I know you guys don't care for my opinion, however, if you take lab mice and throw them into a confined space, some of them will become homosexual, or act homosexually. In today's society we are all about population density, we have 100's of unit apartment buildings and highly dense residential areas. That correlates with the behavior in animals. Though, I don't believe that is the only deterimnent.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Oh, yea, I see what youre saying. What about infertile men and women though? Would you consider that a disease also? Or just a fluke?
It could be either or both I guess. But again, this wouldn't be normal. I point that out becuase many make the argument that homosexuality is normal. And I agree that it is normal, but in the same way it's normal for people to be born with downs, etc.... It's not supposed to happen but does.
It could be either or both I guess. But again, this wouldn't be normal. I point that out becuase many make the argument that homosexuality is normal. And I agree that it is normal, but in the same way it's normal for people to be born with downs, etc.... It's not supposed to happen but does.
"Look I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." ~ White Zombie
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
that's why im not exactly worried about homosexuals. it's not like we're going extinct any time soon. we've got a few billion people to spare.
Well this is where I stand. It doesn't bother me so much for gays to adopt children. That is a noble thing to do. But for lesbians to conceive, I just think that is immoral towards the child.
I'm not saying the govermnet should do a damn thing about it. People have the right to practice what ever kind of morals they want to. If I saw a lesbian couple like that I wouldn't say a word to them. I would keep on going about my business.
I'm just saying that from my perspective, I find it immoral - thas all!
I know you guys don't care for my opinion, however, if you take lab mice and throw them into a confined space, some of them will become homosexual, or act homosexually. In today's society we are all about population density, we have 100's of unit apartment buildings and highly dense residential areas. That correlates with the behavior in animals. Though, I don't believe that is the only deterimnent.
i welcome your opinion as it gives me a different perspective. some time back here; someone told a story about a friend that went to jail; became homosexual; then went back to his wife when he got out. (i left out a lot of details).
the need to breed is built into all of us. every animal has it. humans also have the desire for pleasure. i don't know if "any port in a storm" would apply but looking at the world; it seems to.
Well this is where I stand. It doesn't bother me so much for gays to adopt children. That is a noble thing to do. But for lesbians to conceive, I just think that is immoral towards the child.
I'm not saying the govermnet should do a damn thing about it. People have the right to practice what ever kind of morals they want to. If I saw a lesbian couple like that I wouldn't say a word to them. I would keep on going about my business.
I'm just saying that from my perspective, I find it immoral - thas all!
well i have to say im not all that comfortable with a lot of artificial conception practices in general, mainly becos there are so many children needing to be adopted out there to begin with. at the same time, i understand why people want it and i cant say definitively i wouldnt want it either if i was in their shoes.
nonetheless, i dont know about homosexuals not being supposed to happen. i dont think of them or downs syndrome as abnormal, simply different. it's part of genetic variation, not everyone conforms to standard. by that thinking, any genetic trait that less than half the population has is abnormal. diabetics, people with ms, disposition to cancer, etc. but we dont use it as a means to tell them they are different from the rest of us normal humans. we simply identify and do what we can to ensure that it does not interfere with them having a satisfying life. give them treatment, social support services, etc. since homosexuals do not need any of this, the only thing standing in the way of them living a "normal" life is prejudice that prevents them from doing what the rest of us do.
it is certainly not a reason to forbid homosexuals to get fertility measures others can. would you prevent someone with downs syndrome from breeding on those grounds? or somebody with diabetes? these are all genetic diseases that could be passed on, but we dont prevent people from reproducing becos of them. basically, im saying it's got to be all or none. you cant allow fertility treatments to some people and deny it to others. cos then infertile people will pass on that infetility gene to their offspring and it would have the same effect as allowing homosexuals to use such treatments. you get the same problematic result. so why would one be ok and the other not?
i welcome your opinion as it gives me a different perspective. some time back here; someone told a story about a friend that went to jail; became homosexual; then went back to his wife when he got out. (i left out a lot of details).
