changing horses again? first you say there isn't a God; now you say there's billions. there's one God with many different names.
There are billions of people in the world with different percepts of what God is, hence there are billions of different Gods, but you must be referring to your God, which is different than Jlew24asu's God, and if I ask Jlew24asu which God is the only God, he will say the same thing you've said "There is only one God" which inevitably is your individual, personalized, concept of God.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
actually, please point me to where you discussed your background... I looked through this thread and can't seem to find it. Although this thread has ballooned to many pages by now I may have overlooked it.
post #381
you are avoiding the point I was making... you say the Bible is the way it is for a reason... and you seem to agree HUMANS wrote it(who are flawed) but you also say you believe God is perfect and the Bible is his EXACT words... is it me or doesn't that make sense? If I gather all that you said, you're saying God is perfect... let humans write his EXACT words (which we know becomes imperfect then because humans have flaws) so essentially the Bible is flawed but God wanted it that way because the Bible is the way it is for a reason... soooo then, God intentionally wanted his EXACT words to be portrayed incorrectly...(so essentially you are saying in a round about way they aren't his exact words??!?) I look forward to you trying to explain all this to me but I suspect it will be more verses from the Bible or more "It is His way and I... blah blah)
i'm not avoiding any point you're making, mr. scw156. firstly, you say rightly that i believe God is perfect. His words are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. the men who wrote the Bible were entrusted with the word of God by HIM. God deemed these people's hearts worthy of coming to them. look at the prophets and the word they were given, the prophecies that were fulfilled. the bible was written over a span of 1500 years and the harmony of the books testifies to it's supernatural origin. paul had a meeting with Jesus on his way to damascus to persecute the followers of Christ. God deemed him worthy of spreading His word to the gentiles. furthermore, you came to the conclusion that the Bible is flawed, but it is not. God's word is just as it should be in the Bible. the Bible is a historical document, reporting events that actually happened in space and time. archaeology can and has provided information which supports the trustworthiness of the Bible as a true historical document. the words written down are written down as they should be. just like God gave exact specifications for the building of the ark of the covenant. Your mind can't even fathom His perfection, so don't be a fool and try to disprove His ways.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
i'm not avoiding any point you're making, mr. scw156. firstly, you say rightly that i believe God is perfect. His words are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. the men who wrote the Bible were entrusted with the word of God by HIM. God deemed these people's hearts worthy of coming to them. look at the prophets and the word they were given, the prophecies that were fulfilled. the bible was written over a span of 1500 years and the harmony of the books testifies to it's supernatural origin. paul had a meeting with Jesus on his way to damascus to persecute the followers of Christ. God deemed him worthy of spreading His word to the gentiles. furthermore, you came to the conclusion that the Bible is flawed, but it is not. God's word is just as it should be in the Bible. the Bible is a historical document, reporting events that actually happened in space and time. archaeology can and has provided information which supports the trustworthiness of the Bible as a true historical document. the words written down are written down as they should be. just like God gave exact specifications for the building of the ark of the covenant. Your mind can't even fathom His perfection, so don't be a fool and try to disprove His ways.
what timing, I happen to roll up to the computer just minutes after you post.
Alas, it is late where I'm at so a better reply will have to wait until morning unless I can't sleep tonight.
edit: one quick thing though... i dislike people, you being one of them, who say things like "your mind can't even fathom".. so you're so much better than me? I'm mentally challenged in a way since I don't "believe" or think like you? So obviously since you believe the Bible and His word, that YOUR brain is advanced enough to fathom? I don't think God likes people who are high and mighty. of course you will say you aren't... but you spoke the words... and thats exactly how it sounded to me. SO if I just up and decide to hang on to the Bibles every word tonight, them magically I can "fathom" something. Arrogance.
It comes off to me as disrespectful and arrogant. You say people are going to hell... (God says it and YOU believe it, therefore you THINK that, so yes, you are saying people will go to hell), you also say people can't "fathom" or people can't understand something like its above us because we dont share the same opinion/belief as you... and you follow the word of God? I'm sure it says somewhere in the bible about accepting people etc...
I may not "believe" in God and what have you but I have never said to you or anyone here that I think you're going to a bad place or imply you're doomed or act in a way that makes me sound like i think your understanding is inferior. I'm not "bent out of shape" that you think I'll go to hell... because I dont believe in hell... i get "bent out of shape" because no matter what I believe, you MEAN it in a negative way and hide behind bible talk and God. I've said to you i believe differently or not at all, I've questioned how/why you believe like you do, I've never implied that "bad" things will happen to you or implied my mind and therefore belief system in superior.
I might as well reply to you post while i'm at it. I come from a Catholic background too, probably similar to your background... but thats all post 381 says about your background, no wonder i missed it. You don't like the way the church rolls so you followed the path you think is correct. Good. I still think you blindly hang on every word a book says and continue to vomit its verses out like you're a robot. Its like you have no personality, no feelings of your own... its all God this, God that. I have a feeling if there was typo or something in the Bible that said "Tacos, $1.99 on Friday!" you would randomly spout things about Tacos being cheap on Fridays in debates just because its in the Bible.
The Sentence Below Is True
The Sentence Above Is False
Ben Libet was a neuroscientists that performed experiments on conscious awareness and decision making. His experiments showed that consicousness has no part in the will of a human being, but he still believed that consciousness provided free-won't. Unfortunately for Libet that argument doesn't hold any water under scrutiny.
Never-the-less Libet disproved free-will and proved that consciousness has no part in decision making, consciousness is only an awareness of prior events.
Actually if you look up free-will on wikipedia it gives all the arguments from both sides and it becomes obviosuly apparent that free-will does not exist. You can, if you are as interested as I am, go a lot deeper into physics, neuroscience and philosophy and validate this lack of free-will even further.
Ben Libet could've performed experiments until he didn't know anymore whether he was concious or unconcious, it doesn't matter to ME. you can spew out all of your scientific methods, but it's very simple to me.
free-will: free and independent choice; voluntary decision.
to believe in God or not to believe in God? it's MY voluntary decision to believe in God. that's all i really need to know.
have fun going back and forth with the others.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
it's all really so plain and simple if you sit back... think about the world and how balanced and interconnected it is with everything from the smallest microbe to the largest beast. how every living thing has a purpose for being and the means to survive the answer is so simple. does anyone really think this is just coincidence? so many billions and billions of living things just happen to align themselves in a perfectly running systematic order? of course there has to be a higher being that created all this. does he, she or it go by the title god? that much i don't know and nobody else on this earth knows the answer to this for certain. so religious arguments are really a long never ending story.
Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
it's all really so plain and simple if you sit back... think about the world and how balanced and interconnected it is with everything from the smallest microbe to the largest beast. how every living thing has a purpose for being and the means to survive the answer is so simple. does anyone really think this is just coincidence? so many billions and billions of living things just happen to align themselves in a perfectly running systematic order? of course there has to be a higher being that created all this. does he, she or it go by the title god? that much i don't know and nobody else on this earth knows the answer to this for certain. so religious arguments are really a long never ending story.
Didn't we already talk about the turtle problem?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i'm not avoiding any point you're making, mr. scw156. firstly, you say rightly that i believe God is perfect. His words are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. the men who wrote the Bible were entrusted with the word of God by HIM. God deemed these people's hearts worthy of coming to them. look at the prophets and the word they were given, the prophecies that were fulfilled. the bible was written over a span of 1500 years and the harmony of the books testifies to it's supernatural origin. paul had a meeting with Jesus on his way to damascus to persecute the followers of Christ. God deemed him worthy of spreading His word to the gentiles. furthermore, you came to the conclusion that the Bible is flawed, but it is not. God's word is just as it should be in the Bible. the Bible is a historical document, reporting events that actually happened in space and time. archaeology can and has provided information which supports the trustworthiness of the Bible as a true historical document. the words written down are written down as they should be. just like God gave exact specifications for the building of the ark of the covenant. Your mind can't even fathom His perfection, so don't be a fool and try to disprove His ways.
you're pentecostal aren't you? or maybe southern baptist?
it's all really so plain and simple if you sit back... think about the world and how balanced and interconnected it is with everything from the smallest microbe to the largest beast. how every living thing has a purpose for being and the means to survive the answer is so simple. does anyone really think this is just coincidence? so many billions and billions of living things just happen to align themselves in a perfectly running systematic order? of course there has to be a higher being that created all this. does he, she or it go by the title god? that much i don't know and nobody else on this earth knows the answer to this for certain. so religious arguments are really a long never ending story.
What perfectly running systematic order? Ecosystems aren't beautiful perfect harmonic systems where everything has a place and everything runs smoothly. They're battle grounds, with every living thing struggling to survive and pass on its genes to the next generation. They're places of constant change. There are no assigned places for living things, no roles designed specially for them. They just exist and adapt to exploit whatever niche they can. Have you ever actually sat and looked at any kind of ecosystem in action? Even the lawn in your back yard will be full of millions of organisms locked in deadly conflict with each other. It is wonderful to behold, certainly, but I see no reason whatsoever to assume its complexity is evidence of a creator. There is certainly little perfection or harmony to found if you actually look closely.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
The original hebrew texts read Yam Suph, translated to english is "Sea of Reeds" . Some how this became "Red Sea" in the King James version. Never-the-less archaelogists found a 4 spoke chariot wheel deep within the red sea. One has to wonder were the old texts wrong? Or is it possible that a chariot wheel made it's way from Yam Suph - marshy area just north - to the red sea. Chariots will get bogged down in marshy terrain, so perhaps "The sea opened up" is simply metaphorical, and when they say it swallowed the chariots, they simply got bogged down. Then it's not really all that miraculous is it? The way I see it either the old texts were wrong, or there was no miracle, either way it's hardly evidence of God. One way you have a flawed word of God, the other way there is no miracle. But if you are saying that the hebrew texts and english texts are all the perfect word of God, well that just can't be true.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Yea, apparently it's an old hindu thing. They thought the earth rested on the back of an elephant, and the elephant on the back of a turtle. They had to explain what the turtle stood on, so they said it's turtles all the way down, eventually the idea of a super turtle came up. That's what happens if you go chasing down causality, you get infinity, which is hard to comprehend, so we think of a super turtle. You are never going to know. You can only guess. It's unattainable knowledge. We are insignificant. We can only operate within our limits, they are expanding, but we aren't likely to ever discover a first cause. It's still a good idea to think in terms of causality, because it's pretty apparent things work that way. But I'm saying as far as significance or purpose goes, I doubt there is anything, it's all a guess. People believe that stuff because it gives them comfort, because reality is quite counter-intuitive and uncomfortable. That's why there are 6,000 religions in the world.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
edit: one quick thing though... i dislike people, you being one of them, who say things like "your mind can't even fathom".. so you're so much better than me? I'm mentally challenged in a way since I don't "believe" or think like you? So obviously since you believe the Bible and His word, that YOUR brain is advanced enough to fathom? I don't think God likes people who are high and mighty. of course you will say you aren't... but you spoke the words... and thats exactly how it sounded to me. SO if I just up and decide to hang on to the Bibles every word tonight, them magically I can "fathom" something. Arrogance.
you can dislike me. i still like you. by saying, "your mind can't even fathom," i'm not excluding myself from that statement. i personally can't fathom the mind of God either. once again, you're assuming and putting words in my mouth. i NEVER claimed to be better than anyone. i'm not high and mighty, but you can think of me that way if you want to. i'm not offended.
It comes off to me as disrespectful and arrogant. You say people are going to hell... (God says it and YOU believe it, therefore you THINK that, so yes, you are saying people will go to hell), you also say people can't "fathom" or people can't understand something like its above us because we dont share the same opinion/belief as you... and you follow the word of God? I'm sure it says somewhere in the bible about accepting people etc...
for once you speak some kind of truth. God says it and i DO believe it. He DOES say some people will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. is that MY fault? i don't wish harm on ANYONE, and i wish EVERYONE could be in heaven, but it's not my choice in what people decide to believe. i'm not one of those radicals who tries to change someone's beliefs by force. if you don't believe in any of it, what's it matter what "I" believe. go about your life and don't get so bent out of shape. i accept people just fine. going back to the first post in this thread, i treat someone who is homosexual just like the way i would want to be treated. does that mean i agree with the lifestyle? no. they live their life and i live mine. we can still be peaceful with one another.
