What third party candidate are you voting for if you don't mind me asking? And why?
I'm planning on writing in Ron Paul's name, I know he is a Republican. I feel that he offers the best ideas for this country. I don't agree with all of his ideas but as far as Constitutional rights, reduction in spending and reduction in the size and scope of the federal government, interventionist foreign policy and fixing our economy I am in 100% agreement with him. I also admire his honesty, something that all four candidates on the major party ballots lack. He sticks to his beliefs even though they may not be popular. He actually want to hand back power to the people where it belongs, not in the hands of lobbiests and special interest groups.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Sounds like a great guy, I am sorry I know very little about him (even though he sounds appealing)...why was he not invited to the Republican debates if he is a republican?
He was in attendance during the Republican Primary debates but was largly ignored by the mainstream media.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Finally, Palin's mispronunciation of the word "nuclear" drew an atomic level of searches for "nuclear vs. nucular." Remember: when in doubt, just sound it out.
How is voting 3rd party throwing away my vote? How many people out there do you think feel that neither of these candidates is a good choice? What do you think would happen if every single one of those voters decided to vote 3rd Party? It would send a message to the washington don't you think.
It's not about winning because guess what, we the people never win. We always loose regardless of what party gets into the Oval office. It's about sending the Republicans and the Democrats a message that we are no longer going to sit back and watch them ruin our country, trample the Constitution, spend our tax dollars with impunity and undertake actions that run counter to the will and benefit of the people of this country. Only once we have done that will we win and voting for the lesser of two evils will not get us any closer to that goal.
Very good post, i really feel sorry for you guys and your 2 party system, not alot of choices. I like alot of what Ron Paul says but i am Canadian and i think Universal Health care is a fundamental right, so he scares me also. Great foreign policy though.
Well since no one seems to be responding I will play Devil's Advocate. This is just my take on why people would vote for him and not my actually belief but Obama does represent an opportunity for change. Whether McCain supports want to admit it or not he has fallen in line with Bush and Republican policy over 90% of the time and that, to me, does not make him a Maverick. Obama also represents a departure from the failed foreign policy of the current administration which has shown to be ineffective. His fiscal policy is sounder that McCain's, not that I agree with raising taxes even if it's only for the top 5% but if you are not going to reduce spending then you have to increase revenue. McCain's policy is to reduce revenue while leaving spending relatively unchanged. That to me is extremely poor fiscal ideology because it will just increase debt which can lead to further inflation. Obama offers a better energy policy than McCain and I do have to admit that I like Obama's idea for creating a "green" industry. I believe that it will help ween us off of our dependency on foreign oil and help create a strong foundation for our economy.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Obama may not be a great choice, but I believe he's a much much better choice than McCain/Lunkhead. I don't think he'll lead us into another bullshit war. I think he'll help get us out of Iraq. I think he will assemble a better team than the crooks Bush picked (and the idea that "maverick" McCain will pick great people is utterly negated by his VP choice). I think with Obama there is a chance that this country can regain the respect it has lost over the past 8 years. I think there's a better chance for health care reform than with McCain's stupidly silly plan. I'm pro-choice, so that's an issue for me, too.
(As for calling Palin a lunkhead - sorry, I think she's stupid. And I just saw on Huffington - "Palin Tells Fox News: Couric Annoyed Me." Sheesh.)
Thats great but it is looking more and more like people do not know why they are voting for Obama...and sadly, they can be compared to the guy I work with
did you not read the post....why are you going to vote for McCain?
I know you are not really asking and that you will disagree with anything I say but.....
first and foremost, McCain is fucked in the head. If there were a republican choice that was viable but somewhat progressive (Ron Paul or McCain circa 2000), I'd think about it, but there isn't. One of these guys is going to be president, I'm not going to vote for the guy who is fucked in the head so...
Biden said it best last night. Fairness. The time of the rich is over both corporate and personal, time to pay your fair share. Why? because you can afford it. so pay up.
an energy plan. It's expensive but I suspect we will look back and say it was worth it. The time of oil is over. infrastructure is expensive. get over it.
diplomacy first, bomb second. I sincerely believe obama can repair our reputation around the world.
The supreme court. Want 40 years of Neocon, pro corporate decisions? don't vote obama.
restoration of the constitution and removal of fear as policy. He's a constitutional scholar, nuff said.
He's less experienced than he probably should be, but I think he has the capacity to be Bush in reverse. He can assemble the brightest, brilliant most positive minds and use it for good, where bush assembled some of the most brilliant criminal minds to destroy lives here and abroad.
I don't know if anyone can turn the economy around at this point but I think he knows where we are and where we need to be, it's just a matter of how to get there.
that's my (oversimplified) answer, more than what I feel I owe you.
Thats great but it is looking more and more like people do not know why they are voting for Obama...and sadly, they can be compared to the guy I work with
Why the fuck should anyone take time to justify their vote to you? So you can bait them into some sort of meaningless net argument that will have no influence on anything other than you electronic ego? Dude, get over yourself.
She didn't show she understood anything. She used talking points, and when counterattacked, she changed the subject. She didn't answer some questions. I didn't think she would fail stylistically, I wanted to get substance, and it wasn't there. She didn't defend when she attacked.
So I think she did terrible in regards to someone that could be President, but since the bar was so low, many think she did better.
Excellent points
PEARL JAM - It's what's for breakfast
"Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise."
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. -Patrick Henry, revolutionary (1736-1799)
I know you are not really asking and that you will disagree with anything I say but.....
first and foremost, McCain is fucked in the head. If there were a republican choice that was viable but somewhat progressive (Ron Paul or McCain circa 2000), I'd think about it, but there isn't. One of these guys is going to be president, I'm not going to vote for the guy who is fucked in the head so...
Biden said it best last night. Fairness. The time of the rich is over both corporate and personal, time to pay your fair share. Why? because you can afford it. so pay up.
an energy plan. It's expensive but I suspect we will look back and say it was worth it. The time of oil is over. infrastructure is expensive. get over it.
diplomacy first, bomb second. I sincerely believe obama can repair our reputation around the world.
The supreme court. Want 40 years of Neocon, pro corporate decisions? don't vote obama.
restoration of the constitution and removal of fear as policy. He's a constitutional scholar, nuff said.
He's less experienced than he probably should be, but I think he has the capacity to be Bush in reverse. He can assemble the brightest, brilliant most positive minds and use it for good, where bush assembled some of the most brilliant criminal minds to destroy lives here and abroad.
I don't know if anyone can turn the economy around at this point but I think he knows where we are and where we need to be, it's just a matter of how to get there.
that's my (oversimplified) answer, more than what I feel I owe you.
Well since no one seems to be responding I will play Devil's Advocate. This is just my take on why people would vote for him and not my actually belief but Obama does represent an opportunity for change. Whether McCain supports want to admit it or not he has fallen in line with Bush and Republican policy over 90% of the time and that, to me, does not make him a Maverick. Obama also represents a departure from the failed foreign policy of the current administration which has shown to be ineffective. His fiscal policy is sounder that McCain's, not that I agree with raising taxes even if it's only for the top 5% but if you are not going to reduce spending then you have to increase revenue. McCain's policy is to reduce revenue while leaving spending relatively unchanged. That to me is extremely poor fiscal ideology because it will just increase debt which can lead to further inflation. Obama offers a better energy policy than McCain and I do have to admit that I like Obama's idea for creating a "green" industry. I believe that it will help ween us off of our dependency on foreign oil and help create a strong foundation for our economy.
Thats great but it is looking more and more like people do not know why they are voting for Obama...and sadly, they can be compared to the guy I work with
perhaps a palin has effected PEPPER'S thinking....sounds like a true palinism...
Maverick maverick reformer also wasilla such as Alaska as a maverick reformer in Alaska also taxes reformer also energy such as taxes also in Alaska so also a maverick also reformer in Alaska such as energy also Wasilla maverick and also Reagan also reformer maverick also Wasilla reformer also Joe six pack maverick maverick maverick.
She reminded me of myself when I crammed for exams in High School. When I got there I had everything memorized and couldn't think of anything else until I got the material out of my head.
She memorized 7 or 8 small speeches and basically said them over and over throwing in some cute phrases with a big smile on her face. If Biden smiled like that when he was talking people would have had him committed!
Maverick maverick reformer also wasilla such as Alaska as a maverick reformer in Alaska also taxes reformer also energy such as taxes also in Alaska so also a maverick also reformer in Alaska such as energy also Wasilla maverick and also Reagan also reformer maverick also Wasilla reformer also Joe six pack maverick maverick maverick.
She's a fucking retard! Enough said.
EXCELLENT!!! It was like I went back into time into last night..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I know you are not really asking and that you will disagree with anything I say but.....
first and foremost, McCain is fucked in the head. If there were a republican choice that was viable but somewhat progressive (Ron Paul or McCain circa 2000), I'd think about it, but there isn't. One of these guys is going to be president, I'm not going to vote for the guy who is fucked in the head so...
Biden said it best last night. Fairness. The time of the rich is over both corporate and personal, time to pay your fair share. Why? because you can afford it. so pay up.
an energy plan. It's expensive but I suspect we will look back and say it was worth it. The time of oil is over. infrastructure is expensive. get over it.
diplomacy first, bomb second. I sincerely believe obama can repair our reputation around the world.
The supreme court. Want 40 years of Neocon, pro corporate decisions? don't vote obama.
restoration of the constitution and removal of fear as policy. He's a constitutional scholar, nuff said.
He's less experienced than he probably should be, but I think he has the capacity to be Bush in reverse. He can assemble the brightest, brilliant most positive minds and use it for good, where bush assembled some of the most brilliant criminal minds to destroy lives here and abroad.
I don't know if anyone can turn the economy around at this point but I think he knows where we are and where we need to be, it's just a matter of how to get there.
that's my (oversimplified) answer, more than what I feel I owe you.
Man I have to say that was pretty good, TOOSHAY!
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
one thing that still bugs me is that Palin brought up Kissinger, like she was going to continue his policies. Henry Kissinger is a war criminal on par with the Nazis. He should be in jail, not deciding policy. ANd she was all for him. gogo amerikkkan politrics.
Well since no one seems to be responding I will play Devil's Advocate.
It's like back in the day when abook was posting regulary mammasan. It's not that no one is responding, it's like how many times do you get sick of saying the same thing, over and over. Daily it would be 'why do you support obama? So people would reply, and then the next day. Why do you support obama? Personally, i got really irked with that, because it was like, ok, why waste my time responding if you are going to ask the same question everytime Obama's name is mentioned. It gets very old. Quickly.
So, for about the hundredth time..
Obama speaks about responsibility, on both sides of the system. He wants government to be able to help those who need it the most. He also wants to be able to provide funds for college, raising children, providing health care to those without it… but he always reminds us that we have to be involved in the process. Under him, if you give back to your community, to the country, to the different service groups like peace and Americorps, if you give your time and effort, then government is going to be there to support you because you freakin’ deserve it. This is not socialism, it’s responsibility. Much more “American”.
The best part is, Obama’s call to service isn’t strictly military. I love that. You mean, I don’t have to join the army to be considered an American. I don’t have to own a gun, don’t have to have slaved my entire life away just to earn the distinction of “salt of the earth” (which is the most condescending bull shit I’ve ever heard).
Obama wants to end this nightmare of war that has cost the lives 100’s of thousands of civilians whose only crime is being born in Iraq. I'm guessing only a small % of those who have died were terrorists. Gut feel, i don't have facts to back this up. There's too many dead and they didn't have terrorists stamped on their head when they were murdered. Makes me sick to my stomach that the Republican Party has succeeded with associating one religion with absolute hatred, that they’ve been able to instil this idea that every single person in the Middle East has a bomb and a gun and a distinct hatred for Americans. Absolutely not true. Under Obama, this shit will end soon.
John McCain makes me feel un-American. Always pandering to the idea that democrats never worked and that everyone in America is some kind of coal miner or steel worker just trying to get by. That’s absolutely not true and It's disgusting when he pulls out middle class buzz-words.
A vote for John McCain is a vote for 100 more years of war. I feel like we will be in a war with Iran and Russia because that’s going to be his answer to the problems they stir up, and because of all this “need” for military presence, there’s going to be a draft which I will beg anyone i know to take up their American right to dodge the hell out of. Fuck going to war. We weren't born to kill or be killed.
Obama’s tax cuts will benefit the bottom 80% of Americans. John McCain’s will benefit the wealthiest 20%. While both McCain and Obama plan to lower taxes for at least 95% of Americans, the Obama tax cuts are greater for those who need it the most. Yes, Obama plans to raise taxes on those who make over $2.5 million a year, but take a look at this data http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.co...-perspectives/ and see that John McCain’s plan cuts more taxes for the wealthiest than it does for the less well off. I don’t know where the McCain campaign got the idea that Obama plans to raise taxes on workers, just the top 1% of Americans.
Palin governs probably the last great wilderness in the western world, and she wants to fuck it over for the last few drops of oil. Unbelievable. John McCain and Sarah Palin support drilling in ANWR, and I absolutely do not. There’s one reason I can’t vote for McCain. Drilling for oil in America is not going to quell the rising price of gas, just destroy parts of the Earth and sections of it’s ecosystem that some people believe are very important to human beings sticking around for a while. He also has said repeatedly that he wants more nuclear power plants (I think 15).
Obama wants to rid us of the same dependence on foreign oil.
Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. He also understands that doing that doesn’t mean we have to bring the oil home. It means changing the way we produce, consume and reuse our energy sources.
Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars — cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon — on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America. Sure, I can understand the desire to rid ourselves of foreign oil, but let’s do that by changing the energy infrastructure. Waaaaay better,as far as I am concerned, than voting for McCain.
McCains old, if anything happens to him, Sarah Palin will position herself to become America's first female president. Awesome . She's anti-abortion, anti enviroment, anti-stem cell research, anti euthanasia, anti gay marriage, a climate change denier and a born again bible believing christian creatonist.
She's opposed to sex education in schools and believes in promoting sexual abstinence among the unmarried. Mmm hmm. Sarah Palin wants to control the way any children i may have, receive sex ed., and wants to take away our reproductive rights so that there are no "choices" to make. Why is it i read post after post of people saying her private life and that of her family should stay removed from politics, but no criticizm from those same people that she should keep her nose out of my private life? So how can she then request that we do not discuss the choices her own family has made? If these are private matters for her family, what gives her the right to think she can control any decision i may make for my family?
She's a warmonger who can't find 'overseas' in the atlas and she's all apple pie and moose burgers. She's a living, breathing caricature, who btw McCain had only met once before
Seriously, if death does befall McCain, this woman could be the freakin president of the US.
There's a lot a stake for me, i have not had children yet. I want something better than this to bring them into. I don't have 'blind faith' that Obama is going to solve all our problems, i am not unrealistic as to what he can and can't do, but i do have hope that with the right people around him, he is the best candidate.
Say i'm wrong, and i'm placing faith and trust in someone that doesn't deserve it, obama gets in, and he continues with Bush doctrine, the conversation in 4 years will be much different. We won't be fooled twice now will we.
I think it would be interesting to read a transcript of *everything* she said. The paragraph in that article was so funny because there's no hiding how little sense she really made.
I think it would be interesting to read a transcript of *everything* she said. The paragraph in that article was so funny because there's no hiding how little sense she really made.
It's like back in the day when abook was posting regulary mammasan. It's not that no one is responding, it's like how many times do you get sick of saying the same thing, over and over. Daily it would be 'why do you support obama? So people would reply, and then the next day. Why do you support obama? Personally, i got really irked with that, because it was like, ok, why waste my time responding if you are going to ask the same question everytime Obama's name is mentioned. It gets very old. Quickly.
So, for about the hundredth time..
Obama speaks about responsibility, on both sides of the system. He wants government to be able to help those who need it the most. He also wants to be able to provide funds for college, raising children, providing health care to those without it… but he always reminds us that we have to be involved in the process. Under him, if you give back to your community, to the country, to the different service groups like peace and Americorps, if you give your time and effort, then government is going to be there to support you because you freakin’ deserve it. This is not socialism, it’s responsibility. Much more “American”.
The best part is, Obama’s call to service isn’t strictly military. I love that. You mean, I don’t have to join the army to be considered an American. I don’t have to own a gun, don’t have to have slaved my entire life away just to earn the distinction of “salt of the earth” (which is the most condescending bull shit I’ve ever heard).
Obama wants to end this nightmare of war that has cost the lives 100’s of thousands of civilians whose only crime is being born in Iraq. I'm guessing only a small % of those who have died were terrorists. Gut feel, i don't have facts to back this up. There's too many dead and they didn't have terrorists stamped on their head when they were murdered. Makes me sick to my stomach that the Republican Party has succeeded with associating one religion with absolute hatred, that they’ve been able to instil this idea that every single person in the Middle East has a bomb and a gun and a distinct hatred for Americans. Absolutely not true. Under Obama, this shit will end soon.
John McCain makes me feel un-American. Always pandering to the idea that democrats never worked and that everyone in America is some kind of coal miner or steel worker just trying to get by. That’s absolutely not true and It's disgusting when he pulls out middle class buzz-words.
A vote for John McCain is a vote for 100 more years of war. I feel like we will be in a war with Iran and Russia because that’s going to be his answer to the problems they stir up, and because of all this “need” for military presence, there’s going to be a draft which I will beg anyone i know to take up their American right to dodge the hell out of. Fuck going to war. We weren't born to kill or be killed.
Obama’s tax cuts will benefit the bottom 80% of Americans. John McCain’s will benefit the wealthiest 20%. While both McCain and Obama plan to lower taxes for at least 95% of Americans, the Obama tax cuts are greater for those who need it the most. Yes, Obama plans to raise taxes on those who make over $2.5 million a year, but take a look at this data http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.co...-perspectives/ and see that John McCain’s plan cuts more taxes for the wealthiest than it does for the less well off. I don’t know where the McCain campaign got the idea that Obama plans to raise taxes on workers, just the top 1% of Americans.
Palin governs probably the last great wilderness in the western world, and she wants to fuck it over for the last few drops of oil. Unbelievable. John McCain and Sarah Palin support drilling in ANWR, and I absolutely do not. There’s one reason I can’t vote for McCain. Drilling for oil in America is not going to quell the rising price of gas, just destroy parts of the Earth and sections of it’s ecosystem that some people believe are very important to human beings sticking around for a while. He also has said repeatedly that he wants more nuclear power plants (I think 15).
Obama wants to rid us of the same dependence on foreign oil.
Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. He also understands that doing that doesn’t mean we have to bring the oil home. It means changing the way we produce, consume and reuse our energy sources.
Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars — cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon — on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America. Sure, I can understand the desire to rid ourselves of foreign oil, but let’s do that by changing the energy infrastructure. Waaaaay better,as far as I am concerned, than voting for McCain.
McCains old, if anything happens to him, Sarah Palin will position herself to become America's first female president. Awesome . She's anti-abortion, anti enviroment, anti-stem cell research, anti euthanasia, anti gay marriage, a climate change denier and a born again bible believing christian creatonist.
She's opposed to sex education in schools and believes in promoting sexual abstinence among the unmarried. Mmm hmm. Sarah Palin wants to control the way any children i may have, receive sex ed., and wants to take away our reproductive rights so that there are no "choices" to make. Why is it i read post after post of people saying her private life and that of her family should stay removed from politics, but no criticizm from those same people that she should keep her nose out of my private life? So how can she then request that we do not discuss the choices her own family has made? If these are private matters for her family, what gives her the right to think she can control any decision i may make for my family?
She's a warmonger who can't find 'overseas' in the atlas and she's all apple pie and moose burgers. She's a living, breathing caricature, who btw McCain had only met once before
Seriously, if death does befall McCain, this woman could be the freakin president of the US.
There's a lot a stake for me, i have not had children yet. I want something better than this to bring them into. I don't have 'blind faith' that Obama is going to solve all our problems, i am not unrealistic as to what he can and can't do, but i do have hope that with the right people around him, he is the best candidate.
Say i'm wrong, and i'm placing faith and trust in someone that doesn't deserve it, obama gets in, and he continues with Bush doctrine, the conversation in 4 years will be much different. We won't be fooled twice now will we.
Clearly i'm hoping this will not be the case.
That was truly excellent!!! Thank you for posting that.. it makes absolute sense.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I'm planning on writing in Ron Paul's name, I know he is a Republican. I feel that he offers the best ideas for this country. I don't agree with all of his ideas but as far as Constitutional rights, reduction in spending and reduction in the size and scope of the federal government, interventionist foreign policy and fixing our economy I am in 100% agreement with him. I also admire his honesty, something that all four candidates on the major party ballots lack. He sticks to his beliefs even though they may not be popular. He actually want to hand back power to the people where it belongs, not in the hands of lobbiests and special interest groups.
you sound like palin....go figure...:rolleyes:
He was in attendance during the Republican Primary debates but was largly ignored by the mainstream media.
yeah, how 'bout it...Pepper thinks she's not biased....
funny stuff...
Well since no one seems to be responding I will play Devil's Advocate. This is just my take on why people would vote for him and not my actually belief but Obama does represent an opportunity for change. Whether McCain supports want to admit it or not he has fallen in line with Bush and Republican policy over 90% of the time and that, to me, does not make him a Maverick. Obama also represents a departure from the failed foreign policy of the current administration which has shown to be ineffective. His fiscal policy is sounder that McCain's, not that I agree with raising taxes even if it's only for the top 5% but if you are not going to reduce spending then you have to increase revenue. McCain's policy is to reduce revenue while leaving spending relatively unchanged. That to me is extremely poor fiscal ideology because it will just increase debt which can lead to further inflation. Obama offers a better energy policy than McCain and I do have to admit that I like Obama's idea for creating a "green" industry. I believe that it will help ween us off of our dependency on foreign oil and help create a strong foundation for our economy.
(As for calling Palin a lunkhead - sorry, I think she's stupid. And I just saw on Huffington - "Palin Tells Fox News: Couric Annoyed Me." Sheesh.)
I know you are not really asking and that you will disagree with anything I say but.....
first and foremost, McCain is fucked in the head. If there were a republican choice that was viable but somewhat progressive (Ron Paul or McCain circa 2000), I'd think about it, but there isn't. One of these guys is going to be president, I'm not going to vote for the guy who is fucked in the head so...
Biden said it best last night. Fairness. The time of the rich is over both corporate and personal, time to pay your fair share. Why? because you can afford it. so pay up.
an energy plan. It's expensive but I suspect we will look back and say it was worth it. The time of oil is over. infrastructure is expensive. get over it.
diplomacy first, bomb second. I sincerely believe obama can repair our reputation around the world.
The supreme court. Want 40 years of Neocon, pro corporate decisions? don't vote obama.
restoration of the constitution and removal of fear as policy. He's a constitutional scholar, nuff said.
He's less experienced than he probably should be, but I think he has the capacity to be Bush in reverse. He can assemble the brightest, brilliant most positive minds and use it for good, where bush assembled some of the most brilliant criminal minds to destroy lives here and abroad.
I don't know if anyone can turn the economy around at this point but I think he knows where we are and where we need to be, it's just a matter of how to get there.
that's my (oversimplified) answer, more than what I feel I owe you.
Why the fuck should anyone take time to justify their vote to you? So you can bait them into some sort of meaningless net argument that will have no influence on anything other than you electronic ego? Dude, get over yourself.
Excellent points
"Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise."
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. -Patrick Henry, revolutionary (1736-1799)
great summation! : )
great post....I really don't get this response:
perhaps a palin has effected PEPPER'S thinking....sounds like a true palinism...
She's a fucking retard! Enough said.
this sums up mcpalin's debating skills....
She memorized 7 or 8 small speeches and basically said them over and over throwing in some cute phrases with a big smile on her face. If Biden smiled like that when he was talking people would have had him committed!
Wake up people! She ain't your girl!
EXCELLENT!!! It was like I went back into time into last night..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Man I have to say that was pretty good, TOOSHAY!
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
thank you, that's big of you. I appreciate it.
It's like back in the day when abook was posting regulary mammasan. It's not that no one is responding, it's like how many times do you get sick of saying the same thing, over and over. Daily it would be 'why do you support obama? So people would reply, and then the next day. Why do you support obama? Personally, i got really irked with that, because it was like, ok, why waste my time responding if you are going to ask the same question everytime Obama's name is mentioned. It gets very old. Quickly.
So, for about the hundredth time..
Obama speaks about responsibility, on both sides of the system. He wants government to be able to help those who need it the most. He also wants to be able to provide funds for college, raising children, providing health care to those without it… but he always reminds us that we have to be involved in the process. Under him, if you give back to your community, to the country, to the different service groups like peace and Americorps, if you give your time and effort, then government is going to be there to support you because you freakin’ deserve it. This is not socialism, it’s responsibility. Much more “American”.
The best part is, Obama’s call to service isn’t strictly military. I love that. You mean, I don’t have to join the army to be considered an American. I don’t have to own a gun, don’t have to have slaved my entire life away just to earn the distinction of “salt of the earth” (which is the most condescending bull shit I’ve ever heard).
Obama wants to end this nightmare of war that has cost the lives 100’s of thousands of civilians whose only crime is being born in Iraq. I'm guessing only a small % of those who have died were terrorists. Gut feel, i don't have facts to back this up. There's too many dead and they didn't have terrorists stamped on their head when they were murdered. Makes me sick to my stomach that the Republican Party has succeeded with associating one religion with absolute hatred, that they’ve been able to instil this idea that every single person in the Middle East has a bomb and a gun and a distinct hatred for Americans. Absolutely not true. Under Obama, this shit will end soon.
John McCain makes me feel un-American. Always pandering to the idea that democrats never worked and that everyone in America is some kind of coal miner or steel worker just trying to get by. That’s absolutely not true and It's disgusting when he pulls out middle class buzz-words.
A vote for John McCain is a vote for 100 more years of war. I feel like we will be in a war with Iran and Russia because that’s going to be his answer to the problems they stir up, and because of all this “need” for military presence, there’s going to be a draft which I will beg anyone i know to take up their American right to dodge the hell out of. Fuck going to war. We weren't born to kill or be killed.
Obama’s tax cuts will benefit the bottom 80% of Americans. John McCain’s will benefit the wealthiest 20%. While both McCain and Obama plan to lower taxes for at least 95% of Americans, the Obama tax cuts are greater for those who need it the most. Yes, Obama plans to raise taxes on those who make over $2.5 million a year, but take a look at this data http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.co...-perspectives/ and see that John McCain’s plan cuts more taxes for the wealthiest than it does for the less well off. I don’t know where the McCain campaign got the idea that Obama plans to raise taxes on workers, just the top 1% of Americans.
Palin governs probably the last great wilderness in the western world, and she wants to fuck it over for the last few drops of oil. Unbelievable. John McCain and Sarah Palin support drilling in ANWR, and I absolutely do not. There’s one reason I can’t vote for McCain. Drilling for oil in America is not going to quell the rising price of gas, just destroy parts of the Earth and sections of it’s ecosystem that some people believe are very important to human beings sticking around for a while. He also has said repeatedly that he wants more nuclear power plants (I think 15).
Obama wants to rid us of the same dependence on foreign oil.
Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. He also understands that doing that doesn’t mean we have to bring the oil home. It means changing the way we produce, consume and reuse our energy sources.
Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars — cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon — on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America. Sure, I can understand the desire to rid ourselves of foreign oil, but let’s do that by changing the energy infrastructure. Waaaaay better,as far as I am concerned, than voting for McCain.
McCains old, if anything happens to him, Sarah Palin will position herself to become America's first female president. Awesome . She's anti-abortion, anti enviroment, anti-stem cell research, anti euthanasia, anti gay marriage, a climate change denier and a born again bible believing christian creatonist.
She's opposed to sex education in schools and believes in promoting sexual abstinence among the unmarried. Mmm hmm. Sarah Palin wants to control the way any children i may have, receive sex ed., and wants to take away our reproductive rights so that there are no "choices" to make. Why is it i read post after post of people saying her private life and that of her family should stay removed from politics, but no criticizm from those same people that she should keep her nose out of my private life? So how can she then request that we do not discuss the choices her own family has made? If these are private matters for her family, what gives her the right to think she can control any decision i may make for my family?
She's a warmonger who can't find 'overseas' in the atlas and she's all apple pie and moose burgers. She's a living, breathing caricature, who btw McCain had only met once before
Seriously, if death does befall McCain, this woman could be the freakin president of the US.
There's a lot a stake for me, i have not had children yet. I want something better than this to bring them into. I don't have 'blind faith' that Obama is going to solve all our problems, i am not unrealistic as to what he can and can't do, but i do have hope that with the right people around him, he is the best candidate.
Say i'm wrong, and i'm placing faith and trust in someone that doesn't deserve it, obama gets in, and he continues with Bush doctrine, the conversation in 4 years will be much different. We won't be fooled twice now will we.
Clearly i'm hoping this will not be the case.
Except that she winked her way to defeat.
That her performance was considered anything but a farce doesn't show how high Palin has risen, but how low we all have sunk.
U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!
we're fucked
What an excellent link that is.
have fun
Why thank you!
That was truly excellent!!! Thank you for posting that.. it makes absolute sense.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull