Finding God



  • KosmicJelliKosmicJelli Posts: 1,855
    Love has nothing to do with

    the five senses and the six directions:

    its goal is only to experience

  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719
    please click
    My eyes see the ringlets in my daughters hair!
    They are wonderful leaves. I'm thrilled the pic turned out!

    They are dancing in the windless shine of the day...

    Is this not a comment and image of god?

    I had to rip this away to respect a track of a thread; but my comment is that I like you for all seasons....I look forward to getting to know you and the details of your family...peace, Tie Dye are inspiration and your art if are so many here...thank you for allowing me to share a piece of your soul...Gentle spirit...
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719
    The Secrets of the Universe
    The Unified Field Theory is the fact that all is the one substance circulating in the one substance. The formula E=Mc² tells us that energy is that one substance. In one substance motion can only be in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind. How did it all start? The starting point is the infinitesimal point nothingness which by its eternal existance, and the fact that if anythng can happen it will, "rasters" time spaces which exert their oneness in one direction, stirring the closed circuitry. This closed circuitry started out all circulating the same way therefore they all mutually repelled. This was the "big bang". By this force, again by the facility of closed circuitry, these circuits were forced to facilitate confluency, the easiest way. From this we got all our subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, everything. All seek confluence and undifferentiation, which ultimately takes place in a "black hole".But, circuits are undifferentiating with each other all the time. This is called the cancellation of opposite polarities. The singularity at the center of a "black hole" is that infinitesimal point nothingness from which another world starts again. What am I? I am a circulation of the one substance circulating in the one substance who has had consciousness imposed upon me by the capacitance and ectropy of the neurons of the arrising reticular formation in my medulla oblongata. Why am I? I have to be somewhere, sometime, in a unverse that has everythng. You do too. But, nothing circulating in nothing is nothing. It is the attention given to this nothing circulating in nothing that materializes it, just as the attention of measuring materializes a wave into a particle in quantum physics. It is no one in this universe who gives this attention; they wouldn't even have a chance to exist. Who is it? It is God. The existence of God is a mathematical certainty. It's an infinite limit situation where, for example, x=2 while f(x)= infinity when f(x)=x+2/x-2. From finites of the universal set, like sentient progression, we arrive at God. Then we find that not only was God always the same, God created the universal set itself. By sentient progression, necessitated by the fact that if anything can happen it certainly will, it is inevitable that some intelligence will eventually totally dominate a world. Extrapolating this to infinity, there always was, is and always will be an absolute, omnipresent, omnicient, omnipotent and benevolent being. That being is God. Examination of the universal set reveals God. And, God invented it. However, even though God is here maintaining even the tiniest little components of everything, we would be unable to actually relate to Him without His extension into our world as Jesus Christ. Only Jesus provides our ultimate fulfillment.

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    je'sus is your terms only...there is a bit of je'sus in everyone as well as the "other"....
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
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