Indeed!! So there's no need to complain about people of colour cleaning toilets or washing dishes because just as many in the majority race are doing it too!!!
So why did you call out only the minorities for this in the last post I quoted? We're arguing semantics now...
You can't acknowledge that their is discrimmination in the work place? Seems to be a fairly well recognized problem for the rest of the world...
Just as many doing it? I'd be willing to bet that those numbers are WAY out per capita, esp. when factoring education into the mix.
Granted, the IQ is largely a factor of upbringing in early childhood, but that does not really matter in this discussion.
This sentence is the key to why your dissatisfaction with affirmative action turns into rage, and comes across as bigotry. You are dismissing the reason for the "built in advantage" you are trying to discredit.
This sentence is the key to why your dissatisfaction with affirmative action turns into rage, and comes across as bigotry. You are dismissing the reason for the "built in advantage" you are trying to discredit.
You want to discuss the reasons minorities have lower IQs? It's partly to do with their upbringing, the rest being hereditary factors. Growing up in a family where your mother is 15, does crack, and you don't start school until you're 12 doesn't help - but, those are cultural aspects of the black experience in America that have not been influenced by whites.
Whites never forced blacks to have high crime rates, do drugs at a young age, and have many many children out of wedlock. Blacks chose that for themselves.
Stupid liberals want to blame everything on white conquerors who mercilessly retarded the progress of the lower class masses. That's Karl Marx horseshit and it's not true. Plenty of white families started out with nothing but they had strong family values and valued education. Kept their kids off drugs. They amounted to something.
Different cultures in this country value different things and have different educational abilities - the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will scrap bullshit affirmative action.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
You want a built-in advantage??????? You want to see a really good example of a built-in advantage? How about when I apply to a college and I have good grades but they don't accept me because I'm white, but they accept a minority with worse grades than me because he's dark.
That's fucking bullshit. You liberals have no evidence to support your crap. Minorities get more of a leg up than anyone and white people get shat on by the current system. If it were up to you people, I wouldn't have even been accepted to my college so we could have more minorities with worse grades and lower scores.
I'm a white male and the rest of my life, I will be reminded of how my people have discriminated against blacks etc so I should be "happy" to give up my place because I have a "built in advantage." Fuck that.
And let's talk about the genetic aspect of intelligence while we're at it. Yes, this is a touchy subject that people don't like to talk about, but there facts regarding minority IQs that don't get reported and we are led to believe that minorities have equal IQs to whites in America. Certainly, plenty of them do, but on average they do not.
"Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S...."
How can you expect the average black person to do as well as the average white person if his IQ is on average 15 points lower? Granted, the IQ is largely a factor of upbringing in early childhood, but that does not really matter in this discussion.
How can you expect the African-American population with an average IQ of 15 less points to do as well as whites?
Sorry you have so much anger, my friend.
What about the built-in advantage white people have had for centuries in the United States?
Black people were denied rights for decades, and as a result of that, whites were able to prosper, since black people were denied a fair shot at jobs, restaurant tables, restrooms, college admisson, etc.
Do you ever stop and think that your position in life is the result of your grandfather being granted an advantage at the expense of a black person 60 years ago?
You need to look at the past before you whine about how things are now.
You want to discuss the reasons minorities have lower IQs? It's partly to do with their upbringing, the rest being hereditary factors. Growing up in a family where your mother is 15, does crack, and you don't start school until you're 12 doesn't help - but, those are cultural aspects of the black experience in America that have not been influenced by whites.
Whites never forced blacks to have high crime rates, do drugs at a young age, and have many many children out of wedlock. Blacks chose that for themselves.
Stupid liberals want to blame everything on white conquerors who mercilessly retarded the progress of the lower class masses. That's Karl Marx horseshit and it's not true. Plenty of white families started out with nothing but they had strong family values and valued education. Kept their kids off drugs. They amounted to something.
Different cultures in this country value different things and have different educational abilities - the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will scrap bullshit affirmative action.
The white families that started with nothing had opportunities that were not extended to non-whites.
Whites forced blacks to have high crime rates when the whites denied them equal rights. If black people weren't discrimnated against, perhaps there would be no need to commit crimes.
If you take away someone's hope, you need to accept the consequences.
You want a built-in advantage??????? You want to see a really good example of a built-in advantage? How about when I apply to a college and I have good grades but they don't accept me because I'm white, but they accept a minority with worse grades than me because he's dark.
