About the females creating thing. That's not exactly true. In humans women can only create other women by parthonagensis and under very rare circumstances. It actually requires a very rare non-hereditary genetic mutation. Typically, women require a man to create life. On the other hand, lizards can be hemaphoditic and some are by nature, they use a different set of chromosomes for sex determination. In those cases the hemaphrodite has both sets of gonads, ovum and sperm. They may be loosely referred to as females, though I'm not certain if they are in any scientific form. In this regard perhaps God is a hemaphrodite.
but still its possible. you just acknowledged that ryan. WOMEN RULE!!!!!!
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Poor you. All you really want is to mock gays and sadly everyone else is against you because they feel homosexuals are also people and deserve respect too. And on top of that some of them have the nerve to mock your god!
You know what, you should do your best to mock gays and ridicule them, that should get you a seat right next to Jesus in heaven.
I havent seen the original poster either mock homosexuals, nor state that he wished to. All I saw him do is question why a group of people who pride themselvess on being openminded and tolerant have no qualms with viciously attacking religion/god/religious people, yet will get their panties all in a bunch if someone does the same towards a homosexual.. Sadly quite a few of you have proved his point rather well. Several of you should be banned for your attacks on him, and most of you should be ashamed of your hypocrisy.
Why is it okay for people to mock God and religion, but it's not okay to mock homosexuals?
I suggest that you travel to a Church in a small southern town in the U.S and proceed to declare that Jesus was renowned for sucking donkey cocks, in order to test your theory that it's o.k to mock religion. Alternatively, travel to a mosque or synagogue and do the same with regards to Mohammed and Moses. I expect that you'll find - in ways which will leave you in no doubt - that your theory holds no water.
Although i could be wrong, so, please, follow my instructions to the letter - purely for purposes of clarification, you understand?
what i dont get is right. Jesus died for our sins? I dont know why he would want to do that anyway, he gets great pleasure out of it?? anyway - jesus died years ago right? so that must mean he knew our path of life, so didn't god ever think about that path of hitler and others?
also, who created cancer?? and all the other diseases that bring no good
I myself am a Christian, and I believe people who mock God are devil possessed, as are gays
Gays are devil possessed, I guess that's not an insult, that's not mocking them, right?
All I saw him do is question why a group of people who pride themselvess on being openminded and tolerant have no qualms with viciously attacking religion/god/religious people, yet will get their panties all in a bunch if someone does the same towards a homosexual..
Religion is an ideology, homosexuals are people.
Sadly quite a few of you have proved his point rather well.
Gays are devil possessed, I guess that's not an insult, that's not mocking them, right?
This is his idealogical belief, and his right. Just like its a homosexual's right to be homosexual. I dont think it was intended, nor thought of as an insult, and I highly doubt any intelligent homosexual would be offended.
Religion is an ideology, homosexuals are people.
Religious people are people too.
And just to note, thus far the OP has been called names, hinted at that another poster wishes he would die soon,
im just hoping you get to heaven soon... like, REAL soon.
etc, etc. As usual around here, MANY, (note, many, not all) people here are so fucking self righteous and have their heads so far up their own open-minded liberal assholes, that they can't see just how guilty they are of the same "crimes against humanity" they rail against.
This is his idealogical belief, and his right. Just like its a homosexual's right to be homosexual. I dont think it was intended, nor thought of as an insult, and I highly doubt any intelligent homosexual would be offended.
So it's okay to insult the dumb gays? It's insulting wether it's a idealogical belief or not. Obviously he doesn't like it when people mock his beliefs yet that doesn't stop him from mocking other people. If you come complaining that you hate being insulted than don't say it's your right to insult people.
Religious people are people too.
Yes, insulting them isn't ok. Religion is not a person. I think we have established that.
And just to note, thus far the OP has been called names, hinted at that another poster wishes he would die soon,
As an answer to the OP's condescending remarks. And what names has he been called?
Thank you, Paperplates. I don't know where your beliefs stand, but you have my respect for not acting like a jerk about it.
I didn't mock gays, BTW, to the person who said I did. I simply stated what I believe makes them gay. I personally don't really care if a person is gay, that's their personal choice, I've never mocked them, and I've never protested them. I think those idiot church people that hang signs that say "god hates fags" and "burn in hell" are appalling and I have nothing to do with that kind of crap.
