I'm not operationally gay, but the thought of fucking a man has crossed my mind, it was quickly trashed though. And hey, I'm not afraid to say that. But, I'm also not homophobic.
i've had that thought myself ryan.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Secondly, you are "wishing" the worst on people. you just aren't coming right out and saying it. You say you want to get along with everyone... then instead of saying "You are going to Hell because God says so and I believe Gods word" you are saying "Gods book states you those who dont believe will go to hell" same thing, just reworded. It boils down to this: You want to get along, yet when someone without your same beliefs speaks about not believing you tell them they are going to Hell.. and Hell for YOU is the worst place ever...
Thanks for the well wishes.
for someone who doesn't believe in hell, you sure do get bent out of shape. i'm not wishing the worst on ANYONE. what does it matter to you since you don't believe in a word of the Bible? if you, mr. scw156, don't believe in God's Word, then what's it really matter? if you're so confident about your beliefs, then keep living the way you are. i personally believe in God's Word, and i'll take that over any human explaination or mr. ahnimus' scientific mumbo jumbo. mr. ahnimus' doesn't have the power or knowledge to keep the sun burning for thousands of years, but Mr. God The Father DOES.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Give it 15 years and you will be the minority, the numbers will reverse, atheism is growing as more and more people abandon the ancient school of thought.
what does that matter? i could care less if i'm the minority with my belief in God. it's a personal relationship, not based on numbers.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Even on this forum, if we discuss abortion, homosexuality or anything, we invariably get a swarm of bible-thumpers proclaiming the word of God, fuck that. I'm through with that shit.
obviously your not because you're still in this thread trying to "claim" that we're robots.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
You know what I think is megalomaniacal, is believing that humans are worlds away from animals. That we are somehow special, this entire universe was created for us and we have ultimate control over our own experiences, we live on after death while animals do not.
animals are special to God, but WE are the ones made in His image. and who says that animals are not part of God's ultimate plan? where are your facts on that?
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
the individual self, each person's unique "I". life experienced by the individual rather than an abstract concept. soul is the essential self, the distinctive identity of the person.
the spirit(through God, of course)of a human being which gives their mortal body life.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
I think it would be very helpful in these discussions if everyone would define what they mean when they use the word "god." Every single one of these threads that we've had, people are talking right past one another because they all define god differently. If I'm talking about Yahweh and you're talking about a pantheon of pagan gods and someone else is talking about a force of nature, the conversation is never going to make any sense at all. People here are arguing about the rules in the bible with people who say their spirituality has little or nothing to do with the bible. What is the point in that? By the same token, if you're going to talk about something other than the god of Abraham, then it's up to you so clearly state what you mean, because the biblical god is what people in the west commonly think of when they hear the word.
I believe there's much more to the universe(s) than the dimensions we can perceive measured in linear time, but I hesitate to use the word "god" for just this reason ... it leads to confusion.
well, i'll make it TOTALLY CLEAR on my end. i'm talking about God The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. so whenever i'm talking, that's who i'm referring to.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Why do you believe that "there's much more to the universe"?
well, lets see. if people see a building, they recognize that the building had to be built by someone. it doesn't just exist on its own. if people see a painting, they recognize that the painting had to be painted by someone. it doesn't just exist on it's own. well, we all see the earth, the planets...the whole universe...the creation...which in turn has a creator. it doesn't just exist on its own.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
well, lets see. if people see a building, they recognize that the building had to be built by someone. it doesn't just exist on its own. if people see a painting, they recognize that the painting had to be painted by someone. it doesn't just exist on it's own. well, we all see the earth, the planets...the whole universe...the creation...which in turn has a creator. it just doesn't exist on its own.
Buildings and paintings are manmade things. We all know this, so we automatically assume that anything manmade had a human creator, but we don't have to apply the same principle to nature.
