Rx, meth, coke problems? Legalize the herb!!!

This morning as I got ready for work there was a story on ABC's GMA talking about the latest epidemic facing our youths...Rx drug abuse, and the addictions and/or deadly overdoses due to it.
The fact is that it's much easier for them to get their hands on Rx drugs, "OTC" drugs, household cleaning products, booze, even meth and crack in a lot of areas of the country, than it is to get a hold of God's own good green herb!!!
All these goodie goodie (and sadly, former "hippies" probably) soccer moms are freaking out and are going to march to Capitol Hill to protest Rx drugs. Well, I feel for you losses, but perhaps you should have been more forthright with your kid and explained the obvious hazards of swigging down a bottle of cough syrup mixed with an Rx narcotic!
I'm 33, a father of 2 girls under 26 months old, and an infrequent pot smoker. And you know what...I always will be, and I'm proud of that.
As far as how to breach the subject to kids...my parents never admitted to it, nor have I ever asked them, nor have they ever came right out and asked me if I've ever used marijuana. Even after finding a bong in my little sisters travel bag, they chose the "don't ask, don't tell" route, and only occassionally made the "don't do drugs" comment as we drove back to college after a weekend at home. Meanwhile, I almost used up my 9 lives from age 18 through the college years (actually through a year ago
) with VERY unsafe alcohol induced situations.
How about being more open with kids??? Don't they deserve to know the truth? Or does every hypocrite past pot smoking parent over 40 still denounce the evils of ALL drugs?
Fuck that. I understand you don't want to be known as the "cool" parents who encourage and even provide pot to their kids, but there are worse things in life to be labeled. At least tell them the facts and hey...if they're 18 and want to get high, then give them a fucking joint every now and then if they do their chores!
I'll never forget the evening after my sister's graduation party (my bro was 23 and I was 25), when my mom forced a couple of our friends to drive home inebriated late at night versus letting them crash. Smart Mom...real fucking smart.
How about this "controversial" way to lower overdoses and drunk driving related deaths...FUCKING LEGALIZE PERSONAL MARIJUANA PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN ALL FORMS FOR EVERYONE OVER THE AGE OF 18!!!
Those old school idiots who run our country, who were born prior to 1950 and never got into the "hippie" revolution of the 60's, need to step aside and let the younger generations fix our nation by picking our battles and advocating safe use of marijuana versus the highly unsafe use of other chemically enhanced or produced drugs or alcohol.
Let's change this sick nation one crack baby at a time!!! I'd much rather have a nation of chilled out slackers with cases of the munchies, than a bunch of drunks and Rx, meth, and coke dependent crack heads popping out more addicted kids than they can count.
The fact is that it's much easier for them to get their hands on Rx drugs, "OTC" drugs, household cleaning products, booze, even meth and crack in a lot of areas of the country, than it is to get a hold of God's own good green herb!!!
All these goodie goodie (and sadly, former "hippies" probably) soccer moms are freaking out and are going to march to Capitol Hill to protest Rx drugs. Well, I feel for you losses, but perhaps you should have been more forthright with your kid and explained the obvious hazards of swigging down a bottle of cough syrup mixed with an Rx narcotic!
I'm 33, a father of 2 girls under 26 months old, and an infrequent pot smoker. And you know what...I always will be, and I'm proud of that.
As far as how to breach the subject to kids...my parents never admitted to it, nor have I ever asked them, nor have they ever came right out and asked me if I've ever used marijuana. Even after finding a bong in my little sisters travel bag, they chose the "don't ask, don't tell" route, and only occassionally made the "don't do drugs" comment as we drove back to college after a weekend at home. Meanwhile, I almost used up my 9 lives from age 18 through the college years (actually through a year ago

How about being more open with kids??? Don't they deserve to know the truth? Or does every hypocrite past pot smoking parent over 40 still denounce the evils of ALL drugs?
Fuck that. I understand you don't want to be known as the "cool" parents who encourage and even provide pot to their kids, but there are worse things in life to be labeled. At least tell them the facts and hey...if they're 18 and want to get high, then give them a fucking joint every now and then if they do their chores!
