But if you do that, spare the the medicinal uses because that's a small percentage.
A small percentage because its not an option. Pot has been known to help people dealing with AIDS, cancer, glocolma, anxeity and stomach disorders. symptoms Hmm... suddenly the percentage doesnt seem so small does it?
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
A small percentage because its not an option. Pot has been known to help people dealing with AIDS, cancer, glocolma, anxeity and stomach disorders. symptoms Hmm... suddenly the percentage doesnt seem so small does it?
Yes it still seems small. Also, there are other legal medicines that help as well so it's not like pot is the only one.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I don't have any well-developed thoughts on the drug war.
I do know this - if it's illegal and there is serious jail time involved, I don't understand why people would risk that much just to get high. If a drug is that important to you, you've got a problem, in my opinion.
I also think that the statement about criminalizing large numbers of people doesn't make a lot of sense for two reasons. First of all, the very nature of a law is that people who break it are criminals. Secondly, the people still have a choice, therefore it's not the war or the law doing the criminalizing, but instead the people who choose to ignore the law.
Conversely, I would not oppose making it legal.
My whole thing is that these arguments:
a: it doesn't affect anyone else
b. it's not as bad as alcohol
c. it would keep people out of jail
Are not logical, compelling reasons for making it legal.
If you want to be compelling, find positives that it brings to people and tout those instead.
But if you do that, spare the the medicinal uses because that's a small percentage. Also, spare me the "it gives me an escape" or "relieves stress" lines because those can be found elsewhere.
A large number of people want it to be legal. It is a part of our lives and we would prefer not to be criminals. We break the law because it is an unjust law. We don't have "criminal" minds because we chose to break them. I would never lie, cheat, steal, injure or kill. I just want to take a little hit when I watch a movie, hang with friends or sit around and get in touch with god. For most people it is a beneficial experience to their perspective on life. I don't see what the problem is.
Why should it be illegal?
I'm guessing hemp is part of a differrent disscussion, but the stigma placed on such an efficient plant as that is one I'm sure you find ridiculas.
If you keep yourself as the final arbiter you will be less susceptible to infection from cultural illusion.
My argument is that people should never be allowed to smoke it in public....never....ever......under no circumstances in public.
Your health is no more important than mine. Second-hand pot smoke is a severe deterrant to my good health. Face it. Pot is not good for everyone.
I agree with you about 100% here. People should never be allowed to smoke anything, cigarettes included in a public place where it could harm somebody else and I personally am very careful about that.
Of course its not good for everyone, what may be right for you may not be right for some. I'd never try to force it on anybody that is for sure. It's simply my opinion that some people could benefit from being able to aquire it leagally. You won't get any argument from me there.
Bars must be hell for you :(
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Catching a show in a bar, where smoking is allowed, equals at least a day of bed rest. :(
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Well then, I guess I can't convince you of pots medicinal benefits. No hard feelings, a fun debate on an otherwise unneventful day
Nope..you can't. "Medical marijuana" is definitely about the "marijuana" and not about the "medical".
You can't tell me that you all who want it legalized would be happy with it being legal just for specific medicinal purposes. Also, you can't tell me that if there was another medicine that was just as good on the symptoms, but without the high that you'd use that instead.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
No you don't get it. I don't have anything against pot, although I don't have much respect for people who place such a high importance on it.
I'm also generally against the governmnet regulating anything...only the bare minimum.
All I'm saying is that your arguments for legalizing it are illogical.
(and once again, it is very naive to think that your actions do not affect others. Everyone's actions and even their thoughts affect other people)
know1, I'm going to have to disagree with your sig again Why exactly is it illogical then? I'd love to hear this. Man you already lost this argument before it started.
My argument is that people should never be allowed to smoke it in public....never....ever......under no circumstances in public.
Your health is no more important than mine. Second-hand pot smoke is a severe deterrant to my good health. Face it. Pot is not good for everyone.
