I don't know about that. To be honest it sounds a bit illogical to me. Ok, fair enough if you're opposed to tobacco smoking and the companies that distribute tobacco. Regardless of how you feel about smoking being a choice that people make, and the fact that most smokers actually quite enjoy smoking, I don't understand how it makes a difference to boycott food brands that are owned by the same corporation. Its not like the profits from the food sales are used to promote smoking, because its illegal to advertise tobacco products. So how does it help? (I don't smoke by the way)
buying products owned by tobacco companies IS supporting the tobacco industry.the parent company is a tobacco company. it's not a difficult concept to understand.
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i just need to say
I also think we should all be more aware of the way in which the cocao bean is harvested by child slave labor.
Not all.. but yes, be aware... not only that, but also that mega corporations are giving a fair salary/price for the work/products. By Fair Trade when you can, whether it's chocolate, fruit, coffee, sugar, etc. Ethical buying is not always easy but do what you can...
I don't know about that. To be honest it sounds a bit illogical to me. Ok, fair enough if you're opposed to tobacco smoking and the companies that distribute tobacco. Regardless of how you feel about smoking being a choice that people make, and the fact that most smokers actually quite enjoy smoking, I don't understand how it makes a difference to boycott food brands that are owned by the same corporation. Its not like the profits from the food sales are used to promote smoking, because its illegal to advertise tobacco products. So how does it help? (I don't smoke by the way)
Sorry scott, I know this wasn't directed at me, but I did just want to tell you about me.
I quit smoking in 2000. One of the motivating factors for me, aside from the health ones, was that I was really mad at myself for giving money to big business organizations that have lied and connived. I wanted to not be supporting them financially. I also wanted to improve my health. And I wanted to not be contributing to the environmental nightmare that is smoking.
Not funding them was a very big motivator for me.
When I discovered that by buying cheese slices or Vegemite I was still funding the very organizations that I had opposed, I was really pissed off.
And I stopped buying all Kraft products.
I confess to purchasing Vegemite since I started smoking again, but believe me, when I quit smoking the Vegemite is going too.
well ryan that is stupid. i love chocolate and i can give it up if i so please, so i am not an addict. and i am not obese, so screw that idea.
Health and medical information for consumers, quality assured by the Victorian government (Australia).
Chocolate has a long history as a favoured food of many cultures, including Aztec and Mayan. Today, chocolate is considered a luxury food that should be eaten sparingly as it can contribute to migraines, acne and obesity.
Fat - varies, but generally about 30 per cent fat, of which about 50 per cent is saturated fat. Sugars - varies, but often about 50 per cent.
Specific foods do not cause obesity. Overeating in general, along with inactivity, are the main culprits. If a person regularly eats more food than their body needs, they will store the excess energy as body fat. Chocolate is energy dense, which means it contains high levels of kilojoules for its weight - approximately 2,200kJ per 100g.
Regularly eating energy-dense foods can be a fast way to gain excess weight, but it would be wrong to say that regularly eating chocolate will lead to obesity.
A person with a healthy diet and lifestyle can safely eat chocolate in moderation without fear of weight gain. Traditional Mexican cuisine uses dark chocolate in savoury white meat and vegetable dishes. Chocolate eaten this way has a lower energy density (which is desirable if watching your weight) because it is being ‘diluted’ by the less energy-dense vegetables and meat. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Chocolate?OpenDocument
ok, now, the addiction
Chocolate contains a variety of substances, some of which are addictive . These include:
Sugar: Chocolate bars (as opposed to cocoa) contain large amounts of sugar.
Theobromine: This is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate[22], and is one of the causes for chocolate's mood-elevating effects. This mild stimulant belongs to the methylxanthine family, which also includes the similar compound caffeine, with which theobromine is frequently confused.
Anandamide: An endogenous cannabinoid.
Tryptophan: An essential amino acid that is a precursor to serotonin, an important neurotransmitter involved in regulating moods.
Phenethylamine: An endogenous amphetamine. Often described as a 'love chemical'. However, it is quickly metabolized by the enzyme MAO-B, preventing significant concentrations from reaching the brain. It can cause endorphin releases in the brain.[14]
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Random chocolate fact of the day: Did you know that you can calculate the speed of light using chocolate and your microwave?
Simply take a very big slab of chocolate and trim to the size of your microwave. Remove turntable and place choc in microwave. Hit it with a few blasts for 10 seconds until it just begins to melt. The melting will occur in bands, hot spots where the microwave 'peaks' overlap. The distance between these will be 1/4 of the wavelength. So multiply the distance between the melted bands by 4, and then multiply that mumber by the frequency (written on the back of the microwave) to get the speed of light.
Then lick the microwave clean- unless of course you have the waxy imitation style chocolate...
thanks for the info ryan. but did you read my thread? i said I am not an addict and that I am not obese. i never said chocolate wasn't addictive or that it didnt cause obesity.
what was stupid is attaching such a high price to a chocolate bar. i admit i wasn't too clear on that. but now you know. and so i repeat, screw that idea.
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i just need to say
Not all.. but yes, be aware... not only that, but also that mega corporations are giving a fair salary/price for the work/products. By Fair Trade when you can, whether it's chocolate, fruit, coffee, sugar, etc.
Yes, I only found out about this recently redrock. Much to my shame.
I have had Fair Trade coffee before. But I'm thinking that I'm not doing nearly enough personally to be aware of the ramifications of my purchases.
I guess I've been caught up in the environmental and health factors with regards to food as well as trying to support local manufacturing. It's a mine field each and everytime I go to the supermarket.
But I am intending very soon, to get organized a wee bit more and get myself supporting all of these things to the very best of my ability.
thanks for the info ryan. but did you read my thread? i said I am not an addict and that I am not obese. i never said chocolate wasn't addictive or that it didnt cause obesity.
what was stupid is attaching such a high price to a chocolate bar. i admit i wasn't too clear on that. but now you know. and so i repeat, screw that idea.
I know that, and I'm not addicted to smoking and my lungs are fine. Smokes shouldn't be $9/pack either.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
By the way a chocolate 'craving' is chocolate withdrawal.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I know that, and I'm not addicted to smoking and my lungs are fine. Smokes shouldn't be $9/pack either.
disagree. smoking kills people. there is a direct correlation betweeen the two. true not everyone who smokes dies but the numbers are enough to warrant the high price.
and as to the high price of cigarettes. it's more profits for the tobacco companies so no one will ever lower it.
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Now that, sailor, is a damn good question !!
MInd you, she just said she was a vegetarian, which is totally weird to me. I would die within a week if I gave up meat. Die, I say, Die !!
Consider that Vegemite is made from teh scum off teh top of beer vats.
Yeast extract indeed, we've been falling for that for generations !!
disagree. smoking kills people. there is a direct correlation betweeen the two. true not everyone who smokes dies but the numbers are enough to warrant the high price.
and as to the high price of cigarettes. it's more profits for the tobacco companies so no one will ever lower it.
Actually, smoking kiills evryone sooner. An average of 15yrs actually. The last bloke I told that to was dead in 4 weeks.
Amazing that Ahnimus loves his science, but conveniently ignores it when it threatens his ciggie or dope habit.
You're a hypocrite, ahnimus !!!!!
Yes, I only found out about this recently redrock. Much to my shame.
I have had Fair Trade coffee before. But I'm thinking that I'm not doing nearly enough personally to be aware of the ramifications of my purchases.
I guess I've been caught up in the environmental and health factors with regards to food as well as trying to support local manufacturing. It's a mine field each and everytime I go to the supermarket.
But I am intending very soon, to get organized a wee bit more and get myself supporting all of these things to the very best of my ability.
But it's not easy Jeanie... if you shop at a supermarket, you buy whatever it stocks, and say, if you want bananas and they don't have fair trade, you buy whatever there is... What is also necessary is to put pressure on the supermarkets to stock fair trade, local produce, etc. It is very difficult to do a 'weekly' shop under pressure and time constraints and still look at EVERY product you purchase. In the UK, supermarkets are starting to be a bit more aware, but there is still a loooooong way to go.
Now that, sailor, is a damn good question !!
MInd you, she just said she was a vegetarian, which is totally weird to me. I would die within a week if I gave up meat. Die, I say, Die !!
