hmmmm....apologies if mine, or anyone else's discussion is not 'intelligent enough'....:rolleyes:
as i have agreeed, endlessly......yes, a purely homosexual person will have their genetic traits dies off with them....where do you see any proof of it ONLY being carried within homosexuals? obviously, someone had to birth the homosexual...and obviously that person had to be hetero, or at least bisexual...i guess what i am really looking for is where exactly are you putting the 'roots' of this apparent flaw? somewhere, back in human history....homosexuality began. why is it do you believe that it was not there from the get-go? why is it seem as a glitch somewhere, as something that went 'wrong'...whereas it could easily be viewed as purposeful of nature...for the reasons i list, or who knows why else? i do not pretend to understand nature in it's entirety, i don't think anyone is too vast and always evolving......but it simply seems to me that since homosexuality has existed as long as it has...who even knows when it began....and it certainly could have a function. many things can be seen as 'flaw's perhaps...and not be at all..i think it is perception.
btw - any idea of god does not figure into my thinking at all...and yes, i am not thinking of just 'now'..i am thinking of the past and how we mayv'e come to now, and also the future and what roles we all may play. unless homosexuality became the ONLY sexual orientation, huiman beings will continue to exist...unless something else destroys us un related to i just don't see it as a 'flaw'...and more like perhaps a check in the system of population control, built right into human genetics.
I was not directing my statement to you in particular. I was just speaking out loud. I could spend years trying to expand the issue here. The scope of understanding is quite limited in this forum on some issues. Anyone is free to play what if's into the picture. I can't add more than what I already have...much else to do. People are going to do and think whatever they want....that's ok I'll sleep just fine.
I was not directing my statement to you in particular. I was just speaking out loud. I could spend years trying to expand the issue here. The scope of understanding is quite limited in this forum on some issues. Anyone is free to play what if's into the picture. I can't add more than what I already have...much else to do. People are going to do and think whatever they want....that's ok I'll sleep just fine.
i just really wanted to be able to see why you are so dead set on homosexuality being a 'flaw'...nothing more...and not actually something mother nature intended to occur here and there, for whatever reason, to keep things in check.
the scope of understanding in general, in most forums, is limited...we all are 'limited' in some capacity or another...thus why it is helpful/enjoyable to share thoughts/opinions/ideas.
i actually follow and agree quite well, overall, with your line of thinking....but as ever, i take issue with the semantics of 'flawed'....and i still see no proof/documentation to show that any one gene or set of genes is solely responsible for homosexuality, or that it is passed down soley through homosexuals and thus will eventually petet out, etc. same thing even with infertile heterosexuals. again, sure, their direct genetic map will not pass on...but who says whatever is the 'cause' of homosexuality or not included in otherwise 'normal and healthy heterosexuals, possibly a regressive genetic factor that only arises on occasion, and provides a 'function' in humanity and for the species? that was it.'s been an interesting topic to discuss.
fine,,.. but lets have on answer in a simple yes or no everyone....
I have a child, I have sex fairly frequently with my husband. The two acts are not related at all. My daughter is adopted. We love her very much and are trying daily to be good parents. Each day that I work she is with her father for 13 hrs at a time. Each day that he works she is with me for his entire 24 hr shift. Our sexual relationship has nothing to do with how we parent this child. What if we never had sex again ( there are a lot of couples who don't anymore - just check out Oprah's shows ). Don't focus on one act be it hetero or homosexual. Sexual acts have nothing to do with parenting. Two men and two women can parent children just as well as my husband and I do. Maybe better, who knows.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me
I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine. I Am Mine
Til the Lightning Bolt sets you free
i just really wanted to be able to see why you are so dead set on homosexuality being a 'flaw'...nothing more...and not actually something mother nature intended to occur here and there, for whatever reason, to keep things in check.
the scope of understanding in general, in most forums, is limited...we all are 'limited' in some capacity or another...thus why it is helpful/enjoyable to share thoughts/opinions/ideas.
i actually follow and agree quite well, overall, with your line of thinking....but as ever, i take issue with the semantics of 'flawed'....and i still see no proof/documentation to show that any one gene or set of genes is solely responsible for homosexuality, or that it is passed down soley through homosexuals and thus will eventually petet out, etc. same thing even with infertile heterosexuals. again, sure, their direct genetic map will not pass on...but who says whatever is the 'cause' of homosexuality or not included in otherwise 'normal and healthy heterosexuals, possibly a regressive genetic factor that only arises on occasion, and provides a 'function' in humanity and for the species? that was it.'s been an interesting topic to discuss.
