Is this guy for real? My theory is that it is Al Franken doing a spoof on the southern, bible-belt, god-fearing, ultra-right, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian stereotype. It's way too funny to be legit.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Is this guy for real? My theory is that it is Al Franken doing a spoof on the southern, bible-belt, god-fearing, ultra-right, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian stereotype. It's way too funny to be legit.
Now there's a thought.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
homosexuell's are unconstitutional.they bring nothin to society exept aids.i dont think its a DISEASE, but is damn right disgusting and folk's who do this kind of thing make me sick to my stomach.Adoption should be reserved for those who cant have kid's and those who will raise it into a good,normal human can a child be normal when its raised by two fuckin fairy's. im all for the sepration of church and state,but if we need god some were it's NOW.
Dino!! what would you do if you had a son and he was gay? or do I even want to know.
Is this guy for real? My theory is that it is Al Franken doing a spoof on the southern, bible-belt, god-fearing, ultra-right, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian stereotype. It's way too funny to be legit.
lol @ that.typical round here.jus because somebody aint a liberal bush basher u call them fake? are all pearl jam fans are liberal's?no. this is a free country and i can say what the fuck i want.
because u judge me it just about sum's up how narrow-minded the folk's here are
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
homosexuell's are unconstitutional.they bring nothin to society exept aids.i dont think its a DISEASE, but is damn right disgusting and folk's who do this kind of thing make me sick to my stomach.Adoption should be reserved for those who cant have kid's and those who will raise it into a good,normal human can a child be normal when its raised by two fuckin fairy's. im all for the sepration of church and state,but if we need god some were it's NOW.
Is this guy for real? My theory is that it is Al Franken doing a spoof on the southern, bible-belt, god-fearing, ultra-right, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian stereotype. It's way too funny to be legit.
i aint fundamentalist and i aint evangelical. show's what you know.quick to judge moron alert! !
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
lol @ that.typical round here.jus because somebody aint a liberal bush basher u call them fake? are all pearl jam fans are liberal's?no. this is a free country and i can say what the fuck i want.
because u judge me it just about sum's up how narrow-minded the folk's here are
Jeffbr, I think he's got you all figured out.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Congress shall make laws prohibiting homosexuals from being in the United States due to ...well, you know...It's just gross...and...God hates it...and well...yuck.
Because of the poor grammer and a liberal conspiracy, it tends to get overlooked.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Dino!! what would you do if you had a son and he was gay? or do I even want to know.
I have a son.hes a good kid.nobody i know down here is gay.not to my knowledge. why would he turn out like history of it in the family, or his mother's. if he DID turn out a faggot ide be pissed,sure i would.but hes still my son.
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
lol @ that.typical round here.jus because somebody aint a liberal bush basher u call them fake? are all pearl jam fans are liberal's?no. this is a free country and i can say what the fuck i want.
because u judge me it just about sum's up how narrow-minded the folk's here are
You actually can't say what the fuck you want on this board. The "fuck you" you threw at abook is probably going to land you in a time out, sitting in the corner for a week wearing the dunce hat. You agree to certain rules when you post here.
As far as liberal goes, it takes someone pretty goddam far to the right to consider me a liberal.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
i think the point we're missing is that it has nothing to do with what or how YOU perceive it. it is the childs mind and they live with the way they preceive it. what is real in their minds is real to them. my grand said something to me 45 years ago that haunts me to this day. i still have nightmares about it sometimes. i saw a reality show where a woman was getting mad at her husband because she told him she cheated then said she was sorry. he was trying to explain to her that saying you're sorry doesn't change what happened and doesn't take away the hurt. as you said; kids aren't stupid. you may be sorry you said it but it was your feelings at the time.
Well I WAS a child at one point, you know. That is the perspective I was using when I wrote that, more than my perspective as a parent. I got some very damaging messages from my parents, but they're ones that were constantly reinforced over time. There were other things that they said to me that I know they didn't mean, and thinking about some of them now is actually pretty funny ... it's so out of character for them, it makes me laugh when I think of them saying it. My brother and I remind each other of stuff like this all the time, just for laughs.
Seriously ... if someone says something to you at the end of a rough day and apologizes for it and you're still bothered by years later, you need help.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
i dont think its a DISEASE, but is damn right disgusting and folk's who do this kind of thing make me sick to my can a child be normal when its raised by two fuckin fairy's.
Dino (assuming you are a guy), do you like women? Think about it. Yes? Yes you do like women? Ok, good. Then you have nothing to be afraid of. You are not gay. You are not going to become gay. You therefore do not need to say things like this to assure yourself, as you should already feel self asured.
I have a son.hes a good kid.nobody i know down here is gay.not to my knowledge. why would he turn out like history of it in the family, or his mother's. if he DID turn out a faggot ide be pissed,sure i would.but hes still my son.
so you would still love him? would you be upset if somebody killed him because he was gay?
homosexuell's are unconstitutional.they bring nothin to society exept aids.i dont think its a DISEASE, but is damn right disgusting and folk's who do this kind of thing make me sick to my stomach.Adoption should be reserved for those who cant have kid's and those who will raise it into a good,normal human can a child be normal when its raised by two fuckin fairy's. im all for the sepration of church and state,but if we need god some were it's NOW.
