Right...how many posts on here have been the "good riddance" and "glad that fucker is dead" posts? If it were just one or two, but it is all of you hateful fuckers.
I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'
-I don't rejoice in the deaths of others, but ...
...my condolances to his friends and family.
Sorry, but for me to say I am at all upset by this would be for me to be "PC."
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
The anger being generated from top levels is also daily occurrence at the moment. Hard to separate oneself when it's persistent.
When the war and oppression from top levels subsides I believe society in general will calm as well. From a gov't perspective, it's a terrible example to lead a nation by.
Maybe all actions are the fault of others. This does nothing to excuse the hypocrisy I was referring to that is dominating this board.
Godfather quotes are always relevant: "Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgment."
But my response was to the hypocrisy in your post, that's all. I noticed you didn't even touch that hypocrisy, instead you point to what others do as an excuse for your poor behavior. Take care.
I don't regard my behaviour as being poor. I'll abuse any hatemonger in a position of power and influence to his face and spit on his grave to boot. In my opinion that doesn't constitute bad behaviour, it constitutes a rational way to respond to bullshit.
Maybe all actions are the fault of others. This does nothing to excuse the hypocrisy I was referring to that is dominating this board.
Maybe all actions are the fault of others? This comment makes absolutely no sense. I get the impression that you're merely trying to sound clever.
You come across as being all sanctimonious on this thread whilst defending a known bigot and hatemonger. Well done! I'm sure your local pastor/Neo-con senator is really proud of you.
I will honor Falwell's death by taking a big shit and flushing it down the toilet. Anytime a fanatical religious right hypocrite dies is a great day !!
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Yeah, its absolutetly impossible that in a family of averages size that you would have distinct and different tastes in philosophy, religion, music, etc. No way could anyone related to him be a pearl jam fan.
I wont miss his "contributions" to society either, and I won't dispute that SOME would probably make crass comments should Al Franken die, but to light one up and celebrate, whether a joke or not, just isnt right.
When one of the many people on this very board dies from the diseases they live with, will it be passed over if a few jackasses decided to "smoke a fatty and celebrate their death" just because they didnt like/respect them?? Ive said some fucked up shit, in RL and here, but there IS a line people.
The few true compassionate liberals/conservatives/humans on this board must cringe every time one of these jackasses comes here and makes comments like some in this thread. Like it or not, they make your whole group look bad.
Hehehe. If I was new to this board I would think you were the Dalai Lama of this board when we all know that isnt the case. Pot and kettle analogy comes to mind.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I will honor Falwell's death by taking a big shit and flushing it down the toilet. Anytime a fanatical religious right hypocrite dies is a great day !!
Maybe all actions are the fault of others? This comment makes absolutely no sense. I get the impression that you're merely trying to sound clever.
You come across as being all sanctimonious on this thread whilst defending a known bigot and hatemonger. Well done! I'm sure your local pastor/Neo-con senator is really proud of you.
He was stating that because of the administration, people are hateful. He was blaming the prevailing hate on this board on others.
I have not once defended any position that was taken by Falwell.
You say hatemonger as if it's a bad thing. The people of this board rival Falwell in this category on a daily basis.
Should every one here pretend that their sad that he's dead then?
At least there will be less of the hateful crap that came out of his mouth now.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Maybe all actions are the fault of others. This does nothing to excuse the hypocrisy I was referring to that is dominating this board.
Wouldn't hypocrisy be speaking ill of the man in life, but speaking well of him in death? These liberals you're pissed at are only being consistant.
Me? I certainly won't shed a tear for someone I wish never existed, but I won't celebrate his death anymore than I celebrated the deaths of Saddam, Milosevic, or Reagan.
What I hope happens, but probably won't, is that this whole evangelical movement to take over government dies with Falwell. It is a failed experiment. Intolerant and prejudicial policies have no place in government.
Did He Not Do Enough to Please You, Lord?