Well I commend you for actually being able to discuss the issue instead of attacking me like most would reduce themselves to. Small minds come up with small answers I guess. It is my belief than man has been peeing in the proverbial gene pool for a long time now. More specifically in the the last 100 years by coddling undesirable traits that shouldn't be. It's really cruel to think this way but nature is pretty cruel in general. Watch any nature show. When a hyena swoops in to take a young newborn baby zebra by the neck that aint so great to watch, but that is reality. I believe there is a cause and effect for everything. I can't see how homosexuality is healthy, especially in males. How is fecal matter + reproductive system a good thing. It's an abomination. It's disgusting. Certainly something is very wrong there. It wouldn't take much to know that playing around with fecal waste is about as backwards to the human process as you can get. The male life bearing "device" is literally inserted into human waste. 180 deg out of balance. I believe bisexuality was the invention of homosexuality. The one twisted thought in someone that allowed that mindset to pass on genetic code. The gene pool is degrading, I can't see how furthering this idea, and embracing it, is anywhere close to being a good idea. However they're here and they're queer. So am I homophobic? no. I've actually gone to a few after hours gay bars and talked to lots of gay men. They would love to take me home. Every gay man I've met has told me this essentially. So no I don't hate gays. The sex part makes me want to dry heave endlessly though.
my objection is to them deciding to "have" a kid, either through a sperm donor or a surrogate mother.
instead of trying to give birth to a kid who will definitely face a lot pf peer pressure in life, they should try to bail out a kid who is unfortunate enogh to have been orphaned/abandoned.
I understand the point you're making, and I would counter with these arguements:
1) If you're a child being raised by same-sex parents, you're going to encounter what you call "peer pressure" (nice euphemism, I'd call it "homophobia") either way. It doesn't matter whether you're adopted or biological. You teach the child that these attitudes exist. Point out people who have these attitudes; make them human object lessons. With any luck, those people will go the way of the Betamax, the dodo, and the practice of tight-rollling your jeans.
2) In certain regions of this country, a biracial child would encounter similar "peer pressure". Following your line of logic, would you prefer that heterosexual biracial couples adopt rather than try to conceive through fertility treatments or surrogates? Not too long ago, a sizeable % of "good Christians" in this country saw interracial marriages as an "abomination against nature and an affront to the sensibilities of a decent Christian society". You have to imagine the quoted segment being spoken in a Southern Baptist kind of accent.
To me, the bottom line is this: Any person or couple who wants to raise children in a loving and nurturing environment should be allowed to. Fuck it, they should be encouraged to, especially when it comes to adoption.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
It is my belief than man has been peeing in the proverbial gene pool for a long time now. More specifically in the the last 100 years by coddling undesirable traits that shouldn't be... I believe there is a cause and effect for everything.
Homosexuality has been around for a lot longer than 100 years. Let's see, it's been around since... well, since the dawn of man, and before, actually, so let's get that out there. The occurrence of homosexuality will not increase if the federal government passes a law mandating that every man, woman, and child in America marry someone of the same gender, just as the occurrence of homosexuality won't decrease if Congress passes a law against it.
The gene pool is degrading, I can't see how furthering this idea, and embracing it, is anywhere close to being a good idea. However they're here and they're queer. So am I homophobic? no. I've actually gone to a few after hours gay bars and talked to lots of gay men. They would love to take me home. Every gay man I've met has told me this essentially. So no I don't hate gays. The sex part makes me want to dry heave endlessly though.