the need to breed is built into all of us. every animal has it. humans also have the desire for pleasure. i don't know if "any port in a storm" would apply but looking at the world; it seems to.
and I've thought about this alot as well. I'm hetrosexual....feel that there's even something chemical inside me that drives my urges....and can't ever see myself playing for the other team (Seinfeld joke). That's why I have no problem what so ever with homosexuals...cause I think they have the exact same strong desire. Your post was interesting in the fact that I wonder if there have been studies on situations that you mention where a person is put in a different environment that changes their orientation. I can't see that happening to me, but do wonder if there's been any research.
and I've thought about this alot as well. I'm hetrosexual....feel that there's even something chemical inside me that drives my urges....and can't ever see myself playing for the other team (Seinfeld joke). That's why I have no problem what so ever with homosexuals...cause I think they have the exact same strong desire. Your post was interesting in the fact that I wonder if there have been studies on situations that you mention where a person is put in a different environment that changes their orientation. I can't see that happening to me, but do wonder if there's been any research.
I'm sure that was part of the control mechanism in the research I posted on page 2 (I think). Typically when they use identical twins to perform a study of genetics, they use twins that have been adopted by different families and twins that haven't. Though, I'm not entirely sure about that specific study, you'd have to look it up. You can look up the exact method used to determine the results.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
and I've thought about this alot as well. I'm hetrosexual....feel that there's even something chemical inside me that drives my urges....and can't ever see myself playing for the other team (Seinfeld joke). That's why I have no problem what so ever with homosexuals...cause I think they have the exact same strong desire. Your post was interesting in the fact that I wonder if there have been studies on situations that you mention where a person is put in a different environment that changes their orientation. I can't see that happening to me, but do wonder if there's been any research.
i actually think there has been. i wish i could tell you where to start looking. behavioral sciences maybe? my ex-sister in law went to jail and did the same thing. she said it discusted her but she had no choice. she came out and became a bible toting holy roller but to each their own. sailors had a reputation for being homosexual while out to sea. monty python mentioned it in a song in the 70's. i'm sure there's research somewhere.
I'm sure that was part of the control mechanism in the research I posted on page 2 (I think). Typically when they use identical twins to perform a study of genetics, they use twins that have been adopted by different families and twins that haven't. Though, I'm not entirely sure about that specific study, you'd have to look it up. You can look up the exact method used to determine the results.
your post on bottom of page 3. Don't see link...but if I understand your post...points to the fact that identicle twins didn't necessarily match their twins sexuality..hence genetics was just an indicator..not absolute. Now I do think alot of people are bi-sexual..or repress their sexual desires due to social stigma...so how many of the identicle twins that didn't match were suppressing their real desires. One of my best freinds and coworker..just left his wife of 20 years and 2 kids because he suppressed his true orientation. If you do have the link please pass on.
i actually think there has been. i wish i could tell you where to start looking. behavioral sciences maybe? my ex-sister in law went to jail and did the same thing. she said it discusted her but she had no choice. she came out and became a bible toting holy roller but to each their own. sailors had a reputation for being homosexual while out to sea. monty python mentioned it in a song in the 70's. i'm sure there's research somewhere.
aren't they all bi????...I'm Joking...yes bad taste I know.
Seriously though...I'm still not convinced someone thats inherently biased towards one gender will make the switch due to environment...again I base this solely on my biological reaction to the opposit sex.
It could be either or both I guess. But again, this wouldn't be normal. I point that out becuase many make the argument that homosexuality is normal. And I agree that it is normal, but in the same way it's normal for people to be born with downs, etc.... It's not supposed to happen but does.
Seriously? NC fan I really think I need to hear your definition of normal please.
You keep making sweeping generalizations about the "norm" or "normal people." What is normal in your eyes? No two people are exactly alike, not even identical twins. There are a percentage of the population who are heterosexual, there are a perctenage who are homosexual, there are a percentage who are infertile, there are a percentage born with birth defects, etc.,etc., etc., As far as I can see there is no "normal".
