I agree. It does make some people uncomfortable so common courtesy would be to accept the blanket.
One of the most important aspects of breastfeeding, and one that contributes to the overall health of the baby is the eye contact and deep emotional bonding between mother and baby. Imagine that you were to sit down to eat dinner with your loved ones, and it was considered socially acceptable for someone to come drop a blanket over your head for the duration of the meal. How would you feel being cut off from your loved ones, and your surroundings while "enjoying" your meal? Besides the emotional disconnection, would you enjoy eating your meal with a blanket covering you? Babies are very aware intelligent beings who are being conditioned, and who are developing their emotional wiring in every single moment of their lives. Do you condone sacrificing such an important aspect of family development because others choose grandstanding rather than awareness, owning their own baggage, and turning from looking?
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I would like to answer this, since I also feel uncomfortable around people breastfeeding, even when I understand it is a natural process and that my discomfort is my own issue.
To me, it's pretty clear many of us are raised in this oppressive patriarchal society, where the natural purposes of breasts are to be hidden and shamed, while the sexualization of them for male gratification is capitalized on. Therefore, for me, at least, such conditioning runs deep. Feelings are arational. They represent our past brain wiring. So, while I may have irrational and rational concerns re: breastfeeding, which many times is unconscious. I do what I can by owning them, and by not projecting my own issues onto others. I use reasoning to redirect and grow from my own issues.
thanks for expanding on that. i can totally see what you're saying. it's just frustrating when all others can say is 'cover it up' without talking about why. i have an idea on why, ha.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
thanks for expanding on that. i can totally see what you're saying. it's just frustrating when all others can say is 'cover it up' without talking about why. i have an idea on why, ha.
You're welcome. I understand what you are saying! I definitely do not support egotistic ignorance of the actual issues! And I don't accept sacrificing the well-being of the baby for self-centered, unaware adults! I admire the women who are willing to do what is right, even when everyone else is caught up in their own opinions and feelings, oblivious to the facts.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Just a thought here: Did anyone think that maybe the flight attentent was uncomfortable with it and that's why the blanket was offered?? I mean people are all up in arms about workers rights in regards to smoking and other things, is this something that a worker should be subjected to while on the job?? just a thought
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Just a thought here: Did anyone think that maybe the flight attentent was uncomfortable with it and that's why the blanket was offered?? I mean people are all up in arms about workers rights in regards to smoking and other things, is this something that a worker should be subjected to while on the job?? just a thought
smoking is literally a danger to all surrounding the smoker.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Just a thought here: Did anyone think that maybe the flight attentent was uncomfortable with it and that's why the blanket was offered?? I mean people are all up in arms about workers rights in regards to smoking and other things, is this something that a worker should be subjected to while on the job?? just a thought
let's see. a case can me made that second hand smoke harms workers' health. how is it exactly that seeing someone feed their kid harmful to workers' health?
my god. and i'm a smoker and can see this.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
what about turning your head if you feel uncomfortable?
Also: there's nothing sexual in breastfeeding, why should you feel uncomfortable? Just turn your head...
I think that is what people do when they feel uncomfortable, they turn their head. I kind of liken it to walking into a public bathroom and seeing some guy on the toilet. I realize that taking a dump is a natural process however I don't care to see it. So what do I do? I turn my head. It would be great if I didn't have to see it in the first place.
Sexual has NOTHING to do with it. I once saw an ad with Jenny McCarthy on the crapper. Her pants were down and I still didn't want to see it. that doesn't mean in the proper context I wouldn't like to see her with her pants down.
You can't really help what makes you uncomfortable. It is painfully obvious that many feel it, so again, just common courtesy tells me that if a blanket is available, just use it.
If there is a reason why (like JaneNY said, some kids get freaked out being covered up) say that. My wife breastfed both our kids and always covered up. So yeah, I still don't see the big deal covering up?
how about you just not look if it makes you so upset? jesus. it's a natural process. the mother should not have to be shamed. hell, chances are you sucked on your mom's breast too.
Um, I'm not sure when I said it made me uncomfortable. I said some people.