I'll never forget the evening after my sister's graduation party (my bro was 23 and I was 25), when my mom forced a couple of our friends to drive home inebriated late at night versus letting them crash. Smart Mom...real fucking smart.
How about this "controversial" way to lower overdoses and drunk driving related deaths...FUCKING LEGALIZE PERSONAL MARIJUANA PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN ALL FORMS FOR EVERYONE OVER THE AGE OF 18!!!
Those old school idiots who run our country, who were born prior to 1950 and never got into the "hippie" revolution of the 60's, need to step aside and let the younger generations fix our nation by picking our battles and advocating safe use of marijuana versus the highly unsafe use of other chemically enhanced or produced drugs or alcohol.
Let's change this sick nation one crack baby at a time!!! I'd much rather have a nation of chilled out slackers with cases of the munchies, than a bunch of drunks and Rx, meth, and coke dependent crack heads popping out more addicted kids than they can count.
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2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
Post edited by Unknown User on
Well if it's just as illegal in my living room as it is in the park why bother smoking indoors.
Wasn't the exact same argument made against cigarette smoke - and wasn't their then laws passed to limit non-smokers inhalation - basically everywhere that's public - at least in New York and California there are.
This might be one of the worst anti-pot arguments I've heard, I'm sorry that people smoking has made you ill in the past, but I think most pot smokers would respect the laws as well as current cigarette smokers do, if they were given legal boundaries but were still able to enjoy their drug of choice.
Because there is somewhat of an ability to get high if surrounded by enough pot smoke, it would probably only be allowed at people's homes.
Then stay out of my house on weekend nights and bring gas masks to concerts and you'll never have to worry about it, at least from me.
"Allergic" huh? Let me guess, you're "allergic" to alcohol too, and you were "allergic" to sex until at least your "blissfull" honeymoon, right?
Try it...you may just like it.
By the way, I was allergic to cats, but after owning two of them, I quickly got over my allergies, and now I'm a cat lover.
Sorry...if I'm coming off harsh, but you anti marijuana people are really pieces of work.
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
Your father is a smart, honest, and courageous man. If only more people could be like him when it comes to that topic.
Although, as far as "not trying anything"...I must say I don't regret my dabbling in the magic mushrooms during college!
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
I think the boundaries should be similar to alcohol or cigarettes laws...no smoking and driving, no smoking in highly populated public places, no smoking if you're under 18, no smoking in most indoor establishments, etc.
If it was legalized I'd hope a new market of "coffee house" bars like they have in Amsterdam would be legal and open. Either that or have seperate outdoor "herb" sections, cigarette sections, and one combined section for people who want to smoke outside at bars.
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
Plus legalizing marijuana will basically get people to start smoking it, and getting physically in need of it, and then will try more satisfying drugs later. It's a downward spiral.
I smoke weed now and then, but legalizing it is a mistake.
Mary Jane needs to be legal for countless reasons... That's a pretty good one.
Kids are still going to destroy themselves with that stuff though.. it's part of the human nature. EDUCATE THEM. Don't punish them or make other things illegal..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
No.......not allergic to booze........never allergic to sex
You are the kettle calling the pot black (the pieces of work comment)............"Try it....you may just like it". Brillant argument.............were you on the debate team........Allergic means allergic.....why do I want to try something that swells my eyes shut.......fills my respiratory system with mucus????
Cmon, you've seen those tv commercials..
Some of them think the world will end by the hand of pot.
by the way, he's allergic to the smoke which EVERYBODY is... it's not really an allergy.. it's just irritating in general.
Remember the first time you smoked? Didn't you get a sore throat?
Don't smoke at shows... smoke outside, smoke before.. whatever.. just don't make everyone around you leave with a cold.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
That's a terrible generalization. I smoke pot, but whenever I'm around people I always ask if the smoke bothers anybody and will always go outside to smoke. It's just common courtesy whether you are smoking pot or cigarrettes. I never ever just light up anywhere and know many people who are the same. I care about other peoples health, and I also care about my own. It's very rare that I even use it for recreation these days, I need get temporary relief from stomach problems that I don't get from prescription medicines, and even then I go to my car or outside. I'm sorry you've had some bad experiences but where I'm from that is simply not the case. People who smoke pot are not uncaring jerks, we are just people and many of us are very accomodating.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
if someone does that to you it's not because he smokes weed, it's because he's a jackass.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
People against the legalization of marijuana are (a) miseducated about it or (b) have a political agenda against it...that's it (or you're a prohibitionist-read: asshole-and think it all shoud be illegal). Disagree all you want, but sometimes you must accept that you are wrong on a particular issue.
