You don't think that people might want to be with you, or spend time with you, or have a converstion, or otherwise need you to be there for them and lucid might be hurt when you're stoned and not there for them?
People aren't stoned all the time.. the most harm that can come out of that is.. "oh you're high?.. alright" and if you don't want to talk to said person stoned.. "i'll talk to you later about this,.. call me when you sober up". If you're stoned at a time when you really shouldn't be (i dunno.. wedding?) than it's your fault not weed's.
You don't think comments that are made when under some influence might be different from comments made when not and those would never hurt?
That can't really hurt anyone.. since when does talking about how awesome Mike McCready is or how much you love chocolate hurting anyone? Have you ever even smoked before?
You don't think that people might want to be with you, or spend time with you, or have a converstion, or otherwise need you to be there for them and lucid might be hurt when you're stoned and not there for them?
But I am there for them, I mostly smoke to medicate stomach problems. Everybody knows and nobody has a problem with it. The pot makes it easier for me to live my life, otherwise I spend it cradling a toilet. I have no problem listening or expressing emotions after a bowl.
You don't think comments that are made when under some influence might be different from comments made when not and those would never hurt?
Different maybe, hurtful never. Not sure what your poking at here. It's not like when I'm high and see my gf I say "Whoa baby, maybe its the drugs but you look fat" I think you are under the impression that when you are high you have no control over what comes out of your mouth, this is not true.
You don't think that money spent on drugs might be used to spend on relationships or children's items, etc. and that doesn't harm them?
I only smoke in small amounts so a little goes a long way and I don't have kids. Also, I almost look at it as something I have to spend, like if I needed prescription pills. My gf encourages me to do whatever I need to in order to function as normally and happily as possible and if it takes $15 a week to do that, she's not suffering. I shower as much resources and attention on her as possible and if your wondering she doesn't smoke.
...still waiting on that example...
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
You can hurt people in absentia through drug-induced actions. You can also hurt them physically if you drive or whatever. My point is, don't try and pretend that drug use only affects the user.
Again (second time), I do see a difference between drug use and murder.
The original post said something to the effect of "since they're going to find ways to get high, we should legalize it". There is no more logic in that than saying since they're going to murder someone anyway, we should legalize it.
The thing is, I don't even care if it's legalized. But the arguments that are made proposing that are stupid.
It obvious from your first statement that you've never tried herb much at all. Curious, how often do you get a buzz from alcohol?
So you see the very obvious reality of eliminating one (if not the) primary source of income for youth street gang violence, and killing, as no logical reasoning at all?
Do you also know that Marijuana offsets the effects of amphetamines such as crack and meth? On amphetamines, your head is tweaking and freaking all over the place. When you smoke weed the herb helps pull you down and ground you back to nature, by offsetting the sharpness of the "tweaked" effects. They are two completely opposite states of mind. If you want any hope of kicking a crack habit you'll need to use marijuana. Marijuana is the healing drug to recover from a lot of these harder drug ilnesses. Let's not forget that aspect of it. Marijuana is considered medicinal. Ever hear of a therapeutic drink (drunk) of vodka, or scotch or 4 fast beers?
Don't be raggin all high an mighty on de herb mon....herb racists!
Do you also know that Marijuana offsets the effects of amphetamines such as crack and meth? On amphetamines, your head is tweaking and freaking all over the place. When you smoke weed the herb helps pull you down and ground you back to nature, by offsetting the sharpness of the "tweaked" effects. They are two completely opposite states of mind. If you want any hope of kicking a crack habit you'll need to use marijuana. Marijuana is the healing drug to recover from a lot of these harder drug ilnesses. Let's not forget that aspect of it. Marijuana is considered medicinal. Ever hear of a therapeutic drink (drunk) of vodka, or scotch or 4 fast beers?
Don't be raggin all high an mighty on de herb mon....herb racists!
"dem don't know"
They hate the green people
Mary Jane is an herb, that's not just slang ya know.
Americans aren't the brightest crayons in the box most times Plus I don't think people in Holland abuse the priveledge of it being legal. I know many here in America would abuse the fuck out of it.
