Does anyone recall this history lesson..?? Damn little people have lots of Moxy at times.. Life goes on and keep on keeping on flying with the free speech that every Vietnam war veterans fought too keep safe/ every WWI/ every WWII, every civil war veteran even the French were here in the states along time ago the 13 Colonies? who do you think supplied us with weapons back in George Washington's day? YEP they were our friends that helped the Great Experiment called AMERICAS.. Lets go back to horse and buggies and pull out our walking shoes like Forest Gump did? Lewis and Clark walked across the whole damn Country and we all bitch when we have to drive to the store? come on people get a clue.. Walking was a very natural way to get around back then. riding a horse/ Did you know? Horses came from the Spanish conquers? Did you know the Spanish managed to steal all the gold from Our AZTEC people and the INCAS?
Yep They raped the Indian women and they wiped out a society that was peaceful and well established just because they could? GUNS VS SPEARS AND ROCKS. Gimme a break.. I am really tired of the dictatorship here in America.
Time for a change my friends? calling all angels.. HOPE
I cant think of many people I respect more than Uncle Bruce, Uncle Neil, Dylan, Ed, Bright Eyes, etc...
They exhude class and integrity in a world of fake and lies.
Which makes their support of Obama all the more head scratching.
Matt Taibbi talked about the 2 possible options. Either Obama really is a person who will change things, or he is the epitome of the disturbing lenghts to which the system continues to reinvent and package itself as something it isnt.
Obama isnt radical. He is a centrist. He isnt even antiwar. He will continue to keep troops in the middle east. Every single person I listed above is for pulling ALL troops out of the war. Many were antiwar before the war even began. Uncle Bruce was saying "Impeach Bush" and "bring em home" in 2003.
These are all intelligent rockers, intelligent individuals, who, I think I am not alone in saying this, helped in some way to shape my outlook on politics and life in general.
Obama's wearing the "mellencamp and uncle bruce" rolled up shirts is laughable. Bruce speaks to me and to us.
All Obama and Mccain want is our votes. There isnt gold at the end of the Election 2008 rainbow. Obama is a liar, all politicians are.
What doesnt make sense is why people act like obama is something different? We have hundreds of years of history, and every single election have been let down. Politicians are liars, BY NATURE. Why is obama exempt?
The war wont end by voting politicians into office. Nothing has ever changed by that action. The real power lies in people getting pissed and doing something to stop the madness. I dont put trust in politicians.
Its nice to see someone that is not hittin the Obama BONG,because it's packed with false hope.
i just love how no matter what is said on this board, some people miscontrue it. Title should have read "some on this board are so blind".
Whenever someone starts off a thread by saying,"there are few people I admire more than so and so", usually that person isnt out to demean or harass or slander those individuals. Yet people disreguarded that, and focuses on my criticism.
This board is so funny. if someone makes a statement like "Pj never made a bad album" that statement is accepted. But when someone criticises the band, in ways we have the full right to (ticket prices, etc...) people throw hissy fits and act like babies.
This is a legitimate topic. I called these people intelligent. yet people act like I called them the devil. Read the thread people! It isnt hard.
Does anyone recall this history lesson..?? Damn little people have lots of Moxy at times.. Life goes on and keep on keeping on flying with the free speech that every Vietnam war veterans fought too keep safe/ every WWI/ every WWII, every civil war veteran even the French were here in the states along time ago the 13 Colonies? who do you think supplied us with weapons back in George Washington's day? YEP they were our friends that helped the Great Experiment called AMERICAS.. Lets go back to horse and buggies and pull out our walking shoes like Forest Gump did? Lewis and Clark walked across the whole damn Country and we all bitch when we have to drive to the store? come on people get a clue.. Walking was a very natural way to get around back then. riding a horse/ Did you know? Horses came from the Spanish conquers? Did you know the Spanish managed to steal all the gold from Our AZTEC people and the INCAS?
Yep They raped the Indian women and they wiped out a society that was peaceful and well established just because they could? GUNS VS SPEARS AND ROCKS. Gimme a break.. I am really tired of the dictatorship here in America.
Time for a change my friends? calling all angels.. HOPE
I don't understand why people view pulling troops out of the Middle East as such a noble, peaceful thing to do. It'll cause more violence and destruction than there was to begin with, both for our troops and for civilians over there. Granted, we should have never gone in, for sure. But pulling out would be a very stupid move.
In case you haven't noticed (since you're all so busy buying into the horseshit the media spoonfeeds you on a daily basis) things have actually settled down in Iraq. Pulling out will just cause more upheaval. Think gas prices are high now? Just wait until your "total pullout" notions come to fruition. $8 a gallon anyone?
Gimme a break.. I am really tired of the dictatorship here in America.
Time for a change my friends? calling all angels.. HOPE
My name is Angel~ I'm here~ I'm listening~ whatcha want to do? What are you suggesting? Do you want to come out on the streets with me? I need company~ I'm like Dylan switching out signs on the corner alone~ hmmmm
I soooooo want to get a bumpersticker that says "Fifty '08" just to fuck with people and give MY black candidate choice. Shit, if we're going to have a black president, let's be real, people...........
(ok, sorry.........)
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
i just love how no matter what is said on this board, some people miscontrue it. Title should have read "some on this board are so blind".
Whenever someone starts off a thread by saying,"there are few people I admire more than so and so", usually that person isnt out to demean or harass or slander those individuals. Yet people disreguarded that, and focuses on my criticism.
This board is so funny. if someone makes a statement like "Pj never made a bad album" that statement is accepted. But when someone criticises the band, in ways we have the full right to (ticket prices, etc...) people throw hissy fits and act like babies.
This is a legitimate topic. I called these people intelligent. yet people act like I called them the devil. Read the thread people! It isnt hard.
do people not read here?
i don't want to speak for others, but i will guess that all read, understood...i know i did.
you start by calling them blind....later refer to them and those who may agree with them as naive. yes, you called them intelligent and that you admired em, then why can't you see it all for what it is? they have a different POV than you. that's it. doesn't make them blind, naive or any of the above. they see the world right now differently from you, and are acting accordingly.
btw - "hundres of years of elections"....all a disappointment? i think not. then again, i don't also believe all politicians to be liars either. if you don't have any faith in the system whatsoever....than change it. don't just call out others who have a differentPOV and think them deluded. we all choose our own path and yes, many will disagree, and often, even with those they respect and admire.
as to the pj references about their albums, etc, spare me. people can and do speak their minds all the time here. no mindless sheep.
and just b/c you refer to people as intelligent and then go on about how you don't understand their POV, well what else DO you want us to focus on? you asked how they could think what they do, many tried to give possible reasons. you don't see it that way, great, more power to ya...we all get our vote, and we all have our own voices to say and do what we think is important. i did not read any sugestions in the first post beyond getting 'pissed off'....not much to do with that.
btw - "hundres of years of elections"....all a disappointment? i think not. then again, i don't also believe all politicians to be liars either.
If you don't mind my asking:
which elections do you think weren't disappointments? which presidents in history do you actually think were good? which politicians do you believe aren't liars?
The thing is, if Obama were to be a good president, he'd also be a liar. He's been bullshitting this whole time, saying terrible things. If he ends up going against that and doing good, then he'd still be a liar.
If you don't mind my asking:
which elections do you think weren't disappointments? which presidents in history do you actually think were good? which politicians do you believe aren't liars?
The thing is, if Obama were to be a good president, he'd also be a liar. He's been bullshitting this whole time, saying terrible things. If he ends up going against that and doing good, then he'd still be a liar.
of course, I wouldn't mind.
you think every single president in the history of this country was a disappointment? really? and every single politican a liar? i guess i have a lot more faith.
i'm really not interested in playing 20 questions, i simply was addressing the OP's post about no one being able to read. :rolleyes: like none of us understood what his first post was about. it wasn't difficult to grasp. just saying it's a pretty easy thing. we don't all see things in the same way, doesn't necessarily make anyone blind or naive.....just different POV.
you think every single president in the history of this country was a disappointment? really? and every single politican a liar? i guess i have a lot more faith.
I never said that, I just asked you a couple questions. but if you don't want to answer them, or if you don't know how, then that's fine.
i'm really not interested in playing 20 questions
is that what it's called when I ask like 3 questions? so if anyone asks me a question about what I think on a political forum, I can ignore it by saying I'm not interested in playing games? ok.
i simply was addressing the OP's post about no one being able to read. :rolleyes: like none of us understood what his first post was about. it wasn't difficult to grasp. just saying it's a pretty easy thing. we don't all see things in the same way, doesn't necessarily make anyone blind or naive.....just different POV.
just like you have a different point of view though, maybe in his point of view, people like Ed are blind and naive? doesn't that also make it his opinion?
I never said that, I just asked you a couple questions. but if you don't want to answer them, or if you don't know how, then that's fine.
is that what it's called when I ask like 3 questions? so if anyone asks me a question about what I think on a political forum, I can ignore it by saying I'm not interested in playing games? ok.
just like you have a different point of view though, maybe in his point of view, people like Ed are blind and naive? doesn't that also make it his opinion?
of course it's his right to have that pov, hold that opinion. he ASKED why, thus why some - including myself - shared possible ideas behind it. he also asked/commented more on it. i was simply trying to address the questions at hand. and as we all know, just b/c we may hold an opinion of something/someone, doesn't actually make it so.
as to the rest, absolutely. we ALL are free to answer, or not answer, any questions we desire. i don't believe any of us are 'obligated' to address anything we don't want to in free discussion. obviously in legal circumstances that could well be different. there are many things i am not interested in discussing, and so i don't. doesn't matter what forum i am in. and sorry for referencing the game '20 questions' was a point, not a count. was merely trying to stick with the thread topic.
oh, right. It should have been obvious to him that he's:
My mistake. Of course I'm the one looking for the fight, and not you. After all, you didn't say what I just quoted.
i based my response on his thread title, which is confrontational, judgemental and self-righteous. not looking for a fight. just responding to his original statement.
are you still confused?
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
i based my response on his thread title, which is confrontational, judgemental and self-righteous. not looking for a fight. just responding to his original statement.
and by doing so, you judged him, and made yourself seem self-righteous, which is why I said it was hypocritical.
if you weren't looking for a fight, you would not have responded in a way that insulted him. I don't really care, I was just pointing it out, but it's irrelevant now anyway.
but if you'd like to, how about responding to him with what hope you think Obama has... other than bringing 'change' maybe you could explain to the OP what change you think he'd bring?
and by doing so, you judged him, and made yourself seem self-righteous, which is why I said it was hypocritical.
if you weren't looking for a fight, you would not have responded in a way that insulted him. I don't really care, I was just pointing it out, but it's irrelevant now anyway.
but if you'd like to, how about responding to him with what hope you think Obama has... other than bringing 'change' maybe you could explain to the OP what change you think he'd bring?
i've actually done so in the past in various other threads (along with countless others), so you- or he- can look it up if you're so inclined. have fun!
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
i've actually done so in the past in various other threads (along with countless others), so you- or he- can look it up if you're so inclined. have fun!
so because you wrote it before in "other threads," you have the right to insult him?
just posted this in the "obama is approaching" thread, and it just occurred to me... for those of you confounded by ed's support of obama- a mainstream candidate!- maybe it's because he's a father now and has come to realize that there are certain things in life more important than perfection, especially in a candidate.
you see, in my experience, once you become a parent, your view of everything radically changes. suddenly, you are responsible for this little life, and you need to do whatever it takes to nurture and protect them. but you also realize that there are some things that used to seem monumentally important to you that really don't anymore. or their importance is diminished by your understanding of the need to filter everything through a "what really makes a difference?" screen. and supporting a candidate like nader, who cannot ever, ever, ever win the general election, now seems like an exercise in mental masturbation. sure, it makes you feel all tingly, but there's no real change in your life because of it.
maybe in obama, ed sees a future that's brighter, a path that can lead to an enlightened america, one that is respected again by the world and by its own citizens. maybe in obama, ed sees his daughter growing up in a world that has more tolerance, more compassion, more hope. i know i do.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
just posted this in the "obama is approaching" thread, and it just occurred to me... for those of you confounded by ed's support of obama- a mainstream candidate!- maybe it's because he's a father now and has come to realize that there are certain things in life more important than perfection, especially in a candidate.
perfection? I vote for the candidate who won't take us on the same road we've been complaining about for the past 8 years. he doesn't have to be perfect, he just has to bring real change.
you see, in my experience, once you become a parent, your view of everything radically changes. suddenly, you are responsible for this little life, and you need to do whatever it takes to nurture and protect them. but you also realize that there are some things that used to seem monumentally important to you that really don't anymore. or their importance is diminished by your understanding of the need to filter everything through a "what really makes a difference?" screen. and supporting a candidate like nader, who cannot ever, ever, ever win the general election, now seems like an exercise in mental masturbation. sure, it makes you feel all tingly, but there's no real change in your life because of it.
it's not about changing our lives. you don't vote for the candidate who will change your life, you vote for the candidate who you feel can change this country for the better. That's why he's president of this country. Having a child should not mean giving up your values... and I'm sure that's not why Ed is voting for Obama, but who really knows, anyway...
maybe in obama, ed sees a future that's brighter, a path that can lead to an enlightened america, one that is respected again by the world and by its own citizens. maybe in obama, ed sees his daughter growing up in a world that has more tolerance, more compassion, more hope. i know i do.
do you mind showing me the light? because clearly, I'm the one who's blind here. All I see and hear from Obama is the same shit that's been coming out of Bush's mouth... the same shit coming out of McCain's mouth... just repackaged and served to me in a different way... WHY do Obama supports see a brighter future with him as president? because of how he looks? how do you guys explain his previous actions, his speeches, etc?? he has not proven much to me.
...and I'm sure that's not why Ed is voting for Obama, but who really knows, anyway...
then why are you saying the you're "SURE" that's not why he's voting for Obama??
and remember, politics is personal. EVERYONE votes for the candidate they feel will make their lives better. if that works on the grand scale, too, then hooray! my point is, maybe Ed feels that Obama IS the guy who can change the direction of this country. i said that, too, so don't just dice up my statement and serve it up out of context.
and i agree with your pm... you are being an asshole.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Parents who truely love their children and want a real future full of personal freedom and opportunities, want real change from the status quo. Not smoke and mirrors.
A future full of real changes where my children won't be dragged into trumped-up, phoney wars that benefit the military industrial complex, elite oil tycoons and other corporate interests.
A future where both Israel and Palestine are equally held accountable and responsible for their actions and contributions to a neverending parade of violence, murder and discrimination.
A future where their country/government does not hold hypocritical, double-standards to countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan; all for their own selfish interests.
A future where the international community will respect the United States of America for NOT supporting ruthless, murdering dictators and viloent regimes; because it just so happens to suit their greedy agenda. While condemning and attacking those that do not suit their agenda.
A future where all Americans are treated equally. A future where the " elite and privileged " are held to the same laws that apply to everyone else.
A future of real change.
Not a future full of some slick-talking, game show host double-talk posturing and sales pitches.
Real change for those of use who truely love our children.
then why are you saying the you're "SURE" that's not why he's voting for Obama??
that's what I think, but I just decided to throw that in because at the end of the day, none of us do really know.
and remember, politics is personal. EVERYONE votes for the candidate they feel will make their lives better. if that works on the grand scale, too, then hooray!