That's fucking bullshit. You liberals have no evidence to support your crap. Minorities get more of a leg up than anyone and white people get shat on by the current system. If it were up to you people, I wouldn't have even been accepted to my college so we could have more minorities with worse grades and lower scores.
I'm a white male and the rest of my life, I will be reminded of how my people have discriminated against blacks etc so I should be "happy" to give up my place because I have a "built in advantage." Fuck that.
And let's talk about the genetic aspect of intelligence while we're at it. Yes, this is a touchy subject that people don't like to talk about, but there facts regarding minority IQs that don't get reported and we are led to believe that minorities have equal IQs to whites in America. Certainly, plenty of them do, but on average they do not.
"Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S...."
How can you expect the average black person to do as well as the average white person if his IQ is on average 15 points lower? Granted, the IQ is largely a factor of upbringing in early childhood, but that does not really matter in this discussion.
How can you expect the African-American population with an average IQ of 15 less points to do as well as whites?
Yep!! Although, IQ testing is is never really a good judge because the same person can take the same test several times and get several different scores. It is intended to be used merely as a guideline, not as hard fact.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
What about the built-in advantage white people have had for centuries in the United States?
Black people were denied rights for decades, and as a result of that, whites were able to prosper, since black people were denied a fair shot at jobs, restaurant tables, restrooms, college admisson, etc.
Do you ever stop and think that your position in life is the result of your grandfather being granted an advantage at the expense of a black person 60 years ago?
You need to look at the past before you whine about how things are now.
My grandfather grew up in a broken Irish home in The Bronx. His father had a gambling problem. His mother kicked his father out and raised the kids herself. They were poor as dirt, living on what a woman in the 20s, 30s, and 40s could make for a living, which was nothing. My grandfather had a public school education back in the 20s-30s. Still, he did extremely well in school. He certainly couldn't expect to afford college, though. Then WWII happened and he went and fought. Then when he came back, instead of taking the lump cash sum, he opted for help with affording college. He got a degree and then went to law school and worked for the FBI the rest of his life.
His situation was very similar to many minority families. Why should I owe something to minorities when my family had a tough time too? Because we're white and my grandfather could be accepted into a college while a black man couldn't? I never kept a black man out of college and I shouldn't be penalized for it now.
If you want to hear about my other grandfather, it's a worse story. Plenty of white people just like me never did anything to deserve to be discriminated against today. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
You want to discuss the reasons minorities have lower IQs? It's partly to do with their upbringing, the rest being hereditary factors. Growing up in a family where your mother is 15, does crack, and you don't start school until you're 12 doesn't help - but, those are cultural aspects of the black experience in America that have not been influenced by whites.
Whites never forced blacks to have high crime rates, do drugs at a young age, and have many many children out of wedlock. Blacks chose that for themselves.
Stupid liberals want to blame everything on white conquerors who mercilessly retarded the progress of the lower class masses. That's Karl Marx horseshit and it's not true. Plenty of white families started out with nothing but they had strong family values and valued education. Kept their kids off drugs. They amounted to something.
Different cultures in this country value different things and have different educational abilities - the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will scrap bullshit affirmative action.
Hereditary? Oh yeah, whites are just smarter :rolleyes: First off, IQ means dick. Absolutely dick. More than upbringing and ... ahem... hereditary factors, the 15 point average differntial (if that is indeed true) is more influenced by the fact that IQ tests are culturaly biased in the first place! Socio economics is another major factor.
As far as the rest of your puke about negative aspects of Black culture not being influenced by whites, i have to say that, indirectly, it ALL has been influenced by whites. Face it. Slavery and Jim Crow put Blacks in a hole that is nearly impossible to climb out of. Its even harder when as one tries to climb out, folks like you keep kicking dirt in their face.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
The white families that started with nothing had opportunities that were not extended to non-whites.
Whites forced blacks to have high crime rates when the whites denied them equal rights. If black people weren't discrimnated against, perhaps there would be no need to commit crimes.
