Miss the Old Days of $38 Tickets



  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Momadance wrote:
    I donate plenty to charity. I don't come to message boards to degrade people with lesser financial situations than myself ... Unlike others around here.

    who's "degrading" people....?
  • MomadanceMomadance Posts: 52
    make better choices about your own personal finances
    I'd be willing to bet those whining have vices (booze, coffee, and smokes) that they can scrap together every week

    Judging people you've never met while having zero knowledge of their current situation is quite degrading.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Momadance wrote:
    Judging people you've never met is pretty degrading.

    you mean like this:
    Momadance wrote:
    Spoken like a true republican.
  • GangstacroGangstacro Posts: 104
    My favorite complaint when it comes ticket time is the people complaining that they didnt have a enough warning so they could save up the money for the show.

    Who the heck in this day and age doesnt use a credit card to buy things online? I'm pretty sure you can have zero money to your name and still buy tickets with a credit card. And if you don't use credit cards for whatever reason, you probably are not in the right financial mindset to be buying tickets to a concert anyways.

    I can see complaining because you didnt have enough time to plan your vacation, but complaining that you don't have the money right now and that you need more time is a freakin joke.
  • TheGossmanTheGossman Posts: 1,120
    I hate to say it but if PJ tries to charge $70 a ticket for Columbia SC, then they are gonna have another Birmingham 03
    9/4/98, 8/4/00, 12/8/02, 12/9/02, 4/15/03, 4/16/03, 4/19/03, 4/25/03, 4/26/03, 4/28/03, 4/29/03, 4/30/03, 7/8/03, 7/9/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/6/04, 9/1/05, 9/2/05, 5/16/06, 5/17/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 8/5/07, 6/11/08, 6/12/08, 6/14/08, 6/16/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08
  • MomadanceMomadance Posts: 52
    inmytree wrote:
    you mean like this:

    When one makes a Republicanesque statement people tend to think they're a Republican. Blaming the consumer for the current financial state of this country is nothing short of Republican. You've judged people by you're assumption of their vices and personal finance habits. At least I judge people on the statements that they make.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Momadance wrote:
    When one makes a Republicanesque statement people tend to think they're a Republican. Blaming the consumer for the current financial state of this country is nothing short of Republican. You've judged people by you're assumption of their vices and personal finance habits. At least I judge people on the statements that they make.

    All I said was: if you can't afford it, don't go....

    forgive my for "judging"...man, you sound like one of those ladies trying to figure out who's their baby-daddy on Maury..."don't you judge me, you don't know me...!"

    well, here's what I do know, if a person can not afford to attend a concert based on their current financial situation, that said person should not attend said concert....if they are concerned about 378,000 filing for benefits, and they are one of those 378,000, they should not be worried about $148 ticket prices...

    also, If they spend 20 bucks a week on smokes, 45 bucks at a bar on friday night, and go out to dinner 3 times a week, they shouldn't be upset about ticket prices...
  • MomadanceMomadance Posts: 52
  • SoonForgotten2SoonForgotten2 Posts: 2,245
    DeLukin wrote:
    Last month I paid $77 for a ticket to see Radiohead in May and I'm not in RH's fan club.

    I'm sure PJ/10c is doing what they can but I'm just sayin...

    The thing to keep in mind with RH is that they are coming over from England and pay for their expenses and arrangements in pounds, which is hard to recover from the US market where £1 equals about $2. Also, they have decided to not ship any of their gear overseas and instead will/have purchased a second set to be kept in the US for their shows there.

    Actually seeing as how their London tickets are £45 ($90 US) each for their June gigs, $77 is a bargain.

    As for PJ, yeah the prices are high-ish. They always maintain a rather simple stage set-up, so while their prices aren't near U2 level, neither is their production and therefore, costs. I think there are two ways PJ could keep the costs down: 1- play cities where they can play a minimum of 2 dates per stop. If that means playing slightly smaller venues, then why not? 2- Find sponsors for their tours. Keep in mind that there would be ways to tastefully be sponsored. I doubt that a band mounting a small 10 date tour would need to have some ulta giant, evil mega-corporation sponsor their tour to help keep ticket prices lower.
    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/sets/72157600802942672/">My Pearl Jam Photos</a>

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/&quot; title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg&quot; width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    this is pretty much what stuff costs these days, no?

    I can't remember the last time I got two tickets for something big for less.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
    Momadance wrote:
    People losing jobs in a recessed economy has nothing to do with their personal finance choices. I'm sure those 378,000 people asked to be laid off last week. Spoken like a true republican.
    whats wrong with republicans????
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • I saw PJ in 98 for $23 dollars. I saw GnR in 91 for $22.50. Metallica/G n R tour for $21.50 and get this Alice in Chains for $12.50. Hell I have a Nirvana ticket that says $19.00. RATM for $13 dollars in 96. Thats just some of my old tickets.
    Let's see those 2013 dates in the southern states.
  • SpunkieSpunkie i come from downtown. Posts: 6,831
    I miss 25c chocolate bars!
    I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef 
    Animals were hiding behind the Coral 
    Except for little Turtle
    I could swear he's trying to talk to me 
    Gurgle Gurgle
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    I wonder what DC will be since we have to leave the Verizon center by

    11 p.m.? maybe the show will start early.
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
  • xkevvxxkevvx Posts: 348
    I saw a show Friday night in Allentown, PA...eight bands played, five or six were on a national tour. They have to pay for gas too, but the ticket was only FIFTEEN dollars. That's for bands driving coast to coast. Of course, these are just smaller hardcore bands (although well known worldwide acts), they can't demand BIG bucks for tickets, but still...they are doing a tour of the entire U.S. They're still playing for thousands of people across the country, most likely spending more on gas between cities than they make or each show. The headliner was Earth Crisis. I've seen them in the past more more bills for one show, and they could've charged more for this show. All I'm saying is....I don't buy the whole gas it more expensive so ticket prices skyrocketed. I have to pay more for gas now too, shouldn't I get a discount on Pearl Jam tickets?

    I told a bunch of friends about this tour last week. They were all excited. Most of them aren't hardcore Pearl Jam fans, but they still like them. But then today I told them about the prices, and a bunch of them said something like "but what about the ticketmaster thing. I thought they were all about keeping prices low for the fans?" I said "Yeah, that's what I thought".

    And I don't care if you make more money now than you did 5 years ago, that's not the point. Everyone I talked to makes more money now than in 2003, but they still don't want to pay 75 dollars to see a concert.

    I really don't see how anyone can say these prices are CHEAP for a concert.
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    xkevvx wrote:
    I saw a show Friday night in Allentown, PA...eight bands played, five or six were on a national tour. They have to pay for gas too, but the ticket was only FIFTEEN dollars. That's for bands driving coast to coast. Of course, these are just smaller hardcore bands (although well known worldwide acts), they can't demand BIG bucks for tickets, but still...they are doing a tour of the entire U.S. They're still playing for thousands of people across the country, most likely spending more on gas between cities than they make or each show. The headliner was Earth Crisis. I've seen them in the past more more bills for one show, and they could've charged more for this show. All I'm saying is....I don't buy the whole gas it more expensive so ticket prices skyrocketed. I have to pay more for gas now too, shouldn't I get a discount on Pearl Jam tickets?

    I told a bunch of friends about this tour last week. They were all excited. Most of them aren't hardcore Pearl Jam fans, but they still like them. But then today I told them about the prices, and a bunch of them said something like "but what about the ticketmaster thing. I thought they were all about keeping prices low for the fans?" I said "Yeah, that's what I thought".

    And I don't care if you make more money now than you did 5 years ago, that's not the point. Everyone I talked to makes more money now than in 2003, but they still don't want to pay 75 dollars to see a concert.

    I really don't see how anyone can say these prices are CHEAP for a concert.

    I also doubt Earth Crisis has a crew and as much equipment to haul around either. Just sayin'
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    I was thinking about this last night and another thing to remember if you want to compare ticket prices today to 98 is the fact that in 98 Yield came out and sold about 1.5 million copies. The most recent self titled album sold around 2-300,000. Not to mention back then they were getting tons of radio play. Now I know that the bands typically only get a small percentage of album sales, but even so that is a huge revenue stream that has pretty much dried up. These guy still have the same, if not greater living expenses so you have to make the difference up somehow. Increasing ticket prices seems like a logical way to make up that extra cash, especially if they can still sell seats at the higher prices.
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    xkevvx wrote:

    I told a bunch of friends about this tour last week. They were all excited. Most of them aren't hardcore Pearl Jam fans, but they still like them. But then today I told them about the prices, and a bunch of them said something like "but what about the ticketmaster thing. I thought they were all about keeping prices low for the fans?" I said "Yeah, that's what I thought".
    way to go with your 13 year old stance!
    xkevvx wrote:
    And I don't care if you make more money now than you did 5 years ago, that's not the point. Everyone I talked to makes more money now than in 2003, but they still don't want to pay 75 dollars to see a concert.
    hey its cool to have cheap friends! fact is a fact apparently 10c members are dead ass broke and too fucking cheap to do anything but justify their internet connection by whining like little bitches. anyone and i mean anyone who thought these tix would be less, is naive and completely out of touch with reality. wake UP!
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    Momadance wrote:
    Judging people you've never met while having zero knowledge of their current situation is quite degrading.
    nah the quotes are right on
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    I am extremely pleased with the new ticket prices, I have been calling for this for years!
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
  • Drew263Drew263 Birmingham, AL Posts: 602
    Ticket prices are a part of the free market system.

    They're free to charge what they want and you're free to pay or not. If people stop going to shows, the prices will come down. But...most of us are still going, so there's no logical reason to lower prices. Especially with their rising costs....

    Who thinks biodiesel and private planes are cheap??
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    Drew263 wrote:
    Ticket prices are a part of the free market system.

    They're free to charge what they want and you're free to pay or not. If people stop going to shows, the prices will come down. But...most of us are still going, so there's no logical reason to lower prices. Especially with their rising costs....

    Who thinks biodiesel and private planes are cheap??

    Plus they usually donate some money to a noteworthy cause as well. They know most people are all talk when it comes to donating. It's the American way, be appalled by unjust happenings, then do nothing about but buy a t-shirt with Che Guevara on it :)
  • Drew263Drew263 Birmingham, AL Posts: 602
    Plus they usually donate some money to a noteworthy cause as well. They know most people are all talk when it comes to donating. It's the American way, be appalled by unjust happenings, then do nothing about but buy a t-shirt with Che Guevara on it :)

    And know nothing about how Che Guevara really was.

    I agree with you...it is the American way.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    Plus they usually donate some money to a noteworthy cause as well. They know most people are all talk when it comes to donating. It's the American way, be appalled by unjust happenings, then do nothing about but buy a t-shirt with Che Guevara on it :)
    good call.....i like your t-shirt analogy.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • I was thinking about this last night and another thing to remember if you want to compare ticket prices today to 98 is the fact that in 98 Yield came out and sold about 1.5 million copies. The most recent self titled album sold around 2-300,000. Not to mention back then they were getting tons of radio play. Now I know that the bands typically only get a small percentage of album sales, but even so that is a huge revenue stream that has pretty much dried up. These guy still have the same, if not greater living expenses so you have to make the difference up somehow. Increasing ticket prices seems like a logical way to make up that extra cash, especially if they can still sell seats at the higher prices.

    This is probably the real reason why ticket prices are higher, but it still does not add up with past ticket prices.

    2005 non album year London Ontario Ticket - 58.20
    2006 Detroit - 58.60
  • I wonder if the people who are so unhappy with the prices go to other shows by big acts. I do and I think that PJ prices are still reasonable. They are not cheap but what is anymore. When Pearl Jam does not tour anymore I think many of the people complaining will wish they could pay $75 to see them. This is coming from someone with a pretty good income that thinks many things are too expensive compared to a couple years ago. i can't hardly go on a date for less than $75. An ok ticket to a baseball game is $50.
  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    Crazy Mark wrote:
    I wonder if the people who are so unhappy with the prices go to other shows by big acts. I do and I think that PJ prices are still reasonable. They are not cheap but what is anymore. When Pearl Jam does not tour anymore I think many of the people complaining will wish they could pay $75 to see them. This is coming from someone with a pretty good income that thinks many things are too expensive compared to a couple years ago. i can't hardly go on a date for less than $75. An ok ticket to a baseball game is $50.

    well put. I took my wife and two kids to a hockey game (age 2 and 3, but still needed their own ticket) and with a beer for me, hot dogs for the kids, etc the game cost me about $330 for the game. And as I have mentioned before, during the 2005-2006 stones tour I dropped about 11K on tickets and travel expenses......it is a welcome treat to my financials when Pearl Jam goes on tour. As you point out, when it is all over, many will wish they could pay $71-75 per ticket to see Pearl Jam.
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
  • voodoopug wrote:
    well put. I took my wife and two kids to a hockey game (age 2 and 3, but still needed their own ticket) and with a beer for me, hot dogs for the kids, etc the game cost me about $330 for the game. And as I have mentioned before, during the 2005-2006 stones tour I dropped about 11K on tickets and travel expenses......it is a welcome treat to my financials when Pearl Jam goes on tour. As you point out, when it is all over, many will wish they could pay $71-75 per ticket to see Pearl Jam.

    It all boils down to what peoples priorities are because i couldnt imagine dropping 11k to follow a band on tour but at the same time i dont think twice about buying a guitar or a painting for 5k. So it all depends what you like to spend your money on.
  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    It all boils down to what peoples priorities are because i couldnt imagine dropping 11k to follow a band on tour but at the same time i dont think twice about buying a guitar or a painting for 5k. So it all depends what you like to spend your money on.

    Dead on 100% accurate post! As a musician, I have bought a few nice guitars and as a non musician, my wife always asks me, why didnt you just buy this "pretty red one" that guitar center is selling for $149? On the other hand, my request to go to Sears to look for an updated wedding ring/stone was denied and "we" (She) decided we should go to Jarrods and look there....thankfully we found the ring she wanted there.....although I still pushed hard for my "sears plan".
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
  • In addition to inflation people forget that the arenas cost much more to rent. Bands could really be charging more and making less and I think PJ really stick their necks out getting us a large number of ten club seats. I think the band has to fight to get us the best seats in the house.
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