I may not "believe" in God and what have you but I have never said to you or anyone here that I think you're going to a bad place or imply you're doomed or act in a way that makes me sound like i think your understanding is inferior. I'm not "bent out of shape" that you think I'll go to hell... because I dont believe in hell... i get "bent out of shape" because no matter what I believe, you MEAN it in a negative way and hide behind bible talk and God. I've said to you i believe differently or not at all, I've questioned how/why you believe like you do, I've never implied that "bad" things will happen to you or implied my mind and therefore belief system in superior.
i never said to anyone that they are going to a bad place either because i'm not the final judge on their life; but if you keep disobeying God's word, yes, people WILL go to a bad place. that's what "I" believe. if in any way you feel your understanding is inferior, that's your own fault. i don't see mr. ahnimus feeling inferior about his beliefs. take a page out of his book. listen, i don't hide behind Bible talk. it's not some book to me, it's God's Word and i'll defend it to the end. dislike me all you want. i expect to get attacked by certain people. it doesn't change the fact that i like you and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.
I might as well reply to you post while i'm at it. I come from a Catholic background too, probably similar to your background... but thats all post 381 says about your background, no wonder i missed it. You don't like the way the church rolls so you followed the path you think is correct. Good. I still think you blindly hang on every word a book says and continue to vomit its verses out like you're a robot. Its like you have no personality, no feelings of your own... its all God this, God that. I have a feeling if there was typo or something in the Bible that said "Tacos, $1.99 on Friday!" you would randomly spout things about Tacos being cheap on Fridays in debates just because its in the Bible.
i don't follow a path i think is correct. i follow a path i know in my heart is correct. i'll continue to follow the Bible and "vomit" out verses because that's my truth. call me a robot, call me whatever you want. at least i feel content with being a robot for God. by the way, Jesus LOVES $1.99 tacos on any day.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
if you don't believe in any of it, what's it matter what "I" believe. go about your life and don't get so bent out of shape. i accept people just fine. going back to the first post in this thread, i treat someone who is homosexual just like the way i would want to be treated. does that mean i agree with the lifestyle? no. they live their life and i live mine. we can still be peaceful with one another.
The question is when you encounter a homosexual do you feel differently towards them? Does your religious belief cause you to distrust them or feel threatened by them? I personally live in a city with a large homosexual population. I'm quite comfortable with it, and actually that's more girls for me.
I think a lot of simple minded people take their religions too far.
i never said to anyone that they are going to a bad place either because i'm not the final judge on their life; but if you keep disobeying God's word, yes, people WILL go to a bad place. that's what "I" believe. if in any way you feel your understanding is inferior, that's your own fault. i don't see mr. ahnimus feeling inferior about his beliefs. take a page out of his book. listen, i don't hide behind Bible talk. it's not some book to me, it's God's Word and i'll defend it to the end. dislike me all you want. i expect to get attacked by certain people. it doesn't change the fact that i like you and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.
i don't follow a path i think is correct. i follow a path i know in my heart is correct. i'll continue to follow the Bible and "vomit" out verses because that's my truth. call me a robot, call me whatever you want. at least i feel content with being a robot for God. by the way, Jesus LOVES $1.99 tacos on any day.
Right on! I think it's important to have strong arguments, put a lot of thought into it and express it firmly. On the other hand, things aren't always as they seem. I used to think reality was just an illusion. Then I realized than "I" am an illusion. I am just a brain and a body.
By the way the slang term is bot. Sounds cool when you say "S'up bot?" or "that bot's got super shiny metal".
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Chariots will get bogged down in marshy terrain, so perhaps "The sea opened up" is simply metaphorical, and when they say it swallowed the chariots, they simply got bogged down. Then it's not really all that miraculous is it?
i'd say it's miraculous:
but the children of isreal had walked on DRY land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a WALL to them on their right hand and on their left.
and as far as getting bogged down:
then the waters returned and COVERED the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of pharaoh that came into the sea after them. not so much as ONE of them remained.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
The question is when you encounter a homosexual do you feel differently towards them? Does your religious belief cause you to distrust them or feel threatened by them? I personally live in a city with a large homosexual population. I'm quite comfortable with it, and actually that's more girls for me.
i live in los angeles so i'm around homosexuals in different places. i get along with them just fine. in fact, some of them are the funniest and nicest people i've met. it also amuses me that they usually keep company with pretty women.
Right on! I think it's important to have strong arguments, put a lot of thought into it and express it firmly.
so then what's stopping you?
By the way the slang term is bot. Sounds cool when you say "S'up bot?" or "that bot's got super shiny metal".
i'm not hip to the slang of bots. i'm still trying to figure out the slang of hip hop.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
but the children of isreal had walked on DRY land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a WALL to them on their right hand and on their left.
and as far as getting bogged down:
then the waters returned and COVERED the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of pharaoh that came into the sea after them. not so much as ONE of them remained.
You basically just ignored everything I said and quoted scripture. Scripture that I just said was falsifiable.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
for once you speak some kind of truth. God says it and i DO believe it. He DOES say some people will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. is that MY fault? i don't wish harm on ANYONE, and i wish EVERYONE could be in heaven, but it's not my choice in what people decide to believe. i'm not one of those radicals who tries to change someone's beliefs by force. if you don't believe in any of it, what's it matter what "I" believe. go about your life and don't get so bent out of shape. i accept people just fine. going back to the first post in this thread, i treat someone who is homosexual just like the way i would want to be treated. does that mean i agree with the lifestyle? no. they live their life and i live mine. we can still be peaceful with one another.
You're the type of person who will smile at a gay man, shake his hand, say "Hey, nice to meet you! Nice day isn't it?" all the while thinking in your head "Boy is this guy screwed".
i never said to anyone that they are going to a bad place either because i'm not the final judge on their life; but if you keep disobeying God's word, yes, people WILL go to a bad place. that's what "I" believe. if in any way you feel your understanding is inferior, that's your own fault. i don't see mr. ahnimus feeling inferior about his beliefs. take a page out of his book. listen, i don't hide behind Bible talk. it's not some book to me, it's God's Word and i'll defend it to the end. dislike me all you want. i expect to get attacked by certain people. it doesn't change the fact that i like you and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.
