It's all psychological, people that say emotion is a deciding factor, just can't accept responsibility for themselves. Wake up and smell the coffee.
wow, brilliant!
even the medical profession can't agree if it's nature vs. it genetic, or a lifestyle choice. perhaps you should inform them mand put it to rest. actually, i believe the medical community is in fact leaning more towards genetics being the culprit for homosexuality...the whole 'you are born that way'....rather than choice.
honestly, makes complete sense to me. i'ts funny really, b/c many a heterosexual will say how 'disgusting homosexuality is.....and yet, why do think someone else would 'choose' it then? to me, it's more canNOT choose who you are attracted to, b/c it's inherent in your make-up. sure, you can try to fight it...especially if society deems your choice 'wrong'...but i am glad that society, slowly, is realizing how wrong that is, to ask someone to live a lie and not be true to themselves.
btw - how does ANY of this have to do with accepting responsibility for onesself? actually, i think the whole issue of this thread is people looking to take on even MORE in...raising a child. smell the coffee? what would that be? that there are viable alternative for childless couples, hetero and homosexual alike...and there is no reason to deny either the right to a family?
wow, brilliant!
even the medical profession can't agree if it's nature vs. it genetic, or a lifestyle choice. perhaps you should inform them mand put it to rest. actually, i believe the medical community is in fact leaning more towards genetics being the culprit for homosexuality...the whole 'you are born that way'....rather than choice.
honestly, makes complete sense to me. i'ts funny really, b/c many a heterosexual will say how 'disgusting homosexuality is.....and yet, why do think someone else would 'choose' it then? to me, it's more canNOT choose who you are attracted to, b/c it's inherent in your make-up. sure, you can try to fight it...especially if society deems your choice 'wrong'...but i am glad that society, slowly, is realizing how wrong that is, to ask someone to live a lie and not be true to themselves.
btw - how does ANY of this have to do with accepting responsibility for onesself? actually, i think the whole issue of this thread is people looking to take on even MORE in...raising a child. smell the coffee? what would that be? that there are viable alternative for childless couples, hetero and homosexual alike...and there is no reason to deny either the right to a family?
Maybe I am an android and I don't know it. I don't get emotional like these kinds of people do. I don't look at a man or a woman and feel emotionally drawn to them. I see sexy legs and a slim waistline.
Science is not leaning towards genetics. That's just shit that's made up to justify it to Homosexuals. Why is it disgusting? Well it's quite obvious to me. Also consider that 62% of HIV victims are homosexual males, what does that tell you? The chance of contracting HIV through fellatio is 0.2/100,000 the chance of contracting it through anal intercourse is about 50/50
Honestly, I have to think about something for a long time in order to develope any emotions over it. I don't think about things that long that aren't worth thinking about. I just collect data and make correlations within that data. I don't give in to my every feeling or thought no matter how strong it is. People are consistently wrong and misguided. When you come to realize your on the wrong path it makes sense. But you could have figured that out before you went down that path if you had a clear mind. I don't mean meditating either, that is horseshit. Just don't act on every single thought that enters your mind as if you have no control..
If we say it's genetic or emotional and beyone our control. Then we have to admit that nothing is within our control. People can shut the hell up about everything and we will all just live and let live, because we are slaves to our emotions and genetics. There is no right and wrong by that explanation. How did rational people ever let it come this far. It's not just homosexuality, it's all kinds of vile sexual fetishes.
"Oh, I don't know, I just like eating human shit, it's part of my genetics."
give me a break, it's a psychological mind-fuck
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
well since this thread is about homosexuals and raising children, i won't even get into all that. sufgfice to say, i do not see the 'emotions' in it..i see pure genetics. just as you see sexylegs and a slim waistline...that obviously appeals to you sexually, w/o a tought, with no emotion? so wouldn't you say you are wired th=o think that, to have that response? i think the same for homosexuals...except their response is towards their own gender. doesn't seem like such a stretch to me, but it's simply my opinion on it. i honestly couldn't care less...i just had to take issue with the whole 'emotional choice' point. obviously, we completely disagree on this topic. c'est la vie.
anyway, i think homosexuals can make excellent parents, and i hope it gets easier for them to live as couples, have families, etc. i personally believe they have every right, like anyone else. sexual orientation is only one part of who you are as a person, and i do not believe it has any bearing on how good a parent one may be.