Omg I think you need some meds from the sound of it. Are you one of those "you can't smoke ever!!! ...even if it outdoors" people? Oh my god get a grip already lady ...save yourself before it's just too late...
The air is so full of shit a couple joints/cigs every now and again will not take another day off your life.
Wrong answer.............you go straight to jail and do not collect $200. That's one of the problems with you pot smokers........"Man, pot is so good......it does not harm a soul" wrong.........wrong..........wrong..........wrong.......wrong....
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Wrong answer.............you go straight to jail and do not collect $200. That's one of the problems with you pot smokers........"Man, pot is so good......it does not harm a soul" wrong.........wrong..........wrong..........wrong.......wrong....
Which is utterly ridiculous to goto jail for a smoke...thankfully my country does not wrongly punish innocent behaviour....
Wrong answer.............you go straight to jail and do not collect $200. That's one of the problems with you pot smokers........"Man, pot is so good......it does not harm a soul" wrong.........wrong..........wrong..........wrong.......wrong....
Nope..you can't. "Medical marijuana" is definitely about the "marijuana" and not about the "medical".
You can't tell me that you all who want it legalized would be happy with it being legal just for specific medicinal purposes. Also, you can't tell me that if there was another medicine that was just as good on the symptoms, but without the high that you'd use that instead.
There are actually many cases where marijana is the only thing that works compared to the other drugs.
I'm not a supporter of legalization for medicinal purposes only, I just think it's a plain silly law!
I support legalization to grow it for personal use.
Why should it be illegal? Anyone have an answer?
We, who want it legalized, just want all your support on this issue. We want other drugs out of peoples hands.
But to put Marijana in the same catagory as any other drug takes away from the impact of that important message.
If it would be allowed to be grown for personal use we all save tons of money. For the buyers/users and less prisons/jails and police time. We would also eliminate "the dealer" coming in contact with people, so exposure and access to bad drugs would be eliminated.
Why should it be illegal? Anyone have an answer?
If you keep yourself as the final arbiter you will be less susceptible to infection from cultural illusion.
There are actually many cases where marijana is the only thing that works compared to the other drugs.
Why should it be illegal? Anyone have an answer?
I find it amusing that people who have the least experience with drugs always talk like they know the most. Given their mindsets it does not surprise me.
Have any of these people looked at the effects of prohibition back in the 1920's? They prohibited the sale of alcohol. It created a huge underground network of alcohol selling mafia killers aka "The Mafia" that extorted the entire retail sector became so rediculously powerful it's ongoing legacy can be seen everywhere to this day.
What happened when they took the ban off liquor and legalized it? The gangs withered out.
If you could grow herb to get high at home, you wouldn't need to use coke or meth heroin etc..
I would also bet that new cases of heroin and crack use would go down. Take away the dealers.
The cops can;t do this ever. The people themselves have to eliminate the need for them if there is any chance of doing it.
Everyone that gets a harder drug, usually gets it from their weed dealer. That guy either sells crack and heroin, or he knows someone who does. If you're not there to buy weed from a dealer in the first place......get it?
"now let's get talking reefer madness
like some arrogant government can't
by any stretch of the imagination
outlaw a plant
yes, their supposed authority over nature
is a dream
c'mon people
we've got to come clean"
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
watch MJ man demonstrate the "Vapo Genie" (at 14:00 mins)
now that's some classic post Cheech & Chong era shit right there...
The dude is hooting on pure THC trichomes (resin heads). Check out his reaction!....ha...lol classic. There's not supposed to be any smoke but he toked it so hard...bwaa haaaa...
It's a very misunderstood herb. It's was previously thought to be related to the mulberry/hacklberry plants, and more recently hops plant which is used in beer if anyone didn't know that. Cannabis is now placed in the Rosales family order:
Rosales include: roses; strawberries, blackberries and raspberries; apples and pears; plums, peaches and apricots; almonds; rowan and hawthorn; elms; figs; nettles; and hops and cannabis.
