Ahhhh! MY PONIES & BITCHES! I've missed the living hell outta you! I got a looong ass reply in the works here. hehe. First of all.....Sweet Stoney Goodness...what a trip I've been on. :eek: Vegas and the insanely beeeeautiful SD?! Are you fuckin kidding me!? The GOSSMAN BOSSMAN continues to floor me!:eek: I mean...how in the? This person is real??? Eeeek! He's too talented for his own good! Mr Cool is seriously on fiyah ala the 90's...and each and ever show the energizer duck is getting energized more and more and MORE! Ok and him and Ed continue to have their love affair...getting all cozy in SD....Eddie leaning on his back during Alive. *heart flutters* Awww! So much love. Then they both played on the side speakers together...Ed on the high one, then Stoney came over and played on the low one. OMFG it was absolutely A-MAZING! As someone in Vegas labeled people like me "the Ed-Stoners"<~~~ hahaha. Brilliant. YES! *raises hand* That's exactly me. It was an Ed-Stoners dream. I couldnt stop screaming throughout that whole entire show. I have no voice. My throat is soooooooo damn sore. I've been nursing cough drops cuze these pipes best get ready to do it all again! Eeeeeee!
Um and yeah like Meddle said you guys I had to call her and scream that STONEY DOES THE SOLO TO FUNKAY ASS RAAAAAAAAATS! :eek: Hooooly shit!!! Heeell yeah. The man OWNED THOSE RATS!!! PIMP SHIT right there. I am thrilled that the funkay ass RATS made their way to the West Coast too. Here's to much more of 'em! Love, Love, Love it!
Awww and I of course had my sign with me at all times and Jeff saw it in Vegas. He got all smilely, jumped up and pumped his fists at it. hehehe. Too fuckin cool.
Oooh also- Ed was doing a ton of toasts in SD and did one to Mikey then was like "while I'm at...here's to Mr Jeff AMent." Everyone cheered...then I waiting like "ok here it comes". haha. NOPE! BUt it's all good. After CROWN (!!!!!!!!*chills&tears*) and ALIVE Eddie said "and those last 2 songs were written by STONE GOSSARD! A toast to STONE!" YAY!!!! *jumps up and down* He got his very own special toast. It was beautiful. Again, there was so much love in SD. One giant lovefest! I'm still floating high.....
HA! The mans dances were hi-larious. The pigeon neckin is out full force Leg 2...like out to kill! haha. So is the Pogoman during Corduroy!!!!!! :eek: Also the man was doing his 2 step groove to YOU ARE! :cool: Mmmm mmm mmm! WHat...a....PIMP! And headbanging into oblivion during Severed Hand. \m/ He's just on fiyah in every possible way...just like the entire band! We really have gone back in time here! Seeing Stoney so rejuvenated really makes me extra extra giddy & proud too. Especially since so many people think he's a stiff on stage. :rolleyes: *snooooore* hehe. Anyways, he is anything but this time around. Each year he's letting loose more and more and in '06 the goose is loose on whoooooole new levels of great/pimpness! I can't wait for all you PONIES & BITCHES to experience this shit first hand. I said YEEEEAH!
I actually had a dream about him the night after VEgas. I dreamt that I met him and Jeff!! :eek: And that Stoney sang Don't Gimme No Lip!!! AHHHH! A sign of what's to come?!?! *squeals* Ya never know. I believe in miracles!
One thing is for damn sure~~~~>these shows were out of this world and I know the best is yet to come. It's 'hard to imagine'...but it's true. The best is yet to come.
The upcoming ones will be the best of the best. I can feel it!. With all the Stoney Lovers united as one giant force we shall rule the setlists my friends. I can't waaaaaaaaaaait!!!!!!
((psssst>>OF THE GIRL>>THIN AIR>>ATY>>DGNL>>and much much more))) !
Oh and P.S. Nadia I got that article too. Just when you think they can't possibly make this world a greater place.......
Jesus this band is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I couldnt stop screaming throughout that whole entire show. I have no voice. My throat is soooooooo damn sore. I've been nursing cough drops cuze these pipes best get ready to do it all again! Eeeeeee!
My voice was completely shot the other day too. My throat still hurts a bit and my voice comes and goes, but it was well worth it.
Stone seemed to be really enjoying himself that night.
I'd like to thank Mr. Stoney G (and Ed too) for the gem that is known as All or None. I am blasting it through my speakers as I type this.
aka: TwoAlarmFire on RM
06/06/03, 07/06/06
"Playing a song that hits you on that deep emotional level and being able to match that with what you're playing on the drums - that can just lift you and the song to another level." -- Matt Cameron
Another moment: Vote for Change Tour finale, which Pati pointed out later on. He was wearing a Bush mask and dancing during the final song with everyone on stage
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Guys some bad news. I don't know if you know, but I'm transferring to Missouri State Univ. this fall, and two of my friends were looking for a place for us. They found a great place, but I'm going to have to pay more of the money the first month. This has confirmed what I've been really freakin' out over lately, and that is I can't go to the Gorge. :( :( I mean the money has to go to the house. That is essential. I'm so happy about the house, but I'm so incredibly sad that I won't get to see PJ for the first time nor will I see Stone or you guys for our meet up. :(
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Guys some bad news. I don't know if you know, but I'm transferring to Missouri State Univ. this fall, and two of my friends were looking for a place for us. They found a great place, but I'm going to have to pay more of the money the first month. This has confirmed what I've been really freakin' out over lately, and that is I can't go to the Gorge. :( :( I mean the money has to go to the house. That is essential. I'm so happy about the house, but I'm so incredibly sad that I won't get to see PJ for the first time nor will I see Stone or you guys for our meet up. :(
Awww Kelly, it is understandable. Don't worry. there'll be other times for us to meet. heck, remember, I think PJ is LONG over due to do Bridge School this year. We all here in the Bay Area think they will do it;) And I understand about moving into a new place and getting situated with $ and stuff. I need to start looking for a place for my growing family and after these last set of shows, I have to save and get a place. So I understand totally girl. you'll be there in spirit though Remember, you are STILL a Stoney Pony!!;)
oh btw, we just got back from the SF 2 show...OMG!! :eek: I can't even describe or come to terms with it. BUT, i'll let Lydia tell it all to you guys and i'll add my 2 cents in
all I have to say is STONEY G. FAN CLUB :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Awww Kelly, it is understandable. Don't worry. there'll be other times for us to meet. heck, remember, I think PJ is LONG over due to do Bridge School this year. We all here in the Bay Area think they will do it;) And I understand about moving into a new place and getting situated with $ and stuff. I need to start looking for a place for my growing family and after these last set of shows, I have to save and get a place. So I understand totally girl. you'll be there in spirit though Remember, you are STILL a Stoney Pony!!;)
oh btw, we just got back from the SF 2 show...OMG!! :eek: I can't even describe or come to terms with it. BUT, i'll let Lydia tell it all to you guys and i'll add my 2 cents in
all I have to say is STONEY G. FAN CLUB :cool:
The official Stoney G Fanclub rocked the house!! Can you say Orange guitar picks!!! I love all of you!! Lydia, Nadia, Mel & Patti, what a night to remember! I will never forget the incredible time we shared! I'VE GOT MEMORIES, I'VE GOT SHIT!!!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
The official Stoney G Fanclub rocked the house!! Can you say Orange guitar picks!!! I love all of you!! Lydia, Nadia, Mel & Patti, what a night to remember! I will never forget the incredible time we shared! I'VE GOT MEMORIES, I'VE GOT SHIT!!!
I love you too Lisa, and everyone else in our little group, Mel, Pati and Lydi Seriously, i haven't had a night like that since MSG I 2003!! Where EVERYONE around us bonded and shared in our joy!! Seriously, seeing the smile on the band's faces was truly a great moment
and I am regret to inform my fellow Ponies that I can't make it to Portland :( I get paid on Thurs. and I need to work the whole day so the next paycheck on the 5thm I can have some extra $ save to move out of my tiny studio apt. BUT, i'll be there in spirit! And i'll be at the Gorge BOTH nights rockin' out!!
now I am leaving to go to work and I am STILL tired. all that screaming for Stone is really making my voice hurt! hahahaha
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Awww Kelly, it is understandable. Don't worry. there'll be other times for us to meet. heck, remember, I think PJ is LONG over due to do Bridge School this year. We all here in the Bay Area think they will do it;) And I understand about moving into a new place and getting situated with $ and stuff. I need to start looking for a place for my growing family and after these last set of shows, I have to save and get a place. So I understand totally girl. you'll be there in spirit though Remember, you are STILL a Stoney Pony!!;)
oh btw, we just got back from the SF 2 show...OMG!! :eek: I can't even describe or come to terms with it. BUT, i'll let Lydia tell it all to you guys and i'll add my 2 cents in
all I have to say is STONEY G. FAN CLUB :cool:
Thanks Nadia. If they play Bridge School I'll have to be there. And by then I'll be situated and surely be able to save money. I'll be there in spirit, yes. You guys just have to rock out extra for me.
And I can't believe the songs you guys have gotten. Wow. :eek: Wow again. :eek:
Good luck finding your own (bigger) place soon. *hugs*
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Thanks Nadia. If they play Bridge School I'll have to be there. And by then I'll be situated and surely be able to save money. I'll be there in spirit, yes. You guys just have to rock out extra for me.
And I can't believe the songs you guys have gotten. Wow. :eek: Wow again. :eek:
Good luck finding your own (bigger) place soon. *hugs*
thanks Kelly and congrats on finding a new place. YEA!! it is a cause for a Stoney celebration right there:)
*HUGS back*
and i must say, STONEY was on FIRE the past 2 nights!!! Seriously doing everything from the waddle to the pigeon and THEN some!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
the SF shows have been out of control, and stone? goddamn! as if i didn't love the man enough already!
his solo on fuckin' up was kickass....mad props as always to the groove master
THANK U B!!! he was going OFF during that solo. of course, the little bugger didn't look to our side of the stage, but man, THAT solo just PROVES to what we already know...Stone is one BAD ASS MOFO and he is a force to be reckin with!! :cool:
and B, our both lower sections ROCKED! We were ALL rockin' out!! SO much of a change from Sat.'s show!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
THANK U B!!! he was going OFF during that solo. of course, the little bugger didn't look to our side of the stage, but man, THAT solo just PROVES to what we already know...Stone is one BAD ASS MOFO and he is a force to be reckin with!! :cool:
and B, our both lower sections ROCKED! We were ALL rockin' out!! SO much of a change from Sat.'s show!!
bad ass mofo indeed :cool:
yeah we definitely represented in our section! i wished i could have been down in that first row with you guys, but i couldn't leave my buddies and sis behind (who had a blast!!)....i was rockin out like a crackhead 3 rows back though, you best believe!! hahaha
yeah we definitely represented in our section! i wished i could have been down in that first row with you guys, but i couldn't leave my buddies and sis behind (who had a blast!!)....i was rockin out like a crackhead 3 rows back though, you best believe!! hahaha
oh I SO understand girl!! i'm glad that your sister was rockin' out!! another one to add to our list
stone has been NON STOP rockin' out!! I can't believe it! More things are in store for the next 4 shows!! :eek:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Sorry to those who had to change their show plans due to money issues :( But I applaud your self-control and priority-setting. Very intelligent and mature... Stone must be a good influence on you
You'll be there in spirit and hanging on to every word of the fan reviews in the meantime... and your shows WILL come, I just know it!!
To those have gone to recent shows, have you noticed if very many people wearing the Stone wishlist foundation t-shirt? I got mine in the mail last week and it takes the color orange to a whole new level... I've never SEEN such an orange shirt Most Stoney-riffic, I must say.
Thanks for sharing the Stone-specific show love with us!! He's all that
oh she's a convert....she was HELLA screaming during the encore break. she'll show up on the boot i'm sure haha
woooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo bring the other shows ON! i can't believe i got 3 more still :eek:
i'm hoping for 'thin air', love that stone gem!
hehe. WOHOHOO! so glad!! and YES, I am hoping for Thin Air too!! They did All Those Yesterdays on soundcheck back in the East Coast, and they STILL haven't played it yet!! oh our time will come for the Stoney love song fest!!
To those have gone to recent shows, have you noticed if very many people wearing the Stone wishlist foundation t-shirt? I got mine in the mail last week and it takes the color orange to a whole new level... I've never SEEN such an orange shirt Most Stoney-riffic, I must say.
Yes. I did notice that at the SF shows. I thought that rocked. Showing more love for the Duckman!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Sorry to those who had to change their show plans due to money issues :( But I applaud your self-control and priority-setting. Very intelligent and mature... Stone must be a good influence on you
You'll be there in spirit and hanging on to every word of the fan reviews in the meantime... and your shows WILL come, I just know it!!
To those have gone to recent shows, have you noticed if very many people wearing the Stone wishlist foundation t-shirt? I got mine in the mail last week and it takes the color orange to a whole new level... I've never SEEN such an orange shirt Most Stoney-riffic, I must say.
Thanks for sharing the Stone-specific show love with us!! He's all that
I want a Stoney shirt! Another that is. haha
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Um and yeah like Meddle said you guys I had to call her and scream that STONEY DOES THE SOLO TO FUNKAY ASS RAAAAAAAAATS! :eek: Hooooly shit!!! Heeell yeah. The man OWNED THOSE RATS!!! PIMP SHIT right there. I am thrilled that the funkay ass RATS made their way to the West Coast too. Here's to much more of 'em! Love, Love, Love it!
Awww and I of course had my sign with me at all times and Jeff saw it in Vegas. He got all smilely, jumped up and pumped his fists at it.
Oooh also- Ed was doing a ton of toasts in SD and did one to Mikey then was like "while I'm at...here's to Mr Jeff AMent." Everyone cheered...then I waiting like "ok here it comes". haha. NOPE! BUt it's all good. After CROWN (!!!!!!!!*chills&tears*) and ALIVE Eddie said "and those last 2 songs were written by STONE GOSSARD! A toast to STONE!" YAY!!!! *jumps up and down*
HA! The mans dances were hi-larious. The pigeon neckin is out full force Leg 2...like out to kill! haha. So is the Pogoman during Corduroy!!!!!! :eek: Also the man was doing his 2 step groove to YOU ARE! :cool: Mmmm mmm mmm! WHat...a....PIMP! And headbanging into oblivion during Severed Hand. \m/ He's just on fiyah in every possible way...just like the entire band! We really have gone back in time here! Seeing Stoney so rejuvenated really makes me extra extra giddy & proud too. Especially since so many people think he's a stiff on stage. :rolleyes: *snooooore* hehe. Anyways, he is anything but this time around. Each year he's letting loose more and more and in '06 the goose is loose on whoooooole new levels of great/pimpness! I can't wait for all you PONIES & BITCHES to experience this shit first hand. I said YEEEEAH!
I actually had a dream about him the night after VEgas. I dreamt that I met him and Jeff!! :eek: And that Stoney sang Don't Gimme No Lip!!! AHHHH! A sign of what's to come?!?! *squeals* Ya never know. I believe in miracles!
One thing is for damn sure~~~~>these shows were out of this world and I know the best is yet to come. It's 'hard to imagine'...but it's true. The best is yet to come.
The upcoming ones will be the best of the best. I can feel it!. With all the Stoney Lovers united as one giant force we shall rule the setlists my friends. I can't waaaaaaaaaaait!!!!!!
((psssst>>OF THE GIRL>>THIN AIR>>ATY>>DGNL>>and much much more)))
Oh and P.S. Nadia I got that article too. Just when you think they can't possibly make this world a greater place.......
Jesus this band is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
My voice was completely shot the other day too. My throat still hurts a bit and my voice comes and goes, but it was well worth it.
Stone seemed to be really enjoying himself that night.
I'd like to thank Mr. Stoney G (and Ed too) for the gem that is known as All or None. I am blasting it through my speakers as I type this.