Again, that's not exactly true. you vote for who will change this country because that affects you in some ways, but of course at the end of the day, it's mainly about the country as a whole, not you personally.
my point is, maybe Ed feels that Obama IS the guy who can change the direction of this country. i said that, too, so don't just dice up my statement and serve it up out of context.
out of context? what are you talking about? why do you think Obama is the guy who'll change the direction? how will he do so?
and i agree with your pm... you are being an asshole.
not in this particular case. I'm just one in general. doesn't affect this though.
Math must not be one of your strong points.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
no problem!
and remember, we're also high in potassium and fiber.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
aren't you just looking for a fight where none exists?
a bit bored, hmm?
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
My mistake. Of course I'm the one looking for the fight, and not you. After all, you didn't say what I just quoted.
Yep They raped the Indian women and they wiped out a society that was peaceful and well established just because they could? GUNS VS SPEARS AND ROCKS. Gimme a break.. I am really tired of the dictatorship here in America.
Time for a change my friends? calling all angels.. HOPE
Whenever someone starts off a thread by saying,"there are few people I admire more than so and so", usually that person isnt out to demean or harass or slander those individuals. Yet people disreguarded that, and focuses on my criticism.
This board is so funny. if someone makes a statement like "Pj never made a bad album" that statement is accepted. But when someone criticises the band, in ways we have the full right to (ticket prices, etc...) people throw hissy fits and act like babies.
This is a legitimate topic. I called these people intelligent. yet people act like I called them the devil. Read the thread people! It isnt hard.
do people not read here?
amen to all you said. I agree.
and I always think of this.........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
My name is Angel~ I'm here~ I'm listening~ whatcha want to do? What are you suggesting? Do you want to come out on the streets with me? I need company~ I'm like Dylan switching out signs on the corner alone~ hmmmm
I'll take false hope over no hope any day.
They don't. We must be looking at different polls
they have the same outcome. why not take REAL hope and vote for someone else?
(ok, sorry.........)
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
i don't want to speak for others, but i will guess that all read, understood...i know i did.
you start by calling them blind....later refer to them and those who may agree with them as naive. yes, you called them intelligent and that you admired em, then why can't you see it all for what it is? they have a different POV than you. that's it. doesn't make them blind, naive or any of the above. they see the world right now differently from you, and are acting accordingly.
btw - "hundres of years of elections"....all a disappointment? i think not. then again, i don't also believe all politicians to be liars either. if you don't have any faith in the system whatsoever....than change it. don't just call out others who have a differentPOV and think them deluded. we all choose our own path and yes, many will disagree, and often, even with those they respect and admire.
as to the pj references about their albums, etc, spare me. people can and do speak their minds all the time here. no mindless sheep.
and just b/c you refer to people as intelligent and then go on about how you don't understand their POV, well what else DO you want us to focus on? you asked how they could think what they do, many tried to give possible reasons. you don't see it that way, great, more power to ya...we all get our vote, and we all have our own voices to say and do what we think is important. i did not read any sugestions in the first post beyond getting 'pissed off'....not much to do with that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
which elections do you think weren't disappointments? which presidents in history do you actually think were good? which politicians do you believe aren't liars?
The thing is, if Obama were to be a good president, he'd also be a liar. He's been bullshitting this whole time, saying terrible things. If he ends up going against that and doing good, then he'd still be a liar.
of course, I wouldn't mind.
you think every single president in the history of this country was a disappointment? really? and every single politican a liar? i guess i have a lot more faith.
i'm really not interested in playing 20 questions, i simply was addressing the OP's post about no one being able to read. :rolleyes: like none of us understood what his first post was about. it wasn't difficult to grasp. just saying it's a pretty easy thing. we don't all see things in the same way, doesn't necessarily make anyone blind or naive.....just different POV.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
is that what it's called when I ask like 3 questions? so if anyone asks me a question about what I think on a political forum, I can ignore it by saying I'm not interested in playing games? ok.
just like you have a different point of view though, maybe in his point of view, people like Ed are blind and naive? doesn't that also make it his opinion?
of course it's his right to have that pov, hold that opinion. he ASKED why, thus why some - including myself - shared possible ideas behind it. he also asked/commented more on it. i was simply trying to address the questions at hand. and as we all know, just b/c we may hold an opinion of something/someone, doesn't actually make it so.
as to the rest, absolutely. we ALL are free to answer, or not answer, any questions we desire. i don't believe any of us are 'obligated' to address anything we don't want to in free discussion. obviously in legal circumstances that could well be different. there are many things i am not interested in discussing, and so i don't. doesn't matter what forum i am in. and sorry for referencing the game '20 questions' was a point, not a count. was merely trying to stick with the thread topic.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i based my response on his thread title, which is confrontational, judgemental and self-righteous. not looking for a fight. just responding to his original statement.
are you still confused?
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
if you weren't looking for a fight, you would not have responded in a way that insulted him. I don't really care, I was just pointing it out, but it's irrelevant now anyway.
but if you'd like to, how about responding to him with what hope you think Obama has... other than bringing 'change' maybe you could explain to the OP what change you think he'd bring?
okeydokey, artichokey.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
i've actually done so in the past in various other threads (along with countless others), so you- or he- can look it up if you're so inclined. have fun!
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
you see, in my experience, once you become a parent, your view of everything radically changes. suddenly, you are responsible for this little life, and you need to do whatever it takes to nurture and protect them. but you also realize that there are some things that used to seem monumentally important to you that really don't anymore. or their importance is diminished by your understanding of the need to filter everything through a "what really makes a difference?" screen. and supporting a candidate like nader, who cannot ever, ever, ever win the general election, now seems like an exercise in mental masturbation. sure, it makes you feel all tingly, but there's no real change in your life because of it.
maybe in obama, ed sees a future that's brighter, a path that can lead to an enlightened america, one that is respected again by the world and by its own citizens. maybe in obama, ed sees his daughter growing up in a world that has more tolerance, more compassion, more hope. i know i do.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
it's not about changing our lives. you don't vote for the candidate who will change your life, you vote for the candidate who you feel can change this country for the better. That's why he's president of this country. Having a child should not mean giving up your values... and I'm sure that's not why Ed is voting for Obama, but who really knows, anyway...
do you mind showing me the light? because clearly, I'm the one who's blind here. All I see and hear from Obama is the same shit that's been coming out of Bush's mouth... the same shit coming out of McCain's mouth... just repackaged and served to me in a different way... WHY do Obama supports see a brighter future with him as president? because of how he looks? how do you guys explain his previous actions, his speeches, etc?? he has not proven much to me.
then why are you saying the you're "SURE" that's not why he's voting for Obama??
and remember, politics is personal. EVERYONE votes for the candidate they feel will make their lives better. if that works on the grand scale, too, then hooray! my point is, maybe Ed feels that Obama IS the guy who can change the direction of this country. i said that, too, so don't just dice up my statement and serve it up out of context.
and i agree with your pm... you are being an asshole.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
A future full of real changes where my children won't be dragged into trumped-up, phoney wars that benefit the military industrial complex, elite oil tycoons and other corporate interests.
A future where both Israel and Palestine are equally held accountable and responsible for their actions and contributions to a neverending parade of violence, murder and discrimination.
A future where their country/government does not hold hypocritical, double-standards to countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan; all for their own selfish interests.
A future where the international community will respect the United States of America for NOT supporting ruthless, murdering dictators and viloent regimes; because it just so happens to suit their greedy agenda. While condemning and attacking those that do not suit their agenda.
A future where all Americans are treated equally. A future where the " elite and privileged " are held to the same laws that apply to everyone else.
A future of real change.
Not a future full of some slick-talking, game show host double-talk posturing and sales pitches.
Real change for those of use who truely love our children.
Again, that's not exactly true. you vote for who will change this country because that affects you in some ways, but of course at the end of the day, it's mainly about the country as a whole, not you personally.
out of context? what are you talking about? why do you think Obama is the guy who'll change the direction? how will he do so?
not in this particular case. I'm just one in general. doesn't affect this though.