becos the women around here dont hate me enough already

interesting study:
"A Swedish government study finds a "trade-off between gender equality … and public health." The study compared absenteeism, disability, and life expectancy data among nearly 300 municipalities. It checked the data against nine indicators of equality in public and private employment, such as average income and the percentages of men and women in executive jobs. Result: "Gender equality … correlated with poorer health for both men and women." Researchers' theories: 1) Women have taken on more male burdens, but men haven't reciprocated, so women are overburdened. 2) Men suffer from having "lost many of their old privileges." 3) Women have "greater opportunities for risky behavior as a result of increased income." Conservative spin: Told you so. Liberal spin: It's not real equality till men do their part. (Previous update: Housework prevents breast cancer. For Human Nature's takes on male-female differences in violence, child abuse, and vengeance, click here, here, and here.)"
"A Swedish government study finds a "trade-off between gender equality … and public health." The study compared absenteeism, disability, and life expectancy data among nearly 300 municipalities. It checked the data against nine indicators of equality in public and private employment, such as average income and the percentages of men and women in executive jobs. Result: "Gender equality … correlated with poorer health for both men and women." Researchers' theories: 1) Women have taken on more male burdens, but men haven't reciprocated, so women are overburdened. 2) Men suffer from having "lost many of their old privileges." 3) Women have "greater opportunities for risky behavior as a result of increased income." Conservative spin: Told you so. Liberal spin: It's not real equality till men do their part. (Previous update: Housework prevents breast cancer. For Human Nature's takes on male-female differences in violence, child abuse, and vengeance, click here, here, and here.)"
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sounds like some dude got sick of cooking his own dinner so he did a "study"
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
i like the sound of that
Currently all we've seen is a reduction in female responsibilities and an increase in female job acceptance. What hasn't changed is their desire for some level of chivalry. As if true equality makes Valentine's day a woman's day. As if a man owes it to his fiance' to buy her an expensive diamond ring.
Gender Roles encompass all aspects of society where men and women are expected to behave differently.
Yup. It always frustrates me when I hear about gender equality, but then I have to carry the heavier bags "cause I'm the guy". Or, its not ok to hit girls... Or the guy has to pay for the date (which my girlfriend and I don't do, we split)...
Make up your minds.
If the expectation of fancy presents and diamond rings have been a big problem in your life, what can I say .... you've been hanging out with the wrong women.
What about the matters of young women teachers getting off with nothing for having sex with a 15 year old student but reverse it for a man and he will be demonized (not that I agree with this sort of thing but using a current example of gender inequality).
Read an article from a woman stating women should not be punsished the same for these types of sexual assaults because there is different underlying phsycological reasons for her doing it than a man.
Bullshit I say.
I agree gender equality seems to be only situationally based.
I'm just stating facts. You seem to be worked up about it though. A little defensive? Hanging onto your hollow traditions? Blind herd-like following of a degrading consumerism?
Women shouldn't want all that stuff because it's absolutely useless. I know women want to feel "loved" which is a byproduct of our western gender roles within which women are expected to behave this way and so they do. In other cultures this is not the case. Men, in western culture, are expected to behave quite the opposite, often times this leads to the illusion of women being "loved" by their partners who just buy them shit cause it's socially normal. It's all a big charade.
It's entirely situational. My perspective on the pedophilia thing is that it is no different. A 15 year old, regardless of gender, does not have a fully developed brain or a repertoire of experience to regulate their behavior. For the most part 15 year old boys and girls act on their perception of society and the basic hormonal changes they are experiencing. Even for a woman to engage in sexual relations with a teenage boy, is an exploitation of the boy. Absolutely no different than if the genders were reversed.
And WE all KNOW that in the eyes of the law things are hardly equal in these matters when it comes to the accused's gender.
For a man throw away the key.
For the woman let her go free.
Pisses me off as its the law which is to be unbiased, but in this matter it is just another case of gender inequality.
So.. you agree. You got a strange way of saying it.
Domestice Violence
Child Custody
to the mix of legal gender inequalities.
well it just makes sense for a guy to carry a heavier bag, I mean we are just built stronger, well most of the time anyway. that's just logical.
holding doors and paying for meals, that's another story.
If a man's muscle mass is sufficient justification for him to carry heavier loads. Shouldn't it also be justification for certain employers to only hire men?
Or is this one of those situational biases?
Yeah man it is so far from equal it is unbelievable.....
Your telling me, I can't even seduce the judge.
in some situations, of course. it only makes sense.
Sure, if she never does a favor for you, she should by all means carry her own bag. On the other hand, if she does things for you and it's easier for you to carry the bag, then why not carry it?
These threads make me wonder what sort of relationships you guys are involved in, and what really piques my curiosity is why the hell you'd stay in them. Sounds like you've been sucked in by some strange subculture of women who only keep you around for the open doors and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. It doesn't have to be this way, really!
Hahahaha ... boys are so funny
*Rewind Sound*
Alright, we are back in 1950.
That's mostly the way it is. Also, if a woman doesn't carry her own bag, then she will not develop the muscles to carry it efficiently. It's possible men are strong from millenia of carrying women's bags and opening doors for them. Women are petite and so on naturally because they've been waited on.
I don't honestly think that's true, but metaphorically it might be.
wait wait wait, now that I think about it, the girls bags won't be so heavy if they just packed less clothing. I mean my bags are always much lighter then whenever I travel with the females. it's like they carry bricks.
It's hilarious aswell that women complain about not being able to work jobs that require physical labour, but expect men to carry their bags.
Actually my biggest issues of inequality are Domestic Violence disputes and Child Custody battles. Or the fact that society in general trusts women more than men. Statistically speaking, society is wrong on all of these issues.
My suggestion ... if she likes it when you carry the bag, then carry the bag. I'm sure she does things for you just because you like them too. If not, dump her. See how simple this is?
Haha that too, maybe if they had to carry them, they'd pack less. Like men who fully expect to handle their own luggage.
On an individual bases, but we are discussing social norms and gender roles. Not my ex-girlfriend.
Where do you think "social norms" and "gender roles" come from, if not individuals?
A collection of all individuals.