The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
That was disturbing. I feel it is important to point out that this was a HAMAS kindergarten graudation though... not a PALESTINIAN one. That is a crucial distinction.
HAMAS is a primarily palestinian organization. That does not mean that palestinian = hamas.
exactly, let me point that out again. this is not representative for all palestinian kindergartens.
"Ransom paid the Devil, he whispers pleasing words.
Triumphant are the angels if they can get there first."
Your blind faith is showing. When are you going to come to reason?
blind faith it what? Israel? no not exactly. I just like to even the playing field in what has become the hate Israel and Big Bad America moving train.
because they are children
. not old enough to think or make their own desicions
that question had more sense when attached to the rest of my post. I understand your disgust, but try to realize that compared to your average palestinian you have virtually everything while they do not. Does that give you the right to judge?
1967 borders? zero dependence (in america) on foreign oil ?
if those bring peace. i'm for it.
Chances are both of these would help (if zero dependance is for everyone)
It is disgusting that children of such a young age are made to dress up to look like suicide bombers. I suspect this is merely a way of sending out a message to Israel that Palestinian children, when old enough, will carry on the fight for freedom when their elders have been killed off. I think it's terrible that Palestinians have been forced into such desperation and anger. But then I suspect that anyone else would behave the same way if subjected to the same daily oppression and terror.
LOL, I love it!!! History has been filled with the Ghandi's and MLK Jr's that show how to deal with oppression and create positive change. They are held as some of the greatest people to ever live. Maybe we could learn something by their example?
It just kills me how you want so bad to think you are objective, yet you sympathize with people who teach their children to be suicide bombers. This HAS to be one of the most disgusting things I have heard in a long time - exploiting children for their parent's selfish agenda's and broken pride. You suspect this is how "anybody" would react huh? Are you fucking kidding me??? You are such a joke man. I would be just fine with that view if you applied it to everybody.
America got hit on 9/11, and so we try to introduce pluralistic politics to the Middle East in an attempt to open societies and offer higher standards of living, equality among the sexes and sexual orientations, freedom of religion and above all HOPE so that desperation does not turn into another massive suicide attack in which thousands are killed. Does that not make sense to you???? You may disagree with the plan or think that it won't work all you want, but does it at least not make sense? Does that not at least have SOME nobility to it???
It's like turning a 5-year-old into a suicide bomber is reasonable, yet trying to offer the Middle East nearly 800 years of Western enlightenment stretching all the way back to the Magna Carta is horrific????? How do you justify that to yourself, I would LOVE to know???
blind faith it what? Israel? no not exactly. I just like to even the playing field in what has become the hate Israel and Big Bad America moving train.
I don't think people hate either isreal or america, they just don't agree with the actions taken by the goverments of either country.
Is that not allowed or must we follow blindly what leaders say?
Stop taking it all so personally. Just because you choose to believe it, does not mean we can not have differing opinons.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Jlew the video posted about the oil Rob Newman - The History Of Oil you said it was utter rubbish, did you even watch it?
Do you think the guy just made stuff up or did thorough reserch before making his video?
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Seems like this is the story of how the country of Israel was born. I want the land, we've been hard done by. Mine, mine, mine.
Only you forget the fact that millions of Jews already lived there before 1948, and in fact had roots in the region stretching all the way back to the times of King David over 2,000 years ago. Oh year, and the Jews just didn't create Isreal and then started pushing Arabs off their land, knocking down their houses or stealing their property.
Only you forget the fact that millions of Jews already lived there before 1948, and in fact had roots in the region stretching all the way back to the times of King David over 2,000 years ago. Oh year, and the Jews just didn't create Isreal and then started pushing Arabs off their land, knocking down their houses or stealing their property.
The thing that strikes me about this whole mess is this. Jews come from all over the world. Many, many countries in the world have a percentage of Jewish population. Being Jewish is a religion, not a nationality. Being Arab however, denotes that a person comes from a certain region. Ya know, kinda like being African means your from Africa, not that you practice African as a religion. Judaism, Jews, Jewish..... it's a religion.
LOL, I love it!!! History has been filled with the Ghandi's and MLK Jr's that show how to deal with oppression and create positive change. They are held as some of the greatest people to ever live. Maybe we could learn something by their example?
