more kids shot in US schools... awesome gun laws!!!

so cool.... guns are the awesomest!!!!
they should advertise them for sale with the slogan
"for those of you who cant get erections, throw away the Viagra and buy a fucking gun"
bunch of pussies hiding behind guns... penile extensions for those fuckheads that need them!!
so as yet more innocent children die, there faces splattered against the blackboard, rest assured that you have that small pistol beside in order to form that militia, if the need arise, to take on your government.... you'll be too fucking busy to form a militia anyway, theres a lot of schools in America and they'll take a while to target!!
they should advertise them for sale with the slogan
"for those of you who cant get erections, throw away the Viagra and buy a fucking gun"
bunch of pussies hiding behind guns... penile extensions for those fuckheads that need them!!
so as yet more innocent children die, there faces splattered against the blackboard, rest assured that you have that small pistol beside in order to form that militia, if the need arise, to take on your government.... you'll be too fucking busy to form a militia anyway, theres a lot of schools in America and they'll take a while to target!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Post edited by Unknown User on
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
And drugs too!!
I am NOT pro-guns BUT even if they were outlawed, I think the "bad guys" would still get them.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
thats so true... sir you are a genius!!!
i remember the last time i went past 60 here in the UK and mowed down 4 people.... it too was awesome!
there are also rules for lots of things... guns doesnt seem to be one of them
Here are the most popular theries:
1. Teachers at schools cannot address bully's b/c there are too many kids and schools are no longer personal
2. Guns in the home
3 Violent video games
4. Children of divorced parents and parents no longer communicate to know what the child is doing at the others home
5. Media for overexposing
6 Music b/c it promotes violence
7. Placing children on meds and diagnosing them with disorders much longer to take away personal responsibility.
Well studies do show this:
Children do better if they feel like when they miss school....they will miss something important, or someone important will miss them.
There can be only one!
Sorry, the only way to stop this is to ban humans.
The are many laws about about guns too. My point was that laws against guns, speeding, drugs, etc are impossible to enforce.
Here's a question for you... say tomorrow the US makes owning and using any gun illegal... how would this help when there are millions of guns already in circulation?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
if you take away theory number 2 then all you get is a load of kids who like stabbing rabbits and will probably have no friends as well as hating their parents (most teenagers then!) add no.2 and the recipe for carnage is complete
1 gun
1 fucked up kid
1 mental reason for slaying
bake for 17 years and there it is
if you take away the gun, all you have is one severely depressed scone
worst post i've ever read on this forum... and i've read a lot of Pychosinlove's posts
If you like sports, then practice.
If you like grades, then tutoring, or academic bowl.
If you like clubs, then the chess, SADD, club missed you.
If you like skating, then the guys during lunch missed your tricks.
If you like music, the person beside you bad wondered where you were., etc.
Guns were around at the beggining of this country. What is missing now is personal moments with one another. the schools are so large that teacher do not know the students. And who become teachers? People who liked school to begin with, so they automatically relate to the kids who like school today. Again, the "odd" kids are left out.
Here's just an opinion:
First stop the society belief that guns are great, would be a huge step, then disarm the population (handguns, machine guns, semi auto.), those who want guns in a field or to hunt, would be able to do so UNDER VERY STRICT laws, i don't know those laws, but some country like Sweden (if i'm not mistaken) have some very usefull gun policy and law.
I don't think it would prevent every crimes, but having stricter laws can reduce the number of guns in circulation and could help to say to kids (who become adults) that guns are not exactly something cool, could be good.
In the case of school shootings there's a whole society problem surrounding it, but guns are definitly a part of it and even if not all the blame goes to guns laws (or the lack of it), it would be stupid to say that guns are not a problem at all.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
great post
I don't disagree with your approach as an idea, but the million dollar question is how?
how do you stop the belief that guns are great? With all of the tv, movies, video games, music, the news, etc. that show guns in a positive light, short of censorship, how do we change that belief?
how do you disarm the public? There has to be millions of registered and unregistered guns out there, how do you get them off the people? do you knock on the door and just take thousands of dollars worth of guns from people? or do you buy them back? and if so where does that money come from?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Guns are NOT the problem. They are prolific tools for killing, but it's the person who pulls the trigger that is the problem.
Far too many people are responsible with guns than are irresponsible. Just like cars, drugs... etc. I think people doing these fucked up deeds is more a product of living in our times than it is easy access to guns.
It's our society, not our gun laws.
they are a major part of the problem otherwise all you get is a disgruntled moron shouting bang at people... it doesnt quite have the same effect...
so with a gun the person becomes a killer, without he becomes a nobody
"guns are NOT the problem"
guns are PART of the problem, read my post again, no "cars blablabla" "guns don't kill blabla", it's irrelevant to me, i see no point of arguing with you, sorry...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
People don't kill each other with knives, hammers, cars, fists, explosives, etc.?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
well, tv, movies, video games, music, news etc., are not the problem in my opinion, but the fact that nobody told those kids that Grand Theft Auto was a game and Rambo a movie, and should not be repeated in real life.
I've played with G.I. Joes all of my youth, i've watched Rambos and all those ninjas and war movies while i was a teen, i've watched Nightmare on Elm Street I and Jason 2-3 around 20 times each, i've later played Grand Theft Auto and most of the violent video games, i've listen to most of the violent music out there (now and as a teen), so why i'm I not a killer? Is it because i hate guns in the first place? I can't answer that.
About disarming the public and the money to be invested, it would be colossal, it would be a major society change, something politicians should be elected on to have the power to conduct those changes, it would cost a lot and would probably mean some heavy reform in some programs (military in the states, as an example). Anyway even if i think it should happen or at least should be try, i don't think it WILL happen.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
the problem is not the guns, it is that we have disgruntled children!!! We need to fix that. We need to show children that we care! Not let them be pissed off and no one notices. they need to feel loved and cared about. Fix that, not the guns.
fix both... a disturbed kids don't go on a shooting rampage if he don't have access to a gun, please don't bring me the car argument...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
that old chestnut....
UK: we're going to get rid of nuclear weapons
US: but why?
UK: they kill and maim hundreds of thousands of people
US: so do toasters
UK: ok, we'll keep them then... with that kind of logic who are we to argue!
“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it? You'd have to be really dodgy on the heart to have that…”
i agree... but with no ready access to a gun, then the disgruntled kid doesnt have a violent outlet... sure he may kill himself and thats tragic enough, but even more tragic is the killing of innocents because you have a grudge
if the columbine high kids didnt have access to those guns and used baseball bats instead.... i'm not a betting man but i'm sure most of those gun victims would still be alive today
It's funny how guns have been a part of society ever since they were invented, and only since the 1990's have these school shootings become a problem.
It seems very simple to me that these acts are commited now because they can serve a purpose in the age of cable news, the internet and ridalin - in a way that shooting up your school wouldn't have been international news 20 years ago.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
i belive that no-one else has ever quoted Izzard on this forum except you and I :cool:
comedians always say it best
Yes, I agree with this. We spend too much time making money, and not enough time raising our children. Our larger family units are often disconnectd, and our communities are not close-knit. This kind of isolation can be the thing that pushes an already fragile person over the edge, in my opinion.
read "a boy called it" and then tell me how that guy didnt grow up to be a homicidial maniac... it can be overcome, parents are partly responsible for sure, along with a multitude of other things.. and guns come under that umbrella of blame
sort of agree, but you do not raise your kids as a future killer, there's more into it, depression, mental health, guns, social situation (society).
but if it's the parent's fault, then it's the parent's parents fault, it never ends...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I understand what you are saying, I really do. But like all problems, guns are the "quick fix" not the sure answer. the real fix takes time and energy. That would be teaching parents how to parents, and teachers how to show each kid they love that child. Maybe before you buy a gun you have to take a month of parenting classes. You wanna bet how quick that would be shot down in congress. LMAO
I agree with the person who said that parents need to nurture thier children & love them. That's only part of the problem.....mental illness & the availability of guns plays a large part too. It's not just kids killing school mates, it's also disturbed older people. If guns weren't so easy to buy & use, a lot of the violence in schools (and everywhere else) would be lessened. It's a tragedy.....
Has anyone seen "Bowling for Columbine"????