Good job NBC



  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    am i the only one that is seeing this as a crime.. This company is working alongside a mass murderer??
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    my2hands wrote:
    way to go, you made a madmans wish come true. you did just what he wanted you to do. show his mad rantings all over the world before the blood has even been cleaned up. you should be ashamed of yourself NBC. dont you have any class? dont you have a heart? dont you have any compassion for the victims? or did you piss your pants in glee when you realized this wacko handed you the biggest news story at the moment?

    i cant tell anyone what to do, but i personally refuse to watch this fucking psycho and his bullshit propaganda. dont feed his fire, dont do what he wanted, ignore the lunacy. do not feed into his circus. it is exactly what he wanted.

    i watched. but then, ive always had a fascination with serial killers. in any case, i think the public demanded it. they need to see this to reassure themselves it wasnt their fault and there was nothing he could do. people will watch it, say "that kid was just plain nuts," and move on with their lives. a few kids will see him as a hero, but if not him, they woulda seen the columbine killers as their heroes instead.
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    my2hands wrote:
    way to go, you made a madmans wish come true. you did just what he wanted you to do. show his mad rantings all over the world before the blood has even been cleaned up. you should be ashamed of yourself NBC. dont you have any class? dont you have a heart? dont you have any compassion for the victims? or did you piss your pants in glee when you realized this wacko handed you the biggest news story at the moment?

    i cant tell anyone what to do, but i personally refuse to watch this fucking psycho and his bullshit propaganda. dont feed his fire, dont do what he wanted, ignore the lunacy. do not feed into his circus. it is exactly what he wanted.

    I never thought that you and Glenn Beck would ever agree on something. ;)

    That was the lead on his show this morning on the way to work.
    - Busted down the pretext
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  • Medias handling of these events sure is disgusting, not just NBC, all the others with their "titles" and coverage were disgusting, and they're all guilty of giving this man what he wanted, to be known. Disgusting.
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Taft wrote:
    1. Its not just NBC, all the networks are showing the manifesto crap.

    2. Its better than that Right Wing, religious freak network Foxnews' coverage. Which is having a serious debate over whether this kid was possessed by Satan, what a joke:,2933,266860,00.html

    wow... that's pretty funny.
  • RockinInCanadaRockinInCanada Posts: 2,016
    Medias handling of these events sure is disgusting, not just NBC, all the others with their "titles" and coverage were disgusting, and they're all guilty of giving this man what he wanted, to be known. Disgusting.

    Exactly pure glorification of the violence and carnage that is disturbing....the problem I see it is that the glorificaiton of his ramblings will only fuel more troubled minds into taking the wrong course of action in releasing their inner anger....
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    macgyver06 wrote:
    am i the only one that is seeing this as a crime.. This company is working alongside a mass murderer??

    No it's not a crime. The killer became famous or infamous the minute his name and pictured was aired. I just see this as a lack of respect for the victims families. When the pain is still so raw inside of the victims family members and friends they have to air pictures of this kid brandashing his weapons and talking about how he was going to exact revenge is completely disgusting to me. They could have discussed the package and what the killers motives where but the visual imagry is what is troubling to me. As far as influencing copycats, I don't buy it. If someone is going to commit such a horrible act they will do it regardless of the amount of press coverage the previous incident received.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    macgyver06 wrote:
    Fuck yeah..i wont watch them again! and fuck GE too!

    im never in favor of a lawsuit...but a lawsuit here could cripple this company.

    it would be a TORT case right??

    on what grounds?
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    on what grounds?

    they are advocating murder!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    macgyver06 wrote:
    they are advocating murder!

    did you watch the videos....?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    inmytree wrote:
    while I understand many are upset about NBC's choice to air the videos...I have to say, as I was checking email last night, I saw a link to videos...

    I clinked and watched...I wonder how many who are saying NBC was wrong have watched them...

