Good job NBC

way to go, you made a madmans wish come true. you did just what he wanted you to do. show his mad rantings all over the world before the blood has even been cleaned up. you should be ashamed of yourself NBC. dont you have any class? dont you have a heart? dont you have any compassion for the victims? or did you piss your pants in glee when you realized this wacko handed you the biggest news story at the moment?
i cant tell anyone what to do, but i personally refuse to watch this fucking psycho and his bullshit propaganda. dont feed his fire, dont do what he wanted, ignore the lunacy. do not feed into his circus. it is exactly what he wanted.
i cant tell anyone what to do, but i personally refuse to watch this fucking psycho and his bullshit propaganda. dont feed his fire, dont do what he wanted, ignore the lunacy. do not feed into his circus. it is exactly what he wanted.
Post edited by Unknown User on
if Imus gets fired because of comments
NBC should be shut down immediately... this is not irrational...THE FCC allows this to take place, but you cant say FUCK during primetime...
get fucking real... what the fuck is going on...i mean i woke up this morning confused about eveyrthing in the world as i usually do
I completely agree with your post, but I am not shocked that they jumped all over it.
ya but this isnt a good excuse anymore...something needs to be done.. this isnt a call for censorship...its call to examine the minds and power at these huge corporations that come without heart or a face for that matter...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
coverup?? i dont think there is a coverup..everyone knows what happened at VT??
I completely agree... Its sensationalism not journalism. They get tv ratings, I highly doubt there was any questioning concerning the morality of publishing this. What can you do about it though? I'm sure millions of people were drawn to their tv sets by it.
In a different world they may not have aired the information and turned it over to the authorities.
Also I definately agree with know1's statement. More people will be inclined to get their 15 minutes of fame. Just look at the day after the shootings and all the threats that were made to different schools/colleges.
exactly, so why give this fucker the satisfaction. havent the vicitms suffered enough?
fucking sick
im not saying NBC is gonna be directly blamed for the next massacre..i dunno...but i do know... they are glorifying this guy... and its gonna keep getting worse with this thoughtlessness... the families of these victims need to file a joint lawsuit against NBC and dismantle the entire fucking thing... no way they wwould lose the case.
2. Its better than that Right Wing, religious freak network Foxnews' coverage. Which is having a serious debate over whether this kid was possessed by Satan, what a joke:,2933,266860,00.html
Do you REALLY? Maybe Cho was a North Korean agent on assignment here building a sleeper cell when he snapped. I don't actually believe that, but my point is, anytime information is supressed people make shit up. Look at 9/11. So why supress info in this day and age. Let the information be made available, and people can exercise their own standards in terms of what they read and watch.
you may feel differently if it was your son, dauhgter, borther, or sister lost.
Apparently, it's all about ratings....
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
Yes I actually do know people were murdered...i don't care why...also!!!
this is not information that was released...its an amateur video...a suicide video...not a suicide note...and its been advertised today...
the victims within a week have been turned into profits for these organizations we seem to cling to
we are never alone
Fuck yeah..i wont watch them again! and fuck GE too!
im never in favor of a lawsuit...but a lawsuit here could cripple this company.
it would be a TORT case right??
Good job, my2hands!!!
My sister and I were having excatly the same conversation last night.
When will these media fuckers take some responsibility, have some integrity, have some class and sensitivity; and stop being part of the problem!
Now every fuckin' nutjob from here to Portland will know that he can get his psychotic 15 minutes of fame, become a legend; after he goes on a killing spree and blows his own brains out.
I think it was in extremely bad taste to air the material considering that the shootings only happened days ago. Maybe the right thing would have been to mention the package and it's contents but not air the photos or video clips.
You're one of the only people in the country who doesn't seem to be asking why. I can understand that you don't want more info if you have no more questions.
Every story on the news every day is placed where it is and given the air time or column length it is given based on reader/viewer interest. If you don't want to see something turn off the TV.
This is the real problem. Showing the tapes, etc., will encourage others to do this.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
this isnt a censorship thing... i dont care what it is going on in a dead guys head before he does concern and thoughts are to the victims...this isnt a conspiracy jeff...also this isnt about censoring NBC... i dont care what they put on their station, because i don't watch it... but they are fueling a fire in that they are glorifying murder and massacres, whatever word you prefer...and they should be held partly accountable for the next massacre.
with great power comes great responsibility...shut these fuckers down!
I agree.
And that goes for every other media whore station and website that feels the need to blast this story in the most graphic descriptions and the most distubing photos directly at our faces.
I hadn't even heard about this yet this morning when I opened up my computer, clicked on the Yahoo news icon, and gasped as the first image I saw was a great big picture of this lunatic asshole pointing a gun directly at the camera........immediately realizing this is probably exactly the last thing some of his victims saw.
I understand and accept that these news stories will be told...........but why do they have to try and find the most shocking way to deliver it to us?
There are better ways to get the word out to the public.
its like in the movie 'seven' when brad pitt kills kevin spacey. just fulfilled the psycho's wishes.
I clinked and watched...I wonder how many who are saying NBC was wrong have watched them...
For me, it cleared up the question of "why"...which, in my opinion, was this guy had some serious mental health issues...
why wouldnt you watch it, when this is presented like a movie... this is not a movie... this video is not informative.
this is the company who shut down howard stern?? ( look up howard sterns life and his criminal record )
they had a documentary on why jackass shoudlnt be allowed on tv...
Howard Stern...??
anyway...did you watch them...?