that's a fancy way of saying no comment. i think it is very telling that you are so eager to point out the "logical failings" of obama supporters' points of view, but stonewall regarding the logic underlying the original poster's point of view because you happen to agree with his political result. obama supporters are voting based on uninformed and uncritical fear, but the original poster is just expressing a point of view? come on. if that doesn't show an illogical, emotionally biased judgment call, i don't know what does.
I'm sorry but I have to say:
Your posts are completely hypocritical. You talk about how terrible it is for someone to point out the "logical failings" of obama's supporters (when clearly she SAID it's the majority of PEOPLE and not once mentioned obama's supporters), when in reality, that is ALL YOU ARE DOING.
you guys all talk about how terrible it is for a person unwilling to compromise. do you know what a fucking compromise even is? it's to meet in the middle of something. just because people define obama as a 'centrist' does not mean he's able to make compromises.
if he were able to make compromises, then why would he make jerusalem undivided? why would he not pledge any financial support to palestine or the iraqi people or the afghani people, while at the same time, funding israel, the mercenary armies in iraq, and placing more troops in afghanistan for a continuation of a war?? why would he push for sanctions on iran while at the same time trying to talk to him?? does it make sense for someone to walk up to you and preach for a better world of understanding and peace, while at the same time, pushing for sanctions against you? how is the death penalty, FISA, or any of this 'compromises'? you guys aren't preaching compromise, you're preaching literally giving up your beliefs for a LESSER EVIL, which is all Obama is.
It's very telling how you minimize the point I made to fit your agenda, rather than hear my point.
i think it is very telling that you are so eager to point out the "logical failings" of obama supporters' points of view, but stonewall regarding the logic underlying the original poster's point of view because you happen to agree with his political result. obama supporters are voting based on uninformed and uncritical fear, but the original poster is just expressing a point of view? come on. if that doesn't show an illogical, emotionally biased judgment call, i don't know what does.
Like everyone, I have my own agenda. And I'm okay with this. The logical fallacies are rampant...they are all over the place. I point to what leaps out at me alarmingly and I speak to that. Not to the fallacies you see, in support of you. Plus, when Obama supporters present their cases with sound logic, more power to them! When they choose with balance and clarity, that's what I love to see! When they (or anyone) chooses from unconscious issues, beyond their awareness, I see the illness cycles continue.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I'm sorry but I have to say:
Your posts are completely hypocritical. You talk about how terrible it is for someone to point out the "logical failings" of obama's supporters (when clearly she SAID it's the majority of PEOPLE and not once mentioned obama's supporters), when in reality, that is ALL YOU ARE DOING.
you guys all talk about how terrible it is for a person unwilling to compromise. do you know what a fucking compromise even is? it's to meet in the middle of something. just because people define obama as a 'centrist' does not mean he's able to make compromises.
if he were able to make compromises, then why would he make jerusalem undivided? why would he not pledge any financial support to palestine or the iraqi people or the afghani people, while at the same time, funding israel, the mercenary armies in iraq, and placing more troops in afghanistan for a continuation of a war?? why would he push for sanctions on iran while at the same time trying to talk to him?? does it make sense for someone to walk up to you and preach for a better world of understanding and peace, while at the same time, pushing for sanctions against you? how is the death penalty, FISA, or any of this 'compromises'? you guys aren't preaching compromise, you're preaching literally giving up your beliefs for a LESSER EVIL, which is all Obama is.
wow, you're turning green with vigor and emotion....
I see fear as a highly valid emotional response, along with the other so called "negative" emotions. I think it's immensely important to acknowledge, own and experience our own fear in order to get the very valid wisdom and emotional intelligence it ALWAYS contains. I can easily regularly see when people do not do this...they show it because they, in their own denial of emotion, project their own fear outward and think it comes from the world being scary and awful. Those who own, experience and feel their emotions see a very different worldview. They see their emotions as being about them, not about some demon "out there".
I totally respect your opinion and your reasons for voting for Obama. I respect and value all people's reasons for when they choose to vote Obama (or otherwise). Even if they are predominantly emotional! Whether from Love, hope or fear!!
Besides presenting principles that I see, what I tend to do is challenge logical distortions. And yet even if I prove a logical distortion with reason, I totally respect that it's up to the individual what they do with that, including if they choose to ignore it!
I have not come close to painting Obama as a candidate as being solely (or even remotely!) guided by fear!! I would not do this because it is so far from what I actually think!! People are assuming that because I use discernment with logical assertions, that it indicates what my general beliefs are. People are completely oblivious to that were I a politician, I would be very similar to Obama myself, given I'm very centrist in some very predominant ways! While people lump me in the Nader camp, no matter how much I protest, they overlook the reality!
but aren't you assuming that people are ignoring their emotions when it comes to decision making...?
correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying people need to separate their emotions from decision making and only them can they make a correct choice...
I contend that we are complex beings and too many variables are in play when making choices and decisions, thus I accept emotions are part of choices, therefore, I accept a persons choices if based on both facts, as they see them, and emotions as they feel them....
Your posts are completely hypocritical. You talk about how terrible it is for someone to point out the "logical failings" of obama's supporters (when clearly she SAID it's the majority of PEOPLE and not once mentioned obama's supporters), when in reality, that is ALL YOU ARE DOING.
It's always effective when people realize that they themselves represent the lack of discernment I refer to. It helps them and others to really get the impact of how distorting these unconscious processes can be. People show over and over on this board that they so ludicrously judge me based on what their own inner filters see, rather than what I say/do/believe. It happens over and over and over...And then it happens all over the place in the world with most people...ongoingly....
All because people point the finger at the other guy. All because people are not centred within and in ownership of just how their inner filters create what they see.
Those who have come to terms with their own inner processes are enabled a more realistic vision of what is actually going on 'objectively' out there.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Isn't it a little conceded to say that Ed, Niel, Bruce and the millions of Obama supporters are wrong, and that people who don't support Obama are right?
Not only that but you are attacking Obama the same way Gore was attacked in 2000 and that proved inaccurate.
Isn't it possible you are falling pray to the anti-Obama Propaganda floating around on the internet?
I say watch the debates and then see how different McCain and Obama really are.
10/31/2000 (****)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
Isn't it a little conceded to say that Ed, Niel, Bruce and the millions of Obama supporters are wrong, and that people who don't support Obama are right?
Not only that but you are attacking Obama the same way Gore was attacked in 2000 and that proved inaccurate.
Isn't it possible you are falling pray to the anti-Obama Propaganda floating around on the internet?
I say watch the debates and then see how different McCain and Obama really are.
but aren't you assuming that people are ignoring their emotions when it comes to decision making...?
I've been learning about healthy emotional responses indepthly for about 14 years. I'm assuming about as much as a mechanic assumes when he diagnoses the problem under the hood of your car.
edit: I have studied the basic psychological problems with humans all these years time, by information and personal experience. I tend to not judge people's views personally, because that is about me and my own filters. And yet, the trends and psychological dynamics in general that I study are beyond individual personal views. What I'm saying is, I can't see into your heart..or another's enough to judge. I can see a logical fallacy when it appears, though, and I call people on it. When they cannot logically justify it, it then stands to me as openly called out and proven as distorted. By that same token, at any time it is actually logically justified, then it stands as valid. There are many, many occasions on this board where individuals cannot muster the logical justification and therefore their own arguments fall flat due to imbalance.
correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying people need to separate their emotions from decision making and only them can they make a correct choice...
You are wrong.
I'm saying people need to integrate their emotions with their logic and decision-making, which is the exact opposite of separating them from our decision making. What people are already doing is doing the illusory process of separating their emotions (which is impossible). Doing this is what is creating the lack of healthy integrated intelligence necessary for realistic discernment. This separation is what causes the denial, and unconsciousness that politicians and the media manipulate. What I suggest, in terms of integration, is the antidote, or the 'heal' to the manipulation and unconsciousness. I also fully accept that people will only come to such change when they are ready, and when it coincides with their personal purposes, as it should be.
I contend that we are complex beings and too many variables are in play when making choices and decisions, thus I accept emotions are part of choices, therefore, I accept a persons choices if based on both facts, as they see them, and emotions as they feel them....
Again, I always support people doing the best they can with what they've got. I would not be so arrogant to assume that I have even the slightest idea of what is right for others, and I resent when others assume that for me.
And as the same time, I speak to distorted dynamics when they appear. People can listen, or not. This is my forte, and purpose, and I respond to my own inner integrated potential with honour and integrity.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I've been learning about healthy emotional responses indepthly for about 14 years. I'm assuming about as much as a mechanic assumes when he diagnoses the problem under the hood of your car.
edit: I have studied the basic psychological problems with humans all these years time, by information and personal experience. I tend to not judge people's views personally, because that is about me and my own filters. And yet, the trends and psychological dynamics in general that I study are beyond individual personal views. What I'm saying is, I can't see into your heart..or another's enough to judge. I can see a logical fallacy when it appears, though, and I call people on it. When they cannot logically justify it, it then stands to me as openly called out and proven as distorted. By that same token, at any time it is actually logically justified, then it stands as valid. There are many, many occasions on this board where individuals cannot muster the logical justification and therefore their own arguments fall flat due to imbalance.