R - Reading
I - Is
F - Fundamental
What's weird is that seeing breasts in a sexual context is okay, but seeing them in the context for which they were made is not okay. If you look around you, sex and breasts are used to sell most things and you see them in sexual contexts in movies, on tv, (think about how much more 'normal' it is to see breasts than a penis on tv and in a movie) etc.
It really pisses me off when people get all worked up over breastfeeding. It's so amazingly stupid.
but you didnt see any nipple. and as lewis black says, if you aint got no nipple, you havent got a tit. all you've got is a shoulder blade without bone structure.
so i can understand this, what makes you so uncomfortable about that kind of situation?
Well...it's a breast after all....and guys are conditioned to look...and we are also well aware that we shouldn't be looking...so it's just a very difficult thing when it's out there for all to see....
Urinating is also a very natural thing, but how would you feel if there wasn't a door between you and me standing at a urinal peeing? A little uncomfortable I'm guessing, even though it's natural.
Well...it's a breast after all....and guys are conditioned to look...and we are also well aware that we shouldn't be looking...so it's just a very difficult thing when it's out there for all to see....
Urinating is also a very natural thing, but how would you feel if there wasn't a door between you and me standing at a urinal peeing? A little uncomfortable I'm guessing, even though it's natural.
i honestly wouldn't care.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
thanks for expanding on that. i can totally see what you're saying. it's just frustrating when all others can say is 'cover it up' without talking about why. i have an idea on why, ha.
if you tell me what your idea is, ill tell you what mine is...
And like I said before, don't think I'm saying she should have to cover up...I'm only explaining my own reasons for being uncomfortable...not that it should effect the situation.
The real problem is that when one turns one's head, one still has to deal with one's inner judgmental nature. So when someone feels it is wrong to openly breastfeed, and when one does not own their own discomfort stemming from their own life conditioning and their own opinions, even when they do turn their heads, they must deal with the inner demons as they prattle on and on. We all know it's soo much easier to pass off the inner voices/demons, putting that all on the "other guy", rather than to come to terms with reality and our personal issues that are about judgment and intolerance.
Hence the fact that I can't support human egocentricity and self-centered grandstanding.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You have your own unique way of cracking me up in the "breast" threads. And now that I think of it, you seem to turn up in them, saying very little....like some kind of watcher!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
if you tell me what your idea is, ill tell you what mine is...
nice. well, it has a lot to do with what angelica was saying. i think that people can handle breasts in a sexual context (mostly speaking) and when they can control it. sexualized breasts are everywhere and controlled by many men in advertising and media like playboy or maxim. it's also so much more acceptable to see sexualized breasts in movies than a sexualized penis, which i think has to do with the history of control.
though i also think there is some sort of connection with men who sexualize breasts and weirdness with their own moms (which comes out when they see breasts used in a motherly sense and not sexual).
something like that--i'm a little hungover so i hope it makes sense
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
And like I said before, don't think I'm saying she should have to cover up...I'm only explaining my own reasons for being uncomfortable...not that it should effect the situation.
i know, thank you. i appreciate hearing your thoughts on that.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
what you care if the guy across from you was sneaking peeks at your breast while you fed?
well i don't think they'd see much, for multiple reasons. ha. i can't say for sure, but i'd think i'd be more concerned about feeding the baby so it wouldn't be crying/fussy/whathaveyou over some guy seeing a small patch of skin that is being used to feed a child.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
but you didnt see any nipple. and as lewis black says, if you aint got no nipple, you havent got a tit. all you've got is a shoulder blade without bone structure.
