Rx, meth, coke problems? Legalize the herb!!!



  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    I disagree, I know several people who suffer from Fibromyalgia(sp) and THC is the only drug that alleviates the issues for them without serious side effects, they've tried everything else.

    It's also effective for glaucoma and other serious ailments. It dosen't have to be smoked, but our government won't allow any research on it at all.

    Which is interesting, we can use all sorts of other hard narcotics to treat ailments in the hospital, but god forbid they work with THC. Because Oxycontin is just so appealing.

    Do you have any idea the list of perscription medecines would be put out of busines by smoking loving herb? Oh man. It would be in the 100 billions range.

    Yeah....no shit. All these no nothings thinking they know what kind out. Genetics have come out of the netherlands in the 90's insane strains like Northern Lights. White Widow, AK-47... the list is endless. Google the cannabis cups sometime. The give away 20 - 30 pounds of it for people smoke and vote on all the shit.

    That was over 15 years ago.. What they have now is medecinal. Ever tried baking with it? Eating it? Whoa dude...It's stronger than about 4 large oxycocets. Then you can go health conscious and reduce it to pure trichome ice water hash.


    That you only need a little to get high. You can make a lovely tea from it all as well. It's a 100% as nuture intended all natural plant that grows naturally. Man hasn't genetically modified the content of the THC resin gland itself, they have just chosen more resinous phenotypes in whch to cross breed so the THC gland ratio is increased per leaf. It's quite likely one of the most evolved on the planet. How can it possibly be considered a crime?
  • MCGMCG Posts: 780
    You know that saying that if your kids's are allergic to peanut butter and jelly sanwiches...well, perhaps they just aint gonna make it ......(in a public school).

    Wear a mask outdoors if you cant cope even to that level. How much car exhaust do you inhale walking down the street? It doesn't appear to bother the vast majority of seemingly normal people in this way? Not exercising can be the equivalent to smoking a half pack to a full pack of cigarettes per day. That scenario is progressive as well. If you are more unhealthy and you don't do cardio, the effects are amplified. Then there is diet ....Hoh-boy.

    Outdoors is outdoors... It's like you're saying "hey you don't deserve to even breathe my air"...frankly......Shaadaap!! :D ....it's rediculous, you're just gonna paint yourself a hater...

    are you gonna bitch at me because I light a campfire and drink beer too? Grr I'd have some hack, slash, and turn ya around quick shit ready in layers in person in that environment :D I shut down losers at teh boat launch all the time. there is an in and an out ramp. I come in on the out ramp when there is absolutely no lineup just to see if the guys is cool and get's his ride wet, or he bitches. I just retort back...ya dude there's no line...so big deal...take your pick. 99 percent of the time the guy just crumbles speechless dumbfounded. I often come in to dock up at specific times. I love smart people, it's the the dense stubborn that rub me like rubbing crushed glass onto the surface my brain.

    HAHA!!! That was the good laugh I needed before the weekend. But seriously, I think all he's looking for is a little consideration and by the way he talks it doesn't seem like he's had much.
    Which came first,
    the bad idea or me befallen by it?
  • SpartanacusSpartanacus Oviedo, FL Posts: 863
    Oh man...too funny people. I created a monster. I would have chimed in these last couple days but I got my first 48 hour ban for some things I posted in an Andrea Yates thread (the sympathy towards her rehab "rights" sickens me even more than the anti-pot people). Of course...the qoute I was banned for was taken out of context...but that's another story.

    I have nothing left to say to know0 or people like him. I simply shake my head and laugh. They obviously have an axe to grind regarding pot for reasons we will never know...well...because obviously there are no good reasons to keep it illegal. But to each his own. That's why we have the right to befriend who we want to on this Earth.

    On the other side, there are dozens and dozens of good reasons to legalize it (a lot found in this thread). I simply made the intitial post due to a story about the horrors of kids and Rx overdoses (not too mention the bad meth problem we have in the Midwest too). Legalize pot and that stuff goes WAY down.