I'm not sure what point you're making here, since no one is forcibly enaging you in dry-heave inducing gay sex. If you don't hate gays, that's great, but it seems odd that you felt the need to post the fact that gay dudes think you're so desireable in the same 'graph that you tell us that you find them repulsive.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
I can't see how homosexuality is healthy, especially in males. How is fecal matter + reproductive system a good thing. It's an abomination. It's disgusting. Certainly something is very wrong there. It wouldn't take much to know that playing around with fecal waste is about as backwards to the human process as you can get. The male life bearing "device" is literally inserted into human waste. 180 deg out of balance.
To say that gay=wrong becuse anal sex=wrong is just plain ignorant. Sexuality is all about who you're ATTRACTED to, not the sex acts themselves. There are gay men who only receive anal sex. There are gay men who only give anal sex. There are gay men who only do oral sex, and NEVER do anal sex. Anal sex does not = homosexuality.
People don't wake up one day and decide they want to be gay. Sexual orientation is based on who you're attracted to. Some guys like blondes, some like brunettes, some like old, some like young, some like girls, some like guys. To say that people are gay because they like anal sex or because they choose to live that way is just plain insulting, and misinformed. Take a look at your own sexuality.
Originally Posted by rightondude
The gene pool is degrading, I can't see how furthering this idea, and embracing it, is anywhere close to being a good idea. However they're here and they're queer. So am I homophobic? no. I've actually gone to a few after hours gay bars and talked to lots of gay men. They would love to take me home. Every gay man I've met has told me this essentially. So no I don't hate gays. The sex part makes me want to dry heave endlessly though.
yawn....thinking....yawn. that's such an arrogant thing to say especially because it comes off as something you seem to expect now.
Originally Posted by decides2dream
and the same could be said for heterosexual couples who cannot procreate. some go the route of surrogates, etc. while i understand where you are coming from, if society has already deemed these things "OK" for hetero couples, i fail to see how it could be right to deny these same rights simply b/c someone is homosexual. you can say hetero couples are very 'selfish' then for going to great lengths to have their own child. selfish or not, we as a society have deemed it ok for them to be selfish. however, just b/c one can easil get pregnant and give bitrth...and another cannot...why is one more 'selfish' than the other? aren't they both equally 'selfish' then for wanting to reproduce in the first rather have their own offspring rather than adopt? i think the bottomline is...why the double-standard? and why should you or i get to decide what is 'right' for a couple in regarsds to their wants/desires for a family? why is it on for heteros and not homosexcuals..who draws the line, where and why?
I gave what I thought was a pretty thought through reason why no, I don't think couples who cannot procreate are the same as homosexual couples. I'm sorry, I don't, and I don't really think they deserve the same rights for medical intervention (i.e. surogacy). In short, medical intervention is just that: medical. For those who recognise a need for it due to medical issues. Not for just anyone who 'wants it'. If gay people are going to argue that 'there is nothing wrong with them', and that homosexuality is not a deviation from what nature intended, fine. But let them leave medical intervention for the people who sadly realise that infertility, is.
A few pages back. Feel free to have at it, I can take it
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
Homosexuality has been around for a lot longer than 100 years. Let's see, it's been around since... well, since the dawn of man, and before, actually, so let's get that out there. The occurrence of homosexuality will not increase if the federal government passes a law mandating that every man, woman, and child in America marry someone of the same gender, just as the occurrence of homosexuality won't decrease if Congress passes a law against it.
I'm not sure what point you're making here, since no one is forcibly enaging you in dry-heave inducing gay sex. If you don't hate gays, that's great, but it seems odd that you felt the need to post the fact that gay dudes think you're so desireable in the same 'graph that you tell us that you find them repulsive.
I never said gays have been around for only 100 years...haha that would be absolutely rediculous. Science and medicine have been though, in a way that newborn babies that would normally die off over 100+ years ago are allowed to survive and further introduce genetic code. Harsh but true.
I'm not having gay sex with their minds. I like intelligent open minded people in general. I'm not sure your of line of thought on that concept. I don't have to have sex with someone to enjoy socializing with them. Hate closes the mind.