If you take away someone's hope, you need to accept the consequences. long do you expect that whites have to pay for their ancestral ills? When do the blacks think it is time to let bygones be bygones? History is just that...history. No other culture continues to hang onto the situations from hundreds of years ago. If anyone has room to complain and demand is the American Indians/Native people of the United States before it was the USofA! They are STILL being harrassed and mistreated to this very day. And this was THEIR land that was stolen from them that they are still prisoners on.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Hereditary? Oh yeah, whites are just smarter :rolleyes: First off, IQ means dick. Absolutely dick. More than upbringing and ... ahem... hereditary factors, the 15 point average differntial (if that is indeed true) is more influenced by the fact that IQ tests are culturaly biased in the first place! Socio economics is another major factor.
As far as the rest of your puke about negative aspects of Black culture not being influenced by whites, i have to say that, indirectly, it ALL has been influenced by whites. Face it. Slavery and Jim Crow put Blacks in a hole that is nearly impossible to climb out of. Its even harder when as one tries to climb out, folks like you keep kicking dirt in their face.
When the Europeans came to Africa and discovered the Africans for the first time, why were the Africans still living in a primitive state while the Europeans had made numerous discoveries by that time? Why had East Asian peoples made so many discoveries by that time?
When you can no longer blame whites for everything, how do you explain the differences?
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
My grandfather grew up in a broken Irish home in The Bronx. His father had a gambling problem. His mother kicked his father out and raised the kids herself. They were poor as dirt, living on what a woman in the 20s, 30s, and 40s could make for a living, which was nothing. My grandfather had a public school education back in the 20s-30s. Still, he did extremely well in school. He certainly couldn't expect to afford college, though. Then WWII happened and he went and fought. Then when he came back, instead of taking the lump cash sum, he opted for help with affording college. He got a degree and then went to law school and worked for the FBI the rest of his life.
His situation was very similar to many minority families. Why should I owe something to minorities when my family had a tough time too? Because we're white and my grandfather could be accepted into a college while a black man couldn't? I never kept a black man out of college and I shouldn't be penalized for it now.
If you want to hear about my other grandfather, it's a worse story. Plenty of white people just like me never did anything to deserve to be discriminated against today. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
I think you're somewaht missing a point that was just brought up - namely, that the past and now ARE RELATED. They are related because there are some very concrete connections between the past and present as it relates to privilege. It is true that you or I as white people don't actively keep minorities down, but its also true that there are many whites today who benefit from privileges held by their white ancesters from years past, and in some cases, not the distant past either.
My grandfather grew up in a broken Irish home in The Bronx. His father had a gambling problem. His mother kicked his father out and raised the kids herself. They were poor as dirt, living on what a woman in the 20s, 30s, and 40s could make for a living, which was nothing. My grandfather had a public school education back in the 20s-30s. Still, he did extremely well in school. He certainly couldn't expect to afford college, though. Then WWII happened and he went and fought. Then when he came back, instead of taking the lump cash sum, he opted for help with affording college. He got a degree and then went to law school and worked for the FBI the rest of his life.
His situation was very similar to many minority families. Why should I owe something to minorities when my family had a tough time too? Because we're white and my grandfather could be accepted into a college while a black man couldn't? I never kept a black man out of college and I shouldn't be penalized for it now.
If you want to hear about my other grandfather, it's a worse story. Plenty of white people just like me never did anything to deserve to be discriminated against today. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
Thats a very cool story about your grandfather...really. He had a tough time, but imagine, a black person going through the same experience, but also being subject to racial prejudice....that would just add to the difficulty of improving your quality of life.
Of course, YOU never did anything to keep a black man out of college, but you are paying for the past sins of the white race.
I agree that reverse discrimination is still discrimination, but its a by-product of the original acts of discrimination. Did the black people in the 1950s deserve to be treated as they were?
The past is the past, but the victims are the one's who are slower to move-on from the past.
Thats a very cool story about your grandfather...really. He had a tough time, but imagine, a black person going through the same experience, but also being subject to racial prejudice....that would just add to the difficulty of improving your quality of life.
Of course, YOU never did anything to keep a black man out of college, but you are paying for the past sins of the white race.
I agree that reverse discrimination is still discrimination, but its a by-product of the original acts of discrimination. Did the black people in the 1950s deserve to be treated as they were?
The past is the past, but the victims are the one's who are slower to move-on from the past.