    Have a good weekend. I've got to finishe Harold & Kumar tonight! Good stuff...if you've had a little herb at least (my wife didn't find it nearly as funny as I did). :)
    1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point);
    2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Spartancus wrote:
    ...well...because obviously there are no good reasons to keep it illegal.
    well.....I guess you are going to ignore the reasons that I espoused......:)
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    tybird wrote:
    well.....I guess you are going to ignore the reasons that I espoused......:)

    You need a day of bed rest for every time you're in a smokey environment?

    Are you allergic to the sun as well? You got some kind of affliction I've never heard of. You sure it aint in your head?
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    You need a day of bed rest for every time you're in a smokey environment?

    Are you allergic to the sun as well? You got some kind of affliction I've never heard of. You sure it aint in your head?
    Nope.......it is called allergies. The smoke from tobacco and pot are not the only things that pull a similar response...............grass (as on a lawn), hay, mold, mildew, most scented products (cleaning agents and such) can all wreck my breathing ability. One allergist paraded all of his nurses in to see my skin test results (there were on my bare back) because of all the overwhelming positives.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    Dude that's a Bummer!
  • Meatwagon wrote:
    A short story on the medical side of this.....My dad suffers from cronic pain in his back. A bad fall 20 years ago that no amount of surgery and morphine can really take care of. Now the morphine pump was put in about 6 years ago, and the dose just keeps getting bigger after every visit to the Doc. To put in his words "Son. All this shit sucks. I feel the best when I can sit around a talk to my indina brothers" All that fancy medicine and a plain old smoke helps bring it all into focus for a bit.

    One of close friend’s mothers had chronic back pain and went through two major surgeries...which helped limitedly. She has gone through morphine and other pain killers. However it was not really working, the pain persisted. So she decided to have a joint with her daughter and never felt better. She said of everything she had tried to relieve the pain, marijuana did the trick. She felt better for a couple weeks after that, then went smoke free. Occasionally has a puff if the back pain returns. She has since thrown out all her prescription medicine. But in no means is a casual smoker or for that one an occasional smoker...simply put she uses it only when needed to reduce the pain....

    On another note I tend to believe that those who have never tried marijuana are seriously over-judging what it is. Before I first smoked I was always apprehensive that things would be weird and out of control (you know that’s what you get told).

    But I eventually got together with some buddies and we decided to all hoot up together and it was such a fun time. After coming down I felt wow marijuana is WAY over-rated compared to the fear factors associated/labeled to it. I felt calm and very relaxed. And since then I have had many of drags to date, (10 year casual smoker) not once have I ever hurt anyone around me, acted selfishly, argued bitterly (e.g. AMT style), fought a friend, etc while being high off marijuana. As compared to when I would get drunk and hurt people around me, acted in my own self-interests, argued to the point of anger that I fought a best friend (who was also drunk), etc. Please do not get me wrong this cannot obviously apply to all smokers/drinkers, BUT in my honest opinion it applies to more than less.

    Through all this I have become a very moderated drinker and a very casual smoker. I have become successful at my young age to currently earn more money than most of those ten-fifteen years my senior through dedicated study and hard work. And through a lot of this marijuana has helped me out through some severe life situations. It helped me cope with the pain of losing my mother to brain cancer this past March, helped me relieve the final exam pressure, etc. And before someone can say, "yeah you simply put yourself in a false sense of reality and dealt with the pain/fear/stress in an alternative mind state" Yes you would be correct, to a point. When I regain my lucidness I remember all I have thought prior and think about my situation even more now that I am sober and 100% of the time I will feel better.

    I just really feel, and I am not trying to be ignorant, that those who have never tried marijuana do not have any clue on what it really is. I have tried hard drugs (funny the trips with cocaine, which is stupid shit and that I will never do again, were all done drunk.....never high off marijuana...hell when I was high on marijuana I hated the notion of hard chemically synthesized drugs). Another key to remember is that the vast majority of casual pot smokers do not do any form of man made drugs, and inevitably some ultimately will.