To say that gay=wrong becuse anal sex=wrong is just plain ignorant. Sexuality is all about who you're ATTRACTED to, not the sex acts themselves. There are gay men who only receive anal sex. There are gay men who only give anal sex. There are gay men who only do oral sex, and NEVER do anal sex. Anal sex does not = homosexuality.
People don't wake up one day and decide they want to be gay. Sexual orientation is based on who you're attracted to. Some guys like blondes, some like brunettes, some like old, some like young, some like girls, some like guys. To say that people are gay because they like anal sex or because they choose to live that way is just plain insulting, and misinformed. Take a look at your own sexuality.
I never said people decide to be gay, some eventually do though. It's far from black and white. What about all the married men with kids that come out after 20 years or marriage to a woman? Most of it is "genetic" in a way that the mind is wired differently in instinctive behaviour. It's a much finer graularity than a "genetic tell" though. It happens somwhere in the development stage of the brain from fetus to birth. Unless you think God makes people gay...I'm not going to go there. That's a big endless circle of opinion. Anyone gay that you say that only has oral is lying to you...gmab. Definitely the exception far from the norm in the gay world my friend. Would I choose intercourse over a bj?...HELL yeah..are you kidding??? preferably one before the other...
Originally Posted by rightondude
The gene pool is degrading, I can't see how furthering this idea, and embracing it, is anywhere close to being a good idea. However they're here and they're queer. So am I homophobic? no. I've actually gone to a few after hours gay bars and talked to lots of gay men. They would love to take me home. Every gay man I've met has told me this essentially. So no I don't hate gays. The sex part makes me want to dry heave endlessly though.
yawn....thinking....yawn. that's such an arrogant thing to say especially because it comes off as something you seem to expect now.
It's quite ovbious when you observe evolutionary traits over sucessive generations
I mean, god for bid anyone who disagrees with you in any way is most obviously ignorant and unintelligent.
I guess my high IQ score and my biology/biochemistry degree doesn't mean much as far as talking about some issues such as biology or evolution.
When I see evidence to the contrary instead of just more opinions of my opinions and tearing down. I will continue to take that view yes.
Why not respond to further the knowledge on the issue. Surely your degree and superior IQ taught you that? I surely hope so! or did your degree teach you to keep repeatedly flaunting it instead of actually backing it?
what do you mean? do you mean that good traits way to diluted with bad ones?
Yes. Human emotions fueled by scientific improvments are weakening the genetic code more as time goes on. Hardly any baby dies anymore no matter how sick it is. 100+ years ago that child would have died and for a good reason.
don't know if i could make blunt, abrasive, "devil's advocate" kinda statements like righton dude can.....on such a topic that does involve human emotion to the core......kinda gutsy, even if i don't agree with the approach of making a factual point.
If you know more than me, tell me about it...I'd like to learn more. Pointing a finger at me saying wrong is of no value whatsoever other than to appeal to ones primitive and instinctive emotions, a sign of misunderstanding, and lack of knowledge. An truly intelligent informed mind does not subject itself easily to that thought process. Knowledge is confronted with more knowledge not mere labelling. That would be otherwise known as analytical regression.
kinda of like getting as close to sex as possible, without having sex. huh.
You seem to shadow me with wierd conjecture. please stop. It's becoming annoying and childish. Contribute something to the issue. Any idiot can point fault at anything...what's the point of being here if not to learn something...that's what msn messenger is for...gabbing away about nothing constructive in particular.
A couple of thought from someone who is actually GAY and would actually like to raise a CHILD:
*audience gasps*
1. Few people seem to realise how painful it is to have the rest of the world trying to decide whether you can have a child or not. I see plenty of dysfunctional families around me and noone tells them they shouldn't have had kids or can't have any more kids. I see kids that are abused, parents that fight, kids that are malnourished, kids that are fat, parents that eat themselves to death, parents that are addicted. I don't see a discussion about their parenting rights. But because me and my girlfriend are both girls (*gasp*) people can discuss our family life for us. That hurts.