btw - the whole anal intercourse thing...seriously, is that it? there are heterosexual couples who engage in such practices...and hello, are you forgetting about lesbians? what's so horrid about them? please.
well since this thread is about homosexuals and raising children, i won't even get into all that. sufgfice to say, i do not see the 'emotions' in it..i see pure genetics. just as you see sexylegs and a slim waistline...that obviously appeals to you sexually, w/o a tought, with no emotion? so wouldn't you say you are wired th=o think that, to have that response? i think the same for homosexuals...except their response is towards their own gender. doesn't seem like such a stretch to me, but it's simply my opinion on it. i honestly couldn't care less...i just had to take issue with the whole 'emotional choice' point. obviously, we completely disagree on this topic. c'est la vie.
anyway, i think homosexuals can make excellent parents, and i hope it gets easier for them to live as couples, have families, etc. i personally believe they have every right, like anyone else. sexual orientation is only one part of who you are as a person, and i do not believe it has any bearing on how good a parent one may be.
In Jamaica they like massive women, the bigger the better. It's a learned attraction based on society. Things like television and movies and what you are told is sexy. It's not genetic, it's psychological. Take a Jamaican boy and raise him in the US of A and he'll like slim women with big breasts.
Of course it being psychological doesn't help you in your desire to be homosexual, so you will walk around the truth and ignore the evidence that doesn't agree with you.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
In Jamaica they like massive women, the bigger the better. It's a learned attraction based on society. Things like television and movies and what you are told is sexy. It's not genetic, it's psychological. Take a Jamaican boy and raise him in the US of A and he'll like slim women with big breasts.
Of course it being psychological doesn't help you in your desire to be homosexual, so you will walk around the truth and ignore the evidence that doesn't agree with you. we're getting in preferences. while sure, i will agree there exists cultural preferences, there are people who have other preferences that don't 'fit' what the culture dictates. hmmm....are you i' all? b/c this is an old, old topic. anyway.....i have simply agreed to disagree with you. it is VERY clear to me that you and i will not see at all eye to eye on the homosexual issue, and i honestly do not care if we do or not. so then, i am done discussing with you since we have nothing to actually 'discuss'...i'll wait for other responses/points of view...that may interest me. i do not believe it to be psychological, you do...there it is. have a good evening. we're getting in preferences. while sure, i will agree there exists cultural preferences, there are people who have other preferences that don't 'fit' what the culture dictates. hmmm....are you i' all? b/c this is an old, old topic. anyway.....i have simply agreed to disagree with you. it is VERY clear to me that you and i will not see at all eye to eye on the homosexual issue, and i honestly do not care if we do or not. so then, i am done discussing with you since we have nothing to actually 'discuss'...i'll wait for other responses/points of view...that may interest me. i do not believe it to be psychological, you do...there it is. have a good evening.
That is explained by cognitive dissonance as someone mentioned before.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Well to get back to the original thread, we have families that face a delima. They are not following the rules of nature, but of present day society. Adoption, artificial insemination, or just having some one "plant" their seed. What path do these families take in the long run?? Mother nature is going to have the final say. This is a lifestyle that can survive and prosper in the short term, but has no real future. No matter how much love and guidance you provide for these young families, it just cannot survive....
But they are going to have to see the truth that is right in front of them. They come from an unconventional family and way of life that really has no future. It can be carried on within certain communities, but when that support dries up and the homosexuality trend shifts, what happens. Nature is not on their side.
Pardon me, but have you told this to the (hold onto your socks now) families that have survived. Not only survived, but survived and prospered! Do you really think that this has never happened?
ok, now all of you, when you meet a child, a "product" of a family that has homosexual parents...can you tell that they are different? What will you say to them?!?!? The HORROR! They might be teaching your children or acting as your primary care doctor. What will you do?
I know, lets mark them all, so we know who they are, and then....
Does any of this sound familiar?