Consider that Vegemite is made from teh scum off teh top of beer vats.
Yeast extract indeed, we've been falling for that for generations !!
well lucy there is yeast in beer, so technically......
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i just need to say
By the way a chocolate 'craving' is chocolate withdrawal.
Since you like your internet searches on all kinds of subjects, I found this, extracted from the article: 'Does Chocolate Addiction Exist?'
"Although there are similarities between eating chocolate and drug use, generally researchers believe that chocolate “addiction” is not a true addiction. While chocolate does contain potentially mood-altering substances, these are all found in higher concentrations in other less appealing foods such as broccoli."
disagree. smoking kills people. there is a direct correlation betweeen the two. true not everyone who smokes dies but the numbers are enough to warrant the high price.
and as to the high price of cigarettes. it's more profits for the tobacco companies so no one will ever lower it.
It's more tax money going into OHIP, not the tobacco companies, they make less as more people quit due to high prices.
Anyway, this started with a bit of a joke as I'm kind of a chocoholic myself. Thanks for doubting my intent
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Since you like your internet searches on all kinds of subjects, I found this, extracted from the article: 'Does Chocolate Addiction Exist?'
"Although there are similarities between eating chocolate and drug use, generally researchers believe that chocolate “addiction” is not a true addiction. While chocolate does contain potentially mood-altering substances, these are all found in higher concentrations in other less appealing foods such as broccoli."
.... and.. WHO CRAVES BROCCOLI????? :D:D:D:D
Give me proper chocolate anytime!
I actually do crave broccoli. But if I didn't have a craving for cigarettes, I wouldn't smoke them. The craving is the addiction.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
But it's not easy Jeanie... if you shop at a supermarket, you buy whatever it stocks, and say, if you want bananas and they don't have fair trade, you buy whatever there is... What is also necessary is to put pressure on the supermarkets to stock fair trade, local produce, etc. It is very difficult to do a 'weekly' shop under pressure and time constraints and still look at EVERY product you purchase. In the UK, supermarkets are starting to be a bit more aware, but there is still a loooooong way to go.
oh it is difficult. imagine my dismay when i discovered toblerone chocolate is owned by KRAFT which in turn is a philip morris owned company.
hear my name
take a good look
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lie beside me
i just need to say
But it's not easy Jeanie... if you shop at a supermarket, you buy whatever it stocks, and say, if you want bananas and they don't have fair trade, you buy whatever there is... What is also necessary is to put pressure on the supermarkets to stock fair trade, local produce, etc. It is very difficult to do a 'weekly' shop under pressure and time constraints and still look at EVERY product you purchase. In the UK, supermarkets are starting to be a bit more aware, but there is still a loooooong way to go.
Oh I know redrock, it's a nightmare.
But I do try. Unfortunately I have health issues which prevent me from chasing all over for my shopping otherwise I would.
But I am fairly committed to reading labels and knowing where things come from and the impact their manufacture has. I have been known to write my favorite brands and tell them that I am not happy with their practices or their packaging. And I do stop buying things and search for alternatives wherever I can. BUT they are pretty good at their tactics and it does seem a losing battle some days. I also financially support organizations that are committed to making change in these areas. I know its difficult, but we have to try. It's the only way that change will come about.
and that my friend is why they diversify into food companies. thanks for bolstering my argument.
Sorry, what argument?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
the one where scubascott couldn't see the reasoning behind boycotting food companies owned by tobacco companies. he didn't see how buying KRAFT, for example, was supporting the smoking industry.
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i just need to say
the one where scubascott couldn't see the reasoning behind boycotting food companies owned by tobacco companies. he didn't see how buying KRAFT, for example, was supporting the smoking industry.
I don't exactly see how it is either.
They don't put tobacco in the food do they? If not, then it's not supporting the tobacco market. It's just giving money to a conglomerate that also owns part of the tobacco market. But that doesn't cause more people to smoke.
When I started I didn't think "Hey, I want to give my money to DuMaurier"
The company I work for is owned by a conglomerate, we give them a few million bucks a year, but they don't have anything to do with our operations.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
They don't put tobacco in the food do they? If not, then it's not supporting the tobacco market. It's just giving money to a conglomerate that also owns part of the tobacco market. But that doesn't cause more people to smoke.