2. I think me and my girlfriend will be great parents. We do realise it might/will be hard on the kids. But we are aware of that and will help them through it. Other kids get bullied because they're fat, or because one of their parents has left, or is in jail or has a disability. Kids bully, sometimes they don't even need a reason. Don't forget we will LOVE the kids and they will love us.
I'm not going into the whole genes, flaw, illness, choice thing. All I can say is I have fallen in love and have been in a healthy, loving relationship for 3+ years now.
Whaddayasay, shall I ask her to marry me?
*audience gasps and faints*
Like a cloud dropping rain
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
A couple of thought from someone who is actually GAY and would actually like to raise a CHILD:
*audience gasps*
1. Few people seem to realise how painful it is to have the rest of the world trying to decide whether you can have a child or not. I see plenty of dysfunctional families around me and noone tells them they shouldn't have had kids or can't have any more kids. I see kids that are abused, parents that fight, kids that are malnourished, kids that are fat, parents that eat themselves to death, parents that are addicted. I don't see a discussion about their parenting rights. But because me and my girlfriend are both girls (*gasp*) people can discuss our family life for us. That hurts.
2. I think me and my girlfriend will be great parents. We do realise it might/will be hard on the kids. But we are aware of that and will help them through it. Other kids get bullied because they're fat, or because one of their parents has left, or is in jail or has a disability. Kids bully, sometimes they don't even need a reason. Don't forget we will LOVE the kids and they will love us.
I'm not going into the whole genes, flaw, illness, choice thing. All I can say is I have fallen in love and have been in a healthy, loving relationship for 3+ years now.
Whaddayasay, shall I ask her to marry me?
*audience gasps and faints*
If you think she's the one...I say go fot it! I don't people because of who they are. What a silly notion. I love open minded people. The mind is a beautiful thing. Science is very cynical, cold hearted, and not for everyone. Any how not going there if you don't wish to. That would make me an ass...(ok here comes the peanut gallery again)
anyhow..Live and love...we're all here for a very, very short time. I think you could make a very loving mom if you are happy in life. Love is love is love. Share it with someone who needs it!
You seem to shadow me with wierd conjecture. please stop. It's becoming annoying and childish. Contribute something to the issue. Any idiot can point fault at anything...what's the point of being here if not to learn something...that's what msn messenger is for...gabbing away about nothing constructive in particular.
you know what: f-you.
you have a lot of nerve telling me i'm the immature one, when in fact you're absolutely wrong about how science is derived from emotion or that this topic can be discussed with setting emotion aside.
aside from just being bold, you don't make your point effectively and even more importantly, you lack contribution to any sort of better understanding of homosexuality in man kind in this thread.
and on top of that, you may have tons of experience, but you absolutely cannot articulate your point in the realm of fundamental conservation.
i hope you feel better, trying to be so emotionless. you're defiantely not a musician.
you know what: f-you.
you have a lot of nerve telling me i'm the immature one, when in fact you're absolutely wrong about how science is derived from emotion or that this topic can be discussed with setting emotion aside.
aside from just being bold, you don't make your point effectively and even more importantly, you lack contribution to any sort of better understanding of homosexuality in man kind in this thread.
and on top of that, you may have tons of experience, but you absolutely cannot articulate your point in the realm of fundamental conservation.
i hope you feel better, trying to be so emotionless. you're defiantely not a musician.
Hmmm...speechless at the audacity...calm down I don't hate you...sigh... so we disagree... big deal... know what, i don't hate you either. please you're lines reak---like a musician that can't come up with good lyrics. and i hope that is an insult. know what, i don't hate you either. please you're lines reak---like a musician that can't come up with good lyrics. and i hope that is an insult.
talk to me again when you can be cool ok? you don't smell any better right what really? Stop attacking my character already, it sucks, it's childish, and it doesn't belong me if you need to rant further, as will I, but don't expect anything more from me on this train of thought...
I was not directing my statement to you in particular. I was just speaking out loud. I could spend years trying to expand the issue here. The scope of understanding is quite limited in this forum on some issues. Anyone is free to play what if's into the picture. I can't add more than what I already have...much else to do. People are going to do and think whatever they want....that's ok I'll sleep just fine.
Yes. Absolutely.
google it, plus someone already explained it to you, and I only mentioned it once not a few times...:rolleyes:
I should almost invoice you for this response....
i just really wanted to be able to see why you are so dead set on homosexuality being a 'flaw'...nothing more...and not actually something mother nature intended to occur here and there, for whatever reason, to keep things in check.
the scope of understanding in general, in most forums, is limited...we all are 'limited' in some capacity or another...thus why it is helpful/enjoyable to share thoughts/opinions/ideas.
i actually follow and agree quite well, overall, with your line of thinking....but as ever, i take issue with the semantics of 'flawed'....and i still see no proof/documentation to show that any one gene or set of genes is solely responsible for homosexuality, or that it is passed down soley through homosexuals and thus will eventually petet out, etc. same thing even with infertile heterosexuals. again, sure, their direct genetic map will not pass on...but who says whatever is the 'cause' of homosexuality or not included in otherwise 'normal and healthy heterosexuals, possibly a regressive genetic factor that only arises on occasion, and provides a 'function' in humanity and for the species? that was it.'s been an interesting topic to discuss.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I have a child, I have sex fairly frequently with my husband. The two acts are not related at all. My daughter is adopted. We love her very much and are trying daily to be good parents. Each day that I work she is with her father for 13 hrs at a time. Each day that he works she is with me for his entire 24 hr shift. Our sexual relationship has nothing to do with how we parent this child. What if we never had sex again ( there are a lot of couples who don't anymore - just check out Oprah's shows ). Don't focus on one act be it hetero or homosexual. Sexual acts have nothing to do with parenting. Two men and two women can parent children just as well as my husband and I do. Maybe better, who knows.
I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine. I Am Mine
Til the Lightning Bolt sets you free
Wahine - I'm a Lightning Bolt
9/2/98, 7/1/03, 10/3/05, 5/30/06, 6/17/08, ED-8/16/08, 10/30/09, 5/13/10, 10/29/13, 10/14/14
-RIP Hippiemom -
Well I commend you for actually being able to discuss the issue instead of attacking me like most would reduce themselves to. Small minds come up with small answers I guess. It is my belief than man has been peeing in the proverbial gene pool for a long time now. More specifically in the the last 100 years by coddling undesirable traits that shouldn't be. It's really cruel to think this way but nature is pretty cruel in general. Watch any nature show. When a hyena swoops in to take a young newborn baby zebra by the neck that aint so great to watch, but that is reality. I believe there is a cause and effect for everything. I can't see how homosexuality is healthy, especially in males. How is fecal matter + reproductive system a good thing. It's an abomination. It's disgusting. Certainly something is very wrong there. It wouldn't take much to know that playing around with fecal waste is about as backwards to the human process as you can get. The male life bearing "device" is literally inserted into human waste. 180 deg out of balance. I believe bisexuality was the invention of homosexuality. The one twisted thought in someone that allowed that mindset to pass on genetic code. The gene pool is degrading, I can't see how furthering this idea, and embracing it, is anywhere close to being a good idea. However they're here and they're queer. So am I homophobic? no. I've actually gone to a few after hours gay bars and talked to lots of gay men. They would love to take me home. Every gay man I've met has told me this essentially. So no I don't hate gays. The sex part makes me want to dry heave endlessly though.
I understand the point you're making, and I would counter with these arguements:
1) If you're a child being raised by same-sex parents, you're going to encounter what you call "peer pressure" (nice euphemism, I'd call it "homophobia") either way. It doesn't matter whether you're adopted or biological. You teach the child that these attitudes exist. Point out people who have these attitudes; make them human object lessons. With any luck, those people will go the way of the Betamax, the dodo, and the practice of tight-rollling your jeans.