You are wrong.
I'm saying people need to integrate their emotions with their logic and decision-making, which is the exact opposite of separating them from our decision making. What people are already doing is doing the illusory process of separating their emotions (which is impossible). Doing this is what is creating the lack of healthy integrated intelligence necessary for realistic discernment. This separation is what causes the denial, and unconsciousness that politicians and the media manipulate. What I suggest, in terms of integration, is the antidote, or the 'heal' to the manipulation and unconsciousness. I also fully accept that people will only come to such change when they are ready, and when it coincides with their personal purposes, as it should be.
Again, I always support people doing the best they can with what they've got. I would not be so arrogant to assume that I have even the slightest idea of what is right for others, and I resent when others assume that for me.
And as the same time, I speak to distorted dynamics when they appear. People can listen, or not. This is my forte, and purpose, and I respond to my own inner integrated potential with honour and integrity.
I love responses like these. It shows that I just wasted my time writing an entire post.
When you use your obvious many resources and the light of reason to present your view it is never a waste. I, for one, am impressed by your posts and your view, and am grateful that you are here.
Back to appeal...if your posts are accurate, balanced and based on Truth (and from what I see, yours usually generally are), even when people respond from an ego place of discord, minimization and pettiness, it has still gone through their internal processes, and the Truth always stands...even when the ego filters show ignorance! It's about influence, and about progress, not perfection. This is what keeps me going when people's egos rear their ugly heads!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
certainly your opinion to hold...but in my eyes, far from the truth.
What I refer to is the general gist of psychology. The underlying problems with the human condition have been identified for those who choose to understand.
The problem is that the average person is using the same flawed program that is imbalanced emotionally, reactive, and unconscious, to assess whether they are reactive. Therefore their conclusions of this flawed program are lacking and will gravitate towards further evolution.
This is why I think it's important for people to learn to understand what has been 'objectively' discerned psychologically, through study, beyond opinion. Also, when people go outside their own flawed program, and find the objective information and then use it to inform their opinions, they can begin to alter the flawed programs. Again, people will only do so when ready.
And those who are not ready will continue to greet such suggestions with discord.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
returning to THE TOPIC of the thread.....while a very slanted view presented in the first post, none the can they be so 'blind' as you say? i would turn it around and suggest that perhaps those you question in the first post may ask the same question of you. they may can you be so blind to see one must ACT, one must try to get in action some of the ideas and ideals one wants to see. many also see it is necessary to focus on what's most important to you to try and get things in motion. also might see and think that change takes time, might from living and experiencing this world and this their is the best course of action to take at this present time. why does anyone make their individual choices? it is so personal and so vaired, and as you well pointed out...intelligent and well-informed individuals, perhaps they se something you do not, but they hope for the future that it will benefit us all. obviously, all hypothesis...but at least from a point of respect to people and thinkers you admitted to admiring their views and now in a rather condescending and swift matter disregard thier rights and thoughts in one swift stroke as being blind and naive. i think they would afford you more respect for your personally held beliefs and how you choose to enact them in the world.
maybe Obama is a liar, but i think they subscribe to the Abraham Lincoln school of thought on change, in that change happens incrementally via pragmatic moderation and willingness to compromise rather than thru self righteous and unyielding radicalism.
although i am gonna guess most who support him don't think him a liar. all the rest.....very much so!
people like me dont know about compromise. The musicians I listed NEVER compromised EVER. How do you reconcile that. You think Tom Waits compromises? Fugazi? Dylan? They do what the hell they want. They dont care about money, they care about art. Politicians only care about votes. To think obama is different in this respect is at the very least naive.
you dont get an end to a war with a candidate who promises more war. John Kerry was the same way. Why did people act like he was gonna end the war? He never said he was going to.
