Read the statistics I posted just a few posts ago. So you have a couple of family members that are doing just fine. That's great. There are some people who smoke all their lives and live to a ripe old age. It's possible, but it just isn't the norm. I'm not saying people don't have a right to smoke, but I think they should be aware of the realities that they have a good chance of facing. Does the situation with your family members mean those statistics are bogus? Maybe so. Who knows.
Thanks for the lesson in genetics Sponger
Regarding the statistics. This thread has been viewed 550 times with 58 posts and 16 posters. Two people have posted they know people of mixed-race that have no problems fitting into society. Zero people have said they do. The variance is probably something like 22. But still, it's a statistic. With a sample size of only 10 - 100 it's difficult to get a decent average. This is also only people that listen to Pearl Jam so that might have some effect.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
We are all socially accepted, emotionally stable, and positively focused from our own points of view.
I also want to add here that in both instances of positive multiracial childrearing discussed on this board, I got the impression that those children were raised in large, highly-supportive families. In both posts, they were talking about this cousin and that cousin and somebody's brother and another person's sister...big family can also mean large support network.
And if you recall from an earlier post I made, I did say that whoever has multiracial children should be prepared to provide additional support that the child is most definitely going to need. The odds are that his/her needs are going to be greater due his/her multiracial make-up. So, again, my cheesy internet stats hold up to my initial premise.
We are all socially accepted, emotionally stable, and positively focused from our own points of view.
I also want to add here that in both instances of positive multiracial childrearing discussed on this board, I got the impression that those children were raised in large, highly-supportive families. In both posts, they were talking about this cousin and that cousin and somebody's brother and another person's sister...big family can also mean large support network.
And if you recall from an earlier post I made, I did say that whoever has multiracial children should be prepared to provide additional support that the child is most definitely going to need. The odds are that his/her needs are going to be greater due his/her multiracial make-up. So, again, my cheesy internet stats hold up to my initial premise.
What if you had a monoracial child that was kind of nerdy and all the kids picked on him?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
What if you had a monoracial child that was kind of nerdy and all the kids picked on him?
are you serious? do you really think that has any relevance to this discussion? I know you want the last word, but you at least have to say something that possesses at least a shred of prolonged thought.
Read the statistics I posted just a few posts ago. So you have a couple of family members that are doing just fine. That's great. There are some people who smoke all their lives and live to a ripe old age. It's possible, but it just isn't the norm. I'm not saying people don't have a right to smoke, but I think they should be aware of the realities that they have a good chance of facing. Does the situation with your family members mean those statistics are bogus? Maybe so. Who knows.
I know a lot that are doing fine. I think socio-economic background and education has a lot to do with being 'accepted'. The child needs to feel comfortable in him/herself and not use race as an excuse for this or that (ie. "they didn't pick me for the basketball team because I'm mixed race" as opposed to "they didn't pick me for the basketball team because I'm too short and others play better than me". And yes, that is where a well balanced family life helps a lot. I do not deny that non-white children (mixed race or not) have more difficulties in a still racist society - they do. But it is not the 'privilege' of mixed races.
Statistics can be read and used as one pleases. Believe me, I've worked as a statistician. Numbers can be manipulated to fit the outcome wanted. I'm not saying that the statistics you refer to are wrong - just saying there may be others painting a different picture.
are you serious? do you really think that has any relevance to this discussion? I know you want the last word, but you at least have to say something that possesses at least a shred of prolonged thought.
It's the same thing man.
At my last job my boss called me "Shithead". The warehouse employees called me strange things like "donkey", "Shrek" and "Starfish". I don't even know why. I'm the same skin colour, same gender and everything. They just wanted to have someone to belittle. They picked me because I was new by comparison to them. They had worked together for years and I was only there 9 months before I quit. If I was black or asian they would have ripped me for that. Some people are just fuckers. You know being disabled (pc?) would be hard to fit into society. You can always ignore someone else's faults, but you can't ignore your own. I don't think I always want to have the last word. I've never even considered that I might have the last word. I just spend a lot of time on this forum because I find the conversations intrigueing. Not all conversations, maybe 5% - 10% of the threads posted. You can have the last word if it means that much to you. Just let me know when you plan to stop posting. Otherwise, I might respond to what you say.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'm not sure how things are in your part of the world. Maybe it's different over there. Over here, racism is very, very prevelant. The reason why nobody talks about it is because it's not overt racism. Few people walk around shouting racials slurs.