2) In certain regions of this country, a biracial child would encounter similar "peer pressure". Following your line of logic, would you prefer that heterosexual biracial couples adopt rather than try to conceive through fertility treatments or surrogates? Not too long ago, a sizeable % of "good Christians" in this country saw interracial marriages as an "abomination against nature and an affront to the sensibilities of a decent Christian society". You have to imagine the quoted segment being spoken in a Southern Baptist kind of accent.
To me, the bottom line is this: Any person or couple who wants to raise children in a loving and nurturing environment should be allowed to. Fuck it, they should be encouraged to, especially when it comes to adoption.
Homosexuality has been around for a lot longer than 100 years. Let's see, it's been around since... well, since the dawn of man, and before, actually, so let's get that out there. The occurrence of homosexuality will not increase if the federal government passes a law mandating that every man, woman, and child in America marry someone of the same gender, just as the occurrence of homosexuality won't decrease if Congress passes a law against it.
I'm not sure what point you're making here, since no one is forcibly enaging you in dry-heave inducing gay sex. If you don't hate gays, that's great, but it seems odd that you felt the need to post the fact that gay dudes think you're so desireable in the same 'graph that you tell us that you find them repulsive.
To say that gay=wrong becuse anal sex=wrong is just plain ignorant. Sexuality is all about who you're ATTRACTED to, not the sex acts themselves. There are gay men who only receive anal sex. There are gay men who only give anal sex. There are gay men who only do oral sex, and NEVER do anal sex. Anal sex does not = homosexuality.
People don't wake up one day and decide they want to be gay. Sexual orientation is based on who you're attracted to. Some guys like blondes, some like brunettes, some like old, some like young, some like girls, some like guys. To say that people are gay because they like anal sex or because they choose to live that way is just plain insulting, and misinformed. Take a look at your own sexuality.
The gene pool is degrading, I can't see how furthering this idea, and embracing it, is anywhere close to being a good idea. However they're here and they're queer. So am I homophobic? no. I've actually gone to a few after hours gay bars and talked to lots of gay men. They would love to take me home. Every gay man I've met has told me this essentially. So no I don't hate gays. The sex part makes me want to dry heave endlessly though.
yawn....thinking....yawn. that's such an arrogant thing to say especially because it comes off as something you seem to expect now.
and the same could be said for heterosexual couples who cannot procreate. some go the route of surrogates, etc. while i understand where you are coming from, if society has already deemed these things "OK" for hetero couples, i fail to see how it could be right to deny these same rights simply b/c someone is homosexual. you can say hetero couples are very 'selfish' then for going to great lengths to have their own child. selfish or not, we as a society have deemed it ok for them to be selfish. however, just b/c one can easil get pregnant and give bitrth...and another cannot...why is one more 'selfish' than the other? aren't they both equally 'selfish' then for wanting to reproduce in the first rather have their own offspring rather than adopt? i think the bottomline is...why the double-standard? and why should you or i get to decide what is 'right' for a couple in regarsds to their wants/desires for a family? why is it on for heteros and not homosexcuals..who draws the line, where and why?
I gave what I thought was a pretty thought through reason why no, I don't think couples who cannot procreate are the same as homosexual couples. I'm sorry, I don't, and I don't really think they deserve the same rights for medical intervention (i.e. surogacy). In short, medical intervention is just that: medical. For those who recognise a need for it due to medical issues. Not for just anyone who 'wants it'. If gay people are going to argue that 'there is nothing wrong with them', and that homosexuality is not a deviation from what nature intended, fine. But let them leave medical intervention for the people who sadly realise that infertility, is.
A few pages back. Feel free to have at it, I can take it
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I never said gays have been around for only 100 years...haha that would be absolutely rediculous. Science and medicine have been though, in a way that newborn babies that would normally die off over 100+ years ago are allowed to survive and further introduce genetic code. Harsh but true.
I'm not having gay sex with their minds. I like intelligent open minded people in general. I'm not sure your of line of thought on that concept. I don't have to have sex with someone to enjoy socializing with them. Hate closes the mind.