Seriously? NC fan I really think I need to hear your definition of normal please.
You keep making sweeping generalizations about the "norm" or "normal people." What is normal in your eyes? No two people are exactly alike, not even identical twins. There are a percentage of the population who are heterosexual, there are a perctenage who are homosexual, there are a percentage who are infertile, there are a percentage born with birth defects, etc.,etc., etc., As far as I can see there is no "normal".
if anyone finds normal please let me know. and why does normal keep changing? prior to 1630; it was normal to believe the sun revolved around the earth. prior to 1492; it was normal to believe the world was flat. and why do people equate sex with love? i watched the show "cheaters" and a woman cheated on her husband because he was always working. now she loves the guy she was having sex with. he said it was just sex; then she tried to get back with her husband.
your post on bottom of page 3. Don't see link...but if I understand your post...points to the fact that identicle twins didn't necessarily match their twins sexuality..hence genetics was just an indicator..not absolute. Now I do think alot of people are bi-sexual..or repress their sexual desires due to social stigma...so how many of the identicle twins that didn't match were suppressing their real desires. One of my best freinds and coworker..just left his wife of 20 years and 2 kids because he suppressed his true orientation. If you do have the link please pass on.
I haven't read it all yet, but I'll check into it a bit later.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
if anyone finds normal please let me know. and why does normal keep changing? prior to 1630; it was normal to believe the sun revolved around the earth. prior to 1492; it was normal to believe the world was flat. and why do people equate sex with love? i watched the show "cheaters" and a woman cheated on her husband because he was always working. now she loves the guy she was having sex with. he said it was just sex; then she tried to get back with her husband.
if it's morning down under.... gooday jeanie!
Here! Here! onelongsong I agree. And yes it's morning here 10:11am Fri 8/12/06. So g'day to you!
I read your post about the irises and the apes. Maybe it's still too early in the morning for me but I'll try to answer intelligently! I see what you are saying about the asians and germans coming from different apes. Not really plausible. But I think the reason that there have been no changes in Americans that came from other places is because 2 or 300 hundred years is not long enough for this to happen. Doesn't that kind of change take 1000's of years? I mean if you look at it over millions of years how can we really know that we didn't come from apes and we just haven't found the exact genetic link yet? What is your theory on this? And if we didn't come from the apes then what is your theory on where we come from please?
BTW what time is it there? And I do love irises.
i welcome your opinion as it gives me a different perspective. some time back here; someone told a story about a friend that went to jail; became homosexual; then went back to his wife when he got out. (i left out a lot of details).
the need to breed is built into all of us. every animal has it. humans also have the desire for pleasure. i don't know if "any port in a storm" would apply but looking at the world; it seems to.
you know i don't believe that prison sex = homosexuality. if you are in the exclusive company of your own sex and the urge to copulate is primal(as i believe it to be) then it doesn't necessarily matter where you get it from, as long as you're getting it.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Here! Here! onelongsong I agree. And yes it's morning here 10:11am Fri 8/12/06. So g'day to you!
I read your post about the irises and the apes. Maybe it's still too early in the morning for me but I'll try to answer intelligently! I see what you are saying about the asians and germans coming from different apes. Not really plausible. But I think the reason that there have been no changes in Americans that came from other places is because 2 or 300 hundred years is not long enough for this to happen. Doesn't that kind of change take 1000's of years? I mean if you look at it over millions of years how can we really know that we didn't come from apes and we just haven't found the exact genetic link yet? What is your theory on this? And if we didn't come from the apes then what is your theory on where we come from please?