Just so you know, incase it hasn't come to you yet, there are many families surviving right now, and moving on, with homosexual parents. Just thought you should know.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me
I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine. I Am Mine
Til the Lightning Bolt sets you free
I don't see what any of the nature/nurture tangent has to do with the original question in this thread. I believe it is nature. Some of you believe it is nurture. Perhaps it is a combination. There is no science that unequivocally supports either argument, and plenty of science to back up either as a possibility. So put that goddam argument aside. It is irrelevant to the original question.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
btw - the whole anal intercourse thing...seriously, is that it? there are heterosexual couples who engage in such practices...and hello, are you forgetting about lesbians? what's so horrid about them? please.
you know, you and i ahve asked this one several times to several different people and not one of them has been able to give an answer. theoretically if (as someone claimed) the only non-gross way to have sex is the natural vaginal intercourse route, then both oral and anal sex should be considered weird and deviant. id like one of these people to own up and tell whether or not they believe this to actually be the case or if they're just searching for justifications for their illogical and emotional disgust with homos.
It's not just homosexuality, it's all kinds of vile sexual fetishes.
"Oh, I don't know, I just like eating human shit, it's part of my genetics."
give me a break, it's a psychological mind-fuck
I'm a firm believer that every single thing we think, and do, we do because we desire it.
Some are more/less aware of their cognitive desires and abilities and how they are interconnected. Everyone is addicted to something in one way or another. Some are hopelessly addicted to smoking, drugs, or alcohol, while some can use reason to delay the next cigarette, or "fix", or even choose to quit cold turkey altogether. Depends how someone can identify with their cognitive thought patterns, and play in reasoning, consequence, and a whole other range of emotions, and life experiences to form an eventual course of action. Those who can't achieve this level of cognitive acuity....just can't....or they *can* but don't desire it. They get angry, confused, scared, or feel indifferent so they just do not think effectively in this manner.
Some guys like to jump inside another guys butt and mine for nuggets, others see this as somewhat undesirable, and can connect a line of reasoning to it. Some people eat fast food, and watch tv and get sick, while others eat a healthy diet and excersise for the same reasons. Both choose whatever course of action they do because they desire it. Some have no control over their desires though, as they have not connected as fully with the cognitive self. A portion of this is how many cards we are dealt with at birth, and in life, and what those cards are.
I'm a firm believer that every single thing we think, and do, we do because we desire it.
Stutters just stutter because they want to? Alzheimer's patients forget shit because they desire to not remember? Damn. I thought there was some physiology behind this stuff.
Stutters just stutter because they want to? Alzheimer's patients forget shit because they desire to not remember? Damn. I thought there was some physiology behind this stuff.
Wait, you acknowledge that we are dealt cards at birth? Which cards are those? Eye color? Skin color? Sexual orientation? Cognitive abilities?
See my earlier posts re genetic traits and influences passed on throughout generations. Those are the cards. It can also be whatever you observe the cards to be. One cannot create boxes for people to take themselves out of.
Ever see someone stop stuttering through hypnosis? Ever see someone stop stuttering when they get older? I have.
Maybe I am an android and I don't know it. I don't get emotional like these kinds of people do. I don't look at a man or a woman and feel emotionally drawn to them. I see sexy legs and a slim waistline.
This thread is about people raising children. You making this statement makes me doubt whether you would be able to raise children! When you see a child crying, you don't get emotional? You see salty water and you hear noise?
It's funny how the thread has turned into a nature/nurture/emotions/genetics/choices debate.
Having read it all, it seems that most people who accept homosexual parents believe that it's nature as well as nurture and that most people who are against homosexuals reproducing believe it's all about emotions and (wrong) choices and genetic flaws. This in itself is interesting.
I for one will be a homosexual parent at some point. This thread has proven to me, that even if me and my partner provide a loving, caring home and a sensible upbringing, there will be a lot of people out there who will think it's all doomed from the start. We can deal with that, we've got enough practice, as even without children, we have encountered enough people who don't accept us. Thank God for the people who do
I think that for my own sanity I should stop reading the thread from here on.
It's been interesting though. Thanks to all involved
Peace out
Like a cloud dropping rain
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
its such a yes or no question for me. because its about unconditional love and acceptance.....again for me.
its a cutting edge issue, but i'm suprised how many people tip toe around change, and progression.
shock. utter shock.
its such a yes or no question for me. because its about unconditional love and acceptance.....again for me.
its a cutting edge issue, but i'm suprised how many people tip toe around change, and progression.
shock. utter shock.