I hope Pearl Jam are ashamed of some of their fans (<
that has little to do with homosexuality, and everything to do with everything else most of you people say on this part of this message board).
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
Why is it okay for people to mock God and religion, but it's not okay to mock homosexuals?
I just wondered because I see religion mocked constantly, yet somebody says something about a gay person, and people flip out.
um, maybe because a homosexual is a person and religion is a belief?
I hope Pearl Jam are ashamed of some of their fans (<
that has little to do with homosexuality, and everything to do with everything else most of you people say on this part of this message board).
You mean you hope PJ is ashamed of the people who disagree with you?
I'd like to ad, anyone who think homosexuality is a choice, isn't thinking very hard. The choice is made by your genetics. You don't just choose to be gay. You get urges. I'm not straight because I choose to be.. anyone who argues homosexuality is a choice, just try and tell me that you'd have no problem sleeping with the same sex if God ok'ed it..
I'd like to ad, anyone who think homosexuality is a choice, isn't thinking very hard. The choice is made by your genetics. You don't just choose to be gay. You get urges. I'm not straight because I choose to be.. anyone who argues homosexuality is a choice, just try and tell me that you'd have no problem sleeping with the same sex if God ok'ed it..
Or can you remember the moment when you were old enough to have sex and said 'well now it's time to choose. I think I'll choose to be straight'.
And just to note, thus far the OP has been called names, hinted at that another poster wishes he would die soon,
etc, etc. As usual around here, MANY, (note, many, not all) people here are so fucking self righteous and have their heads so far up their own open-minded liberal assholes, that they can't see just how guilty they are of the same "crimes against humanity" they rail against.
i didn't say i wished him dead, i said i hope he gets to heaven soon. i mean, it's such a wonderful place... i think he'd be happy that i wish him so well... he could get to heaven and kick it with jesus and not have to worry about those fucking homos offending his values with their devilish ways anymore. that doesn't sound so bad does it? i mean, heaven is a good place right? he wouldn't be offended if he posted about how much he loves ireland and i told him i hope he gets there soon, would he?
Or can you remember the moment when you were old enough to have sex and said 'well now it's time to choose. I think I'll choose to be straight'.
or you were presented with that choice and thought to yourself "i could spend my life chasing down women who look like natalie portman, or i guess i could choose to be attracted to men and spend a lifetime being ridiculed, hated, feared, and persecuted by my fellows. you know, high school isn't hard enough, i think i'll go for the latter option so i can be REALLY miserable."
ForestBrain, I was thinking about what you said and I think you contrdicted yourself. If gays are possessed by the devil, how is it their choice? Or did they choose to be possessed?
somebody around here once told me i needed to stop worshiping the pussy and putting it up on a pedestal
no doubt, you're a big bear man, w/ big teeth and fuckin claws!!!!!
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
But what if a person doesn't believe somebody is born gay? What if I believe it's a choice? And what if some people are so convinced by what they have seen or gone through, that they have no choice?
I don't believe being gay is something somebody is born with. That right there itself is an idea, not a truth. Nobody can prove being gay is something you're born with, it's just something some people believe. That there is a God cannot be proved, it's a matter of faith.
I myself am a Christian, and I believe people who mock God are devil possessed, as are gays. But that's going to make a lot of people mad at me, I don't care, but it's a statement I am making. Would I get on tv and mock them? No.
I get offended when people mock God, but nobody cares. But if somebody mocks a gay, everybody gets ticked off. Makes no sense and it's typical of the times.
I think before you asked yourself whether or not anyone is "born" gay or straight, you should have backtracked and asked if humans are born "sexual" in the first place.
I think before you asked yourself whether or not anyone is "born" gay or straight, you should have backtracked and asked if humans are born "sexual" in the first place.
Why is it okay for people to mock God and religion, but it's not okay to mock homosexuals?