    However the same token of knowledge can be applied to alcohol, where a lot of people can have a fun drunk , there is however a lot of people that are complete ignorant asses when intoxicated off booze, like me for example.

    BUT how many drunk drivers cause deaths each year to those that are simply high off weed, how many domestic abuses occur when someone is drunk to those that are simply high off weed, how many self induced (e.g. diseases/etc) that are linked directly to alcohol occur to those that are caused simply from weed, etc. In all cases and studies alcohol's negatives will outweigh those of marijuana. Plus to add-in, a by-product of marijuana is hemp, a potential cash cow that would be an excellent alternative to the clear cutting of trees for paper. Many like me will pick on alcohol because, since we have actually smoked marijuana we can determine how they are different, and only we can see how marijuana is MUCH less dangerous than alcohol. That is something a non-smoker cannot do.

    There will be bad apples, of course, what isn't absurd these days, we have people smoking two packs a day of cigarettes, we have a guy drinking to his liver explodes each and every day for 12 hours, we have Johnny over there beating off to porn on his computer six times a day, there is pill popping Jenny who has a doctor that over-prescribes Prozac that she has since become addicted to it, and yes the above is a sad display of humanity, but the point is that it is all legal. So tell me why a guy who smokes an ounce of day of marijuana is any less than these people, hell he sure is smoking himself stupid, but to me, it’s a hell of a lot better and acceptable than being any of latter examples. There will always be excessiveness regardless if it is legalized, it however will be a minority.

  • know1 wrote:
    Nope..you can't. "Medical marijuana" is definitely about the "marijuana" and not about the "medical".

    You can't tell me that you all who want it legalized would be happy with it being legal just for specific medicinal purposes. Also, you can't tell me that if there was another medicine that was just as good on the symptoms, but without the high that you'd use that instead.

    The cannabis used for medical marijuana does not get you high. At all. In fact, it's not a painkiller at all. It's used to counter-act the appetite loss given with cancer treatment.

    Also, marijuana is cheap and easy to use, so i dare you to find a better substitute.

    Seriously, everytime you say something it just reveals more and more how completely uninformed you are.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..


    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • SpartanacusSpartanacus Oviedo, FL Posts: 863
    One of close friend’s mothers had chronic back pain and went through two major surgeries...which helped limitedly. She has gone through morphine and other pain killers. However it was not really working, the pain persisted. So she decided to have a joint with her daughter and never felt better. She said of everything she had tried to relieve the pain, marijuana did the trick. She felt better for a couple weeks after that, then went smoke free. Occasionally has a puff if the back pain returns. She has since thrown out all her prescription medicine. But in no means is a casual smoker or for that one an occasional smoker...simply put she uses it only when needed to reduce the pain....

    On another note I tend to believe that those who have never tried marijuana are seriously over-judging what it is. Before I first smoked I was always apprehensive that things would be weird and out of control (you know that’s what you get told).

    But I eventually got together with some buddies and we decided to all hoot up together and it was such a fun time. After coming down I felt wow marijuana is WAY over-rated compared to the fear factors associated/labeled to it. I felt calm and very relaxed. And since then I have had many of drags to date, (10 year casual smoker) not once have I ever hurt anyone around me, acted selfishly, argued bitterly (e.g. AMT style), fought a friend, etc while being high off marijuana. As compared to when I would get drunk and hurt people around me, acted in my own self-interests, argued to the point of anger that I fought a best friend (who was also drunk), etc. Please do not get me wrong this cannot obviously apply to all smokers/drinkers, BUT in my honest opinion it applies to more than less.

    Through all this I have become a very moderated drinker and a very casual smoker. I have become successful at my young age to currently earn more money than most of those ten-fifteen years my senior through dedicated study and hard work. And through a lot of this marijuana has helped me out through some severe life situations. It helped me cope with the pain of losing my mother to brain cancer this past March, helped me relieve the final exam pressure, etc. And before someone can say, "yeah you simply put yourself in a false sense of reality and dealt with the pain/fear/stress in an alternative mind state" Yes you would be correct, to a point. When I regain my lucidness I remember all I have thought prior and think about my situation even more now that I am sober and 100% of the time I will feel better.