If you find a smooth pebble on a beach do you assume that it must be smooth because it was polished by human hands? Or do you assume that it has been worn by the action of the waves and the sand?
Why does nature automatically need an intelligent mind to direct it? Why can't it just be what it is?
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
damn it jeanie plug the fucker in! yes it was the late godfather of soul.........:)
Well I would, but I'm frightened!!! :eek:
I'm still a technology moron here you know!!!
I have the ability to completely mess things up sometimes, and today would be one of those days me thinks.
It's been a big day today already, perhaps tomorrow.
But I'll be all broadbanded up before you know it!!!
And then you'll be pointing me to your man right?
I feel good! I knew that I would now!! Actually, I feel crap. Yeah, tomorrow.
I don't think we're all THAT smart, and our senses are very limited.
have mr. ahnimus explain how certain turtles have the knowledge to swim for over a 1000 miles, also KNOWING the specific direction to swim to get to the sea's shore to give birth every year?
it's been studied and scientists don't have the answer. so if mr. ahnimus gives some of his mumbo jumbo he's only talking nonsense. say what you will, mr ahnimus, you may have some knowledge, but you DON'T have the knowledge of God and you NEVER will.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Buildings and paintings are manmade things. We all know this, so we automatically assume that anything manmade had a human creator, but we don't have to apply the same principle to nature.
If you find a smooth pebble on a beach do you assume that it must be smooth because it was polished by human hands? Or do you assume that it has been worn by the action of the waves and the sand?
Why does nature automatically need an intelligent mind to direct it? Why can't it just be what it is?
buildings and paintings are man-made things and aren't even as complex as the universe. think of the universe and all of its wonders and there was something MORE powerful that created these wonders. so if nature doesn't need an intelligent mind to create or direct it, what exactly does? please explain then.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
buildings and paintings are man-made things and aren't even as complex as the universe. think of the universe and all of its wonders and there was something MORE powerful that created these wonders. so if nature doesn't need an intelligent mind to create or direct it, what exactly does? please explain then.
I can't get any intellectual saticfaction at all from the notion that the universe has a creator. It makes no sense to me. If there is a creator, where did he/she/it come from? Who created the creator? If anything complex must have a creator, then surely the creator of those complex things must be equally or more complex, and therefore require a creator of its own.
I much prefer to let the universe remain mysterious, while attempting to learn as much about it as I can, rather than try to explain it all away with an imaginary creator.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
well, lets see. if people see a building, they recognize that the building had to be built by someone. it doesn't just exist on its own. if people see a painting, they recognize that the painting had to be painted by someone. it doesn't just exist on it's own. well, we all see the earth, the planets...the whole universe...the creation...which in turn has a creator. it doesn't just exist on its own.
Then how does the creator exist?
Turtle Problem
A well-known scientist (some say it was the philosopher Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.
At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise."
The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?"
"You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"
It is possible that the lady's comment came after Russell's 1927 lecture Why I Am Not a Christian where, in discounting the "First Cause" argument intended to be a proof of God's existence, he comments:
If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument. It is exactly of the same nature as the Hindu's view, that the world rested upon an elephant and the elephant rested upon a tortoise; and when they said, "How about the tortoise?" the Indian said, "Suppose we change the subject."
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
who me??
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i've had that thought myself ryan.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Is there such a thing as intellectual homosexuality?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
for someone who doesn't believe in hell, you sure do get bent out of shape. i'm not wishing the worst on ANYONE. what does it matter to you since you don't believe in a word of the Bible? if you, mr. scw156, don't believe in God's Word, then what's it really matter? if you're so confident about your beliefs, then keep living the way you are. i personally believe in God's Word, and i'll take that over any human explaination or mr. ahnimus' scientific mumbo jumbo. mr. ahnimus' doesn't have the power or knowledge to keep the sun burning for thousands of years, but Mr. God The Father DOES.
what does that matter? i could care less if i'm the minority with my belief in God. it's a personal relationship, not based on numbers.
obviously your not because you're still in this thread trying to "claim" that we're robots.
i would say faith in knowing there is a God is a matter of the ULTIMATE knowledge.
animals are special to God, but WE are the ones made in His image. and who says that animals are not part of God's ultimate plan? where are your facts on that?
2 Timothy 2:12
the individual self, each person's unique "I". life experienced by the individual rather than an abstract concept. soul is the essential self, the distinctive identity of the person.
the spirit(through God, of course)of a human being which gives their mortal body life.
that's not the definition as I see it Pjammin.
hope you weren't speaking for all of us.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ephesians 6:11,12
no, i wasn't speaking for all of you.
yeah, where are YOU in this discussion. you start a thread and run.
well, i'll make it TOTALLY CLEAR on my end. i'm talking about God The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. so whenever i'm talking, that's who i'm referring to.
I think it's great that you see things as you do though.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
well, lets see. if people see a building, they recognize that the building had to be built by someone. it doesn't just exist on its own. if people see a painting, they recognize that the painting had to be painted by someone. it doesn't just exist on it's own. well, we all see the earth, the planets...the whole universe...the creation...which in turn has a creator. it doesn't just exist on its own.
ok, help me out here cutback. James Brown? Yes?
Would you believe the broadband modem has arrived but I just haven't hooked it up yet?
brief description in the mean time please?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
damn it jeanie plug the fucker in!
Buildings and paintings are manmade things. We all know this, so we automatically assume that anything manmade had a human creator, but we don't have to apply the same principle to nature.
If you find a smooth pebble on a beach do you assume that it must be smooth because it was polished by human hands? Or do you assume that it has been worn by the action of the waves and the sand?
Why does nature automatically need an intelligent mind to direct it? Why can't it just be what it is?
-C Addison
I'm still a technology moron here you know!!!
I have the ability to completely mess things up sometimes, and today would be one of those days me thinks.
It's been a big day today already, perhaps tomorrow.
But I'll be all broadbanded up before you know it!!!
And then you'll be pointing me to your man right?
I feel good! I knew that I would now!! Actually, I feel crap. Yeah, tomorrow.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
have mr. ahnimus explain how certain turtles have the knowledge to swim for over a 1000 miles, also KNOWING the specific direction to swim to get to the sea's shore to give birth every year?
it's been studied and scientists don't have the answer. so if mr. ahnimus gives some of his mumbo jumbo he's only talking nonsense. say what you will, mr ahnimus, you may have some knowledge, but you DON'T have the knowledge of God and you NEVER will.
a hater? are you speaking for HIM now too?
thank you. i appreciate your kind words.
buildings and paintings are man-made things and aren't even as complex as the universe. think of the universe and all of its wonders and there was something MORE powerful that created these wonders. so if nature doesn't need an intelligent mind to create or direct it, what exactly does? please explain then.
I can't get any intellectual saticfaction at all from the notion that the universe has a creator. It makes no sense to me. If there is a creator, where did he/she/it come from? Who created the creator? If anything complex must have a creator, then surely the creator of those complex things must be equally or more complex, and therefore require a creator of its own.
I much prefer to let the universe remain mysterious, while attempting to learn as much about it as I can, rather than try to explain it all away with an imaginary creator.
-C Addison
Then how does the creator exist?
Turtle Problem
A well-known scientist (some say it was the philosopher Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.
At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise."
The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?"
"You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"
It is possible that the lady's comment came after Russell's 1927 lecture Why I Am Not a Christian where, in discounting the "First Cause" argument intended to be a proof of God's existence, he comments:
If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument. It is exactly of the same nature as the Hindu's view, that the world rested upon an elephant and the elephant rested upon a tortoise; and when they said, "How about the tortoise?" the Indian said, "Suppose we change the subject."
When did I mock god? But I see you didn't answer the question.
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I guess it's true when your mind is closed.
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