I never once said you are the judge. That doesn't mean you aren't saying people are going to a bad place. You "KNOW" they are (from Gods word and you take Gods word as the truth)...
I never said i feel my understanding is inferior. YOU implied it was with your statements, big difference. Also, I won't take a page from ahnimus' book... I agree with many things he says. however, he likes to go on and on and on and on essentially trying to make people see it his way. I'm going on and on to some extent here, but I'm more focused on discussing a problem I have with the way you act then convincing you to think like me.
Obviously you believe so strongly that you will defend it to the end... which it comes off being close minded and almost has a superiority feel to it. You stated you have a Catholic background, more specifically within the church. So during that time didn't you think it was the TRUTH and believe in that? and then you saw what priests did etc. and decide to move it to strictly the Bible and now view that as the TRUTH? How do you know in X amount of time something else wont occur where it changes again? what of the TRUTH you fight for so hard now?
Forgive me, I'm not as well versed on the Bible as I used to be and I hate to try to bring up points about it... but you said the Bible was combined over 1500 years, and Luke, Mark etc. were entrusted by God to convey the word... well they didn't live 1500 years to write it all down, also, unless they wrote a million copies of it themselves there had to be some OTHER person in the past 2000 years to take a hand at making a new copy. Don't you think they may have translated wrong, spelled wrong, forgot something? or did God see that and come in with his white out?
i don't follow a path i think is correct. i follow a path i know in my heart is correct. i'll continue to follow the Bible and "vomit" out verses because that's my truth. call me a robot, call me whatever you want. at least i feel content with being a robot for God. by the way, Jesus LOVES $1.99 tacos on any day.
You have strong beliefs and argue strong. Almost so hard its blind following. Close mindedness, no room to budge, no room to explore or no room to change. A pretty narrow path if you ask me. I don't have extreme rigid beliefs like you. I'll modify them as I learn more things, experience more things, and become wiser. I won't limit my knowledge/experiences to a couple hundred pages of text.
I'm not trying to make you think like me.. Its more like how you might feel sad or feel bad for someone who is going to hell. i kinda feel bad for you because in my eyes you have a narrow view. This probably came out wrong but I'm not trying to insult you.
To each his own.
I cant ever remember encountering someone as hardcore to the Bible as you.
it's foreign to me and seems like you aren't a "real" person... like you don't have personal feelings, emotions, etc. you just react, feel, act, have emotions that that book tells you to have.
I think I'm having a major hang up on the fact you don't seem like a human.
I hope there is more to you than the Bible. it seems like you have narrowed your beliefs down so much that you could be missing some cool things out there.
Let's just move on to something new. Sometimes my tendency to debate and argue on and on gets the best of me.
The Sentence Below Is True
The Sentence Above Is False
You basically just ignored everything I said and quoted scripture. Scripture that I just said was falsifiable.
lets face it, mr. ahnimus, we're never going to agree. your word says it's false. God's Word says it's true. i'm going with God everytime. even if i had to make a hypothesis, i'd rather go with a document written by someone who was close to the event rather than some archaelogists trying to figure out what happened at the scene thousands of years later. the bottom line is God parted the water, if you want to say it's the Reed Sea, fine. i'm off to bed. night.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
you don't even know what you say. you're mocking Him by challenging His Power to even transform people.
True, though I do not consider it mocking. I'll be honest, I have no faith. I don't believe in god at all, any god. I don't think religious people are silly, stupid, sheep etc. by default.
I think you are write when you say that I don't know what I say. I don't know what you consider mocking. I am critical and I will not hide my beliefs because they might offend someone, I will try to do it respectfully, though. If I have failed sorry.
you're no better than the ones testing Jesus to take Himself off of the cross.
You're probably right about that.
didn't YOU write this below.
I didn't, Christians did. Christians who say god hates fags, please don't tell me you are defending these guys? I think they are a very poor representative of your faith. I won't apologize for mocking these guys.
i believe you did. that, my friend, is challenging, defying, mocking, God. you're making fun of this and Him by even saying it's not possible for someone to change their life around.
I'm sure people can change, more or less, I just don't think they should. If they want to, that's great for them even better if they find support and comfort in god and fellow Christians. But I just don't like it when people push other people in a certain direction and it seems to me these people are doing exactly that.
didn't YOU mock God by being sarcastic and trying to be funny by saying Mike is God.
That was a joke. If you can tell the difference between a joke and mocking someone, I feel sorry for you. By your defintion you were mocking me by mocking my beliefs that there is no god. I don't care. You have your beliefs I have mine, it should be too hard to live together peacefully, millions of people do it everyday and I believe humour can help people accept and live together. If you didn't think it was funny, ok, don't say I was mocking you or your beliefs.
maybe Mike IS your God.
As close as it gets for me I don't worship people, though
i love Mike too, i've met him and he's an awesome guy
you can mock God all you want about did HE write the Bible, or Jesus, or "some other" dude, but do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
God did not write the people, neither did Jesus. Man did.
collin is really a good guy. misguided i believe; but he too was created by God and thus you must accept him for who he is. i'm in no way defending his offensive behavior. his comments were way out of line. if someone verbally attacked his wife; mother; father; etc; he'd be angry. he attacked your beliefs and it made you angry. but i believe it's best to forgive him because he doesn't have the knowledge and understanding you have.
I don't think I'm any more offensive than anyone else in this thread. My comments were way out of line? When?
I'll be honest if you guys agree with the god hates fags posse, I won't apologize.
You're the type of person who will smile at a gay man, shake his hand, say "Hey, nice to meet you! Nice day isn't it?" all the while thinking in your head "Boy is this guy screwed".
now you're telling me what type of man i am. i didn't know that you wanted to play God now. let me make myself clear. nobody is screwed until the final judgement is placed on them by God. up until that point they have the opportunity to right their situation.
I never once said you are the judge. That doesn't mean you aren't saying people are going to a bad place. You "KNOW" they are (from Gods word and you take Gods word as the truth)...
God says not everyone will inherit the kingdom of heaven. so yes, i take His word for it.