You can't just make white people pay for the discrimination of blacks in the past by discriminating against them today. That's totalitarian bullshit.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell long do you expect that whites have to pay for their ancestral ills? When do the blacks think it is time to let bygones be bygones? History is just that...history. No other culture continues to hang onto the situations from hundreds of years ago. If anyone has room to complain and demand is the American Indians/Native people of the United States before it was the USofA! They are STILL being harrassed and mistreated to this very day. And this was THEIR land that was stolen from them that they are still prisoners on.
I am Jewish, and, and we are constanly blamed for killing Jesus over 2000 years ago!
You want to discuss the reasons minorities have lower IQs? It's partly to do with their upbringing, the rest being hereditary factors. Growing up in a family where your mother is 15, does crack, and you don't start school until you're 12 doesn't help - but, those are cultural aspects of the black experience in America that have not been influenced by whites.
Whites never forced blacks to have high crime rates, do drugs at a young age, and have many many children out of wedlock. Blacks chose that for themselves..
Blacks chose that? Man, I would love to hear you talk like this in public. A good number of black families never even chose to have roots here. when you highlight social problems associated with poverty as "cultural aspects of the black experience", you might as well go throw on a hood.
Using an aspect of your own example - try looking up the CIA's involvement in the origins of the US crack "epidemic" for evidence of how "the white man" has been involved in keeping the poor minorities down.
Stupid liberals want to blame everything on white conquerors who mercilessly retarded the progress of the lower class masses. That's Karl Marx horseshit and it's not true. Plenty of white families started out with nothing but they had strong family values and valued education. Kept their kids off drugs. They amounted to something..
see JOE's post - nepotism in business continues for generation upon generation. People hire friends and family all the time (who usually happen to be of the same race). If it was all white people running the show just a generation or two ago, racism aside, is it not safe to assume that there are still a lot of qualified minorities being passed over for whites?
Different cultures in this country value different things and have different educational abilities - the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will scrap bullshit affirmative action.
I'm no fan of affirmative action, but it's your interpretation of the 'black experience' that makes it necessary to do SOMETHING. long do you expect that whites have to pay for their ancestral ills? When do the blacks think it is time to let bygones be bygones? History is just that...history. No other culture continues to hang onto the situations from hundreds of years ago. If anyone has room to complain and demand is the American Indians/Native people of the United States before it was the USofA! They are STILL being harrassed and mistreated to this very day. And this was THEIR land that was stolen from them that they are still prisoners on.
History is never "just history". There are effects and cosequences of all situations. The "history" of the Black experience in America has huge ramifications on where they are at today. To say let "bygones be bygones" is absolutely ridiculous. What that translates is "let me not take responsibility while you continue to struggle. Fuhget about it".
I agree with you about native Americans, but how can you at once make such comments about the indiginous population, and tell Blacks to "fuckin' get over it already"?
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
see JOE's post - nepotism in business continues for generation upon generation. People hire friends and family all the time (who usually happen to be of the same race). If it was all white people running the show just a generation or two ago, racism aside, is it not safe to assume that there are still a lot of qualified minorities being passed over for whites?
Exactly what I was saying. There's a continuum of privilege. It doesn't end when your daddy dies.
When the Europeans came to Africa and discovered the Africans for the first time, why were the Africans still living in a primitive state while the Europeans had made numerous discoveries by that time? Why had East Asian peoples made so many discoveries by that time?
When you can no longer blame whites for everything, how do you explain the differences?
In a primitive state?! Dude, you need a serious fuckin history lesson. Try just about anything by J.A Rogers. "Africa's gift to humanity is a pretty good one.
Also a book called "the Destruction of Black Civilization" (Author escapes me at the time) is one you may want to check out. Put down "mein Kampf for awhile and take a look at some of those.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
In a primitive state?! Dude, you need a serious fuckin history lesson. Try just about anything by J.A Rogers. "Africa's gift to humanity is a pretty good one.
Also a book called "the Destruction of Black Civilization" (Author escapes me at the time) is one you may want to check out. Put down "mein Kampf for awhile and take a look at some of those.
Here is what the europeans found when they came to Africa:
again, your point is? is that picture supposed to demonstrate a lack of civility? I don't see anything derogatory there?
one man's civilization is another's hell. ever think that they (like native north american's) had it right until europeans came along and fucked it all up? the more you speak in this thread, the harder it is to not come out and call you a flat out fucking racist.
again, your point is? is that picture supposed to demonstrate a lack of civility? I don't see anything derogatory there?
one man's civilization is another's hell and vice versa. ever think that they (like native north american's) had it right until europeans came along and fucked it all up? the more you speak in this thread, the harder it is to not come out and call you a flat out fucking racist.