I just wondered because I see religion mocked constantly, yet somebody says something about a gay person, and people flip out.
i don't think it *ok* to mock either. i also don't think most intelligent people feel either is ok either. the fact that both occurs just means we as a society allow a lot to pass, and that we don't always think before we speak/write.
now, i do fully believe in everyone's right to express their opinion on any topic. yes, i would prefer they do so from a point of respect...but yea, as it is their opinion, that may not always come to pass. c'est la vie. so on either side of the fence, and elsewhere as really, there is not just 2 sides....people behave badly, close-minded, etc. thankfully though, on all sides..there are more i hope who behave in a manner of respect for all others, even if they vehemently disagree with those other sides.
another interesting thought would be why is god automatically assumed to be a he? god created us, but males can't create, only females...?
also, to the original post i'd say a big difference would be religion is an idea, a gay person is a PERSON. i can think a certain fashion style is crazy, stupid, whatever, it's different when it is focused towards an individual w/ feelings and emotions
Gods a he, my guitars are she, i really dont think i mean anything by it. But MAYBE because it seems God is capable of great evil whereas my guitars really arent, not even if i let Lenny Kravitz play on them!
another interesting thought would be why is god automatically assumed to be a he?
if you're talking about the God of the Bible, the only true God, then Jesus wouldn't have referred to Him as His Father. would YOU call your father a "she?" i don't think so.
God is the KING...not the queen.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
if you're talking about the God of the Bible, the only true God, then Jesus wouldn't have referred to Him as His Father. would YOU call your father a "she?" i don't think so.
It isn't okay to mock ANYONE. People dismiss God because they don't fear Him and just because they can't see Him, they assume there are no immediate consequences for their wrong doing. People disregard that of which they don't understand. It all comes down to faith and standing strong in your beliefs. It could be argued that homosexuals choose to be versus being born that way. (i.e. God states in the bible homosexuality is wrong, so why would He create a homosexual? In other words, THEY made the choice.) I believe a person is born who they're meant to be in this life. There are people who have chosen to live a gay lifestyle, HOWEVER, I strongly feel they were born with those tendencies. They didn't choose to be gay, they chose to be true to themselves and not hide who they are. This I respect very much. I certainly don't look at them as sinners and it isn't my place to do so.
The bottom line is that people should mind their own business, stick to their own beliefs, worry about what their own agenda is, and stop preaching right and wrong as if they have the authority to do so. There is only ONE judge and it's His job to decide our punishments for the mistakes we've made in due time. He knows the intent of our hearts, and for me, I couldn't care less what any human being thinks regarding my beliefs and how I live my life. I've believed in God my entire life and will forever, but I'm not about to push it on to anyone else. I also believe in human kindness and as long as someone isn't hurting me or the people I love, I'm down for whatever way they choose to live their life. There are so many more things in this world to put energy into. Narrowmindedness is poison.
However, the only thing I would like to add is that people who believe in God aren't supposed to shove things down peoples' throats, however, if the question arises, it needs to be answered.
To a Christian (a real one anyway), it's a kind warning out of care for somebody (yes, that is what it is, even though other people view it as being self-righteous). I personally keep it to myself, and I only asked this question because this is a message board made for discussing things. Everybody chooses their own path, and as long as it does not harm anybody else, I don't care what they do. I think it's offensive some of the stuff that is said about God, but like fury said, just because retribution isn't immediate, doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
So, some people don't believe in God, fine, that's their choice, but it doesn't give them the right to say blasphemous things about him, just like me thinking homosexuality is a sin doesn't give me the right to say nasty things about them. And I haven't.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
However, the only thing I would like to add is that people who believe in God aren't supposed to shove things down peoples' throats, however, if the question arises, it needs to be answered.
To a Christian (a real one anyway), it's a kind warning out of care for somebody (yes, that is what it is, even though other people view it as being self-righteous). I personally keep it to myself, and I only asked this question because this is a message board made for discussing things. Everybody chooses their own path, and as long as it does not harm anybody else, I don't care what they do. I think it's offensive some of the stuff that is said about God, but like fury said, just because retribution isn't immediate, doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
So, some people don't believe in God, fine, that's their choice, but it doesn't give them the right to say blasphemous things about him, just like me thinking homosexuality is a sin doesn't give me the right to say nasty things about them. And I haven't.
Thank you, FB.