But, it's obvious when you walk into restaurants, walk by parks, or do just about anything in public. Races typically associate amongst themselves. It's just a reality of how our society operates.
When a person is half this and half that, I don't see it as being alarmist at all to naturally assume that he/she is going to have a tougher time identifying with either race that his genes hail from.
And, from what I've been told, the racism here isn't even that bad compared to other parts of the country. I was riding on an airport shuttle with a guy from boston last year. He was here on business or something. He was a white guy. He said the one thing he'll remember most is how racially integrated california is compared to boston.
He said that when he walks into bars and pubs in cali, he becomes astonished at how different races are actually associating within the same bar. He didn't say they were intermingling. He just said they were in the same bar. According to him, you will almost never see that in boston. "The whites are among the whites; the same goes for the other races," he said.
And that's not the first time I've heard of stuff like that about other parts of the country. I used to work in the gaslamp district in downtown san diego. I met lots of people from different parts of the country. It was not uncommon to hear about how racial segregation is still a reality in some parts of the country. It's not mandated by law like it used to be. But, it's still the way things are.
If it's different where you are, then I can understand why you have the point of view that you have.
You are comparing racial identification with the hazing that the new guy gets. That really is the depth of your understanding of the situation. Amazing.
Racism exists here as well.. no escaping it, though I think society is a bit more integrated here than in the US (in everyday life). Though at the moment, due to worldwide politics, there seems to be an upsurge of racism towards muslims (or, more to the point - arab looking people).
Yes, people of same race tend to associate among themselves. So do people of the same race but different cultures (eg Italians, polish, etc.) Taking the UK as an example, I can understand it a lot more as there are a huge number of 1st generation immigrants. For them, their culture prevails (and can sometimes hinder integration). Also, they have a tendency to 'pass on' the culture to the children (language, food, etc.).
I have less understanding of that for the US. Yes, when the big waves of immigration were in full swing in the late 1800's, people of the same culture/race 'congegrated' together. Feeling of belonging, etc. But now...
Mixed race individuals will generally identify with the prominent culture in their home and surroundings. Though I'm sure there will be times where they wished they looked a bit more 'white' just because of society as it is. Should these children be living in Brazil (yep.. that example again!), they wouldn't care.. everyone is a different shade of brown there.. from very light to very dark!
By the way, Sponger, My father is american. I lived in California for many years, also Hawaii, Georgia and New York. You can imagine that racism is very different in each of those parts of the US.
To add to that... when I was a kid in Georgia, my sister and I wanted to sit at the back of the bus (like most kids want to do). We sat, the bus driver said we needed to move because 'only niggers sit there' (this by the way was illegal then!). My dad said that we could sit where we wanted to, the bus driver said he wouldn't move the bus until we moved. The people on the bus 'supported' us. Eventually, everyone got off the bus and reported the bus driver. Racism or what?
You are comparing racial identification with the hazing that the new guy gets. That really is the depth of your understanding of the situation. Amazing.
Nine months of hazing?
Dude, I don't think that was it at all. Besides there are thousands upon thousands of kids with no father or no mother all together, I bet they'd be happy to simply worry about their parents skin tone. My point is that everyone has to deal with shit in life. If it's not skin tone it's something else. Besides a lot of people spend hours in tanning beds getting those tones. The whole "i have it rough because of my colour" is an excuse these days. The lynching days are long over and that was kind of isolated to Brittain, the United States and Africa. Sure slavery exists elsewhere like China, but it's Chinese enslaving them. If discrimination is so embedded into society why is Snoop Doggy Dog famous? What about Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, etc.. etc.. etc..
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
In regards to the bus story: Maybe the driver knew that kids like to sit at the back of the bus, so he was enacting his own version of affirmative action. But, then I guess he wouldn't have called them niggers if that was true.
But, I have to say that stories like that are comforting to hear because it at least serves as an example of you and your friends' efforts to stand up to racist bus drivers.