Though it would be a step forward for the ecomony. Get that shit taxed, put dealer fucks outta business. Sorry I think it's really unfair that dealers don't have to pay taxes or really even do shit for a job if dealing is their life.
The word tax is why I DONT want to see it legalized...I want to see it decriminalized...meaning only a small fine for possession...if it was to be legalized however I would like to see laws similar to brewing your own beer...I do not want to see the government become the would be bunk and would be high in costs....
The word tax is why I DONT want to see it legalized...I want to see it decriminalized...meaning only a small fine for possession...if it was to be legalized however I would like to see laws similar to brewing your own beer...I do not want to see the government become the would be bunk and would be high in costs....
Legalize the seeds and let people grow it. The only way. The government becoming the new dealer would be albeit somewhat better, however equally as insane in practice and in basic human rights.
Legalize the seeds and let people grow it. The only way. The government becoming the new dealer would be albeit somewhat better, however equally as insane in practice and in basic human rights.
Sorry I came across this so late in the game. Some good arguments for legalization guys. Nice. I agree 100% with you. Marijuana has a bad rap because it is an easy target. No it's not a miracle drug and has some downsides. Big deal. The #1 mood altering drug in the world you ask.......Caffeine. Addictive as hell and at least a week of withdrawls. Who here is a bitch when they haven't had their morning cup of joe??? Gateway drug???? Try good old alcohol....Anyway... Educate and set a good example. We are not all "Potheads" with dead end lives. Get off your high horses and move on......after you legalize it.
while I'm all about legalization and criminalization, treatment, and education as a better way to combat drug use......I find this a bit funny.
Pound your kid full of drugs from when they were 2 because they have "ADD" or "insert your mental malady here". Then expect that they won't abuse them later on.
No shit. What else would one expect from a person who has been taking drugs his/her whole life. We work our asses off to make sure our kids don't get labeled with that shit. You would be amazed what a few bike rides and some good reading habits can do. Well I'll be damned, we are back to the whole educating thing again..
As opposed to putting someone in jail? Breaking up families? Dont those things cause harm as well?
If someone is hurting someone - there are laws for that. If someone is neglecting their children - there are laws for that. If someone is driving under the influence - there are laws for that. In other words, there are a myriad of laws for when a person crosses the line and affects others.
What it comes down to for me is that I fail to see a valid reason for the state to incarcerate me for the sole reason of injesting a mind-altering substance they dissapprove of.
In my opinion, the prohibition of drugs has caused far more damage to society than legalization ever could.
The word tax is why I DONT want to see it legalized...I want to see it decriminalized...meaning only a small fine for possession...if it was to be legalized however I would like to see laws similar to brewing your own beer...I do not want to see the government become the would be bunk and would be high in costs....
Fuck the dealers. They don't have to pay taxes. Their job is to take care of their crop and sell it. They don't do shit really compared to everyone else, yet they are swimming in money. Fuck dealers in terms of economics. It's unfair.
As opposed to putting someone in jail? Breaking up families? Dont those things cause harm as well?
If someone is hurting someone - there are laws for that. If someone is neglecting their children - there are laws for that. If someone is driving under the influence - there are laws for that. In other words, there are a myriad of laws for when a person crosses the line and affects others.
What it comes down to for me is that I fail to see a valid reason for the state to incarcerate me for the sole reason of injesting a mind-altering substance they dissapprove of.
In my opinion, the prohibition of drugs has caused far more damage to society than legalization ever could.
I don't see any reason why I should drive the speed limit either. I'm a better driver than most and have never been in an accident.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I don't see any reason why I should drive the speed limit either. I'm a better driver than most and have never been in an accident.
We get it, you don't like pot. What exactly is your objection to people who like to smoke? As long as we're not hurting anybody (a point I've tried to get accross on previous posts) what is your problem?
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
We get it, you don't like pot. What exactly is your objection to people who like to smoke? As long as we're not hurting anybody (a point I've tried to get accross on previous posts) what is your problem?
No you don't get it. I don't have anything against pot, although I don't have much respect for people who place such a high importance on it.
I'm also generally against the governmnet regulating anything...only the bare minimum.
All I'm saying is that your arguments for legalizing it are illogical.
