Bush is not in office.
are you saying the gov't is always truthful - and i'm not talking about exaggerating economic stats and things of that nature ... i'm talking about being forthcoming about actions done in the name of the people ...
if you look at the US foreign policy in the last 50 years ... it's shady at best - so, why would anyone take what the gov't says at face value when history shows otherwise?
are you saying the gov't is always truthful - and i'm not talking about exaggerating economic stats and things of that nature ... i'm talking about being forthcoming about actions done in the name of the people ...
if you look at the US foreign policy in the last 50 years ... it's shady at best - so, why would anyone take what the gov't says at face value when history shows otherwise?
Of course not, but one can also go to the opposite extreme and assume that NOTHING the government says is truthful. I think history is rife with half-truthes ... At face value? Maybe not. Assuming that the government MUST be involved? Equally close-minded and potentially off-the-mark.
Of course not, but one can also go to the opposite extreme and assume that NOTHING the government says is truthful. I think history is rife with half-truthes ... At face value? Maybe not. Assuming that the government MUST be involved? Equally close-minded and potentially off-the-mark.
Any 9/11 conspiracy just makes no sense to me. What would be the point? And, if the conspiracies are true, then it means the U.S. government had no qualms about killing 4,000 of its own citizens, but suddenly sprouted a conscience when it came to planting fake WMD in Iraq? "Fake WMD?!? We're not going to do that. THAT would be wrong."
And what of bin Laden? Why would he take credit for something he didn't do? It would seem his life/operations were a hell of a lot easier before he told everyone he blew up the World Trade Center towers.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
no, but that doesnt mean they commited a mass murder against their own people
this isnt lying about getting head... this is the greatest crime in world history
how do you define greatest crime? ... purely on shock value? ... 3,000 (as tragic as the deaths were) pales in comparison to the numbers of soldiers sent to vietnam or even iraq/afghanistan ... this is not factoring the mass death toll at all the countries the US has ever engaged in a covert war with ...
3,000 deaths to instigate a wave of war profiteering that's never been seen - you, yourself have called them war hawks - no way they get away with what they've been doing without the trigger that is 9/11 ...
let me ask you this... i am no fan of the patriot act, but let me ask...
if they knew about the 9/11 plot but didnt have enough to get a warrant... would you support law enforcement spying on the hijackers and interectping communications in an effort to stop them?
yes or no
I could speculate after the fact of what I needed to launch into space, but it's not likely I could get there without some kind of assistance.
After the fact, anything is now possible...remember? they attacked us for our freedoms so anything goes now. More and more people from intelligence agencies are coming out to say these box cutting, can't even fly a cessna if their lives depended on it idiots, could not have pulled this off without help from the inside.
So ask yourself...why did they knowingly lie again and again about the WMD's if they were not prepared to in fact plant some?
instead of "why didn't they just plant some WMD's, therefore they are obviously telling the truth."
I'd like to hear an answer to the bolded above...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
how do you define greatest crime? ... purely on shock value? ... 3,000 (as tragic as the deaths were) pales in comparison to the numbers of soldiers sent to vietnam or even iraq/afghanistan ... this is not factoring the mass death toll at all the countries the US has ever engaged in a covert war with ...
3,000 deaths to instigate a wave of war profiteering that's never been seen - you, yourself have called them war hawks - no way they get away with what they've been doing without the trigger that is 9/11 ...
I agree that this is a subjective judgment. Point. It remains true that there are many other ways to "justify" war profiteering, though. The existence of benefactors alone is not good evidence of a cover-up.
3,000 deaths to instigate a wave of war profiteering that's never been seen - you, yourself have called them war hawks - no way they get away with what they've been doing without the trigger that is 9/11 ...
war profitting has been going on in this country since WW1 and before...
we have had the worlds largest military bidget even in peace time.. ther eis no need to risk 9/11 to bloat a budget, the budget has been bloated since day 1
yuo might want to be more certain when accusing peopel of murdering 3,000 people and commiting the greatest crime in world history... so you are basicly saying you are not even close to certain and have no evidence or real motive, you just know 9/11 was an inside job? :rolleyes:
you better have alot more then the fact that you listen to Alex Jones or have seen "Loose Change"
When did i ever say that? Keep typing and keep losing your credibility.
Im looking at the events that have occured since 9/11 and who gained the most from what has happened.
Ok so it's the greatest crime in world history according to you, right? So we shouldnt leave every stone unturned?
3000 people havent died as a result of 9/11 (again take off your blinders, look at things from a wider perspective) over a million have.
Over a million people have died and you criticisize people for wanting to look deeper into why? Maybe you need to get a better understanding of the situation.
Any 9/11 conspiracy just makes no sense to me. What would be the point? And, if the conspiracies are true, then it means the U.S. government had no qualms about killing 4,000 of its own citizens, but suddenly sprouted a conscience when it came to planting fake WMD in Iraq? "Fake WMD?!? We're not going to do that. THAT would be wrong."
And what of bin Laden? Why would he take credit for something he didn't do? It would seem his life/operations were a hell of a lot easier before he told everyone he blew up the World Trade Center towers.
Indeed ... The logic just doesn't hold up very well.
no need for the personal attacks. i dont have on blinders and probaly have a better understanding of the situation then you. but anyhow...
so you think 9/11 was an inside job to invade iraq and to also justify israeli aggression? right?
maybe you missed the massive unpopularity of the Iraq war and now the american publics hatred of the president and war hawk cabinet?
all they would have had to do was plant WMD and that would be all she wrote. invasion justified. but you guys think the same masterminds behind 9/11 dropped that ball :rolleyes:
There were UN inspectors prior to the invasion, certainly have a short memory.
you guys act as if we moblized for WW2... we went into Afghanistan and Iraq... thats all (too much, but still) and afghanistan was and is nothing but a dirt farm
this "global war" is WAY over hyped... we lost 50,000 in vietnam, 10 times what we have lost in the "global" war
All this blinders talk is irritating ... People calling you on speculation is not evidence that someone is wearing blinders.
your point?
why would that stop them from planting WMD? they argued for years ebven after the inspectors left that they were there... dont you think they would have wanted to "prove" the inspectors wrong and justify the invasion to the world?
you gys are too funny sometimes.
short sighted it seems... your mind is made up and you are believing a fairy tale
thank you
it is ok though... it takes all kinds...