In Surprise Move, God Snuffs Out Jerry Falwell
Tearful Sermon by Brother Harry Hardwick
Wednesday Night Service, Main Chapel, May 15, 2007
The Lord is testing us, friends. He does that periodically. Remember when He told His beloved servant, Abraham to violently murder his own son? Just as Abraham was about to drive the knife through his son’s body, God yelled, “Gotcha!” And remember when He tested Jonah’s claustrophobia by making him take up residence in a whale’s stomach for three days, without so much as a candle or a can of Lysol? Or when he tested all of humanity by drowning the planet? Well, that wasn’t really a test, but the point is that God does crazy, bizarre, inexplicable things to make sure we believe in Him based on faith and fear and not that dreaded “rational thought” thingy.
Well, the Lord has worked in one of His now-famous “mysterious ways” yet again. At 10:45 this morning, the Lord killed Jerry Falwell, the godliest of men -- the man who did more than anyone to put religion back in government and replace the Constitution with the Book of Leviticus. Dr. Falwell’s death is inexplicable. Why, just hours earlier, my old friend had breakfast with Ron Godwin, executive vice-president of Liberty University, which you and I know as the Christian Harvard of the South. Jerry had his usual breakfast of a dozen scrambled eggs topped with American cheese, two slabs of bacon, a stack of pancakes with butter-infused maple syrup and a basket of buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy. He didn’t even have a cup of coffee. Yet, a couple of imprecatory prayers later, he was gone.
The only possible explanation is that Heaven must be in turmoil, so God whisked Brother Jerry there now to get the angels in line. After all, God couldn’t have asked for a more loyal servant on Earth. Rev. Falwell hated all the right people, especially those who tried to blur gender distinctions. When Muslim terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center, killing thousands, Dr. Falwell explained on “The 700 Club” that God was behind this otherwise seeming act of cowardice, to punish America for embracing feminists and homosexuals. It seemed odd that God would use people who rejected His son to do His bidding, but we quickly dispelled this concern, as we learned in first grade Sunday School never to try to make sense of God’s killing sprees. Pastor Falwell said on multiple occasions that AIDS was God’s righteous punishment of a man who dared to love another man. He referred to the “National Organization for Women” as the “National Organization of Witches.” He correctly identified “Ellen DeGeneres” as “Ellen DeGenerate.” He had the guts to call all homosexuals “moral perverts.” Most significantly, he found homosexuality in even those people who aren’t real people. It was Jerry Falwell who exposed that purse-carrying, triangle-wearing, purple-bearing Tinky Winky as the nellie bottom that he is. Dr. Falwell let millions of his followers know that the animated Teletubbies are a product of the vast homosexual conspiracy to turn our country’s toddlers into sodomites before they’ve even put down their pacifiers.
Godly Jerry’s hatred of uppity minorities was equally intense. He supported racial segregation throughout the time of the Civil Rights movement, telling the world that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a fraud. He supported apartheid in South Africa, to keep those Negroes toiling in the fields thousands of miles away so we never had to worry about them earning enough money to come over here and start calling themselves South African-Americans. He opposed the release of Nelson Mandella from prison because, after all, public figures should either be behind the pulpit or behind bars. He hated Jews -- those who have rejected the Lord Jesus -- so much that he forthrightly proclaimed the Antichrist would be a Jewish man. And then, coopting a plot theme from the “Omen” series, he said that man was probably living today.
The only time Jerry ever relented in his hatred of the unrighteous or his animosity towards the unwashed occurred when money for the Lord was involved. Jerry was able to selflessly put his ill will aside when the unsaved offered cash. When his “university” had become insolvent, Jerry graciously accepted millions of dollars from Rev. Sun Myung Moon (leader of the “Moonies”) despite having previously compared Moon to “the plague.” Under the guise of friendship, he wrestled the “Praise the Lord” ministry from those phonies, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and later told the world that Jim Bakker was a greedy sodomite.
I really hope the Lord thought this one through, because the man he snubbed out this time is much more than a True Christian™ martyr -- he was a great fundraiser.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Wouldn't hypocrisy be speaking ill of the man in life, but speaking well of him in death? These liberals you're pissed at are only being consistant.
Me? I certainly won't shed a tear for someone I wish never existed, but I won't celebrate his death anymore than I celebrated the deaths of Saddam, Milosevic, or Reagan.
And this is a fine response. Except the fact that it is hypocritical to sit here and condemn him for his hate while doing the exact same thing time and time again around this board. You are not guilty of this but many on this board are.
You do realize that Landover Baptist is a satire site, right?
