Does it make is racist...



  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    ...I wouldn't go out with a white French man..

    Yeah, right! :rolleyes: Are there really any girls alive who wouldn't go out with a white French man? Hmm, me thinks you are telling a fibb Helen! :rolleyes:
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Je ne comprends pas. J'etais courrement quand j'y habitais mais maintenant je le parle seulement quand j'ai trop bu :o . J'habitais a Paris il y a 8 ans.

    Do what? :confused: You going all Johnny Foreigner on me? :confused:;)
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    for a hetero male, you sure do seem to know an awful lot about other men's penises. :p

    i've never heard that saying before. :o haha.

    hetero men know more about penises than anyone else, i can assure. constantly worried about measuring up ;)
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Do what? :confused: You going all Johnny Foreigner on me? :confused:;)


    Can I use this?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037

    Can I use this?

    Use it? Ermm...sure! :confused: Now I'm really confused! :eek:
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    I'm white and will never date a black woman, because I'm not into them, I dont care if you say I'm racist, name calling isnt gonna change my choice of women.

    Dude, some black chicks are super hot. Check out Gabrielle Union in Cradle 2 The Grave. She's an amazing woman.

    I think philiphino girls are really hot. They have dark skin and asian phsyique. Good good stuff.

    I won't lie, I like women of all ethnicity.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • I just like women!

    Gonna be my death too.
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Interracial love is cool n all, but think of how your kids are going to feel. The world just isn't ready for what it calls "oreos" and "half-breeds". I'm not saying that half black/half white people are less human than anyone else. I'm just saying it's going to be that much harder for him/her to fit in on the playground. That's an unfortunate and embarassing truth about our society, but I'm just telling it like it is.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    sponger wrote:
    Interracial love is cool n all, but think of how your kids are going to feel. The world just isn't ready for what it calls "oreos" and "half-breeds". I'm not saying that half black/half white people are less human than anyone else. I'm just saying it's going to be that much harder for him/her to fit in on the playground. That's an unfortunate and embarassing truth about our society, but I'm just telling it like it is.

    It isn't like that. My cousin is black, his parents are white, his sister is white, his brothers are white. He was adopted, but so were all my aunt's other children. He fits in just fine. When they first adopted him they spoiled him too much, I mean way too much and he had a superiority complex. It's a lot different now though. The other kids only didn't like him because every other day was his "birthday" and he received presents. My aunt is weird.

    This is in Alberta where blacks aren't exactly filling up the streets. It was to the point where a kid pointed at him and said "look mom, a chocolate boy!" but he was too young to care anyway. That's the only time I've ever heard of something being said racially, and I think the boy saying it was about 5 years old. Anyway, my cousin Spencer is cool and fits in just fine.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,297
    sponger wrote:
    Interracial love is cool n all, but think of how your kids are going to feel. The world just isn't ready for what it calls "oreos" and "half-breeds". I'm not saying that half black/half white people are less human than anyone else. I'm just saying it's going to be that much harder for him/her to fit in on the playground. That's an unfortunate and embarassing truth about our society, but I'm just telling it like it is.
    Attitudes aren't just carved in stone, though. I haven't heard/read such a hard line of thought in a very long time except in fiction.

    Whatever the kids are going through, hopefully the parents have figured out a way to say things so the kids feel they are exactly who they are suppose to be at exactly the right time.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    My dads from spain, my moms mixed white/indian/greek and some other things I'm not sure...I can blend into quite a few different groups of people as far as the way I look. I'm also attracted to people from all over. I mean, nice eyes are nice eyes, a nice smile is a nice smile, a good body is a good body and a good heart is a good heart. So what, do we just have skin tone to change the way we feel about someone?

    Now having said that, the last few women that i've gone out with have all been south american.
  • karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    To say I don't date people from my own ethnic background? I am a black woman who has never been on a date with a black man in my life; neither have I slept with a black man in 16 years, and I'm 32. I don't date a lot to be honest, but when I do, it's always white people. I have nothing bad to say about black men - there are good ones and bad ones out there just like with all men. Just like with all people for that matter! I don't see a problem with people like me, who have a tendancy to date outside their race. I just think you make a connect to a person according to their spirit or personality rather than their skin colour or cultural background. However, a LOT of black people - especially women - would find it very offensive to hear of a black person never dating their race, and that annoys me to be honest as I think it's none of their business and not an issue. I don't find black men attractive, and never have done. I don't know why as there are some who are gorgeous, and I would never rule out dating a black man in the future, but I DO prefer to date white men as I do find that I tend to feel more attraction towards them. I don't know if I'd call it a preference or just a tendancy but this is honestly how I feel and I'm just interested to know your thoughts about it.

