sound the trumpets for the deaf kings of kings who have never heard our prayers and never will. repetition is the key to life, the heartache we ache for, the rhythm drummed upon rooftop by cloud when we can't fall asleep.
repetition is the key to life. life is a door slamming shut.
Moments after tossing my nickel into the fountain... all i kept hearing were my mother's words from oh so many years ago... haunting and chilling in my mind...
"Be careful what you wish for... because you just might get it. "
sound the trumpets for the deaf kings of kings who have never heard our prayers and never will. repetition is the key to life, the heartache we ache for, the rhythm drummed upon rooftop by cloud when we can't fall asleep.
repetition is the key to life. life is a door slamming shut.
I don't think repetition is the key to life, I think it's just the thing that makes patterns emerge which in turn highlight a life's direction or interest...
What and who interest us most are the magnets we keep returning to.
IM glad we spent the time together that we did we will get on the same frequency again soon... I love you... we have found each other alot... closing in on our footsteps...
twice the silence clutters the room so i can't hear anything. lost maps, artifact forks and knives, cracked ornaments for a coming christmas, this year will be exceptional. tolls are overrated and the boats sail the bays in hopes the marshes won't attack but it isn't the marshes we need worry about as a collective human race . . . it's the predators lurking within. we predate predators though, so we'll see them go like we saw them come: with a hint of nostalgia when we realize they're all gone.
hearts in millions of cells; victims of cardiac arrest. forget this morning, the trash cans and branches littering the street after nor'easter mayhem. power outtages and warm refridgerators, mother nature's pms effect. don't bring your technology here hoping for repairs, because we're out of power too. cross a desert for forty years you ungrateful fools and neglect your science! gravity is a lie we all fall for.
music is the stream
to join all languages
please more coming together
but scared to move forward
Babel - on no more
another good day
repetition is the key to life. life is a door slamming shut.
"Be careful what you wish for... because you just might get it. "
I don't think repetition is the key to life, I think it's just the thing that makes patterns emerge which in turn highlight a life's direction or interest...
What and who interest us most are the magnets we keep returning to.
You and me both. I just wrote a letter requesting a raise from my boss. I've never done that before.
my knees get weak
and you know what happens then.
just wondering
I'm an addict and i need to hit that.
the mt is freakin pink right now
angels share laughter
I love the way you laugh
I want to hold you high
And steal your pain away
or anything resembling your smile