Of course, I do.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
I won't celebrate his death anymore than I celebrated the deaths of Saddam, Milosevic, or Reagan.
I'd just like to point out here in case there's any confusion: I don't support capital punishment. Saddam was hung by the neck from a rope, whereas Falwell died of natural causes. I wasn't calling for Falwell to be killed prior to his death. But now that he's dead I will celebrate his demise because I regard him as a bad, and dangerous human being.
I waited until today to go here, to see what other fans of the man who made me aware of Rev. Falwell had to say. In the true spirit of Frank's legacy, they didn't let me down:
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
i can't believe that there is 2 threads on this dead guy enough allready he is gone, and there are another 50 guys just like him somewhere doing the same shit ........
And this is a fine response. Except the fact that it is hypocritical to sit here and condemn him for his hate while doing the exact same thing time and time again around this board. You are not guilty of this but many on this board are.
Love and Hate aren't opposites, Love and Indifference are.
We hate Falwell, we love the human race, but we don't preach that Hate is Indifference.
Upon hearing of his death, Flynt released the following statement to Access Hollywood:
"The Reverend Jerry Falwell and I were arch enemies for fifteen years. We became involved in a lawsuit concerning First Amendment rights and Hustler magazine. Without question, this was my most important battle – the l988 Hustler Magazine, Inc., v. Jerry Falwell case, where after millions of dollars and much deliberation, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in my favor.
My mother always told me that no matter how much you dislike a person, when you meet them face to face you will find characteristics about them that you like. Jerry Falwell was a perfect example of that. I hated everything he stood for, but after meeting him in person, years after the trial, Jerry Falwell and I became good friends. He would visit me in
California and we would debate together on college campuses. I always appreciated his sincerity even though I knew what he was selling and he knew what I was selling.
The most important result of our relationship was the landmark decision from the Supreme Court that made parody protected speech, and the fact that much of what we see on television and hear on the radio today is a direct result of my having won that now famous case which Falwell played such an important role in."
Ironic. Larry Flynt's showing more class and grace than most.
not all of us
Right, I should have said "a lot" instead of "all".
-I don't rejoice in the deaths of others, but ...
...my condolances to his friends and family.
Sorry, but for me to say I am at all upset by this would be for me to be "PC."
Maybe all actions are the fault of others. This does nothing to excuse the hypocrisy I was referring to that is dominating this board.
I don't regard my behaviour as being poor. I'll abuse any hatemonger in a position of power and influence to his face and spit on his grave to boot. In my opinion that doesn't constitute bad behaviour, it constitutes a rational way to respond to bullshit.
Maybe all actions are the fault of others? This comment makes absolutely no sense. I get the impression that you're merely trying to sound clever.
You come across as being all sanctimonious on this thread whilst defending a known bigot and hatemonger. Well done! I'm sure your local pastor/Neo-con senator is really proud of you.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Hehehe. If I was new to this board I would think you were the Dalai Lama of this board when we all know that isnt the case. Pot and kettle analogy comes to mind.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Wonder which 'next place' he landed in.
While allowing yourself to be their Option.
Please visit daily: www.theanimalrescuesite.com
He was stating that because of the administration, people are hateful. He was blaming the prevailing hate on this board on others.
I have not once defended any position that was taken by Falwell.
You say hatemonger as if it's a bad thing. The people of this board rival Falwell in this category on a daily basis.
At least there will be less of the hateful crap that came out of his mouth now.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Me? I certainly won't shed a tear for someone I wish never existed, but I won't celebrate his death anymore than I celebrated the deaths of Saddam, Milosevic, or Reagan.
Did He Not Do Enough to Please You, Lord?
In Surprise Move, God Snuffs Out Jerry Falwell
Tearful Sermon by Brother Harry Hardwick
Wednesday Night Service, Main Chapel, May 15, 2007
The Lord is testing us, friends. He does that periodically. Remember when He told His beloved servant, Abraham to violently murder his own son? Just as Abraham was about to drive the knife through his son’s body, God yelled, “Gotcha!” And remember when He tested Jonah’s claustrophobia by making him take up residence in a whale’s stomach for three days, without so much as a candle or a can of Lysol? Or when he tested all of humanity by drowning the planet? Well, that wasn’t really a test, but the point is that God does crazy, bizarre, inexplicable things to make sure we believe in Him based on faith and fear and not that dreaded “rational thought” thingy.