06/06/03, 07/06/06
"Playing a song that hits you on that deep emotional level and being able to match that with what you're playing on the drums - that can just lift you and the song to another level." -- Matt Cameron
Mel, glad you had a great time at the concert!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Plain and simple!:)
i'm too tired to said in detail how cool of a guy he is, but you all know that;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
Favorite Stoney moment #27: When Stoney wore the luchador mask at the "shoe-throwing" show. haha
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Another moment: Vote for Change Tour finale, which Pati pointed out later on. He was wearing a Bush mask and dancing during the final song with everyone on stage
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Guys some bad news. I don't know if you know, but I'm transferring to Missouri State Univ. this fall, and two of my friends were looking for a place for us. They found a great place, but I'm going to have to pay more of the money the first month. This has confirmed what I've been really freakin' out over lately, and that is I can't go to the Gorge. :( :( I mean the money has to go to the house. That is essential. I'm so happy about the house, but I'm so incredibly sad that I won't get to see PJ for the first time nor will I see Stone or you guys for our meet up. :(
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Comparible to no other.........
Need I say more?
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww Kelly, it is understandable. Don't worry. there'll be other times for us to meet. heck, remember, I think PJ is LONG over due to do Bridge School this year. We all here in the Bay Area think they will do it;) And I understand about moving into a new place and getting situated with $ and stuff. I need to start looking for a place for my growing family and after these last set of shows, I have to save and get a place. So I understand totally girl. you'll be there in spirit though
oh btw, we just got back from the SF 2 show...OMG!! :eek: I can't even describe or come to terms with it. BUT, i'll let Lydia tell it all to you guys
all I have to say is STONEY G. FAN CLUB :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
The official Stoney G Fanclub rocked the house!! Can you say Orange guitar picks!!! I love all of you!! Lydia, Nadia, Mel & Patti, what a night to remember! I will never forget the incredible time we shared! I'VE GOT MEMORIES, I'VE GOT SHIT!!!
Wishlist Foundation-
I love you too Lisa, and everyone else in our little group, Mel, Pati and Lydi
and I am regret to inform my fellow Ponies that I can't make it to Portland :( I get paid on Thurs. and I need to work the whole day so the next paycheck on the 5thm I can have some extra $ save to move out of my tiny studio apt. BUT, i'll be there in spirit!
now I am leaving to go to work and I am STILL tired. all that screaming for Stone is really making my voice hurt! hahahaha
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
And I can't believe the songs you guys have gotten. Wow. :eek: Wow again. :eek:
Good luck finding your own (bigger) place soon. *hugs*
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
thanks Kelly and congrats on finding a new place. YEA!! it is a cause for a Stoney celebration right there:)
*HUGS back*
and i must say, STONEY was on FIRE the past 2 nights!!! Seriously doing everything from the waddle to the pigeon and THEN some!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
his solo on fuckin' up was kickass....mad props as always to the groove master
AWESOME!! Stoney is amazing!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
and B, our both lower sections ROCKED! We were ALL rockin' out!! SO much of a change from Sat.'s show!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
yeah we definitely represented in our section! i wished i could have been down in that first row with you guys, but i couldn't leave my buddies and sis behind (who had a blast!!)....i was rockin out like a crackhead 3 rows back though, you best believe!! hahaha
oh I SO understand girl!! i'm glad that your sister was rockin' out!! another one to add to our list
stone has been NON STOP rockin' out!! I can't believe it! More things are in store for the next 4 shows!! :eek:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
woooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo bring the other shows ON! i can't believe i got 3 more still :eek:
i'm hoping for 'thin air', love that stone gem!
You'll be there in spirit and hanging on to every word of the fan reviews in the meantime... and your shows WILL come, I just know it!!
To those have gone to recent shows, have you noticed if very many people wearing the Stone wishlist foundation t-shirt? I got mine in the mail last week and it takes the color orange to a whole new level... I've never SEEN such an orange shirt
Thanks for sharing the Stone-specific show love with us!! He's all that
hehe. WOHOHOO! so glad!!
Yes. I did notice that at the SF shows. I thought that rocked. Showing more love for the Duckman!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I want a Stoney shirt! Another that is. haha
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"