Oh look! Our resident constitutional law scholar has weighed in with his opinions!
This is some good shit here I needed the laugh, so thank you, Dino!
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Suits me! Happy to know you and call you my friend. I'm very good at reciprocating loyalty myself so I guess you're stuck with me!
As for the bizo about the first black man and the apes I doubt very much we will ever know. I think I stick to the ape theory as opposed to the "creation" theory but I suppose I really hold that we started as cell life and probably crawled out of the swamps or the oceans. (Jumping forward to apes from that sits better in my mind!) Look all I really know is that I came from some bloke back in England and a few folk from Ireland and Poland. That's enough for me. Really I have no idea how I came to be here!!!!
i've got a wee bit of liverpool in me but i'm mostly polish. i collect irises and when i moved i took them with me. they adapted to the climate and elevation and although they look a little different; they didn't evolve into a new species of iris. on the other hand; a chimp looks like a chimp no matter where you move it to. an ape is an ape no matter where it's moved. with this in mind; did the chinese evolve from chinese apes? if not; why does a german look different from a chinese person? if it's geographical; then why do ethnic groups that have come to america hundreds of years ago still look the same? also; if it's DNA; then how do you change DNA? how can we differentiate between ethnic groups through DNA yet we cannot link any DNA to apes? you can take DNA from a hundred breeds of dogs and still identify the samples as dogs. theories; eh?
My brother and I remind each other of stuff like this all the time, just for laughs.
so if it's still on your mind so many years later; you've proven my point that it stays with a person for a long time to come. ever hear of gallow laugh?
i've got a wee bit of liverpool in me but i'm mostly polish. i collect irises and when i moved i took them with me. they adapted to the climate and elevation and although they look a little different; they didn't evolve into a new species of iris. on the other hand; a chimp looks like a chimp no matter where you move it to. an ape is an ape no matter where it's moved. with this in mind; did the chinese evolve from chinese apes? if not; why does a german look different from a chinese person? if it's geographical; then why do ethnic groups that have come to america hundreds of years ago still look the same? also; if it's DNA; then how do you change DNA? how can we differentiate between ethnic groups through DNA yet we cannot link any DNA to apes? you can take DNA from a hundred breeds of dogs and still identify the samples as dogs. theories; eh?
Yeah well take some apes, put some in England, some in Thailand and some in Australia and wait millions and millions of years anything changed?
Also, just some trivia did you know that a bonobo's dna is 98.7% identical to that of homo sapiens. They are more closely remated to humans than gorillas.
so if it's still on your mind so many years later; you've proven my point that it stays with a person for a long time to come. ever hear of gallow laugh?
I haven't proven anything of the sort. You'll have to trust me when I tell you that I'm quite capable of differentiating between what was traumatic and what wasn't. I remember them because they were anomalies, not because they're bothering me. We all tend to remember things that are out of the ordinary.
An example ... I don't remember what we were doing, but I must have been fucking up whatever it was, because I remember my mom saying "oh my god, I cannot believe I raised such a dumbass." I was just stunned, because that's not something I would ever expect my mother to say, so I was staring at her in shocked surprise and she realized what she'd just said and started apologizing all over the place, at which point I started laughing. I mean, it was FUNNY! Now, if that was something I heard on a regular basis, that would be one thing, but I knew that my mother didn't really think I was a dumbass because normally she praised me for being clever. She was just frustrated, and I was probably acting like a dumbass at the time. I repeat, anyone who would be upset about this even minutes later, much less years later, needs help.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I haven't proven anything of the sort. You'll have to trust me when I tell you that I'm quite capable of differentiating between what was traumatic and what wasn't. I remember them because they were anomalies, not because they're bothering me. We all tend to remember things that are out of the ordinary.
An example ... I don't remember what we were doing, but I must have been fucking up whatever it was, because I remember my mom saying "oh my god, I cannot believe I raised such a dumbass." I was just stunned, because that's not something I would ever expect my mother to say, so I was staring at her in shocked surprise and she realized what she'd just said and started apologizing all over the place, at which point I started laughing. I mean, it was FUNNY! Now, if that was something I heard on a regular basis, that would be one thing, but I knew that my mother didn't really think I was a dumbass because normally she praised me for being clever. She was just frustrated, and I was probably acting like a dumbass at the time. I repeat, anyone who would be upset about this even minutes later, much less years later, needs help.
for something that happened many years ago; it sure seems fresh in your mind for an incident forgotten minutes after it happened. you don't remember what you were doing; just being called a dumbass. thus; the part of the incident that stuck with you was/is being called a dumbass. this says a lot.
Yeah well take some apes, put some in England, some in Thailand and some in Australia and wait millions and millions of years anything changed?
Also, just some trivia did you know that a bonobo's dna is 98.7% identical to that of homo sapiens. They are more closely remated to humans than gorillas.
for something that happened many years ago; it sure seems fresh in your mind for an incident forgotten minutes after it happened. you don't remember what you were doing; just being called a dumbass. thus; the part of the incident that stuck with you was/is being called a dumbass. this says a lot.