The problem I have with any person belonging to any religion who forces their beliefs onto others is the way it's done. From what I've experienced SEVERAL times throughout my life are the hypocrites. There's nothing more disgusting than someone who claims to be a person of God, yet they show malicious, deceitful, vindictive, mean-spirited behavior by the same token and they're going to preach to ME? PLEASE. They do terrible things and hide behind their belief in God to justify it. Boy, are they in for a rude awakening. Those people are the reason I haven't gone to church in 11 years and won't again. I keep my beliefs to myself unless asked or provoked and even then I won't waste the time trying to convince mine is the right way. It's all very simple: treat others the way you want to be treated. If we all stuck to that, it's amazing how much easier things would be.
I don't mock homosexuals because there's nothing terribly funny about homosexuality.
I don't mock god because I don't believe he exists, at least not the personal god envisioned by most religions.
I don't mock people of faith who mind their own business and aren't running around hypocritically telling everyone else how to live.
I do occasionally mock human-created religious doctrine when I find it amusing, and I never pass up an opportunity to mock religious nut-jobs like Fred Phelps or Pat Robertson, or Osama, or pretty much any fundamentalist.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
but still its possible. you just acknowledged that ryan. WOMEN RULE!!!!!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I havent seen the original poster either mock homosexuals, nor state that he wished to. All I saw him do is question why a group of people who pride themselvess on being openminded and tolerant have no qualms with viciously attacking religion/god/religious people, yet will get their panties all in a bunch if someone does the same towards a homosexual.. Sadly quite a few of you have proved his point rather well. Several of you should be banned for your attacks on him, and most of you should be ashamed of your hypocrisy.
I suggest that you travel to a Church in a small southern town in the U.S and proceed to declare that Jesus was renowned for sucking donkey cocks, in order to test your theory that it's o.k to mock religion. Alternatively, travel to a mosque or synagogue and do the same with regards to Mohammed and Moses. I expect that you'll find - in ways which will leave you in no doubt - that your theory holds no water.
Although i could be wrong, so, please, follow my instructions to the letter - purely for purposes of clarification, you understand?
also, who created cancer?? and all the other diseases that bring no good
Gays are devil possessed, I guess that's not an insult, that's not mocking them, right?
Religion is an ideology, homosexuals are people.
edit: I think Byrnzie proved him wrong.
naděje umírá poslední
This is his idealogical belief, and his right. Just like its a homosexual's right to be homosexual. I dont think it was intended, nor thought of as an insult, and I highly doubt any intelligent homosexual would be offended.
Religious people are people too.
And just to note, thus far the OP has been called names, hinted at that another poster wishes he would die soon, etc, etc. As usual around here, MANY, (note, many, not all) people here are so fucking self righteous and have their heads so far up their own open-minded liberal assholes, that they can't see just how guilty they are of the same "crimes against humanity" they rail against.
So it's okay to insult the dumb gays? It's insulting wether it's a idealogical belief or not. Obviously he doesn't like it when people mock his beliefs yet that doesn't stop him from mocking other people. If you come complaining that you hate being insulted than don't say it's your right to insult people.
Yes, insulting them isn't ok. Religion is not a person. I think we have established that.
As an answer to the OP's condescending remarks. And what names has he been called?
naděje umírá poslední
I didn't mock gays, BTW, to the person who said I did. I simply stated what I believe makes them gay. I personally don't really care if a person is gay, that's their personal choice, I've never mocked them, and I've never protested them. I think those idiot church people that hang signs that say "god hates fags" and "burn in hell" are appalling and I have nothing to do with that kind of crap.
I hope Pearl Jam are ashamed of some of their fans (<
that has little to do with homosexuality, and everything to do with everything else most of you people say on this part of this message board).
You mean you hope PJ is ashamed of the people who disagree with you?
naděje umírá poslední
Or can you remember the moment when you were old enough to have sex and said 'well now it's time to choose. I think I'll choose to be straight'.
naděje umírá poslední
somebody around here once told me i needed to stop worshiping the pussy and putting it up on a pedestal
i didn't say i wished him dead, i said i hope he gets to heaven soon. i mean, it's such a wonderful place... i think he'd be happy that i wish him so well... he could get to heaven and kick it with jesus and not have to worry about those fucking homos offending his values with their devilish ways anymore. that doesn't sound so bad does it? i mean, heaven is a good place right? he wouldn't be offended if he posted about how much he loves ireland and i told him i hope he gets there soon, would he?