I grew up in military housing, where racism pretty much didn't exist because everyone there identified with their military background. We were all navy brats. If there was any kind of unspoken segregation, it was between the enlisted kids and the commissioned officer kids.
On that note, I really don't blame people for wanting to breed within their own genetic pool. How else you can you truly preserve a "heritage"? Personally, I think tradition and heritage are concepts that inhibit progress and result from a lack of introspective intelligence.
But, again, I can't blame people for wanting to identify with their heritage. In which case I say well then breed amongst yourselves if you want to.
Yeah, right! :rolleyes: Are there really any girls alive who wouldn't go out with a white French man? Hmm, me thinks you are telling a fibb Helen! :rolleyes:
Nope :cool:
I just wouldn't. I don't like French men... several reasons!
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I just wouldn't. I don't like French men... several reasons!
Me thinks you generalize! France is a big country you know! What if there were no other men left in the world? Eh? Eh? What would you do then? Eh? :cool:
In regards to the bus story: Maybe the driver knew that kids like to sit at the back of the bus, so he was enacting his own version of affirmative action. But, then I guess he wouldn't have called them niggers if that was true.
No, no, the kids in question were my sister and I. He refused to let 'white' kids sit in back because in the back is where the black people belonged (supposedly). No affirmative action there.
I think tradition and heritage are concepts that inhibit progress and result from a lack of introspective intelligence.
Heritage isn't static. It's organic. The more the mix, the more you add on and the more you pass on to your children. I don't see how it would inhibit progress.. the various influences would open one's eyes to the world.
Heritage isn't static. It's organic. The more the mix, the more you add on and the more you pass on to your children. I don't see how it would inhibit progress.. the various influences would open one's eyes to the world.
I meant to say cultural heritage.
I'm an army brat
you know, i think that might explain your coup against the bus driver. am i wrong?
Me thinks you generalize! France is a big country you know! What if there were no other men left in the world? Eh? Eh? What would you do then? Eh? :cool:
I'd manage
Lesbianism is always an option
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I knew a chick who once bragged to me about screwing a french guy on an airplane. Until now, I always thought she was just bragging about screwing on an airplane and that she just threw in the french guy part for the sake of detail.
Not according to tha french ex-housemate of yours! :D
Well, even my brother wouldn't go near her... and that says alot
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
So, you were 16 when you slept with this black man. Unless we're talking statutory here, then he was probably a minor. In which case, he was not a "man", per se. So, in revision, you have never actually slept with a black "man" unless you did so in violation of most statutory laws. I think in some states 16 is the legal age of consent.
Can I ask you how that went? Did you enjoy it? Did you feel pressured?
No I didn't enjoy it to be honest with you, it was the first time I'd had sex at all and he was older. I won't tell you by how many years though. But legally he did break the law as I was 15 when I first shagged him....
But for me it isn't an issue but honestly, black people tend to be offended if they find out that I have only dated Irish,Australian and Italian guys as well as British. On a few occasions, they'll say 'you don't date black people, do you?' and look offended...
No I didn't enjoy it to be honest with you, it was the first time I'd had sex at all and he was older. I won't tell you by how many years though. But legally he did break the law as I was 15 when I first shagged him....
But for me it isn't an issue but honestly, black people tend to be offended if they find out that I have only dated Irish,Australian and Italian guys as well as British. On a few occasions, they'll say 'you don't date black people, do you?' and look offended...
There is WAY too much concern about who dates who nowadays.
No I didn't enjoy it to be honest with you, it was the first time I'd had sex at all and he was older. I won't tell you by how many years though. But legally he did break the law as I was 15 when I first shagged him....
I think maybe that has something to do with it then. Maybe your first experience with a black male kind of turned you off to black men in general. Maybe, if you want to give black men another shot, you could try to gradually work your way back to black. If you're dating a pasty white caucasion right now, then maybe next try a tanned caucasion. From there, go with mexican or pacific islander...etc. Eventually, black won't seem so black anymore.
I think maybe that has something to do with it then. Maybe your first experience with a black male kind of turned you off to black men in general. Maybe, if you want to give black men another shot, you could try to gradually work your way back to black. If you're dating a pasty white caucasion right now, then maybe next try a tanned caucasion. From there, go with mexican or pacific islander...etc. Eventually, black won't seem so black anymore.