    I just really feel, and I am not trying to be ignorant, that those who have never tried marijuana do not have any clue on what it really is. I have tried hard drugs (funny the trips with cocaine, which is stupid shit and that I will never do again, were all done drunk.....never high off marijuana...hell when I was high on marijuana I hated the notion of hard chemically synthesized drugs). Another key to remember is that the vast majority of casual pot smokers do not do any form of man made drugs, and inevitably some ultimately will.

    However the same token of knowledge can be applied to alcohol, where a lot of people can have a fun drunk , there is however a lot of people that are complete ignorant asses when intoxicated off booze, like me for example.

    BUT how many drunk drivers cause deaths each year to those that are simply high off weed, how many domestic abuses occur when someone is drunk to those that are simply high off weed, how many self induced (e.g. diseases/etc) that are linked directly to alcohol occur to those that are caused simply from weed, etc. In all cases and studies alcohol's negatives will outweigh those of marijuana. Plus to add-in, a by-product of marijuana is hemp, a potential cash cow that would be an excellent alternative to the clear cutting of trees for paper. Many like me will pick on alcohol because, since we have actually smoked marijuana we can determine how they are different, and only we can see how marijuana is MUCH less dangerous than alcohol. That is something a non-smoker cannot do.

    There will be bad apples, of course, what isn't absurd these days, we have people smoking two packs a day of cigarettes, we have a guy drinking to his liver explodes each and every day for 12 hours, we have Johnny over there beating off to porn on his computer six times a day, there is pill popping Jenny who has a doctor that over-prescribes Prozac that she has since become addicted to it, and yes the above is a sad display of humanity, but the point is that it is all legal. So tell me why a guy who smokes an ounce of day of marijuana is any less than these people, hell he sure is smoking himself stupid, but to me, it’s a hell of a lot better and acceptable than being any of latter examples. There will always be excessiveness regardless if it is legalized, it however will be a minority.


    Great post Rockin'!!! At dinner a few days ago my wife and I got into a little "debate" (not sure she had any good points to even count it as that actually) about the weed.

    We didn't even get past the first question I posed her because she wouldn't answer it. I asked her if she thought alcohol or pot was safer. She didn't come right out and answer the question, so I posed another...would you rather have one of our daughters get drunk as hell or high as hell and make the bad decision of driving? All she could say was "I wouldn't want them to drive either way." Well no shit Sherlock...me too...but answer the question! She refused and that really dissapointed me and I have since lost a bit of respect for her. She started sounding like Know0 and his ever so solid "arguments" about we may as well legalize murder too, etc.

    Well, finally I think she mumbled something that pot was probably safer (more to just shut me up and calm me down...I wasn't high so I was becoming agitated at her for not answering a simple question)...but it was like pulling teeth for her to admit that FACT. Yes it is a undeniable FACT naysayers.

    Driving under the influence or abusing any drug (alcohol included) is always a big no-no...BUT...you're better off driving high, and you're better off abusing pot than alcohol. That's a fact Jack. And that case IS closed. :)

    Anyways...thanks again for the great post Rockin'. Guess who will be reading it tonight after the girls go to bed? I think my wife sometimes doesn't believe I'm as educated, experienced or as well read as I am, so it will be good for her to hear the obvious from someone other than her silly old "pot head" husband.

    By the way, why do the naive feel the need to try and make us inferior by labeling us "pot heads" or even worse, "druggies"? I don't call her a "booze hound" for taking a drink every now and then, or a "druggie" for drinking her morning coffee. Now don't get me wrong...my love will occassionaly light up with me if she's not pregnant or nursing (currently nursing)...so she's not a total loss. :)
    1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point);
    2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
  • MCGMCG Posts: 780
    Awesome above post Rockin'In'Canada. Very well presented and thought out. Bravo!
    Which came first,
    the bad idea or me befallen by it?
  • Spartancus wrote:
    Great post Rockin'!!! At dinner a few days ago my wife and I got into a little "debate" (not sure she had any good points to even count it as that actually) about the weed.

    We didn't even get past the first question I posed her because she wouldn't answer it. I asked her if she thought alcohol or pot was safer. She didn't come right out and answer the question, so I posed another...would you rather have one of our daughters get drunk as hell or high as hell and make the bad decision of driving? All she could say was "I wouldn't want them to drive either way." Well no shit Sherlock...me too...but answer the question! She refused and that really dissapointed me and I have since lost a bit of respect for her. She started sounding like Know0 and his ever so solid "arguments" about we may as well legalize murder too, etc.

    Well, finally I think she mumbled something that pot was probably safer (more to just shut me up and calm me down...I wasn't high so I was becoming agitated at her for not answering a simple question)...but it was like pulling teeth for her to admit that FACT. Yes it is a undeniable FACT naysayers.

    Driving under the influence or abusing any drug (alcohol included) is always a big no-no...BUT...you're better off driving high, and you're better off abusing pot than alcohol. That's a fact Jack. And that case IS closed. :)

    Anyways...thanks again for the great post Rockin'. Guess who will be reading it tonight after the girls go to bed? I think my wife sometimes doesn't believe I'm as educated, experienced or as well read as I am, so it will be good for her to hear the obvious from someone other than her silly old "pot head" husband.

    By the way, why do the naive feel the need to try and make us inferior by labeling us "pot heads" or even worse, "druggies"? I don't call her a "booze hound" for taking a drink every now and then, or a "druggie" for drinking her morning coffee. Now don't get me wrong...my love will occassionaly light up with me if she's not pregnant or nursing (currently nursing)...so she's not a total loss. :)

    Thanks for the feedback....I just do not understand why pot is demonized in modern society. I 100% understand why substances such as cocaine/meth/heroine are to a tee, hell when I did some lines drunk as a skunk on a bathroom stall toliet dispenser I could just feel what addictivness, actually felt it coming over me and it was scary (I am really disappointed in myself...however we all learn from mistakes). However I only did that a few times and it is behind me. But marijiuana can not be labelled with those groups and sadly it is.

    What I don't understand is that those that primarily do the demonizing have never tried it. I would and have never forced marijuana on people, BUT I am straight up with them and always say that weed is the most over-hyped product known to man, it simply is not the evil it is portrayed as. It's just that the non-smokers take such offence that we say they have no idea and I do not understand why. It's trying to teach a child how to ride a bike, without the bike. It's just a hard convept to bring across to someone that has never indulged in it. I respect all those that choose not to toke, thats cool with me. But they should recpricate the respect and actually believe the vast majority on what they are saying about it, cause they know what it is. And only we can make the comparisons that the anti-side cannot understand. You will never understand something without experience, if you do not want the experience thats your choice, just do not demonize me when I full well know what I am talking about.

    And I do not care what anyway says to reply to my next statement but it is the truth in my mind. The primary reason that this "drug" is not legal is because of pharmaceutical companies plain and simple, they fear it like the plague....if marijuana was legalized the amount of prescription/non-prescription drug profits would plummet. And that is the truth.
  • Spartancus wrote:
    Great post Rockin'!!! At dinner a few days ago my wife and I got into a little "debate" (not sure she had any good points to even count it as that actually) about the weed.

    We didn't even get past the first question I posed her because she wouldn't answer it. I asked her if she thought alcohol or pot was safer. She didn't come right out and answer the question, so I posed another...would you rather have one of our daughters get drunk as hell or high as hell and make the bad decision of driving? All she could say was "I wouldn't want them to drive either way." Well no shit Sherlock...me too...but answer the question! She refused and that really dissapointed me and I have since lost a bit of respect for her. She started sounding like Know0 and his ever so solid "arguments" about we may as well legalize murder too, etc.

    Well, finally I think she mumbled something that pot was probably safer (more to just shut me up and calm me down...I wasn't high so I was becoming agitated at her for not answering a simple question)...but it was like pulling teeth for her to admit that FACT. Yes it is a undeniable FACT naysayers.