I agree totally. Shocking.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
i'm so glad you did though.....its helps me better understand the issues my cousin may take into consideration.
fine, be glad.
but let me add a final spin to this thread.
those of whom who said YES - try to empathise with the kid. what did he/she deserve to get two homosexual parents instead of a dad and a mom??
those of whom who said NO - what about the fact that 1000s of kids are orphans?? in the light of that, should same sex couples be debarred from adopting them??
i think the "compromise solution" is the best. the same sex couple SHOULD be alowed to raise kids, but not go for "sperm donation" or "surrogate mothers" and deliberately spawn a newborn, knowing that the child would have 2 moms or 2 dads. instead since they are so interested to have kids, they should adopt someone. they get their wish, the orphan has peopel to take care of them, and no child is deliberated spawned to abnormal parents.
besides, even if same sex couples are allowed to have kids, either through surrogate moms (2 dads) or sperm donors (2 moms), notice that only one of the homo-couple will be the child's parent in any case. adopting a child - where none of them are in any way his/her parent, doesnt seem that bad now.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
its such a yes or no question for me. because its about unconditional love and acceptance.....again for me.
its a cutting edge issue, but i'm suprised how many people tip toe around change, and progression.
shock. utter shock.
It's also a "yes or no" question in the sense that "yes", we should encourage any loving, responsible couple who wants to raise children every opportunity to do so. "No", we shouldn't support legislation or any other deprivation of rights solely based on things like a religious/moral objection to someone's sexual preference.
Also, I can't believe that someone actually used the phrase "It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" unironically in this thread. So fucking lame. I'd prefer something like:
"It's Adam & Eve, not Lance & Andre".
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
those of whom who said YES - try to empathise with the kid. what did he/she deserve to get two homosexual parents instead of a dad and a mom??
those of whom who said NO - what about the fact that 1000s of kids are orphans?? in the light of that, should same sex couples be debarred from adopting them??
i think the "compromise solution" is the best. the same sex couple SHOULD be alowed to raise kids, but not go for "sperm donation" or "surrogate mothers" and deliberately spawn a newborn, knowing that the child would have 2 moms or 2 dads. instead since they are so interested to have kids, they should adopt someone. they get their wish, the orphan has peopel to take care of them, and no child is deliberated spawned to abnormal parents.
besides, even if same sex couples are allowed to have kids, either through surrogate moms (2 dads) or sperm donors (2 moms), notice that only one of the homo-couple will be the child's parent in any case. adopting a child - where none of them are in any way his/her parent, doesnt seem that bad now.
if you're talking about not having a dad or mom in same sex parents. i think the child would be smart enought to identify with a parental or maternal figure, you know someone to take him paintballing or to a bridal shower, for example, in other or friends. its like my complaining not having a sister. plus, whenever my parents were busy, i always had uncles, aunts, friends to identify with.
same sex couples deserve to have natural children as much as the next person, this is just evolution. families don't look like they do anymore. there isn't a stereotype family anymore.
why should same sex couples be left to deal with a problem that wasn't created by homosexuality. we shouldn't rely on the homosexual population to fix that for us. instead, we need to come up with a better prophalytic condoms, birth control, you know what i mean?
i'm sorry, but for me there is no compromise on my view of this. its such about unconditional support.
those of whom who said YES - try to empathise with the kid. what did he/she deserve to get two homosexual parents instead of a dad and a mom??
Trying to let go of the thread, but can't seem to yet
As a future homosexual parent this is something I have taken into consideration.
Our children will be loved unconditionally and educated. They won't feel sad about having two loving, caring parents. They WILL at some point realise the implications, but we will prepare them and support them. There are enough children with a mom and a dad, who are not being loved or cared for. Not too many people spring to their defence or forbid those parents to ever breed again.
On the issue of adoption:
How do you think a child will feel if NOT ONLY it has two moms or dads, but it's biological parents are BOTH absent? At least my partner will be the biological mom, thereby providing a blood link and identification. The donor will be traceable as well and will be a lovely, generous person, not someone who created a child only to leave it/abuse it/whatever.
Some of you will disagree with this and that's fine. Just wanted to show you guys that these things are not just decided overnight and that we put a lot of time and consideration into it.
Like a cloud dropping rain
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
It's also a "yes or no" question in the sense that "yes", we should encourage any loving, responsible couple who wants to raise children every opportunity to do so. "No", we shouldn't support legislation or any other deprivation of rights solely based on things like a religious/moral objection to someone's sexual preference.
Also, I can't believe that someone actually used the phrase "It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" unironically in this thread. So fucking lame. I'd prefer something like:
"It's Adam & Eve, not Lance & Andre".
right.....everyone has a preference.
i guess my preference is just more.....okay....whomever are the amazing parents that raise me well.....
on that note, the traditional family worked out for no complaints.
Trying to let go of the thread, but can't seem to yet
As a future homosexual parent this is something I have taken into consideration.
Our children will be loved unconditionally and educated. They won't feel sad about having two loving, caring parents. They WILL at some point realise the implications, but we will prepare them and support them. There are enough children with a mom and a dad, who are not being loved or cared for. Not too many people spring to their defence or forbid those parents to ever breed again.
On the issue of adoption:
How do you think a child will feel if NOT ONLY it has two moms or dads, but it's biological parents are BOTH absent? At least my partner will be the biological mom, thereby providing a blood link and identification. The donor will be traceable as well and will be a lovely, generous person, not someone who created a child only to leave it/abuse it/whatever.
Some of you will disagree with this and that's fine. Just wanted to show you guys that these things are not just decided overnight and that we put a lot of time and consideration into it.
and i just wanted to say that, thanks for trailblazing for the rest of us.....and showing us what's really important in families today.
What the hell do swinger parties and nudist colonies have to do with same sex marriage??
yeah, the only thing that holds these topics together is that they branch from sex.
however one is human sexuality, and nudist coloies and swinger parties are more of sexual behavior.
can't compare how human beings are born (human sexuality) to how they act (sex-based behavior).
why should same sex couples be left to deal with a problem that wasn't created by homosexuality.
the problem of not being capable enough to give birth to a kid between two women or 2 men IS a problem that coms wit homosexuality, as much as fucking up one's lungs is a problem created by smoking.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
wow, brilliant!
even the medical profession can't agree if it's nature vs. it genetic, or a lifestyle choice. perhaps you should inform them mand put it to rest. actually, i believe the medical community is in fact leaning more towards genetics being the culprit for homosexuality...the whole 'you are born that way'....rather than choice.
honestly, makes complete sense to me. i'ts funny really, b/c many a heterosexual will say how 'disgusting homosexuality is.....and yet, why do think someone else would 'choose' it then? to me, it's more canNOT choose who you are attracted to, b/c it's inherent in your make-up. sure, you can try to fight it...especially if society deems your choice 'wrong'...but i am glad that society, slowly, is realizing how wrong that is, to ask someone to live a lie and not be true to themselves.
btw - how does ANY of this have to do with accepting responsibility for onesself? actually, i think the whole issue of this thread is people looking to take on even MORE in...raising a child. smell the coffee? what would that be? that there are viable alternative for childless couples, hetero and homosexual alike...and there is no reason to deny either the right to a family?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Maybe I am an android and I don't know it. I don't get emotional like these kinds of people do. I don't look at a man or a woman and feel emotionally drawn to them. I see sexy legs and a slim waistline.
Science is not leaning towards genetics. That's just shit that's made up to justify it to Homosexuals. Why is it disgusting? Well it's quite obvious to me. Also consider that 62% of HIV victims are homosexual males, what does that tell you? The chance of contracting HIV through fellatio is 0.2/100,000 the chance of contracting it through anal intercourse is about 50/50
Honestly, I have to think about something for a long time in order to develope any emotions over it. I don't think about things that long that aren't worth thinking about. I just collect data and make correlations within that data. I don't give in to my every feeling or thought no matter how strong it is. People are consistently wrong and misguided. When you come to realize your on the wrong path it makes sense. But you could have figured that out before you went down that path if you had a clear mind. I don't mean meditating either, that is horseshit. Just don't act on every single thought that enters your mind as if you have no control..
If we say it's genetic or emotional and beyone our control. Then we have to admit that nothing is within our control. People can shut the hell up about everything and we will all just live and let live, because we are slaves to our emotions and genetics. There is no right and wrong by that explanation. How did rational people ever let it come this far. It's not just homosexuality, it's all kinds of vile sexual fetishes.