I never said i feel my understanding is inferior. YOU implied it was with your statements, big difference. Also, I won't take a page from ahnimus' book... I agree with many things he says. however, he likes to go on and on and on and on essentially trying to make people see it his way. I'm going on and on to some extent here, but I'm more focused on discussing a problem I have with the way you act then convincing you to think like me.
i see your focused and i'm here to focus the answers right back on this matter, your problem with the way i act. mr. ahnimus doesn't hurt anyone by going on and on. i actually enjoy reading his thoughts on certain matters. you learn from people like him.
Obviously you believe so strongly that you will defend it to the end... which it comes off being close minded and almost has a superiority feel to it. You stated you have a Catholic background, more specifically within the church. So during that time didn't you think it was the TRUTH and believe in that? and then you saw what priests did etc. and decide to move it to strictly the Bible and now view that as the TRUTH? How do you know in X amount of time something else wont occur where it changes again? what of the TRUTH you fight for so hard now?
yes, you better believe i will defend God. i have just as much right as anyone to speak my mind on this subject. i don't need to be open minded about someone telling me to follow someone other than Jesus Christ. if you have a rolls royce, why would you want a yugo? i do have a catholic background, but when you're a child your thoughts aren't fully formed. when you're an adult, you put the child behind. you gain understanding, knowledge, and you aren't in the hands of others. if your five years old, how do you tell your parents i'm not a catholic. you don't even know what a catholic is at that point. the bible is used in the catholic church, so it's still the truth. i just don't agree with certain catholic customs. and you're talking about X amount of time, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Forgive me, I'm not as well versed on the Bible as I used to be and I hate to try to bring up points about it... but you said the Bible was combined over 1500 years, and Luke, Mark etc. were entrusted by God to convey the word... well they didn't live 1500 years to write it all down, also, unless they wrote a million copies of it themselves there had to be some OTHER person in the past 2000 years to take a hand at making a new copy. Don't you think they may have translated wrong, spelled wrong, forgot something? or did God see that and come in with his white out?
when i was talking about a span of 1500 years, i was talking about all of the bible. not just the new testament. God's Word came to more people than mathew, mark, luke, and john. i mean, case in point, didn't Christ have twelve disciples? also, when you're talking about the people of israel and God, they were precise about the Word of God and documenting it responsibly. for example, you can see how precise they were just by Jesus' words to the chief priests, scribes, and pharisees.
You have strong beliefs and argue strong. Almost so hard its blind following. Close mindedness, no room to budge, no room to explore or no room to change. A pretty narrow path if you ask me. I don't have extreme rigid beliefs like you. I'll modify them as I learn more things, experience more things, and become wiser. I won't limit my knowledge/experiences to a couple hundred pages of text.
you're right when you say there's no room to budge. anyone trying to teach me any other doctrines than Christ i won't be open to. Christ gives my body life so why would i want to change. you're also right when you say it's a narrow path. He even talked about it: Mathew 7:13,14. i'm not limiting my knowledge to a couple hundred pages of texts, i'm expanding my knowledge with 1763 pages of text.
I'm not trying to make you think like me.. Its more like how you might feel sad or feel bad for someone who is going to hell. i kinda feel bad for you because in my eyes you have a narrow view. This probably came out wrong but I'm not trying to insult you.
To each his own.
i do have compassion for people, but their life is in their own hands. i didn't convince jeffery dahmer to be a murderer. you reap what you sow. if you go against God, i'd say your chances are slim you'll make it into His kingdom. no need to feel sorry for me, i'm happy; and i'm not insulted.
I cant ever remember encountering someone as hardcore to the Bible as you. it's foreign to me and seems like you aren't a "real" person... like you don't have personal feelings, emotions, etc. you just react, feel, act, have emotions that that book tells you to have.
i'm very much my own person, and i have strong emotions and feelings. people on this board that have spent time with me can testify to that comment. i'm thankful for the people i can call my friends. they know who they are, and they are lovely.
I think I'm having a major hang up on the fact you don't seem like a human. I hope there is more to you than the Bible. it seems like you have narrowed your beliefs down so much that you could be missing some cool things out there.
i've been fortunate to be a part of A LOT of cool things, Pearl Jam at Benaroya being just one of them. i enjoy my life, so no need to think that way about me.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
I don't think religious people are silly, stupid, sheep etc. by default. I am critical and I will not hide my beliefs because they might offend someone, I will try to do it respectfully, though. If I have failed sorry.
i like sheep. sheep are cute. it's ok, i'm not offended.
I didn't, Christians did. Christians who say god hates fags, please don't tell me you are defending these guys? I think they are a very poor representative of your faith. I won't apologize for mocking these guys.
you copied and pasted it. you were still making fun of it. i'm not of the belief that God hates the human being, i'm of the belief God hates the sinful nature. please don't lump me in with Christians who claim that God hates fags.
so the original poster had a point. you won't mock gays because they are people, but you WILL mock people who believe in God who set up a place to try and help gay people who are WILLING to change.
I'm sure people can change, more or less, I just don't think they should. If they want to, that's great for them even better if they find support and comfort in god and fellow Christians. But I just don't like it when people push other people in a certain direction and it seems to me these people are doing exactly that.
it's up to the person if they want to change. nobody can push or change someone because it's not in their power.
That was a joke. If you can tell the difference between a joke and mocking someone, I feel sorry for you. By your defintion you were mocking me by mocking my beliefs that there is no god. I don't care. You have your beliefs I have mine, it should be too hard to live together peacefully, millions of people do it everyday and I believe humour can help people accept and live together. If you didn't think it was funny, ok, don't say I was mocking you or your beliefs.
it was a joke, but you're making a mockery out of God. yet, where is your mockery of gays? you wouldn't want to mock gays because you want to be respectful, right? they are people. you wouldn't want to offend anyone on this board. who knows, you could be confronted with them in the future. but God's not a person, or either are the ones who believe in Him, so it's ok. i get ya. you're grasping for straws, my friend. speak the truth.
As close as it gets for me I don't worship people, though
no, according to you, you don't worship anything. you're your own God.
God did not write the people, neither did Jesus. Man did.
you mean the Bible. nope, nothing in the Bible was written by God: Exodus 31:18.
like mr. scw156 said, "to each his own."
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
lets face it, mr. ahnimus, we're never going to agree. your word says it's false. God's Word says it's true. i'm going with God everytime. even if i had to make a hypothesis, i'd rather go with a document written by someone who was close to the event rather than some archaelogists trying to figure out what happened at the scene thousands of years later. the bottom line is God parted the water, if you want to say it's the Reed Sea, fine. i'm off to bed. night.