(and once again, it is very naive to think that your actions do not affect others. Everyone's actions and even their thoughts affect other people)
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
(and once again, it is very naive to think that your actions do not affect others. Everyone's actions and even their thoughts affect other people)
And it is very closed minded to assume that because the action involves pot the effects on others around me are negative. In my case I could easily argue the opposite.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
And it is very closed minded to assume that because the action involves pot the effects on others around me are negative. In my case I could easily argue the opposite.
And it is very closed minded to assume that because the action involves pot the effects on others around me are negative. In my case I could easily argue the opposite.
Take a look at my post you quoted. Did I say that all actions are negative? I just said, please don't use that "it doesn't affect anyone else" BS, please.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I would be interested to hear your logical reasons for keeping it illegal.
I don't have any. It makes no difference to me whether it's illegal or not. I haven't seen any real compelling or logical arguments on either side. And like I said, I generally like the government regulating as little as possible.
Take a look at the first post in this thread. It is essentially saying that since kids are abusing prescription drugs, we should make pot legal.
That's kind of like saying, since my hair is too long I should go fishing.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Look, there are some obvious problems and obvious benefits to making pot legal. Legal or illegal, it can't be perfect. What I know is it helps me deal with my health and lead a better life. Without it I'd probably spend most nights and some days in bed and weigh 20lbs less than I do now. The way I look at it, if legalizing it gives more people like me the opportunity to lead happier lives at home it's worth it. It's not like I'm saying smoke a doobie before work or anything, I don't and would never.
Plus, gov't regulated weed would probably bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues which can be used to fund schools, hospitals and any other gov't programs. The only downside I see it people abusing it, by driving, or doing other stupid things while under the influence of pot, but people do that now, if anything, higher prices will bring those numbers down. It's certainly a safer alternative than alcohol, which as we know, is very legal.
How relieving suffering and benefitting the economy isn't compelling or logical I don't understand.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
I don't have any. It makes no difference to me whether it's illegal or not. I haven't seen any real compelling or logical arguments on either side. And like I said, I generally like the government regulating as little as possible.
Take a look at the first post in this thread. It is essentially saying that since kids are abusing prescription drugs, we should make pot legal.
That's kind of like saying, since my hair is too long I should go fishing.
What are your thoughts on the drug war in general? Do you think it is the best approach?
As I said earlier, my opinion is that more harm is being done by maintaining the current prohibition. It increases violence, criminalizes large numbers of people and has led to a general erosion of civil liberties.
What are your thoughts on the drug war in general? Do you think it is the best approach?
As I said earlier, my opinion is that more harm is being done by maintaining the current prohibition. It increases violence, criminalizes large numbers of people and has led to a general erosion of civil liberties.
I don't have any well-developed thoughts on the drug war.
I do know this - if it's illegal and there is serious jail time involved, I don't understand why people would risk that much just to get high. If a drug is that important to you, you've got a problem, in my opinion.
I also think that the statement about criminalizing large numbers of people doesn't make a lot of sense for two reasons. First of all, the very nature of a law is that people who break it are criminals. Secondly, the people still have a choice, therefore it's not the war or the law doing the criminalizing, but instead the people who choose to ignore the law.
Conversely, I would not oppose making it legal.
My whole thing is that these arguments:
a: it doesn't affect anyone else
b. it's not as bad as alcohol
c. it would keep people out of jail
Are not logical, compelling reasons for making it legal.
If you want to be compelling, find positives that it brings to people and tout those instead.
But if you do that, spare the the medicinal uses because that's a small percentage. Also, spare me the "it gives me an escape" or "relieves stress" lines because those can be found elsewhere.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
You cannot overdose on it. Impossible. There is no toxicity level.
All the potheads i know are scared to death of other drugs.
Because they're EDUCATED.
It's not a downward spiral, that's complete rubbish.
But, dude, in the Netherlands they have a very low rate of smokers (lower than the U.S.), mostly due to the fact that it is legal, it takes away that allure of "oooh, I'm doing something bad...I'm sooo cool." Holland still has not legalized hard drugs and they've been down with the herb for a long time now (not sure how long, but pretty sure a long time).
I do however, totally agree with you about the ridiculousness of current punishments...let's fill those prisons up shall we? then we can build more prisons!
Though it would be a step forward for the ecomony. Get that shit taxed, put dealer fucks outta business. Sorry I think it's really unfair that dealers don't have to pay taxes or really even do shit for a job if dealing is their life.
Life is too short to not try certain pleasurable things
Make it so people can get a clean on buzz legally without having to go to a dealer and support gang violence in their neighborhoods.
If someone wants to get high bad enough they'll find a away, legal or not. Not everyone is going to do it.. you're twisting the argument just so you can try to make fun of it.
Plus, drug use is almost always a victimless crime.. just a person or some people having fun.
Comparing it to murder is exactly what those 'scared old people' i referenced earlier do... and i mean it, it's exactly what they do and it's completely ridiculous to do so.
If I just smoke a joint (that I grew from seed) who did I just hurt? If I just murder someone who did I just hurt?
drug use (lower end drug use.. pot.. etc.. what we've been talking about) doesn't harm friends and families.
It can.. but it's not in any way a given that it will.. it's pretty rare, and usually results from 2 extremes living together (i.e. an anti-drug filmmaker who's son smokes weed every day in the house with him or something )
Actually, i've made a lot of good friends through pot, too.
Reefer madness man... i knew a guy that knew a guy that smoked a joint once, and immediately came down with mental illnesses like schitzo. and manic depression so he killed his parents with an axe!
Look, the only thing you're going to want to do high is eat, listen to music, and watch tv really. And if you do drive high, it's not like alcohol.. people can safely drive high fairly easily... it's not as safe as sober, don't get me wrong,.. but it's not like drunk driving. at all.
fuckin A, man - legalize the herb!! meanwhile it's perfectly legal to smoke a cigarette and drink a shot of scotch(both can kill you over time) but smoking a joint?? forget it. makes no sense.
There is a war on drugs because every kid and their brother is out on the streets selling the hard shit (crack, meth, Coke, and heroin in many cases).
People are buying it from them, some only buy weed but they still cast their vote on promoting their lifestyle. Drop out drug dealer youth of today....lovely
Take that power away from them. Let the common man cultivate herb in his own yard if he so chooses. Problem solved. Alcohol is a worse substance than pot. GMAFB. Alcohol is just as much or more of a gateway drug than anything.
Originally Posted by know1
I call BS. It DOES harm friends and families.
I know a TON of people who smoke openly (as in, their family knows) and it hasn't torn apart a single one.
If it's going to harm the family the people in it have to try to make it harm them.. As in, disagreeing with the act of smoking pot in general, and turning it into a problem.
The people who say that kind of stuff are often the furthest people away from the actual drug culture.
that's a pretty good start on arguments presented thus far.
Look, there are some obvious problems and obvious benefits to making pot legal. Legal or illegal, it can't be perfect. What I know is it helps me deal with my health and lead a better life. Without it I'd probably spend most nights and some days in bed and weigh 20lbs less than I do now. The way I look at it, if legalizing it gives more people like me the opportunity to lead happier lives at home it's worth it. It's not like I'm saying smoke a doobie before work or anything, I don't and would never.
My argument is that people should never be allowed to smoke it in public....never....ever......under no circumstances in public.
Your health is no more important than mine. Second-hand pot smoke is a severe deterrant to my good health. Face it. Pot is not good for everyone.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
And yes, i think a pot smoker is INNOCENT in every sense of the word possibly.
That's a bullshit law.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
People aren't stoned all the time.. the most harm that can come out of that is.. "oh you're high?.. alright" and if you don't want to talk to said person stoned.. "i'll talk to you later about this,.. call me when you sober up". If you're stoned at a time when you really shouldn't be (i dunno.. wedding?) than it's your fault not weed's.
That can't really hurt anyone.. since when does talking about how awesome Mike McCready is or how much you love chocolate hurting anyone? Have you ever even smoked before?
You set aside money for things you like to do. It's not a heroin habit here.. If you can't afford weed it's not the end of the world.
Again, if those things conflict, it's your own damn irresonsibility, not the weed.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
But I am there for them, I mostly smoke to medicate stomach problems. Everybody knows and nobody has a problem with it. The pot makes it easier for me to live my life, otherwise I spend it cradling a toilet. I have no problem listening or expressing emotions after a bowl.
Different maybe, hurtful never. Not sure what your poking at here. It's not like when I'm high and see my gf I say "Whoa baby, maybe its the drugs but you look fat" I think you are under the impression that when you are high you have no control over what comes out of your mouth, this is not true.
I only smoke in small amounts so a little goes a long way and I don't have kids. Also, I almost look at it as something I have to spend, like if I needed prescription pills. My gf encourages me to do whatever I need to in order to function as normally and happily as possible and if it takes $15 a week to do that, she's not suffering. I shower as much resources and attention on her as possible and if your wondering she doesn't smoke.
...still waiting on that example...
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
It obvious from your first statement that you've never tried herb much at all. Curious, how often do you get a buzz from alcohol?
So you see the very obvious reality of eliminating one (if not the) primary source of income for youth street gang violence, and killing, as no logical reasoning at all?
Don't be raggin all high an mighty on de herb mon....herb racists!
"dem don't know"
Mary Jane is an herb, that's not just slang ya know.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
The word tax is why I DONT want to see it legalized...I want to see it decriminalized...meaning only a small fine for possession...if it was to be legalized however I would like to see laws similar to brewing your own beer...I do not want to see the government become the would be bunk and would be high in costs....
Legalize the seeds and let people grow it. The only way. The government becoming the new dealer would be albeit somewhat better, however equally as insane in practice and in basic human rights.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
And yes, education is the most important thing.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
If someone is hurting someone - there are laws for that. If someone is neglecting their children - there are laws for that. If someone is driving under the influence - there are laws for that. In other words, there are a myriad of laws for when a person crosses the line and affects others.
What it comes down to for me is that I fail to see a valid reason for the state to incarcerate me for the sole reason of injesting a mind-altering substance they dissapprove of.
In my opinion, the prohibition of drugs has caused far more damage to society than legalization ever could.
Fuck the dealers. They don't have to pay taxes. Their job is to take care of their crop and sell it. They don't do shit really compared to everyone else, yet they are swimming in money. Fuck dealers in terms of economics. It's unfair.
I agree with the rest of your post.
I don't see any reason why I should drive the speed limit either. I'm a better driver than most and have never been in an accident.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
We get it, you don't like pot. What exactly is your objection to people who like to smoke? As long as we're not hurting anybody (a point I've tried to get accross on previous posts) what is your problem?
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
They make it harder to get a liscense, train you better, and punish you stricter.
But they allow a lot of room for speeds.
They have maybe the safest roads in the modern world.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
No you don't get it. I don't have anything against pot, although I don't have much respect for people who place such a high importance on it.
I'm also generally against the governmnet regulating anything...only the bare minimum.
All I'm saying is that your arguments for legalizing it are illogical.
(and once again, it is very naive to think that your actions do not affect others. Everyone's actions and even their thoughts affect other people)
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
And it is very closed minded to assume that because the action involves pot the effects on others around me are negative. In my case I could easily argue the opposite.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Take a look at my post you quoted. Did I say that all actions are negative? I just said, please don't use that "it doesn't affect anyone else" BS, please.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I don't have any. It makes no difference to me whether it's illegal or not. I haven't seen any real compelling or logical arguments on either side. And like I said, I generally like the government regulating as little as possible.
Take a look at the first post in this thread. It is essentially saying that since kids are abusing prescription drugs, we should make pot legal.
That's kind of like saying, since my hair is too long I should go fishing.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Plus, gov't regulated weed would probably bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues which can be used to fund schools, hospitals and any other gov't programs. The only downside I see it people abusing it, by driving, or doing other stupid things while under the influence of pot, but people do that now, if anything, higher prices will bring those numbers down. It's certainly a safer alternative than alcohol, which as we know, is very legal.
How relieving suffering and benefitting the economy isn't compelling or logical I don't understand.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
As I said earlier, my opinion is that more harm is being done by maintaining the current prohibition. It increases violence, criminalizes large numbers of people and has led to a general erosion of civil liberties.
that one isn't as stupid as your simile
There are good ones back there, including medical reasons (pro-con type stuff).
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I don't have any well-developed thoughts on the drug war.