or you were presented with that choice and thought to yourself "i could spend my life chasing down women who look like natalie portman, or i guess i could choose to be attracted to men and spend a lifetime being ridiculed, hated, feared, and persecuted by my fellows. you know, high school isn't hard enough, i think i'll go for the latter option so i can be REALLY miserable."
naděje umírá poslední
no doubt, you're a big bear man, w/ big teeth and fuckin claws!!!!!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
The Bear that lives by the waterfall.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I think before you asked yourself whether or not anyone is "born" gay or straight, you should have backtracked and asked if humans are born "sexual" in the first place.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
We are.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
it's their choice to sin, which leads them to be open to the devil. anyone who is in sin is a slave of sin.
i don't think it *ok* to mock either. i also don't think most intelligent people feel either is ok either. the fact that both occurs just means we as a society allow a lot to pass, and that we don't always think before we speak/write.
now, i do fully believe in everyone's right to express their opinion on any topic. yes, i would prefer they do so from a point of respect...but yea, as it is their opinion, that may not always come to pass. c'est la vie. so on either side of the fence, and elsewhere as really, there is not just 2 sides....people behave badly, close-minded, etc. thankfully though, on all sides..there are more i hope who behave in a manner of respect for all others, even if they vehemently disagree with those other sides.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Gods a he, my guitars are she, i really dont think i mean anything by it. But MAYBE because it seems God is capable of great evil whereas my guitars really arent, not even if i let Lenny Kravitz play on them!
if you're talking about the God of the Bible, the only true God, then Jesus wouldn't have referred to Him as His Father. would YOU call your father a "she?" i don't think so.
God is the KING...not the queen.
free jazz, new testament style.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
The bottom line is that people should mind their own business, stick to their own beliefs, worry about what their own agenda is, and stop preaching right and wrong as if they have the authority to do so. There is only ONE judge and it's His job to decide our punishments for the mistakes we've made in due time. He knows the intent of our hearts, and for me, I couldn't care less what any human being thinks regarding my beliefs and how I live my life. I've believed in God my entire life and will forever, but I'm not about to push it on to anyone else. I also believe in human kindness and as long as someone isn't hurting me or the people I love, I'm down for whatever way they choose to live their life. There are so many more things in this world to put energy into. Narrowmindedness is poison.
Good answer!
However, the only thing I would like to add is that people who believe in God aren't supposed to shove things down peoples' throats, however, if the question arises, it needs to be answered.
To a Christian (a real one anyway), it's a kind warning out of care for somebody (yes, that is what it is, even though other people view it as being self-righteous). I personally keep it to myself, and I only asked this question because this is a message board made for discussing things. Everybody chooses their own path, and as long as it does not harm anybody else, I don't care what they do. I think it's offensive some of the stuff that is said about God, but like fury said, just because retribution isn't immediate, doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
So, some people don't believe in God, fine, that's their choice, but it doesn't give them the right to say blasphemous things about him, just like me thinking homosexuality is a sin doesn't give me the right to say nasty things about them. And I haven't.
Thank you, FB.
The problem I have with any person belonging to any religion who forces their beliefs onto others is the way it's done. From what I've experienced SEVERAL times throughout my life are the hypocrites. There's nothing more disgusting than someone who claims to be a person of God, yet they show malicious, deceitful, vindictive, mean-spirited behavior by the same token and they're going to preach to ME? PLEASE. They do terrible things and hide behind their belief in God to justify it. Boy, are they in for a rude awakening. Those people are the reason I haven't gone to church in 11 years and won't again. I keep my beliefs to myself unless asked or provoked and even then I won't waste the time trying to convince mine is the right way. It's all very simple: treat others the way you want to be treated. If we all stuck to that, it's amazing how much easier things would be.
I don't mock god because I don't believe he exists, at least not the personal god envisioned by most religions.
I don't mock people of faith who mind their own business and aren't running around hypocritically telling everyone else how to live.
I do occasionally mock human-created religious doctrine when I find it amusing, and I never pass up an opportunity to mock religious nut-jobs like Fred Phelps or Pat Robertson, or Osama, or pretty much any fundamentalist.