You cannot overdose on it. Impossible. There is no toxicity level.
Food, Fuel, Fiber, Fun.
Of course, marijuana will not solve all the world's problems, but it will surely solve more that ritalin, zoloft, crank, etc...(insert other man made chemical 'solution' here)...it is a good step in the right direction for many of the world's problems, but no, it will not solve them all.
Ganja Weed for Janjaweed! (let's mellow those f'rs out!)
I am neither A nor B and I am against it. Read my previous post for my reasonings. In addition, I think the punishment for possession is ridiculous. A slap on the wrist would be better punishment.
Because they're EDUCATED.
It's not a downward spiral, that's complete rubbish.
Plus, did anyone mention that legalizing all drugs might help fight urban decay by reducing crime?
Same thing that happened with alcohol and the mob in the 20's has happened with other drugs now.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Hit the nail on the head!
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
As to Pearl Jam and toast comments.........I am allergic to pot smoke....not just an irritant. Tobacco smoke=irritant...no, I have never smoked tobacco because it is so irritating to my system.
But, dude, in the Netherlands they have a very low rate of smokers (lower than the U.S.), mostly due to the fact that it is legal, it takes away that allure of "oooh, I'm doing something bad...I'm sooo cool." Holland still has not legalized hard drugs and they've been down with the herb for a long time now (not sure how long, but pretty sure a long time).
I do however, totally agree with you about the ridiculousness of current punishments...let's fill those prisons up shall we? then we can build more prisons! AND MORE and MORE! BWHAHAHAHA!!!
Most hard drug users are uneducated. I'm educated and totally in fear of acid, which I tried by the way a couple times just because... I'm afraid of nearly every other drug too.
I think it is a downward spiral, so let's not argue on it - we won't change each other's minds.
Legalizing drugs may reduce crime. But would you want a people to readily be able to buy speed or coke or meth or heroin? People do stupid shit when they're messed up so who knows really???
I agree on the alcohol bit.
I agree with you here. Make it legal, no devience factor pushing you to try. But Americans are different so we don't know if our society would react/act the same.
i dunno.
i don't have it all figured out of course, i was just throwing that in there.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
It's a tricky subject so you gotta look at everything! Question everything and when you think you have it figured out, question more.
in relation to that, it should be noted that those european places like Holland have incomparibly lower crime and impaired-driving rates than the Us.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Americans aren't the brightest crayons in the box most times
Though it would be a step forward for the ecomony. Get that shit taxed, put dealer fucks outta business. Sorry I think it's really unfair that dealers don't have to pay taxes or really even do shit for a job if dealing is their life.
Even a slap on the wrist is too harsh...while it's illegal, if one is caught with a personal use amount, the officer should simply tell them to smoke it in the privacy of their own home.
To me, smoking pot is no worse than doing 5 miles over the speed limit on a highway, as long as you do it safely and respect other people's "right" to breathe their boring clean air. So like doing 5 miles over, the pot smoking penalty should be the same...which is NOTHING...turn the other cheek officers!
By the way...one of these days I'll have to ask my buddy cop next door how he feels about it.
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
They should put you in Yate's old jail cell.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I know we share similar views, but I've been meaning to point out that I'm offended by the "pothead" or "druggie" label, and I wondered if anyone else was? I am by no means any of the two. I am a successfull white collar father of two who occassionally favors a certain natural herb over alcohol. So from here on out, we shall be known only as "Herb Intakers."
I don't know about legalizing ALL drugs at this time, but pot and mushrooms for sure. Our country needs to take small steps, and if we legalize crack and dangerous drugs like that the same day we legalize marijuana...I think that will defeat the purpose of legalinzing marijuana.
But I like your theory.
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
I think it would be abused for a while, and then it would die down. I know many people who are totally against pot, and they wouldn't do it anyway.