Then white will be too white. What are you doing to us white guys man?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Then white will be too white. What are you doing to us white guys man?
That is not correct because we're operating under the premise that she is suffering from a mental barrier that prevents her from being to attracted to black men as a result of her negative experience with a black man -exacerbated by the fact that it was her first sexual experience. She did not have this negative experience with a white man, so your assumption is null and void.
That is not correct because we're operating under the premise that she is suffering from a mental barrier that prevents her from being to attracted to black men as a result of her negative experience with a black man -exacerbated by the fact that it was her first sexual experience. She did not have this negative experience with a white man, so your assumption is null and void.
No way man. The mind is pretty complicated. You can convince yourself you like getting shit on, and many people do. That makes everything else just seem boring. That may or may not happen, but anyway, I don't care who she dates, but we do need more black women dating white guys. I've never dated a black woman but I would like to.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
No way man. The mind is pretty complicated. You can convince yourself you like getting shit on, and many people do. That makes everything else just seem boring. That may or may not happen, but anyway, I don't care who she dates, but we do need more black women dating white guys. I've never dated a black woman but I would like to.
You're not really understanding what's going on. It isn't natural for people to enjoy being shit on. So, when you are convincing yourself to enjoy something you don't naturally enjoy, then yes, you're going to think that other things that you naturally enjoy would be boring. The mind is actually a very simple thing to understand. The reason why you're having trouble understanding it is because you keep overanalyzing it -forgetting the most obvious details. But, I'm here to help whenever you need it.
You're not really understanding what's going on. It isn't natural for people to enjoy being shit on. So, when you are convincing yourself to enjoy something you don't naturally enjoy, then yes, you're going to think that other things that you naturally enjoy would be boring. The mind is actually a very simple thing to understand. The reason why you're having trouble understanding it is because you keep overanalyzing it -forgetting the most obvious details. But, I'm here to help whenever you need it.
Give me a break, the mind is not that simple. Have you ever opened a psychology text book? Maybe a criminology text book? What about a neruoscience text book? They are usually pretty thick and there is usually a lot of information in them. Or maybe they should just read "just call Sponger".
If the mind is so simple, why do some people like red more than blue, some people like to wear black clothes and not white. Some people like spinach and brussel sprouts, while others don't. Some people like rap music and others like country music. I agree it's all what you feed your mind and perception is the key, but sometimes changing that perception can have negative effects as well. Some times it's not the mind that is complicated, so much as it is everything else.
You are basically saying that liking red more than blue is a disorder and people who don't like blue should paint all of their walls purple to get used to it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Thanks for the lesson in genetics Sponger
Regarding the statistics. This thread has been viewed 550 times with 58 posts and 16 posters. Two people have posted they know people of mixed-race that have no problems fitting into society. Zero people have said they do. The variance is probably something like 22. But still, it's a statistic. With a sample size of only 10 - 100 it's difficult to get a decent average. This is also only people that listen to Pearl Jam so that might have some effect.
I also want to add here that in both instances of positive multiracial childrearing discussed on this board, I got the impression that those children were raised in large, highly-supportive families. In both posts, they were talking about this cousin and that cousin and somebody's brother and another person's sister...big family can also mean large support network.
And if you recall from an earlier post I made, I did say that whoever has multiracial children should be prepared to provide additional support that the child is most definitely going to need. The odds are that his/her needs are going to be greater due his/her multiracial make-up. So, again, my cheesy internet stats hold up to my initial premise.
What if you had a monoracial child that was kind of nerdy and all the kids picked on him?
are you serious? do you really think that has any relevance to this discussion? I know you want the last word, but you at least have to say something that possesses at least a shred of prolonged thought.
I know a lot that are doing fine. I think socio-economic background and education has a lot to do with being 'accepted'. The child needs to feel comfortable in him/herself and not use race as an excuse for this or that (ie. "they didn't pick me for the basketball team because I'm mixed race" as opposed to "they didn't pick me for the basketball team because I'm too short and others play better than me". And yes, that is where a well balanced family life helps a lot. I do not deny that non-white children (mixed race or not) have more difficulties in a still racist society - they do. But it is not the 'privilege' of mixed races.