Well, the Lord has worked in one of His now-famous “mysterious ways” yet again. At 10:45 this morning, the Lord killed Jerry Falwell, the godliest of men -- the man who did more than anyone to put religion back in government and replace the Constitution with the Book of Leviticus. Dr. Falwell’s death is inexplicable. Why, just hours earlier, my old friend had breakfast with Ron Godwin, executive vice-president of Liberty University, which you and I know as the Christian Harvard of the South. Jerry had his usual breakfast of a dozen scrambled eggs topped with American cheese, two slabs of bacon, a stack of pancakes with butter-infused maple syrup and a basket of buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy. He didn’t even have a cup of coffee. Yet, a couple of imprecatory prayers later, he was gone.
The only possible explanation is that Heaven must be in turmoil, so God whisked Brother Jerry there now to get the angels in line. After all, God couldn’t have asked for a more loyal servant on Earth. Rev. Falwell hated all the right people, especially those who tried to blur gender distinctions. When Muslim terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center, killing thousands, Dr. Falwell explained on “The 700 Club” that God was behind this otherwise seeming act of cowardice, to punish America for embracing feminists and homosexuals. It seemed odd that God would use people who rejected His son to do His bidding, but we quickly dispelled this concern, as we learned in first grade Sunday School never to try to make sense of God’s killing sprees. Pastor Falwell said on multiple occasions that AIDS was God’s righteous punishment of a man who dared to love another man. He referred to the “National Organization for Women” as the “National Organization of Witches.” He correctly identified “Ellen DeGeneres” as “Ellen DeGenerate.” He had the guts to call all homosexuals “moral perverts.” Most significantly, he found homosexuality in even those people who aren’t real people. It was Jerry Falwell who exposed that purse-carrying, triangle-wearing, purple-bearing Tinky Winky as the nellie bottom that he is. Dr. Falwell let millions of his followers know that the animated Teletubbies are a product of the vast homosexual conspiracy to turn our country’s toddlers into sodomites before they’ve even put down their pacifiers.
Godly Jerry’s hatred of uppity minorities was equally intense. He supported racial segregation throughout the time of the Civil Rights movement, telling the world that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a fraud. He supported apartheid in South Africa, to keep those Negroes toiling in the fields thousands of miles away so we never had to worry about them earning enough money to come over here and start calling themselves South African-Americans. He opposed the release of Nelson Mandella from prison because, after all, public figures should either be behind the pulpit or behind bars. He hated Jews -- those who have rejected the Lord Jesus -- so much that he forthrightly proclaimed the Antichrist would be a Jewish man. And then, coopting a plot theme from the “Omen” series, he said that man was probably living today.
The only time Jerry ever relented in his hatred of the unrighteous or his animosity towards the unwashed occurred when money for the Lord was involved. Jerry was able to selflessly put his ill will aside when the unsaved offered cash. When his “university” had become insolvent, Jerry graciously accepted millions of dollars from Rev. Sun Myung Moon (leader of the “Moonies”) despite having previously compared Moon to “the plague.” Under the guise of friendship, he wrestled the “Praise the Lord” ministry from those phonies, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and later told the world that Jim Bakker was a greedy sodomite.
I really hope the Lord thought this one through, because the man he snubbed out this time is much more than a True Christian™ martyr -- he was a great fundraiser.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
And this is a fine response. Except the fact that it is hypocritical to sit here and condemn him for his hate while doing the exact same thing time and time again around this board. You are not guilty of this but many on this board are.
Of course, I do.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
I'd just like to point out here in case there's any confusion: I don't support capital punishment. Saddam was hung by the neck from a rope, whereas Falwell died of natural causes. I wasn't calling for Falwell to be killed prior to his death. But now that he's dead I will celebrate his demise because I regard him as a bad, and dangerous human being.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Shit. Now he's harming the environment, too.
Love and Hate aren't opposites, Love and Indifference are.
We hate Falwell, we love the human race, but we don't preach that Hate is Indifference.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Ironic. Larry Flynt's showing more class and grace than most.
Very graceful. Hat's off to Flynt. And his battles with Falwell.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.