bush is angry...

the little devil has steam coming out of his ears....
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Post edited by Unknown User on
Si senor Chavez. Si.
Or violet if you will.
My bad.
wow, anytime bush is in trouble, you're always there for him. you're like his monica lewinsky!!
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
You called him the devil, so did Chavez. Get it?
oh i get that. but i'm talking about any post, any thread that is negative towards bush, you're there defending him. you must be getting tired by now.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Tired of the hate-Bush-and-bash-every-single-fucking-thing-he-does leftwingers? Yup. Pretty damn tired of it.
So tired that you ignore the truth? Brilliant!
Bush and his supporters need to realize that major screw ups took place in Iraq. The 'course' we are staying is one of mistake after mistake with miscalculations tossed in between. "Stay the Course" essentially means, "Keep on Fucking Up".
Hail, Hail!!!
What "truth" have I ignored?
i think sometimes you jump the gun. did you even read the link?? maybe you should question why bush always seems to be saying the opposite of what everyone else is saying regarding the safety of america, terrorism, iraq, etc.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
I guess that makes me a dissenter which, according to people like you, means I'm a true patriot. Yay for me.
The fact that you think people are bashing Bush for the sake of bashing him rather then his track record is ignoring the truth.
Bashing him for legitmate reasons is more than fine by me. I have issues with many things that he has done. That being said, calling him the little devil and equating him with Hitler is pathetic and ignores the truth.
hey, i don't take offense when my grandma calls me a handsome little devil. what's the big deal?? if i had said "the little cowboy", would you get mad at that?? (don't answer that, let me guess). :rolleyes:
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
That attacking Iraq has made this world a less safe place to be.
That those mistakes were all Bush's fault.
Don't mistake the war on terror with the war on Iraq.
That appointing Michael Brown as the FEMA director costs people lives in New Orleans.
That they lied when they said nobody ever had any idea that the levees in New Orleans were in danger (or something like that).
When they lied after 9/11 in saying that they never had any idea that this could happen.
Shall I go on?
I can tell by your (IMO, misguided) passion for this subject, that you are a patriot.
Here is a classic example your words from the Iraqi civilians thread....that fact that you dont blame America for turning Iraq into the gruesome place it is now is ignoring the truth.
"I disagree with the premise of your question. It's not an occupying army that's doing the killing. Again, its Iraqi versus Iraqi sectarian violence.
And to answer inmytree's question whether 43,000 Iraqis would be dead without the US there - maybe, maybe not. That doesn't answer whether America is RESPONSIBLE for it. I tend to place blame on the ones doing the bombing."
Truer words hath never been spoken. I don't understand why you posted those entries. I stand by what I said.
You asked how u ignore the truth and by above comment you're demonstrating how you are.
Your pathetic excuse for a pres himself; says we're fighting them there so we dont fight them here. How much more clear can it be that we're resposible for the deaths in Iraq. You can set fire to someone's house claiming that the fire killed the people inside, but you're not blaming the person who started the fire.
who said anything about hitler?? i wouldn't compare bush to hitler. hitler was a genius(an evil one). bush is a cartoon character(a dumb one).
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
So you think that the people committing these atrocities don't have minds? They cannot be equated with fire - they are people, just like you and me. Everyone has free will. They, alone, choose to do what they do. How about placing blame where it belongs?
Let's go to the video tape...
Sat there in a daze when he learned we were under attack... not so good.
Put up a strong front a couple of days afterwards... good.
Went after Al Qaeda, Usama Bin Laden and his Taliban hosts in Afghanistan... good.
Shifted focus from the task in Afghanistan towards Iraq... not so good.
Used fear of 'mushroom clouds' over America to scare us... not so good.
Thinking that we are stupid enough to think that an Arab is an Arab and a Terrorist is a Terrorist, so Usama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussien are the same person... not so good (except for the dumb people in America who chose to eat that shit).
Create a rift with our NATO Allies... not so good.
Divide our nation at a time when we need to be united... not so good.
Sought Military advice from Jesus... instead of his Dad... not so good.
Put together a Coalition of the Bribed and Coerced... not so good.
Invaded Iraq... not so good.
Ended 'Combat Operations', therefore, changing te rules of engagement when there was still a fucking war going on... not so good.
Tries to divert our attention away from Iraq with nonsense such as Gay Marriage... not so good (unless you are a numb nut that thinks two dudes getting married is worse than young Marines getting their legs blown off).
Had no clue that Katrina was a disaster (needs to watch the news or pick up a fuckng newspaper once in a while)... not so good.
Mike Brown and Harriet Meirs. Don't give your drinking buddies and former pieces of ass high ranking positions in our government... not so good.
Failure to admit mistakes... not so good (to Bush supporters... he is not Jesus).
Sets aside thousands of acres in the Pacific as a wildlife preserve... good.
500 Billion tax dollars in Iraq... not so good.
Feel free to add your points... good or not so good. The above are mine.
Hail, Hail!!!
Did I say that you personally did that? No. I am speaking in general terms. Many do compare Bush with Hitler.