When I started I didn't think "Hey, I want to give my money to DuMaurier"
The company I work for is owned by a conglomerate, we give them a few million bucks a year, but they don't have anything to do with our operations.
If you buy goods owned by a company, your money is part of their profits, therefore you support the company... buy a toblerone bar, profits end up with Philips Morris - tobacco company...
They don't put tobacco in the food do they? If not, then it's not supporting the tobacco market. It's just giving money to a conglomerate that also owns part of the tobacco market. But that doesn't cause more people to smoke.
When I started I didn't think "Hey, I want to give my money to DuMaurier"
The company I work for is owned by a conglomerate, we give them a few million bucks a year, but they don't have anything to do with our operations.
who said it caused more people to smoke? where have i ever said that?
all i said was if you buy certain products you should be aware that they are owned by tobacco companies.
maxwell house
oscar meyer
i also said it was a personal choice ryan. a PERSONAL choice.
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i just need to say
Random chocolate fact of the day: Did you know that you can calculate the speed of light using chocolate and your microwave?
Simply take a very big slab of chocolate and trim to the size of your microwave. Remove turntable and place choc in microwave. Hit it with a few blasts for 10 seconds until it just begins to melt. The melting will occur in bands, hot spots where the microwave 'peaks' overlap. The distance between these will be 1/4 of the wavelength. So multiply the distance between the melted bands by 4, and then multiply that mumber by the frequency (written on the back of the microwave) to get the speed of light.
Then lick the microwave clean- unless of course you have the waxy imitation style chocolate...
but I WILL know the difference!
This is appauling!
I would have thought that most people having a love of chocolate will know and therefore won't buy the crappy stuff... So hopefully, not much crappy stuff sold, crappy stuff slips off the shelves....
Again.. it is a question of being aware, knowing what manufacturers are doing and reading labels..... For me, I have seen 'dark chocolate' with less than 15% cocoa - that is not dark chocolate (or any kind of chocolate!).
buying products owned by tobacco companies IS supporting the tobacco industry.the parent company is a tobacco company. it's not a difficult concept to understand.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Sorry scott, I know this wasn't directed at me, but I did just want to tell you about me.
I quit smoking in 2000. One of the motivating factors for me, aside from the health ones, was that I was really mad at myself for giving money to big business organizations that have lied and connived. I wanted to not be supporting them financially. I also wanted to improve my health. And I wanted to not be contributing to the environmental nightmare that is smoking.
Not funding them was a very big motivator for me.
When I discovered that by buying cheese slices or Vegemite I was still funding the very organizations that I had opposed, I was really pissed off.
And I stopped buying all Kraft products.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
ok, now, the addiction
Simply take a very big slab of chocolate and trim to the size of your microwave. Remove turntable and place choc in microwave. Hit it with a few blasts for 10 seconds until it just begins to melt. The melting will occur in bands, hot spots where the microwave 'peaks' overlap. The distance between these will be 1/4 of the wavelength. So multiply the distance between the melted bands by 4, and then multiply that mumber by the frequency (written on the back of the microwave) to get the speed of light.
Then lick the microwave clean- unless of course you have the waxy imitation style chocolate...
thanks for the info ryan. but did you read my thread? i said I am not an addict and that I am not obese. i never said chocolate wasn't addictive or that it didnt cause obesity.
what was stupid is attaching such a high price to a chocolate bar. i admit i wasn't too clear on that. but now you know. and so i repeat, screw that idea.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yes, I only found out about this recently redrock. Much to my shame.
I have had Fair Trade coffee before. But I'm thinking that I'm not doing nearly enough personally to be aware of the ramifications of my purchases.
I guess I've been caught up in the environmental and health factors with regards to food as well as trying to support local manufacturing. It's a mine field each and everytime I go to the supermarket.