LOL, I love it!!! History has been filled with the Ghandi's and MLK Jr's that show how to deal with oppression and create positive change. They are held as some of the greatest people to ever live. Maybe we could learn something by their example?
It just kills me how you want so bad to think you are objective, yet you sympathize with people who teach their children to be suicide bombers. This HAS to be one of the most disgusting things I have heard in a long time - exploiting children for their parent's selfish agenda's and broken pride. You suspect this is how "anybody" would react huh? Are you fucking kidding me???
Of course only Palestinians would dress their children up as suicide bombers for the cameras in order to convey a message to their oppressors. This is because they are inherently evil, and uncivilized, and because they are lacking the wisdom and morals supplied by 800 years of Western enlightenment stretching all the way back to the Magna Carta.
If only these ignorant savages would wake up and realise that we are merely trying to help them when we steal their land, bulldoze their houses, shoot missiles into their crowded streets, and snipe their women and children. If only they would take a cue from MLK or Gandhi and just lay down and allow us to roll our bulldozers of compassion over them.
America got hit on 9/11, and so we try to introduce pluralistic politics to the Middle East in an attempt to open societies and offer higher standards of living, equality among the sexes and sexual orientations, freedom of religion and above all HOPE so that desperation does not turn into another massive suicide attack in which thousands are killed. Does that not make sense to you???? You may disagree with the plan or think that it won't work all you want, but does it at least not make sense? Does that not at least have SOME nobility to it???
OMG you actually believe that rubbish?
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
When the wall is finally complete will they still worry about bombers getting in? To live a life of feeling that everybody is out to get you all the time just helps sensational stories and videos that are supposed to make our hearts bleed just seem like the daily news.
The lady beside me here at work who is Jewish yet has only visited the homeland and wasn't born there, has a hard-on for the Arabs and she hasn't a relation, of a relation, of a blood line that has ever been hard done by by an Arab. Go figure? But the race is so accepting and I am supposed to be shocked by a video that was on page one. Or disbelieve that a Jew can't hate just as much as everybody else.
My first question to everybody I hear say there "home" is better then Canada is, "why are you here?". Please just go back and spare yourself the hardship of living here. ie: Israel
thats sad. you come up with a letter from one person while countless thousands of small children are being taught to die for Allah.
well, obvioulsy it's sadder you didn't even read what i posted, had you done so you would see it was not a letter from 1 person but lots and lots of letters from different schools in israel...did you miss the videos i posted, too?
maybe you had the directors cut of that video, cos i didn't see 'thousands of small children' in the video you posted
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
blind faith it what? Israel? no not exactly. I just like to even the playing field in what has become the hate Israel and Big Bad America moving train.
are you for evening the playing field overall when it comes to israel and palestine, too?
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
how how would that happen? give aid and support to the terrorists organization hamas?
you're not gonna reply to post #81????
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
well, obvioulsy it's sadder you didn't even read what i posted, had you done so you would see it was not a letter from 1 person but lots and lots of letters from different schools in israel...did you miss the videos i posted, too?
maybe you had the directors cut of that video, cos i didn't see 'thousands of small children' in the video you posted
Israel does bad things. some Israelis have the same amount of hatred and resolve as palastinians. I got it. since you wont show both sides doing wrong, I'll show this one. "even the playing field" as you say.
but look at the society as a whole. not even in palastine but throughout the muslim world. their children are brainwashed like this from the beginning. they are taught to kill for allah. they will never be satisfied until Israel is gone.
Israel does bad things. some Israelis have the same amount of hatred and resolve as palastinians. I got it. since you wont show both sides doing wrong, I'll show this one. "even the playing field" as you say.
but look at the society as a whole. not even in palastine but throughout the muslim world. their children are brainwashed like this from the beginning. they are taught to kill for allah. they will never be satisfied until Israel is gone.
uhhh, i guess you don't read ppl's posts...i've said both sides do wrong repeatedly throughout my time posting here! i guess you only see what you want to
and i do think it's done on both sides, look at how those settler kids act in the videos i have no problem w/ them shouting thins liek 'fuck your jesus, we killed your jesus and are proud ot if, we'll kill you and the palestinians'?
what about in their war w/ lebanon when those kids were signing bombs?? is that not teaching a child to hate? did you visit that website i posted w/ the videos that has kids signing songs about killing all the arabs and palestinians?
happy now? and for the record I could care less if you respond to my posts. cry all you want if i'm not as quick as you'd like.
it had nothing to do w/ being quick...i looked at your name and it said you were viewing the moving train, no longer in this how could you be slowly replying to my post if it said you were in the moving train? it would say you were in this thread or replying to this thread if that is what you were doing, you don't need to lie about it
and you still didn't address my question of why did you even read the article i posted? b/c from your original reply it seems obvious you didn't...the article stated throughout that it was several letters from different kids at different schools and you somehow get the impression it was just a single letter? how could anyone get that from the article i posted?
who cried about it? i was calling you out on how you don't seem to even read what others post, as was proven by your reply to me saying it was only a single letter from a single person
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Trying to provoke me into getting banned again? Nice try.
No. It doesn't make sense, because nothing that you've stated has any relation to the truth. It is the opposite of sense, which is 'nonsense'.
I don't justify it to myself because it's your own personal fantasy and I believe life's too short to indulge in fantasies.
Dude, I've got nothing against you and I would never try to get you banned... good lord. Please explain to me why my post doesn't make sense? This is my problem. I lay out EXACTLY why I believe what I do, and all the liberals on this board just come back with "that's bullshit" or "quit taking your con talking points from Foxnews".
Maybe I would agree with you, or maybe you could alter my views if you could offer something up. But you never do! This is another perfect example of it.
Jlew24asu & I were able to share thoughts last night w/out killing eachother or reverting to "I'm right, you are wrong" stuff..... even though I believe our sympathies fall on different sides of the issue.
I guess my point is if you want to just dig your toes in and hold your ground then great... but kindly step out of the way when people want to have a discussion about issues that could actually be meaningful. That is not aimed at any one person here...
Nothing is gained by whats happened on the last several pages of this thread. Makes me wonder wether anyone on either side acutally gives a rats ass about this, or if they just despirately want to be correct.
Isreal does have a history of posing as arabs.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
exactly, let me point that out again. this is not representative for all palestinian kindergartens.
Triumphant are the angels if they can get there first."
. not old enough to think or make their own desicions
1967 borders? zero dependence (in america) on foreign oil ?
if those bring peace. i'm for it.
Chances are both of these would help (if zero dependance is for everyone)
LOL, I love it!!! History has been filled with the Ghandi's and MLK Jr's that show how to deal with oppression and create positive change. They are held as some of the greatest people to ever live. Maybe we could learn something by their example?
It just kills me how you want so bad to think you are objective, yet you sympathize with people who teach their children to be suicide bombers. This HAS to be one of the most disgusting things I have heard in a long time - exploiting children for their parent's selfish agenda's and broken pride. You suspect this is how "anybody" would react huh? Are you fucking kidding me??? You are such a joke man. I would be just fine with that view if you applied it to everybody.
America got hit on 9/11, and so we try to introduce pluralistic politics to the Middle East in an attempt to open societies and offer higher standards of living, equality among the sexes and sexual orientations, freedom of religion and above all HOPE so that desperation does not turn into another massive suicide attack in which thousands are killed. Does that not make sense to you???? You may disagree with the plan or think that it won't work all you want, but does it at least not make sense? Does that not at least have SOME nobility to it???
It's like turning a 5-year-old into a suicide bomber is reasonable, yet trying to offer the Middle East nearly 800 years of Western enlightenment stretching all the way back to the Magna Carta is horrific????? How do you justify that to yourself, I would LOVE to know???
I don't think people hate either isreal or america, they just don't agree with the actions taken by the goverments of either country.
Is that not allowed or must we follow blindly what leaders say?
Stop taking it all so personally. Just because you choose to believe it, does not mean we can not have differing opinons.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Seems like this is the story of how the country of Israel was born. I want the land, we've been hard done by. Mine, mine, mine.
Jlew the video posted about the oil Rob Newman - The History Of Oil you said it was utter rubbish, did you even watch it?
Do you think the guy just made stuff up or did thorough reserch before making his video?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Only you forget the fact that millions of Jews already lived there before 1948, and in fact had roots in the region stretching all the way back to the times of King David over 2,000 years ago. Oh year, and the Jews just didn't create Isreal and then started pushing Arabs off their land, knocking down their houses or stealing their property.
The thing that strikes me about this whole mess is this. Jews come from all over the world. Many, many countries in the world have a percentage of Jewish population. Being Jewish is a religion, not a nationality. Being Arab however, denotes that a person comes from a certain region. Ya know, kinda like being African means your from Africa, not that you practice African as a religion. Judaism, Jews, Jewish..... it's a religion.
It's not a fact at all. It's another fantasy.
Population of Palestine 1870-1946
Arabs - 1,237,000
Jews - 608,000
Of course only Palestinians would dress their children up as suicide bombers for the cameras in order to convey a message to their oppressors. This is because they are inherently evil, and uncivilized, and because they are lacking the wisdom and morals supplied by 800 years of Western enlightenment stretching all the way back to the Magna Carta.
If only these ignorant savages would wake up and realise that we are merely trying to help them when we steal their land, bulldoze their houses, shoot missiles into their crowded streets, and snipe their women and children. If only they would take a cue from MLK or Gandhi and just lay down and allow us to roll our bulldozers of compassion over them.
OMG you actually believe that rubbish?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Are you sure?
When the wall is finally complete will they still worry about bombers getting in? To live a life of feeling that everybody is out to get you all the time just helps sensational stories and videos that are supposed to make our hearts bleed just seem like the daily news.
The lady beside me here at work who is Jewish yet has only visited the homeland and wasn't born there, has a hard-on for the Arabs and she hasn't a relation, of a relation, of a blood line that has ever been hard done by by an Arab. Go figure? But the race is so accepting and I am supposed to be shocked by a video that was on page one. Or disbelieve that a Jew can't hate just as much as everybody else.
My first question to everybody I hear say there "home" is better then Canada is, "why are you here?". Please just go back and spare yourself the hardship of living here. ie: Israel
well, obvioulsy it's sadder you didn't even read what i posted, had you done so you would see it was not a letter from 1 person but lots and lots of letters from different schools in israel...did you miss the videos i posted, too?
maybe you had the directors cut of that video, cos i didn't see 'thousands of small children' in the video you posted
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
are you for evening the playing field overall when it comes to israel and palestine, too?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
you're not gonna reply to post #81????
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Israel does bad things. some Israelis have the same amount of hatred and resolve as palastinians. I got it. since you wont show both sides doing wrong, I'll show this one. "even the playing field" as you say.
but look at the society as a whole. not even in palastine but throughout the muslim world. their children are brainwashed like this from the beginning. they are taught to kill for allah. they will never be satisfied until Israel is gone.
uhhh, i guess you don't read ppl's posts...i've said both sides do wrong repeatedly throughout my time posting here! i guess you only see what you want to
and i do think it's done on both sides, look at how those settler kids act in the videos i have no problem w/ them shouting thins liek 'fuck your jesus, we killed your jesus and are proud ot if, we'll kill you and the palestinians'?
what about in their war w/ lebanon when those kids were signing bombs?? is that not teaching a child to hate? did you visit that website i posted w/ the videos that has kids signing songs about killing all the arabs and palestinians?
no, of course you didn't
it had nothing to do w/ being quick...i looked at your name and it said you were viewing the moving train, no longer in this how could you be slowly replying to my post if it said you were in the moving train? it would say you were in this thread or replying to this thread if that is what you were doing, you don't need to lie about it
and you still didn't address my question of why did you even read the article i posted? b/c from your original reply it seems obvious you didn't...the article stated throughout that it was several letters from different kids at different schools and you somehow get the impression it was just a single letter? how could anyone get that from the article i posted?
who cried about it? i was calling you out on how you don't seem to even read what others post, as was proven by your reply to me saying it was only a single letter from a single person
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Dude, I've got nothing against you and I would never try to get you banned... good lord. Please explain to me why my post doesn't make sense? This is my problem. I lay out EXACTLY why I believe what I do, and all the liberals on this board just come back with "that's bullshit" or "quit taking your con talking points from Foxnews".
Maybe I would agree with you, or maybe you could alter my views if you could offer something up. But you never do! This is another perfect example of it.
I guess my point is if you want to just dig your toes in and hold your ground then great... but kindly step out of the way when people want to have a discussion about issues that could actually be meaningful. That is not aimed at any one person here...
Nothing is gained by whats happened on the last several pages of this thread. Makes me wonder wether anyone on either side acutally gives a rats ass about this, or if they just despirately want to be correct.