"there is a sucker born every minute" PT Barnum
Personal attacks? Ok. Please expand on what would give you a better understanding of the situation. Im curious.
I dont know for certain? Im not going to be dismissive of evidence or motives just b/c it points to the US or Israel.
To start a never ending war on the Arab nations based on a perpetual pre-emptive ideology.
They all fabricated lies of WMD knowingly. They even duped Colin Powell into that ridiculous mobile weapon lab fiasco hit piece, which was the final coup de gras into going to war. That was the most ridiculous bullshit of all. They got carried away because people all swallowed it so willingly. Stiil ripe for revenge and bloodlust, from all the media footage of the towers falling again and again 24/7 for months. The line of intelligence was a joke from the beginning.
So ask yourself...why did they knowingly lie if they were not prepared to plant some?
Not why didn't they just plant some, so they must be telling the truth.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yuo might want to be more certain when accusing peopel of murdering 3,000 people and commiting the greatest crime in world history... so you are basicly saying you are not even close to certain and have no evidence or real motive, you just know 9/11 was an inside job? :rolleyes:
you better have alot more then the fact that you listen to Alex Jones or have seen "Loose Change"
You don't see global laws and restrictions on personal freedoms shaping up due to the media incessant propagation of the war on terrorism?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
uhh ... however unpopular it may appear - this administration is still operating as they please and the US is STILL in iraq with no prospect of leaving ...
having said that - polls are showing mccain and obama running neck and neck - how bad could this war be if half the population is still willing to vote republican?
Haaa You talk about people being short sighted? Do you think inspectors just cruised through without documenting?
It's only been 30+ years of this...no biggie..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
let me ask you this... i am no fan of the patriot act, but let me ask...
if they knew about the 9/11 plot but didnt have enough to get a warrant... would you support law enforcement spying on the hijackers and interectping communications in an effort to stop them?
yes or no
are you saying the gov't is always truthful - and i'm not talking about exaggerating economic stats and things of that nature ... i'm talking about being forthcoming about actions done in the name of the people ...
if you look at the US foreign policy in the last 50 years ... it's shady at best - so, why would anyone take what the gov't says at face value when history shows otherwise?
i can see debating with you is pointless
you pull out 1 tank of sarin gas and those reports go up in smoke
Sure, and by all means, question. The problem I perceive is that you've already made up your mind. Its WAY too soon for that ...
no, but that doesnt mean they commited a mass murder against their own people
this isnt lying about getting head... this is the greatest crime in world history
Of course not, but one can also go to the opposite extreme and assume that NOTHING the government says is truthful. I think history is rife with half-truthes ... At face value? Maybe not. Assuming that the government MUST be involved? Equally close-minded and potentially off-the-mark.
2. who was involved?
3. what did they stand to gain?
4. how the hell do you keep ALL those people quiet? holding in the greatest secret in history?
some people are just gullable and need to believe outlandish things to feel alive i guess...
Any 9/11 conspiracy just makes no sense to me. What would be the point? And, if the conspiracies are true, then it means the U.S. government had no qualms about killing 4,000 of its own citizens, but suddenly sprouted a conscience when it came to planting fake WMD in Iraq? "Fake WMD?!? We're not going to do that. THAT would be wrong."
And what of bin Laden? Why would he take credit for something he didn't do? It would seem his life/operations were a hell of a lot easier before he told everyone he blew up the World Trade Center towers.
for the least they could possibly do
how do you define greatest crime? ... purely on shock value? ... 3,000 (as tragic as the deaths were) pales in comparison to the numbers of soldiers sent to vietnam or even iraq/afghanistan ... this is not factoring the mass death toll at all the countries the US has ever engaged in a covert war with ...
3,000 deaths to instigate a wave of war profiteering that's never been seen - you, yourself have called them war hawks - no way they get away with what they've been doing without the trigger that is 9/11 ...
I could speculate after the fact of what I needed to launch into space, but it's not likely I could get there without some kind of assistance.
After the fact, anything is now possible...remember? they attacked us for our freedoms
So ask yourself...why did they knowingly lie again and again about the WMD's if they were not prepared to in fact plant some?
instead of "why didn't they just plant some WMD's, therefore they are obviously telling the truth."
I'd like to hear an answer to the bolded above...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I agree that this is a subjective judgment. Point. It remains true that there are many other ways to "justify" war profiteering, though. The existence of benefactors alone is not good evidence of a cover-up.
war profitting has been going on in this country since WW1 and before...
we have had the worlds largest military bidget even in peace time.. ther eis no need to risk 9/11 to bloat a budget, the budget has been bloated since day 1
so 9/11 was for no bid contracts?
When did i ever say that? Keep typing and keep losing your credibility.
Im looking at the events that have occured since 9/11 and who gained the most from what has happened.
Ok so it's the greatest crime in world history according to you, right? So we shouldnt leave every stone unturned?
3000 people havent died as a result of 9/11 (again take off your blinders, look at things from a wider perspective) over a million have.
Over a million people have died and you criticisize people for wanting to look deeper into why? Maybe you need to get a better understanding of the situation.
Indeed ... The logic just doesn't hold up very well.