Just got my tickets today as well. Called and left 2 messages on Wednesday, didnt hear anything. Called twice today and got a call back after I mentioned on the second message that I was interested in donating and getting Pearl Jam tickets. Received a call about an hour later and I'll see you all on 7/1!!
can anybody pm me lucy's email?
i donated 100 bucks yesterday. left a message today and didn't hear from anybody. i figure they still have some tickets, but i'd like to stay on the lower tier since well i'm not rich.
see you all in dc, philly, msg1, hartford and boston... and hopefully msg2 if it ever goes back on sale
They are not donating the money, you are. They are just playing for free, I said that if I was Pearl Jam and i would charge 50-100 a ticket and donate the rest out of my pocket plus the ticket money.
They justify the expense of the tickets with the special nature of the show.... which means it is something they are making available to just those with $500 to just drop on a concert.
It started @ $250, which while expensive is not bad for an open bar and a donation to charity.
Also... they dont justify the price by the small venue. Bottom line is that they can't sell out the MSG @ $250... maybe you could make an argument that they couldve done a 3rd show @ MSG for charity, but in the end this is much more manageable for the Robin Hood Foundation.
As goofy as the whole process was they've handled it well and I can't say anything bad outside of not returning a lot of calls for 30+ hours while taking those who had rapid redialing in... they've done a great job and Pearl Jam is going to help them do a lot of good.
probably after expenses-but Id bet the band doesnt charge a dime to do the show, they will bring their own crew equip, etc and not charge a penny.
I think the dolans are involved in the rbf, and they most likely donated the theater and the catering as well.
Its all for a good cause (and a healthy tax deduction).
Truthfully, the tickets could be much more and PJ likely had a say in making some tix affordable for its fans. But it is about raising cash for the charity.
i believe? i read somewhere that indeed pearl jam is NOT making a dime off the show, donation it ALL. also, robinhood does not keep one cent, they donate 100%....VERY rare. i also have heard that a couple weeks ago the minimum donation to join the RHF was $200.....and right now it is $100.......so i do wonder if pearl jam had anything to do with that. being afforded the opportunity to attend a CHARITY concert for $250 a ticket...then upwards...is fantastic! anyone remember HoB in chicago, wasn't that a flat 1K per ticket?
anyhoooooooo.....i've never gotten any call backs or emails today - and i was certain to pass along my cell #, home email, etc...b/c i was out of the office all day....so i am assuming that when i spoke to lucy and all...everything went a-ok, tickets processed. no news is good news eh?
They are not donating the money, you are. They are just playing for free, I said that if I was Pearl Jam and i would charge 50-100 a ticket and donate the rest out of my pocket plus the ticket money.
Wow, you're trying to top your last post but not QUITE as bad..
They are already donating their time. They are already donating the time of their crew. You want them to then donate the $$ they could get from the 2,800 people there so you can get in cheaper?
Come on... I was mad at the $1,000/person HOB show in Chicago, but this is more than reasonable for a charity show.
Either learn the concept of charity, or pick a show you can afford. I personally can't afford this after flying for the Hartford/Boston shows, but I am not going to argue about it one bit. It's a good thing and if I could afford it I would stay and drive down for it...
So they are each donating a day or two of their time... while a lot of the fans that are buying tickets are probably donating a week of their pay.
No one is questioning that Pearl Jam does a lot for charity... and im sure some of it is even money out of their pockets....
But eddie rambles on about how companies, and the upper class manipulate the rest of society to support their cause.... well Pearl Jam does the same thing...
And this whole "12 other shows" is bullshit. Until Pearl Jam plays venues of under 3000 seats on a whole tour, shows like this are definately not available to the regular everyday fan. They justify the expense of the tickets with the special nature of the show.... which means it is something they are making available to just those with $500 to just drop on a concert.
irving plaza, even SMALLER than the beacon...was totally available to the average, every day fan....ANYone could've waited all day outside tower records, purchased the avocado album, and gotten a free ticket. i did. sure, it was in NYC...but none the less...the opportunity was there. also, wasn't there a show over i england i believe, small venue...that was entirely FREE? just had to call the 10c. i don't really remember. anyhoo....there are, have been and will probably continue to be special one-off shows. THIS show is an awesome opportunity t those willing to cough up the cash to support an AMAZING charity, and get to see pearl jam. and there is nothing wrong with pearl jam doing that.
i think even ed realizes everyone has an 'agenda'...a purpose....etc. why not work with that? seriously...it is amazing the 'standard' people hold this band to...and quite honestly, even at ridiculous standards, i think they still shine pretty brightly. i think they do a damn fine job of balancing things out to show their love and support of their fans...but also to be a part of the change they want to see in the world. you've got to work it ALL to make a difference. i say kudos. you don't see it that way, cool...no worries....
EVERYthing pearl jam chooses to do, does NOT have to be 'ALL about the fans'...at least to me, anyway. they can, and do, have other options/choices/purposes......and that is their perogative to do so.
btw - unless their entire crew is donating their pay for the gig, pearl jam is also paying their crew for these shows as well, out of their own pockets. want to say they have deep pockets, absolutely true...just like their time, and whatever monies they do lay out...nice tax deduction for them, just like us buying tix. there is more to it than simply 'donating a day or 2 of their time.'
It looks like they made it through the list pretty quickly. My gf called last night and left a message and she just scored tix.
And YES, $250 tix are still available!
For those who have called today there's still hope. Stay by your phone : ) If you have call display and see a missed call from 212-844-3500 call them back and tell them you missed a call. They will help you.
Good luck to all those trying.
my friend called yesterday morning and hasn't got a call back!!! :(
By charging a lot for a "special" show, even if for charity, they are creating a situation where not only are a large percentage of their fans are shut out by location or venue size... they are only catering to those with the most money. If i lived near beacon plaza, would i shell out $500 for me and my wife to go? I could... but i wouldnt.
Someone mentioned borgata as a special show... and go back in the threads for that one- I called them on that bullshit as well... $90 a ticket was ridiculous as well.
For being so "smart" and "committed to their fans"... they sure do a lot of capitalistic things... Special High Cost Shows, Low Print Runs of records and posters to assure there is always significantly more demand than supply... Poor tour announcements, awful system for ticket purchasing, etc.
They dont Care about their fans... they Care about LOOKING like they care.
irving plaza, even SMALLER than the beacon...was totally available to the average, every day fan....ANYone could've waited all day outside tower records, purchased the avocado album, and gotten a free ticket. i did. sure, it was in NYC...but none the less...the opportunity was there. also, wasn't there a show over i england i believe, small venue...that was entirely FREE? just had to call the 10c. i don't really remember. anyhoo....there are, have been and will probably continue to be special one-off shows. THIS show is an awesome opportunity t those willing to cough up the cash to support an AMAZING charity, and get to see pearl jam. and there is nothing wrong with pearl jam doing that.
i think even ed realizes everyone has an 'agenda'...a purpose....etc. why not work with that? seriously...it is amazing the 'standard' people hold this band to...and quite honestly, even at ridiculous standards, i think they still shine pretty brightly. i think they do a damn fine job of balancing things out to show their love and support of their fans...but also to be a part of the change they want to see in the world. you've got to work it ALL to make a difference. i say kudos. you don't see it that way, cool...no worries....
EVERYthing pearl jam chooses to do, does NOT have to be 'ALL about the fans'...at least to me, anyway. they can, and do, have other options/choices/purposes......and that is their perogative to do so.
btw - unless their entire crew is donating their pay for the gig, pearl jam is also paying their crew for these shows as well, out of their own pockets. want to say they have deep pockets, absolutely true...just like their time, and whatever monies they do lay out...nice tax deduction for them, just like us buying tix. there is more to it than simply 'donating a day or 2 of their time.'
Astoria show wasn't free..only a handfull (and I mean that, 50 max pairs probably) of 10c tickets were. (not disagreeing with your point ..just correcting the facts)
but I got there ..first PJ show ever! for a lot of other folks too!
$60 odd dollar or whatever that was (that's cheap here for a band that size, let alone in that size venue)
size is about a 1/4 of the Beacon, if that, google it..and GA.. I was 1st row, 1 yard from the stage..there
I would be the first one at giving them shit if they were charging Rolling Stones/Neil Young prices for their regular shows.
but [size=+5]this is for a CHARITY![/size]
they're 'only' giving their time?..no, they giving time, most likely paying out of their own pocket crew and other show expenses...and it can raise that much money specifically because it's a more intimate show (would anyone contemplate spending $250-500 a ticket otherwise? I'm ignoring the people/corporations paying 2500, it's another fish)
you don't like it? then don't go..nobody forces you..
I'm 'desperately' waiting for my friend to get a call back from the Robin Hood people so we can book a ticket...and no I can't really afford it, but hey, it' PJ AND it goes to a good cause
But perhaps it should be amended to read This is for a charity... and those that can drop a minimum of $500 for a pair of tickets.
A $10 a ticket show at MSG that draws 30,000 could also be for charity.
A "free" show at central park with donation tables everywhere could also be for "charity"
An additional $5 charge to benefit the Robin Hood Foundation on entire tour could be for "charity"
I may be wrong but I heard Beacon theatre is mostly for these types of charities, and all of these types of shows like this go by the price tier of $250, 350, 500, and 2500, so how can you blame Pearl Jam for these prices?