Yeah but if your language consists of click noises and you don't have a written word, you're not smart by any standard.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
You want a built-in advantage??????? You want to see a really good example of a built-in advantage? How about when I apply to a college and I have good grades but they don't accept me because I'm white, but they accept a minority with worse grades than me because he's dark.
You live in an unbelievable fantasy world that assumes that you live in a meritocracy.
The most vivid example of affirmative action we have in the US is George Bush. He had bad grades in high school and yet managed to get into Yale -- because Poppy and Grand-Poppy got into Yale. And gave lots and lots of money. Does that bother you too? Do you post on boards about the inferior intelligence of the privileged?
People like you are perfectly happy to be pushed aside by the rich and famous. You just don't want to be pushed aside by THEM -- whoever "they" are. Obviously, blacks, but probably women, Latinos and all the other people you judge inferior.
That's fucking bullshit. You liberals have no evidence to support your crap. Minorities get more of a leg up than anyone and white people get shat on by the current system. If it were up to you people, I wouldn't have even been accepted to my college so we could have more minorities with worse grades and lower scores.
People like me -- another "them" -- think that you have been deluded into thinking that you deserve to be admitted into a school because you're a white guy with good grades. We look around, and we see an amazing amount of favoritism directed at all kinds of people -- people with high SAT scores, people who are good athletes, people who will get up at all hours and play in the marching band in thunderstorms, and most of all -- truly the most important to any university -- are the children of our most wealthy alumni.
The fact that we give some young people with skins of different colors credit for having succeeded in the face of overwhelming obstacles -- well, it's never seemed like much of a compromise to me, particularly given all the other compromises we make.
And let's talk about the genetic aspect of intelligence while we're at it. Yes, this is a touchy subject that people don't like to talk about, but there facts regarding minority IQs that don't get reported and we are led to believe that minorities have equal IQs to whites in America. Certainly, plenty of them do, but on average they do not.
"Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S...."
All of this Bell Curve bullshit has been totally discredited by every serious person who knows anything about race or about IQ. You're making arguments that were stupid 20 years ago.
And really, you're complaining being kept out of universities, and you're citing Wikipedia for deeply serious issues. Really, here and now, at this very moment, Irony is officially dead. R.I.P.
You're a racist. Pure and simple.
"Things will just get better and better even though it
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
Nothing else you said was really a legitimate argument. It was all bullshit. This is your argument: "you're a racist." That's all you needed to say because nothing else you say will get the attention you want. Everything else was a support for this underlying theme of "you're a racist; therefore, you are wrong."
The problem is: if I talk about race and IQ, I am immediately a racist. Nevermind the fact that Phillippe Rushton and his group have studied this and few people have even bothered to oppose his research because they are afraid what they may discover. This is a cultural taboo and if you come out on the wrong side, you're labelled a follower of Hitler.
This is what Hitler would've wanted: us to shut down all discussion about race in favor of cultural platitudes and overgeneralizations.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
You can't acknowledge that their is discrimmination in the work place? Seems to be a fairly well recognized problem for the rest of the world...
Just as many doing it? I'd be willing to bet that those numbers are WAY out per capita, esp. when factoring education into the mix.
This sentence is the key to why your dissatisfaction with affirmative action turns into rage, and comes across as bigotry. You are dismissing the reason for the "built in advantage" you are trying to discredit.
You want to discuss the reasons minorities have lower IQs? It's partly to do with their upbringing, the rest being hereditary factors. Growing up in a family where your mother is 15, does crack, and you don't start school until you're 12 doesn't help - but, those are cultural aspects of the black experience in America that have not been influenced by whites.
Whites never forced blacks to have high crime rates, do drugs at a young age, and have many many children out of wedlock. Blacks chose that for themselves.
Stupid liberals want to blame everything on white conquerors who mercilessly retarded the progress of the lower class masses. That's Karl Marx horseshit and it's not true. Plenty of white families started out with nothing but they had strong family values and valued education. Kept their kids off drugs. They amounted to something.
Different cultures in this country value different things and have different educational abilities - the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will scrap bullshit affirmative action.
-Enoch Powell
Sorry you have so much anger, my friend.
What about the built-in advantage white people have had for centuries in the United States?
