gay people raising children
Posts: 854
i am not opposed to gays and lesbians getting married and enjoying the rights that married folk have.
but do you think gays/lesbians should raise kids???
i think it would be hard on the child.
put yourself in the child's shoes - who amongst us would like to have 2 homosexual dads or 2 homosexual moms ??
your opinions on homosexuals raising kids??
but do you think gays/lesbians should raise kids???
i think it would be hard on the child.
put yourself in the child's shoes - who amongst us would like to have 2 homosexual dads or 2 homosexual moms ??
your opinions on homosexuals raising kids??
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Post edited by Unknown User on
Bottom line is that one of the parents is merely a participant not paternal.
Homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end. An extinction.
Of course social issues would come up, but at least the child would be loved by the parents.
Daddy 1 and Daddy 2 there may be very hard on a child. Teenagers especially have enough to go through without the extra " ribbing " from
classmates that he has two Men sleeping in the same bed at home, raising him. I really am not trying to be cruel here, but I don't see anyway around this. It will become a problem. And for those of you who are all about Gay Marriage and Gay Rights, I can't help but wonder if you would feel the same
if a situation like this was close to home for you. I don't know, really what else to say -
Untill their will grows tired
And finally you say that homosexuality is evolutionary dead end. You base that on what? There are cases of homosexuality since the dawn of time. There are cases in non-humans as well. What? Nature allows this to happen...well, yeah it does.
Many evolution theorists believe the sole purpose of life is to assure the expression of your own DNA to the next generation and to assure it's expression to that next generation....
We have means now to have gay people's genes expressed to the next generation. Granted they aren't "natural" means, but they do exist.
This sounds dumb but I find the increasing amount of homosexuality a form a nature's population control, seeing how in a couple decades there may be too many people for the planet to support.
You would tell me two men can have child, as can 2 are you smoking again? Do you know how babies are made? Being gay is a mutation, a deviation from nature....yes, it's a disease of the mind.
You see benefit to supporting the homosexual family plan as a viable scenario to further mankind from an evolutionary aspect?
that's way damaged bro..
Gonna have to agree with you.
I like to think i'm liberal on most things but not homosexuality.
Obviously you're not too familiar with gene therapy.
I don't see there being a benefit in supporting the homosexual family plan other than allowing those "mutants" as you call them, to have a relatively normal life which includes a family.
Unfortunately evolution is selfish. It is said that individuals (not just humans) will sacrifice all but, but in some cases, their own lives to allow for expression of their genetic makeup. Many who study animal behavior have shown that that bond with those individuals with any part of ones own genetic code is stonger for the "selfish" aspect of genetic expression.
No that's not dumb at all. Many experiments have been reproduced time again where overpopulated situations of any species leads to homosexuality. It's nature's way balancing the population. The homosexual mutations will die off, in effect, to help control the populous. The opposite can be noted as well where species of plants will turn hermaphroditic (have both sex organs) in harsh environmental conditions to help increase their population.
Haha, maybe?
There are many species who in history have dealt with overpopulation of their own kind. Usually the only thing that really works is overpopulation to the point where resources are scarce enough and what results is individuals dying off until they reach that point of successful propagation. I'm not sure if the gay element of a species social behavior has ever been a noted issue though.
Hmmm... I may have to check my old Animal Behavior books from college.
i understand your thoughts on the possible 'difficulty'...and sure, maybe some kids might get made fun of. so what? kid's get made fun of all the time for all sorts of stupid reasons. i am sure having homosexual parents they would raise their child to be prepared to been as as their parents are 'different'...and hopefully, like all things new and different, in time, it would not be seen as so different...and simply viewed as another way of life. change doesn't occur without growing pains.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Put 100 gay men on an island...leave them be for 100 years then come back with your observation on how nature supports'll see precious little life existing. People support homosexuality not nature. end of argument.
But I bet they'd all be happy.
I think the ideal is 1 father and 1 mother. Each generally brings something different to the raising of the child. But that doesn't mean that it is the best thing in every instance. I've seen plenty of incapable, incompetent 1 mother/1 father families. I've seen some wonderful single parent families even though that may not be ideal. I've seen some wonderful homosexual/homosexual parent families even though that may not be ideal.
Would you anti-homosexual-parent posters rather have those children going through a foster care system as wards of the state, or would you rather see them given a loving home with caring parents who just happen to be same sex?
Evolution can be cruel. Would you then decide to go against it citing your emotions as more valid than the evolutionary process?
Don't gay bash, but don't hand it a crutch and pretend it can walk.
Damn straight they would!
what can we do?...we can't hate other people. Just embrace their differences. I work with and know several gay people and I like them very much as friends. It hasn't changed my orientation. long as homosexual people are good parents.....i think that's more important.....are more concerning......then well i guess my other dad is the bitch in this relationship.
no one's asking you to become gay.
Do they know you believe them to be brain damaged?
i know.....what kinda of "eek gay" statment is that.....that's such the insult.
Would you tell someone sick they're going to die?
They would think some things about me as well I'm sure... does it really matter?
and i think the children would be lucky to have such cool, cutting edge parents. there's community support out there.....including people that aren't directly associated with the battle.
I'm on the fence on this whole issue. I'm big on family and providing youth with a way to better themselves and be a proud individual. It means a better chance for an education and an understanding of the world around them before we cut them loose. But they are going to have to see the truth that is right in front of them. They come from an unconventional family and way of life that really has no future. It can be carried on within certain communities, but when that support dries up and the homosexuality trend shifts, what happens. Nature is not on their side.
If we lived in a world where more than 7-10% of the population was gay and the only way to make babies was by having male/female sexual intercourse then I would say you were right... But we don't live in that world. There are 7 billion people on the planet and if even 10% of them are gay that leaves 6 billion people fully prepared to propagate the species. We are not going to go extinct anytime soon. So don't worry about that. As for the other... I have friends who are lesbian and though the magic of in vitro they have triplets. So -- so much for that. lol
Peace and Love,
Peace and Love
yeah.....what this guy/or girl says.