A short story on the medical side of this.....My dad suffers from cronic pain in his back. A bad fall 20 years ago that no amount of surgery and morphine can really take care of. Now the morphine pump was put in about 6 years ago, and the dose just keeps getting bigger after every visit to the Doc. To put in his words "Son. All this shit sucks. I feel the best when I can sit around a talk to my indina brothers" All that fancy medicine and a plain old smoke helps bring it all into focus for a bit.
Nope..you can't. "Medical marijuana" is definitely about the "marijuana" and not about the "medical".
That's a point I'll argue. Many other medicines that marijuana could be used as an alternative to give you a high. An example I'll use is morphine. Morphine, like marijuana can be used as a pain killer and they both give you a high of sorts. For some people, morphine and many other pain killing drugs can cause naseau and a variety of other side effects. It is also known to be a highly addictive substance. Marijuna can kill the same pain but without the side effects or the dependance.
It is not about legalizing it to replace other medicines, because other medicines are obviously already there. It's about an alternative to medicines. It's also a hell of a lot more natural for your body than most prescription drugs.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Wrong answer.............you go straight to jail and do not collect $200. That's one of the problems with you pot smokers........"Man, pot is so good......it does not harm a soul" wrong.........wrong..........wrong..........wrong.......wrong....
I'll correct you kindly sir, that is the problem with CERTAIN pot smokers. There are some very courteous fellows out there .
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Omg I think you need some meds from the sound of it. Are you one of those "you can't smoke ever!!! ...even if it outdoors" people? Oh my god get a grip already lady ...save yourself before it's just too late...
Man I'm on the legalize it front but that is not right. Some people have very serious smoke allergies and it's not all about how much smoke there is, it can be even just the smell. Like that kid everyone had in their class that couldn't even take the smell of peanut butter. It is important to the pot smoking population to be respectful of the non-smoking population because when respect is shown, respect is given.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Which is utterly ridiculous to goto jail for a smoke...thankfully my country does not wrongly punish innocent behaviour....
The "go to jail" reference is only a reference to the game Monopoly........if someone was spraying the air that you were breathing with something that made you physically ill, would you not protest their activity??????
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Man I'm on the legalize it front but that is not right. Some people have very serious smoke allergies and it's not all about how much smoke there is, it can be even just the smell. Like that kid everyone had in their class that couldn't even take the smell of peanut butter. It is important to the pot smoking population to be respectful of the non-smoking population because when respect is shown, respect is given.
You know that saying that if your kids's are allergic to peanut butter and jelly sanwiches...well, perhaps they just aint gonna make it ......(in a public school).
Wear a mask outdoors if you cant cope even to that level. How much car exhaust do you inhale walking down the street? It doesn't appear to bother the vast majority of seemingly normal people in this way? Not exercising can be the equivalent to smoking a half pack to a full pack of cigarettes per day. That scenario is progressive as well. If you are more unhealthy and you don't do cardio, the effects are amplified. Then there is diet ....Hoh-boy.
Outdoors is outdoors... It's like you're saying "hey you don't deserve to even breathe my air"...frankly......Shaadaap!! ....it's rediculous, you're just gonna paint yourself a hater...
are you gonna bitch at me because I light a campfire and drink beer too? Grr I'd have some hack, slash, and turn ya around quick shit ready in layers in person in that environment I shut down losers at teh boat launch all the time. there is an in and an out ramp. I come in on the out ramp when there is absolutely no lineup just to see if the guys is cool and get's his ride wet, or he bitches. I just retort back...ya dude there's no line...so big deal...take your pick. 99 percent of the time the guy just crumbles speechless dumbfounded. I often come in to dock up at specific times. I love smart people, it's the the dense stubborn that rub me like rubbing crushed glass onto the surface my brain.
Nope..you can't. "Medical marijuana" is definitely about the "marijuana" and not about the "medical".
You can't tell me that you all who want it legalized would be happy with it being legal just for specific medicinal purposes. Also, you can't tell me that if there was another medicine that was just as good on the symptoms, but without the high that you'd use that instead.
I disagree, I know several people who suffer from Fibromyalgia(sp) and THC is the only drug that alleviates the issues for them without serious side effects, they've tried everything else.
It's also effective for glaucoma and other serious ailments. It dosen't have to be smoked, but our government won't allow any research on it at all.
Which is interesting, we can use all sorts of other hard narcotics to treat ailments in the hospital, but god forbid they work with THC. Because Oxycontin is just so appealing.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
A small percentage because its not an option. Pot has been known to help people dealing with AIDS, cancer, glocolma, anxeity and stomach disorders. symptoms Hmm... suddenly the percentage doesnt seem so small does it?
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Yes it still seems small. Also, there are other legal medicines that help as well so it's not like pot is the only one.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
A large number of people want it to be legal. It is a part of our lives and we would prefer not to be criminals. We break the law because it is an unjust law. We don't have "criminal" minds because we chose to break them. I would never lie, cheat, steal, injure or kill. I just want to take a little hit when I watch a movie, hang with friends or sit around and get in touch with god. For most people it is a beneficial experience to their perspective on life. I don't see what the problem is.
Why should it be illegal?
I'm guessing hemp is part of a differrent disscussion, but the stigma placed on such an efficient plant as that is one I'm sure you find ridiculas.
I agree with you about 100% here. People should never be allowed to smoke anything, cigarettes included in a public place where it could harm somebody else and I personally am very careful about that.
Of course its not good for everyone, what may be right for you may not be right for some. I'd never try to force it on anybody that is for sure. It's simply my opinion that some people could benefit from being able to aquire it leagally. You won't get any argument from me there.
Bars must be hell for you :(
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Well then, I guess I can't convince you of pots medicinal benefits. No hard feelings, a fun debate on an otherwise unneventful day
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
The air is so full of shit a couple joints/cigs every now and again will not take another day off your life.
Nope..you can't. "Medical marijuana" is definitely about the "marijuana" and not about the "medical".
You can't tell me that you all who want it legalized would be happy with it being legal just for specific medicinal purposes. Also, you can't tell me that if there was another medicine that was just as good on the symptoms, but without the high that you'd use that instead.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
And it shows!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
know1, I'm going to have to disagree with your sig again
So whe are going to admit it eh? lol
Omg I think you need some meds from the sound of it. Are you one of those "you can't smoke ever!!! ...even if it outdoors" people? Oh my god get a grip already lady
Which is utterly ridiculous to goto jail for a smoke...thankfully my country does not wrongly punish innocent behaviour....
prozac colada anyone?
There are actually many cases where marijana is the only thing that works compared to the other drugs.
I'm not a supporter of legalization for medicinal purposes only, I just think it's a plain silly law!
I support legalization to grow it for personal use.
Why should it be illegal? Anyone have an answer?
We, who want it legalized, just want all your support on this issue. We want other drugs out of peoples hands.
But to put Marijana in the same catagory as any other drug takes away from the impact of that important message.
If it would be allowed to be grown for personal use we all save tons of money. For the buyers/users and less prisons/jails and police time. We would also eliminate "the dealer" coming in contact with people, so exposure and access to bad drugs would be eliminated.
Why should it be illegal? Anyone have an answer?
They're trying to build a prison,
Following the rights movements
You clamped on with your iron fists,
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids,
Following the rights movements
You clamped on with your iron fists,
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids,
I buy my crack, I smack my bitch,
Right here in Hollywood,
Nearly 2 million Americans are incarcerated
In the prison system, prison system,
Prison system of the U.S.
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich,
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich,
I buy my crack, I smack my bitch,
Right here in Hollywood,
The percentage of Americans in the prison system
Prison system, has doubled since 1985,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
For you and me,
Oh baby, you and me.
All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased,
And law enforcement decreased,
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences,
All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased,
And law enforcement decreased,
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.
Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world,
Drugs are now your global policy,
Now you police the globe,
I buy my crack, I smack my bitch,
Right here in Hollywood,
Drug money is used to rig elections,
And train brutal corporate sponsored
Dictators around the world.
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
For you and me,
Oh baby, you and me.
I find it amusing that people who have the least experience with drugs always talk like they know the most. Given their mindsets it does not surprise me.
Have any of these people looked at the effects of prohibition back in the 1920's? They prohibited the sale of alcohol. It created a huge underground network of alcohol selling mafia killers aka "The Mafia" that extorted the entire retail sector became so rediculously powerful it's ongoing legacy can be seen everywhere to this day.
What happened when they took the ban off liquor and legalized it? The gangs withered out.
If you could grow herb to get high at home, you wouldn't need to use coke or meth heroin etc..
I would also bet that new cases of heroin and crack use would go down. Take away the dealers.
The cops can;t do this ever. The people themselves have to eliminate the need for them if there is any chance of doing it.
Everyone that gets a harder drug, usually gets it from their weed dealer. That guy either sells crack and heroin, or he knows someone who does. If you're not there to buy weed from a dealer in the first place......get it?
like some arrogant government can't
by any stretch of the imagination
outlaw a plant
yes, their supposed authority over nature
is a dream
c'mon people
we've got to come clean"
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Reefer Madness
History of Marijuana Narrated by Woody Harrelson.
also watch at 6 mins 50 seconds...
now that's some classic post Cheech & Chong era shit right there...
The dude is hooting on pure THC trichomes (resin heads). Check out his reaction!....ha...lol classic. There's not supposed to be any smoke but he toked it so hard...bwaa haaaa...
he recovered well though, he remained standing, and talking (coherently)....
Rosales include: roses; strawberries, blackberries and raspberries; apples and pears; plums, peaches and apricots; almonds; rowan and hawthorn; elms; figs; nettles; and hops and cannabis.
That's a point I'll argue. Many other medicines that marijuana could be used as an alternative to give you a high. An example I'll use is morphine. Morphine, like marijuana can be used as a pain killer and they both give you a high of sorts. For some people, morphine and many other pain killing drugs can cause naseau and a variety of other side effects. It is also known to be a highly addictive substance. Marijuna can kill the same pain but without the side effects or the dependance.
It is not about legalizing it to replace other medicines, because other medicines are obviously already there. It's about an alternative to medicines. It's also a hell of a lot more natural for your body than most prescription drugs.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
I'll correct you kindly sir, that is the problem with CERTAIN pot smokers. There are some very courteous fellows out there
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Man I'm on the legalize it front but that is not right. Some people have very serious smoke allergies and it's not all about how much smoke there is, it can be even just the smell. Like that kid everyone had in their class that couldn't even take the smell of peanut butter. It is important to the pot smoking population to be respectful of the non-smoking population because when respect is shown, respect is given.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
You know that saying that if your kids's are allergic to peanut butter and jelly sanwiches...well, perhaps they just aint gonna make it ......(in a public school).
Wear a mask outdoors if you cant cope even to that level. How much car exhaust do you inhale walking down the street? It doesn't appear to bother the vast majority of seemingly normal people in this way? Not exercising can be the equivalent to smoking a half pack to a full pack of cigarettes per day. That scenario is progressive as well. If you are more unhealthy and you don't do cardio, the effects are amplified. Then there is diet ....Hoh-boy.
Outdoors is outdoors... It's like you're saying "hey you don't deserve to even breathe my air"...frankly......Shaadaap!!
are you gonna bitch at me because I light a campfire and drink beer too? Grr I'd have some hack, slash, and turn ya around quick shit ready in layers in person in that environment
I disagree, I know several people who suffer from Fibromyalgia(sp) and THC is the only drug that alleviates the issues for them without serious side effects, they've tried everything else.
It's also effective for glaucoma and other serious ailments. It dosen't have to be smoked, but our government won't allow any research on it at all.
Which is interesting, we can use all sorts of other hard narcotics to treat ailments in the hospital, but god forbid they work with THC. Because Oxycontin is just so appealing.