"Oh, I don't know, I just like eating human shit, it's part of my genetics."
give me a break, it's a psychological mind-fuck
anyway, i think homosexuals can make excellent parents, and i hope it gets easier for them to live as couples, have families, etc. i personally believe they have every right, like anyone else. sexual orientation is only one part of who you are as a person, and i do not believe it has any bearing on how good a parent one may be.
btw - the whole anal intercourse thing...seriously, is that it? there are heterosexual couples who engage in such practices...and hello, are you forgetting about lesbians? what's so horrid about them? please.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
In Jamaica they like massive women, the bigger the better. It's a learned attraction based on society. Things like television and movies and what you are told is sexy. It's not genetic, it's psychological. Take a Jamaican boy and raise him in the US of A and he'll like slim women with big breasts.
Of course it being psychological doesn't help you in your desire to be homosexual, so you will walk around the truth and ignore the evidence that doesn't agree with you. we're getting in preferences. while sure, i will agree there exists cultural preferences, there are people who have other preferences that don't 'fit' what the culture dictates. hmmm....are you i' all? b/c this is an old, old topic. anyway.....i have simply agreed to disagree with you. it is VERY clear to me that you and i will not see at all eye to eye on the homosexual issue, and i honestly do not care if we do or not. so then, i am done discussing with you since we have nothing to actually 'discuss'...i'll wait for other responses/points of view...that may interest me. i do not believe it to be psychological, you do...there it is. have a good evening.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
That is explained by cognitive dissonance as someone mentioned before.
Pardon me, but have you told this to the (hold onto your socks now) families that have survived. Not only survived, but survived and prospered! Do you really think that this has never happened?
ok, now all of you, when you meet a child, a "product" of a family that has homosexual parents...can you tell that they are different? What will you say to them?!?!? The HORROR! They might be teaching your children or acting as your primary care doctor. What will you do?
I know, lets mark them all, so we know who they are, and then....
Does any of this sound familiar?
Just so you know, incase it hasn't come to you yet, there are many families surviving right now, and moving on, with homosexual parents. Just thought you should know.
I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine. I Am Mine
Til the Lightning Bolt sets you free
Wahine - I'm a Lightning Bolt
9/2/98, 7/1/03, 10/3/05, 5/30/06, 6/17/08, ED-8/16/08, 10/30/09, 5/13/10, 10/29/13, 10/14/14
-RIP Hippiemom -
you know, you and i ahve asked this one several times to several different people and not one of them has been able to give an answer. theoretically if (as someone claimed) the only non-gross way to have sex is the natural vaginal intercourse route, then both oral and anal sex should be considered weird and deviant. id like one of these people to own up and tell whether or not they believe this to actually be the case or if they're just searching for justifications for their illogical and emotional disgust with homos.
I'm a firm believer that every single thing we think, and do, we do because we desire it.
Some are more/less aware of their cognitive desires and abilities and how they are interconnected. Everyone is addicted to something in one way or another. Some are hopelessly addicted to smoking, drugs, or alcohol, while some can use reason to delay the next cigarette, or "fix", or even choose to quit cold turkey altogether. Depends how someone can identify with their cognitive thought patterns, and play in reasoning, consequence, and a whole other range of emotions, and life experiences to form an eventual course of action. Those who can't achieve this level of cognitive acuity....just can't....or they *can* but don't desire it. They get angry, confused, scared, or feel indifferent so they just do not think effectively in this manner.
Some guys like to jump inside another guys butt and mine for nuggets,
Wait, you acknowledge that we are dealt cards at birth? Which cards are those? Eye color? Skin color? Sexual orientation? Cognitive abilities?
See my earlier posts re genetic traits and influences passed on throughout generations. Those are the cards. It can also be whatever you observe the cards to be. One cannot create boxes for people to take themselves out of.
Ever see someone stop stuttering through hypnosis? Ever see someone stop stuttering when they get older? I have.
This thread is about people raising children. You making this statement makes me doubt whether you would be able to raise children! When you see a child crying, you don't get emotional? You see salty water and you hear noise?
It's funny how the thread has turned into a nature/nurture/emotions/genetics/choices debate.
Having read it all, it seems that most people who accept homosexual parents believe that it's nature as well as nurture and that most people who are against homosexuals reproducing believe it's all about emotions and (wrong) choices and genetic flaws. This in itself is interesting.
I for one will be a homosexual parent at some point. This thread has proven to me, that even if me and my partner provide a loving, caring home and a sensible upbringing, there will be a lot of people out there who will think it's all doomed from the start. We can deal with that, we've got enough practice, as even without children, we have encountered enough people who don't accept us. Thank God for the people who do
I think that for my own sanity I should stop reading the thread from here on.
