I've lived in SD all my life, you're off your rocker.
And it's not playing the race card when you get pulled over in white neighborhoods just for being there. I've been in the car while it's happened to BOOOOM. He got pulled over leaving my own house and questioned on why he was there. I explained to the officer who I was and that it was my house. He was very pleasant to me, but certainly not my brown driver.
Did you ever think that you got pulled over because you were driving on the road. You assume that the cops pull you over because you're brown before you assume they pulled you over because you did something wrong.
You assume the victim role before you actually ask yourself if you did somthing wrong.
If you did nothing wrong then what's the problem?
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
Let me fill in so you can stop talking out of your ass. I know it must be hard.
The fight starts because another person spilled a drink on one of the randoms in passing and even apologized. The person spilled on starts ranting and gets her boyfriend, who was looking for a fight anyway starts swinging along with his other buddies.
Our buddy gets hit with a 2x4 trying to get innocent victims away from the fight. His back was turned and didn't even see the guy hit him. He fell down and afterwards was kicked merciously on the ground while he's unconscience. Mean while the lifeguards and EMTs bring him in the pool where its safest. The rest of the lifeguards are protecting our friend who is bleeding out. The rest of us are facing mad-men with 2x4s and other blunt objects, many of us take hits but nothing as bad as our buddy. i proceed to get a bat so the fight is fair and on my way wake up SilverSeed. The cowards drive off laughing the whole way through.
The cops come and think we did this and right off the bat are complete assholes. They harass the lifeguards and emts and tell them to get out of the pool, but SOP states not to move the victim until a strecher and c-collar can be put on the victim. They don't care, they even threaten them that they will lose their jobs since they are helping a person while under the influence. But they did everything by the book and held their ground the ambulance came and even let them put the c-collar and strecther on our buddy and give the inital status report to the head EMT on duty. The cops were undermined and begin to take it out on the rest of us. Telling us that this would have never happened if we weren't drinking and telling us we were immature delinquents, even though all of us had higher education and everything was fine until these assholes came. They asked SilverSeed some questions and I don;t remember what he calls one of the cops but all he was trying to do was call the victims mom and he's giving us shit like we're responsible.
Is that fair? No it not. No compassion for what we just been thorugh, just blamed it on us.
And was justice served? NO
Unbeknownst to you, you just proved that all my questions and comments regarding this incident, were in fact, very accurate.
For someone professing about a higher education, you sure have a difficult time understanding rather simple and basic concepts.
But thanks for providing me (us all) with the proof which completely supports my comments regarding the police in this incident.
okay how about this i was in cardiff when i was pulled over, he asked for my ID and told me I was a long way from home. Home is oceanside for me.
which is less than 20 minutes away
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Look all i'm saying is that you can't give them the benefit of the doubt cause it does lead to to corruption.
if you can honestly say thats not true, you're not seeing the big picture.
And I do realize this world is a fucked up place and have faith in humanity that we can get through this.
and what has it knocked on your door? you just knocked on me when you dubbed me as a victim.
Reality knocks on my door everyday....because I deal in it...
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
okay how about this i was in cardiff when i was pulled over, he asked for my ID and told me I was a long way from home. Home is oceanside for me.
which is less than 20 minutes away
What's your point?
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
Did you ever think that you got pulled over because you were driving on the road. You assume that the cops pull you over because you're brown before you assume they pulled you over because you did something wrong.
You assume the victim role before you actually ask yourself if you did somthing wrong.
If you did nothing wrong then what's the problem?
Forget it. They both have already lost this argument. It simply hasn't sunk in yet. Probably never will.
They have proven that they have zero uunderstanding of police procedure, zero understanding of their own behavior and circumstances.
When you have two dopes who expect the police to arrive on a scene like the ones these two knuckleheads described, and expect the police to assume everyone there was innocent bystanders; because they told the police so . Well, what the hell could you expect from these two?
Hey, SilverSeed and Booom...........Rock on, dudes:D:D:D
Unbeknownst to you, you just proved that all my questions and comments regarding this incident, were in fact, very accurate.
For someone professing about a higher education, you sure have a difficult time understanding rather simple and basic concepts.
But thanks for providing me (us all) with the proof which completely supports my comments regarding the police in this incident.
But you won't ackowledge is that the cops did not handle the situation like they were suppose to. So only take what you want from my post and spin it to make yourself feel better.
Your rhetoric is feeble and reminds me of a 10th grade debate. You only awknowledge part of my argument, not parts where the police did not uphold the service they were sworn to protect, because they did not protect my freind nor his well being and justice was not served. How is that for a simple and basic concept.
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
But you won't ackowledge is that the cops did not handle the situation like they were suppose to. So only take what you want from my post and spin it to make yourself feel better.
Your rhetoric is feeble and reminds me of a 10th grade debate. You only awknowledge part of my argument, not parts where the police did not uphold the service they were sworn to protect, because they did not protect my freind nor his well being and justice was not served. How is that for a simple and basic concept.
Actually, I did address that. When you learn to read, you'll see that I touched on it.
Forget it. They both have already lost this argument. It simply hasn't sunk in yet. Probably never will.
They have proven that they have zero uunderstanding of police procedure, zero understanding of their own behavior and circumstances.
When you have two dopes who expect the police to arrive on a scene like the ones these two knuckleheads described, and expect the police to assume everyone there was innocent bystanders; because they told the police so . Well, what the hell could you expect from these two?
Hey, SilverSeed and Booom...........Rock on, dudes:D:D:D
Police Code of Conduct:
Honesty and integrity
1. It is of paramount importance that the public has faith in the honesty and integrity of police officers. Officers should therefore be open and truthful in their dealings; avoid being improperly beholden to any person or institution; and discharge their duties with integrity.
Fairness and impartiality
2. Police officers have a particular responsibility to act with fairness and impartiality in all their dealings with the public and their colleagues.
Politeness and tolerance
3. Officers should treat members of the public and colleagues with courtesy and respect, avoiding abusive or deriding attitudes or behaviour. In particular, officers must avoid: favouritism of an individual or group; all forms of harassment, victimisation or unreasonable discrimination; and overbearing conduct to a colleague, particularly to one junior in rank or service.
Use of force and abuse of authority
4. Officers must never knowingly use more force than is reasonable, nor should they abuse their authority.
Performance of duties
5. Officers should be conscientious and diligent in the performance of their duties. Officers should attend work promptly when rostered for duty. If absent through sickness or injury, they should avoid activities likely to retard their return to duty.
Lawful orders
6. The police service is a disciplined body. Unless there is good and sufficient cause to do otherwise, officers must obey all lawful orders and abide by the provisions of Police Regulations. Officers should support their colleagues in the execution of their lawful duties, and oppose any improper behaviour, reporting it where appropriate.
7. Information which comes into the possession of the police should be treated as confidential. It should not be used for personal benefit and nor should it be divulged to other parties except in the proper course of police duty. Similarly, officers should respect, as confidential, information about force policy and operations unless authorised to disclose it in the course of their duties.
Criminal offences
8. Officers must report any proceedings for a criminal offence taken against them. Conviction of a criminal offence may of itself result in further action being taken.
9. Officers must exercise reasonable care to prevent loss or damage to property (excluding their own personal property but including police property.)
10. Whilst on duty officers must be sober. Officers should not consume alcohol when on duty unless specifically authorised to do so or it becomes necessary for the proper discharge of police duty.
11. Unless on duties which dictate otherwise, officers should always be well turned out, clean and tidy whilst on duty in uniform or in plain clothes.
General conduct
12. Whether on or off duty, police officers should not behave in a way which is likely to bring discredit upon the police service.
Look at this and tell me they did everything correctly.
I will rock on. Thanks
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Your rhetoric is feeble and reminds me of a 10th grade debate.
That's some funny shit, there.
You and your special buddy started off calling me a prick (which I don't mind at all. found it hilarious); but now your whining about 10th grade debates?
1. It is of paramount importance that the public has faith in the honesty and integrity of police officers. Officers should therefore be open and truthful in their dealings; avoid being improperly beholden to any person or institution; and discharge their duties with integrity.
Fairness and impartiality
2. Police officers have a particular responsibility to act with fairness and impartiality in all their dealings with the public and their colleagues.
Politeness and tolerance
3. Officers should treat members of the public and colleagues with courtesy and respect, avoiding abusive or deriding attitudes or behaviour. In particular, officers must avoid: favouritism of an individual or group; all forms of harassment, victimisation or unreasonable discrimination; and overbearing conduct to a colleague, particularly to one junior in rank or service.
Use of force and abuse of authority
4. Officers must never knowingly use more force than is reasonable, nor should they abuse their authority.
Performance of duties
5. Officers should be conscientious and diligent in the performance of their duties. Officers should attend work promptly when rostered for duty. If absent through sickness or injury, they should avoid activities likely to retard their return to duty.
Lawful orders
6. The police service is a disciplined body. Unless there is good and sufficient cause to do otherwise, officers must obey all lawful orders and abide by the provisions of Police Regulations. Officers should support their colleagues in the execution of their lawful duties, and oppose any improper behaviour, reporting it where appropriate.
7. Information which comes into the possession of the police should be treated as confidential. It should not be used for personal benefit and nor should it be divulged to other parties except in the proper course of police duty. Similarly, officers should respect, as confidential, information about force policy and operations unless authorised to disclose it in the course of their duties.
Criminal offences
8. Officers must report any proceedings for a criminal offence taken against them. Conviction of a criminal offence may of itself result in further action being taken.
9. Officers must exercise reasonable care to prevent loss or damage to property (excluding their own personal property but including police property.)
10. Whilst on duty officers must be sober. Officers should not consume alcohol when on duty unless specifically authorised to do so or it becomes necessary for the proper discharge of police duty.
11. Unless on duties which dictate otherwise, officers should always be well turned out, clean and tidy whilst on duty in uniform or in plain clothes.
General conduct
12. Whether on or off duty, police officers should not behave in a way which is likely to bring discredit upon the police service.
Look at this and tell me they did everything correctly.
You and your special buddy started off calling me a prick (which I don't mind at all. found it hilarious); but now your whining about 10th grade debates?
you still didn't read the police code of conduct and awkowledge if the police acted accordingly.
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
you still didn't read the police code of conduct and awkowledge if the police acted accordingly.
nevermeind guess you did.
just don't care
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
you still didn't read the police code of conduct and awkowledge if the police acted accordingly.
Dude...You live in North County San Diego!
Ouside of your bubble.....People commit crimes and they deserve to be punished!
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
Ouside of your bubble.....People commit crimes and they deserve to be punished!
I didn't always live in N County. I've lived abroad in slums and in the east coast projects. so please
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
I think it's also important to note that these two (SilverSeed and BOOOM) are playing the race card and implying racist behavior from Police officers.
But they had no problem calling me a WASP, which in essence, is a racist slur and bigoted.
So they have proven the exact points I set out to make from the start of this thread.
Thanks for being so accomadating, guys.
yes i did that. not silverseed. simply because it feels like you have no idea to sterotyped. i apologise if you take offense.
but you still did not answer my question.
reading the police code of conduct, did the officers in philly and/or our situation act accordingly?
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
yes i did that. not silverseed. simply because it feels like you have no idea to sterotyped. i apologise if you take offense.
but you still did not answer my question.
reading the police code of conduct, did the officers in philly and/or our situation act accordingly?
I actually wish they would write in the code of conduct:
If 3 men shoot into a crowd of people and then lead police on a chase, you have the right to beat the shit out of them.
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
yes i did that. not silverseed. simply because it feels like you have no idea to sterotyped. i apologise if you take offense.
but you still did not answer my question.
reading the police code of conduct, did the officers in philly and/or our situation act accordingly?
Again the the point eludes you. I wasn't offended. What names you call me is irrelevent. I couldn't care less.
But it is interesting and rather revealing you chose a racially charged slur, especially, considering the accusations of racism you have been making and your self-righteous moral higher ground posturing.
I actually wish they would write in the code of conduct:
If 3 men shoot into a crowd of people and then lead police on a chase, you have the right to beat the shit out of them.
well its not, you could write congress.
and as such, they did not uphold their own code of conduct and were wrong they way the handled things.
thanks for proving my point
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Again the the point eludes you. I wasn't offended. What names you call me is irrelevent. I couldn't care less.
But it is interesting and rather revealing you chose a racially charged slur, especially, considering the accusations of racism you have been making and your self-righteous moral higher ground posturing.
again, like i said, i apologise.
But you are still not answering the question i asked you before.
by avoiding the question you only prove mine and silverseed's point. thank you
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
But you are still not answering the question i asked you before.
by avoiding the question you only prove mine and silverseed's point. thank you
I've reviewed you code of conduct and concluded that these officers did not follow the code to a "T"....
Following your logic....
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
I've reviewed you code of conduct and concluded that these officers did not follow the code to a "T"....
Following your logic....
That's exactly what I said. Oink Oink man
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
These cops didn't follow the rules.....Therefore all cops are bad.
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
If you guys cared about cops as much as you claim you do, you would be more upset when incidents occur in which a police officer has committed a criminal act, rather than trying to write it off as civilians simply not understanding how tough their job is. Police officers are, regardless of popular belief on both sides, actually humans. They are not automatically saints. There are those "police officers" who have raped and maimed the trust of the people until you get what we have. An undying hate and untrust in all police officers. You can not blame a person for becoming resistant to police when they see numerous incidents in which police abuse their power. Nor or they automatically pigs. There are cops out there who save lives, protect people, and respect the laws they are sworn to protect. They work hard to make sure they're doing their best and they try to restore the reputation that some of their "brothers" have quickly, and efficiently killed.
These cops didn't follow the rules.....Therefore all cops are bad.
How does that correlate to all cops are bad, when I said THOSE cops broke the rules.
Is their a communication issue you can't get through or something.
I understand if you're butt hurt since your wrong, but don't rearrange my words.
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
How does that correlate to all cops are bad, when I said THOSE cops broke the rules.
Is their a communication issue you can't get through or something.
I understand if you're butt hurt since your wrong, but don't rearrange my words.
"Let me fill in so you can stop talking out of your ass. I know it must be hard."
"Your rhetoric is feeble and reminds me of a 10th grade debate"
"you must be a fucking WASP"
"I know one thing is for sure, you are a PRICK"
"I understand if you're butt hurt since your wrong"
Your words IN ORDER that they appear.... It may not be me with the communication problem.
I'm checking out of this thread....It's been fun!
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
We want to just quickly send a nice friendly message
to the Fraternal Order of Police in Philadelphia.
Here's something nice and friendly,
Here's something nice and friendly,
Here's something nice and friendly,
and it goes something like this.
Fuck tha police,
Comin straight from the underground.
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown,
And not the other color so police think,
They have the authority to kill a minority.
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one,
For a punk mutha fucka with a badge and a gun,
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail.
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell.
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager,
With a little bit of gold and a pager.
Searchin my car, lookin for the product.
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics.
You'd rather see me in the pen,
Then me and Lorenzo chilling in the Benzo.
Beat tha police outta shape,
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape,
To mark off the scene of the slaughter.
No controller, bread and water.
A young nigga on a warpath,
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath,
Of cops, dyin in L. A.
Yo, I got somethin to say.
Fuck the police,
Comon! Off, What?
Fuck the police,
Fuck tha police,
Fuck The police,
Comin straight from the underground.
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown,
And not the other color so police think,
They have the authority to kill a minority.
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one,
For a punk mutha fucka with a badge and a gun,
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail.
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell.
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager,
With a little bit of gold and a pager.
Searchin my car, lookin for the product.
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics.
You'd rather see me in the pen,
Then me and Lorenzo chilling in the Benzo.
Beat tha police outta shape,
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape,
To mark off the scene of the slaughter.
No controller, bread and water.
I don't know if they fags or what,
Search a nigga down and grabbin in the nuts.
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none.
But don't let it be a black and a white one.
Cuz they slam ya down to the street top,
Black police showin out for the white cop.
Yeah, my brothas will swarm,
On any mutha fucka in a blue uniform.
Just cuz we in Washington D.C, punk police are afraid of me.
Punk on a warpath,
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath,
Of cops, dyin in L. A.
Hey yo, We got somethin to say.
Fuck the police,
Comon, sing that shit,
Right now,
One more time,
Here we go, here we go,
One More, We gotta do it, right now,
Check it out.
Did you ever think that you got pulled over because you were driving on the road. You assume that the cops pull you over because you're brown before you assume they pulled you over because you did something wrong.
You assume the victim role before you actually ask yourself if you did somthing wrong.
If you did nothing wrong then what's the problem?
Unbeknownst to you, you just proved that all my questions and comments regarding this incident, were in fact, very accurate.
For someone professing about a higher education, you sure have a difficult time understanding rather simple and basic concepts.
But thanks for providing me (us all) with the proof which completely supports my comments regarding the police in this incident.
which is less than 20 minutes away
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Reality knocks on my door everyday....because I deal in it...
What's your point?
Forget it. They both have already lost this argument. It simply hasn't sunk in yet. Probably never will.
They have proven that they have zero uunderstanding of police procedure, zero understanding of their own behavior and circumstances.
When you have two dopes who expect the police to arrive on a scene like the ones these two knuckleheads described, and expect the police to assume everyone there was innocent bystanders; because they told the police so
Hey, SilverSeed and Booom...........Rock on, dudes:D:D:D
But you won't ackowledge is that the cops did not handle the situation like they were suppose to. So only take what you want from my post and spin it to make yourself feel better.
Your rhetoric is feeble and reminds me of a 10th grade debate. You only awknowledge part of my argument, not parts where the police did not uphold the service they were sworn to protect, because they did not protect my freind nor his well being and justice was not served. How is that for a simple and basic concept.
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Silly boy. That's not because of your skin color. He simply knew a knucklehead when he saw one. He figured you belonged some where else.
A place where other's with that special higher education all gather together and do finger painting:D
Actually, I did address that. When you learn to read, you'll see that I touched on it.
Reading is fun to mental.
Honesty and integrity
1. It is of paramount importance that the public has faith in the honesty and integrity of police officers. Officers should therefore be open and truthful in their dealings; avoid being improperly beholden to any person or institution; and discharge their duties with integrity.
Fairness and impartiality
2. Police officers have a particular responsibility to act with fairness and impartiality in all their dealings with the public and their colleagues.
Politeness and tolerance
3. Officers should treat members of the public and colleagues with courtesy and respect, avoiding abusive or deriding attitudes or behaviour. In particular, officers must avoid: favouritism of an individual or group; all forms of harassment, victimisation or unreasonable discrimination; and overbearing conduct to a colleague, particularly to one junior in rank or service.
Use of force and abuse of authority
4. Officers must never knowingly use more force than is reasonable, nor should they abuse their authority.
Performance of duties
5. Officers should be conscientious and diligent in the performance of their duties. Officers should attend work promptly when rostered for duty. If absent through sickness or injury, they should avoid activities likely to retard their return to duty.
Lawful orders
6. The police service is a disciplined body. Unless there is good and sufficient cause to do otherwise, officers must obey all lawful orders and abide by the provisions of Police Regulations. Officers should support their colleagues in the execution of their lawful duties, and oppose any improper behaviour, reporting it where appropriate.
7. Information which comes into the possession of the police should be treated as confidential. It should not be used for personal benefit and nor should it be divulged to other parties except in the proper course of police duty. Similarly, officers should respect, as confidential, information about force policy and operations unless authorised to disclose it in the course of their duties.
Criminal offences
8. Officers must report any proceedings for a criminal offence taken against them. Conviction of a criminal offence may of itself result in further action being taken.
9. Officers must exercise reasonable care to prevent loss or damage to property (excluding their own personal property but including police property.)
10. Whilst on duty officers must be sober. Officers should not consume alcohol when on duty unless specifically authorised to do so or it becomes necessary for the proper discharge of police duty.
11. Unless on duties which dictate otherwise, officers should always be well turned out, clean and tidy whilst on duty in uniform or in plain clothes.
General conduct
12. Whether on or off duty, police officers should not behave in a way which is likely to bring discredit upon the police service.
Look at this and tell me they did everything correctly.
I will rock on. Thanks
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
That's some funny shit, there.
You and your special buddy started off calling me a prick (which I don't mind at all. found it hilarious); but now your whining about 10th grade debates?
Holy shit! I'm in stitches.
Self-awareness, duuuuuuuudes?
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
just don't care
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Dude...You live in North County San Diego!
Ouside of your bubble.....People commit crimes and they deserve to be punished!
But they had no problem calling me a WASP, which in essence, is a racist slur and bigoted.
So they have proven the exact points I set out to make from the start of this thread.
Thanks for being so accomadating, guys.
I didn't always live in N County. I've lived abroad in slums and in the east coast projects. so please
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
but you still did not answer my question.
reading the police code of conduct, did the officers in philly and/or our situation act accordingly?
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
I actually wish they would write in the code of conduct:
If 3 men shoot into a crowd of people and then lead police on a chase, you have the right to beat the shit out of them.
Again the the point eludes you. I wasn't offended. What names you call me is irrelevent. I couldn't care less.
But it is interesting and rather revealing you chose a racially charged slur, especially, considering the accusations of racism you have been making and your self-righteous moral higher ground posturing.
and as such, they did not uphold their own code of conduct and were wrong they way the handled things.
thanks for proving my point
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
again, like i said, i apologise.
But you are still not answering the question i asked you before.
by avoiding the question you only prove mine and silverseed's point. thank you
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
I've reviewed you code of conduct and concluded that these officers did not follow the code to a "T"....
Following your logic....
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
It actually is what you're posts suggest....
These cops didn't follow the rules.....Therefore all cops are bad.
Is their a communication issue you can't get through or something.
I understand if you're butt hurt since your wrong, but don't rearrange my words.
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
"Let me fill in so you can stop talking out of your ass. I know it must be hard."
"Your rhetoric is feeble and reminds me of a 10th grade debate"
"you must be a fucking WASP"
"I know one thing is for sure, you are a PRICK"
"I understand if you're butt hurt since your wrong"
Your words IN ORDER that they appear.... It may not be me with the communication problem.
I'm checking out of this thread....It's been fun!
to the Fraternal Order of Police in Philadelphia.
Here's something nice and friendly,
Here's something nice and friendly,
Here's something nice and friendly,
and it goes something like this.
Fuck tha police,
Comin straight from the underground.
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown,
And not the other color so police think,
They have the authority to kill a minority.
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one,
For a punk mutha fucka with a badge and a gun,
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail.
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell.
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager,
With a little bit of gold and a pager.
Searchin my car, lookin for the product.
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics.
You'd rather see me in the pen,
Then me and Lorenzo chilling in the Benzo.
Beat tha police outta shape,
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape,
To mark off the scene of the slaughter.
No controller, bread and water.
A young nigga on a warpath,
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath,
Of cops, dyin in L. A.
Yo, I got somethin to say.
Fuck the police,
Comon! Off, What?
Fuck the police,
Fuck tha police,
Fuck The police,
Comin straight from the underground.
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown,
And not the other color so police think,
They have the authority to kill a minority.
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one,
For a punk mutha fucka with a badge and a gun,
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail.
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell.
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager,
With a little bit of gold and a pager.
Searchin my car, lookin for the product.
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics.
You'd rather see me in the pen,
Then me and Lorenzo chilling in the Benzo.
Beat tha police outta shape,
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape,
To mark off the scene of the slaughter.
No controller, bread and water.
I don't know if they fags or what,
Search a nigga down and grabbin in the nuts.
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none.
But don't let it be a black and a white one.
Cuz they slam ya down to the street top,
Black police showin out for the white cop.
Yeah, my brothas will swarm,
On any mutha fucka in a blue uniform.
Just cuz we in Washington D.C, punk police are afraid of me.
Punk on a warpath,
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath,
Of cops, dyin in L. A.
Hey yo, We got somethin to say.
Fuck the police,
Comon, sing that shit,
Right now,
One more time,
Here we go, here we go,
One More, We gotta do it, right now,
Check it out.