BTW what time is it there? And I do love irises.
it's 4:31 pm thursday.
answering honestly; i don't know where we came from. i only know i'm here. i know this sounds like a cop out but it's the way i feel. i don't care why i am; just that i am. i don't care how the fly got into the house; only that i'm gonna kill this bloody fly. if i came from an ape; cool; but where did the ape come from?
maybe it's just my mood today but i don't care where i came from because knowing won't change anything or even help anything. the world is so messed up i'd rather focus my attention to the here and now.
you know i don't believe that prison sex = homosexuality. if you are in the exclusive company of your own sex and the urge to copulate is primal(as i believe it to be) then it doesn't necessarily matter where you get it from, as long as you're getting it.
I agree with this catefrances except that the urge to copluate isn't necessarily only primal but also hormonal. Coz let's face facts....
then it doesn't necessarily matter where you get it from, as long as you're getting it.
really only applies while you are still getting your sexual drive from your homones. Once they dry up you could be confronted with Ed Ved butt naked slathered in chocolate sauce and you still wouldn't be interested! (Well maybe . . . )
you know i don't believe that prison sex = homosexuality. if you are in the exclusive company of your own sex and the urge to copulate is primal(as i believe it to be) then it doesn't necessarily matter where you get it from, as long as you're getting it.
if that isn't what i've been saying then thanks for putting it into different words. i said a horny person would screw anything. like the old shepards and their sheep.
it's 4:31 pm thursday.
answering honestly; i don't know where we came from. i only know i'm here. i know this sounds like a cop out but it's the way i feel. i don't care why i am; just that i am. i don't care how the fly got into the house; only that i'm gonna kill this bloody fly. if i came from an ape; cool; but where did the ape come from?
I guess that's how I feel too. I only choose the ape theory over the creation theory because I'm not religious. Spiritual but not religious.
maybe it's just my mood today but i don't care where i came from because knowing won't change anything or even help anything. the world is so messed up i'd rather focus my attention to the here and now.
That's it isn't it! "I know I was born and I know I will die, the in between is mine. I am mine."
Ooh just looked those up, very pretty indeed! I was thinking more of the blue and yellow iris but the bearded german looks very pretty. A bit like a gladioli. Dame Edna would love em!
Do you think his opinion is based on his research, or no?
Why do you feel that your opinion is more substantiated?
Have you done any research into sexuality or is your opinion based on personal experience and subjective transduction?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I haven't read it all yet, but I'll check into it a bit later.
"Genetic and environmental structural equation models were fitted separately for men and women by
maximum likelihood using the LISREL program ( ) and using only the same-sex pairs.
We thus examined the relative effects of additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C; i.e., between family
or common environment), and nonshared environmental (E; i.e., within family or individual-specific
environment, including measurement error) factors on the latent normal variable underlying variation in sexual
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
"Genetic and environmental structural equation models were fitted separately for men and women by
maximum likelihood using the LISREL program ( ) and using only the same-sex pairs.
We thus examined the relative effects of additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C; i.e., between family
or common environment), and nonshared environmental (E; i.e., within family or individual-specific
environment, including measurement error) factors on the latent normal variable underlying variation in sexual
Wow, I sifted through 26 pages, just to prove that the proper controls were taken in a scientific research experiment that is already accepted by peer review. What a bummer.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I guess that's how I feel too. I only choose the ape theory over the creation theory because I'm not religious. Spiritual but not religious.
That's it isn't it! "I know I was born and I know I will die, the in between is mine. I am mine."
Ooh just looked those up, very pretty indeed! I was thinking more of the blue and yellow iris but the bearded german looks very pretty. A bit like a gladioli. Dame Edna would love em!
some scientists believe a comet hit the earth bringing water and micro organisms. some say a metior from mars (since finding the fossils) brought the organisms. last night they showed pictures of water on mars. i saw a show on the discovery channel where they have evidence that aliens bred with ancient humans to create us. all have scientific evidence. some have fossils and bones.
all i know is we are here. let's enjoy what we can and change what we feel is wrong. i'm sure the money put into where we came from could have solved world hunger twice over.
Harsh, they don't seem to be questioning the results of his research, but rather his book about his theories.
It's interesting because homosexuality was long recognized as a disorder, be it psychological, or physiological, but homosexual protestors have seen had it removed from the medical books, effectively trying to limit the research into it.
It's the social prejudice of a bias minority and their sympathizers if you ask me. I haven't read Bailey's book, but it doesn't sound like he is trying to stigmatize transsexuals or homosexuals, he's just theorizing the cause, and I guess people don't like to have the causality of their actions investigated. What a pile of horse shit.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Harsh, they don't seem to be questioning the results of his research, but rather his book about his theories.
It's interesting because homosexuality was long recognized as a disorder, be it psychological, or physiological, but homosexual protestors have seen had it removed from the medical books, effectively trying to limit the research into it.
It's the social prejudice of a bias minority and their sympathizers if you ask me. I haven't read Bailey's book, but it doesn't sound like he is trying to stigmatize transsexuals or homosexuals, he's just theorizing the cause, and I guess people don't like to have the causality of their actions investigated. What a pile of horse shit.
hey; you're getting between jeanie and myself here! (just kidding)
what i really want to ask is did my previous post about how we got here make any sense to the subject matter? i mean; if we figure it all out; will it change anything?
Do you think his opinion is based on his research, or no?
Why do you feel that your opinion is more substantiated?
Have you done any research into sexuality or is your opinion based on personal experience and subjective transduction?
I didn't get the impression that shmap felt his/her opinion is more substantiated, but that shmap felt there was reason to question the work of J. Michael Bailey. Doing a quick check on wikipedia alone, it looks like there is much controversy surrounding Bailey.
Following the 2003 publication of Bailey's book The Man Who Would Be Queen, Northwestern University opened a formal investigation into charges of research misconduct against Bailey. [1] In late 2004, Bailey resigned his Psychology Department Chair following the completion of the investigation.
also led to a heated debate within the field of sexology, where the book was lauded by Bailey's academic collaborators, but denounced by the vast majority of scientists working in this field, who deemed it "reductionism" and "not science."
In 2006, the Chicago Free Press announced it would no longer accept ads for studies conducted by Bailey. In an editorial entitled "Bad Science," the newspaper said would not allow itself to be used "to further the dubious agenda of someone who believes he should not be held accountable to our community."
There's more, too. Much of this is questioning his methods.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
that's why im not exactly worried about homosexuals. it's not like we're going extinct any time soon. we've got a few billion people to spare.
It could be either or both I guess. But again, this wouldn't be normal. I point that out becuase many make the argument that homosexuality is normal. And I agree that it is normal, but in the same way it's normal for people to be born with downs, etc.... It's not supposed to happen but does.
"Look I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." ~ White Zombie
Well this is where I stand. It doesn't bother me so much for gays to adopt children. That is a noble thing to do. But for lesbians to conceive, I just think that is immoral towards the child.
I'm not saying the govermnet should do a damn thing about it. People have the right to practice what ever kind of morals they want to. If I saw a lesbian couple like that I wouldn't say a word to them. I would keep on going about my business.
I'm just saying that from my perspective, I find it immoral - thas all!
i welcome your opinion as it gives me a different perspective. some time back here; someone told a story about a friend that went to jail; became homosexual; then went back to his wife when he got out. (i left out a lot of details).
the need to breed is built into all of us. every animal has it. humans also have the desire for pleasure. i don't know if "any port in a storm" would apply but looking at the world; it seems to.
well i have to say im not all that comfortable with a lot of artificial conception practices in general, mainly becos there are so many children needing to be adopted out there to begin with. at the same time, i understand why people want it and i cant say definitively i wouldnt want it either if i was in their shoes.
nonetheless, i dont know about homosexuals not being supposed to happen. i dont think of them or downs syndrome as abnormal, simply different. it's part of genetic variation, not everyone conforms to standard. by that thinking, any genetic trait that less than half the population has is abnormal. diabetics, people with ms, disposition to cancer, etc. but we dont use it as a means to tell them they are different from the rest of us normal humans. we simply identify and do what we can to ensure that it does not interfere with them having a satisfying life. give them treatment, social support services, etc. since homosexuals do not need any of this, the only thing standing in the way of them living a "normal" life is prejudice that prevents them from doing what the rest of us do.
it is certainly not a reason to forbid homosexuals to get fertility measures others can. would you prevent someone with downs syndrome from breeding on those grounds? or somebody with diabetes? these are all genetic diseases that could be passed on, but we dont prevent people from reproducing becos of them. basically, im saying it's got to be all or none. you cant allow fertility treatments to some people and deny it to others. cos then infertile people will pass on that infetility gene to their offspring and it would have the same effect as allowing homosexuals to use such treatments. you get the same problematic result. so why would one be ok and the other not?
and I've thought about this alot as well. I'm hetrosexual....feel that there's even something chemical inside me that drives my urges....and can't ever see myself playing for the other team (Seinfeld joke). That's why I have no problem what so ever with homosexuals...cause I think they have the exact same strong desire. Your post was interesting in the fact that I wonder if there have been studies on situations that you mention where a person is put in a different environment that changes their orientation. I can't see that happening to me, but do wonder if there's been any research.
I'm sure that was part of the control mechanism in the research I posted on page 2 (I think). Typically when they use identical twins to perform a study of genetics, they use twins that have been adopted by different families and twins that haven't. Though, I'm not entirely sure about that specific study, you'd have to look it up. You can look up the exact method used to determine the results.
i actually think there has been. i wish i could tell you where to start looking. behavioral sciences maybe? my ex-sister in law went to jail and did the same thing. she said it discusted her but she had no choice. she came out and became a bible toting holy roller but to each their own. sailors had a reputation for being homosexual while out to sea. monty python mentioned it in a song in the 70's. i'm sure there's research somewhere.
your post on bottom of page 3. Don't see link...but if I understand your post...points to the fact that identicle twins didn't necessarily match their twins sexuality..hence genetics was just an indicator..not absolute. Now I do think alot of people are bi-sexual..or repress their sexual desires due to social stigma...so how many of the identicle twins that didn't match were suppressing their real desires. One of my best freinds and coworker..just left his wife of 20 years and 2 kids because he suppressed his true orientation. If you do have the link please pass on.
aren't they all bi????...I'm Joking...yes bad taste I know.
Seriously though...I'm still not convinced someone thats inherently biased towards one gender will make the switch due to environment...again I base this solely on my biological reaction to the opposit sex.
Seriously? NC fan I really think I need to hear your definition of normal please.
You keep making sweeping generalizations about the "norm" or "normal people." What is normal in your eyes? No two people are exactly alike, not even identical twins. There are a percentage of the population who are heterosexual, there are a perctenage who are homosexual, there are a percentage who are infertile, there are a percentage born with birth defects, etc.,etc., etc., As far as I can see there is no "normal".
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
if anyone finds normal please let me know. and why does normal keep changing? prior to 1630; it was normal to believe the sun revolved around the earth. prior to 1492; it was normal to believe the world was flat. and why do people equate sex with love? i watched the show "cheaters" and a woman cheated on her husband because he was always working. now she loves the guy she was having sex with. he said it was just sex; then she tried to get back with her husband.
if it's morning down under.... gooday jeanie!
I haven't read it all yet, but I'll check into it a bit later.
Here! Here! onelongsong I agree. And yes it's morning here 10:11am Fri 8/12/06. So g'day to you!
I read your post about the irises and the apes. Maybe it's still too early in the morning for me but I'll try to answer intelligently! I see what you are saying about the asians and germans coming from different apes. Not really plausible. But I think the reason that there have been no changes in Americans that came from other places is because 2 or 300 hundred years is not long enough for this to happen. Doesn't that kind of change take 1000's of years? I mean if you look at it over millions of years how can we really know that we didn't come from apes and we just haven't found the exact genetic link yet? What is your theory on this?
BTW what time is it there? And I do love irises.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
you know i don't believe that prison sex = homosexuality. if you are in the exclusive company of your own sex and the urge to copulate is primal(as i believe it to be) then it doesn't necessarily matter where you get it from, as long as you're getting it.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Oh lord...J. Michael Bailey. He teaches Human Sexuality at my alma mater. I took that class with him, a seriously nutty guy, don't really trust him. And his research also leaves much to be desired: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/LynnsReviewOfBaileysBook.html
it's 4:31 pm thursday.
answering honestly; i don't know where we came from. i only know i'm here. i know this sounds like a cop out but it's the way i feel. i don't care why i am; just that i am. i don't care how the fly got into the house; only that i'm gonna kill this bloody fly. if i came from an ape; cool; but where did the ape come from?
maybe it's just my mood today but i don't care where i came from because knowing won't change anything or even help anything. the world is so messed up i'd rather focus my attention to the here and now.
bearded german iris?
I agree with this catefrances except that the urge to copluate isn't necessarily only primal but also hormonal. Coz let's face facts.... really only applies while you are still getting your sexual drive from your homones. Once they dry up you could be confronted with Ed Ved butt naked slathered in chocolate sauce and you still wouldn't be interested! (Well maybe . . .
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
if that isn't what i've been saying then thanks for putting it into different words. i said a horny person would screw anything. like the old shepards and their sheep.
I guess that's how I feel too. I only choose the ape theory over the creation theory because I'm not religious. Spiritual but not religious.
That's it isn't it! "I know I was born and I know I will die, the in between is mine. I am mine."
Ooh just looked those up, very pretty indeed! I was thinking more of the blue and yellow iris but the bearded german looks very pretty. A bit like a gladioli. Dame Edna would love em!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yea, ok.
Do you think his opinion is based on his research, or no?
Why do you feel that your opinion is more substantiated?
Have you done any research into sexuality or is your opinion based on personal experience and subjective transduction?
"Genetic and environmental structural equation models were fitted separately for men and women by
maximum likelihood using the LISREL program ( ) and using only the same-sex pairs.
We thus examined the relative effects of additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C; i.e., between family
or common environment), and nonshared environmental (E; i.e., within family or individual-specific
environment, including measurement error) factors on the latent normal variable underlying variation in sexual
Wow, I sifted through 26 pages, just to prove that the proper controls were taken in a scientific research experiment that is already accepted by peer review. What a bummer.
some scientists believe a comet hit the earth bringing water and micro organisms. some say a metior from mars (since finding the fossils) brought the organisms. last night they showed pictures of water on mars. i saw a show on the discovery channel where they have evidence that aliens bred with ancient humans to create us. all have scientific evidence. some have fossils and bones.
all i know is we are here. let's enjoy what we can and change what we feel is wrong. i'm sure the money put into where we came from could have solved world hunger twice over.
Harsh, they don't seem to be questioning the results of his research, but rather his book about his theories.
It's interesting because homosexuality was long recognized as a disorder, be it psychological, or physiological, but homosexual protestors have seen had it removed from the medical books, effectively trying to limit the research into it.
It's the social prejudice of a bias minority and their sympathizers if you ask me. I haven't read Bailey's book, but it doesn't sound like he is trying to stigmatize transsexuals or homosexuals, he's just theorizing the cause, and I guess people don't like to have the causality of their actions investigated. What a pile of horse shit.
hey; you're getting between jeanie and myself here! (just kidding)
what i really want to ask is did my previous post about how we got here make any sense to the subject matter? i mean; if we figure it all out; will it change anything?
I didn't get the impression that shmap felt his/her opinion is more substantiated, but that shmap felt there was reason to question the work of J. Michael Bailey. Doing a quick check on wikipedia alone, it looks like there is much controversy surrounding Bailey.
There's more, too. Much of this is questioning his methods.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!