Black people were denied rights for decades, and as a result of that, whites were able to prosper, since black people were denied a fair shot at jobs, restaurant tables, restrooms, college admisson, etc.
Do you ever stop and think that your position in life is the result of your grandfather being granted an advantage at the expense of a black person 60 years ago?
You need to look at the past before you whine about how things are now.
The white families that started with nothing had opportunities that were not extended to non-whites.
Whites forced blacks to have high crime rates when the whites denied them equal rights. If black people weren't discrimnated against, perhaps there would be no need to commit crimes.
If you take away someone's hope, you need to accept the consequences.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Yep!! Although, IQ testing is is never really a good judge because the same person can take the same test several times and get several different scores. It is intended to be used merely as a guideline, not as hard fact.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
but before the 1970s, this snazzy concept was not available to everyone.
The biggest sign of ignorance is to ignore the past when speaking about the present.
My grandfather grew up in a broken Irish home in The Bronx. His father had a gambling problem. His mother kicked his father out and raised the kids herself. They were poor as dirt, living on what a woman in the 20s, 30s, and 40s could make for a living, which was nothing. My grandfather had a public school education back in the 20s-30s. Still, he did extremely well in school. He certainly couldn't expect to afford college, though. Then WWII happened and he went and fought. Then when he came back, instead of taking the lump cash sum, he opted for help with affording college. He got a degree and then went to law school and worked for the FBI the rest of his life.
His situation was very similar to many minority families. Why should I owe something to minorities when my family had a tough time too? Because we're white and my grandfather could be accepted into a college while a black man couldn't? I never kept a black man out of college and I shouldn't be penalized for it now.
If you want to hear about my other grandfather, it's a worse story. Plenty of white people just like me never did anything to deserve to be discriminated against today. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
-Enoch Powell
Hereditary? Oh yeah, whites are just smarter :rolleyes: First off, IQ means dick. Absolutely dick. More than upbringing and ... ahem... hereditary factors, the 15 point average differntial (if that is indeed true) is more influenced by the fact that IQ tests are culturaly biased in the first place! Socio economics is another major factor.
As far as the rest of your puke about negative aspects of Black culture not being influenced by whites, i have to say that, indirectly, it ALL has been influenced by whites. Face it. Slavery and Jim Crow put Blacks in a hole that is nearly impossible to climb out of. Its even harder when as one tries to climb out, folks like you keep kicking dirt in their face. long do you expect that whites have to pay for their ancestral ills? When do the blacks think it is time to let bygones be bygones? History is just that...history. No other culture continues to hang onto the situations from hundreds of years ago. If anyone has room to complain and demand is the American Indians/Native people of the United States before it was the USofA! They are STILL being harrassed and mistreated to this very day. And this was THEIR land that was stolen from them that they are still prisoners on.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
When the Europeans came to Africa and discovered the Africans for the first time, why were the Africans still living in a primitive state while the Europeans had made numerous discoveries by that time? Why had East Asian peoples made so many discoveries by that time?
When you can no longer blame whites for everything, how do you explain the differences?
-Enoch Powell
I think you're somewaht missing a point that was just brought up - namely, that the past and now ARE RELATED. They are related because there are some very concrete connections between the past and present as it relates to privilege. It is true that you or I as white people don't actively keep minorities down, but its also true that there are many whites today who benefit from privileges held by their white ancesters from years past, and in some cases, not the distant past either.
Thats a very cool story about your grandfather...really. He had a tough time, but imagine, a black person going through the same experience, but also being subject to racial prejudice....that would just add to the difficulty of improving your quality of life.
Of course, YOU never did anything to keep a black man out of college, but you are paying for the past sins of the white race.
I agree that reverse discrimination is still discrimination, but its a by-product of the original acts of discrimination. Did the black people in the 1950s deserve to be treated as they were?
The past is the past, but the victims are the one's who are slower to move-on from the past.
You can't just make white people pay for the discrimination of blacks in the past by discriminating against them today. That's totalitarian bullshit.
-Enoch Powell
I am Jewish, and, and we are constanly blamed for killing Jesus over 2000 years ago!