No, I'm not saying that some jews didn't wander around for 40 years and then this happened at Yam Suph. I'm saying there are undeniable differences between the hebrew texts and the king james bible, which means either God's word is wrong or the King James bible is wrong. Either way, it's hardly perfection and that is what I'm arguing. And there is no huge body of water at Yam Suph
Here are a couple of maps for you plotting the path of exodus, according to original scripture. Somehow this all got changed in the King James version. Then if you ask me, Moses discovered psychadelics when he met the "burning bush".
You can quote scripture all day, but most of us are quite familiar with the bible. I was raised a christian and attended communion and confirmation, I was baptised and went to church every sunday. I know the religion quite well, but I went deeper and found a lot of inconsistencies and falsehoods.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
No, I'm not saying that some jews didn't wander around for 40 years and then this happened at Yam Suph. I'm saying there are undeniable differences between the hebrew texts and the king james bible, which means either God's word is wrong or the King James bible is wrong. Either way, it's hardly perfection and that is what I'm arguing. And there is no huge body of water at Yam Suph
Here are a couple of maps for you plotting the path of exodus, according to original scripture. Somehow this all got changed in the King James version. Then if you ask me, Moses discovered psychadelics when he met the "burning bush".
You can quote scripture all day, but most of us are quite familiar with the bible. I was raised a christian and attended communion and confirmation, I was baptised and went to church every sunday. I know the religion quite well, but I went deeper and found a lot of inconsistencies and falsehoods.
true dat, bot
The Sentence Below Is True
The Sentence Above Is False
Because your delusional belief in this God entity and this ridiculous old book causes you to be perjudice against homosexuality. The point of view I discuss requires a mutual understanding of everyone regardless of their predispositions.
Well, I think you're delusional. I don't think being gay is okay, but I don't treat gay people any differently than I treat anybody else. To me, all sin is the same, and I would be wrong to treat somebody who lies differently than a gay person. So whatever you're trying to prove is pointless on me.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
There are billions of people in the world with different percepts of what God is, hence there are billions of different Gods, but you must be referring to your God, which is different than Jlew24asu's God, and if I ask Jlew24asu which God is the only God, he will say the same thing you've said "There is only one God" which inevitably is your individual, personalized, concept of God.
post #381
i'm not avoiding any point you're making, mr. scw156. firstly, you say rightly that i believe God is perfect. His words are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. the men who wrote the Bible were entrusted with the word of God by HIM. God deemed these people's hearts worthy of coming to them. look at the prophets and the word they were given, the prophecies that were fulfilled. the bible was written over a span of 1500 years and the harmony of the books testifies to it's supernatural origin. paul had a meeting with Jesus on his way to damascus to persecute the followers of Christ. God deemed him worthy of spreading His word to the gentiles. furthermore, you came to the conclusion that the Bible is flawed, but it is not. God's word is just as it should be in the Bible. the Bible is a historical document, reporting events that actually happened in space and time. archaeology can and has provided information which supports the trustworthiness of the Bible as a true historical document. the words written down are written down as they should be. just like God gave exact specifications for the building of the ark of the covenant. Your mind can't even fathom His perfection, so don't be a fool and try to disprove His ways.
what timing, I happen to roll up to the computer just minutes after you post.
Alas, it is late where I'm at so a better reply will have to wait until morning unless I can't sleep tonight.
edit: one quick thing though... i dislike people, you being one of them, who say things like "your mind can't even fathom".. so you're so much better than me? I'm mentally challenged in a way since I don't "believe" or think like you? So obviously since you believe the Bible and His word, that YOUR brain is advanced enough to fathom? I don't think God likes people who are high and mighty. of course you will say you aren't... but you spoke the words... and thats exactly how it sounded to me. SO if I just up and decide to hang on to the Bibles every word tonight, them magically I can "fathom" something. Arrogance.
It comes off to me as disrespectful and arrogant. You say people are going to hell... (God says it and YOU believe it, therefore you THINK that, so yes, you are saying people will go to hell), you also say people can't "fathom" or people can't understand something like its above us because we dont share the same opinion/belief as you... and you follow the word of God? I'm sure it says somewhere in the bible about accepting people etc...
I may not "believe" in God and what have you but I have never said to you or anyone here that I think you're going to a bad place or imply you're doomed or act in a way that makes me sound like i think your understanding is inferior. I'm not "bent out of shape" that you think I'll go to hell... because I dont believe in hell... i get "bent out of shape" because no matter what I believe, you MEAN it in a negative way and hide behind bible talk and God. I've said to you i believe differently or not at all, I've questioned how/why you believe like you do, I've never implied that "bad" things will happen to you or implied my mind and therefore belief system in superior.
I might as well reply to you post while i'm at it. I come from a Catholic background too, probably similar to your background... but thats all post 381 says about your background, no wonder i missed it. You don't like the way the church rolls so you followed the path you think is correct. Good. I still think you blindly hang on every word a book says and continue to vomit its verses out like you're a robot. Its like you have no personality, no feelings of your own... its all God this, God that. I have a feeling if there was typo or something in the Bible that said "Tacos, $1.99 on Friday!" you would randomly spout things about Tacos being cheap on Fridays in debates just because its in the Bible.
The Sentence Above Is False
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
or even that the two sides will acknowledge the other has a viable opinion.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ben Libet could've performed experiments until he didn't know anymore whether he was concious or unconcious, it doesn't matter to ME. you can spew out all of your scientific methods, but it's very simple to me.
free-will: free and independent choice; voluntary decision.
to believe in God or not to believe in God? it's MY voluntary decision to believe in God. that's all i really need to know.
have fun going back and forth with the others.
at least we can leave this argument
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Didn't we already talk about the turtle problem?
you're pentecostal aren't you? or maybe southern baptist?
What perfectly running systematic order? Ecosystems aren't beautiful perfect harmonic systems where everything has a place and everything runs smoothly. They're battle grounds, with every living thing struggling to survive and pass on its genes to the next generation. They're places of constant change. There are no assigned places for living things, no roles designed specially for them. They just exist and adapt to exploit whatever niche they can. Have you ever actually sat and looked at any kind of ecosystem in action? Even the lawn in your back yard will be full of millions of organisms locked in deadly conflict with each other. It is wonderful to behold, certainly, but I see no reason whatsoever to assume its complexity is evidence of a creator. There is certainly little perfection or harmony to found if you actually look closely.