    Driving under the influence or abusing any drug (alcohol included) is always a big no-no...BUT...you're better off driving high, and you're better off abusing pot than alcohol. That's a fact Jack. And that case IS closed. :)

    Anyways...thanks again for the great post Rockin'. Guess who will be reading it tonight after the girls go to bed? I think my wife sometimes doesn't believe I'm as educated, experienced or as well read as I am, so it will be good for her to hear the obvious from someone other than her silly old "pot head" husband.

    By the way, why do the naive feel the need to try and make us inferior by labeling us "pot heads" or even worse, "druggies"? I don't call her a "booze hound" for taking a drink every now and then, or a "druggie" for drinking her morning coffee. Now don't get me wrong...my love will occassionaly light up with me if she's not pregnant or nursing (currently nursing)...so she's not a total loss. :)

    It is funny because I had a friend who was adamantly against smoking pot. Finally as I understand he tried some while attending university somewhere and later told me it was nothing like he expected. He said the way he perceived it prior was totally far-fetched to what the real experience entitled.....and now he has become an occasional toker....and shares my thoughts.....
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    InsaneSoup wrote:
    Uh oh...here I go again...

    People against the legalization of marijuana are (a) miseducated about it or (b) have a political agenda against it...that's it (or you're a prohibitionist-read: asshole-and think it all shoud be illegal). Disagree all you want, but sometimes you must accept that you are wrong on a particular issue.

    You cannot overdose on it. Impossible. There is no toxicity level.

    Food, Fuel, Fiber, Fun.

    Of course, marijuana will not solve all the world's problems, but it will surely solve more that ritalin, zoloft, crank, etc...(insert other man made chemical 'solution' here)...it is a good step in the right direction for many of the world's problems, but no, it will not solve them all.

    Ganja Weed for Janjaweed! (let's mellow those f'rs out!)

    I'm thinking drop some smoke bombs on the Middle East daily for a week or so...and we'll be swapping cheetos for oil and all our problems are solved....oh oh oh...and how about some suicide smokers explode some smoke bombs in every Southern Baptist church.....now all worlds problems are solved.
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • SpartanacusSpartanacus Oviedo, FL Posts: 863
    And I do not care what anyway says to reply to my next statement but it is the truth in my mind. The primary reason that this "drug" is not legal is because of pharmaceutical companies plain and simple, they fear it like the plague....if marijuana was legalized the amount of prescription/non-prescription drug profits would plummet. And that is the truth.
    Right on my brother...hence my original post. And don't forget to place a big part of the blame on the government. They stand to lose money if Rx's go down too. And if people are freely planting this stuff in their backyard, then there goes those potential tax dollars. I also think the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, and cigars decreases more than you'd think.

    Now, I have no problem with them saying they are trying to "control" the substance for our benefit, nor do I have a problem with them trying to make some tax money off it, as long as they put those tax dollars to good use...BUT...don't tell me I can't plant it in my backyard or basement if I want too. Similarily, isn't it illegal to plant and harvest your own tobacco if you had the gumption and means to do that? I thought I read that somewhere.

    Willie Nelson had a good quote in Time I just read. He said, something to the effect that he'd like to see it not be illegal, but before you know it, you've got a friend who hooks you up here, you grow a little there...and eventually you don't care wether it's legal or illegal.

    Because for the most part, casual smokers and small time dealers get away with it and they don't harm anyone, so I guess that it doesn't effect us too much. But I still think that society in general would improve more than the naysayers can imagine if you legalize pot.
    1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point);
    2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
  • Spartancus wrote:
    Right on my brother...hence my original post. And don't forget to place a big part of the blame on the government. They stand to lose money if Rx's go down too. And if people are freely planting this stuff in their backyard, then there goes those potential tax dollars. I also think the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, and cigars decreases more than you'd think.

    Now, I have no problem with them saying they are trying to "control" the substance for our benefit, nor do I have a problem with them trying to make some tax money off it, as long as they put those tax dollars to good use...BUT...don't tell me I can't plant it in my backyard or basement if I want too. Similarily, isn't it illegal to plant and harvest your own tobacco if you had the gumption and means to do that? I thought I read that somewhere.

    Willie Nelson had a good quote in Time I just read. He said, something to the effect that he'd like to see it not be illegal, but before you know it, you've got a friend who hooks you up here, you grow a little there...and eventually you don't care wether it's legal or illegal.

    Because for the most part, casual smokers and small time dealers get away with it and they don't harm anyone, so I guess that it doesn't effect us too much. But I still think that society in general would improve more than the naysayers can imagine if you legalize pot.

    If legalized it should be treated like home brew making....can grow it for personal use...
  • bookworm30bookworm30 Posts: 186
    I'm coming to this thread a little late, but I just want to say Right On to Spartancus and Rockin'InCanada. If both of your arguments (or statement of facts, really) don't change the uninformed minds around here, nothing will. Well done.
    The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
  • bookworm30 wrote:
    I'm coming to this thread a little late, but I just want to say Right On to Spartancus and Rockin'InCanada. If both of your arguments (or statement of facts, really) don't change the uninformed minds around here, nothing will. Well done.

  • SpartanacusSpartanacus Oviedo, FL Posts: 863
    bookworm30 wrote:
    I'm coming to this thread a little late, but I just want to say Right On to Spartancus and Rockin'InCanada. If both of your arguments (or statement of facts, really) don't change the uninformed minds around here, nothing will. Well done.

    Thank you as well. I printed out Rockin's last big post for my wife...

    (a former Democrat and infrequent college smoker who has since been hypnotized by the right wing Republican Party and is much more conservative now)

    ...to read last night and she thought that I had written the post. And if not, then obviously Rockin' copied what I said previously and put it in his own words. :)

    She said we sounded exactly alike...well...that's because the truth is hard to mess up if you have your facts straight. That's also why nobody is going to win a debate (hence zero opposers replying of late) that weed is worse than alcohol, Rx drugs, and cough syrup and should be kept illegal.

    We can only hope it is legalized before we die, and not only for our "selfish" personal reasons, but for the good of humanity.

    But if it's not...oh well, no big deal I guess. People like Know0 and the rest can call us "pot heads," "stoners," or "druggies" simply because it's illegal...but we know we're no less human than anyone who chooses not to partake. In fact, I'd say we're much more ALIVE than the other lemmings for the simple fact that we know it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, and we have enough courage to voice our FACTS and partake...in the face of the EVIL EMPIRE who is keeping it illegal either because of the almighty dollar, their fear, or their stupidity.

    Hell...I haven't even touched the hemp issue (I think Rockin' did). Yeah, real smart Washington D.C. You keep cutting down those trees for paper instead of simply growing hemp for the same purpose. It's really unbelievable and sad that the men and women who run our government our either so very weak, or so very stupid...or probably a combination of the two.
    1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point);
    2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
  • Spartancus wrote:
    Thank you as well. I printed out Rockin's last big post for my wife...

    (a former Democrat and infrequent college smoker who has since been hypnotized by the right wing Republican Party and is much more conservative now)

    ...to read last night and she thought that I had written the post. And if not, then obviously Rockin' copied what I said previously and put it in his own words. :)

    She said we sounded exactly alike...well...that's because the truth is hard to mess up if you have your facts straight. That's also why nobody is going to win a debate (hence zero opposers replying of late) that weed is worse than alcohol, Rx drugs, and cough syrup and should be kept illegal.

    We can only hope it is legalized before we die, and not only for our "selfish" personal reasons, but for the good of humanity.

    But if it's not...oh well, no big deal I guess. People like Know0 and the rest can call us "pot heads," "stoners," or "druggies" simply because it's illegal...but we know we're no less human than anyone who chooses not to partake. In fact, I'd say we're much more ALIVE than the other lemmings for the simple fact that we know it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, and we have enough courage to voice our FACTS and partake...in the face of the EVIL EMPIRE who is keeping it illegal either because of the almighty dollar, their fear, or their stupidity.

