Karma - Believe it or Not?

Well, I see people mentioning Karma all the time. Must be lots of Earl fans.
Does anyone actually believe in Karma?
Does anyone actually believe in Karma?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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I do, you reap what you sow. you made your bed, you lie in it.. and all those great lines my mom used to say. I'll tell you from experience that in the past I've got what was coming to me when I dished it out and Im glad that I got what was coming to me, because it made me realize that I am not the only one who exists in this world. Pay back is a bitch as they say.
It's all about karma. what comes around goes around.
"i want to believe"
Fox Mulder
i really do want to believe it-try to put the good out there and hope it keeps moving forward and eventually back to ya.
Daniel Quinn
exactly. peace and love.
I hope you are right, cause I've got about 20 years of happiness coming to me.
Hey, what about those children that get all blown up? What did they do to deserve that? Certainly Karma isn't going to repay them.
no, you're right. but those that blew them up will get there's.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Karma happens.
What goes around comes around is the damn truth.
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
That one gets me EVERY time.
exactly, exactly.
So then there is only half-Karma, or Karma is selective, it's really unpredictable?
Personally, I think it's bullshit. The karma we recognize as karma is really just revenge and consequences.
I think you need a good lay, i mean.. all day today Ive been reading your posts and it just seems like you have all this pent up anger or something... you need to release. I think if you had a good romp every few days that might help you. If you're single.. around my age and cute.. because you already like PJ and if you like Hockey.. maybe we could work something out.. im always into helping people out. haha. just kidding.. but seriously, you need to get fucked... oops, I mean made love to.
Well, uh, that sounds like a great idea. Perhaps I could use a little sexual healing. It might make me a bit more tactful in my posts.
Hi, my name is Ryan, I'm 25, 6', brown hair, hazel eyes, average build....
This is my new pickup line for the bars, I'm still working on it. I want it to sound just like a lavalife profile
what is it you do believe in then, hi-my-name-is-ryan?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
hahahaha that's classic.
that's it?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well, pretty much, that and Destiny Theory.
See, Determinism and Predeterminism are two different things.
so you reckon that no matter how we live our lives, the result has already been determined and we are basically useless to resist? we can take all the detours we like and it won't make a lick of difference?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That is right, except there are no detours. Every detour you take was predetermined, therefor it's not a detour.
If you could rewind time and watch it on a big screen, when you hit play everything would play out exactly the same way it did the first time.
"If I knew then what I know now."
Then you would have made a different choice, but seeing as you knew then what you knew then, you made the best choice you knew how. If you rewind time, you have to undo what you know now, so going back to that point in time, you are left with the same things you knew then and you won't know what you know now. Your screwed.
shit, no wonder you come across as such a aggro person. have you always felt this way?
i don't agree with your p.o.v.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't see how that makes me an aggressive person. I wasn't aware that I am an aggressive person. I speak firmly if that's what you mean.
No, I haven't always felt this way.
Growing up I felt this way. I felt like I had no choice in matters. I was being labeled psycho, brain damaged and evil. Though I knew (or thought) I wasn't any of those things. I knew that I had done things people told me, but I did not know why I had done them, I couldn't even remember them. For all I knew, people were just making up stories, though I believed them anyway, I was only a kid. In that situation, I couldn't control anything, I couldn't control myself during these episodes, I couldn't control the way people interpreted them and ultimately I couldn't control my fate in that environment.
Now, when all that passed by and I ended up in Victoria B.C. I thought, this is great, I can change the way people think about me, but ultimately I didn't, I was just me, the same me I've always been, but a bit wiser. And people accepted me, the atmosphere of being boxed in was gone. But ultimately the idea that I had control over my situation was an illusion. I stayed at home all the time, I didn't even look for a job, I barely left the apartment. I was intimidated by the world, the social atmosphere out there. My inexperience with a normal social life drastically impaired my ability to interact, to even initiate interaction. So the idea that I was free was limited to my experiences with social interaction. To this day I have difficulty interacting socially, I just don't give a fuck anymore and I'll say whatever I want.
So no, I didn't really always feel this way, it was only when I was a teenager and in the last year that I've strongly felt that things are beyond my control. When I was a child I didn't even think of such things I reacted with basic stimulus/response.
peace and love mr.smarty pants.
and it's all because we stole 3 1.5-litre bottles of soda from our office party last week
Is that stealing? I took beer from work. It didn't break though, I drank it.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
Ahh, I had to comment, Ahnimus. The content in this post is pretty much a running theme with you. You define yourself by how others define you and reject any personal responsibility by the 'determinism' cop out. There is only one person responsible for your situation, and that is YOU. If you continue to invest your time and energy into a belief such as strict determinisn, then you will, no doubt, manifest that reality for yourself.
How about an experiment? Instead of focusing on all the stuff you don't want, such as being rejected socially, focus on stuff you DO want. You need to eliminate your 'erroneous zones'. Revisiting them time and time again only makes them a reality.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Personal responsibility for what? I get up, shower, get dressed, come to work, work all day, go home and go to sleep. That is all I do, why would I need a scientific theory to excuse me from doing so?
I'm not rejected in a normal social atmosphere, I was speaking retrospectively. Though there are some lingering uncertainties. Why is it that people always skew the me I'm trying to represent?
Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in The Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people.
Daniel Quinn
i ask for a car, i get a computer. how's that for being born under a bad sign?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That is sometimes called Meism.