    For me, it cleared up the question of "why"...which, in my opinion, was this guy had some serious mental health issues...

    exactly what i was thinking. 10 to 1 99% of the people bitching about how horrible this is watched the video first.
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    exactly what i was thinking. 10 to 1 99% of the people bitching about how horrible this is watched the video first.

    missing the entire point.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    macgyver06 wrote:
    they are advocating murder!

    no they are not. and you'd never be able to make that stick in a lawsuit. they'd stomp your ass on free press and free speech grounds. the guy sent this video to them, they did not obtain it by any underhanded means. it was up to them what to do with it. the only remote possibility would be if a victim's family, or maybe even the killer's family, sued for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and odds are they wouldn't win.
  • RockinInCanadaRockinInCanada Posts: 2,016
    exactly what i was thinking. 10 to 1 99% of the people bitching about how horrible this is watched the video first.

    I haven't...why would I?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    macgyver06 wrote:
    missing the entire point.

    no i am not. did you watch it?
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    For the record, I have not and will not watch the video. Nor will I buy any newspaper, magazine or book with this creep on the front page or in the content of the writing.
  • cerebuscerebus Posts: 170
    I think that showing the videos is just abhorrent Steve Cap (president of NBC news) completely dodged the question of whether the police were concerned that this would lead to copycat killings, saying that the police indicated that showing the video would "not interfere with their investigations".

    He also said that they sat on the story for "most of the day". Considering that they received the package at 11am then aired it at 6:30pm, that comment is a bit rich also. Fucking bastard. This was also the guy who fired Imus from MSNBC, so he's had a GREAT couple of weeks in terms of ratings.

    I personally won't watch NBC again. I'll also be writing to NBC to express my disgust at this.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    I haven't...why would I?

    no reason...

    I think if someone watches the videos, that's their choice...if one doesn't, again, that's their choice...

    for me, it shed some light on the reasons behind this tragedy...
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    Born2Jam wrote:
    I agree.

    And that goes for every other media whore station and website that feels the need to blast this story in the most graphic descriptions and the most distubing photos directly at our faces.

    I hadn't even heard about this yet this morning when I opened up my computer, clicked on the Yahoo news icon, and gasped as the first image I saw was a great big picture of this lunatic asshole pointing a gun directly at the camera........immediately realizing this is probably exactly the last thing some of his victims saw.

    I understand and accept that these news stories will be told...........but why do they have to try and find the most shocking way to deliver it to us?
    There are better ways to get the word out to the public.

    Good post. Yeah it is a bit offensive to see a picture of this SOB pointing a gun at you with that snarl on his face. Even in death he is still pointing his guns at people.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,094
    I think NBC should have shown segments of the video and the pictures. The videos help us understand how screwed up this guy was. How many of us were asking "Why did this guy do this?" Well, from the video and pictures we can answer that question, which is the media's job. Either you want the media to do its job or not.

    Showing the video does not help Cho's cause, and will not cause another mass killing. The video helps us understand and SHOULD freak us all out. These people are out there and we need to watch for them and understand them, which this video helps us do.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    I haven't...why would I?

    i dunno, i watched out of morbid curiosity. and to see what i thought of this guy and why he did what he did. you cannot prevent tragedy like this without knowing why it happens.
  • binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
    macgyver06 wrote:
    i had the same thoughts..and i love how they put NBC all over if they are proud to be the recievers of this???

    if Imus gets fired because of comments

    NBC should be shut down immediately... this is not irrational...THE FCC allows this to take place, but you cant say FUCK during primetime...

    get fucking real... what the fuck is going on...i mean i woke up this morning confused about eveyrthing in the world as i usually do :) but completely lost...

    Get HELP NOW!
  • exactly what i was thinking. 10 to 1 99% of the people bitching about how horrible this is watched the video first.

    sure, the problem is that they've aired it, now people are watching it. Give the tapes to those who can use it (cops), others don't need to watch this, it's glorification of violence, "show us your tapes and you'll be famous", just like having an unauthorized war and praising every moments of it... it's nothing illegal, it's just disgusting to see how far they're ready to go...
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • RockinInCanadaRockinInCanada Posts: 2,016
    i dunno, i watched out of morbid curiosity. and to see what i thought of this guy and why he did what he did. you cannot prevent tragedy like this without knowing why it happens.

