Supporters of Israeli terror, listen up!

I know there's already a thread regarding George Galloway's brilliant verbal jousting, but I just saw this for the first time and I believe it deserves a thread of it's own. This is the kind of response to mainstream media bullshit that I've been craving all these years. The man has just gone up a few notches in my opinion.
Post edited by Unknown User on
The whole situation is disgusting.
Religion. Inequality. Tyranny. The shit never ends.
And the worst part is that its all inevitable.
You know, as bad as that sounds. It might not be such a bad thing for someone to drop a nuke. Then maybe the eyes of the people of the world will see a new way. A lighter side of life. This is just boys with toys acting out their emotions. If everyone just put down the guns, let the prisoners go and went home, it would be over.
You mean nuke one of the refugee camps or any other small, enclosed area of the west bank occupied by Palestinians? Do you not think that would be somewhat like shitting in your own nest?
Jlew finally lays his cards on the table.
hopefully bush will put Israel in the axis of evil category. like you, my fingers are crossed.
Or Bush et al could simply stop encouraging their crimes and begin complying with the will of the rest of the world in forcing Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.
So have you changed your mind about supporting Isreal or are you being sarcastic?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Since when has opposition to Israeli crimes constituted hatred of the Jewish people?
They are the ones who can't escape the area and who get caught in the middle of all this dispicable violence.
Israel has commited so many acts of aggression and attrocities. Just as much as any of their enemies.
They are all guilty of the same brutal and violent behavior.
The questions are many.
If Israel released and returned all the prisoners. Would tha attacks on Israel cease?
Would Israel cease their aggressive expansion? Would Israel cease killing the Palestinians, Lebonese and anyone else; in their neverending quest?
Would Israel be willing to live in peace, rather than in constant conflict?
Would the Palestinians cease their attacks on Israel and it's people?
Would the Palestinians be willing to live in peace with Israel as their neighbors?
Would the extremists from all sides of this conflict be willing to except a peaceful existence, with each other?
History tell me the answers to most of these questions, are.........NO.
Or would their twisted and demented extremist religious loyalties dicate they act out in more violence, agaisnt each other?
But we do know that there are plenty of citizens from all sides who just want the fighting to end and for their families to live a safe, healthy, productive and happy lives.
Maybe one day, these voices will speak louder than the voices of hate and violence.
We can only hope.
since you started listening to rock music of course! ... white devils!!! ... and you will forever be burdened with the crimes of all that have come before you regardless of relation ...
:eek: I knew I should never have turned up the radio that day back in 1987 when I first heard the opening riff of the Cults 'Love removal machine'.
Playing the anti-semitic card is absurd.
The bottom line here is this:
Israel has to be acountable and responsible for their own actions. They need to acknowledge and take the blame; when they fuck up and do something bad.
People pointing out that Israel has commited horrible acts of violence, is NOT anti-semitic. Israel and it's people, just like everyone else on this planet, are not perfect little innocent victims. They are certainly guilty of many things. Pointing those things out and wanting Israel to take responsibility and be accountable; is NOT anti-semitic.
In the same way that ripping George Bush Jr., Cheney, Rumsfeld or any one else; is NOT anti-American.
This kind of manipulative tactic of accusing anyone who dares expect Israel to be accountable and responsible; of being anti-semitic, is unacceptable.
Just as it is unacceptable when Bush Jr/Cheney and his band of scumbags, try to pigeon-hole anyone " who is not with them, as being......against them"
It's pure manipulative bullshit.
So you accuse people of being racists and bigots, then, you throw out a racist and bigoted slur against white people; to illustrate you're not one, yourself? :rolleyes:
i believe the word you're looking for is you're.
equin su orcha
look it up
Let me guess..."white devil, white devil"?
You made a hypocrite out of yourself, so you resorted to grammar corrections.
I did
What does it mean?
It means that he, along with about one hundred million other people on this planet, has watched Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls:rolleyes:
I suppose I can speculate that TheHotRock is a Muslim who believes greatly in the doctrine of Yakub or a huge Jim Carrey fan.
Interesting how even the Nation Of Islam buys into a very racist (against whites) interpretation of "the doctrine of Yakub".
at least someone around here has a sense of humor.
and if you think im a muslim, youre really a fucking idiot....i;'m sorry, thats just all there is to it. how the fuck could you think I'm a muslim when only a few posts earlier I basically spelled out that I am Jewish?
smart enough to watch the daily show but not smart enough to read, eh?
Smart enough to use sarcasm, but not smart enough to know when other's are using it also, eh?
It is also rather Anti-Semetic to equate Israel's reponse to terror to the underlying Palestenian acts of terrorism. Randomly blowing up city buses, cafes & night clubs. Furthermore, at least Israel understands their enemy and does not invade a nation erroneously, on false pretenses, all the while manipulating the population with made up intelligence.
Wake up, read an Israeli text book and then a Palestinian one. A Palestinian Geography text book would be interesting read for y'all. Anyone of a dozen Arab Nations could have absorbed the Palestinian refugees permitting them to move on with their lives 50 years ago with a drop in the bucket of oil money.
The Palestinian problem could be resolved in 30 seconds with a Palestinian government that gives a shit about their people instead of placating the other Arab leaders' hatred for Israel.
What the hell are you talking about?
You had no problem with that "White Devil" comment, did you?
Who called you specifically an animal?
If Israel understood its enemy it wouldn't do the mistake we witness. And it is a problem that criticizing a country's way of managing its foreign policy becomes an act of racism towards a religion.
What does "a Palestinian government that gives a shit" mean? Does it mean a government willing to give up land and ressources for tranquility? Or a government willing to accept that its citizens movements are submitted to control? The palestinian government sucks I'll give you that, but they're not alone.
There is a bit of that, however it certainly isn't deplorable considering how easy newscasters like to sidetrack the discussion into more spin... He hardly acts childish.
he's not infallible, but he does makes some damn good points.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
its not palestinians that are the occupiers. its their country