Using an aspect of your own example - try looking up the CIA's involvement in the origins of the US crack "epidemic" for evidence of how "the white man" has been involved in keeping the poor minorities down.
see JOE's post - nepotism in business continues for generation upon generation. People hire friends and family all the time (who usually happen to be of the same race). If it was all white people running the show just a generation or two ago, racism aside, is it not safe to assume that there are still a lot of qualified minorities being passed over for whites? I'm no fan of affirmative action, but it's your interpretation of the 'black experience' that makes it necessary to do SOMETHING.
History is never "just history". There are effects and cosequences of all situations. The "history" of the Black experience in America has huge ramifications on where they are at today. To say let "bygones be bygones" is absolutely ridiculous. What that translates is "let me not take responsibility while you continue to struggle. Fuhget about it".
I agree with you about native Americans, but how can you at once make such comments about the indiginous population, and tell Blacks to "fuckin' get over it already"?
Exactly what I was saying. There's a continuum of privilege. It doesn't end when your daddy dies.
In a primitive state?! Dude, you need a serious fuckin history lesson. Try just about anything by J.A Rogers. "Africa's gift to humanity is a pretty good one.
Also a book called "the Destruction of Black Civilization" (Author escapes me at the time) is one you may want to check out. Put down "mein Kampf for awhile and take a look at some of those.
Here is what the europeans found when they came to Africa:
You've been lied to.
-Enoch Powell
again, your point is? is that picture supposed to demonstrate a lack of civility? I don't see anything derogatory there?
one man's civilization is another's hell. ever think that they (like native north american's) had it right until europeans came along and fucked it all up? the more you speak in this thread, the harder it is to not come out and call you a flat out fucking racist.
Yeah but if your language consists of click noises and you don't have a written word, you're not smart by any standard.
-Enoch Powell
I give up (for today
i'm speechless. Dude, sincerely take a look at some of the literature i suggested. It is not i that has been lied to.
i swear to the God i so whole-heartedly believe in, the unchecked racial prejudice that exists in this forum completely baffles and saddens me.
On the contrary, you threw aside my IQ figures in favor of ignorance.
Unchecked? How would you "check" it? Totalitarianism?
Affirmative action is pure ignorance institutionalized and you support it. You're ignorant then.
-Enoch Powell
You live in an unbelievable fantasy world that assumes that you live in a meritocracy.
The most vivid example of affirmative action we have in the US is George Bush. He had bad grades in high school and yet managed to get into Yale -- because Poppy and Grand-Poppy got into Yale. And gave lots and lots of money. Does that bother you too? Do you post on boards about the inferior intelligence of the privileged?
People like you are perfectly happy to be pushed aside by the rich and famous. You just don't want to be pushed aside by THEM -- whoever "they" are. Obviously, blacks, but probably women, Latinos and all the other people you judge inferior.
People like me -- another "them" -- think that you have been deluded into thinking that you deserve to be admitted into a school because you're a white guy with good grades. We look around, and we see an amazing amount of favoritism directed at all kinds of people -- people with high SAT scores, people who are good athletes, people who will get up at all hours and play in the marching band in thunderstorms, and most of all -- truly the most important to any university -- are the children of our most wealthy alumni.
The fact that we give some young people with skins of different colors credit for having succeeded in the face of overwhelming obstacles -- well, it's never seemed like much of a compromise to me, particularly given all the other compromises we make.
All of this Bell Curve bullshit has been totally discredited by every serious person who knows anything about race or about IQ. You're making arguments that were stupid 20 years ago.
And really, you're complaining being kept out of universities, and you're citing Wikipedia for deeply serious issues. Really, here and now, at this very moment, Irony is officially dead. R.I.P.
You're a racist. Pure and simple.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
was sesame street brought to you by the word totalitarianism today?
the opposing view of reasons for the IQ test figures were discussed and YOU ignored THAT. check.
Nothing else you said was really a legitimate argument. It was all bullshit. This is your argument: "you're a racist." That's all you needed to say because nothing else you say will get the attention you want. Everything else was a support for this underlying theme of "you're a racist; therefore, you are wrong."
The problem is: if I talk about race and IQ, I am immediately a racist. Nevermind the fact that Phillippe Rushton and his group have studied this and few people have even bothered to oppose his research because they are afraid what they may discover. This is a cultural taboo and if you come out on the wrong side, you're labelled a follower of Hitler.
This is what Hitler would've wanted: us to shut down all discussion about race in favor of cultural platitudes and overgeneralizations.
-Enoch Powell
Raise your hands.