    If it is soully about attraction than I wouldn't think you were a resist. A bit odd, on the other hand if you don't feel attracted and you haven't met a black man that you connected with on a spiritual level that could change your mind, it might not be that odd after all.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    ahnimus &, mr. brian:

    Neither of you brought up an example of a kid who is literally half black and half white.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    sponger wrote:
    ahnimus &, mr. brian:

    Neither of you brought up an example of a kid who is literally half black and half white.

    I don't think that's genetically possible.

    The more powerful gene takes over and the other doesn't do anything. A person will either be black, white or any shade in-between, but they won't be half and half.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Ahnimus wrote:
    Ior any shade in-between.

    that's what i'm talking about. I'm talking about kids whose appearance makes it obvious that their genes are a combination of black and white influences.
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,297
    sponger wrote:
    that's what i'm talking about. I'm talking about kids whose appearance makes it obvious that their genes are a combination of black and white influences.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at. Does a person have to be a certain shade to be considered acceptable for kindergarten? I remember when I attended diversity trainings we covered institutional oppression. Who is the person that needs education? The kid getting picked on or the bully?
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    sponger wrote:
    that's what i'm talking about. I'm talking about kids whose appearance makes it obvious that their genes are a combination of black and white influences.

    yeah, what about them? You think it'll be hard for them in grade school? maybe in some places, but I don't think thats a reason why two people of different races should'nt have kids.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    sponger wrote:
    that's what i'm talking about. I'm talking about kids whose appearance makes it obvious that their genes are a combination of black and white influences.

    hmm, well I think brown is a natural colour for some people, not totally black. I think there are different genes for that. What I remember from studying evolutionary biology is that one gene overpowers the other. I'm not sure if it's possible for both genes to have an effect.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    The kid getting picked on or the bully?

    Both, but the kid being picked on just need self-defense training. If he breaks the bullies nose, he won't get picked on anymore ;)
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Ahnimus wrote:
    hmm, well I think brown is a natural colour for some people, not totally black. I think there are different genes for that. What I remember from studying evolutionary biology is that one gene overpowers the other. I'm not sure if it's possible for both genes to have an effect.

    That is not correct. If a person of one ethnicity procreates with a person from another ethnicity, the traits of the offspring will be a combination of characteristics from each parent. Under your logic, if a black person and white person have children, those children will either be black or white. That just isn't the case.
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    MrBrian wrote:
    yeah, what about them? You think it'll be hard for them in grade school? maybe in some places, but I don't think thats a reason why two people of different races should'nt have kids.
    The current study examined a mixed-race, longitudinal sample of 114 boys to assess the relative power of aggression, low peer acceptance, and race in predicting a broad range of adolescent outcomes and behaviors.
    Multiracial adolescents in middle school are significantly more likely to engage in such problem behaviors as violence and substance use than single-race young people, according to a new study.

    I'm not trying to say it's wrong or that it isn't anybody right to have an interracial relationship resulting in multiracial children.

    I'm just bringing light to the fact that studies have shown that there are certain consequences for the offspring as a result of the way the world unfortunately is.

    It's all about what kind of world your kids are going to have to face, and whether or not you are prepared to offer the kind of extra support that he/she will most definitely be needing. If you want to increase your child's propensity for adolescent violence and drug usage because you have a thing for white guys, that's your business. But, at least do so knowingly.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    sponger wrote:
    That is not correct. If a person of one ethnicity procreates with a person from another ethnicity, the traits of the offspring will be a combination of characteristics from each parent. Under your logic, if a black person and white person have children, those children will either be black or white. That just isn't the case.

    Well, I don't know enough about gene flow right now to take a position on that. There is also genetic mutation, but that isn't a generational change, it's usually due to radiation and stuff.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • To say I don't date people from my own ethnic background? I am a black woman who has never been on a date with a black man in my life; neither have I slept with a black man in 16 years, and I'm 32. I don't date a lot to be honest, but when I do, it's always white people. I have nothing bad to say about black men - there are good ones and bad ones out there just like with all men. Just like with all people for that matter! I don't see a problem with people like me, who have a tendancy to date outside their race. I just think you make a connect to a person according to their spirit or personality rather than their skin colour or cultural background. However, a LOT of black people - especially women - would find it very offensive to hear of a black person never dating their race, and that annoys me to be honest as I think it's none of their business and not an issue. I don't find black men attractive, and never have done. I don't know why as there are some who are gorgeous, and I would never rule out dating a black man in the future, but I DO prefer to date white men as I do find that I tend to feel more attraction towards them. I don't know if I'd call it a preference or just a tendancy but this is honestly how I feel and I'm just interested to know your thoughts about it.

    I believe you're just the Anti-Black Man? Never known a white woman a black man couldn't turn down...
    "Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"

    "What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."

    Camden 5-28-06
    Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
  • I don't think its racist at all although perhaps its not wise to write off the possiblity altogether. Although it doesn't seem to be the way you approach this. I don't have a strong preference for any one race although there are some races I'm not very attracted to. Its just the way it is......
    The wind is blowing cold
    Have we lost our way tonight?
    Have we lost our hope to sorrow?

    Feels like were all alone
    Running further from what’s right
    And there are no more heroes to follow

    So what are we becoming?
    Where did we go wrong?
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Ahnimus wrote:
    Well, I don't know enough about gene flow right now to take a position on that. There is also genetic mutation, but that isn't a generational change, it's usually due to radiation and stuff.

    An example of gene combination is the phenomenon known as heterosis, which is when the offspring receives both of his/her parents' genes, but benefits from the expression of the stronger gene while also expressing the weaker gene.

    Notice in that diagram that while one parent has gene AA and the other parent has gene aa, the offspring possesses gene Aa as a result.

    In the case of, say, a gene that expresses resistance to parasites, an offspring can benefit not just from the stronger gene, but also from the weaker gene by possessing "a broader array of parasite resistance" resulting from the combination.
    The heterozygous individual will then be able to express a broader array of parasite resistance alleles and thus resist a broader array of parasites.
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    I am a black woman who has never been on a date with a black man in my life; neither have I slept with a black man in 16 years, and I'm 32.

    So, you were 16 when you slept with this black man. Unless we're talking statutory here, then he was probably a minor. In which case, he was not a "man", per se. So, in revision, you have never actually slept with a black "man" unless you did so in violation of most statutory laws. I think in some states 16 is the legal age of consent.

    Can I ask you how that went? Did you enjoy it? Did you feel pressured?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    sponger wrote:
    that's what i'm talking about. I'm talking about kids whose appearance makes it obvious that their genes are a combination of black and white influences.

    Where is the problem?

    My cousin, very white, very blonde with big blue eyes. Her husband, african - black with no mixed heritage. Children: daughter, dark skin (not as dark as her father), dark eyes, 'african' hair... son... 'tanned' skin, blue eyes, curly light brown (mousey) hair. Both doing very well, neither having problems, both 'accepted' in society along with loads of their friends which are mixed race, black or white.

    Other cousin, tall, blond with blue eyes. Wife, japanese (no mixed heritage). Children: 2 boys + 1 girl... all absolutely beautiful/handsome. All three tall, the boys with their father's chiselled features, all three 'japanese' looking but with the strong racial features a bit mellowed. All three very much 'in demand' from the opposite sex! Again, no problems in society.

    These two families live in two different countries. Though all children quite obviously mixed race, all have integrated. Yes, I accept there are still problems but I believe in years to come, these will fade in the background as more and more people 'mix'. Look in Brasil... difficult to find a 'native' who is 100% of a certain race.
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    redrock wrote:
    Where is the problem?

    Read the statistics I posted just a few posts ago. So you have a couple of family members that are doing just fine. That's great. There are some people who smoke all their lives and live to a ripe old age. It's possible, but it just isn't the norm. I'm not saying people don't have a right to smoke, but I think they should be aware of the realities that they have a good chance of facing. Does the situation with your family members mean those statistics are bogus? Maybe so. Who knows.
  • BlancheBlanche Posts: 247
    To say I don't date people from my own ethnic background?
    Let's look at the issue differently: if you dated mainly black men, would that make you racist, too?

    That said, I think who you date depends a lot on the environment where you live, with whom you identify more and who's available.

    For the poster (sponger, I think) saying metis children will have a harder time in their adult life, I strongly disagree. They have a rich cultural heritage and will most likely use it to their advantage. Of course, they will go through a phase where they'll be at odds with their own identity, but that goes for all kids, monocultural or not.
    Most, if not all, metis kids know what's going on beyond their own kitchen. They don't just depend on internet reports for their facts.
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159

    blanche's kitchen vs. Duke University and University of Washington statistics..

    That's a tough one. Not to mention, I didn't say anything about their adult life. I'm talking about their childhood. If you want to change your opinion to include their childhood, that's fine. Anything originating from you kitchen is always worth taking into consideration.
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