Also, if Pearl Jam announces to the fan club that there's a show, or they sell tix like they are for Beacon what's the difference? I mean, if they decide to sell tickets using method "X" or "Y" what's it really gonna do but cause different people to bitch?
I may be wrong but I heard Beacon theatre is mostly for these types of charities, and all of these types of shows like this go by the price tier of $250, 350, 500, and 2500, so how can you blame Pearl Jam for these prices?
Also, if Pearl Jam announces to the fan club that there's a show, or they sell tix like they are for Beacon what's the difference? I mean, if they decide to sell tickets using method "X" or "Y" what's it really gonna do but cause different people to bitch?
i saw joe walsh at the beacon about 1.5 years ago and it wasnt a benefit show... and the allmans usually play like 18 shows a year there... so its not exclusively for benefits
it's largely due to eddie that i liked to jump off of things as a child...
But perhaps it should be amended to read This is for a charity... and those that can drop a minimum of $500 for a pair of tickets.
A $10 a ticket show at MSG that draws 30,000 could also be for charity.
A "free" show at central park with donation tables everywhere could also be for "charity"
An additional $5 charge to benefit the Robin Hood Foundation on entire tour could be for "charity"
edited to correct quote
a $10 MSG show would raise $300,000 minus all the cost of renting a venue like MSG...which is a LOT.
According to RS, this one is raising $3million!
a central park free show will never get that, even if everyone was giving $10 out of their own pocket (before you even count the cost of staging it..the policing cost alone would be staggering!).
and there was plenty of moaning about the regular ticket prices without adding another $5 (and if they go like in 06, some is already going to other charities)
that one, it's 1 show! you chose if you can make it or not. you have 13 more to attend if you don't.
(and btw, the minimum price was $250, not 500. ..hasn't G.Bush given you guys back some money this year?)
But perhaps it should be amended to read This is for a charity... and those that can drop a minimum of $500 for a pair of tickets.
A $10 a ticket show at MSG that draws 30,000 could also be for charity.
A "free" show at central park with donation tables everywhere could also be for "charity"
An additional $5 charge to benefit the Robin Hood Foundation on entire tour could be for "charity"
i think the question then is.....so what?
this is a robin hood thing that pearl jam chose to participate in. robin hood is an awesome organization, donating 100% of all funds raised...how many charitable foundations can say THAT? i don't think they do *big*...as in MSG.....and yea, they are funded by the wealthy so go more for the wealthy. obviously, it's THEIR show...thus why they are handling tickets, why no 10c announcement, etc. it's odd how many (not saying you) think their $20 dollars a year *entitles* them to ALL things pearl jam FIRST. we were NEVER promised that. again, so what? it's ONE GIG. there will be others...for a LOT cheaper...some for charity...some for profit...and so it goes. i honestly see no *point* in any of the complaints.
you're RIGHT....PLENTY of ways they could do charity gigs...and they have done all sorts of variations. again, SO WHAT? THIS time...they are doing it THIS WAY. there it is. like it or not.
sometimes, it seems like people like to argue purely for the sake of arguing. which is all well and good, but here.....i see no validity. obviously, you may think differently. c'est la vie.
was there a bitchfest over the 1K tickets for the HoB shows in chicago? i didn't pay attention? did people praise pj for their free *50 tix to the london gig? or just bitch there wasn't enough tix? again, i dunno. i think pj & co realized a long time ago...you cannot please everyone. so they do what THEY want, and if you/i/we want to go along, or not, it's our choice.
*corrected for accuracy.
btw - there was maybe 1000 fans at the irving plaza gig. some paid for 10c tix, others such as me...paid at most? $13 to buy the avocado cd as our 'admission.'
pearl jam mixes it all up! all kinds of shows, all kinds of prices....and most shows, reasonable.
This could be the dumbest thing I've ever read on the board... and that is saying a LOT...
could somebody scrape me off the floor when I'm done laughing!?!?!?!?
A few random thoughts to some things I've read.
The Beacon is not for charity events only. They have a website - check it out.
Face value of The Allman Bros Tickets for the canceled shows were $120 for Orchestra give or take some inconvienance fees.
The Borgata - has anyone seen their prices lately? Kid Rock - about $200, $285 for Aerosmith and $500 for Eric Clapton.............. They have a website, too - check it out.....
Anyone who thinks their paying too much for CHARITY - should check out charitybuzz.com. You can comparison shop there. Robinhood is not about helping whiney kids (I'm a 45 year old kid) who are using their PC's and cell phones at work or their laptop in their parent's basement to try to score cheap seats. They have a website, too - check it out.
And anyone who's still in a giving mood can donate to my Tour De Cure ride to help fight against diabetes. I'm squeezing it in between a few shows on June 21. http://main.diabetes.org/goto/wendywrocks
Honolulu, 2006, Lollapalooza, 2007, WPB, June 11, 2008 (my birthday!!!!!)
Bonnaroo 2008, MSG June 24, The Beacon July 1, 2008 (Robin Hood Rocks)
United Palace Theatre August 5, 2008, NJPAC August 7, 2008 (EV Solo)
Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA June 11, 2009 (My Birthday!), June 12
The Spectrum Oct 27, 30, 31, 2009
The Rock, May 18,(Front Row Center), MSG May 20, 21 2010
The fact it is for charity does not change the fact that pearl jam went on and on about low prices, being for all their fans, not rewarding the wealthy
It is a $250.00 Concert ticket... that automatically means that a large percentage of their audience cant even consider going... and the odds are they'll do something to make it a "special" show.. meaning that Pearl Jam did something specifically for their wealthiest fans.... charity, again, has nothing to do with it....
This is the same band that brought you songs like Soon Forget and other songs decrying the mindset of the wealthy, and the poor treatment of the underprivledged.
it sucks that it is in the middle of their tour. a lot of people just spent a lot of money for various shows this summer. if it was during a time they weren't currently touring, maybe it would be more do-able. Still, i'd rather see my 4 shows than the one, small venue or not.
but, i agree that they should make it more affordable to all the fans, not just the wealthy. i know it's for charity, but a lot of people just don't have the money to blow. they could figure out another way - adding a charity show with a feasible donation up front & regular ticket prices.
money talks...just not to me!
"I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me. Guaranteed."
it sucks that it is in the middle of their tour. a lot of people just spent a lot of money for various shows this summer. if it was during a time they weren't currently touring, maybe it would be more do-able. Still, i'd rather see my 4 shows than the one, small venue or not.
but, i agree that they should make it more affordable to all the fans, not just the wealthy. i know it's for charity, but a lot of people just don't have the money to blow. they could figure out another way - adding a charity show with a feasible donation up front & regular ticket prices.
money talks...just not to me!
At least its not as bad as that tour when they announced like 6 dates 3-4 seperate dates... just far enough apart for all their fans to by tickets to somewhat close shows (4-5 hours away) only to have another show announced a couple days later 20 minutes from their house.... with non tranferable tickets.
It is incredibly selfish of you to take a selfless, charitable act by a band that has been so loyal to its fans over the years and turn it in to something it is not simply because you cannot afford to attend the show.
And its a large assumption you are making to think i cant "afford the show."
I could, but wouldnt want to. First of all, i live no where near the beacon theatre, 2nd- pearl jam is a good live band... but they've blown their wad, as the past couple tours have relied too heavily on digging out rarities to get people talking instead of focusing on blistering, or haunting versions of their standard songs... still a good live band, but no longer truely epic (especially the 1st night of a 2 show set).
I think Pearl Jam has turned into a bunch of self rightous hypocrites, eddie specifically, and continue to show it more and more. The fact something is for charity is nice... but ultimately it doesnt change the fact a band that went to the mat against ticketmaster now does $100 casino shows, and $350 charity shows. a band that harps on the evils of wealth announces as a special show that exploits that wealth- at the same time excluding those that dont have it.
The fact it is for charity does not change the fact that pearl jam went on and on about low prices, being for all their fans, not rewarding the wealthy
It is a $250.00 Concert ticket... that automatically means that a large percentage of their audience cant even consider going... and the odds are they'll do something to make it a "special" show.. meaning that Pearl Jam did something specifically for their wealthiest fans.... charity, again, has nothing to do with it....
This is the same band that brought you songs like Soon Forget and other songs decrying the mindset of the wealthy, and the poor treatment of the underprivledged.
i'm sorry...do you read what you post?
pearl jam does not have to make each and every show they perfrom afforable for EVERY fan...and let's face it, unless free shows in EVERY city, even inexpensive shows not all can afford.
pearl jam ARE WEALTHY. so don't lum ALL wealthy people with a 'wealthy mindset'...i think robinhood foundation is actually a GOOD example of a healthy and good 'wealthy mindset.' there are LOTs of wealthy people who do great and amazing things with their wealth. it amazes me how people seem to hold pearl jam & co to ANY comment made 15+ years ago. people grow, people change. they still hold to their ideals...but their whys and hows of it alter. i think pearl jam has matured...just as many of their fans have...and realized there are MANY ways to go about things.
again...this is ONE SHOW. i don't ever recall that pearl jam promised to make EVERY show affordable and available to EVERY fan. i musta missed that memo. they decided to participate in a ROBIN HOOD event. just like when they decided to participate in VFC. they follow the 'rules' set by those who HOST said events. sure, they could've turned it down. THIs is how RNF does their charity gigs. i would think pearl jam saw GOOD in it. EVERY show does NOT have to be for EVERYone, in fact, that's an impossibility. quite honestly, i amazed how some are taking pearl jam to task over this. actually, i am not. it happens time and again.....
again, peatrl jam can do whatever they want. no matter WHAT they do, they will not please everyone...so they might as well do what THEY WANT. it's sad if you think that isd 'wrong'...or elitist......or compromising...or whatever else adjective you want to apply here.
btw - i am not 'defending' pearl jam...b/c i personally see NOTHING to defend, alli see is GOOD. it's a choice! if they want EVERY fan to go to shows and afford em, they'd be $10. they are FOR profit ya know. i think they do their BESt to BALANCE things. and again, EVERY show does not have to be all about fans, it can be about what THEY want it to be. maybe in this case, it's to throw support to an AWESOME organization, and doing so, they play by their rules/
aha i see...if one does not 100% stay true to comments/ides they've made over the years, they are hypocrites. amazing how people are not allowed to grow and change...decide sometimes it's a good idea to work WITH, and not always AGASINST. more than one way to follow your heart, make a difference...work for the greater good. and yea...i also never thought of pj as mother theresa, i always realized...they are a BAND...making $$$...so whateva.....
aha i see...if one does not 100% stay true to comments/ides they've made over the years, they are hypocrites. amazing how people are not allowed to grow and change...decide sometimes it's a good idea to work WITH, and not always AGASINST. more than one way to follow your heart, make a difference...work for the greater good. and yea...i also never thought of pj as mother theresa, i always realized...they are a BAND...making $$$...so whateva.....
Pearl Jam has every right to do what they want... just like all their fans have every right to either follow blindly, or question them.
Pearl Jam has every right to say what they want, or charge what they want... but why is it so wrong for someone to call them on the hypocrisy of calling out wealthy people, corporations, disproportionate treatement of the disadvantged, etc?
Pearl Jam growing and changing is a Good thing... except for they still rail against the things they are a part of.
Perhaps it was presumptuous of me to suggest that you cannot "afford" the show.
But the bottom line is that in the past 4 years the band will have played over 100 shows and TWO of those shows were $100 casino shows while ONE show was a $250 charity show. The band is stil making tickets afforadale to fans for almost all of their shows. And the fact that the band participates in a charity event to raise $3M for a good cause and you critisize them for it is uncalled for.
If you feel that their live performances have become sub-par in recent years and therefore their concert tickets aren't good value for your heard earned money, that's one thing. But to call them selfish because they are playing a single $250 charity show is a very poor attitude.
preach on!
1996: Ft Lauderdale
1998: Birmingham
2000: Charlotte, Tampa
2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
2004: Kissimmee
2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
2010: MSG2
2012: Music Midtown
2014: Memphis
2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest 2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1 2022: Nashville 2023: Ft. Worth II 2024: Baltimore
Easy process for $250 seats..
Tough to spend this much, but it is for charity and I am sure the boys will make it worth our while..
I would love an all unplugged show! PJ at their best IMO
7/5/98 Dallas, 10/17/00 Dallas, 4/30/03 Uniondale, 7/8/03 MSG 1, 7/9/03 MSG 2, 9/28/04 Boston 1, 9/29/04 Boston 2, 10/03/05 Philly, 4/15/06 SNL, 5/5/06 Irving Plaza, 5/13/06 Hartford, 6/1/06 NJ 1, 6/3/06 NJ 2, 6/20/08 Camden, 6/27/08 Hartford, 7/1/08 The Beacon, 10/27/09 Philly, 10/28/09 Philly, 10/30/09 Philly, 10/31/09 Philly, 5/20/10 MSG, 5/21/10 MSG, 10/18/13 Brooklyn, 10/19/13, Brooklyn, 10/25/13 Hartford, 11/15/13 Dallas, 10/12/14 Austin 2, 5/1/16 MSG 1, 5/2/16 MSG 2, 8/5/15 Fenway 1, 4/7/17 RRHOF Induction, 8/8/18 Seattle 1, 8/10/18 Seattle 2, 9/2/18 Fenway 1, 9/13/23 Ft. Worth 1, 9/15/23 Ft. Worth 2, 5/16/24 Vegas 1, 5/18/24 Vegas 2, 9/17/24 Fenway 2, 4/29/25 ATL 1, 5/1/2025 ATL 2
i donated 100 bucks yesterday. left a message today and didn't hear from anybody. i figure they still have some tickets, but i'd like to stay on the lower tier since well i'm not rich.
see you all in dc, philly, msg1, hartford and boston... and hopefully msg2 if it ever goes back on sale
Can you PM me Lucy's email address?
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
I'd suggest calling too.
Also... they dont justify the price by the small venue. Bottom line is that they can't sell out the MSG @ $250... maybe you could make an argument that they couldve done a 3rd show @ MSG for charity, but in the end this is much more manageable for the Robin Hood Foundation.
As goofy as the whole process was they've handled it well and I can't say anything bad outside of not returning a lot of calls for 30+ hours while taking those who had rapid redialing in... they've done a great job and Pearl Jam is going to help them do a lot of good.
i believe? i read somewhere that indeed pearl jam is NOT making a dime off the show, donation it ALL. also, robinhood does not keep one cent, they donate 100%....VERY rare. i also have heard that a couple weeks ago the minimum donation to join the RHF was $200.....and right now it is $100.......so i do wonder if pearl jam had anything to do with that. being afforded the opportunity to attend a CHARITY concert for $250 a ticket...then upwards...is fantastic! anyone remember HoB in chicago, wasn't that a flat 1K per ticket?
anyhoooooooo.....i've never gotten any call backs or emails today - and i was certain to pass along my cell #, home email, etc...b/c i was out of the office all day....so i am assuming that when i spoke to lucy and all...everything went a-ok, tickets processed. no news is good news eh?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
They are already donating their time. They are already donating the time of their crew. You want them to then donate the $$ they could get from the 2,800 people there so you can get in cheaper?
Come on... I was mad at the $1,000/person HOB show in Chicago, but this is more than reasonable for a charity show.
Either learn the concept of charity, or pick a show you can afford. I personally can't afford this after flying for the Hartford/Boston shows, but I am not going to argue about it one bit. It's a good thing and if I could afford it I would stay and drive down for it...
irving plaza, even SMALLER than the beacon...was totally available to the average, every day fan....ANYone could've waited all day outside tower records, purchased the avocado album, and gotten a free ticket. i did. sure, it was in NYC...but none the less...the opportunity was there. also, wasn't there a show over i england i believe, small venue...that was entirely FREE? just had to call the 10c. i don't really remember. anyhoo....there are, have been and will probably continue to be special one-off shows. THIS show is an awesome opportunity t those willing to cough up the cash to support an AMAZING charity, and get to see pearl jam. and there is nothing wrong with pearl jam doing that.
i think even ed realizes everyone has an 'agenda'...a purpose....etc. why not work with that? seriously...it is amazing the 'standard' people hold this band to...and quite honestly, even at ridiculous standards, i think they still shine pretty brightly. i think they do a damn fine job of balancing things out to show their love and support of their fans...but also to be a part of the change they want to see in the world. you've got to work it ALL to make a difference. i say kudos. you don't see it that way, cool...no worries....
EVERYthing pearl jam chooses to do, does NOT have to be 'ALL about the fans'...at least to me, anyway. they can, and do, have other options/choices/purposes......and that is their perogative to do so.
btw - unless their entire crew is donating their pay for the gig, pearl jam is also paying their crew for these shows as well, out of their own pockets. want to say they have deep pockets, absolutely true...just like their time, and whatever monies they do lay out...nice tax deduction for them, just like us buying tix. there is more to it than simply 'donating a day or 2 of their time.'
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
my friend called yesterday morning and hasn't got a call back!!! :(
Someone mentioned borgata as a special show... and go back in the threads for that one- I called them on that bullshit as well... $90 a ticket was ridiculous as well.
For being so "smart" and "committed to their fans"... they sure do a lot of capitalistic things... Special High Cost Shows, Low Print Runs of records and posters to assure there is always significantly more demand than supply... Poor tour announcements, awful system for ticket purchasing, etc.
They dont Care about their fans... they Care about LOOKING like they care.
but I got there ..first PJ show ever! for a lot of other folks too!
$60 odd dollar or whatever that was (that's cheap here for a band that size, let alone in that size venue)
size is about a 1/4 of the Beacon, if that, google it..and GA.. I was 1st row, 1 yard from the stage..there
I would be the first one at giving them shit if they were charging Rolling Stones/Neil Young prices for their regular shows.
but [size=+5]this is for a CHARITY![/size]
they're 'only' giving their time?..no, they giving time, most likely paying out of their own pocket crew and other show expenses...and it can raise that much money specifically because it's a more intimate show (would anyone contemplate spending $250-500 a ticket otherwise? I'm ignoring the people/corporations paying 2500, it's another fish)
you don't like it? then don't go..nobody forces you..
I'm 'desperately' waiting for my friend to get a call back from the Robin Hood people so we can book a ticket...and no I can't really afford it, but hey, it' PJ AND it goes to a good cause
Yes. we know. We Get It. We Can all read.
But perhaps it should be amended to read This is for a charity... and those that can drop a minimum of $500 for a pair of tickets.
A $10 a ticket show at MSG that draws 30,000 could also be for charity.
A "free" show at central park with donation tables everywhere could also be for "charity"
An additional $5 charge to benefit the Robin Hood Foundation on entire tour could be for "charity"
edited to correct quote
Also, if Pearl Jam announces to the fan club that there's a show, or they sell tix like they are for Beacon what's the difference? I mean, if they decide to sell tickets using method "X" or "Y" what's it really gonna do but cause different people to bitch?
i saw joe walsh at the beacon about 1.5 years ago and it wasnt a benefit show... and the allmans usually play like 18 shows a year there... so its not exclusively for benefits
According to RS, this one is raising $3million!
a central park free show will never get that, even if everyone was giving $10 out of their own pocket (before you even count the cost of staging it..the policing cost alone would be staggering!).
and there was plenty of moaning about the regular ticket prices without adding another $5 (and if they go like in 06, some is already going to other charities)
that one, it's 1 show! you chose if you can make it or not. you have 13 more to attend if you don't.
(and btw, the minimum price was $250, not 500. ..hasn't G.Bush given you guys back some money this year?)
...you are welcome
i think the question then is.....so what?
this is a robin hood thing that pearl jam chose to participate in. robin hood is an awesome organization, donating 100% of all funds raised...how many charitable foundations can say THAT? i don't think they do *big*...as in MSG.....and yea, they are funded by the wealthy so go more for the wealthy. obviously, it's THEIR show...thus why they are handling tickets, why no 10c announcement, etc. it's odd how many (not saying you) think their $20 dollars a year *entitles* them to ALL things pearl jam FIRST. we were NEVER promised that. again, so what? it's ONE GIG. there will be others...for a LOT cheaper...some for charity...some for profit...and so it goes. i honestly see no *point* in any of the complaints.
you're RIGHT....PLENTY of ways they could do charity gigs...and they have done all sorts of variations. again, SO WHAT? THIS time...they are doing it THIS WAY. there it is. like it or not.
sometimes, it seems like people like to argue purely for the sake of arguing. which is all well and good, but here.....i see no validity. obviously, you may think differently. c'est la vie.
was there a bitchfest over the 1K tickets for the HoB shows in chicago? i didn't pay attention? did people praise pj for their free *50 tix to the london gig? or just bitch there wasn't enough tix? again, i dunno. i think pj & co realized a long time ago...you cannot please everyone. so they do what THEY want, and if you/i/we want to go along, or not, it's our choice.
*corrected for accuracy.
btw - there was maybe 1000 fans at the irving plaza gig. some paid for 10c tix, others such as me...paid at most? $13 to buy the avocado cd as our 'admission.'
pearl jam mixes it all up! all kinds of shows, all kinds of prices....and most shows, reasonable.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
it's simply AWESOME! irving was the f-in best
could somebody scrape me off the floor when I'm done laughing!?!?!?!?
A few random thoughts to some things I've read.
The Beacon is not for charity events only. They have a website - check it out.
Face value of The Allman Bros Tickets for the canceled shows were $120 for Orchestra give or take some inconvienance fees.
The Borgata - has anyone seen their prices lately? Kid Rock - about $200, $285 for Aerosmith and $500 for Eric Clapton.............. They have a website, too - check it out.....
Anyone who thinks their paying too much for CHARITY - should check out charitybuzz.com. You can comparison shop there. Robinhood is not about helping whiney kids (I'm a 45 year old kid) who are using their PC's and cell phones at work or their laptop in their parent's basement to try to score cheap seats. They have a website, too - check it out.
And anyone who's still in a giving mood can donate to my Tour De Cure ride to help fight against diabetes. I'm squeezing it in between a few shows on June 21.
Bonnaroo 2008, MSG June 24, The Beacon July 1, 2008 (Robin Hood Rocks)
United Palace Theatre August 5, 2008, NJPAC August 7, 2008 (EV Solo)
Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA June 11, 2009 (My Birthday!), June 12
The Spectrum Oct 27, 30, 31, 2009
The Rock, May 18,(Front Row Center), MSG May 20, 21 2010
It is a $250.00 Concert ticket... that automatically means that a large percentage of their audience cant even consider going... and the odds are they'll do something to make it a "special" show.. meaning that Pearl Jam did something specifically for their wealthiest fans.... charity, again, has nothing to do with it....
This is the same band that brought you songs like Soon Forget and other songs decrying the mindset of the wealthy, and the poor treatment of the underprivledged.
but, i agree that they should make it more affordable to all the fans, not just the wealthy. i know it's for charity, but a lot of people just don't have the money to blow. they could figure out another way - adding a charity show with a feasible donation up front & regular ticket prices.
money talks...just not to me!
1996 Merriweather, MD; 1998 Camden, NJ; 2000 Camden, NJ; 2003 Camden, NJ; 2005 Philly, PA; 2006 Camden, NJ(nights 1 & 2); 2006 Arnhem, NED; 2008 Camden, NJ(nights 1 & 2), Washington DC, MSG(night 2) 2009 Philly Spectrum Shows(nights 1,2,3,4) 2010 Hartford,CT and MSG(night 2)
ED Solo - 2008 Washington DC, 2009 Philly, PA(nights 1&2)*Met Eddie
Yes, i get it. please continue to repeat points made by a dozen people already. I know its one show. Its for charity... blah blah blah.
To me its another step in the continued and growing hypocrisy of Pearl Jam.
At least its not as bad as that tour when they announced like 6 dates 3-4 seperate dates... just far enough apart for all their fans to by tickets to somewhat close shows (4-5 hours away) only to have another show announced a couple days later 20 minutes from their house.... with non tranferable tickets.
And its a large assumption you are making to think i cant "afford the show."
I could, but wouldnt want to. First of all, i live no where near the beacon theatre, 2nd- pearl jam is a good live band... but they've blown their wad, as the past couple tours have relied too heavily on digging out rarities to get people talking instead of focusing on blistering, or haunting versions of their standard songs... still a good live band, but no longer truely epic (especially the 1st night of a 2 show set).
I think Pearl Jam has turned into a bunch of self rightous hypocrites, eddie specifically, and continue to show it more and more. The fact something is for charity is nice... but ultimately it doesnt change the fact a band that went to the mat against ticketmaster now does $100 casino shows, and $350 charity shows. a band that harps on the evils of wealth announces as a special show that exploits that wealth- at the same time excluding those that dont have it.
i'm sorry...do you read what you post?
pearl jam does not have to make each and every show they perfrom afforable for EVERY fan...and let's face it, unless free shows in EVERY city, even inexpensive shows not all can afford.
pearl jam ARE WEALTHY. so don't lum ALL wealthy people with a 'wealthy mindset'...i think robinhood foundation is actually a GOOD example of a healthy and good 'wealthy mindset.' there are LOTs of wealthy people who do great and amazing things with their wealth. it amazes me how people seem to hold pearl jam & co to ANY comment made 15+ years ago. people grow, people change. they still hold to their ideals...but their whys and hows of it alter. i think pearl jam has matured...just as many of their fans have...and realized there are MANY ways to go about things.
again...this is ONE SHOW. i don't ever recall that pearl jam promised to make EVERY show affordable and available to EVERY fan. i musta missed that memo. they decided to participate in a ROBIN HOOD event. just like when they decided to participate in VFC. they follow the 'rules' set by those who HOST said events. sure, they could've turned it down. THIs is how RNF does their charity gigs. i would think pearl jam saw GOOD in it. EVERY show does NOT have to be for EVERYone, in fact, that's an impossibility. quite honestly, i amazed how some are taking pearl jam to task over this. actually, i am not. it happens time and again.....
again, peatrl jam can do whatever they want. no matter WHAT they do, they will not please everyone...so they might as well do what THEY WANT. it's sad if you think that isd 'wrong'...or elitist......or compromising...or whatever else adjective you want to apply here.
btw - i am not 'defending' pearl jam...b/c i personally see NOTHING to defend, alli see is GOOD. it's a choice! if they want EVERY fan to go to shows and afford em, they'd be $10. they are FOR profit ya know. i think they do their BESt to BALANCE things. and again, EVERY show does not have to be all about fans, it can be about what THEY want it to be. maybe in this case, it's to throw support to an AWESOME organization, and doing so, they play by their rules/
aha i see...if one does not 100% stay true to comments/ides they've made over the years, they are hypocrites. amazing how people are not allowed to grow and change...decide sometimes it's a good idea to work WITH, and not always AGASINST. more than one way to follow your heart, make a difference...work for the greater good. and yea...i also never thought of pj as mother theresa, i always realized...they are a BAND...making $$$...so whateva.....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Pearl Jam has every right to do what they want... just like all their fans have every right to either follow blindly, or question them.
Pearl Jam has every right to say what they want, or charge what they want... but why is it so wrong for someone to call them on the hypocrisy of calling out wealthy people, corporations, disproportionate treatement of the disadvantged, etc?
Pearl Jam growing and changing is a Good thing... except for they still rail against the things they are a part of.
1996: Ft Lauderdale
1998: Birmingham
2000: Charlotte, Tampa
2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
2004: Kissimmee
2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
2010: MSG2
2012: Music Midtown
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