Ahnimus would you consider that your being, your brain, your body, all the sum total of your experience so far, who you are, is completely unique from that of any other human being on the planet? That when your body dies, and along with it your brain, all of that uniqueness will be lost. Gone to the world forever. Could this not be considered a soul of sorts? For want of a better word. Do you not agree that no two human beings are alike. That we are all individual by both nurture and nature and life experience and that this cannot be duplicated exactly? Not even in twins.
I consider that to be a character/personality.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
So ahnimus, still haven't heard what you think. It was a question you know. Very interested in what you have to say about "the soul" or lack there of. And isn't that interesting enough in itself because I have no desire to understand the inner workings of E.Coli!
So ahnimus, still haven't heard what you think. It was a question you know. Very interested in what you have to say about "the soul" or lack there of. And isn't that interesting enough in itself because I have no desire to understand the inner workings of E.Coli!
I don't like these words that mean metaphysical things, so I try to explain without using them. Instead I use, character and personality.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I don't like these words that mean metaphysical things, so I try to explain without using them. Instead I use, character and personality.
Yep, I understand you want something tangible. Evidence based. Got it, me too! But each person has something individual to them that expires when they die, and yeah, it is character and personality but they also have the power to elicit huge emotional responses in others. To make changes in the world by their very actions and thinking and feelings. And I don't think that is just hormones or pheremones. Or the brain at work. Well not the brain as we know it now. Do you not see that people make connections? You must be able to see that, I've seen your writing about your ex girlfriend. And I see your writings in general actually. I think you are just frightened to acknowledge that there are things that can't be explained by science as yet. But that's cool. Just because science hasn't caught up doesn't mean it's not happening. Not having a go at you at all. Just wanted you to think about it because I believe science will catch up and we need to be ready for it. So..................did I make any sense to you at all?
Yep, I understand you want something tangible. Evidence based. Got it, me too! But each person has something individual to them that expires when they die, and yeah, it is character and personality but they also have the power to elicit huge emotional responses in others. To make changes in the world by their very actions and thinking and feelings. And I don't think that is just hormones or pheremones. Or the brain at work. Well not the brain as we know it now. Do you not see that people make connections? You must be able to see that, I've seen your writing about your ex girlfriend. And I see your writings in general actually. I think you are just frightened to acknowledge that there are things that can't be explained by science as yet. But that's cool. Just because science hasn't caught up doesn't mean it's not happening. Not having a go at you at all. Just wanted you to think about it because I believe science will catch up and we need to be ready for it. So..................did I make any sense to you at all?
Yea, I think science does a pretty good job of explaining everywith the general nature of causality.
Some times, we don't need science, we just need to look at the causality ourselves. Why do I feel this way? What did I do? How did this happen? For most part we can answer those questions ourselves. We do need answers, and I think we all try to find out the causes in life, but some of us attribute it to mystical things. That's where I see a major flaw in the human process of deliberation.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Yea, I think science does a pretty good job of explaining everywith the general nature of causality.
Some times, we don't need science, we just need to look at the causality ourselves. Why do I feel this way? What did I do? How did this happen? For most part we can answer those questions ourselves. We do need answers, and I think we all try to find out the causes in life, but some of us attribute it to mystical things. That's where I see a major flaw in the human process of deliberation.
yes. the unexplainable is simply unexplainable. that is until we figure it out using science. and sometimes we just think too much. i don't think every little thing needs to be explained. and i don't think that because something is unexplainable that it is beyond our comprehension as mere humans.
thinking of the how did this happen? question. personally i'm going through a rough patch because of a relationship breakup. how did this happen? it happened because i put myself out there on a limb and took the biggest chance of my life. and according to ahnimus and people who think like him, this relationship was always going to break up. perhaps that is true. and perhaps it is true that i needed to go through this relationship and have it blow up in my face for some as yet still unforeseen reason. I really hope that is the case because i'd hate to think i'm going through all this angsty adolescent bullshit for absolutely no reason.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yea, I think science does a pretty good job of explaining everywith the general nature of causality.
Some times, we don't need science, we just need to look at the causality ourselves. Why do I feel this way? What did I do? How did this happen? For most part we can answer those questions ourselves. We do need answers, and I think we all try to find out the causes in life, but some of us attribute it to mystical things. That's where I see a major flaw in the human process of deliberation.
Yeah I don't get too mystical Ahnimus. Too many science lovers and athiests in the family to let me get too caught up in the metaphysical, but I also can't deny that there are some things beyond scientific explanation at this point. Just keeping an open mind. Didn't get this far with logical thinking just to let the "new age" or mystical get me! Figure if I didn't have an epiphany and convert when I was really sick then it won't be happening any time in the near future either! But I do believe in "the soul" of sorts. Haven't heard anything from science that has changed my mind about that as yet. Although I did read some very interesting stuff recently about the brain and "ghosts". They discovered some interesting brain function on a woman on an MRI while they were talking to her and looking at something else. She kept insisting that there was someone else in the room! Looking forward to finding out more about that one!!!
Yeah I don't get too mystical Ahnimus. Too many science lovers and athiests in the family to let me get too caught up in the metaphysical, but I also can't deny that there are some things beyond scientific explanation at this point. Just keeping an open mind. Didn't get this far with logical thinking just to let the "new age" or mystical get me! Figure if I didn't have an epiphany and convert when I was really sick then it won't be happening any time in the near future either! But I do believe in "the soul" of sorts. Haven't heard anything from science that has changed my mind about that as yet. Although I did read some very interesting stuff recently about the brain and "ghosts". They discovered some interesting brain function on a woman on an MRI while they were talking to her and looking at something else. She kept insisting that there was someone else in the room! Looking forward to finding out more about that one!!!
oh i've seen a ghost.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
OH me too cate!!! On more that one occassion. A "ghost" or whatever else it turns out to be. Not fussed really, what we decide to call it. It happened. I just though it was really interesting this little item I saw in the paper about what happened on the MRI when the women said she could see it. It will put scientist forward in trying to map more of the brain. And that can't be a bad thing. And I don't need explanations for everything. I agree we will never be able to explain everything and even then it'll be open to debate anyway!
Yeah I don't get too mystical Ahnimus. Too many science lovers and athiests in the family to let me get too caught up in the metaphysical, but I also can't deny that there are some things beyond scientific explanation at this point. Just keeping an open mind. Didn't get this far with logical thinking just to let the "new age" or mystical get me! Figure if I didn't have an epiphany and convert when I was really sick then it won't be happening any time in the near future either! But I do believe in "the soul" of sorts. Haven't heard anything from science that has changed my mind about that as yet. Although I did read some very interesting stuff recently about the brain and "ghosts". They discovered some interesting brain function on a woman on an MRI while they were talking to her and looking at something else. She kept insisting that there was someone else in the room! Looking forward to finding out more about that one!!!
Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario researches these "presences"
What we have found
We have found that: 1) the verbal label (usually supplied by the culture) the person places upon the experience strongly affects how it is recalled even within a few seconds after the end of the experiment, 2) experiences along the left side are usually aversive while those associated with the right side are more positive and may have "thoughts" associated with them, 3) increased geomagnetic activity in association with right hemispheric stimulation encourages the incidence of a sensed presence, 4) when a person attempts to "focus" upon the sensed presence it appears to become dynamic (to "move") since the act of focusing alters brain activity and hence how the applied complex fields interact with the brain, 5) an inordinate number of people who experience a sensed presence attribute them to gods or deceased individuals, 6) about 7% of the population, particularly males with enhanced temporal lobe lability and who attend a religious place frequently), report that if god told them to kill they would in his name, and 7) certain patterns of applied magnetic fields produce subjective experiences that are sometimes considered "parapsychological" or "paranormal". By applying a specific sequence of magnetic fields through the brain of a person who had experienced a "haunt", we generated the experience as well as paroxysmal electrical activity that suggested a source deep within the right temporal lobe. http://www.laurentian.ca/neurosci/_research/mystical.htm
As well, they research Consciousness.
What we have learned
We have found consciousness can be described as an emergent property of the complex electromagnetic process generated from predictable biochemical and biological processes. Although the terms soul and mind may have been useful at one time to describe this process, they are no longer required. They are more like the term "phlogiston" that was employed to describe why things burned before modern chemistry emerged. When there is no electrical current moving through the parts of a television, there is no picture. When the specific electromagnetic patterns are not generated within the brain structures there is no consciousness or awareness. http://www.laurentian.ca/neurosci/_research/conscious.htm
They don't seem to provide much, except an overview of their research, but interesting anyway. There is more to the articles if you follow the links.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I consider that to be a character/personality.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I don't like these words that mean metaphysical things, so I try to explain without using them. Instead I use, character and personality.
Yep, I understand you want something tangible. Evidence based. Got it, me too! But each person has something individual to them that expires when they die, and yeah, it is character and personality but they also have the power to elicit huge emotional responses in others. To make changes in the world by their very actions and thinking and feelings. And I don't think that is just hormones or pheremones. Or the brain at work. Well not the brain as we know it now. Do you not see that people make connections? You must be able to see that, I've seen your writing about your ex girlfriend. And I see your writings in general actually. I think you are just frightened to acknowledge that there are things that can't be explained by science as yet. But that's cool. Just because science hasn't caught up doesn't mean it's not happening. Not having a go at you at all. Just wanted you to think about it because I believe science will catch up and we need to be ready for it. So..................did I make any sense to you at all?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yea, I think science does a pretty good job of explaining everywith the general nature of causality.
Some times, we don't need science, we just need to look at the causality ourselves. Why do I feel this way? What did I do? How did this happen? For most part we can answer those questions ourselves. We do need answers, and I think we all try to find out the causes in life, but some of us attribute it to mystical things. That's where I see a major flaw in the human process of deliberation.
yes. the unexplainable is simply unexplainable. that is until we figure it out using science. and sometimes we just think too much. i don't think every little thing needs to be explained. and i don't think that because something is unexplainable that it is beyond our comprehension as mere humans.
thinking of the how did this happen? question. personally i'm going through a rough patch because of a relationship breakup. how did this happen? it happened because i put myself out there on a limb and took the biggest chance of my life. and according to ahnimus and people who think like him, this relationship was always going to break up. perhaps that is true. and perhaps it is true that i needed to go through this relationship and have it blow up in my face for some as yet still unforeseen reason. I really hope that is the case because i'd hate to think i'm going through all this angsty adolescent bullshit for absolutely no reason.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yeah I don't get too mystical Ahnimus.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
oh i've seen a ghost.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
OH me too cate!!! On more that one occassion. A "ghost" or whatever else it turns out to be. Not fussed really, what we decide to call it. It happened. I just though it was really interesting this little item I saw in the paper about what happened on the MRI when the women said she could see it. It will put scientist forward in trying to map more of the brain. And that can't be a bad thing. And I don't need explanations for everything. I agree we will never be able to explain everything and even then it'll be open to debate anyway!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario researches these "presences"
As well, they research Consciousness.
They don't seem to provide much, except an overview of their research, but interesting anyway. There is more to the articles if you follow the links.
Thanks Ahnimus. I'll have a read and get back to you.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift