Police brutality in Philly

So 12 police officers were involved in the videotaped beating of three suspects. I dont get it. This thing happens, Again, and again and again. And no one does anything. The police are excused and not punished. This time the excuse is that the police were stressed because their fellow officer was killed previously in the day. So that gives them just cause to harass, brutally beat and assault three people?
How many times does this have to happen before people do something? It doesnt matter what the police do, its always excused and has some explanation. Police beat Rodney King because he was drunk and on drugs. Police shot Amadou Diallo because his wallet looked like a gun. Police shot Sean bell, merely because he was black. And funnily enough none of these police are ever reprimanded.
Absolutely outrageous. You can bet I am giving the philly police a call and telling them how I feel.
How many times does this have to happen before people do something? It doesnt matter what the police do, its always excused and has some explanation. Police beat Rodney King because he was drunk and on drugs. Police shot Amadou Diallo because his wallet looked like a gun. Police shot Sean bell, merely because he was black. And funnily enough none of these police are ever reprimanded.
Absolutely outrageous. You can bet I am giving the philly police a call and telling them how I feel.
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It really is gross the leeway police get in their violence. And you can bet the FOP will be crying bloody murder if/when any of these cops get charged.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
He's still alive isn't he???
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Pretty soon everyone is suing cops....or something like that.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Pretty sure. I think I just read an update article. He's still fucked...
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
You mean he's right where he belongs for killing a police officer??? Or he should have been executed because he killed a police officer??
And please do not interject Mumia into a discussion which has no remote similarities to him whatsoever.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Whoa there... I only mentioned him because of Philly. You responded to only that part of my post so I responded along those lines. Also, maybe look into things. There's a reason he's listed as a political prisoner with Amnesty Int'l.
But you're right, this isn't about Mumia. It's about shitty cops beating the shit out of people and not having justice served. Care to comment on that?
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
Well considering the guy who shot the police sergeant last week was not set to be released until 2052, but was paroled at the first chance the state had and his two accomplices were also not supposed to be released until the next decade and also paroled early, maybe the justice system really isn't working that well.
- 8/28/98
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Sure, was it right?? no... are they under alot of stress?? yes... does anyone other than the cops on the scene and the arrested individuals know exactly what happened, was said, etc?? nope.... And 6 officers, so far, have been suspended, when would you like justice served?? overnight??? There will be an investigation and I would be pretty surprised if most of those officers are not demoted or lose their jobs.
And I'll just add this... if you watched 4 guys get out of a car, walk up to a corner and one of them open fire, shooting 3 people and then pursued 3 of those individuals in a car, chasing them through city streets, wouldn't you be alittle pissed and upset??? That doesn't make it right but it does put it in some context....
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Justice wont be served buddy. Sean Bell was murdered by police. Unarmed. Shot 51 goddamn times! Unarmed. The police got off scott free last week or the week before! Amadou Diallo, the NY police shot him 41 times, and guess what! They got off scott free!
So I dont know why your freaking out. The police wont be charged. They never are.
You obviously didnt read my post. EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN time one of these things happens, there is always so lame excuse the police offer up. And its ALWAYS bought hook line and sinker by a jury. Seeing as there seems to be clear consensus that shooting unarmed citizens or beating unarmed citizens is legal and doesnt warrent a punishment. Can you think of a single person who would say that shooting a police officer or beating one would be okay?
Its a double standard.
I have no respect, NONE, for police officers. Whether we talk about Mumia, Leonard Peltier, Sean Bell, the WM3 etc... etc... the case is the same.
Police are brutal by nature. So my thread is sort of a misnomer. There is NO police brutality, if by nature police are brutal
Thats why people like me support OJ even though he probably is guilty. He was a rarity. One in a million. After hundreds of years of lies, brutality, harassment, unfair and racist judicial practices, once, the system let a black man go free.
But its clear he was once in a million.
A police officer can do ANYTHING to anyone, including murder someone, or shove a broom up a black mans behind, and no one is ever charged. EVER.
THese guys are going down, for the record.
I guess these were all 1 in a million cases too where police officers in Philly got arrested and fired for abusing their power.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
Those pesky, little things called facts.
Amazing how people could defend and feel sympathy for stone cold-blooded criminals who shoot into a crowd, while trashing cops who where definitely using excessive force against those cold-blooded murderers; but definitely had a right to be upset and were definitely pursuing criminals who just commited aggravated assault and what could have turned out to be shooting murders.
Hmmmm....anyone feeling sympathy for the three people (and their families) those punks shot?
Lemoia Dyches should shut the fuck up. Her son was involved in several criminal activities. A shooting and then eluding police.
Why isn't this asshole showing any grief and disgust over her son being involved with this? Oh that's right, there's big money in playing the race card.
That's right, let's focus only on the actions of the cops and pretend those three pieces of shit were little, harmless angels just minding their business; when the big bad cops took advantage of them and beat their asses.
Fuck 'em. They deserved a major beating. Shooting into a crowd.....what the fuck is that all about!?!?!
Kudos to the cops!
It is more like he was a man with a one in a million legal team. Him getting off had nothing to do with his race and everything to do with the fact that he was a rich guy who had assembled on of the most expensive defense teams ever.
Those we entrust to uphold and enforce our laws should hold themselves to a higher standard than those they must pursue. If police are lawless, who will police them?
I always feared cops for obvious reasons, but my absolute distrust for them was solidified a couple years back. My buddy was assaulted with a 2x4 to the head (during a fight he was not a part of). The assailants fled. The cops came. Since I knew him best the cops wanted to speak with me. I was, at the time, trying to call his mom to let her know her son was going to the ICU... The cops cuffed me, threw me in the back seat of the car, and threw my phone on the front dash. The cop looked me dead in the face and said "There, now try to call his mom." I spent the next three hours in the car without any communication or reason given by the police, and was not able to contact his mom until after this.
The case was subsequently given to a detective who was on vacation. Two weeks later he returned to his desk and found it, and to this day it hasn't been followed up on properly.
Public's best interest at heart? No fucking way. Self absorbed douchebag ego maniacs? Abso-fucking-lutetly.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
If those cops broke the law, it makes them criminals. No excuses.
Why have a law at all if the very people who should uphold it, disregard it?
I'm not defending the action of those criminals at all.
naděje umírá poslední
I would love to hear an answer to the question (posed to those who said the beatings are justified) that I asked 4 or 5 times now. Is there ever a time when shooting and killing an officer is justified? Would society agree that there is a time and place for such a thing?
How about is their a societal consensus on if police have just cause and reason to murder and brutalize citizens?
Double standard
It seems no matter WHAT police do, there are always lackeys and flunkees who bow down at their alter and act like they are some heroic supermen and superwomen.
Well not me. I dont honor or admire them at all.
They beat 3 people, and they should be severly punished. End of story. period
AMEN to that! Couldnt agree more.
These questions are basically rhetorical. We all know what the response would be to such statements. Its clear, and no one who supports the beatings wants to come out and say it on the board, that police are justified in killing anyone they want to, at any time, unarmed or armed, and citizens cant fight back and cant kill any cops, even if they are raping someone or shooting an unarmed person, or whatever.
To me, its the most criminal job ever. Its the only job, where you can maim, murder, rape, brutalize, harass and kill and every single time, there is an excuse at the ready.
Again, these police arent heroes.
What strong men! What big men these cops are! They can beat up innocent people! Wow. Oh Boy!
Some musical lyric quotes that come to mind
Something must be done, about vengence a badge, and a gun. Cant walk the streets to them we are fair game, our lives dont mean a thing. Pushing little children with their fully automatics, they like to push the weak around!
I am not justifying these actions, but the opinions stated in regard to this are ridiculous. I was working on a road in Newark, NJ. I witnessed daily, a class of the "bad" kids from a local middle school who get escorted to a local park daily for class. They (about 20 of them) walk in a line and at a speed that holds up traffic at an intersection for 2 lights in all directions, and imply shooting at people in cars, INCLUDING COPS. And nobody does anything, WHY? It is the middle of Projects...There is no respect being taught here, so for anybody on this board to comment on what they see from their happy life with the luxury of computer access daily, is ridiculous! Spend a minute in these neighborhoods before you open your mouths, it is not easy to comment on that which you cannot see...???
cross the river to the eastside
This is sort of how I feel when I hear people badmouth cops on the internet. I mean sure there are bad cops out there, but what percentage (pretty low I would imagine)? And name any other job in the world out there where there aren't people who are bad at their job, just because some people are bad at their job doesn't really mean everyone is. Not to mention how many people have jobs where the people that they "work for" might threaten, hurt, or even kill them?
As far as I'm concerned, if these scumbags did what they are accused of, the cops should have put the 9mm to the back of their heads and saved us all a lot of trouble.
Wow. Just wow. Yeah, instead of a justice system let's just let cops kill whoever they please. I guess if this is the sentiment of some I shouldn't be surprised that many want to give these cops a pass because the general job of a police officer is tough.
How about the flip side of that. These guys became cops knowing the dangers of the job. I don't see the guys on Deadliest Catch flipping out and killing crabs or their captains. Because they're not douche bags...
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
No giving them a pass....I just don't give two shits about people who shoot guns into crowds of people and run from the cops.
That is a very weak comparison!
Evidence by the Philly cop who was shot.....I think have cops have more to be concerned with
how about the people who bad mouth people from the inner city. Police justify their ridiculous tactics by suggesting they deal with rapists, murderers and thugs, and usually they refer to blacks in the inner city. How many of the people they arrest and beat and shoot at are really maniacal criminals? How many are just trying to survive. Again double standard. Either your for equal punishment for both cops and criminals or your not for any punishment at all. How many people are killed daily by Police?
I dont owe the police a goddamn thing. If someone robbed my house at gunpoint, I would rather be shot and killed than call the pigs. They are racist, brutal animals, they certainly arent hanging on my wall of heroes!
as opposed to the problem being the police who shove brooms up peoples butts, who rape women, who engage in drug dealing, who harass and brutalize citizens based on race and socioeconomic status.
Yeah, its my statements that are the problem! I must as well shut up, and everything will be hunky dory! Great idea No Code!
Again, it always amazes, how you have people coming out of the woodwork to defend police, no matter how absurd their actions. Amadou Diallo is shot 41 times, shots piercing his soles of his feet showing the police fired even when he was on the ground. He was unarmed. And still you had multiple people coming to the police's defense.