Facepollution said it earlier in this thread, and it seems to be the case. Attention. It makes sense... Soundgarden ends, and he tries to make an album on his own merits. Critical acclaim, low buys. Audioslave happens - suddenly he's right back in the public eye. Audioslave ends, he tries to make an album on his own merits. It falters, both creatively and publically. And now he throws his lot in with Timbaland, maybe the hottest ticket of the last two, three years. I sense a pattern.
Welcome to PJ forums, though. Cuss all you like.
To be fair it was CC who ended Audioslave of his own accord, from what I read anyway.
I don't like to label the point but my ghast has well and truly been flabbered by this new stuff I've heard .
To be fair it was CC who ended Audioslave of his own accord, from what I read anyway.
I don't like to label the point but my ghast has well and truly been flabbered by this new stuff I've heard .
It's probably just me trying to make my theory work (;)) but I think he was probably jealous of Tom, Tim and Brad getting all the attention for Rage, while he was stuck playing solo acoustic gigs in Sweden to little fanfare, as excellent as that gig was. If Tom, Tim and Brad don't need Chris, Chris didn't need them, right?
See: Carry On.
So... If Chris didn't need Rage, but clearly needed someone, my guess is when Timbaland was suggested as a remixer to make his stuff accessible to the youths, he hopped on the bandwagon with gusto.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
It's probably just me trying to make my theory work (;)) but I think he was probably jealous of Tom, Tim and Brad getting all the attention for Rage, while he was stuck playing solo acoustic gigs in Sweden to little fanfare, as excellent as that gig was. If Tom, Tim and Brad don't need Chris, Chris didn't need them, right?
See: Carry On.
So... If Chris didn't need Rage, but clearly needed someone, my guess is when Timbaland was suggested as a remixer to make his stuff accessible to the youths, he hopped on the bandwagon with gusto.
maybe..or maybe as you say you are 'crow barring' in reasons to suit your theory The last Audioslave album did well, just Chris refused to tour it. I read then after he split, he said "it was unfair, I realised I had no intention of being in this band, so I did the decent thing and told them..." something like that anyway. And also I have to say once again that Euphoria Morning is really a fabulous record he made that sounded nothing like Soundgarden or Audioslave. I like it anyway
maybe..or maybe as you say you are 'crow barring' in reasons to suit your theory The last Audioslave album did well, just Chris refused to tour it. I read then after he split, he said "it was unfair, I realised I had no intention of being in this band, so I did the decent thing and told them..." something like that anyway. And also I have to say once again that Euphoria Morning is really a fabulous record he made that sounded nothing like Soundgarden or Audioslave. I like it anyway
I'm not saying that Audioslave weren't doing well - I'm just saying that when Rage got back together and it was bigger than anything Chris had done since Superunknown, it kinda left him on the sidelines, and that probably bruised his ego. So he wanted to prove he was just as much as a draw on his own as with Audioslave. Of course he wasn't gonna come right out and say it, or else this wouldn't just be a theory.
And I'll never hear a bad word said against Euphoria Morning, except that he might have used the Flutter Girl demo instead of the take he ended up using. And whoever told him adding a French version of Can't Change Me to the album was a good idea needs to be shot.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
I'm not saying that Audioslave weren't doing well - I'm just saying that when Rage got back together and it was bigger than anything Chris had done since Superunknown, it kinda left him on the sidelines, and that probably bruised his ego. So he wanted to prove he was just as much as a draw on his own as with Audioslave. Of course he wasn't gonna come right out and say it, or else this wouldn't just be a theory.
And I'll never hear a bad word said against Euphoria Morning, except that he might have used the Flutter Girl demo instead of the take he ended up using. And whoever told him adding a French version of Can't Change Me to the album was a good idea needs to be shot.
I forgot now what the new stuff sounds like, I just heard a new Motorhead song on the radio called.........'Rock out...with your cock out'
Lemmy cleansed my mind .....now, there's a thought, Lemmy doing a solo record with Timbaland
To be fair it was CC who ended Audioslave of his own accord, from what I read anyway.
I don't like to label the point but my ghast has well and truly been flabbered by this new stuff I've heard .
Yeah, he pretty much ended it in a hissy fit because they wouldn't pay him more. He got his cut for the lyrics plus an equal share for the music. Probably was right, though, I don't know that they all deserved an equal publishing cut when it came to the music. But treating them like studio musicians was probably the end of it, regardless of whether Chris wanted to leave or not.
Yeah, he pretty much ended it in a hissy fit because they wouldn't pay him more. He got his cut for the lyrics plus an equal share for the music. Probably was right, though, I don't know that they all deserved an equal publishing cut when it came to the music. But treating them like studio musicians was probably the end of it, regardless of whether Chris wanted to leave or not.
Well, I only read Chris's version of it.
I saw them live once, just after the second album came out.... it was a killer show
Personally I blame every fickle muthafucker who wouldn't give Euphoria Morning a fair chance. Whilst Audioslave made some good music, I could have done without them if he had followed the style of EM. The songs on that record fit together so well - and that is what he doesn't seem to be able to create by himself.
for crying out loud, Mr Rhino! That shit moved me, thought he shoulda done away with the english track.
Ugh... no, it just sounded... I dunno, like, his thought process was that, if he sang in French, people would take him more seriously as an artist. And the cheesy accordion that they added to it...
Yeah, I'm pretty dead set on thinking it was awful. If anyone says differently, they should come to Ireland, and we can box, or something.
Personally I blame every fickle muthafucker who wouldn't give Euphoria Morning a fair chance. Whilst Audioslave made some good music, I could have done without them if he had followed the style of EM. The songs on that record fit together so well - and that is what he doesn't seem to be able to create by himself.
Chris does seem to need a band environment to have any kind of creative cohesion in his albums. That's why I was so eagerly anticipating him hitting the studio with his touring band. They could've done something special, I think. But instead we get chirping-monkey Chris, and moody-spoken-word-breakdown Timbaland. And I weep.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
I just watched a video of him performing Loud Love from the other day, it actually makes me sad - I wanna hate him right now, but his voice is just too damn good :mad:
This shit is exactly the reason this new, neutered stuff is so disappointing: he has the voice to pull off some of the best performances of his career, and he's wasting it on low-grade pop nuggets.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
This shit is exactly the reason this new, neutered stuff is so disappointing: he has the voice to pull off some of the best performances of his career, and he's wasting it on low-grade pop nuggets.
Yep that would be the one, some quality old-school wailing in there!
This shit is exactly the reason this new, neutered stuff is so disappointing: he has the voice to pull off some of the best performances of his career, and he's wasting it on low-grade pop nuggets.
I would love to catch a show off this tour. Sounds amazing and Long Gone is sounding damn good live and Watch Out isn't bad. I'm starting to like the five new tracks more. I understand so many not liking it, but I like timbaland's music for what it is. That type of music doesn't stick with me like rock does, but I like it for what it is. I'll be picking this album up when it comes out. I think there is a pretty good chance it will be better than Carry On. Cornell will do some good albums in the future of who knows what genres, and his live shows continue to kick ass. This album will undoubtedly throw many fans off, but future albums will bring many of them back.
But, they have no point of reference. How old do you think most of these people are? Down on the Upside came out in 1996. I don't think they bought that when they were 10 or younger, and you can forget anything that came before. Maybe for these nutcases, their point of reference is so new (Audioslave) that this seems somewhat reasonable or something?
I remember going way back to Euphoria Morning, Matt said he wasn't a big fan of the overproduction. Well, Matt ain't seen nothing yet, he's gonna be screamin out da top of his head.
Although I agree with you 100% on pretty much everything you've said but I don't think age really matters. I mean I was 11 when DOTU came out, really dug into SG, TOTD 1,5~2 years ago. Since then SG were and still are my favorite band (like them even more than PJ who of course are a close 2nd).
I think those teens on his message board just have water closets in their heads and that's it.
P.S. It does seem like this patient is done and lost. There's no way he could get back on top with music that can compare to the one we all love and cherish.
P.P.S. If it weren't for this board I would never give EM a second chance.
Although I agree with you 100% on pretty much everything you've said but I don't think age really matters. I mean I was 11 when DOTU came out, really dug into SG, TOTD 1,5~2 years ago. Since then SG were and still are my favorite band (like them even more than PJ who of course are a close 2nd).
I think those teens on his message board just have water closets in their heads and that's it.
P.S. It does seem like this patient is done and lost. There's no way he could get back on top with music that can compare to the one we all love and cherish.
P.P.S. If it weren't for this board I would never give EM a second chance.
I have to agree with this too, I was 12 when DOTU came out. Never really cared for Audioslave...
Also, I have to ask, how was EM on the 2nd chance?
“Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I first listened to it right after got enough (for a lil while 'cause you can never get enough of SG) of Soundgarden. Surely I was expecting that record to resemble SG in many ways. But I was really misguided and didn't find a lot of similarities between SG an CC solo. Hence being very disappointed I forgot about it for a long, long time...but then I found this board very interesting to read. And you guys really liked EM so I thought I gotta give it another listen:)
I first listened to it right after got enough (for a lil while 'cause you can never get enough of SG) of Soundgarden. Surely I was expecting that record to resemble SG in many ways. But I was really misguided and didn't find a lot of similarities between SG an CC solo. Hence being very disappointed I forgot about it for a long, long time...but then I found this board very interesting to read. And you guys really liked EM so I thought I gotta give it another listen:)
I heard Can't Change Me and thought, "hell no". Then got the album after the 1st Audioslave and realized its a fucking masterpiece. Up there with any of his work, IMO.
I first listened to it right after got enough (for a lil while 'cause you can never get enough of SG) of Soundgarden. Surely I was expecting that record to resemble SG in many ways. But I was really misguided and didn't find a lot of similarities between SG an CC solo. Hence being very disappointed I forgot about it for a long, long time...but then I found this board very interesting to read. And you guys really liked EM so I thought I gotta give it another listen:)
I've gotta say that I have never really understood what people found so difficult to take about EM. I mean, it sounds exactly how I would have expected a Cornell solo record post-SG to sound (except maybe acoustic).
There are the abstract lyrics, psychedellic guitars and weird guitar tunnings-all features pretty reminiscent of a certain band beginning with S and ending with n......
I've gotta say that I have never really understood what people found so difficult to take about EM. I mean, it sounds exactly how I would have expected a Cornell solo record post-SG to sound (except maybe acoustic).
There are the abstract lyrics, psychedellic guitars and weird guitar tunnings-all features pretty reminiscent of a certain band beginning with S and ending with n......
I dunno, it's got that whole werid synth/keyboard stuff going down which may put off people who want the "rawk." But I still think it's an accesible (but still deep) record. I loved it the moment I heard it.
I would love to catch a show off this tour. Sounds amazing and Long Gone is sounding damn good live and Watch Out isn't bad. I'm starting to like the five new tracks more. I understand so many not liking it, but I like timbaland's music for what it is. That type of music doesn't stick with me like rock does, but I like it for what it is. I'll be picking this album up when it comes out. I think there is a pretty good chance it will be better than Carry On. Cornell will do some good albums in the future of who knows what genres, and his live shows continue to kick ass. This album will undoubtedly throw many fans off, but future albums will bring many of them back.
Pretty sums up my feelings on the whole situation.
I would love to catch a show off this tour. Sounds amazing and Long Gone is sounding damn good live and Watch Out isn't bad. I'm starting to like the five new tracks more. I understand so many not liking it, but I like timbaland's music for what it is. That type of music doesn't stick with me like rock does, but I like it for what it is. I'll be picking this album up when it comes out. I think there is a pretty good chance it will be better than Carry On. Cornell will do some good albums in the future of who knows what genres, and his live shows continue to kick ass. This album will undoubtedly throw many fans off, but future albums will bring many of them back.
I kind of agree with that. Like I've said many times, I do like the songs and I suppose at the end of the day that's all that matters. But for me, there's a difference between liking them and loving them. Cornell has set so many high standards in his career that I can't hear the music "for what it is."
I don't think he's lost it or anything. I didn't like Carry On but I thought Revelations was a fantastic record, and that was only released just under 2 years ago.
Was the weakest of the 4 solo shows I have seen in the past year and a half. Also the shortest at around 1:45.Didnt look close to being sold out and not near as many as the last time he played HOB Vegas. Really no rarities or something you would say ,damn didnt think I would hear that.
First thing was the dreadlocked gangsta dude on the keyboards, I couldn't really hear him at all but he seemed to be doing something on all the songs except for the 3 Chris did acoustic. Kinda pissed me off when Chris was sitting on the base of the drums at the beggining of "Hunger Strike" and the black dude was swaying his hands back in forth slowly like it was some sort of joke. He was doing that sort of Hip Hop shit all night on most songs.
The 2 new songs he played "Watch Out" and "Long Gone" were better than the studio version of course but were still very sub-par. The band looked really uninspired playing them and Chris seemed to be trying to sell them very hard. One thing I noticed was some thug-like characters backstage which seemed almost like some of Timbalands crew making sure he was playing these songs and trying to promote them. Never seen those types at a Cornell show or hanging side stage. I was front row side of balcony , which was really close and right over the stage at the HOB, when "Long Gone " started just seemed like a mass of people left their seats for a pis or beer break and the pit just kinda stood in a stupor. I noticed a couple people going (Outshined crazy) overly crazy, either they were Cornell Forum KoolAid Drinkers or Timbaland plants. Either way the 2 new songs were the least recepted. It really killed the momentum of the set.
Anyways alot of classics, Spoonman , Rusty Cage, Outshined , JCP, Like A Stone, Black Hole Sun, Hunger Strike , Cant Change Me and Sunshower was a fabulous opener. All in all I guess it was a decent performance, but more than likely I wont spend the money on another anytime soon. Definitely not ever travelling to see him and wont buy the new album.
Thanks for the memories Chris, I hope one of the new Timbaland era fans is as dedicated as I have been for the past 18 years. Good Luck with the new crap.
thats the worst part of these new songs... even if i give chris the benefit of the doubt and still go see him live because his voice sounds great, the rarities likes "slaves and bulldozers" he played on his last tour are gonna be dropped now in favor of SG "hits" and his new bullshit... he used to mix it up enough to be interesting but i have a feeling everyone of these shows has the same setlist... fuck the live and the studio... his hair still has a few more inches to grow before hes in full old school SG physical form... maybe thats what he needs to get back to his grunge roots... samson-like strength
To be fair it was CC who ended Audioslave of his own accord, from what I read anyway.
I don't like to label the point but my ghast has well and truly been flabbered by this new stuff I've heard .
See: Carry On.
So... If Chris didn't need Rage, but clearly needed someone, my guess is when Timbaland was suggested as a remixer to make his stuff accessible to the youths, he hopped on the bandwagon with gusto.
maybe..or maybe as you say you are 'crow barring' in reasons to suit your theory
And I'll never hear a bad word said against Euphoria Morning, except that he might have used the Flutter Girl demo instead of the take he ended up using. And whoever told him adding a French version of Can't Change Me to the album was a good idea needs to be shot.
I forgot now what the new stuff sounds like, I just heard a new Motorhead song on the radio called.........'Rock out...with your cock out'
Lemmy cleansed my mind
McKay21. I hadn't posted on any of the forums for years, but the Timbaland
stuff drew me out.
Yeah, he pretty much ended it in a hissy fit because they wouldn't pay him more. He got his cut for the lyrics plus an equal share for the music. Probably was right, though, I don't know that they all deserved an equal publishing cut when it came to the music. But treating them like studio musicians was probably the end of it, regardless of whether Chris wanted to leave or not.
Well, I only read Chris's version of it.
I saw them live once, just after the second album came out.... it was a killer show
Yeah, I'm pretty dead set on thinking it was awful. If anyone says differently, they should come to Ireland, and we can box, or something.
Chris does seem to need a band environment to have any kind of creative cohesion in his albums. That's why I was so eagerly anticipating him hitting the studio with his touring band. They could've done something special, I think. But instead we get chirping-monkey Chris, and moody-spoken-word-breakdown Timbaland. And I weep.
This shit is exactly the reason this new, neutered stuff is so disappointing: he has the voice to pull off some of the best performances of his career, and he's wasting it on low-grade pop nuggets.
Yep that would be the one, some quality old-school wailing in there!
And then you watch that. He even looks sorta douchebaggy there.
It's night time, take your sunglasses off you fucking penis!
I won't even get started on the organ sound he's added to Spoonman :eek: http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=w4V3EQC6ajM
I would love to catch a show off this tour. Sounds amazing and Long Gone is sounding damn good live and Watch Out isn't bad. I'm starting to like the five new tracks more. I understand so many not liking it, but I like timbaland's music for what it is. That type of music doesn't stick with me like rock does, but I like it for what it is. I'll be picking this album up when it comes out. I think there is a pretty good chance it will be better than Carry On. Cornell will do some good albums in the future of who knows what genres, and his live shows continue to kick ass. This album will undoubtedly throw many fans off, but future albums will bring many of them back.
Although I agree with you 100% on pretty much everything you've said but I don't think age really matters. I mean I was 11 when DOTU came out, really dug into SG, TOTD 1,5~2 years ago. Since then SG were and still are my favorite band (like them even more than PJ who of course are a close 2nd).
I think those teens on his message board just have water closets in their heads and that's it.
P.S. It does seem like this patient is done and lost. There's no way he could get back on top with music that can compare to the one we all love and cherish.
P.P.S. If it weren't for this board I would never give EM a second chance.
I have to agree with this too, I was 12 when DOTU came out. Never really cared for Audioslave...
Also, I have to ask, how was EM on the 2nd chance?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I heard Can't Change Me and thought, "hell no". Then got the album after the 1st Audioslave and realized its a fucking masterpiece. Up there with any of his work, IMO.
I've gotta say that I have never really understood what people found so difficult to take about EM. I mean, it sounds exactly how I would have expected a Cornell solo record post-SG to sound (except maybe acoustic).
There are the abstract lyrics, psychedellic guitars and weird guitar tunnings-all features pretty reminiscent of a certain band beginning with S and ending with n......
Too damn right it is, as good as anything else he's ever recorded.
I dunno, it's got that whole werid synth/keyboard stuff going down which may put off people who want the "rawk." But I still think it's an accesible (but still deep) record. I loved it the moment I heard it.
Pretty sums up my feelings on the whole situation.
Katowice 2007
London 2007
I kind of agree with that. Like I've said many times, I do like the songs and I suppose at the end of the day that's all that matters. But for me, there's a difference between liking them and loving them. Cornell has set so many high standards in his career that I can't hear the music "for what it is."
I don't think he's lost it or anything. I didn't like Carry On but I thought Revelations was a fantastic record, and that was only released just under 2 years ago.
First thing was the dreadlocked gangsta dude on the keyboards, I couldn't really hear him at all but he seemed to be doing something on all the songs except for the 3 Chris did acoustic. Kinda pissed me off when Chris was sitting on the base of the drums at the beggining of "Hunger Strike" and the black dude was swaying his hands back in forth slowly like it was some sort of joke. He was doing that sort of Hip Hop shit all night on most songs.
The 2 new songs he played "Watch Out" and "Long Gone" were better than the studio version of course but were still very sub-par. The band looked really uninspired playing them and Chris seemed to be trying to sell them very hard. One thing I noticed was some thug-like characters backstage which seemed almost like some of Timbalands crew making sure he was playing these songs and trying to promote them. Never seen those types at a Cornell show or hanging side stage. I was front row side of balcony , which was really close and right over the stage at the HOB, when "Long Gone " started just seemed like a mass of people left their seats for a pis or beer break and the pit just kinda stood in a stupor. I noticed a couple people going (Outshined crazy) overly crazy, either they were Cornell Forum KoolAid Drinkers or Timbaland plants. Either way the 2 new songs were the least recepted. It really killed the momentum of the set.
Anyways alot of classics, Spoonman , Rusty Cage, Outshined , JCP, Like A Stone, Black Hole Sun, Hunger Strike , Cant Change Me and Sunshower was a fabulous opener. All in all I guess it was a decent performance, but more than likely I wont spend the money on another anytime soon. Definitely not ever travelling to see him and wont buy the new album.
Thanks for the memories Chris, I hope one of the new Timbaland era fans is as dedicated as I have been for the past 18 years. Good Luck with the new crap.