I never said people decide to be gay, some eventually do though. It's far from black and white. What about all the married men with kids that come out after 20 years or marriage to a woman? Most of it is "genetic" in a way that the mind is wired differently in instinctive behaviour. It's a much finer graularity than a "genetic tell" though. It happens somwhere in the development stage of the brain from fetus to birth. Unless you think God makes people gay...I'm not going to go there. That's a big endless circle of opinion. Anyone gay that you say that only has oral is lying to you...gmab. Definitely the exception far from the norm in the gay world my friend. Would I choose intercourse over a bj?...HELL yeah..are you kidding??? preferably one before the other...
btw anal sex is a freak of nature...
Because my friend you have I. Phew!
It's quite ovbious when you observe evolutionary traits over sucessive generations
what do you mean? do you mean that good traits way to diluted with bad ones?
When I see evidence to the contrary instead of just more opinions of my opinions and tearing down. I will continue to take that view yes.
Why not respond to further the knowledge on the issue. Surely your degree and superior IQ taught you that? I surely hope so! or did your degree teach you to keep repeatedly flaunting it instead of actually backing it?
Yes. Human emotions fueled by scientific improvments are weakening the genetic code more as time goes on. Hardly any baby dies anymore no matter how sick it is. 100+ years ago that child would have died and for a good reason.
If you know more than me, tell me about it...I'd like to learn more. Pointing a finger at me saying wrong is of no value whatsoever other than to appeal to ones primitive and instinctive emotions, a sign of misunderstanding, and lack of knowledge. An truly intelligent informed mind does not subject itself easily to that thought process. Knowledge is confronted with more knowledge not mere labelling. That would be otherwise known as analytical regression.
You seem to shadow me with wierd conjecture. please stop. It's becoming annoying and childish. Contribute something to the issue. Any idiot can point fault at anything...what's the point of being here if not to learn something...that's what msn messenger is for...gabbing away about nothing constructive in particular.
*audience gasps*
1. Few people seem to realise how painful it is to have the rest of the world trying to decide whether you can have a child or not. I see plenty of dysfunctional families around me and noone tells them they shouldn't have had kids or can't have any more kids. I see kids that are abused, parents that fight, kids that are malnourished, kids that are fat, parents that eat themselves to death, parents that are addicted. I don't see a discussion about their parenting rights. But because me and my girlfriend are both girls (*gasp*) people can discuss our family life for us. That hurts.
2. I think me and my girlfriend will be great parents. We do realise it might/will be hard on the kids. But we are aware of that and will help them through it. Other kids get bullied because they're fat, or because one of their parents has left, or is in jail or has a disability. Kids bully, sometimes they don't even need a reason. Don't forget we will LOVE the kids and they will love us.
I'm not going into the whole genes, flaw, illness, choice thing. All I can say is I have fallen in love and have been in a healthy, loving relationship for 3+ years now.
Whaddayasay, shall I ask her to marry me?
*audience gasps and faints*
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
If you think she's the one...I say go fot it! I don't people because of who they are. What a silly notion. I love open minded people. The mind is a beautiful thing. Science is very cynical, cold hearted, and not for everyone. Any how not going there if you don't wish to. That would make me an ass...(ok here comes the peanut gallery again)
anyhow..Live and love...we're all here for a very, very short time. I think you could make a very loving mom if you are happy in life. Love is love is love. Share it with someone who needs it!
you know what: f-you.
you have a lot of nerve telling me i'm the immature one, when in fact you're absolutely wrong about how science is derived from emotion or that this topic can be discussed with setting emotion aside.
aside from just being bold, you don't make your point effectively and even more importantly, you lack contribution to any sort of better understanding of homosexuality in man kind in this thread.
and on top of that, you may have tons of experience, but you absolutely cannot articulate your point in the realm of fundamental conservation.
i hope you feel better, trying to be so emotionless. you're defiantely not a musician.
Hmmm...speechless at the audacity...calm down I don't hate you...sigh... so we disagree... big deal...
"I'd rather be with an animal" thank you very much.
talk to me again when you can be cool ok? you don't smell any better right what really? Stop attacking my character already, it sucks, it's childish, and it doesn't belong me if you need to rant further, as will I, but don't expect anything more from me on this train of thought...