But I am intending very soon, to get organized a wee bit more and get myself supporting all of these things to the very best of my ability.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I know that, and I'm not addicted to smoking and my lungs are fine. Smokes shouldn't be $9/pack either.
disagree. smoking kills people. there is a direct correlation betweeen the two. true not everyone who smokes dies but the numbers are enough to warrant the high price.
and as to the high price of cigarettes. it's more profits for the tobacco companies so no one will ever lower it.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Now that, sailor, is a damn good question !!
MInd you, she just said she was a vegetarian, which is totally weird to me. I would die within a week if I gave up meat. Die, I say, Die !!
Consider that Vegemite is made from teh scum off teh top of beer vats.
Yeast extract indeed, we've been falling for that for generations !!
i crave lebanese food. i have a need at times to eat it at the expense of other foods.
take a good look
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Actually, smoking kiills evryone sooner. An average of 15yrs actually. The last bloke I told that to was dead in 4 weeks.
Amazing that Ahnimus loves his science, but conveniently ignores it when it threatens his ciggie or dope habit.
You're a hypocrite, ahnimus !!!!!
But it's not easy Jeanie... if you shop at a supermarket, you buy whatever it stocks, and say, if you want bananas and they don't have fair trade, you buy whatever there is... What is also necessary is to put pressure on the supermarkets to stock fair trade, local produce, etc. It is very difficult to do a 'weekly' shop under pressure and time constraints and still look at EVERY product you purchase. In the UK, supermarkets are starting to be a bit more aware, but there is still a loooooong way to go.
well lucy there is yeast in beer, so technically......
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Since you like your internet searches on all kinds of subjects, I found this, extracted from the article: 'Does Chocolate Addiction Exist?'
"Although there are similarities between eating chocolate and drug use, generally researchers believe that chocolate “addiction” is not a true addiction. While chocolate does contain potentially mood-altering substances, these are all found in higher concentrations in other less appealing foods such as broccoli."
.... and.. WHO CRAVES BROCCOLI?????
Give me proper chocolate anytime!
It's more tax money going into OHIP, not the tobacco companies, they make less as more people quit due to high prices.
Anyway, this started with a bit of a joke as I'm kind of a chocoholic myself. Thanks for doubting my intent
Vegemite... YUK!!!!! Just drink the beer
I actually do crave broccoli. But if I didn't have a craving for cigarettes, I wouldn't smoke them. The craving is the addiction.
oh it is difficult. imagine my dismay when i discovered toblerone chocolate is owned by KRAFT which in turn is a philip morris owned company.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Oh I know redrock, it's a nightmare.
But I do try. Unfortunately I have health issues which prevent me from chasing all over for my shopping otherwise I would.
But I am fairly committed to reading labels and knowing where things come from and the impact their manufacture has. I have been known to write my favorite brands and tell them that I am not happy with their practices or their packaging. And I do stop buying things and search for alternatives wherever I can. BUT they are pretty good at their tactics and it does seem a losing battle some days. I also financially support organizations that are committed to making change in these areas. I know its difficult, but we have to try. It's the only way that change will come about.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
and that my friend is why they diversify into food companies. thanks for bolstering my argument.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
Sorry, what argument?
the one where scubascott couldn't see the reasoning behind boycotting food companies owned by tobacco companies. he didn't see how buying KRAFT, for example, was supporting the smoking industry.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't exactly see how it is either.
They don't put tobacco in the food do they? If not, then it's not supporting the tobacco market. It's just giving money to a conglomerate that also owns part of the tobacco market. But that doesn't cause more people to smoke.
When I started I didn't think "Hey, I want to give my money to DuMaurier"
The company I work for is owned by a conglomerate, we give them a few million bucks a year, but they don't have anything to do with our operations.
but I WILL know the difference!
This is appauling!
If you buy goods owned by a company, your money is part of their profits, therefore you support the company... buy a toblerone bar, profits end up with Philips Morris - tobacco company...
who said it caused more people to smoke? where have i ever said that?
all i said was if you buy certain products you should be aware that they are owned by tobacco companies.
maxwell house
oscar meyer
i also said it was a personal choice ryan. a PERSONAL choice.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Again.. it is a question of being aware, knowing what manufacturers are doing and reading labels..... For me, I have seen 'dark chocolate' with less than 15% cocoa - that is not dark chocolate (or any kind of chocolate!).