-C Addison
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Yea, apparently it's an old hindu thing. They thought the earth rested on the back of an elephant, and the elephant on the back of a turtle. They had to explain what the turtle stood on, so they said it's turtles all the way down, eventually the idea of a super turtle came up. That's what happens if you go chasing down causality, you get infinity, which is hard to comprehend, so we think of a super turtle. You are never going to know. You can only guess. It's unattainable knowledge. We are insignificant. We can only operate within our limits, they are expanding, but we aren't likely to ever discover a first cause. It's still a good idea to think in terms of causality, because it's pretty apparent things work that way. But I'm saying as far as significance or purpose goes, I doubt there is anything, it's all a guess. People believe that stuff because it gives them comfort, because reality is quite counter-intuitive and uncomfortable. That's why there are 6,000 religions in the world.
you can dislike me. i still like you. by saying, "your mind can't even fathom," i'm not excluding myself from that statement. i personally can't fathom the mind of God either. once again, you're assuming and putting words in my mouth. i NEVER claimed to be better than anyone. i'm not high and mighty, but you can think of me that way if you want to. i'm not offended.
for once you speak some kind of truth. God says it and i DO believe it. He DOES say some people will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. is that MY fault? i don't wish harm on ANYONE, and i wish EVERYONE could be in heaven, but it's not my choice in what people decide to believe. i'm not one of those radicals who tries to change someone's beliefs by force. if you don't believe in any of it, what's it matter what "I" believe. go about your life and don't get so bent out of shape. i accept people just fine. going back to the first post in this thread, i treat someone who is homosexual just like the way i would want to be treated. does that mean i agree with the lifestyle? no. they live their life and i live mine. we can still be peaceful with one another.
i never said to anyone that they are going to a bad place either because i'm not the final judge on their life; but if you keep disobeying God's word, yes, people WILL go to a bad place. that's what "I" believe. if in any way you feel your understanding is inferior, that's your own fault. i don't see mr. ahnimus feeling inferior about his beliefs. take a page out of his book. listen, i don't hide behind Bible talk. it's not some book to me, it's God's Word and i'll defend it to the end. dislike me all you want. i expect to get attacked by certain people. it doesn't change the fact that i like you and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.
i don't follow a path i think is correct. i follow a path i know in my heart is correct. i'll continue to follow the Bible and "vomit" out verses because that's my truth. call me a robot, call me whatever you want. at least i feel content with being a robot for God. by the way, Jesus LOVES $1.99 tacos on any day.
i'm not put in a box. i follow Christ.
The question is when you encounter a homosexual do you feel differently towards them? Does your religious belief cause you to distrust them or feel threatened by them? I personally live in a city with a large homosexual population. I'm quite comfortable with it, and actually that's more girls for me.
I think a lot of simple minded people take their religions too far.
Right on! I think it's important to have strong arguments, put a lot of thought into it and express it firmly. On the other hand, things aren't always as they seem. I used to think reality was just an illusion. Then I realized than "I" am an illusion. I am just a brain and a body.
By the way the slang term is bot. Sounds cool when you say "S'up bot?" or "that bot's got super shiny metal".
i'd say it's miraculous:
but the children of isreal had walked on DRY land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a WALL to them on their right hand and on their left.
and as far as getting bogged down:
then the waters returned and COVERED the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of pharaoh that came into the sea after them. not so much as ONE of them remained.
i live in los angeles so i'm around homosexuals in different places. i get along with them just fine. in fact, some of them are the funniest and nicest people i've met. it also amuses me that they usually keep company with pretty women.
so then what's stopping you?
i'm not hip to the slang of bots. i'm still trying to figure out the slang of hip hop.
You basically just ignored everything I said and quoted scripture. Scripture that I just said was falsifiable.
You're the type of person who will smile at a gay man, shake his hand, say "Hey, nice to meet you! Nice day isn't it?" all the while thinking in your head "Boy is this guy screwed".
I never once said you are the judge. That doesn't mean you aren't saying people are going to a bad place. You "KNOW" they are (from Gods word and you take Gods word as the truth)...
I never said i feel my understanding is inferior. YOU implied it was with your statements, big difference. Also, I won't take a page from ahnimus' book... I agree with many things he says. however, he likes to go on and on and on and on essentially trying to make people see it his way. I'm going on and on to some extent here, but I'm more focused on discussing a problem I have with the way you act then convincing you to think like me.
Obviously you believe so strongly that you will defend it to the end... which it comes off being close minded and almost has a superiority feel to it. You stated you have a Catholic background, more specifically within the church. So during that time didn't you think it was the TRUTH and believe in that? and then you saw what priests did etc. and decide to move it to strictly the Bible and now view that as the TRUTH? How do you know in X amount of time something else wont occur where it changes again? what of the TRUTH you fight for so hard now?
Forgive me, I'm not as well versed on the Bible as I used to be and I hate to try to bring up points about it... but you said the Bible was combined over 1500 years, and Luke, Mark etc. were entrusted by God to convey the word... well they didn't live 1500 years to write it all down, also, unless they wrote a million copies of it themselves there had to be some OTHER person in the past 2000 years to take a hand at making a new copy. Don't you think they may have translated wrong, spelled wrong, forgot something? or did God see that and come in with his white out?
You have strong beliefs and argue strong. Almost so hard its blind following. Close mindedness, no room to budge, no room to explore or no room to change. A pretty narrow path if you ask me. I don't have extreme rigid beliefs like you. I'll modify them as I learn more things, experience more things, and become wiser. I won't limit my knowledge/experiences to a couple hundred pages of text.
I'm not trying to make you think like me.. Its more like how you might feel sad or feel bad for someone who is going to hell. i kinda feel bad for you because in my eyes you have a narrow view. This probably came out wrong but I'm not trying to insult you.
To each his own.
I cant ever remember encountering someone as hardcore to the Bible as you.
it's foreign to me and seems like you aren't a "real" person... like you don't have personal feelings, emotions, etc. you just react, feel, act, have emotions that that book tells you to have.
I think I'm having a major hang up on the fact you don't seem like a human.
I hope there is more to you than the Bible. it seems like you have narrowed your beliefs down so much that you could be missing some cool things out there.
Let's just move on to something new. Sometimes my tendency to debate and argue on and on gets the best of me.
The Sentence Above Is False
lets face it, mr. ahnimus, we're never going to agree. your word says it's false. God's Word says it's true. i'm going with God everytime. even if i had to make a hypothesis, i'd rather go with a document written by someone who was close to the event rather than some archaelogists trying to figure out what happened at the scene thousands of years later. the bottom line is God parted the water, if you want to say it's the Reed Sea, fine. i'm off to bed. night.
True, though I do not consider it mocking. I'll be honest, I have no faith. I don't believe in god at all, any god. I don't think religious people are silly, stupid, sheep etc. by default.
I think you are write when you say that I don't know what I say. I don't know what you consider mocking. I am critical and I will not hide my beliefs because they might offend someone, I will try to do it respectfully, though. If I have failed sorry.
You're probably right about that.
I didn't, Christians did. Christians who say god hates fags, please don't tell me you are defending these guys? I think they are a very poor representative of your faith. I won't apologize for mocking these guys.
I'm sure people can change, more or less, I just don't think they should. If they want to, that's great for them even better if they find support and comfort in god and fellow Christians. But I just don't like it when people push other people in a certain direction and it seems to me these people are doing exactly that.
That was a joke. If you can tell the difference between a joke and mocking someone, I feel sorry for you. By your defintion you were mocking me by mocking my beliefs that there is no god. I don't care. You have your beliefs I have mine, it should be too hard to live together peacefully, millions of people do it everyday and I believe humour can help people accept and live together. If you didn't think it was funny, ok, don't say I was mocking you or your beliefs.
As close as it gets for me
God did not write the people, neither did Jesus. Man did.
naděje umírá poslední
I don't think I'm any more offensive than anyone else in this thread. My comments were way out of line? When?
I'll be honest if you guys agree with the god hates fags posse, I won't apologize.
naděje umírá poslední
now you're telling me what type of man i am. i didn't know that you wanted to play God now. let me make myself clear. nobody is screwed until the final judgement is placed on them by God. up until that point they have the opportunity to right their situation.
God says not everyone will inherit the kingdom of heaven. so yes, i take His word for it.
i see your focused and i'm here to focus the answers right back on this matter, your problem with the way i act. mr. ahnimus doesn't hurt anyone by going on and on. i actually enjoy reading his thoughts on certain matters. you learn from people like him.
yes, you better believe i will defend God. i have just as much right as anyone to speak my mind on this subject. i don't need to be open minded about someone telling me to follow someone other than Jesus Christ. if you have a rolls royce, why would you want a yugo? i do have a catholic background, but when you're a child your thoughts aren't fully formed. when you're an adult, you put the child behind. you gain understanding, knowledge, and you aren't in the hands of others. if your five years old, how do you tell your parents i'm not a catholic. you don't even know what a catholic is at that point. the bible is used in the catholic church, so it's still the truth. i just don't agree with certain catholic customs. and you're talking about X amount of time, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
when i was talking about a span of 1500 years, i was talking about all of the bible. not just the new testament. God's Word came to more people than mathew, mark, luke, and john. i mean, case in point, didn't Christ have twelve disciples? also, when you're talking about the people of israel and God, they were precise about the Word of God and documenting it responsibly. for example, you can see how precise they were just by Jesus' words to the chief priests, scribes, and pharisees.
you're right when you say there's no room to budge. anyone trying to teach me any other doctrines than Christ i won't be open to. Christ gives my body life so why would i want to change. you're also right when you say it's a narrow path. He even talked about it: Mathew 7:13,14. i'm not limiting my knowledge to a couple hundred pages of texts, i'm expanding my knowledge with 1763 pages of text.
i do have compassion for people, but their life is in their own hands. i didn't convince jeffery dahmer to be a murderer. you reap what you sow. if you go against God, i'd say your chances are slim you'll make it into His kingdom. no need to feel sorry for me, i'm happy; and i'm not insulted.
i'm very much my own person, and i have strong emotions and feelings. people on this board that have spent time with me can testify to that comment. i'm thankful for the people i can call my friends. they know who they are, and they are lovely.
i've been fortunate to be a part of A LOT of cool things, Pearl Jam at Benaroya being just one of them. i enjoy my life, so no need to think that way about me.
i like sheep. sheep are cute. it's ok, i'm not offended.
you copied and pasted it. you were still making fun of it. i'm not of the belief that God hates the human being, i'm of the belief God hates the sinful nature. please don't lump me in with Christians who claim that God hates fags.
so the original poster had a point. you won't mock gays because they are people, but you WILL mock people who believe in God who set up a place to try and help gay people who are WILLING to change.
it's up to the person if they want to change. nobody can push or change someone because it's not in their power.
it was a joke, but you're making a mockery out of God. yet, where is your mockery of gays? you wouldn't want to mock gays because you want to be respectful, right? they are people. you wouldn't want to offend anyone on this board. who knows, you could be confronted with them in the future. but God's not a person, or either are the ones who believe in Him, so it's ok. i get ya. you're grasping for straws, my friend. speak the truth.
no, according to you, you don't worship anything. you're your own God.
you mean the Bible. nope, nothing in the Bible was written by God: Exodus 31:18.
like mr. scw156 said, "to each his own."
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No, I'm not saying that some jews didn't wander around for 40 years and then this happened at Yam Suph. I'm saying there are undeniable differences between the hebrew texts and the king james bible, which means either God's word is wrong or the King James bible is wrong. Either way, it's hardly perfection and that is what I'm arguing. And there is no huge body of water at Yam Suph
Here are a couple of maps for you plotting the path of exodus, according to original scripture. Somehow this all got changed in the King James version. Then if you ask me, Moses discovered psychadelics when he met the "burning bush".
You can quote scripture all day, but most of us are quite familiar with the bible. I was raised a christian and attended communion and confirmation, I was baptised and went to church every sunday. I know the religion quite well, but I went deeper and found a lot of inconsistencies and falsehoods.
true dat, bot
The Sentence Above Is False