Statistics can be read and used as one pleases. Believe me, I've worked as a statistician. Numbers can be manipulated to fit the outcome wanted. I'm not saying that the statistics you refer to are wrong - just saying there may be others painting a different picture.
It's the same thing man.
At my last job my boss called me "Shithead". The warehouse employees called me strange things like "donkey", "Shrek" and "Starfish". I don't even know why. I'm the same skin colour, same gender and everything. They just wanted to have someone to belittle. They picked me because I was new by comparison to them. They had worked together for years and I was only there 9 months before I quit. If I was black or asian they would have ripped me for that. Some people are just fuckers. You know being disabled (pc?) would be hard to fit into society. You can always ignore someone else's faults, but you can't ignore your own. I don't think I always want to have the last word. I've never even considered that I might have the last word. I just spend a lot of time on this forum because I find the conversations intrigueing. Not all conversations, maybe 5% - 10% of the threads posted. You can have the last word if it means that much to you. Just let me know when you plan to stop posting. Otherwise, I might respond to what you say.
I'm not sure how things are in your part of the world. Maybe it's different over there. Over here, racism is very, very prevelant. The reason why nobody talks about it is because it's not overt racism. Few people walk around shouting racials slurs.
But, it's obvious when you walk into restaurants, walk by parks, or do just about anything in public. Races typically associate amongst themselves. It's just a reality of how our society operates.
When a person is half this and half that, I don't see it as being alarmist at all to naturally assume that he/she is going to have a tougher time identifying with either race that his genes hail from.
And, from what I've been told, the racism here isn't even that bad compared to other parts of the country. I was riding on an airport shuttle with a guy from boston last year. He was here on business or something. He was a white guy. He said the one thing he'll remember most is how racially integrated california is compared to boston.
He said that when he walks into bars and pubs in cali, he becomes astonished at how different races are actually associating within the same bar. He didn't say they were intermingling. He just said they were in the same bar. According to him, you will almost never see that in boston. "The whites are among the whites; the same goes for the other races," he said.
And that's not the first time I've heard of stuff like that about other parts of the country. I used to work in the gaslamp district in downtown san diego. I met lots of people from different parts of the country. It was not uncommon to hear about how racial segregation is still a reality in some parts of the country. It's not mandated by law like it used to be. But, it's still the way things are.
If it's different where you are, then I can understand why you have the point of view that you have.
You are comparing racial identification with the hazing that the new guy gets. That really is the depth of your understanding of the situation. Amazing.
Yes, people of same race tend to associate among themselves. So do people of the same race but different cultures (eg Italians, polish, etc.) Taking the UK as an example, I can understand it a lot more as there are a huge number of 1st generation immigrants. For them, their culture prevails (and can sometimes hinder integration). Also, they have a tendency to 'pass on' the culture to the children (language, food, etc.).
I have less understanding of that for the US. Yes, when the big waves of immigration were in full swing in the late 1800's, people of the same culture/race 'congegrated' together. Feeling of belonging, etc. But now...
Mixed race individuals will generally identify with the prominent culture in their home and surroundings. Though I'm sure there will be times where they wished they looked a bit more 'white' just because of society as it is. Should these children be living in Brazil (yep.. that example again!), they wouldn't care.. everyone is a different shade of brown there.. from very light to very dark!
By the way, Sponger, My father is american. I lived in California for many years, also Hawaii, Georgia and New York. You can imagine that racism is very different in each of those parts of the US.
To add to that... when I was a kid in Georgia, my sister and I wanted to sit at the back of the bus (like most kids want to do). We sat, the bus driver said we needed to move because 'only niggers sit there' (this by the way was illegal then!). My dad said that we could sit where we wanted to, the bus driver said he wouldn't move the bus until we moved. The people on the bus 'supported' us. Eventually, everyone got off the bus and reported the bus driver. Racism or what?
Nine months of hazing?