I'm not so sure, here. For many years, with the help of modern day push-up bras, and some reasonable cleavage, I was able to somehow seemingly communicate the implication of a nipple to many males. Weird phenomenon, I tell ya.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
well i don't think they'd see much, for multiple reasons. ha. i can't say for sure, but i'd think i'd be more concerned about feeding the baby so it wouldn't be crying/fussy/whathaveyou over some guy seeing a small patch of skin that is being used to feed a child.
well i think that is the crux of the matter. breasts have been super-sexualized, so guys can't not look. and they know if they do, the woman feeding will make a scene (we take enough shit for checking girls out who are wearing short skirts on the streets). so it's a dilemma, the powerful compulsion to look and the knowledge that we'll be labelled a pervert or something if we do. the women dont like it cos they all know their guy wants nothing more than to catch a glimpse of a new boob for once, so they want that hussy to cover up and stop tempting their man. the kids just wanna know what they look like.
you women dont realize the power you have in your breasts
I'm not so sure, here. For many years, with the help of modern day push-up bras, and some reasonable cleavage, I was able to somehow seemingly communicate the implication of a nipple to many males. Weird phenomenon, I tell ya.
well, without a doubt. it's cos we know it's there... and we can almost see it, and we drive ourselves nuts trying to
And with all our crazy conditioning, 99% of my discomfort with breastfeeding is that it's so shrouded in shame and all kinds of taboo, that it becomes like when someone tells you not to look at something. For some reason, I find myself looking! And I'm a girl! It's the taboo thing! Then, I feel embarassed. Or I find I start talking to the baby--and then I think "does this girl think I'm checking her out??" It's crazy for me as a female, so I can only begin to imagine what it is for men!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
One of the most important aspects of breastfeeding, and one that contributes to the overall health of the baby is the eye contact and deep emotional bonding between mother and baby. Imagine that you were to sit down to eat dinner with your loved ones, and it was considered socially acceptable for someone to come drop a blanket over your head for the duration of the meal. How would you feel being cut off from your loved ones, and your surroundings while "enjoying" your meal? Besides the emotional disconnection, would you enjoy eating your meal with a blanket covering you? Babies are very aware intelligent beings who are being conditioned, and who are developing their emotional wiring in every single moment of their lives. Do you condone sacrificing such an important aspect of family development because others choose grandstanding rather than awareness, owning their own baggage, and turning from looking?
I think this is an extreme statement. This wasn't going to be an ongoing trend of from that point on until the baby no longer is breast fed they would have a blanket thrown over them, unless they were Jacko's kid. Just for the duration of the flight. While it is the mothers right to breast feed, it's not that terrible of a request to use a blanket. BTW, without having any little ones of my own, isn't 22 months a tad bit old to still be breast feeding??
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
well, without a doubt. it's cos we know it's there... and we can almost see it, and we drive ourselves nuts trying to
And I get the impression that when you all can't quite see it, somehow you find a way to magically fill the image in with imagination--this assumption coming from the amount of staring some of you are doing! Like we actually ARE naked! This also explains the expression "undressing someone with your eyes".
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
One of the most important aspects of breastfeeding, and one that contributes to the overall health of the baby is the eye contact and deep emotional bonding between mother and baby. Imagine that you were to sit down to eat dinner with your loved ones, and it was considered socially acceptable for someone to come drop a blanket over your head for the duration of the meal. How would you feel being cut off from your loved ones, and your surroundings while "enjoying" your meal? Besides the emotional disconnection, would you enjoy eating your meal with a blanket covering you? Babies are very aware intelligent beings who are being conditioned, and who are developing their emotional wiring in every single moment of their lives. Do you condone sacrificing such an important aspect of family development because others choose grandstanding rather than awareness, owning their own baggage, and turning from looking?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
thanks for expanding on that. i can totally see what you're saying. it's just frustrating when all others can say is 'cover it up' without talking about why. i have an idea on why, ha.
cross the river to the eastside
You're welcome. I understand what you are saying! I definitely do not support egotistic ignorance of the actual issues! And I don't accept sacrificing the well-being of the baby for self-centered, unaware adults! I admire the women who are willing to do what is right, even when everyone else is caught up in their own opinions and feelings, oblivious to the facts.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
smoking is literally a danger to all surrounding the smoker.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
let's see. a case can me made that second hand smoke harms workers' health. how is it exactly that seeing someone feed their kid harmful to workers' health?
my god. and i'm a smoker and can see this.
cross the river to the eastside
What planet are you from?? Everyone knows babies smell like angels and of heaven!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Sexual has NOTHING to do with it. I once saw an ad with Jenny McCarthy on the crapper. Her pants were down and I still didn't want to see it. that doesn't mean in the proper context I wouldn't like to see her with her pants down.