I do know this - if it's illegal and there is serious jail time involved, I don't understand why people would risk that much just to get high. If a drug is that important to you, you've got a problem, in my opinion.
I also think that the statement about criminalizing large numbers of people doesn't make a lot of sense for two reasons. First of all, the very nature of a law is that people who break it are criminals. Secondly, the people still have a choice, therefore it's not the war or the law doing the criminalizing, but instead the people who choose to ignore the law.
Conversely, I would not oppose making it legal.
My whole thing is that these arguments:
a: it doesn't affect anyone else
b. it's not as bad as alcohol
c. it would keep people out of jail
Are not logical, compelling reasons for making it legal.
If you want to be compelling, find positives that it brings to people and tout those instead.
But if you do that, spare the the medicinal uses because that's a small percentage. Also, spare me the "it gives me an escape" or "relieves stress" lines because those can be found elsewhere.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
All the potheads i know are scared to death of other drugs.
Because they're EDUCATED.
It's not a downward spiral, that's complete rubbish.
But, dude, in the Netherlands they have a very low rate of smokers (lower than the U.S.), mostly due to the fact that it is legal, it takes away that allure of "oooh, I'm doing something bad...I'm sooo cool." Holland still has not legalized hard drugs and they've been down with the herb for a long time now (not sure how long, but pretty sure a long time).
I do however, totally agree with you about the ridiculousness of current punishments...let's fill those prisons up shall we? then we can build more prisons!
Though it would be a step forward for the ecomony. Get that shit taxed, put dealer fucks outta business. Sorry I think it's really unfair that dealers don't have to pay taxes or really even do shit for a job if dealing is their life.
Life is too short to not try certain pleasurable things
Make it so people can get a clean on buzz legally without having to go to a dealer and support gang violence in their neighborhoods.
If someone wants to get high bad enough they'll find a away, legal or not. Not everyone is going to do it.. you're twisting the argument just so you can try to make fun of it.
Plus, drug use is almost always a victimless crime.. just a person or some people having fun.
Comparing it to murder is exactly what those 'scared old people' i referenced earlier do... and i mean it, it's exactly what they do and it's completely ridiculous to do so.
If I just smoke a joint (that I grew from seed) who did I just hurt? If I just murder someone who did I just hurt?
drug use (lower end drug use.. pot.. etc.. what we've been talking about) doesn't harm friends and families.
It can.. but it's not in any way a given that it will.. it's pretty rare, and usually results from 2 extremes living together (i.e. an anti-drug filmmaker who's son smokes weed every day in the house with him or something )
Actually, i've made a lot of good friends through pot, too.
Reefer madness man... i knew a guy that knew a guy that smoked a joint once, and immediately came down with mental illnesses like schitzo. and manic depression so he killed his parents with an axe!
Look, the only thing you're going to want to do high is eat, listen to music, and watch tv really. And if you do drive high, it's not like alcohol.. people can safely drive high fairly easily... it's not as safe as sober, don't get me wrong,.. but it's not like drunk driving. at all.
fuckin A, man - legalize the herb!! meanwhile it's perfectly legal to smoke a cigarette and drink a shot of scotch(both can kill you over time) but smoking a joint?? forget it. makes no sense.
There is a war on drugs because every kid and their brother is out on the streets selling the hard shit (crack, meth, Coke, and heroin in many cases).
People are buying it from them, some only buy weed but they still cast their vote on promoting their lifestyle. Drop out drug dealer youth of today....lovely
Take that power away from them. Let the common man cultivate herb in his own yard if he so chooses. Problem solved. Alcohol is a worse substance than pot. GMAFB. Alcohol is just as much or more of a gateway drug than anything.
Originally Posted by know1
I call BS. It DOES harm friends and families.
I know a TON of people who smoke openly (as in, their family knows) and it hasn't torn apart a single one.
If it's going to harm the family the people in it have to try to make it harm them.. As in, disagreeing with the act of smoking pot in general, and turning it into a problem.
The people who say that kind of stuff are often the furthest people away from the actual drug culture.
that's a pretty good start on arguments presented thus far.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Your health is no more important than mine. Second-hand pot smoke is a severe deterrant to my good health. Face it. Pot is not good for everyone.