Dude, I don't think that was it at all. Besides there are thousands upon thousands of kids with no father or no mother all together, I bet they'd be happy to simply worry about their parents skin tone. My point is that everyone has to deal with shit in life. If it's not skin tone it's something else. Besides a lot of people spend hours in tanning beds getting those tones. The whole "i have it rough because of my colour" is an excuse these days. The lynching days are long over and that was kind of isolated to Brittain, the United States and Africa. Sure slavery exists elsewhere like China, but it's Chinese enslaving them. If discrimination is so embedded into society why is Snoop Doggy Dog famous? What about Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, etc.. etc.. etc..
But, I have to say that stories like that are comforting to hear because it at least serves as an example of you and your friends' efforts to stand up to racist bus drivers.
I grew up in military housing, where racism pretty much didn't exist because everyone there identified with their military background. We were all navy brats. If there was any kind of unspoken segregation, it was between the enlisted kids and the commissioned officer kids.
On that note, I really don't blame people for wanting to breed within their own genetic pool. How else you can you truly preserve a "heritage"? Personally, I think tradition and heritage are concepts that inhibit progress and result from a lack of introspective intelligence.
But, again, I can't blame people for wanting to identify with their heritage. In which case I say well then breed amongst yourselves if you want to.
I just wouldn't. I don't like French men... several reasons!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Me thinks you generalize! France is a big country you know! What if there were no other men left in the world? Eh? Eh? What would you do then? Eh?
No, no, the kids in question were my sister and I. He refused to let 'white' kids sit in back because in the back is where the black people belonged (supposedly). No affirmative action there.
I'm an army brat...
Heritage isn't static. It's organic. The more the mix, the more you add on and the more you pass on to your children. I don't see how it would inhibit progress.. the various influences would open one's eyes to the world.
I meant to say cultural heritage.
you know, i think that might explain your coup against the bus driver. am i wrong?
Lesbianism is always an option
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Not according to tha french ex-housemate of yours!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Now we're talking!
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
No I didn't enjoy it to be honest with you, it was the first time I'd had sex at all and he was older. I won't tell you by how many years though. But legally he did break the law as I was 15 when I first shagged him....
But for me it isn't an issue but honestly, black people tend to be offended if they find out that I have only dated Irish,Australian and Italian guys as well as British. On a few occasions, they'll say 'you don't date black people, do you?' and look offended...
There is WAY too much concern about who dates who nowadays.
I think maybe that has something to do with it then. Maybe your first experience with a black male kind of turned you off to black men in general. Maybe, if you want to give black men another shot, you could try to gradually work your way back to black. If you're dating a pasty white caucasion right now, then maybe next try a tanned caucasion. From there, go with mexican or pacific islander...etc. Eventually, black won't seem so black anymore.
Then white will be too white. What are you doing to us white guys man?
That is not correct because we're operating under the premise that she is suffering from a mental barrier that prevents her from being to attracted to black men as a result of her negative experience with a black man -exacerbated by the fact that it was her first sexual experience. She did not have this negative experience with a white man, so your assumption is null and void.
No way man. The mind is pretty complicated. You can convince yourself you like getting shit on, and many people do. That makes everything else just seem boring. That may or may not happen, but anyway, I don't care who she dates, but we do need more black women dating white guys. I've never dated a black woman but I would like to.
You're not really understanding what's going on. It isn't natural for people to enjoy being shit on. So, when you are convincing yourself to enjoy something you don't naturally enjoy, then yes, you're going to think that other things that you naturally enjoy would be boring. The mind is actually a very simple thing to understand. The reason why you're having trouble understanding it is because you keep overanalyzing it -forgetting the most obvious details. But, I'm here to help whenever you need it.
Give me a break, the mind is not that simple. Have you ever opened a psychology text book? Maybe a criminology text book? What about a neruoscience text book? They are usually pretty thick and there is usually a lot of information in them. Or maybe they should just read "just call Sponger".
If the mind is so simple, why do some people like red more than blue, some people like to wear black clothes and not white. Some people like spinach and brussel sprouts, while others don't. Some people like rap music and others like country music. I agree it's all what you feed your mind and perception is the key, but sometimes changing that perception can have negative effects as well. Some times it's not the mind that is complicated, so much as it is everything else.
You are basically saying that liking red more than blue is a disorder and people who don't like blue should paint all of their walls purple to get used to it.