I remember it because it was funny.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
i'm going to leave this alone; but first i want to point out one more thing.
as an example:
i remember when i poured my koolaid on my cereal when the milk was in front of me. my mum was is such shock; she called me a dumbass without even thinking. after the innitial shock wore off; we all laughed.
now that's a funny memory.
saying i don't remember what happened but my mum called me a dumbass and i laughed at her; is an underlying hurt.
that's why i asked if you've ever heard of gallow laugh.
anyway; we all deal with things differently so the subject is closed in my book. i hope it is a fond memory.
Is this guy for real? My theory is that it is Al Franken doing a spoof on the southern, bible-belt, god-fearing, ultra-right, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian stereotype. It's way too funny to be legit.
Im thinking the same thing.
This sidewalk is for regular walking, not for fancy walking!
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
Is this guy for real? My theory is that it is Al Franken doing a spoof on the southern, bible-belt, god-fearing, ultra-right, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian stereotype. It's way too funny to be legit.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Now there's a thought.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Dino!! what would you do if you had a son and he was gay? or do I even want to know.
because u judge me it just about sum's up how narrow-minded the folk's here are
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
Sweet fancy moses.....
Where in the constitution do you see "no gays"?
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
Jeffbr, I think he's got you all figured out.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ammendment 10.5
Congress shall make laws prohibiting homosexuals from being in the United States due to ...well, you know...It's just gross...and...God hates it...and well...yuck.
Because of the poor grammer and a liberal conspiracy, it tends to get overlooked.
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
You actually can't say what the fuck you want on this board. The "fuck you" you threw at abook is probably going to land you in a time out, sitting in the corner for a week wearing the dunce hat. You agree to certain rules when you post here.
As far as liberal goes, it takes someone pretty goddam far to the right to consider me a liberal.
LOL! That's what I was thinking.
Seriously ... if someone says something to you at the end of a rough day and apologizes for it and you're still bothered by years later, you need help.
Does Halmark make a card for that?
Funniest. Thing. Ever.
Dino (assuming you are a guy), do you like women? Think about it. Yes? Yes you do like women? Ok, good. Then you have nothing to be afraid of. You are not gay. You are not going to become gay. You therefore do not need to say things like this to assure yourself, as you should already feel self asured.
Like two gay men?
so you would still love him? would you be upset if somebody killed him because he was gay?
please don't breed
well, if love is a disease, I guess it would be.
but I doubt that very much.
This is some good shit here
i've got a wee bit of liverpool in me but i'm mostly polish. i collect irises and when i moved i took them with me. they adapted to the climate and elevation and although they look a little different; they didn't evolve into a new species of iris. on the other hand; a chimp looks like a chimp no matter where you move it to. an ape is an ape no matter where it's moved. with this in mind; did the chinese evolve from chinese apes? if not; why does a german look different from a chinese person? if it's geographical; then why do ethnic groups that have come to america hundreds of years ago still look the same? also; if it's DNA; then how do you change DNA? how can we differentiate between ethnic groups through DNA yet we cannot link any DNA to apes? you can take DNA from a hundred breeds of dogs and still identify the samples as dogs. theories; eh?
so if it's still on your mind so many years later; you've proven my point that it stays with a person for a long time to come. ever hear of gallow laugh?
Yeah well take some apes, put some in England, some in Thailand and some in Australia and wait millions and millions of years anything changed?
Also, just some trivia did you know that a bonobo's dna is 98.7% identical to that of homo sapiens. They are more closely remated to humans than gorillas.
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An example ... I don't remember what we were doing, but I must have been fucking up whatever it was, because I remember my mom saying "oh my god, I cannot believe I raised such a dumbass." I was just stunned, because that's not something I would ever expect my mother to say, so I was staring at her in shocked surprise and she realized what she'd just said and started apologizing all over the place, at which point I started laughing. I mean, it was FUNNY! Now, if that was something I heard on a regular basis, that would be one thing, but I knew that my mother didn't really think I was a dumbass because normally she praised me for being clever. She was just frustrated, and I was probably acting like a dumbass at the time. I repeat, anyone who would be upset about this even minutes later, much less years later, needs help.
for something that happened many years ago; it sure seems fresh in your mind for an incident forgotten minutes after it happened. you don't remember what you were doing; just being called a dumbass. thus; the part of the incident that stuck with you was/is being called a dumbass. this says a lot.
do you have a link?
i'm going to leave this alone; but first i want to point out one more thing.
as an example:
i remember when i poured my koolaid on my cereal when the milk was in front of me. my mum was is such shock; she called me a dumbass without even thinking. after the innitial shock wore off; we all laughed.
now that's a funny memory.
saying i don't remember what happened but my mum called me a dumbass and i laughed at her; is an underlying hurt.
that's why i asked if you've ever heard of gallow laugh.
anyway; we all deal with things differently so the subject is closed in my book. i hope it is a fond memory.
Im thinking the same thing.