You can't really help what makes you uncomfortable. It is painfully obvious that many feel it, so again, just common courtesy tells me that if a blanket is available, just use it.
If there is a reason why (like JaneNY said, some kids get freaked out being covered up) say that. My wife breastfed both our kids and always covered up. So yeah, I still don't see the big deal covering up?
R - Reading
I - Is
F - Fundamental
but you didnt see any nipple. and as lewis black says, if you aint got no nipple, you havent got a tit. all you've got is a shoulder blade without bone structure.
ooooooh, burn!
well, then those people should just not look.
cross the river to the eastside
Well...it's a breast after all....and guys are conditioned to look...and we are also well aware that we shouldn't be looking...so it's just a very difficult thing when it's out there for all to see....
Urinating is also a very natural thing, but how would you feel if there wasn't a door between you and me standing at a urinal peeing? A little uncomfortable I'm guessing, even though it's natural.
but you're not seeing much of it at all
i honestly wouldn't care.
cross the river to the eastside
if you tell me what your idea is, ill tell you what mine is...
Ok...but can you see the point that others might?
And like I said before, don't think I'm saying she should have to cover up...I'm only explaining my own reasons for being uncomfortable...not that it should effect the situation.
what you care if the guy across from you was sneaking peeks at your breast while you fed?
Hence the fact that I can't support human egocentricity and self-centered grandstanding.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
You have your own unique way of cracking me up in the "breast" threads. And now that I think of it, you seem to turn up in them, saying very little....like some kind of watcher!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
nice. well, it has a lot to do with what angelica was saying. i think that people can handle breasts in a sexual context (mostly speaking) and when they can control it. sexualized breasts are everywhere and controlled by many men in advertising and media like playboy or maxim. it's also so much more acceptable to see sexualized breasts in movies than a sexualized penis, which i think has to do with the history of control.
though i also think there is some sort of connection with men who sexualize breasts and weirdness with their own moms (which comes out when they see breasts used in a motherly sense and not sexual).
something like that--i'm a little hungover so i hope it makes sense
cross the river to the eastside
you mean with urinating? i don't think that's the same as breastfeeding.
i know, thank you. i appreciate hearing your thoughts on that.
cross the river to the eastside
well i don't think they'd see much, for multiple reasons. ha. i can't say for sure, but i'd think i'd be more concerned about feeding the baby so it wouldn't be crying/fussy/whathaveyou over some guy seeing a small patch of skin that is being used to feed a child.
cross the river to the eastside
I'm not so sure, here. For many years, with the help of modern day push-up bras, and some reasonable cleavage, I was able to somehow seemingly communicate the implication of a nipple to many males. Weird phenomenon, I tell ya.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
well i think that is the crux of the matter. breasts have been super-sexualized, so guys can't not look. and they know if they do, the woman feeding will make a scene (we take enough shit for checking girls out who are wearing short skirts on the streets). so it's a dilemma, the powerful compulsion to look and the knowledge that we'll be labelled a pervert or something if we do. the women dont like it cos they all know their guy wants nothing more than to catch a glimpse of a new boob for once, so they want that hussy to cover up and stop tempting their man. the kids just wanna know what they look like.
you women dont realize the power you have in your breasts
well, without a doubt. it's cos we know it's there... and we can almost see it, and we drive ourselves nuts trying to
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I think this is an extreme statement. This wasn't going to be an ongoing trend of from that point on until the baby no longer is breast fed they would have a blanket thrown over them, unless they were Jacko's kid. Just for the duration of the flight. While it is the mothers right to breast feed, it's not that terrible of a request to use a blanket. BTW, without having any little ones of my own, isn't 22 months a tad bit old to still be breast feeding??
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
And I get the impression that when you all can't quite see it, somehow you find a way to magically fill the image in with imagination--this assumption coming from the amount of staring some of you are doing! Like we actually ARE naked!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!