why do you believe in God or...
...why don't you, if that is the case.
i am an atheist. i don't believe in a God cause it makes absolutely no sense to me. this has been the case since i was 11 years old. religion does not give me the answers i require.
i am an atheist. i don't believe in a God cause it makes absolutely no sense to me. this has been the case since i was 11 years old. religion does not give me the answers i require.
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i just need to say
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this could be the day
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i just need to say
Post edited by Unknown User on
Why I'm not religious:
It's incompatible with science and history.
It's foolishness.
Is there a God? Like Spinoza's God, a Grand Architect?
I don't know, but it's highly improbable. Therefor I don't believe there is one.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I thank it daily for giving me a new day. I do this at dinnertime when I thank it for another meal. I thank it daily for all the gifts that seem to have been given to us.
When I'm handed a really painful and difficult situation, I ask it for help. And then I immediately feel guilty, because I shouldn't ask for such personal assistance from something that obviously had much more of a goal than to help one single occupant of this planet in a time of need. Others are being killed while I eat my dinner. Others are being raped while I sleep.
So I accept that there is a balance, and I try to accept my place in it. And I try to keep my own personal acts balanced, in the meantime. As in, yes I sometimes do the wrong thing. But I mostly try to do the right thing.
What's the right thing? That which does not disturb the work of the wonderful and miraculous thing that happened to cause this planet to be. That caused all the things on this planet to be.
That, to me, is the closest I can come to explaining my variation of what others call God.
Never be able to manage to believe in one Religion. I've checked most of em out and they do nothing for me. Just more rules and regulations as far as I can see.
Thought maybe there might be a god or a higher power but just recently there was an incident that was defining in my life where I would have expected god to be present and there was nothing. I felt absolutely nothing. I even noticed that absence. So I don't know, I'm quite sure other people do feel God, do know that there is a God. I'm not one of those people. I'd love it if there was. What an amazing idea! But nope. No God in my world.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I really wish people too my approach....... I dont care what other religion you are. as far as I'm concerned, its none of my business. believe what you believe and have a good time. and I promise never to pressure you to share my beliefs.
fair enough. maybe you will find what you require with something else? as long as your beliefs dont require killing others, have at it.
I hope like you dont feel im insulting you. i'm just responding to you and others with similar beliefs. point being, do your thing.
My post sounds very religious, now, when compared to yours.
When I say a "thing" created this earth, I mean that this "thing" could be a big bang caused by nature....or it could be a big bang caused by some entity. Who or what that entity is, I have no right to challenge, let alone champion.
Religion is a big scary growth that emerged from big fear at one time. It has become a cess pool of war and hatred and bigotry.
So when I say I offer thanks each day to this "thing", I mean that I offer thanks to whatever brought us life and the miracle of fish, flowers, thoughts, food, friendship, creativity, breath, days, and everything else that -- when you really look at it -- is a miracle.
Religion's God is not in play here, in my worship. Life and death and everything in between are what I give thanks for, and to.
highly improbable or impossible? it either exists or it doesnt.
why do you wish for this to be the case?
no i don't feel like you're insulting me. but you could be doing it so subtlely that i'm too dense to pick up on it. doubt it though.
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as something highly improbable?
Whilst I was at college , I was friendly with 2 Christians and we used to debate and discuss religion , God , heaven and hell etc. They would point out passages from the Bible to back up their claims , and took time to explain various key passages . I can't fully explain it but , eventually , it all just seemed to make sense .
Since that day I have been convinced of God's existence . I have received comfort in times of despair , and although I'm sure not all my prayers have been answered in the way I wanted ; there have been too many times when my prayers have been answered in a very specific way , that goes beyond coincidence .
In my experience , once I stopped looking for proof and just had faith , then the proof followed .
Everton 3 RS 0
i'd have to say the existence of God is impossible for me to believe.
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i just need to say
....why ask everyone else here about it?
I'm just curious, I mean no offense.
it can. but atheists, such as Ahimus, believe it is impossible. and he used the word improbable. now stay out of it!! haha j/k
very good question.
no offense taken.
i was thinking about it the other day, that's all. i was wondering how people came about their faith. whether is came from habit or some epiphany or whether they were raised in religion. or from fear or uncertainness. and what makes people keep believing.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
This is what I've said when talking about heaven with theists. I say that heaven is someting people want to believe in because they can't face the finality of death. And I'm not saying they're wrong to believe that, I'm just saying that I don't necessarily need that comfort.
This old saying comes to mind "Nothing is impossible, just improbable."
Perhaps you've misunderstood. I think Christianity is impossible. That is, it's claims are impossible. But this thread refers to God, which is improbable, IMO.
When i was little i believed, because it seemed to be the safest path. I was raised Catholic and and looked at it this way..
If you believe in god and he exists, you get to go to heaven.
If you believe in god and he doesn’t exist, nothing happens.
If you don’t believe in god and he exists, you go to hell.
If you don’t believe in god and he doesn’t exist, nothing happens.
When i was growing up, he had a lot to say. When i lost someone close to me he had a lot of nothing to say. This 'god' gave me no comfort at all. Did my parents, but not me.
you believe that God itself, or "a higher power", is not impossible, but only improbable?
great. but what does face the finality of death mean? there is no such thing. you know why? because you dont know what happens when you die. you just dont. and neither do I
so you are an atheist who thinks (believes) that there is a chance god exists?
you copycat, you!
Heh heh...
that sounds ok. I respect these beliefs
the power of the mind is what heals (mental) pain. belief in god, sometimes triggers that healing process. but not for all.
I don't see how it could be possible. If you mean a personal God, then no, not possible, IMO. But I suggested a Cosmic Architect, which could simply be a set of physical rules. "God" encompasses many definitions.