Palestinian kindergarten graduation ceremony

does Israel teach their children the same way? i'm just curious
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take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
thanks care. it took a long time it to load for me. some say winamp works best. I dont know.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That was disturbing. I feel it is important to point out that this was a HAMAS kindergarten graudation though... not a PALESTINIAN one. That is a crucial distinction.
HAMAS is a primarily palestinian organization. That does not mean that palestinian = hamas.
....firefox won't do it use IE
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
No, its more like saying not all americans are Republicans. Just because we happen to have a Republican in charge right now does not make all of us Republicans any more than it makes all Palestinians Hamas believers.
No... he has it right.
All Hamas is Palestinian... just as all Democrats and Republicans are Americans.
Not all Palestinians are Hamas... just as not all Americans are Democrats... and not all americans are Republicans.
Hail, Hail!!!
I understand what you are saying...
I just ment to point out that labeling something as Palestinian, when it does not represent all Palestinians, gives it a false pretense (Hamas has a slim majority in the gov't, from what I understand).
That is how propaganda gets people worked up... it leaves the consumer presuming absolutes while pointing out extremes.
Imagine someone in Palestine, since we are talking about it... watching one of the political ads (or worse) from last election time, and thinking that is how all Americans feel.
Didn't see the video... work computer and firewalls and network sniffers and shit... but, i get the gist. Anti-Israel... Hate Israel... Kill Israel... right?
That's typical of many Arab states... although, Kintergarten is pretty young to get them on the road to bomb vests. At least the Pakistanis wait til they are about 9 or 10... and the Saudis don't get them til they reach their teens.
And yes... I abhor it. Just as I abhor Israel's occupation. I think both the Palestinians and Israelis are shitheads who really don't care if their kids grow up to kill each other. It's like a fucking way of life for BOTH those assholes.
Hail, Hail!!!
no no. absolutely not. Israel is not mentioned once in this video. it shows kindergartener's dressed in full military gear with fake machine guns marching around in a classroom doing military drills praising Allah and saying how they will die for him.
well its typical so I guess it makes it ok. after all its Israel who is the bad guy.
... really? Israel does the same thing to its children? seriously?
The only comment I'm going to make about this response is that you take each line out individually... and thus, out of context. Nothing worthwhile here for me to address.
Hail, Hail!!!
Someone is just itching for a fight tonite, no?
Good luck baiting someone in to this fight.
All of the sudden I feel the urge to find a dead horse and beat it. Perhaps I already did.
Yup. I have nothing to say if there is nothing worthwhile to address.
Hail, Hail!!!
i'll just patiently wait for the "Israel killed another child thread" to appear
Keep on waitin and baitin...
Your video doesn't prove anything any more than the pics of the little Israeli girls signing the bombs were going to Lebanon last year. Neither examples speaks for those groups of people as a whole.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I trust you won't be waiting long.
I have to admit, as far as propaganda goes, that is effective. No one wants to think that 5 year olds could be subjected to brainwashing like this. It happens everywhere though, to some extent.
Then intellect takes over and I realize that the only way to have an honest dialogue is to understand that there are humans on both sides of the conflict who are innocent. Rather than focusing on the radicalized segments of society, perhaps focusing on the good that exists in all walks of life & encouraging those people to find their voice and affect change is the way to go.
Or, we could just keep throwing bombs and pointing at "those people" who are all wrong, while we are all right. Its a luxury I enjoy sitting here and attemtping to fix world problems from the comfort of my home.
Last I checked no one was keeping me in a police state, or blowing themselves up to kill others around them. So I guess its pretty easy for me to judge either of them, since I have NO IDEA what the have gone through as combative societys for decades.
well said.
Each of these societies has their own unique way of disregarding human life.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Israel is innocent. It doesn't send it's children to kill Palestinians. It waits until they are old enough to do their forced military service, and then lets them go and kill Palestinian men, women, and children. Israeli children mostly live lives of wealth and prosperity. They are good, moral, upstanding citizens who respect the lives of all people. The Palestinians as a whole are inherently evil and sadistic, and therefore they should be herded into Apartheid style bantustans and bombed and sniped at will.
I never said Israel is innocent.
I guess it would be nice to know the % of children who go through this type of graduation. if it's 1%, I'd so no big deal. someone mentioned those jesus camps and they are equally as sickening.
I also wonder how your attitude would be if you saw Israel children doing the same thing. is it safe to say would be outraged? safe to say you'd make your own thread showing this outrageousness?