    Yeah I know...maybe it is more of a timing thing that anger over the issue stems from it being too soon....wounds are still fresh if you know what I mean....

    And yes it is important to understand the reason why as to hopefully prevent future tragedies...and I compeltly agree with you main issue is with the timing....but then again the media needs viewership and they knew this would get it....
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    I think NBC should have shown segments of the video and the pictures. The videos help us understand how screwed up this guy was. How many of us were asking "Why did this guy do this?" Well, from the video and pictures we can answer that question, which is the media's job. Either you want the media to do its job or not.

    Showing the video does not help Cho's cause, and will not cause another mass killing. The video helps us understand and SHOULD freak us all out. These people are out there and we need to watch for them and understand them, which this video helps us do.

    I agree. I think they were right showing it.

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  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Yeah I know...maybe it is more of a timing thing that anger over the issue stems from it being too soon....wounds are still fresh if you know what I mean....

    And yes it is important to understand the reason why as to hopefully prevent future tragedies...and I compeltly agree with you main issue is with the timing....but then again the media needs viewership and they knew this would get it....

    i feel like if they waited people woulda bitched them too... about how they dug up old wounds for the families to boost slow ratings. it's a damned if you do or dont kinda thing.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Yeah I know...maybe it is more of a timing thing that anger over the issue stems from it being too soon....wounds are still fresh if you know what I mean....

    And yes it is important to understand the reason why as to hopefully prevent future tragedies...and I compeltly agree with you main issue is with the timing....but then again the media needs viewership and they knew this would get it....

    I don't know...

    which would be better...showing it now, while the grieving process is happening...

    or showing it later, which will "open wounds" and bring back feelings...?
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,094
    Some of you are just blatant hypocrites. I wonder how many of you support showing videos from the Iraqi war on YouTube. You praise YouTube for showing these graphic videos. We hear about how the American people need to see this to understand what is going on in Iraq. I guess when it serves your purposes as anti-Bush, you support showing graphic videos. But when NBC puts out a disturbing video, you will blast NBC for it (becuase you hate the media). Everyday your views change. Hypocrites.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Some of you are just blatant hypocrites. I wonder how many of you support showing videos from the Iraqi war on YouTube. You praise YouTube for showing these graphic videos. We hear about how the American people need to see this to understand what is going on in Iraq. I guess when it serves your purposes as anti-Bush, you support showing graphic videos. But when NBC puts out a disturbing video, you will blast NBC for it (becuase you hate the media). Everyday your views change. Hypocrites.

    oh, come on...

    I fully agreed with your first post, then you pull the "hate bush" card...

    lame...very lame...
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    sure, the problem is that they've aired it, now people are watching it. Give the tapes to those who can use it (cops), others don't need to watch this, it's glorification of violence, "show us your tapes and you'll be famous", just like having an unauthorized war and praising every moments of it... it's nothing illegal, it's just disgusting to see how far they're ready to go...

    i dont believe that for a second. if you've seen the video, this kid didnt do this to get famous. he was clearly mentally ill. it was like a charles manson thing... he wasn't trying to be famous, he just had some crazy schizophrenic perceptions and felt compelled to justify his atrocities. i dont think he cared who saw it. and i dont think anyone is sitting around going "you know, id like to kill 33 people, but if it's not gonna get me on tv, i guess i wont after all." i also have a tough time believing anyone is saying "well, i was about to back out, but then i realized id get on tv, so i decided to kill a ton of people." the people committing these acts are not rational actors like this... it's not a calculated move for celebrity. it's an expression of rage or mental illness and airtime is not making a difference. they know they will be on tv for news coverage and people will want to know why. what should news networks do? bury this and never release any info on why it happened lest some kid in his basement somewhere goes "yeah man, right on! im gonna do it too!" that's ridiculous.
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