I'm assuming you listen to PJ or else you wouldn't post here. But it looks like they have compromised a lot over the years:
well done. i am continually amazed how some may think their opinions be they on politics, psychological interpretation, art, music, whatever.....are the ONLY right way to see things. beyond that, i find it even more amazing when such ideas are pressented from what would appear to be a point of condescension.
obviously not related to the post i quoted. just thinking back to the initial posts, other discussions, etc. i am a firm believer in we all find our own way, and so much is subjective.....even some things that may appear 'objective'...and bottomline, we have to follow our own minds and our own thoughts. we all walk the long road. people may join us on the journey, but overall, it's a solo path, each life. i understand and appreciate different pov, but i also like to think we can come at it all at least from a point of respect.
however, i also realize i am amongst the 'blind'.....those who cannot see b/c they are unready. yes, opinions. great to have, great to share...but again, respect is a wonderful thing. most especially for those who you admire and/or aspire towards.
Did you ever think a) you'd ever see this marquee and b) see it advertised on the pearl jam website as one of their tour photos?
i LOVE that pic. mostly b/c it's within my beloved city...and i was at the show. and you ARE right too. compromise AND conformity, not one and the same, nor mutually exclusive, even if zach de la rocha would sing-rap to you otherwise.
I cant think of many people I respect more than Uncle Bruce, Uncle Neil, Dylan, Ed, Bright Eyes, etc...
They exhude class and integrity in a world of fake and lies.
Which makes their support of Obama all the more head scratching.
Matt Taibbi talked about the 2 possible options. Either Obama really is a person who will change things, or he is the epitome of the disturbing lenghts to which the system continues to reinvent and package itself as something it isnt.
Obama isnt radical. He is a centrist. He isnt even antiwar. He will continue to keep troops in the middle east. Every single person I listed above is for pulling ALL troops out of the war. Many were antiwar before the war even began. Uncle Bruce was saying "Impeach Bush" and "bring em home" in 2003.
These are all intelligent rockers, intelligent individuals, who, I think I am not alone in saying this, helped in some way to shape my outlook on politics and life in general.
Obama's wearing the "mellencamp and uncle bruce" rolled up shirts is laughable. Bruce speaks to me and to us.
All Obama and Mccain want is our votes. There isnt gold at the end of the Election 2008 rainbow. Obama is a liar, all politicians are.
What doesnt make sense is why people act like obama is something different? We have hundreds of years of history, and every single election have been let down. Politicians are liars, BY NATURE. Why is obama exempt?
The war wont end by voting politicians into office. Nothing has ever changed by that action. The real power lies in people getting pissed and doing something to stop the madness. I dont put trust in politicians.
I don't put trust in politicians may the best candidate win! At this point - I'm still educating myself. I will still vote...but at this point....I'm at a complete loss! I don't like either.
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
I don't put trust in politicians may the best candidate win! At this point - I'm still educating myself. I will still vote...but at this point....I'm at a complete loss! I don't like either.
polls can show that everyone wants everything on his platform. but the polls don't show how much they are willing to give up to get it.
This is an excellent point. If we did a poll right now: "How many people would like to see the crime of rape wiped off the planet for good?" -- I'll bet it would enjoy close to 100 percent support.
If we asked, "How many people are in favor of mandatory castration for all fully developed males?" -- I'd bet that number would go down a smidge.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Change will happen but things happen so slow so just forget about it really...
check back in 20 years...
sounds good
sounds a bout right,...
I agree
Long term change happens as a result of public opinion and changing social trends. I just can't imagine me, my friends or other peers growing up to be politicians, leaders, dictators, high profile etc...this generation seems to be losing faith in politics and it's more trendy than ever before to bash politicians and write them off as liars and hypocrits. We're getting wise. It's a passive thing.
There will certainly be no violent rebellion against any government. People just don't care about politicians any more. They have their own individual opinions outside of the political arena. Ask any young person about any politician. They don't care.
Ok~ so~ are you out on the streets?~ I stand like an idiot alone or with under 10 people trying to stop the madness and people like maybe you just go on their merry ways~
So comon! Lets go ~ Why are you people not on the streets of Washington demanding an end!!? Why arent you flooding their emails, faxes etc..etc..
Until WE THE PEOPLE stand up and scream~ we are in their hands.
Not to vote is the most ignorant thing you can do~thats really what they want and expect from people like you!~ I don't trust them either~ there has NEVER been a reason to trust them~ BUT~ I will vote for the best person for the job ~ making sure to attend their platform meetings and rallies to voice my conscious opinions...understanding that~ compromise is essential and to "flip Flop" opinions may occur as circumstances change and knowledge broadens~ But to each their own~
I cant think of many people I respect more than Uncle Bruce, Uncle Neil, Dylan, Ed, Bright Eyes, etc...
They exhude class and integrity in a world of fake and lies.
Which makes their support of Obama all the more head scratching.
Matt Taibbi talked about the 2 possible options. Either Obama really is a person who will change things, or he is the epitome of the disturbing lenghts to which the system continues to reinvent and package itself as something it isnt.
Obama isnt radical. He is a centrist. He isnt even antiwar. He will continue to keep troops in the middle east. Every single person I listed above is for pulling ALL troops out of the war. Many were antiwar before the war even began. Uncle Bruce was saying "Impeach Bush" and "bring em home" in 2003.
These are all intelligent rockers, intelligent individuals, who, I think I am not alone in saying this, helped in some way to shape my outlook on politics and life in general.
Obama's wearing the "mellencamp and uncle bruce" rolled up shirts is laughable. Bruce speaks to me and to us.
All Obama and Mccain want is our votes. There isnt gold at the end of the Election 2008 rainbow. Obama is a liar, all politicians are.
What doesnt make sense is why people act like obama is something different? We have hundreds of years of history, and every single election have been let down. Politicians are liars, BY NATURE. Why is obama exempt?
The war wont end by voting politicians into office. Nothing has ever changed by that action. The real power lies in people getting pissed and doing something to stop the madness. I dont put trust in politicians.
hmmm. perhaps these people you list, for whom you have such reverence, can see some potential in obama that you, in your ultra-left, self-righteous, judgemental, radical brilliance can't see. has that ever occurred to you??
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
hmmm. perhaps these people you list, for whom you have such reverence, can see some potential in obama that you, in your ultra-left, self-righteous, judgemental, radical brilliance can't see. has that ever occurred to you??
I knew I loved sweetpotatoes for a reason~ thank YOU ! Well said
hmmm. perhaps these people you list, for whom you have such reverence, can see some potential in obama that you, in your ultra-left, self-righteous, judgemental, radical brilliance can't see. has that ever occurred to you??
Your posts are completely hypocritical. You talk about how terrible it is for someone to point out the "logical failings" of obama's supporters (when clearly she SAID it's the majority of PEOPLE and not once mentioned obama's supporters), when in reality, that is ALL YOU ARE DOING.
you guys all talk about how terrible it is for a person unwilling to compromise. do you know what a fucking compromise even is? it's to meet in the middle of something. just because people define obama as a 'centrist' does not mean he's able to make compromises.
if he were able to make compromises, then why would he make jerusalem undivided? why would he not pledge any financial support to palestine or the iraqi people or the afghani people, while at the same time, funding israel, the mercenary armies in iraq, and placing more troops in afghanistan for a continuation of a war?? why would he push for sanctions on iran while at the same time trying to talk to him?? does it make sense for someone to walk up to you and preach for a better world of understanding and peace, while at the same time, pushing for sanctions against you? how is the death penalty, FISA, or any of this 'compromises'? you guys aren't preaching compromise, you're preaching literally giving up your beliefs for a LESSER EVIL, which is all Obama is.
Like everyone, I have my own agenda. And I'm okay with this. The logical fallacies are rampant...they are all over the place. I point to what leaps out at me alarmingly and I speak to that. Not to the fallacies you see, in support of you. Plus, when Obama supporters present their cases with sound logic, more power to them! When they choose with balance and clarity, that's what I love to see! When they (or anyone) chooses from unconscious issues, beyond their awareness, I see the illness cycles continue.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
wow, you're turning green with vigor and emotion....
but aren't you assuming that people are ignoring their emotions when it comes to decision making...?
correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying people need to separate their emotions from decision making and only them can they make a correct choice...
I contend that we are complex beings and too many variables are in play when making choices and decisions, thus I accept emotions are part of choices, therefore, I accept a persons choices if based on both facts, as they see them, and emotions as they feel them....
All because people point the finger at the other guy. All because people are not centred within and in ownership of just how their inner filters create what they see.
Those who have come to terms with their own inner processes are enabled a more realistic vision of what is actually going on 'objectively' out there.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Not only that but you are attacking Obama the same way Gore was attacked in 2000 and that proved inaccurate.
Isn't it possible you are falling pray to the anti-Obama Propaganda floating around on the internet?
I say watch the debates and then see how different McCain and Obama really are.
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
right on
edit: I have studied the basic psychological problems with humans all these years time, by information and personal experience. I tend to not judge people's views personally, because that is about me and my own filters. And yet, the trends and psychological dynamics in general that I study are beyond individual personal views. What I'm saying is, I can't see into your heart..or another's enough to judge. I can see a logical fallacy when it appears, though, and I call people on it. When they cannot logically justify it, it then stands to me as openly called out and proven as distorted. By that same token, at any time it is actually logically justified, then it stands as valid. There are many, many occasions on this board where individuals cannot muster the logical justification and therefore their own arguments fall flat due to imbalance.
You are wrong.
I'm saying people need to integrate their emotions with their logic and decision-making, which is the exact opposite of separating them from our decision making. What people are already doing is doing the illusory process of separating their emotions (which is impossible). Doing this is what is creating the lack of healthy integrated intelligence necessary for realistic discernment. This separation is what causes the denial, and unconsciousness that politicians and the media manipulate. What I suggest, in terms of integration, is the antidote, or the 'heal' to the manipulation and unconsciousness. I also fully accept that people will only come to such change when they are ready, and when it coincides with their personal purposes, as it should be.
Again, I always support people doing the best they can with what they've got. I would not be so arrogant to assume that I have even the slightest idea of what is right for others, and I resent when others assume that for me.
And as the same time, I speak to distorted dynamics when they appear. People can listen, or not. This is my forte, and purpose, and I respond to my own inner integrated potential with honour and integrity.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
lighten up, my friend...:)
a little humor is a good thing...not saying you don't have any, just take a minute and step back...
I think I get...:)
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Back to appeal...if your posts are accurate, balanced and based on Truth (and from what I see, yours usually generally are), even when people respond from an ego place of discord, minimization and pettiness, it has still gone through their internal processes, and the Truth always stands...even when the ego filters show ignorance! It's about influence, and about progress, not perfection. This is what keeps me going when people's egos rear their ugly heads!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
The problem is that the average person is using the same flawed program that is imbalanced emotionally, reactive, and unconscious, to assess whether they are reactive. Therefore their conclusions of this flawed program are lacking and will gravitate towards further evolution.
This is why I think it's important for people to learn to understand what has been 'objectively' discerned psychologically, through study, beyond opinion. Also, when people go outside their own flawed program, and find the objective information and then use it to inform their opinions, they can begin to alter the flawed programs. Again, people will only do so when ready.
And those who are not ready will continue to greet such suggestions with discord.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
oh, and a really good, overlooked, post:
although i am gonna guess most who support him don't think him a liar.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm assuming you listen to PJ or else you wouldn't post here. But it looks like they have compromised a lot over the years:
Did you ever think a) you'd ever see this marquee and b) see it advertised on the pearl jam website as one of their tour photos?
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
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well done. i am continually amazed how some may think their opinions be they on politics, psychological interpretation, art, music, whatever.....are the ONLY right way to see things. beyond that, i find it even more amazing when such ideas are pressented from what would appear to be a point of condescension.
obviously not related to the post i quoted.
however, i also realize i am amongst the 'blind'.....those who cannot see b/c they are unready. yes, opinions. great to have, great to share...but again, respect is a wonderful thing. most especially for those who you admire and/or aspire towards.
i LOVE that pic. mostly b/c it's within my beloved city...and i was at the show.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I don't put trust in politicians may the best candidate win! At this point - I'm still educating myself. I will still vote...but at this point....I'm at a complete loss! I don't like either.
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
This is an excellent point. If we did a poll right now: "How many people would like to see the crime of rape wiped off the planet for good?" -- I'll bet it would enjoy close to 100 percent support.
If we asked, "How many people are in favor of mandatory castration for all fully developed males?" -- I'd bet that number would go down a smidge.
for the least they could possibly do
I agree
Long term change happens as a result of public opinion and changing social trends. I just can't imagine me, my friends or other peers growing up to be politicians, leaders, dictators, high profile etc...this generation seems to be losing faith in politics and it's more trendy than ever before to bash politicians and write them off as liars and hypocrits. We're getting wise. It's a passive thing.
There will certainly be no violent rebellion against any government. People just don't care about politicians any more. They have their own individual opinions outside of the political arena. Ask any young person about any politician. They don't care.
Like it or not, this is the future
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
hmmm. perhaps these people you list, for whom you have such reverence, can see some potential in obama that you, in your ultra-left, self-righteous, judgemental, radical brilliance can't see. has that ever occurred to you??
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I knew I loved sweetpotatoes for a reason~ thank YOU ! Well said
Almost as old as McCain..
a bit hypocritical, no?