    Hell...I haven't even touched the hemp issue (I think Rockin' did). Yeah, real smart Washington D.C. You keep cutting down those trees for paper instead of simply growing hemp for the same purpose. It's really unbelievable and sad that the men and women who run our government our either so very weak, or so very stupid...or probably a combination of the two.

    There is a marijuana thread in AET and there are some out of touch comments in there as well....makes me shake my head....and I am pretty sure we didn't copy each other, what I wrote is what I say to everyone...:)
  • There is a marijuana thread in AET and there are some out of touch comments in there as well....makes me shake my head....and I am pretty sure we didn't copy each other, what I wrote is what I say to everyone...:)
    And in that forum the debate was waged cleanly, calmly, and without yelling or cussing eachother out :rolleyes:
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..


    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • And in that forum the debate was waged cleanly, calmly, and without yelling or cussing eachother out :rolleyes:

    I prefer the debate here...in AET I feel as though I have to either be humorous or way too nice (not saying I am not nice, just over there sometimes makes me feel everyone is on one hell of a good drug :))
  • bookworm30bookworm30 Posts: 186
    I prefer the debate here...in AET I feel as though I have to either be humorous or way too nice (not saying I am not nice, just over there sometimes makes me feel everyone is on one hell of a good drug :))

    Heh :)
    The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
  • SpartanacusSpartanacus Oviedo, FL Posts: 863
    bookworm30 wrote:
    Heh :)

    Smoke 'em if you got 'em...it's 5:00 in Indiana (where do you live Bookworm?).

    Actually, I'll wait until about 9:30 PM when the gals are down and the DVD for tonight is ready to go...Capote...probably not a great smoking movie, huh?

    1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point);
    2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Spartancus wrote:
    Smoke 'em if you got 'em...it's 5:00 in Indiana (where do you live Bookworm?).

    Actually, I'll wait until about 9:30 PM when the gals are down and the DVD for tonight is ready to go...Capote...probably not a great smoking movie, huh?


    Your clock doesn't hit 4:20 in Indiana?
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • bookworm30bookworm30 Posts: 186
    Spartancus wrote:
    Smoke 'em if you got 'em...it's 5:00 in Indiana (where do you live Bookworm?).

    Actually, I'll wait until about 9:30 PM when the gals are down and the DVD for tonight is ready to go...Capote...probably not a great smoking movie, huh?


    I live in Westfield, how about you? And I didn't think Capote was a smoking movie ;)
    The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
  • I prefer the debate here...in AET I feel as though I have to either be humorous or way too nice (not saying I am not nice, just over there sometimes makes me feel everyone is on one hell of a good drug :))
    yeah me too, but I didn't really expect a debate in AET.. thought it would turn ugly but it never did.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..


    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • SpartanacusSpartanacus Oviedo, FL Posts: 863
    bookworm30 wrote:
    I live in Westfield, how about you? And I didn't think Capote was a smoking movie ;)

    Fishers...party on Hamilton County!

    No, Capote isn't a "smoking movie," like Harold & Kumar or something, but even the non-smoking movies are better with smoke...right? :)

    And to Ahnimus...I'm still at work at 4:20...and then I have to pick up the kids...and then I have to do the family thing until about 9:00 when the oldest is finally sleeping...and THEN, mostly on weekends, IT'S TIME TO SMOKE AND CHILL TO A DVD!!!

    That is my sad life. Actually...considering how hard it is raising a baby and a toddler at the same time...I've got it pretty damn good. Before kids I used to be about the bars on the weekend, but I'd much rather chill with my wife to a DVD and a smoke and a few drinks.
    1998 (2) - East Lansing & Auburn Hills; 2000 (2) - Tampa & Noblesville; 2003 (2) - Lexington & Noblesville; 2006 (1) - Cincinnati; 2007 (1) - Chicago (Lollapalooza); 2008 (Ed in Milwaukee); 2009 (1) - Chicago; 2010 (1) - Noblesville; 2013 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; 2016 (Temple of the Dog in Los Angeles); 2017 (Ed at Ohana in Dana Point);
    2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
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