It's been interesting though. Thanks to all involved
Peace out
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
i think i created a monster.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
its a cutting edge issue, but i'm suprised how many people tip toe around change, and progression.
shock. utter shock.
i'm so glad you did though.....its helps me better understand the issues my cousin may take into consideration.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
but let me add a final spin to this thread.
those of whom who said YES - try to empathise with the kid. what did he/she deserve to get two homosexual parents instead of a dad and a mom??
those of whom who said NO - what about the fact that 1000s of kids are orphans?? in the light of that, should same sex couples be debarred from adopting them??
i think the "compromise solution" is the best. the same sex couple SHOULD be alowed to raise kids, but not go for "sperm donation" or "surrogate mothers" and deliberately spawn a newborn, knowing that the child would have 2 moms or 2 dads. instead since they are so interested to have kids, they should adopt someone. they get their wish, the orphan has peopel to take care of them, and no child is deliberated spawned to abnormal parents.
besides, even if same sex couples are allowed to have kids, either through surrogate moms (2 dads) or sperm donors (2 moms), notice that only one of the homo-couple will be the child's parent in any case. adopting a child - where none of them are in any way his/her parent, doesnt seem that bad now.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
It's also a "yes or no" question in the sense that "yes", we should encourage any loving, responsible couple who wants to raise children every opportunity to do so. "No", we shouldn't support legislation or any other deprivation of rights solely based on things like a religious/moral objection to someone's sexual preference.
Also, I can't believe that someone actually used the phrase "It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" unironically in this thread. So fucking lame. I'd prefer something like:
"It's Adam & Eve, not Lance & Andre".
allowing same sex marriages is a sign of progression???
what about swinger parties and nudist colonies then??
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
What the hell do swinger parties and nudist colonies have to do with same sex marriage??
if you're talking about not having a dad or mom in same sex parents. i think the child would be smart enought to identify with a parental or maternal figure, you know someone to take him paintballing or to a bridal shower, for example, in other or friends. its like my complaining not having a sister. plus, whenever my parents were busy, i always had uncles, aunts, friends to identify with.
same sex couples deserve to have natural children as much as the next person, this is just evolution. families don't look like they do anymore. there isn't a stereotype family anymore.
why should same sex couples be left to deal with a problem that wasn't created by homosexuality. we shouldn't rely on the homosexual population to fix that for us. instead, we need to come up with a better prophalytic condoms, birth control, you know what i mean?
i'm sorry, but for me there is no compromise on my view of this. its such about unconditional support.
thanks again.
Trying to let go of the thread, but can't seem to yet
As a future homosexual parent this is something I have taken into consideration.
Our children will be loved unconditionally and educated. They won't feel sad about having two loving, caring parents. They WILL at some point realise the implications, but we will prepare them and support them. There are enough children with a mom and a dad, who are not being loved or cared for. Not too many people spring to their defence or forbid those parents to ever breed again.
On the issue of adoption:
How do you think a child will feel if NOT ONLY it has two moms or dads, but it's biological parents are BOTH absent? At least my partner will be the biological mom, thereby providing a blood link and identification. The donor will be traceable as well and will be a lovely, generous person, not someone who created a child only to leave it/abuse it/whatever.
Some of you will disagree with this and that's fine. Just wanted to show you guys that these things are not just decided overnight and that we put a lot of time and consideration into it.
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
right.....everyone has a preference.
i guess my preference is just more.....okay....whomever are the amazing parents that raise me well.....
on that note, the traditional family worked out for no complaints.
and i just wanted to say that, thanks for trailblazing for the rest of us.....and showing us what's really important in families today.
yeah, the only thing that holds these topics together is that they branch from sex.
however one is human sexuality, and nudist coloies and swinger parties are more of sexual behavior.
can't compare how human beings are born (human sexuality) to how they act (sex-based behavior).
before that tell me what the hell does same sex marriage have to do with progress?
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
er... thats the point. half the child WONT be theirs. either someone else ovaries or someone else's sperm.
might as well have a fully adopted kid.
also every kid deserves to have a dad and mom as much as the next person.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
the problem of not being capable enough to give birth to a kid between two women or 2 men IS a problem that coms wit homosexuality, as much as fucking up one's lungs is a problem created by smoking.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years